The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 01, 1908, Image 8

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    exEmncn eating
Pet Fads and Aversions as Dis
played at Table.
Byron'a Dinner of Mashed Potatoes
and Vinegar and What Came After.
Erasmus Could Not Eat Fish, and Its
Odor Threw Him Into a Fever.
Most of us have met some eccentric
diner whose differences from those o'
the other guests were noticeable.. And
eccentricity is un clastic word, which applied, as will be shown. In
various directions. Sometimes It Is
genuine, a whim or characteristic
which Is Inherent Sometimes It Is the
result of a desire to appear singular
and attract notice. To this latter mo
tive probably was due Byron's eccen
tricity at some dinner tables when, re
fnsinj;. to everybody's astonishment,
the ordinary dishes of each course, he
simply mashed potatoes on his plate
and poured vinegar over them, eating
them in silence nud drinking only soua
water with them. The chronicler of
this episode dryly adds that In the
evening Lord Byron went to n clnb
and there had an excellent supper,
such as a commonplace people would
enjoy. The great bard's eccentricity
at dinner led to vnrious minor ones
Imitating it under the Idea that It
conferred distinction, even . as for a
F.h.'.llar reason the;, copied his turn
down collar and loowely knotted tie.
t'tmdimeutx lire iiitm: 'T :he common
est illustrations r t'.h: peculiarity.
There Is a very oU sto.j -nearly a
century old, In fact of a lilner In a
coltcc room who iilc no mustard, which
so Irritated another who held the gen:
era! opinion about it 1 In: t after offer-,
lug it at Intervals to the oilier lie! up with .the 'riet and. said,.
"Confound it. sir, you : i. '.'l have uius,.
tnrdl" Some few people dislike
which most dejmi a ne essily. Indeed
some years ago a letter appeared in
print from a lady wi expressed her
opinion that salt 'was most Injurious
and was never used In her household,
saying. Indeed, if we remember right-,
ly. that even her bread and butter
were homemade to avoid a particle of
the mineral being used at her table.
8ome people eat salt Itisfe:'..! of sugar
with puddings, who; her from actual
preference or the wNii for singularity
seems doubtful. Others repudiate the
mere suggestion of pepper. On the
oilier hand, caycir.:;- is sometimes eat
en with everything. Kdnmnd Kean In
r.a latest years ; .'. I: I.' said, to
trine brandy with inveniie in It, a
beverage which is mentloiied as bav
in,' been liked piso ny retcr me
(r-.-oat when slaying at fare's court.
Mint siiuce everybody '."..v. with roast
lamb, but some cc-pii'vic diners have
It tcrved with every Joint, which is a
peculiar taste. Inde'ii, ami one which
would have beeu a Hue theme for
C'-nrles Lamb. Tbc;;:g of rasp
berry jam with roast veal is another
ncrullaritv. a variant of the general
custom of having red currant Jelly
with saddle of mtittc-.i. which Is ln-
de-'.l an exaulsite coinlil.mtlon.
'"i'.ier strange antipathies for com
monplace edibles are recorded. Thus
Cardan loathed oss. Neither boiled
nor poached had they for him the
agreeable associations they have for
most of us. The mere sight of tuem
marie his ffortro rise What would
Charles Lamb have said of a Han
overian gentleman who was dlstln
gulrh.rd for his fe.ts In hunting. Hert
Consumptlvt Cought
arc the forerunners of dread
consumption, yet they can be
broken up and entirely cured
if properly treated. It is
only by removing the cause
of the disorder that art abso
hitc cure can be effcetrd.
PitfVs Cure roc to the root
of the trouble and restores
the lung's to a normal condi
tion. It is a sale and effec
tive remedy.
All DrufCflrMts 29 Cent
Notary Public, stenographer
and Typewriter.
Reynoldsvllle. Pa.
. A Beautiful
sent for only 8c
to cover actual
IfS.K hpnutlful work of art In rol
oTb, lut'KU tUe 10 x i.lTliei-iTleuiiiir
is alisolutely free.
WAYERLV oil works
Independent Refiners
booklet sim raac'
vi!nRhum who famteil at the sight or
ro ft pig? M. Chesne. secretary to
':rncls I., detested that general fa-
o 'e. the apple, as the sight of one
aaile his nose bleed. The learned
"-HUius could never eat OVIi. Indeed,
t Is said that Its odor even was so in
'" lous to the great Dutch nnn that It
ised feverish ryniploms. On the
::er hand, Quln. the actor, every year
: the latter part of hl. l!f; Journeyed
the west country to eat .lohu Dory
sb from the sea. The famous
: - '"ilar Scailger blnnched even at the
i ' ''it of water cres.-es.
