The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 08, 1908, Image 1

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    VOLUME 16.
andidate for State Senator, has Anotner
C... A T ..,t,l,.t. Will Via Read
u my n " i".
With Pleasure.
To the Republicans of Jefferson Co.:
Recent political events in this county
should prove to every person that my
campaign has been one of good faith
and founded upon independent sincerity.
In spite of the endorsements made by
certain leagues or associations and high
Officials, from every quarter have come
to me words of encouragement and con
gratulation. Surely no one caa now
accuse me of haying catered to any par
ticular Interests. I have made no
pledges, promises or alliances and it has
met with the approval of nearly all with
whom I have come in contact. For
nnrn than three weeks I have been ac
tively canvassing in umuiua cuunty auu
have been most cordially received. 1
trust the Republicans in my borne
county will understand how it happens
that I fail to call upon them personally.
:It Is my belief that you know me well
enough to see to it that I receive fair
'treatment at the primaries. To me It
'actually, seems as though my contest
'for this nomination Is distinctively an
djpeal for clean politics. Gentlemen,
all I a9k Is that you cast your vote in
accordance with your own personal con
victions after having Investigated for
iMaalt.Ao Ramamhaii T am nnt nalr
well as more than half a hundred
residents of the borne town 01 my op
ponentsalthough, some persons might
say that it was something of a compli
ment to be held In such esteem by those
who know me best : I am not claiming
recognition at this time because I am a
son of a veteran of the civil war and am
for four years although, to some
people that would Buggest that I was a
friend of the old soldier and was some
what patrlotio : I am not waging this
contest because Big Run has no other
citizen who ever held a state or county
office yet there are some persons who
are fair enough to admit that Big Run's
claims have been very modest indeed :
I am not In the field because I have been
a total abstainer from liquor and to
bacco all my life still, there are many
oial enough to express the opinion that
It does no harm to have a man of good
habits to represent them in the State
Senate: I am not 'running because I
e . i -
nald mv own wav through school and
the study of lav and became a member
-early age of twenty nine however, it
'Is argued by some that he who is able
to help himself is generally competent
Lund Trouble
of the most serious and dangerous description hat been promptly
relieved by Piso'i Cure. It has proved itself during nearly half a
century an unsurpassed remedy for coughs, colds, hoarseness,
bronchitis, asthma and all affections of the throat and chest. It
contains no opiates or habit-forming drugs.- Piso's Cure has the
confidence of people everywhere, and sworn court testimony ha?
proved that by its use many of the
Coughs Have Been
Every Gothcraft garment is guaranteed
to do so by the manufacturers.
Look for the Gothcraft label when you
fcuy your Spring suit.
$10.00 to $25.00
to look after the Interests of others:
I am not before you because I have had
fifteen ye;rs experience in the law, was
admitted to practice In the Supreme
Court of this state in 1895, have been a
member of the State Bur Association
since 1897, was secretary of our borough
council for thirteen years, Seven yars
Secretary of our school board, one yeiir
president of the School Directors' As
sociation of Jefferson County, once a
delegate to the State Convemlon of
School Directors, and once a delegate to
the Republican State Convention al
though friends of mine persistently
argue that such public experience ami
acquaintance is bound to broaden and
equip a man : and lastly I am not a can
dldate because I am still In the thirties,
the best time In my life for active ser
vice nevertheless, some really do bo
lieve tha' young men who are exper
ienced are more apt to be workers thnti
the older ones. But, I am a candidate
because the man who Is chosen senator
for this district lll represent perhaps
one hundred and twenty thousand
people; not just two or three clubs or
high officials; not just Republican pol
iticians, but all parlies, women,! chil
dren, foreigners and all. lie will be
one of fifty men to formulate and pass
upon hundreds of proposed laws, not
just one law or even ten laws. His
duties will be many and his Responsi
bilities great. I offer myself for the
place because I was secretary of the
last State Senate and bad the be3t tra'n
ing possible to fit me for the high po
sition to which I aspire; because I al
ready possess such a knowledge of sen
atorial affairs that I could bo of use
from the very start.
In closing I desire to state that I have
endeavored to conduct an honest and
straightforward campaign and have no
regrets. I firmly believe my independ
ent position Is right and, win oi lose. I
shall be the same entbuslastlo republi
can I have always been. If I should
have your support I Bhall do all la my
power to prove worthy of the confidence,
Asking for your kindest consideration,
I remain, Sincerely yours,
Henry I. Wilson.
