The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 15, 1908, Image 3

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Gypsum In Oklahoma,
According to recently published
statistics in Mining Science, Charles
N. Gould, professor of geology at the
State University, estimates the
amount of gypsum in the three re
gions of Oklahoma examined as fol
lows: JIain line of gypsum hills,
second lino of gypsum hills and the
Greer county region, at 125,800,000,
000 tons.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrrrp for Children.
allays pain.cnres wind colic, 25c a bottle
An international exposition is con
templated, to be held in Brussels,
which, while it will be of very gen
eral nature, will be largely devoted
to electrical matters.
The new telephone exchange rec
ently Installed at Johannesburg will
accommodate 24,000 lines. There
are now about CEOO entering the
First Hud Itclilng Rash Threatened
Later With Blood-Poison in Ix-g
Relied on Cuticura Remedies.
About twelve or fifteen years ago I had
t breaking-nut, and it itched, and stung so
badly that I could not have any peace be
cause of it. Three doctors did not help me.
Then I used some Cuticura Soap. Cuticura
Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent and be
gan to get better right nway. They cured
me and I have not been bothered with the
Itching since, to amount to anything.
'About two years ago I had la grippe and
pneumonia which left me with a pain in
my side. Treatment ran it into my leg,
which then swelled and bpgan to break out.
The doctor was afraid it would turn to
Hood-poison. I used his medicine but it
did no good, then I used the Cuticura
Remedies three times and cured the breaking-out
on mv Ice. J. F. Ilennen, Milan,
Mo., May 13, 1907."
Pays $1,000 a Night to Sleep.
Like most autocrats, the Sultan of
Turkey goes about in hourly fear of
assassination, and it is tn this ac-
ount that he will never sleep In the
ark.' His constant dread of death
as made him a prey to insomnia,,
and he does not often sleep for more
than three or four hours at a time.
It is said to cost him nearly $1,000 a
night to have his bedroom guarded,
for the attendants entrusted with this
important mission are all tried re
tainers, who recelvo princely salaries
for their work. Many are the ruses
tSoyited by the sultan to escape from
wculd-be assassins. In one of the
) ante-chambers leading to his private-
apartments is placed a life-sized fig
ure of his majesty, for the purpose ot
misleading any prowling revolution
ary who might happen to penetrate
thus far. Tit-Bits.
Balloons Need Pure Gas.
A writer in a contemporary states
that he examined the envelope of a
balloon which burst at the Interna
tional exhibition at Milan in 1906. A
number of spots were visible on the
envelope, and at these places the ma
terial could be easily torn, whereas at
other parts it showed great resist-
nnrnnnPA tn tpoi'lnr, Thoco srtnra
. o-
' were found to hnvo hpon pnnspd hV
phosphoric nnd arsenic nclde acids,
produced by oxidation from hydrogen
ureted and phosphureted hydrogen
contained In the hydrogen gas. The
' presence of these Impurities is due
to Impure materials ,in the prepara
tion of the hydrogen, and the author
recommends that the preparation of
the gas for filing balloons should be
under strict chemical control.
Hold Car Seats
New York men have Justly earned
the reputation of being less polite In
their treatment of women In public
conveyances than are " the men of
other cities. Figures obtained from
other cities show an average of 13
per cent or men seated while women
are standing, nnd New York City
shows about 70 per cent. 15
Good Bnmor and Cheerfulness from
Right Food.
Cheerfulness Is like sunlight. It
dispels the clouds from the mind as
fanlight chases away the shadows of
The good humored man can pick
up and carry off a load that the man
jp'ith a grouch wouldn't attempt to
Anything that Interferes with good
health is apt to keep cheerfulness and
good humor in the background. A
Washington lady found that letting
coffee alone made things bright for
her. She writes:
)"Four years ago I was practically
given up by my doctor and was not
expected to live long. My nervous
B cut , tin m u uau cuuuiiiuu,
"But I was young and did not want
to die, so I began to look about for
the cause of my chronic trouble. I
used to have nervous spells which
would exhaust me and after each spell
it would take me davs before I could
J sit un In a chair.
"I became convinced my trouble
was caused by coffee. I decided to
stop it and bought some Postum.
"The first cup, which I made ac-
fnrAin& trt rllrprrlnrtn hnrl n onnthlntr
o - - '
L--"fect on my nerves and I liked the
taste. For a time I nearly lived on
postum and ate little food besides.
I am to-day a healthy woman,
4... "My family aud relatives wonder
If I am the same person I was four
years ago. when I could do no work
on account of nervousness. Now I
am doing my own housework, take
care of two babies one twenty, the
other two months old. I am so busy
that I hardly get time to write a
letter, yet I do it all with the cheer
fulness and good humor that comes
from enjoying good health.
"I tell my friends it is to Postum
I T my life to-day."
