The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 22, 1908, Image 8

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H. K. PUer wa in Weedville yester
day. Mrs. Ed. S?e!ey ia visiting in Bed
ford. M. J. Farrell was in Pittsbur'n over
Mrs. L. M. Simmons ia visiting in
Oil City.
Thomas C. Shields ia at Titusvilla
this week.
J. A. Blaydon wa9 over near Bell
wood last, week.
Mrs. W. C. Murray is visiting a
sister at Stanton.
Mrs. B. A. Barrett visited her
daughter in DuBois yesterday.
Walter Jones, of Kittsoning, wa a
visitor in town the past week.
Mrs. L L. Guthri6 and daughter are
Waiting; in Heath ville and Langville.
Mrs. James Montgomery, of New
Bethlehem, was a visitor in town Mon
day. Mrs. Frank P. Alexander and twin
daughters visited in Big Run the past
Mr. and Mrs. N. Cblttoeter went to
May, W. Va , last week to stay until
Frank Wilds was called to East
Brady Monday by :he serious illness
of a sister.
F. P. Alexander, assistant cashier
in the Peoples National bank, was in
Big Run Sunday.
Mrs. Lizzie Morgan, of Clearfield,
is visiting her sister, Mrs John C.
Conser, in this place.
Mrs. Alex Riston went to Erie Mon
day to spend some time with an aunt
who Is in poor health.
Mrs. John Wildauor was called to
EaBt Brady last week on account of the
llnees of her mother.
John Athenian, proprietor of the
Reynoldsville Candy Works, was in
Lock Haven. thlB week.
Clarence Stephenson, of Pittsburg,
an engineer on the P. R. R.. is spend
ing a couple of days in town.
J. W. Chatham and wife returned
a few cays ago from a visit with their
daughters at Rochester, N. Y.
Peter Rensel and George Jodon, of
Day, Clarion Co., were guests of G.
B. McKee the first of this week.
Free to
A Full-aiied 75c Bottle of Uric-0, The Only
Absolute Care for Bheamatiem
Ever Discovered
Write For It Today
Wo want every man or women who suffers
from ttlmumatlsm and has lost all faith in reme
dies to write us today for an absolutely free
trliil of the famous Smith Prescription, UrlcO,
for Rheumatism. Frlc-O will cure tt and cure It
to stay cured. No faith Is required while taking
this superb remedy. You take It according to
directions, and you will be cured In spite of
yourself and any doubts yon may hare as to Its
efficacy. We don't ask you to buy Urlc O on
faith. We'll buy a large 75e bottle for yon and
make you a present of It, If you will agree to take
It according to directions.
We could not afford to do this If we didn't bar
all the confldonce In the world In Urlc-O, and
know that after you are cured you would have no
hesitancy about recommending the remedy to all
your friends and acquaintances who are suffering
from Rheumatism. This Is the method tbat has
made Urlc O famous wherever Introduced. Tne
cure of several s o-oalled Rheumatic Incurables
to a community means a steady sale of Urlc-O in
tbat vicinity. Urlc-O Is good for Rheumatism
and Rheumatism only. It acts upon the blood
by driving the urlo and poisonous rheumatic acid
from the system. This is the only way Rheu
matism can ever be eured and It la the Urlc-O
way. Most druggists sell Urlc-O, but If you
want to lest It, cut out tills notice and mall It
today with yuur u.tmo and address an J the name
of ur dniKslit to The Rullli Drug Co,
Ryr-'cusc. S. v.. :mr1 llir-y will send j.yjL a lull
sized 76c bottle free.
Urio-0 is sold and personally recom
mended in Reynoldsville by Sxke &
I will make my
regular visit to
Brookville Jan. 25
and 27 and Reyn
oldsville Jan. 31.
Best work by latest
E. D. Davis wa in Clarion county
last Saturday.
Jolin Daugherty nnd wife spent Sun
day in Brockwayville.
C- K. Deemer wont to Vandergrift
last week to work in a mill.
Dr. B. E. Hoover and wife were
in Brookvjlle a day last week.
D J Thomas was at Sllgo the past
week visiting his father, who ia ill. ,
Rev. J. E. Klrkwood, of this place,
preached in the BapliKtcburch in Ridg
way las', Sunday. ''
John O'Neale and wife, of Driftwood,
are visiting the latter's parents in
West Reynoldsville.
Mrs. Fred E, Farber and son, Paul,
of Pails Creek, spent Saturday with
their aunt, Mrs. R. L. Taafe.
