The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 01, 1908, Image 4

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3. C. Hirst was In Pittsburg thin
Rev. J. W. Myers was Id Kane over
Sunday. ,
Miss Mangle Sol Ida vlBltcd In Sabula
the pant week.
Daniel and Frank Smith are visiting
In Sunbury, Pa.
John MoClnre. of Pittsburg, Is visit
ing his pan nts.
John Pi IhI. of Catfish, Pa., spout the
holidays In this plaoe.
Mrs Peter Robertson visited la
Bitumen last week.
Mr. and Mr. P. W. Cashman visited
In Rldgwry last week.
Lawyer C. W. Flynn was In Pittsburg
the latter part of last wpek.
MIbs Irene Phllllppl wont to Warren
yestorday to attend a party.
Garfield Harries, of Johiisonburg,
visited In town the past week.
Misses Irene Welsh and Joan Gelsler
are visiting In Now Maysvillo.
Mrs. F. O. Sutter returned Sunday
from a visit In Cleveland, Ohio. .
Mrs. M. .T. Farrell and MrB. P. P.
Howe spent Sunday In Driftwood.
Mrs. Edith Flanner, of Johnsonburg,
visited In Reynoldsvllle last week.
Earl Dempsey and wife, of Dent's
Run, were visitors In town last week.
H. Bruce Kline, of Bni-burn, visited
his mother near this plaoe last week.
Wlnflold Sterloy went to Atlantic
City, N. J., yesterday to accept a po
sition. Jumps E. Mltclioll and wife, of Kano,
were among the holiday visitors In j
Miss Florence Mowery, of Now
Bethlehem, Is vlsltlr.jr friends in thl
Amman II. Swart?., of Pittsburg,
spent Christmas at his homo In this
place. r
Homer Rosslor, of Johnstown, spent
last week with bis parents In thl
.' Mrs. Catherine Armor and daughter
MIsb Nellie, visited In DuBols this
Mrs. Alfred DeHart, of New Reusing
ton, visited her parents during the
Miss Josephine Montgomery, of Pitts
burg, visited her parents In this place
last week. ,
Addison Wells and wife visited 1
Brookvllle and New Bethlehem the
past week.
Miss Margaret Taafe, of Pittsburg
scant Christmas with her Daren ts In
this place.
Bruce Mitchell, of Homestead, spent
the holidays at home of his mother in
this place. , i
Miss 'Jessie A. Campbell spent the
holiday' with friends in DuBols and
M. J.'Fillbart, who has been at Gary
Ind., some months, spent last week In
S. M'.' McDonald, of Dayton, Pa,
visited his son, G. M. McDonald, In this
plaoe last week.
Henry Earl Swift, wife and daughter,
of Brookvllle spent lust week with
relatives here.
A. R. Schlabig, of Clarksburg, In'
dlana Co., visited his parents In this
place last week.
Frank Basim, of Strattotwllle, visited
his sister, Mrs. O. H. Johnston, the
first of this week.
Robert Fergus, wife and children
spent Sunday with Bert A. Hays and
'family In Pittsburg.
Thomas Grlcks, of Barnesboro, spent
several days of last week with bis
parents in this place.
John O'Neal and wife, of Driftwood,
spent Christmas with the latter's
parents in this place.
E. C. Melzer and wife went to
Cochran, Pa., last week, where Mr,
. Melzer has employment.
Mrs. J. A. Hoon, of Johnsonburg. is
visiting her son and daughter, T. D.
Hoon and Mrs. Geo. H. Rea. - -
W. C. Reed, wife and children, of
Troutvitle, spent Christmas with Mrs.
Reed's parents In this place.
H. H. Dickey, of Derbin, W. Va.,
visited bis brother, Policeman W. P.
Dickey, in this place laet week.'
G. F. Ebers and wife, of Pittsburg,
visited the lattor's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. Montgomery, last week.
Misses Grace and Violet Peters, of
Clearfield, visited at borne of their
uncle, H. T. Peters, the past week.
Miss Elsie Musser. of Klttanniog,'
pent last week with her parents, Mr.
Mid Mrs. J. G. Musser, In this place.
Clarence H. Patterson, trbo Is em
ployed in New Kensington, spent the
.- holidays sltb his family in this place.
Marion 'Stevenson,'' of New York
City, is visiting at home of his grand
fathers' M. M. Davis and Henry Steven-
Robert Koehler visited hU sister In
Brookvllle last week.
Alex Gillespie has been visiting In
Pittsburg the past week.
Florence McNndden, of Catfish, was
a visiter In town last weok.
