The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 27, 1907, Image 5

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    Suoscnph'oii $1.00 pti ye i n ultmnce.
O.A.TI!rillilMN.Kdllui not l"ub.
KotprtMl t the .mstotllec in Keynoldsvllle
a., an nccordi'lBPf mull mutter.
40MM(!BVll.l.rill.I!PBOrKNO. tl
Have you accepted ;
this remarkable offer.
for $1.00.
In order that you may b come familiar
' by actual ine with all the tooth and
toilet preparations sold under the nam"
of SANITOL. we are authorized by the
Sanitol Chemical Laboratory Company
to make you their (reat iulrortuo ury
Offer ot teu full Biz d packages of the
following preparations for only $1 00.
The total coat of thiso len product, if
purchu d at regular prios, would be
. Sanitol Tooth Powder 25c
Sanitol Fc Cream c
Saitlol T..oth Paste 2;o
Sanitol Toilet Powd r 25o
Sanitol Tq aid Antii-eptlo -oo
Sanitol Hath Powdtr 25o
Sanitol Shaving Creme ic
Sanitol Violot-Elito Soap Zoo
Sanit-1 Tooth Brush o
Sanitol Face Powder Jao
Total Retail Price 2.70
All these for a $1.00 Bill.
re this assortment call
in order to stcu
and see ub for particulars.
fl Little of Everutninp.
A dog poisoner is working in Punxsu
tawney. Born to Mr. and Mrs. L D. Klein
hans, Nov. 21st, 1907, a son.
Have you anything to be thankful
for? You are to be pitied if you have
Turkey for Thanksgiving will cer
tainly be a luxury at the present high
A meeting of the Jefferson County
Medical Society was held In this place
Friday attornoon of last week.
A wagon load of live turkies was sold
In West Roynoldsville yesterday after--s,
noon at thirteen cents per pound.
Lawyer G. M. McDonald and Charles
Scott, hunters from this place, each
killed a deer over In Elk county last
' Senator" William T. Cox has moved
from his sirmmer residence at Sandy
Valley Into his winter residence in
this place. ,
Miss Margaret Stoke, clerk in Stoke
relent Drug uo. store, is connnea
" to her borne with a threatened attack
of appendicitis.
Forty couples attended the euchre
party given in the I. O. O. F. hall last
Knights of Columbus.
The Jefferson county teachers' Insti
tute will be held In Belvedere opera
house, Brookville, the week beginning
Monday, December 16th.
Hon. W. M. Chandler's lecture to
phi in the waWHc school auditorium
1 be a rare treat. Co earlv nnri
enjoy tbe concert Trom 8 to 8:30.
Mrs. J.. A. Parsons went to Mead
vile, Pa., yesterday to spend Thanks
giving with her son, Percy Parsons,
who is a student ia the Allegheny Col
lege. Charles 3. Bangert, founder fti the
Falls Creek Tfirald, which was es
tablished in 11892, now proprietor of
a job office In Falls Creek, was ia town
- After the 1st f January, 1908,
per cent will be added to your unpaid
county and borough taxes. Collector
Win. Copping can be found at the
City Hotel. ,
"Grit,'" -of Wllliaitsportf celebrated
its twenty-fifth anniversary Sunday by
issuing a anniversary number of 164
pages, filled with valuable material sod
artistic illustrations.
a The trouble between Revnoldsville
T u i -1 .
uurvuu u nvorai pnmrty uwners
concerning the paving of Jackson
street, betweea Seventh aad Bradford
greets, has been adjusted.
Some young mea under tbs Influence
liquor acted disgracefully at acburch
aecial held in Rathsael Saturday even
ing. Such conduct will not be tolerated
again, but the guilty parties will be
Mrs, Bridget Burns, a widow aged
70 ars, fell down stairs at home of
daughter, Mrs. Edward Pifer, In
uojisuiawaey at Saturday nigbt
and fractured her neck, but lived UDtll
tWO o'clock; Mpnday morning. . ,
Room ml O O. F. Hall Remed by ihe
Business Men's Association.
The ' R-yuoldsvlllo Ro-iness Men's
Association has decided to open up
permanent headquarters in a room on
second floor of the I. O. O F. building.
The plaeo will b f kept open day and
night and Is intended not only for
the business meetings of the association
but for social and club purposes as well.
The room is large, well healed and
furnished and in time will become a
favorite place for local business men
to spend the evening! together. It is
not intended that the room shall bo
for tho sole uoo of the memborg of the
association, but its use will b:3 freely
granted to citizens who may at any
time have tiny project for the general
welfaro of the town, for meetings of
committers or business appointments.