Mrs. J. M. Daily, of Penfleld, visited
her son and daughter, M. J. Daily and
Mrs. G. M. McDonald, in this place
last week.
William Collins, of Oil City, conduc
tor on P. R R., was the guest of his
brother-in-law, Daniel Nolan, in' this
place over Sunday.
J. J. Sutter and wife were at Brook
ville vesterday to see their son-in-law,
Dr. Barry P. Thompson, who is danger
ously ill with pneumonia.
Mrs. F. M. Brown and daughter,
Miss Christine Brown, visited the
former's son, Lawyer R. E. Brown,
in Brookville last Thursday.
Mrs. F. R. Kendall and two children,
Francet and John, of Laramie, Wyo.,
are visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A C. Best, on Pleasant avenue.
Mrs. C. C. Yeoman, M. W. Yeoman
and Miss Laura Yeoman were at Brook
vllie Friday attending a birthday party
given for Mrs. Yeoman's mother.
Mrs. Adaline Kamerer, of Wilkins
burg, who was visiting her sister, Mrs.
Allen Cathers, and other relatives in
this vicinity, returned home Saturday.
D. L. Taylor, of Brookville, director
in the Peoples National bank in this
place, was in town Monday evening
attending the meeting of the bank
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Brumbaugh, of
Franklin, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. C. Murray last week. A few years
ago Mr. Brumbaugh was one of our
business men.
Thomas Haggerty, of this place, a
national officer of the United Mine
Workers of America, is at Indianapolis
attending the National convention,
which met in that city yesterday.
F. F. Daily, of East Brady, freight
conductor on the P. R. R. who was
injured In a rear end collision at Rock
Run, Dec. 27, vlBlted his brother, M.
J: Daily, in this place this week. '
Mrs. J. A. McCreight vas at Indiana
last week attending the funeral of a
friend and also represented the Utopia
Society at the meeting of the
"Neighborhood Club" held in Indiana
Friday. .
George Rocking, who was employed
in Butler and came to home of biB
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beriamin Hock
Ing, in Rathmel, four months ago
suffering with typhoid fever, was able
to return to bis work in Butler yester
Prof. C. A.Stahlman, principal of the
uieanora acnoois, wno is a candidate
for superintendent of the schools of Jef
ferson county, was in KeynoldBVille
Saturday interviewing the school di
rectors. Prof. Stabman is a bright
young man.
Dr. W. B. Alexander and wife will
go to Clearfield to-day to attend the
funeral of a relative A. W. Graham
who died in Pittsburg Sunday and will
be buried in Clearfield cemetery to-day.
Some years ago. when F. K. Arnold
wag banker in RevWfievllle, Mr.
uranum waa an assistant in the bank
Rank Foolishness.
"When attacked by a cough or a cold,
or when your throat is sore, it is rank
foolishness to take any other medicine
than Dr. King's New Discovery," says
CO Eldridge, of Empire. Ga. "I have
used New Discovery soven years and I
know It ia the best ri-medy on earth
for coughs and C"iJ-. croup, and all
throat and lung troubles. My children
are subject to croup, but New Discovery
quickly cures every attack." Known
the world over as the King of throat
and lung remedies. Sold under guaran
teed at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. drug
store. 60c ana 1 00. Trial bottle free,
Congha Crack the
A racking con eh issometimea
the forerunner of consump
tion. Stop the cough with
Piso'i Cure before your life
la in danger. It roes to the
source of the trouble and re
stores healthy conditions.
Promptly relieves the worst
cough or cold, and has perma
nently cured countless cases
of coughs, colds and diseases
of the throat and Innes.
Estate of Clara M. rlili-k, Deceased, of
HeyiioldHvllIc, Pa. .
Notice Is hereby given that letter of admin
istration upon the estate of t lie atove named
decedeut have- been granted to the under
hlKncd. All persons Indebted 1o sa'd estate
are requested to make payment, and 1hoe
bavliiK claims or demand agaio-t the same
will make them known without delay to
Jan. 2, 1908. Administrator.