Very often the unfovtutf'o man who
'ly Is the victim of I 'nal whims
: 0t believed to lie mi 1 t privately,
i' :iot aloud. Is charm vrkted as f;'.d
" '. not to say lmpe, :i:'e:it. Tint while
i pecnllnrltles as t!: - e are due to
'u rJomac;i, that i ions organ.
'e-e are others in ''. which are
live of prejudice. 1 1 r - T.I. a:id occasion-
f:e liking for n-:;: i liar views.
-'i diners by no inenv add to the
.' .v!i;c!i of ordh:;'v ) .;ople at a
': iiri'ablo board." '.- the old world
' :w. run:!. Tims ;': ve U tile guest
i 1 1 worrying hi and every-
"y clve about post ! ' V ' -:;fts. nnotb-
vli or testations! t.- : lea Ush and
"i ir.vl limits bin..-:'.( ! the roast
. I also has the foolish but by no
. uncommon li'en l hat It Is un
'! 'I'.'some unless dried up to an arid
vi. If salt be n thing to be shun
' !iy some g:stronoines. o:!iers have
same notion which t!uv do not
; to themselves a- to pcpiier. To
nes are a lirgbeur ii i-r. 'e. ninck-
r: to others. Soiiic eye In tlisnp-
ving silence the o'.!:e:s who cat In
ordinary nnuinc". t'ic.v themselves
s ' -i'lg by strict rule -.vl'li various omls--is
In the courses: also i':?n Is the
r who exiier'nunts. as It were, on
' food, tasting eae'i morsel tentative- with dnliious i'e!!bc-a:ion ns if
': were not sure he 'vere not being
ioued. There are Cio : who are
tfnl if there Is the lea'-; want of
'hematlcal accuracy In laying the
t.ii le. who are iv:t if their apeclnl
knii-es.and forks are al..-ent. v'no nl
v ii;;s have dry toast or the I'Ue at er-
i 0 -. ival and who converse 'i the lat
est food scare. I.oii'! ' (''' :: .
A Haunted Librery.
One of the most curious "haUntings"
occurs In a northern castle of great
antlipiit..- where Mary, queen of Scots,
rested when she was being couveyed n
prisoner through England. It Is mani
fested in the library hnd takes the
form that the books cannot be kept In
order. They move about or are moved
about from shelf to shelf. If you ar
range the works of Shakespeare In
correct order on one shelf, by next
morning the volumes are scattered any
how on different shelves. This has
gene on for years. At different times
lll rnry has been searched and lock
ed. v.mWs have been set all night.
rva:-! : h-rve i-oine mid gone, but the
! .. :" :: lollS OCCIUTCIICC gOCS Oil lllld l
voiiehcd for not only by the family.
! t :) thf guests who have stayed In
I'll' There is no legend to at
'unit for It. London Modern Society.
A Long Scold.
Brews'"!', who was returning late
from his club, was received by his
w! ' ii eiilering the bedroom v.lMi a
v.eil reli''tirsed curtain lecture. Kortu
iiafely he hid not turned up the gas.
and as the door was not closed he
) !e:!y slipped out and rejoined his
friends at the club. Two hours later
he again wended his way home and
picked up his ears on reaching the bed
room door.
"H'ml She didn't notice It!" said lie.
i huckllng to himself. "She's still scnld-!iig!"-Oiasgow
Much Impressed.
Professor of Natural History (at the
nooi-ln the animal creation some of
the works of nature (111 ns with awe
and admiration for their stupendous
sire and weight and the colossal pro
portions on which they are modeled.
Here, for Instance, Is the hippopotamus-
Giggly Pupil Ain't he cute?
Baltimore American.
An Invincible Intruder.
"There' are lots of things worth hav
ing besides money."
"Yes." answered Miss Cayenne, "but
it's bard to get most of them unless
you have the money first." Washing
ton Star.
Why It Is Stranger.
'Truth Is stranger than fiction."
quoted the wise guy.
"That's because we don't get suffi
ciently well acquainted with It," added
the simple mug. Philadelphia Record.