James Hughes, of Rathmol, went to
Charlon Monday to attend the Normal
Miss Mayhel Sutter, of Pittsburg,
visited her parents on Pleasant Avenue
last week.
Miss Nellie E. Sutter, of New Bethle
hem, visited her parents on Pleasant
Avenuo last wook.
Misses Catherine and Marthanna Ho-
ganmlller and their brother, Edward,
are vlBltlng in Pittsburg.
Miss Kate Gleason, who had been In
Colorado since last June, returned to
her home In this plane Sunday.
Miss Margaret Schullzc, an employe
In Brookvllle postofllue, spent Christ
mas with her parents In this place.
Walter B. Reynolds, Will A. Roy.
nolils and their niece, Imogen Mitchell,
of Warren, wero visitors In town last
Miss Mary Klahr, of Clarion, spent
Sunday at home of her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. L M. Simmons, in this
W. J. Weaver, who has been at Now
Brighton, Pa., for some months, spent
the holidays with his family in this
7j. S. Burkett and wife, of Vandor
grlft Heights, l'., spent the holidays
with their parents in Wlnslow, town
Harry F. Roynolds, of Now York
City, spent Christinas with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Roynolds, In this
Jarvls Williams and wife wont to
Brookville last evening to spend New
Years day with Mr. and Mrs. II. E
Mrs. H. S. Bolnap was called to Pitts
burg Saturday on account of the serious
illness of her daughtor, Mrs. O. R.
Shewirian. ,
Miss Anna Myers, teacher of mu
sic In Johnstown, who nad been visiting
her parents, went to Renovo yesterday
to visit ber sister.
Henry Hunter and bride, of Curry,
are here to attend the wedding of the
former's brother, Geo. C. Hunter, which
takes place to-day.
' J. H. Corhett went to Philadelphia
last week to see bis wife, who has been
in that city four months receiving elec
trical troatmert for rheumatism
WIUIb A. Hoon and wife and Elmer
E.' Woodward and wife, of Monessen,
visited the ladies' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. S Brewer, during the holidays.
Miss Anna Klahr, kindergarten
teacher In Norwalk, Ohio, arrived In
town Friday to visit her uncle and
aunt,1 Mr.' and Mrs. L. M. Simmons,
a fe days. ' ,,
George W. Cornmesser and wife. Mrs.
J. M. Cathers and Mrs. Riobard Ram
sey were at Garland, Pa., last week at
tending the funeral of an aunt, Mrs.
Robert Hill. .
Dr.' Harry P. Thompson and wife,
of Brookville, visited at home of latter's
parents, Mr. and MrB. J. J. Sutter, on
Pleasant Avenue Thursday. ' Family re
union that day.
Joseph Macro, student In a law school
In New York City, was In town the past
week shaking hands with old friends
Mr. Macro expects to graduate from
the law school in June.
1. M. bwartz, ramiuarjy known as
"Bobbie," returned last week from the
camp of Meadow Creek Mining Co.
gold mine near Newsome, Idaho,
where he bad boon about six months.
Mrs. A. J. Meek, who was at Cam
bridge Springs, Pa., for treatment, was
brought home Friday evening. She
is in a very critical condition and there
Is little, If any, hope of her recovering,
Stockholders' Meeting.
The regular annual meeting of the
stockholders of tbe f irst National
Bank of Reynoldsvllle, Pa.," for the
election of directors for the ensuing
year and tor tbe transaction of any
other business that may properly come
before It, will be beld In tbe Hanking
Room on Tuesday, January 14th, 1908,
at 3 00 p. m. .
K. u. sqhuckers, uatnier.
It Does the Business.
Mr. E. E. Chamberlln, of Clinton,
Maine, says of Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
'It does tbe business; I have used it for
piles and it cured them. Applied 1'
to an old sore and It healed It without
leaving a scar behind." ' 25o at Stoke
& Feicht Drug Co. drug store. -
I . . m .
I am not easy to entertain. Glllilan
entertained me thoroughly.- His is not
a city entertainment or a country en
tertainment It is a human entertain
ment and be is sure of success wherever
Altera are human hearts and a sense of
fawnor. Emerson Hough, author of
"Heart's Desire," "The Mississippi
Bubble," "The Law of the Land," eta
At Reynoldsvllle, In pubne school audi
torium, Friday evening, January 10,
Warnma In Ik. D..MI.