Mime given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek. Mich. Read "The Road to
Wellvllle," in pkgs. "There's a Rea
New York City. The over waist I
in all its variations continues to be a
favorite of the fashionable world and
It allows of so many different effects
and such charming treatment that the
fact is easy to understand. This one
is novel and graceful and can be
utilized either for plain material or
for banding, while the blouse beneath
can be made of anything thin and
soft that may be liked. As illustrat
ed, however, the overwalst is made
of embroidered banding, while the
blouse itself is of crepe nlnon with
the chemisette of tucked moussellne.
The sleeves that extend Just to the
elbows and are finished with narrow
frills are pretty and attractive, but
they can be cut a 'little longer, cover
ing the elbows, if liked, in which case
they would be made with cuffs to
match the chemisette, as shown In the
small view. When the blouse is made
with banding, as in this Instance, the
sections are cut separately and Joined
one to the other over the shoulders,
but when it is cut from plain material
there is no need of such joinings.
In either case the over waist and the
blouse are joined at their lower edges
and are attached to a foundation gir
dle over which the draped one is ar
ranged. The blouse is made with front and
backs and is faced to form the chem
isette, the material beneath being cut
away when a transparent effect is de
sired. The larger portions of the
over blouse are cut in one piece each
with the centre front portion separ
ate, and are arranged over the blouse,
which is gathered at the lower edge
and joined to the girdle. The sleeves
are moderately full and are arranged
over fitted linings which are faced
to form the cuffs of the three-quarter
sleeves or trimmed with frills of lace
in the case of the elbow sleeves.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size is, for the blouse,
two and a half yards twenty-one, two
and a quarter yards twenty-seven, or
one and a half yards forty-four inches
wide, with three-quarter yard of tuck
ing for chemisette; one and one-eighth
yards eighteen or twenty-one inches
wide orfour andthree-quarteryardsof
banding two and a half Inches wide
for the over waist and sleeve bands;
five-eighth yard of silk for the girdle. 1
Stockings must match shoe,
whither white, blue or tan.
Black Velvet Dots.
In making up a black spangled
robe over a ruffle of pleated chiffon
It is a clever idea to connect the two
by sewing to the ruffle at regular in
tervals big disks of black velvet.
Fancy Blouse Waist.
The pretty fancy blouse waist Is
the one most In demand at the mo
ment both for the entire gown and
for the odd blouse. This one is adapt
ed to both purposes and would be
exceedingly charming made from any
of the fashionable thin materials. In
the illustration crepe de Chine is
combined with chemisette of lace and
is trimmed with heavy applique, while
the sleeves are finished with dainty
little bands and frills of Valenciennes
lace. The blouse, however, would be
charming in loulsine, in voile, in mar
quisette, in chiffon and all similar
materials and also in the fashionable
filet and embroidered nets. The soft
folds produced by the fullness at the
shoulders render it peculiarly well
adapted to these last and the model
is altogether a most satisfactory one.
There are the big arm-holes suggest
ive of Mandarin styles, yet which are
by no means clumsy or, exaggerated,
while the sleeves can be made either
in the pretty three-quarter or full
length. Altogether the blouse gives
an effect of eitreme dressiness and
charm, while it Is simple, involving
very little labor In the making.
The blouse Is made over a plain
lining without darts. This lining la
faced to form the chemisette and the
sleeves are attached to It. The blouse
proper consists of the fronts and the
backs and is arranged over the lining,
the two being closed invisibly at the
back. The sleeves are faced to form
the deep cuffs when long sleeves are
used to form the V-shaped portions
for those of three-quarter- length.
The collar can be made either curved
up back of the ears or straight as
fcund more becoming.
The quantity of material required
for the medium size is three and
three-eighth yards twenty-one, two
and seven-eighth yards twenty-seven
or one and seven-eighth yards forty
four Inches wide, with one-half yard
of all-over lace for the chemisette,
four yards of applique, one yard ot
insertion and one yard of edging to
make as illustrated, one and one-half
yards of all-over lace when the deep
cuffs are used.
tier bo ,7 u very newest
hats are tuijned up on the left side. '
Cleanses the System Effect
ually, Dispels Colas antlnead
aches tluo to Constipation;
Acts naturally, acts Truly as
a Laxative.
Dest forMenkmpn ana Child.-ren-ybungnna1
1o jet its TWrJicial Effects
Always huy the Genuine which
has'rhe jml name of the Com-
Jig Strup Co.
by wham it is manufactured . printed on the
front of every pnekne.
one size only, regular price 50 pirbollle.
Germs and Electrlo tight.