Are You Bankrupt
It you spend three dollar a dy sad tan
two you are rare to com lo bankruptcy nd
yet thuBiiut what thouModi ol in are doing
B ngard to health. By overwork, worry
aad anxiety the energy and vigor of the body
it watted more rapidly than it u buia op aad
the result it bankruptcy of health. Sleep
leisnaM, headaches, indigestion, worn-out
feelings, spells of weakness and despondency
are some of the symptom which tell of the
approach of nervous prostration or paralysis.
Dr. A. W. Chase's
Nerve Pills
Supply in condensed and easily ua'milaied
form the very ingredients from which Nature
constructs nervous energy and builds up the
human system. They positively overcome
the symptoms lelened to above and prevent
and cure the moat serious forma of nervous
diseases. SO cents a box. at all dealers or
Df. A. W. Chase Medicine Co. Buffalo, N.Y
Miia T. Martin, 524 Sherman Avenua,
Troy, Ohio, aaya :
"By overwork I was compelled to gnre up m
uch a weakened condition that it resulted in
nervous prostration. I secured Dr. A. W.
Chase's Nerve Pills, and continued the beat
Mnt until completely restored me to my
usual stiength ana good health."
For Sale by Stoke & Feiibi Drug Co.
A Pretty Big Discount.
"There was a children's hospital In
New York which a society lady visited
regularly, taking fruit and flowers to
the little patents, and In a certain
ward a boy was pointed out to ber one
day as a bad customer.
"'Oh, he ii Incorrigible,' sighed the
"Miss Society talked awhile with the
little chap, aud when she arose to go
he said:
" 'See here, I have heard bad reports
about you. Now, I want you to prom.
Ise me to be good. If you are good for
a whole week, I'll give yon n dollar
when I come again next Thursday.'
"The boy promised to try to ie good.
This promise, though, he did not keep.
On her next visit Miss Society, going
to his cot, said:
" 'I shall not ask tho nurses how you
have behaved this last week, I want
you to tell me yourself. Now, what do
you think do you .deserve that dollar
I promised you or not?'
"The boy regarded Miss Society' with
a troubled frown. Then he said in n
low voice:
"'Glmino .1 nickel.'" New York
Solution of a Mystery.
k Sir Humphry Davy had been study
ing one evening In comfortable negli
gee of dressing gown and nightcap nt
a little table In his chamber when he
became aware of a curious phenome
non. A bright dancing circle of light
.".pared upon the celling. It was un
..tcady. yet persistent, nud he was un
able to account for It. lie extinguish
ed his lump, hut It only appeared the
brighter. It was accompanied by an
ixlor n scorching odor and also by n
slight sound of sl..llng. He was great
ly excited and running over rapidly In
his mi::d all kinds of electrical and
oilier I'Herestlng theories to account
for t'.ie mystery when he became
aware o:' a sensation or uncointortiuiie
warmth about the scalp. He hastily
put up his hand, and down tunibled'hla
theories end a blit'lng nightcap. The
taster on Its peak hud bobbed Into his
candle as he bent above Ills book, aud
the fascinallng problem on the celling
v.-as no more than the reflection of the
evening bonfire on his cranium.
' An Object Lesson In Cleanliness.
To Impress upon his youthful mind
the Importance of guarding ugalnst In
fections the medical student at the
laboratory is given this object lesson:
Two test tubes nearly filled with a
clear meat broth and then closed at
the top with a cotton plug are given to
lilm. with directions to wash his hands
with soap and water aud clean his
Uit:;j with a brush ns thoroughly as
lie can for some ten minutes. After
he thinks that his hands have become
altogether clean he removes the plug
front one of the test tubes and barely
touches with a finger tip Its contained
broth, lifter which he restores the cot
ton plug and puts both tubes away on
a shelf for twenty-four hours. What
lie will see then Is that the broth In
the test tube which received his sup-I-oNvlly
pure touch Is turbid from the
in-scnce of millions of microbes, while
the other tulia remains perfectly clear.
Kverybody's Magazine
When Bride and Groom Were 1 hin.
In the year 17!t." lr.. I 'oughts was
made master of Corpus Clirlstt college
and then married Miss Main waring, a
daughter of the .Margaret pro
fessor of theology. As both were very
thin, Mansel wrote as follows:
St. Paul has declared thai pt-rsona. though
twain, '
In mnrrlnge united one flesh shall remain.
Bi t had he been lv when, like Pharaoh's
klne. pairing.