April 6,1908. '
A Twenty Year Sentence.
"I have just completed a twenty year
health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleed
ing piles juBt twenty years ago," writes
O. S. Woolever, of Leltaysville, N. Y.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve li-als the worst
sores, bolls, burns, wounds and cuIb In
the shortest time. 25c at Stoke &
Feicbt Drug Co. drug store.
If you know Harry E Darr you al
ready have one of the reasons why you
should vote for him for Register and
worst consumptive
Speedily Relieved
HEN you buy a suit
of clothes you want
it to look well and
wear well you want
it to keep its shape -and
fit you correctly
until worn out.
Not all clothes will
come up to this re-
Clothes will.
Grant Scheafnocker Presents His Case
for Consideration of Republicans.
To the Republican Voters of JefferBon
I am a candidate for county treasurer
at the primary elect ion on Saturduy.
As sheriff of the county I have made
a conscientious effort to earn your ap
proval. As'atemmt pf the receipts of
the sheriff's ( fflee and commissioner's
office (published In another column)
shows that I have iimde .the term in
which I have servi d a profitable one to
the county which nu-ans jnu, person
ally. I therefore pn-pint mj candidacy
as a business matter. If you had In
your employ a worthy workman would
you discharge lilm t-iuiply because some
body else was an uppllcaut for the job?
Would jou turn me out of your employ
after I had demonstrated my ability, if
you were conduciing the business of the
county as a private binliiest.?
I appreciate the kindness of tho
people which placed me In tho official
position I occupy, and In this campaign
my first duty has been to take care of
the business which you had entrusted
to me. Because of this, I have failed
to see all the voters of the county, and
I take this last opportunity of asking
you to give my candidacy consideration
If you believe I have been a good sheriff
mark a cross opposite my name on the
primary ballot on Saturday. I have
done my utmost to serve you. I leave
tho decision with you, with full con
fidence In the justice of your decision.
Grant Scheafnocker.
Brookvllle, Pa,, April 0, 1908.
Mr. McClure's Candidacy.
Mr. Frank Medium, nt nt,r,u.
vllle, who is a prominent contestant
for the Republican nomination for
county commissioner, was among
our cauers miring ttie past week
while on his round of tho county for
me purpose oi interviewing the voters.
Mr. McClure is a clean cut business
man who would bring to the office
of county commissioner a ripe exper
ience and thorough knowledge, and
his candidacy has been received with
favor throughout the county. He Is
a citizen entirely worthy of the con
fidence and niinnnrk nf tho .lantAMtA
and the indications at this time are
mat be will he the reolplent of a hand
some vote on April lltb. Personally
he Ir nfTahtn nnH nlpuulmr tn Uia nAA-
r " in uui auuiGSB
and makes a most favorable impression
uijuu muse wim wnnm ne comes In
contact. Brookvllle f publican.
Public Sale.
The trustees In hanWrnntiu mill o..ll
at nubllo gala on the rnvmlam nl tv.n
Reynoldsvllle Lumber Company, Incor
porated, on Saturday. April lltb, 1908,
at 9 a. m. a largo quan'lty of door locks,
hinges, glass, sasb. d'ow, paints, colors,
varnishes. hru.ho. etc : also office fur
niture and fixture, e'e : also the Park
Theater. This is an nnort.nnlttr tn
some bargains.
H. C. Deible I Trustees.
W. N. VanLeer )
Letter Llit.
List of unclaimed letters
In post office at Reynoldsvilln, Pa., for
week ending April 4, 1908.
Josenh Bowrioln. Jnannh Flo via Tu
Egan, Mrs. Mary Foltz, Newton G.
Sav advertised and trivp Hat of lint
when calling for above.
There la Innfc nnn treatment
C.RtAIrh that nMla t.ntMniv llnUnn 14
cures Hyomol. Stoke & Feicbt Drug
u. ecu b uuuipiia uuiut lor ci uu, ana
guarantee to refund the money If it
fails to cure catarrh. Try it.
Shoes for everybody at monev-savlnir
prices at Glllespies.
Oueen Ouallt.v oxford nnfonf
metal and copper tans $3.00, at Adam's.
Hill muslin 1 yard wide full bleached
ready for the needle. 10c vard at
See the new soring suits for bova' at
Spring styles that are up to the min
ute at Adam's.
COur borne rendered lard has no
equal. , Hunter & MiUIren.
, Trunks and suit cases at MUlirens.