My son, Guy Hetmer, a minor, h
ram iuj uuum mm i iiprfnv . nam,
all persons not to harbor him, t
I will not be responsible for debts
iiiaj uuiibraub. j, riKr.MP.K.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa
Dr. Fik-1. pa-ifoir of tin- first, BHptlst
church at Franklin, in a recent sermon,
deolared that he Is going to have
congregation of men that do not go
Into a hotel, saloon or drug store for
the purpose of securing liquor. He
stated there were men In his con'
gregatlon that were guilty of such
things. Dr. Fikes said ho had more
respect for the man who went to the
bar rooms than he did for those who
patronized drug stores. Ho had su
preme contempt, for the man who
sneiiked Into a drug store to get his
ll(unr behind the proscription desk.
White pine shingles for sale at W
A. Leech's planing mill, West Reyn-
Want Column.
Rate:-One cent per word for each and
' vi unrrrMUII.
Foil 3AI.E All my household goods
win no sold cheap. Sol. Friedman.
WANTl:i)-Good girl. Inqulro .it
J HE STAItOlllue.
Lost Poeketbook betw
store and Pleasant Avenue. Reward
of 12 00 to finder returning same toTiifc
Flat to Rent Rooms Over ntnfr.RlnUa
Cu.'s store, formerly occupied by Mrs.
auong. inquire of II. Alex Stoke.
For Sale Sleigh and buicrv t. hi,...
gain. Philip Koohlor.
Foil Rent Six room house in West
Refnoldsvlllo: water and gap; (l f,0;
G O. Williams.
Foit Rent IIouso next to l'reby.
terlan parsonage on Grant street, with
huth. Inquire of II. Alex Stoke.
Foil Sale-A number of hogs at
10 cents per pound dressed. L. M
Hetrlek, R. F. D. No. 1.
Foil Sale dohmer piano at a rare
birgnln. Inquire at The Star olllce.
Foil Sale-A half dozen young
Rhode hland Red roostors. J. M.
Hays, Roynoldsvllle.
Foil Sate ChrpAi,
uuimiu iiiuv-
ing picture outfit In No. 1 condition,
with extension Inna ..,... I .., '
- ""fio ui Laiu VIHWH
and lllms to give an evening's enter
tainment. Also large Edison phono
graph, with nearly one hundred of
the best selected records.' M. C.Cole
man. '
For Samt. rSnnA
Main street at a bargain. Inquire of
ti H Blood Pupul I Cmididntn
Prothonotary Cyrus H. Blond will
be a candidate for re-nomlnatlon for
that fflO'- m', the A ikII iii'linary, and
It doesn't require much of a prophet
to predict the result Mr. Blood has
become so familiar wlih the work of
that office, Is so well acquainted with
the archives, and has been so uniformly
unliving, ihnl, ah hi' (III p r c ut, of
the voters of both purtle have nmde
up their minds that he Is doing the
public a greater favor by continuing
to serVH In that oapnnlty thiin the
voters are doing by keeping him there
Hence when Cyrus Blood Indicates
his willingness to ooutlnux to serve
as Prothonotary and Clerk of the
Courts of Jefferson county, the nam
paigu for that particular ollleo Is over.
It is a mere formality after that. It
Isn't even necessary to count he vote.
And this Is crodlttitilj both to the
Intelligence and good cltlzenphlp of
our people. When exercising the
sovereign power of selecting public
servants it Is our plain duty to pick
the best and as there Is no question
In this case we are all glad to fall
in and do the right thing Punxsu
tnwnoy Spirit.
So genuinely good was Mr. Glllilan
that his recital proved only un appetiz
er to the throng that heard dim. Hiid
Mr. and Mrs. Audience as well as the
little Audience children wanted more.
Ottumwa (la.) Courier. Public school
auditorium Friday evening. Jan. 10,
The Edison Phonograph make any
evening short. It fills i.-i hour
might otherwise lag, he wasted, or even
bo III spent. It Is A harmless, whole
some amusement maker and one that
brings out the qualities of sociability
and enjoyment.
The Edison Phonograph with Edison
Gold Moulded Records, puts In every
home the means of enjoying nearly
o,very kind of wholesome entertainment
music ranging from rag time to grand
opera, dialogues and speeches, dancing
and the general sociability that follows
a roal entortainmont. Whether It Is
for a circle of friends who have dropped
In, or for your own family circle, you
will not find any amuser so great, so
reliable or so entertaining as tha Edi
son Phonograph. Call and hear tbem
at the
Reynoldsvllle. Pennsylvania.
Wholesome, Easily Digested
Nourishing '
No preservatives ever used Commended by epicures
Recommended by physicians
, Enjoyed by everybody.
I am closing out my
entire stock of Dry
Goods and Clothing,
Ladies' and Gents'
Furnishing Goods.
If you are looking for
rare bargains, come
to my store.