Dr. Douglaa of Benet rgivniaed Mtxa Maln-
Tlie apostle no doubt would have altered
his tone
And cried, "Those iv.. gpllntora shall
make but one bone!"
-Pall Mull 'iicelte.
Insincerity In u man's own heart
must make all his enjoyments, all tha'
concerns him, unreal, so that his whole
iife must seem like a merely dramatic
representation. Hat" thorne. '
Badly Cripples a
Treated Two Tears with a High-Priced
Physician with ao Success
If r. Frank Howe, a prominent farmer In the
town ot Van Buran, aaya: "I visited the beet
physician In thia country, who treated ma for
about two yean tor rheumatism. I spent In
that time several hundred dollars and seemed
to grow worse Instead ot better eaoh day.
being on crutches aud forced to trtre to tho
train and hobbling to the doctor's offloe became
very discouraging, let alone the ileeplosi nights
nud fearful hours of pain. Being advised by a
friend I purchased Smith's Uric O prescription,
took It home and nsed It that day as directed.
"Those fearful sclntle pains left me, my
Mood seemed to let loose and flow freely, I felt
different and knew the next morning I had
inund a cure, as I slept and rested well all that
Hi -lit, something I had not done before In two
.. trs. I used In all six bottles ot Urle- and
: never felt a return of the disease, had no
use for crutches or ciue since the first day's
"I have since recommended Urte-0 to hun.
I'rwls of friends and acquaintances and In every
iiKtance It gave remarkable rellnf. To on ry
person who surfers from Kheiiniatlsin I say,
Ul;e Uric-O at once and your' suffering will
soon end.
t BANK HOWE, Baldwinsville, N.Y.
Anyone who doubts Mr. Howe's exerlence
Is Invited to write him for further details.
The manufacturers have so much confidence
lu the remedy that they will gladly give a
large 75c bottle of I'rlc O free to all Kheumntlcs
w ho have never used It and are looking for a
permanent, lasting cure for this most distressing
disease. A ddress for tree trial, Smith Drug Co.,
Syracuse, A s. .
TJrlo-O Is sold and personally reoom
mended in Reynoldsvllle by Stoke &
Blacking. i
Liquid blacking, such as Is now nsed. j
was Invented early In the nineteenth
century. Previously various mixtures
were used. There arts many alluslous t
in elgliteentn century literature to suoe
blacks nd .blacking. In the London
World of Jan. 81, 1754, Edward Moore,
describing the miseries of an author,
says that he would rather have started
In life as a shoeblack bad he but had
the money to buy or credit to procure
"a stool, brushes and blackball." An
old kind of blacking consisted of Ivory
black, very coarse moist sugar and wa
ter, with a little vlnegnr. A mixture
of whale oil and soot was used In
Gay's time. The author of "Trivia"
has several allusions to the "black
youth" who stood at street corners
then, as now:
Hark! The boy calls thee to his dcstln'd
And the shoe shines beneath his oily hand.
Do Foe makes his Colonel Jack de
scribe himself when a boy ns a dirty
vagabond, "like a 'Bliic!; your shoes,
your honor?' a beggar boy, a black
guard boy or what you please, des
picable nud miserable to the Inst de
gree." Ilere Is another quotntlon from "Tri
via" (1715?):
Ills treble voice resounds along the mews,
And Whitehall echoes. "Clean yotir hon
or's shoes !
, London Notes nnd Queries.
Arab Weapons.
Here In Muscat I saw tho pine bred
Arab man. sinewy, but ul tall, a
domineering, swaggering nobleness In
his glance and a brace of daggers In
his waist. When' I recognlssed a beau
tiful haft or noticed a slender Inlaid
native gun or singular shield. I offered
tobuv, but nothing would Induce them
o sell. "Sahib." said one iiian, '.'I
killed my deadliest fo ' with !':ls blade,
rigid through his blue!; he:-, toil
see this dent In my shhllV Alt. that
dent was caused by a spear! ,Thff
shield saved my life. Shall I. then, sell
It for moiicy? My gun? No., sahib. I
am an Arab, aud my gun ts my other
self. How could I b nil Arab If I had
no gun? This sword-It In-longed to
my grandfather-It I: i- k'lled forty
men. By Mohammed, it Is tin:-: These
marks, sahlb; you see these marks?
Only one of these murks N "ut there
when a man Is killed " I ofi'e ed three
times the value. Tl aii-wi-r always
was: "No. sahlb, I will n it. I can
not." Chambers' Jour nil.