To the Voters of the 37th Senatorial
With the primary election less than
one week away from us, there remains
but. a few days of labor and suspense
for those seeking nominations for the
various county and district offices.
This has certainly been a "strenuous"
campaign on the part of a number
of good men who ask preferment at
the hands of their respective parties.
The contest for Senatorial honors
in the district composed of Indiana
and Jefferson counties has been
earnest and aggressive, with three can
didates viz; Hon. S. Taylor North,
T. M. Kurtz,. and Hon. Henry I. Wil
son, of Jefferson coun'y, Indiana county
having presented no candidate.
Tbe observer of unprejudiced and
unclouded judgement can arrive at but
one conclusion as to the situation in
this matter, that is, that the race Is
bstween North and Kurtz, with North
undoubtly In the lead, and gaining
every day so there is little or no doubt
as to his being returned "a winner,"
The platform upon which Mr. Kurtz
is ''offering himself" Is a good one, and
is a splendid endorsement of North's
work and record In the legislature, for
every measure to which Mr. Kurtz
pledges bis aid, has been worked for
and advanced by North while a mem
ber of tbe lower house. Neither has
Jefferson nor any other county, had
a more untiring, able, or aggressive
worker In the Legislature, for tbe
best Interests of his constituents than
North has been, and the Important and
numerous committees upon which he
has served, having won this distinction
and recognition by merit, must be con
vincing evidence to his constituents
that he has been "the right man in
the right place," and that the Interests
of the district will be carefully and in
telligently looked after with North
at the helm. -
If there is any one particular class
of men In the district to whom- his
candidacy should appeal, it Is that
class whose interests above all, should
be, and is dear to every man worthy
of American citizenship.
"The Old Soldier," no Interest for
which just recognition was desired ever
bad a more faithful advocate than was
North, both in Committee and on the
floor of the House, to secure that Legis
lation which would in some measure
at least, be a recompense for a service
rendered, the value of which cannot
be measured by dollars and cents of
any Government; and It is fair to
assume that this class of men in the
district will not forget, or cast aside
a tried and faithful friend whom they
will recognize as one who is especially
equipped to look after their interests in
the Senate, in fact there Is no man for
u minute can or will question the
ability of Mr. North, and all who kaow
him know that he nedds no four men,
nor even four thousand, to vouch for
his integrity. He always fights "out
in tho open" as Is well-known by all
who know him. He Is not the can
didate of any "Star Chamber Caucus"
of bosses, but Is a plain, clean, capable
and upright man coming from the
ranks of this class of people, and unless
all signs fall will represent the 37th
Senatorial District in the session of
1909 1011. Citizen.
Deserves Election.
Horace G. Miller, editor of the Punx
Butawney JVcii'.i, Republican candidate
for tbe nomination for Assembly, was
in town Saturday. The reports we hoar
from various sections of tbe county Is to
the effect that Mr. Miller is one of the
BtroogcBt candidates in the present con
test for Assembly nomination. We will
be very much surprised if he is not one
of tbe winners at tbe primary election
Saturday. We are personally acquaint
ed with Mr. Miller and know him to be
an honest, sober and industrious gentle
man, notwithstanding the fact that
some or bis political enemies Insinuate
otherwise. Horace G. Miller would be
a safe and capable man to represent the
people of this county tn tbe legislative
nans 01 tnis commonweaitn. uoa t oe
fooled or misled bv anv false atntninant
on last days of tbe campaign.
Plenty of Trouble
Is caused by stagnation of the liver
and bowels. To get rid of It and bead-
ache and biliousness and the poison
mat onngs jaunmoe, take JJr. King's
New Life Pills, the reliable purifiers
that do the work without grinding or
griping. 25o at Stoke & Feicht Drug
Co. drug store.
Bonds at Public Sale.
On Thursday, April 9th, at 2.00 p. m.
at Centendlal hall, corner of Main and
Fourth streets, Reynoldsvllle, Pa., two
lots of American Production Company
bonds will be sold, at auction to tbe
highest bidder. '
See MUlirens line Easter shirts.
Percales and ginghams, season's
latest styles, 121 to 46c at Glllespies.