It has been found that the bac
tericidal effect of the arc llsht is
much superior to that tf sunlight, be
cause the very rapid ultra-violet rad
iation from the sun is absorbed by
the atmosphere. A rapid oscillation
high-tension arc, particularly when
formed between iron points, gives off
an abundance of ultra-violet rnvs of
extremely short-wave length. Quartz
is transparent to this light, of which
it transmits CO per cent, but gelatine
and an oxide of iron, even a thin film
of It, are entirely opaque. Ice is as
transparent as air to these raB, but
blood Is opaque, and accordingly. In
applying them to the human uody,
they are passed through Ice pressed
upon the region affected so as to
make It bloodless.
After Being an Invalid With Kidney
Disorders For Many Years.
John Armstrong, Cloverport, Ky.,
Bay 8: "I was an Invalid with kidney
complaints for many
years and cannot tell
what agony I en
dured from backache.
My limbs were swol
len twice natural
size and my sight
was weakenlnE. The
-P1 kidney secretions
'W WP!N rlfapnlnroil niul
lwr"' -----
4,11' had a sediment.
When I wished to eat my wife had to
raise mo up in bod. Physicians were
unable to help mo and I was going
down fast when I began using Dean's
Kidney Pills. After a short time I
felt a great improvement and am now
as strong and healthy as a man could
be. I give Doan's Kidney Pills all
the credit for it."
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Inventor of Envelopes.
It is somewhat curious that such a
simple contrivance as the envelope
should be a comparatively modern In
vention. As a matter of fact it is
just 100 years slnco a paper manu
facturer of Brighton named Brewes
invented envelopes for letters In their
present form. Even then It was
some considerable time before their
use became at all general, in fact, un
til this date (as ninny who are living
now will remember) a letter, written
only on one side, was folded In two,
then in three, sealed with a wafer or
sealing wax and addressed on one of
the blank sides. The Gaulois.
Lamar Jackson, a full-blooded
Choctaw, has-been appointed to a
cadetshlp at West Point from Okla
homa. Aerial Letter Boxes.
Aerial letter boxes have been
placed in all large tenement houses
and apartment buildings in Buda
pest, Hungary. When the postman
enters the hall on the first floor of
a building he places the letters in
the boxes allotted to the different
families. A spring is then pressed
and electricity does the rest. The
boxes are shot up to the floor re
quired, where they remain until emp
tied, or until the postman comes
again and brings them down by
touching another spring. Popular
If Yon Suffer From Asthma
or Bronchitis get immediate relief by
using Brown's Bronchial Troches.
Contain no harmful drug.
Copper Mines In Chile.
Chilean government official report
showg there have been 7.S51 copper
claims worked In Chile at different
times, of which only 748 wero worked
the last year.
Garfield Tea cannot but commend itself
to thwe desiring a laxative ut omo ainiule.
pure, mild, potent nnd health-giviug. It ia
made of Uurb. All drug stores.
Proposed Statute to Sheridan.
A mode) of the proposed statue to
General Philip Sheridan, which is to
be erected in Washington, has been
received and approved by the Sheri
dan Monument Commission.
Itch cured in 30 minute by Woolford'g
EauiUry Lotion. Nem-fails. At di ujgisU.
A quantity of paper notes are to
be issued by the Financial Board
Bank In Peking to relieve the string
ency of the money market.
1 V J I iM eat r.n.r o4 tarni
J"" " ef nil .,.-Iral.rt,
Color more nooila brighter and faeor colore than an I
n. djr. hiju.v& wltLout .ipnu apru Wrlw
Building Unearthed In DaBylonla
Contains Bricks of 4500 B. C.
The oldest temple In the world, so
far discovered, has been unearthed
by excavators at Bisya, in Central
The walls of the tower were first
uncovered and the summit cleared.
The first inscription on the surfnee
was on a brick stamped with the
name Dungl, which goes back to 2750
B. C. A little lower appeared a
crumpled piece of gold with the name
Param Sim, who lived In 3750 B. C.
Just below were large square bricks
peculiar to the reign of Sargon, 3800
B. C, and who was probably the first
Semitic King of Bablylonla.
A large platform was discovered
two and a half yards below the sur-
Ace which was constructed of pecu
liar convex bricks such as were used
in building material 4500 B. C.
Destruction of French Forests.
A vigorous campaign is under way
to prevent the destruction of the for
ests of France, which are gradually
disappearing under the Insistent axe
of the woodman. The movement is
led by the Society nf the Friends of
the Trees and the Touring club, who
have appealed to parliament for legis
lation and who have gained active
support of M. Runu, the minister of
mnnently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer. 13 trlnl bottle and treatise free.
Dr. H. E. Kline, Ld.,031 Arch at., Phila., Pa.
Curious, Indeed.
One old member of the New York
bar, who has long been In touch
with court methods and proceedings,
says he wonders why a certificate of
good character Is required before a
man is admitted to practice.
JConey has become so tight at New
chwanK. China, that prices have
risen 30 per cent.
Old Horseshoes in China.