8oma Odd Pocl.ts.
"A music pocket';" i .:!' the tailor.
"Oh. yes, for professional singers I of
ten make music pockets. They run
B'-ross the back of the -ii:t. a rule,
above the waist, and thev hold, with
out crushing, n half do.en songs. 1
have three or four dc'eitl- among
my patrons, and in t'.ilr !n Iness suits
1 always put uitii'loiiff piM-l:.' . These
pockets nre In l!:e sice :: .'heir ad
vantage Is that l'ie h:i: h' c'.'s can be
drawn forth with. it the p. isoner's see
ing the action. V. !:eii a rnnil'-.::ie!lous
prisoner sees u,! eY '. :.J go to
ward an ordinary pn.-::et lie knows
what Is coining and prepares accord
ingly, but with my siiw!.:l p-r.'ket the
handcuff Is on lilm W( .-v he knows
where be Is nt. One of my p :troiis hns
his trousers lined from I he knee down
with leather. Do you know why? Be
cause a dog once bit a large chunk out
of the calf of his leg. anil he doesn't
want to Incur such a loss again."
Louisville Courier-Journal.
UWe guarantee tc either cure or refund
- . a . j,..,,- MAhln
Bleeding or Pretrodlna Files who fallu-
fuiiy ana property ases
Dr. A. W. Chase's
KSv. 1. B. rlODtris oi iuj nviuuu ow
Svracuse. N. T.. sirs: "For nine years T
suffered from Itching and protruding piles
which were so bad that they necessitated my
absence from professional duties. I used
numerous remedies and underwent one oners
Uon without relief, but by using Dr. A. W.
Chase's Ointment I am now permanently
eursd." Mc a box. All dealers cr Dr. A. W.
Chase Msdlolaa Co, uunaio, n. .
For sale by Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
nrutoxi. crrr nxrrcrr rrxrr
Weaversand Winders
in modern broad silk plant;
good pay, steady work.
Apply for particulars at
Oneonta, N. Y.
cr Ir
Annie Long Lockard reran Delmont Jonea
No.S180 August Term, W07. Plurles Sub-
no-na in invorrc.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To Delmont Jones Lockard, Greeting:
We commana you, as mm ur-u. j..u
., . .1 ...... .. , I ...... i., nf hnulnMU
were comnmnuu, m ' . ,
ana excuses wins aw j" ""
. . . . . narun hafnMk mlP
appear in j 1 i" , s . . . , -
Judge at Brookvllle. atourC'onrtof Common
Pleas there tone held on the second Monday
of January next, to show cause. If any you
have why your wife, Annie Long Lockard,
should not lie divorced from the bonds of
matrimony which she hath contracted with
you the said Delmont Jones Lwkard, agree
alile to the Petition and Libel exhibited
agalnvt you before our said Court, and this
you shall In no case omit at your peril.
Witness the Hon. John W. Heed, President
of our said Court at Rrookvllle, the Hlu day
orrovenin-r, . i'., i""..
Attest-CTBUS U. BtiOOD. Prolhonotary.
TO IJHimOIO Jill,, n iv" ., .
You ar hereby notified to appear before
. . . r 1, nrwntlnir.
the HonoraDiejuiiKJ"i w.. ........
pleas, at Brookvllle, Pa., on the second Mon
day of January next, to answer as set forth
in the ooveof 5CHBAKNocKEB.
Dec., NOT. . Buerlff-
Coopsr Says Internal Parasites Cause Much
Suffering Everywhere.
The following remarkable statement
was recently made by L. T. Cooper.
It concerns the preparation which has
been so widely discussed throughout
the country during the past year, and
has sold In such enormous quantities
In leading cities:,!
"It Is now a,, well-known fact that
wherever I have introduced my New
Discovery medicine, hundreds of peo
ple have brought lntcriJai parasites,
or tapeworms, to .'me. In many cases
these people' did not know the nature
of the parasite, and were. consequently
extremely nervous until I explained
the matter to them. In some cities so
many have had this experience that
the public generally became uarmed.
"I take this onnortunlty of explain
ing what these creatures are, and what
I have learned about them in the pestA
"Tapeworms ure much more com
mon than would be supposed, l ven
ture to say that ten per cent, of all
chronic stomach trouble, or what is
known as a 'rundown' condition, is
caused by them. An individual may
suffer for years with one of these great
parasites and not be aware oi it.