New spring suits for boys' at MUli
Robert Mantell, who will appear at
Jefferson Theatre, Punxsutawney, on
Monday, April 13th, in Shakespeare's
great comedy, "Tbe Merchant of
J. N. Kelly for Commissioner.
J. N. Kelly, one of our present county
commissioners, who is seeking the Re
publican nomination for a second term,
is considered one of tbe strongest can
didates in the contest, with things look
ing very rosy for him being one of the
nominees. Tbe office of county com
missioner is one of the most important
in tbe county, and the taxpayer jusly
expects an economical administration of
tbe business of the oounty in a manner
similar to that in which the careful and
prudent citizen conducts his business at
home. Tbe present administration in
the commissioners' office shows that
Mr. Kelly is the right man for the
position. Tbe recent statement and
auditors' report shows that the present
term has been a Very successful one.
Mr. Kelly has made a good record and
bis experience of one term will make
him even more valuable In that office
for a second term . It has been the cus
tom for years to give a worthy and
capable man a second term as county
commissioner, and this fact, with his
business qualifications makes Mr. Kelly
stand in tbe front ranks among the
candidates for the nomination for com
telsslonei'. A good employe merits reteotlon id
office. Vote for Grant Scheafnocker. ,
Easter neckwear at MUlirens.
Opposite Imperial Hotel.
Reynoldsvllle, Pennsylvania.
B .A
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
Resources . ,
Johw H. KAOCBia, Pres. 1. 0. Kino, Vlce-Prea. K. C. Schcckirs, Cshler
John H. Kaucher J.O. King- Daniel Nolan John H. Corbett
Henry O. Deible J.S.Hammond R. H. WUaon
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
The Peoples National Bank
Capital and Surplus $120,000.00. Resources $500,000.00.
Uemi-annnal Interest allowed and compounded on Pavings Accounts
from date of deposit, having most liberal withdrawal privilege.
j" JJraf U and Money Orders on all
1 o
Hirers: W. B. Alexander, President. F.D.Smith and August Baul.
aa'ir, v lce-rresiaents. v. K.
Assistant Cashier.
Tyrectom: W. B. Alexander, L. P.Beeley, F. D. Smith, D. L. Taylor,
XJ AuKuat Baldauf, Amoa Strouse, W. O. Murray, Dr. J. O. Bayer,
W. Barry Moore, Janie H. Spry and
His Pleasing Personality has Left a Good"
Impression Among the Voters.
A. El Galbralth, of Brookvllle, candi
date for the Republican nomination for
sheriff, has almost wound up a complete
canvass of the oounty and his chances
for landing tbe nomination are excep
tionally good. Mr. Galbralth is a man
of recognized ability, pleasing person
ality and is one of the best campaigners
in Jefferson county and he never falls
to leave a good impression wherever he
goes. He has a wide acquaintance
throughout the county as a remit of his.
service as commissioners' clerk and
this has been of much help to him In
the present contest. From all sections
comes the word that his candidacy is
being well reoeived. Mr. Galbraitb Is
one of the loyal young Republicans of
tbe county and be Is entitled to encour
agement and support at this time. He
Is conducting a clean campaign and
comes before the people with a record
that Is clean, upright and honest.
As commissioners' cleYk, Mr. Gal
bralth has always been painstaking,
careful, competent and obliging in the
execution of his duties, while socially
he is of such a jolly and genial dispo
sition that it is but natural for him to
make and keep friends. On preceding
occasions it has been customary for the
commissioners' olerk to be favored with
election to office, and if faithfulness has
anything to do with It, Mr. Galbralth is
certainly entitled to support at this
time. The people of Jefferson county
can elect no more competent and oblig
ing a man to the office of sheriff, and as
Mr. Galbraitb is entitled to due consid
eration at tbe bands of tbe voters of
April lltb, it is reasonable to expect
that he will poll a handsome vote In all
preclnots In the county. If nominated
and eleoted Mr. Galbralth will give an
excellent account of himself In the sher
iff's office. Brockwayyllle Record.
- . -
Your Easter shirt at MUlirens.
Flowers Galore
at the r
Crystal City Floral Stand
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Easter Lillies,
Sweet Smelling Hyacinths,
Carnations for Bouquets,
Palms (or Decorating,
Broad Leafed Rubber Plants,
BrllliantHued Roses,
Tulips and Geraniums,
And Many Otber Kinds,
Seethe Window Display next door to
Strauss Bros., Music Store.
A. Burt. McConnell, Proprietor.
Watches, clocks, jewelry,
silverware, cut glass,
china, umbrellas and
sewing machines. : : :
Typewriter ribbons, safe
ty razor blades, sewing
machine needles and sup
plies. Umbrella recov
ered and repaired.
part of the world.
Alexander, Cannier, r . P. Alexander,
John O'Hare.