The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 01, 1908, Image 4

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W. W. Wiley was In Franklin this
L. W. Soott visited in Clearfield last
Frank Marinaro wa9 in Butler Sun
L. H. Boyle and wife spent Sunday in
Chri9t Monti was In New Bethlehem
this week.
T. F. Adam and wife spent Sunday
in Brockwayville.
Mrs. J. W. Myers is visiting her
daughter in Renovo.
' Mies G rtrude Stoke spent Saturday
and Sunday in DuBois.
Mrs. J. Booth, of Curwensvlllo, Is
visiting- in town this week.
Jarvis Williams, wife and son, CUT'
ton, spent Sunday in Brookvllle.
Mrs. Wm. Anderson, of Adrian Fur
nace, was a visitor in town Sunday.
Mrs. Walter Williams, of Oak Illdge,
is visiting in West Reynoldsville.
Mrs. W. S. Wick, of Butler, ylslted
her father, James Lusk, in this place
last week.
Misses Erma and Caroline Robinson
and Christine Brown visited in Brook
vllle Monday.
Mrs. John M. Stephenson and daugh-
ter, Miss Nolle Stephenson, spent Sun
day in DuBois.
MieB Amy Bollinger, student in Buck
nell University, Lewisburg, was at home
a few days the past week.
Mrs. E C. Laindaugh, of Butler,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. F. C. Wes
coat, In this place this week.
Mrs. John Stauffer, of DuBois, visited
her parents, Mrt and Mrs. John Trud
gen, in this place the i'-et week.
Miss Elizabeth Davis, pharmacist of
Scranton, is visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. M. M. Davis, in this place.
Mrs. J. A. Hood, of Johnsonburg,
who visited In this place three months,
returned to Johnsonburg Monday.
Mrs. Dr. H. H. Smith and daughter,
Helen, of Johnsonburg, were guests
of Mrs. W. W. Biggins last week.
Mrs. H. N. Wilson and Miss Minnie
Strong are in Brookville to-day visiting
friends and unending meeting of D.
Mrs. T. C. McBnteer, Miss Lena
Black, Mrs. E. E. Deible and Miss
Irene Philllppl were visitors in DuBois
Mrs. Mary We;ble,of East Brady, who
was visiting her daughter, Mrs. John
Wildauer, in this place, returned home
Prof. J. R. Wilson, former principal
West Reynoldsville schools, now stu
dent in Grove City College, spent Sun
day in town.
Leonard Harris, Percy Parsons and
-Miss Maude Pratt, students in Alle
gheny College in MeadviUe, came home
Friday on short vacation.
J. O. Johns spent Sunday at Stanton
and attended the funeral of Robert
Lunney, one of the old residents of
Stanton who was buried Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roht. Bone, Sr., re
turned home Monday after a week's
visit at the home of their daughter,
Mrs. W. E. Philips, of Clearfield.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Montgomery were
In Pittsburg over Sunday. Mr. Mont
gomery attended a union meeting of the
Locomotive Engineer Brotherhood.
H. T. Fetors and wife wore called to
Clearfield Sunday by illness of the lat
ter's mother. She was better Monday
and Mr. and Mrs. Peters returned home.
J. P. Dlllman, who has been at the
National Military Home at Dayton,
Ohio, several months, and is out on
a ninety day furlough, is visiting in
Mrs. C. R. Hall went to Brookville
yesterday to visit her daughter a
couple of days. She will attend a
meeting of the Daughters of American
Revolution to-day.
Mrs. W. I. Hay, of DuBois, and Mrs.
W. W. Chambers of Buffalo, N. Y.,
visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Schwen, near this place last week.
Mr. Chambers recently moved from
Houtzdalo to Buffalo.
Mrs. W. B. Alexander and daughter,
Miss Fannie Alexander, left here
yesterday to visit Mrs. Alexander's
brother, James B. Arnold, and wife
in Philadelphia, and her sister, Miss
Isabel Arnold, in New York City.
Prof. C. A. Stahlman, candidate for
county superintendent of public schools,
was in town Saturday. Prof. Stahl
man's home is in Ringgold township,
Hilt tlA fa nptnntnal nf ttia nuiiMn Bn1.MU
at Eleanor this term. He is a bright
young man.
Mrs. Dr. B. E. Boover, Mrs. H. E.
Phillips, Mrs. E. A. Hull, Mrs. Dr. A.
H. Bowser and Miss Lucile Mitchell
were in DuBois yesterday attending a
missionary p meeting in the Baptitt
church. Tw returned missionaries I
were present and gave interesting talki. I
A- F. Yost, of this place, has contract
to build a large store for the .Tamlson
ville Coal Company near Butlor. Mr.
Yost will go to Butler to-day to begin
the work.
T. J. Fagley and daughters, Misses
Alice and Fay, went to Rockvllle, Clar
ion Co , Monday to attend funeral of
the former's mother, Mrs. Samuel Fag
loy, who died Saturday night. Funeral
was held Monday afternoon. Deceased
was '85 vears old.
List of Candidates.
Below we publisha list of names of
candidates to be printed on the official
-ballot for the primary election to be
held April 11th, for the nomination for
congress, state senator, assemblymen,
sheriff, prothonotary, register and re
corder, county treasurer and county
commissioners. We designate whieh
are republicans, which democrats, and
which prohibitionists:
For Congre George E. Arnold,
Joseph G. Bealo, F. B. Gillespie, J.
N. Langham, W. O. Smith, republic
ans; John S. Shirley, democrat; J. T.
Pender, prohibitionist.
State Senator T. M. Kurtz, S. T.