Notice Ot
Order of ilm Court of (Jinii ter Sew-lnns Axing
1 lie time lit nicii uppiiriiiiniiM oi- miuiir
Jleont-e may lie tieiud, etc.
And now. Oct,ilior3d, IN.I8, It Ii ordained as
1. Tlutt tlie tlilid Monday of January e
thousand el?ht liui tired and ninety-nine,
and each and every year HiBreiifter, at nine
o'clock In tlie forenoon of ciuih day (belim the
sen mil Monday In the January term of eaeh
year), be null tlie siune 1 nereny tixeu as tno
t.lmn at. whleli annlieaMnns fur license to sell
spirituous, vlniius, malt or brewed Miinrs
shall be heard, nt which time nil persons ap-
ulylniror making onjeeticins to applications
for said licenses may be heard by evidence,
petition, remonstrance or counsel.
2. That licenses then inintcd shall take
effect add lie In force fine year from the six
teenth day of February next following the
gt anting of the same.
8. Applications fur places not heretofo-e
licensed ill be required to establish (1) tho
fitness ot the applicant and (21 the necessity
for such licensed nluce. and In contested
cases not more than tlnee witnesses on a
side will be heard on the question ot the gen
eral character of the applicant and the ne
cessity of the place for which a license Is de
sired. 4. supplemental petitions and remon
strances In, writing, also specific objections
to the petition or bond of tlie applications as
welt as specific charges made acalnst lilm
shall be reduced to writing, and tiled In the
case at least five days before the time fixed
for hearing said application, otherwise they
will not be considered and no evidence will
heheui'l n support .f tnein ny tlie lonrt.
This ru'H shall not apply to disqualifying
causes arising within I lie five days preceding
the Hearing,
fi. No snlrit nniis. vinou. mslt ur brewed
liquor", or any admixture- thereof, shall be
riirnisiieu orsoia ov any ncenseu lenuiir ue
tween the houisot lll::su o'clock p. m. and ft.iiO
o clock a. m., or eacu nay on wiucn saia
liquors otherwise may be legally sold.
t). All orders and rules, or parts thereof,
now In force, which may be Inconsistent Willi
the foregoing order and rules, are uereoy re
scinded .
Itv i he Court.
John W. Reed.
President Judge.
The following applications for license to
sell liquor have been filed In the office of the
Clerk of the Court of the Quarter Sessions of
Jefferson county for January Sessions, 1U08:
1. C. E Kadaker, residence, McCalmont
township, "Anita Hotel."
2. lacob H. fykes, residence, Sykesvllle
borough, "Hotel Sykes."
8. W. W. Wiley, residence, Reynoldsvllle
borough'Clty Hotel."
4. Frank A. McConnell, residence, Reyn
oldsvllle borough, "Frank's New Tavern."
6. Philip J. Allgeier, residence, Brookvllle
borough, ' New Jefferson Hotel."
6. David W. Naylon. residence, 4th Ward,
Punxsutawney borough, "The National,"
7. Oscar F. Hinerman, residence, Brook
vllle borough, "Brookvllle House."
8. E. 0. Biifflngton, residence, Brookvllle
borough, "Hotel Longvlew."
. Samuel E. Barrett, residence, Stn
Ward, Punxsutawney borough, "Hotel Ha-
'effJ. Courtis A. Curry, residence, McCalmont
township, "Hotel McGregor."
11. Patrick J. Casey, residence. Falls
Greek borough. "Taylor Avenue Hotel."
12. 11. O. Kepiogie, residence, Brookvllle
borough, "Central Hotel."
lit. Alexander WatMin, residence, Wlnslow
townslilp, "Hotel Big Soldier."
14. John Mansell and Oeorge Roberts, res
idence, Wlnslow township, "Central Hotel."
1ft. John Jacks-Mi, residence, McCalmont
township, "Jackson House."
16. P. A. Hunter and F. h. Vers tine, agent
for, trustees of and In behalf of American
Hotel, residence, Brookvllle borough, "A mer
lcan Hotel."
17. O. H. Barclay, residence, Washington
township, ' Hotel Ha'Clny."
15. William l. Ooo e, residence, Fourth
ward, Punxsutawney norotigh, "City Hotel."
IV. Jacob B. Haag, residence, 1st Ward,
Punxsutawney borough, "Hotel Waverly."
20. B. A. Hunter, residence, Brookvllle
borough, "New Commercial Hotel."