Estate of J. F. C'Ue'l. Deceased, of
West Reynoldsville, Pa.
t Notice is hereby given that loiters of admin
istration upon the eslau of (he aiiove named
decedent have been granted to I tie under
blgued. All persons indebted to aafd estate
are requested to make ptiyniet.i, and titose
having claims or demands against the same
will make them known without delay, to
J. D. Woodrino,
Dec. 31, 1907. Administrator.
r T3ro
Hv virtue of certain Willi ofPler! Fm-liui.
etc., Issued out of the ourt of t'ommon
Pleas or JiMi'erson rbiinty. I'a , nnd In me di
rected, 1 will expose to public n-iie or outcry
at the Court House, III t lie Ilorouvh of llrook-
viiie, l'a. on
at, 1:00 p. m., the following described Real
Estate, to wit:
All the defend int s i-lirht. title. Interest and
claim o' In and to all that certain, piece, par
cel or tract of lund, situate In the Township
of Ileal li, I'ounly of .lellerson and Mate of
t'cntisyivauia, noiinaeo ana aescriotMt as rot
lows, to-wtt: ItcKtmiluK at a maple oil the
southwest corner of a one-thousand acre
tract No. 2t! 7: thence northeast UM-IU
perches to a chesnitt; thence soul h P8 1-2
decrees east Ifd 'i-10 perches to a po-tt ; thence
I 0 peiclies south to a post; thence north Nil
devices west to IS3 perches to the maple cor
ner, the place of beiilniilng, It being one hun
dred and ami twenty and one-half dial-.')
acres, surveyed out of the above lamer tract
of land by Jamei 'Caldwell on November 24,
imw, and it Deing a part ol the mime lamia
bouulit from Arthur C'allum. Administrator
of Henry Hblppen. deceased, In 18f0 and con
veyed to L. V. Wynkoop by A. Callum in 1HM,
as records win snow, and oeitig ine same
land conveyed bv L. C. Wvnkooo and wife to
Samuel Edeburn and Harthlnda Edeburn,
Ills wlfo. by deed dated 20th day of January,
A. D. IHtW, rei'orded In the Recorder's office of
Jellerson count v. l'a.. In Deed Hook No. 20.
page as by reference thereto bad. the
chain of title will more fully and at lame ap
pear; 3 acres being reserved, which was here
tofore conveyed for church and burial pur
poses. Hald tract of land having thereon erected a
flat barn 411x40 feet; house two stories high,
2Hx82 feet; house with cellar lSxilfeet; gran
ary 16x20 feet, and necessary outbuildings.
7fi acres of the above laud cleared and bal
ance wild.
Blazed, taken In execution and to) be sold aa
the property of Frank O. Edeburn, executor
of Samuel Edeburn. deceased, Uerthlndn Ed
eburn, with notice to Frank U. Edeburn,
Minnie inniKie, wire oi a- u. mm me, niary
M. Corbett. l'rlscllla Cousins, wife of James
Cousins, Kosllla Stotton, John W. Coleman,
Oil City Fuel Supply Company, Geo. B. Har
mon ana r. ti, tianion, uoing nusiness as ueo.
H Harmon & t o., and the llanlon Ol t Co.,
terre tenant, at the suit of William 11. lingers
and John . Wynkoop, executors of L. C.
Wynkoop, deceased. Clabk & Btewaht.
l i. ra., no. a.
ALSO All the defendant's rliilit. title. In
terest and claim In and to all that certain
piece, parcel or tract of land attuato in the
Towiishinof Heath, County of Jefferson nnd
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed a follows, to-wit: Beginning at a maple
on the southwest corner of n one thousand
acre tract No. -ah; thence northeast 12114-10
Seiches to a chestnut; thence south H8 1-2
evrees east 15i; lU perches to a post; thence
110 perches south to a nosti thence
north degrees west lf:t perches to the ma
ple corner, the place of beginning. It being
one hundred and twenty and one half (12;! 1-2)
acres, surveyed out of the above larger tract
of land by .lames Caldwell on November 24,
lHi!.",, it being a part of the name lands bought
from Arthur Callum, administrator of Henry
Shlppen, deceased' in IHnO and conveyed to
u. v. wyiiKoop oy v.uaiium in into as records
will show, and being the same land conveyed
by L. O. Wynkoop and wife to Samuel Ede
burn and Harthlnda Edeburn. ills wife, bv
deed dated 20th day of January A. 1). IHtlH,
recorucu in tne nec iroer s omce or Jelferson
count v, Pa., In Deed Book No. 20. page 42s, as
by reference thereto had the chain of title
will more fully and at large appear; 3 acres
being reserved, which was heretofore con
veyed for church and burial purposes
Said tract of land having thereon erected a
flat barn 40x40 feet; house two stories blub.
2HX.12 feet; house with cellar 18x24 feet;
fxanary 10x20 feet, and necessary outbulld
ng. 75 acres of the above land cleared and
balance wild.