The market In China for wornout
horseshoes seema to be almost with
out limit. Chinese lion dealers buy
the horseshoes and Bell them to knife
and tool manufacturers all over the
province. It Is claimed by the Chi
nese that the temper of this class of
Iron makes It the best obtainable for
knives nnd cutlery, and also good for
tools.' The reason ascribed for this
Is that the constant beating the shoes
have rerelved under the feet of the
horses has given them a peculiar
temper absolutely unobtainable In
any other way, and that tools made
from them are superior to all others.
Population of the World.
The population of the world Is com
puted by a foreign contemporary ns
one nnd a half billions, the mean
density of the population being about
ten inhabitans per square kilometer.
Asia lends the rest of the world with
from S20,000,ono to 850,(1(10,0110. Eu
rope Is second with 402,000,000, fol
lowed by America, 151,000,000, and
Africa, from 145,000,000 to 100,000,
000, Oreanlca nnd Australia have a
population of about 7,000,000.
now's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Kewnrd
for nny ense of Catarrh that caunot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
l' J. Ciiexev & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made bv his linn.
W'Al.m.vo, Kix.nan & M'arvix, Whole
sale Diuiriiists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, nt
ingdirectly upon the blood and mueuonssur.
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Trice, 75c. per hottle. Sold, by all Drugirista.
Take Hall's Family l'iils for constipation.
Books Made cf Aluminium,
The aluminium books for the blind
now being printed in Edlnburg are of
thin Bhoets embossed in the usual
way. They are easier to read than
paper books, do not soil and are
practically indestructible. Their ex
penslveness is their drawback.
Owing to the Increasing number of
automcjile accidents in Paris more
rigid regulations have been made to
govern this traffic.
Prices, for ivenv
member orrHrriuiiv
wgw. tV. L. Oovgjmm mokm.t and mora "Eft
men'a 2.5tt, $!S.UO and Sa.iiO mhoam
than any oth manulaoturmr In Ihm .
JSCS' world, Aoonrao Ihoy hold tfialrS
enmno, fit bKtor, waar lanomi', and
rjs- aro ot nvo than any alitor mrr.
W. L Dot'glss $4 and $5 Gilt Ecfgo Shoes Cannot Ba Equalled At An; Price
?'.V'F,.ty- wl n-oalai naras tnd irl In (tamped on bottom. 1
!r..li7, . . r ""rywUem. bUoes auUnl trom fartory to any
other lTe. One Itic. package colon all fhora. Tin-T di e In oold wnltt better than ... niw
ivr free booklet-How u ZyTblZSl llix vZrl' MuTduU UUVU Cut. 4aw. ltt-IS
If there is any one thing that
woman dreads more than another it
is a surgical operation.
We can state without fear of ft
contradiction that there are hun.
dreds, yes, thousands, of operations
performed upon women tn our lios
pitals which are entirely unneces.
Bary and many have been avoided by
For proof of this statement reati
the following letters.
Mrs. Uarbara Base, of Kingman,
Kansas, writes to Mrs. Pinkhara :
" For eight years I suffered from the
most severe form of female troubles and
was told that an operation was my only
hope of recovery. I wrote Mrs. Pinkhara
for advice, anfl took Lydla E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, nnd it has saved
my life aad made me a well woman."
Mrs. Arthur II. House, of Church
Road, Moorestown. N. J., writes :
"I feel it is my duty to let peopl
know what Lydia E. I'inltliam'a Vege
table Compound has done for me. I
suffered from femnlc troubles, and lasi
March my physician decided that an
operation was necessary. My
objected, ond urged me to try Lydia
E. Pinkhnm's Vegetablo Compound,
nnd to-day I am well and stronff."
For thirty years Lydia E. liiik
ham's Vegetablo Compound, inado
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills,
nnd has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, tilr
tion, fibroid tumors, irrernilaritiea,
periodic pains, and backache.
Mrs. Pinklmm invites all Kick
women to write her for advice
She lias fruided thousands to
health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antiscptically clean and free from un
healthy germ-life and disr.grecablc odors,,
which water, soap and tooth preparation
ulune cannot do. A
germicidal, disin
fecting nnd deodor
izing toilet requisite
of exceptional ex
cellence and econ
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
stores, 50 cents, or
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample
WITH "HCALTH AND OCUTV" cook ocht ri
p. n. u. i mt.
A Ortin Onwt for FrvprtabamM
Cnnittiint'oti, II oartmr bu
Slnmin-li Trnulilita. Tu.iLi.I
WorttlH. TbftTTtronk an t'nlJm
in 34 hours. At "11 OrupBHtb". tbtas,
Hatnnle milr1 FF.R. Id
H 1
Sample milr1 FF.E. Aridf.
y;m. too
j fill p
Mother Qrsy,
Kurfut in Child-
rn'i Hum-,
New York City.
from fftftory to any part nf the woriit. 1U.
UULAN, Urnckton, Mbm.