21. Robert T Smith, residence, Sykesvllle
borough, "Commercial Hotel."
22. Tom Reynolds, residence, Reynolds
vllle borough, ''Mansion Hotel."
23. R. E. C. Emery and Schuyler J. Emery,
residence. Falls Creek borough, "Falls Creek
24. R. R. McKlnley, residence, Brookvllle
borough, "Union Hotel."
25. Thomas Green and John Corner, resi
dence, Reynoldsvllle borough, "Imperial
28. W. 8. Ross, residence. West Reynolds
vllle borough, "Rowi House."; . ,
27. John Qulnllsk, residence, tth Ward,
Punxsutawney borough, "Parnell House."
2S. John J. Conrad, residence, Henderson
township, "Wayne Hons."
t. 1). 0. McClelland, residence, Wlnslow
township, "Hotel Hughes."
30. Walker Neal, residence, 1st Ward,
Punxsutawney borough. "Elmo Hotel."
31. Iester E. Brown, residence, 6th Ward,
Punxsutawney borough, "Lindsey Hotel."
32. T. E. Bennls. residence. 1st Ward, Punx
sutawney borough, "Hotel Bennla."
Si. E. E. MhalTrr, residence, 1st Ward,
Punxsutawney borough, "Hotel Whitney.
34. James Ensell, residence, Reynoldsvllle
borough, "Burns House."
So. Richard E. Clover and Harry D. Edel
blute, resilience, 41 h Ward, Vnxsutawney
borough, "Hotel Pantall.
M. Edward F. Lynara, residence, 1st Ward.
Punxsutawney borough, "Washington Hotel."
37. Mark 8. Stringer, residence. Big Run
borough, "Hotel McClure."
38. E. C. Rudolph, residence. Big Run bor
ouirb, "Hotel Anderson."
;iU Thomas Fleckensteln, residence, 3d
Ward, Punxsutawney borough, "Continental
40. John O. Edelblute, residence, heynolds
vllle borough, "National Hotel."
41. John 0. Burns, residence, Beynolds
vlllle borough. "Burns bouse."
42. M, J. Miller, residence, McCalmont
township, "Park Hotel."
4.1. Randolph T. McFarlane, residence,
Knox township, "Hotel Ramsey."
L Magnus Allgeier, residence, Brookvllle
Tnnrrarv tr eimer&l belief, the ap
petite is not greatly Increased it only,
becomes Irregular. There Is a general
feeling of falntness, however, and a
gnawing sensation in me pit ot mo
stomach. -
"People afflicted with one of tnesa
parasites are nervous and depressed.
Their chief sensation is one of lan
guor, and they tire very easily. Laclfi
of energy and ambition affect the body,
and the mind becomes dull and slug
gish. The memory becomes not" BO
good, and the eyesigni is eeueroiiyj
"The New Discovery, in freeing atom-
ach and bowels of all impurities, seems
to be fatal to these1 great worms, ana
almost Immediately expels them from
the system. I wish to assure anyone
who has the experience just related
with my preparation, that there is no
cause for alarm in the matter, ani
that it will as a rule mean a speedy;
restoration to good health."
The Cooper medicines are a boon
to stomach ufferen. We sell them.
I Stoke Felcht Drug Co.
borough, "Spring Brewery," Brook vlllei Pa.
2. Brookvllle Brewing Co., a corporation,
Brookvllle, Pa.
;i. Bernard Schneider, (res'dence, Punxsu
tawney boiougli) and E. H. Here erson, (real-9
flciue Biookvllie liorouuhl, doing uuslness
under the firm name of The F.Ik Knn Hrew
lng Company. The Elk ftuu Brewery, Second
Ward, Punxsutawney, Pa.
4. I'unxsuihwney Brewing Company, ,a
corporation, 'Tunxsiilnwney Uiewery. 4jh
ivuru, runxsuiu wney, is.
t. Jolin-OTlaie, residence, KcynoldsvllJC
' 2. W. II. Heekemiorn, M. Dougherty,, John
Zede'k and Thomas McMlllen, doing business
under the firm Mime of W. II. Ileckendorn &
Co., First Ward, Punxsutawney borough.'
H. iwiiiam IVuuKuniun, residence. rJykcs
vllle borough.
4. Ousiiiv M. Herold, residence Reynolds
vllle borough.
R, John ll. Williams nnd James O, Vas
blnder, doiiu business under the firm name
if .lolin D. Williams & Co., First Ward,
Punxsutawney borough.