Seized, taken In execution and to be sold iu
the property of Frank O. Edeburn, executor
of Samuel Edeburn, deceased, and Frank Ed
eburn, 1. 1., with notice to Frank O. Edeburn,
minnm imiisie, wne 111 t. lj. uunKle, mary
M.Corbet. I'rlscllla Cousins, wife of Jumna
Cousins, Kosllla Stotton, John W. Coleman,
Oil City Fuel Supply Co., Ceorge B. Harmon
and P. B. llanlon, doing business as Ueo. B
Harmon Co. and the llanlon Oil Co., and
the Jelerson County Gas Co. of Warren, I'll.,
terre tenants, at me suit ol A. v. Hums, now
for use of lohn S. Wynkoop, administrator of
Barton P. Wynkoop, deceased.
Fl. Fa., No. it). Ci.ahk &. Stewart.
The following must be strictly complied
Mai, w mi m
Second cy4nnual January Clearance
1 1 cr r. rrxrxrgixErxcci: Lia.Ui,'p''y,"rrrt; rxrxtx cr
j xx zxTtixx.vxxxx
DURING these JO days we guarantee to offer for safe any shoe you may pick at a reduction of 20 to
25 per cent off the regular price. This not a sale of shelf-worn old-style shoes, but good style,
good quality, good sizes and widths. We stand back of these goods the same as if you paid regular
prices for them. We feel safe in saying that goods of this quality have never been offered at such prices
before in this vicinity.
LOOK for the Big .SIGNS on Front if Store
Two doors from First National Bank. Everything will be in readiness Friday, January 24, at 9 o'clock.
These goods will all be in bins, all marked in PLAIN FIGURES the same prices to everybody.
Men's and Women's Dress Shoes, Men's and Boys' Light Low
and High Tops, Girls' School Shoes, Gaiters, Canvas Leggins
and Polish, ALL MARKED 20 TO 25 PER CENT OFF.
LOOK FOR THE PLACE Two doors from the First National Bank. j Come in and look, if not
satisfied, don't buy. REMEMBER THE DATE FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1908, at 9 o'clock.
with when proserty Is stricken down:
I. When the paeliitltT or other Hen credit
ors become the purchaser, the cost on the
writs must be paid, and a list of Hens, incluo
lug mortgage seaicbi-s on lite proper! v so'd,
toget her wllh such letn creditor's receipt Uu
I he amount of the ptoccds of the sale or
such proportion thereof as he may claim
must be furnished to the sherllf.
'See I'uilhiu's duest, lllh, Ed., page 410.
Smith's form, Page UM.
t. All lilils must be paid In full.
A'l sales not settled Immediatley will he
continued until two o'clock p. m., of day of
Bale at which time all property not settled for
will again be put up and sold at the expense
and risk of the person to whom llrst sold. All
writs staid after being advertised, the cost of
advertising must be paid.
December 1', 1UW. Sherllf.
Was a Bad Man.
A blood soaked and partially worn
newspaper clipping from a Worcester,
Ohio, paper, that was found in
the pocket uf Frank Leuni, wbo was
killed at Florence on Sunday morning,
Jan. 12, by Dominic Provioceio,- a fel
low countryman, whou Lsutil was de
manding Provincero and another Ital
luntoulve him a large part of their
hard earned wages, is evidence that
Leoui was a desperate character:
"In the arrest of Frank Leont, 24
years old. for threatening, the police
believe they have behind the bars a
desperate member of a Pennsylvania
"Black Rand society" who came to
Worcester three days ago determined
to wreak vengeanoe upon Mr. and Mrs.
Eduardo Mete, who fled from the min
ing districts of Ernest, Pa , to escape
his murderous plots.
"Leonl was arrested last night by
Patrolman Albert Hutchinson, of Sta
tion 1, and sentenced to six months in
the house of correction oy Judge Samuel
Utely in the Central District Court this
morning. Leonl appealed and was re
manded to jail upon failure to furnish
HOO bonds.
"The arrest of Lion I before the man
committed any desperate deed is re
garded as fortunate by Chief of Police
Matthews. When he came to Worces
ter, the police say, he was armed with
two revolvers and a dirk. Neither of
these weapons was found upon him, but
he had a razor that could slash a man's
throat nicely."