North, Henry I. Wilson, republicans;
B. B. Brumbaugh, democrat; James
M. Startzell, prohibitionist.
Assemblyman H. C, Campbell, R.
H. Longwell, Horace G. Miller, James
G Mitchell. George W. Porter, G.
H. Smail, John W. Snedden, Charles
M. Snyder, republicans; Alex D.
Deemer, C. W. Flynn. Irwin Simpson,
democrats; M. H. Caldwell, A. D.
Deemer, prohibitionists.
Sheriff Samuel E . Bi-lllhart, A. E.
Galbraith, C. T. Hauck, Thomas A.
MayeB, J. D. Wilkins, O. P. Walker,
republicans; A. J. Beck, L D. Rearick,
Eli Vaabinder, demociats; George W.
Minleh, prohibitionist.
Prothonotary J. G. Allen, Blake
E. Irvin, Henry W. Mundorff, Daniel
Seller, republicans; Calvin J. Mowry,
democrat; Samuel Ferman, prohibitionist.
Register and Recordsr Ira J. Camp
bell, Harry E. Darr, Wm. H. Lucas,
T. T. Millen, republicans; John C
Shermer, democrat; Marshal! Mc
Laughlin, prohibitionist.
County Treasurer W. H. Bell, W.
G. Buffington, James B. Caldwell, J.
W. Curry, G. W. Gayley, Ezra C
Gourley, James S. Lockard, W. C
Murray, Grant Scheafnocker, republic
ans; John H. Carr, democrat; Rufus
Kirk, prohibitionist.
County Commissioners John S. Barr,
J. S. Cooper, Alfred Frampton, James
Ingles, S. S. Jordon, J. N. Kelly, Frank
McClure, A. F. Reitz, republicans;
M. C. Coleman, Thomas Cummings,
Charles M. Dinger, Thomas J. Dunkle,
Samuel H. Harding, E. T. McGaw,
W. T. Pifer, M. F. Singer, democrats;
Jerome C. Sprankle, prohibitionist.
See the new brown suiting at Milll-rena.
Acorn waists, full line, OSo to 16.00
at Gillesples.
New spring clothing at Mlllirens.
Want Column.
vorv Insertion.
Wanted To make curls out of hair
combings. Mrs. J. C. Showers.
Fob Sale or Rent Six-roomed
bouse. Inquire of D. H. Young, Grant
FOR Sale Fresh cow. Inquire J. D.
Vandervort, Reynoldsville, Pa.
FOR Rent House on Grant st. In
quire of Mrs. C. Mitchell.
Barred Plymouth Rocks, celebrated
Gardner-Thompson strain. Eggs 60c
setting. . T. H. Stevenson, R. F. D. No.
2, Reynoldsville, Pa.
FOR Sale Lot second hand glazed
window sash, cheap. D. H. Young,
Grant St.
Eggs for hatching, Barred Plymouth
Rocks (Gardner und Dunning strain)
50 cts. per setting. Inquire of Frank
Sbumaker, Reynoldsville, Pa.
For SALEOne milch cow. Joseph
FOR Sale Two good store counters:
will be sold cheap. Inquire of P. Mc
Donald, Reynoldsville.
For Rent Good six "room bouse
on Hill st., near Fifth. Inquire Star.
Flat to Rent Rooms over Bing-Stoke
Co.'s store, formerly occupied by Mrs.
Strong. Inquire of H. Alex Stoke.
For Rent House next to Pre3by-
terian parsonage on Grant street, with
bath. Inquire of H. Alex Stoke.
For Sale Good property on East
Main street at a bargain. Inquire of
E. Neff.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want yolumn. ,
The inside modeling of "Fellowcraft"
shoes is such that narrow-toed styles
fit with the same comfort ta the broad
er ones. Your fashion wise young
men will enjoy the snappy individual
9tyle of the shoe. All leathers. Price
3 50.
Our Corset Success '
Is due to two facts, first, that we In slat
that the purchaser Belect the corset
best adapted for her figure second,
that we soil the most stylish, comfort
able and durable corset that can be pro
cured The Henderson
Wo've tried many makes but never
havo we found one with as many good
qualities as this make. In three min
utes we can show you exactly why this
corset is the one for you. Shall we have
that pleasure. Our corset salesladies
are at your service
We beg to announce that the Acorn
Line of Shirt Waists and Shirt Waist
Suits is open for your inspection. We
have dainty lingerie effects, as well
as a large assortment trimmed with
Cluny and Valenciennes lace, medallions
and other embroideries, all original in
style, perfect in fit and exquisitely
made. We are fortunate in being able
to offer you this representative line,
whose reputation for many years has
been of the highest. As the duplica
tion of our best numbers is always un
certain, we suggest an early selection
while assortment is unbroken.
98c to $6.00.
SEPARATE SKIRTS Panamas, Serges, Voiles, Mohairs and Poplins. Corns in blue, black, brown and reds.
Prices $4.00, $4.50, 5.00 to $9.00.
. . Gill espies
Our Entire Stock of Shoes to be Sold at
Manufacturer's Prices.
In order to make change in line of business. This is no fake "ad" but a
boni fide matter. Our goods are all fresh, stock being all purchased within
the past ten months and are fresh and the newest and latest styles. This is
your opportunity to get good footwear at manufacturer's 'prices no profit
added. We are changing our business and in so doing you can get your
footwear at what it cost us for SPOT CASH from the manufacturer.
Come in, Our prices will convince you, no matter what you want. You
get the goods for the same it cost us to buy. j j j J-
Sale Begins Friday, March 27,
andContinues Until all Goods are Sold.