1. John D. Wl lisms and James G, Vas
bluiier. doing business under the firm name
of John I). Williams & Co., residence, First
Ward, Punxsutawney borough,
1. Punxsutawney Distilling Co.. a corpora
tion, ut the Distillery of tlie Punxsutawney
Distilling Co., Punxsutawney. Pa.
t. The Reynold-tvllle Distilling Co., a cor
poration, at the Distillery of The Reynolds
vllle Distilling Co. In Wlnslow township,
county of Jefferson und State of . ennsyl
vanla. - i
Cleili of the Court of Quarter Sessions.
By virtue of certain wrlu of Fieri
Facias, i-lc.. issued out of the Court of.
Common PIphs of Jefferson count.v, t'a.,
aud to mo directed, I will expose to
publio sale or outcry at the Court
House In tho Borough of Brookvllle,
Pa., on
Friday, January 10, 1908,
At 1 00 o'clock P. M., the following- de-
....... U.. .4 !.... I 1T .. ... ..I..
DUi liru ivcal Emn, nr"li.
AH I he defendant's right, title, Interest and
claim of, In and to all that certain tract of
land situated In Young township, Jefferson
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at a poet on
a 25 ft. street; thence north 64 degrees east
112 feet to a post on line of land of Thomas
Shearer; thence south 27 degrees 5ft minutes
east. 50 feet along lands of said Thomas Shear
er to a xi; thence south 4 degrees west
along lot No. 23 owned by Oulseppe Sala 112
feet to a post on said 25 ft,, street; thence
north 27 degrees 55 minutes west along
said street to the place of beginning, contain
ing 51100 sq. ft. and being lot No. A which was
conveyed b) Alfonsa Mastra Htmona, the
pi esent owner, by deed dated October 27, tSW
and tecorded In the ofhVe of the Kecorder of
Deeds In nnd for the county of Jefferson In
deed book vol. 83, page 4V I, as by reference
thereto will more fully and at largt appear.
Having thereon erected a one story dwelling
the property or Aironsa Alastro mmonn, st
the suit of Joseph Bontleld and Rafael Bon
field, trading under the firm name of Bon Held
Fl. Fa. No. 12. BROWN.
ALSO-AII the defendant's right, til Ik
Interest and claim, of. In and tn
all that certain parcel nnd lot of land
situated In the town of Florence, McCal
mont township, Jefferson ceunty, bounded
and described as follows, to-wlt; Beginning
at a post on Reynoldsvllle road, thence soutli
Hi degrees 10 minutes west fifty-one feet
along said road to a post; thence south 4
degrees 10 minutes west, sixty-two feet along
Front street to a post; thence south 85 de
grees 50 minutes east, one hundred and thirty
feet alone Fifth street to a poet; thence
north 82 degrees 10 minutes east forty-five
feet along an alley to a poet; thence north
57 degrees 50 minutes west one hundred and
forty-four feet to place of beginning; con-'
talnlngone-fourth acre more or less; being
lot No 472 In town of Florence, vlwe Daad
Book Vol. 87, page SM. Excepting and re
serving all the coal light, mineral, etc.. In
and noon said land as fully as reserved, In
deed last cited. Having thereon erected a
two-story roomed dwelling hous and
necessary outbuildings.
Seised, taken In execution and to be sold
as the property of Andrew Anderson and
Ellen (). Anderson, his wife, al the suit of
The Home Building and Loan Association,
Fl. Fa., No. US. WIN3LOW.
The following must be strictly complied
with when property Is stricken down;
1. When the plaintiff or other lelneredlbivw
become the purchaser, the cost on the writs
must be paid, and a list of loins. Including
mortgage searches on the properly sold, to
gether with such leln creditor's receipt for
the amount of the proceeds of the sale or
such proportion thereof as he may claio
must be furnished to the Sheriff.
See Purdon's digest, nth Ed., pare 446.
timith's4orm. page 3HI.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until two o'clock p. m. of day of
sale at which time alt property not settled for
will again lie put up and sold at the expense
and risk of the person to whom first sold. All
writs staid after being advertised, the cost of
advertising must be paid.
December 17, 1VU7. Sheriff
W. T. Briibaker. Mgr.
Midway between Broad St. Station and
Reading Terminal on Fllliert si.
Rooms $1.00 per day and up.
The only moderate priced hotel ot rep
utation and consequence In sst