Sickness Is next to Impossible If you keen
the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels In perfect
working order witn an occasional ooss oi
Dr. A. W. Chase's
Kidney-Liver Pills
Mr. 8. B. Hold.n, No. 284H Cass Ave.,
Orana uspias, Mien., sars: i nay tor
rears be.n subject to sluggishness of th
liver and constipation, ths kidneys were alsc
inactive and caused me a great deal of pain
Serosa my loins. I got some of Dr. A. W.
Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and they cured
tha Inactivity of ths organs rapidly mil
sasllr. I would not be without them." 2"c
box at all dealers. Write for a free sample
Dr. A. W. Otass Msdlcsne Co., Buffalo, N. Y
For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
W. T. Bruhaker. Mgr. im
Mldway between Broad St. Station and
Beading Terminal on Filbert st.
Kooms ,er day and uu.
Theonly moderate priced hotel of rep
utation and consequence In
SLIPPERS, SOLES AND INSOLES 8c, 12c. 15c and 18c.
mx txt-i-i-i i mxrnxrrrrr rrrrm :rnxi
Friday, January 24,
Paradise was not dead but only bleep
ing and now it is awake again.
John Lott purchased a new horso !ast
John Danghertv Htid wife hav been
visiting friends and relatives In Br ck
wayville. A company of people started to R.'vn-
oltlsvllle Sunday evening and two of the
mimibers strayed from the rest of the
cornpany and were lost. Finder will be
Suitably rewarded upon leaving the
same at our olilue.
P. M. Wells and wife attended P.i-
mona Grange at Clearfield last week.
George Sheesley made a business call
in Troutville Saturday evening.
Mrs. Kamerer bus returned to her
home in Greensburg.
Albert Hollenbaugh lost a horse a
few days ago.
Miss Mildred Sbersley has returned
to DuBois after a visit with her, parents.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday are
bargain days in shoes at Blog-Stoke Co.
J. O. Johns, merchant tailor, next
door to National hotel.
Boston Banker Says
less for that
Carleton H. Hutchinson, a leading
banker and broker of BoBton, with
offices at 8 Congress Street, in that
city, has recently come out with a very
strong statement.
In the widespread discussion . over
Cooper's new theory and medicines
which has spread over the country so
rapidly, Mr. Hutchinson has taken the
side of those who say that Cooper's
theory Is correct and his medicine all
that he claims.
Mr. Hutchinson's emphatic state
ment Is as follows: "Anyone afflicted
with chronic ill health and a general
run-down condition caused by stomach
trouble, who does not try this man
Cooper's medicine, Is very foolish. I
say this after a most remarkable ex
perience with the medicine.
"I heard of Cooper's success first
when he was In Chicago, as I have a
private wlra to that city in connection
with my business. Later, when he
came East, I learned more of him and
his theory that stomach trouble causes
mo9t 111 health. I have bad no faith
in anything not prescribed by a phy
sician for each particular case after
careful diagnosis, but after eight years
of constant suffering, during which
caxrxrxrjn:rxrxcn:T rxrxrxrxrxcnrxrcrrrcctr
at 9:00 a. m. and lasting 10 days.
A.11 lamp tro-.bles are
done a:.vay with when
GOOD OIL is used
dives the highest possible efficiency
in light without any of the troubles
of ordinary tai.k wagon oil.
By the most careful process
known all the heavy parafline and
light-destroying substances are
removed and all the volatile oils
evaporated, leaving just the pure
illuminant Family Favorite.
No better is made
Ask your dealer
Independent ltcfiners
Pittsburg, Pa.
His Life Has Been Hope-
Length of Time.
time I spent over $1,500 with abso
lutely no relief, 1 felt that It would jtt
least do no harm to try tne meaictni
which I was hearing so much about.
"Dunns these eight years I h
been forced to go without solid for?
for five and six weeks at a time. II
always had a sour Btomach, was
troubled with formation of gas, and
led the usual miserable life of the dys
peptic. I was dull, tired, nervous and
gloomy all the time, and was always
constipated. .
"I have taken Cooper's medicine a
cnmnnxfttlvelv short time. For the
past month I have not had the slight-
est sign of stomach trouble. I can eat I
anything with no bad effect whatso-
ever. I. have a fine appetite, am gain-1
Ing flesh very rapidly, am cheerful,
full of energy, and my nervousness has
disappeared. My bowels are In perfect
condition for the first time In eight
"I don't hesitate to say that I would
not take 950,000 and be back where I
was. My relief and thankfulness 13
beyond description."
We sell Cooper's famous preparation'
described ia the above statement.'
'Stoke & Feicht u. . .
rr mxrxrrrrrx crrc