The executive committee held lis
first Besston there last evening.
The next meeting of the association
will ba held in the now room December
6th. Most of the property owners of
town have received a circular Invitation
to unite with the association and a
number of replies have been received
by the secretary. A few have objected
that the assessments might be too
high. It should he understood that
though tho constitution provides for a
t'nall provlsonal monthly assessment,
it is not the expectation that the
association will ever require more than
a 'fraction of the maximum amount.
No one should hesitate to enter on
this account.
Arm Amputa'ed.
Harry Pierce, aged sixteen years, son
of A. J. Pierce, of Reynoldsvllle, who
has been staying with a brother at
Gypsy, Indiana county, nvt with an ac
cident while out hunting one day last
week that made it necessary to havd
his left arm amputated above the elbow.
Harry will come to his home in this
place tho first of next week.
Took Carbolic Acid in Mistake.
Mrs. Enoch Redding, whoso maiden
name was Ryman, died at her
home in Punxsutawney last Friday
forenoon by drinking carbolic acid.
The deceased was only twenty-six
years old. She had been sick ard
despondent for several days. Is sur
vived by her husband and two small
The Methodist Episcopal choir will
give a concert in the church on Thurs
day evening of next week, December
Out of twenty-six cases on the calon
dar for the court of quarter sessions
of Jefferson county which convened
in the court house at Brookville Mon
day, all but three cases were either set
tied or continued.
Prof. S. C. Hepler will deliver his
lecture,' '"The Golden Ladder," before
the Lodge of Sorrow of the B. P.
O. E. at Apollo on next Sabbath after
noon, Dec. 1st. He will spend Thanks
giving with his family at New Bethle
Miss . Marthanna Hogenmlllsr has
been awarded a gold medal for the
creditable manner in which she com
pleted the graded course of the N.
G. C. Miss Hogenmiller is the young'
est Btudent ever awarded a gold
Tax Collector Copping gives final
warning to all delinquent taxpayers
that Saturday of this week, November
30, is tbe last day to pay 1907 taxes and
save the five per cent which will be
added thereafter. Office at tbe City
J. W. Gillespie put In an Economic
Boot Rack in bis store last week that
is tbe most convenient and greatest
floor space saving rack ever made,
It only requires (1 inch space and will
hold 84 pair of gum boots or 252 pair
of men's heavy rubbers.
Eyery patron of tbe lecture this
evening is requested to be seated be
fore 8 30, at which time the speaking
will begin. You will want to hear
Mr. Cbaodler ia order to enjoy Thanks
giving properly. (Let everybody attend
his lecture. Remember tbe proceeds
are for the benefit of the schools.
Dr. Harvey Gr me Furbay, of New
York City, will arrive in Reynotdsville
to-day and will be the guest of Dr.
W. B. Alexander until next week. It
is likely Dr. Furbay will give an
address In tbe Presbyterian church
sometime next Sunday, but it will
not be known positively until he arrives
in town.
Mrs. John Diss, known in Reynolde
vllle as Mrs. A. M. Cotton, having been
a resident of this place same years ago,
dled at her home at Frultvale, Cal.,
on 16th Inst. Deceased was tbe mother
of Mrs. Margaret Mitchell, of this
place, who was called to Frultvale
several months ago on account of the
Illness of her mother.
Miss Ella E. Seeley will have on sale
at Glllespies Saturday, Deo. 14, the
finest display of band painted china,
125 piece, post cards, fancy work,
water colors and pen drawings that
has ever been shown in Reynoldsvllle.
Creamer and sugar 11.60 a pair; olive
and jelly dishes as low as 05o. All are
Invited to come and tea them.
Un on vice To Monow.
Union Thanksgiving service will be
held at the Hnplll church at 10 30
to-morrow forenoon. U'SV. J. W. Myers
will preach the sermon.
"Lodge. of Sorrow."
The B. P. O. Ellen Lodge No. 619,
of Roynoldsville, will. hold its ''Lodgo
of Sorrow" privately In the lodge
rooms at 3 00 p. m.' next Sunday,
December 1st.
Candidate for County Commissioner.
M. C Colemnn, one of our well known
cltlz-ns who has resided here a number
of years, lias decided to be a candidate
at the primary eelctlou for tho Demo
cratic nomination for county com
missioner. Mr, Coleman will make
a strong candidate.
Why Not Hold Evening Service.
In some places Thanksgiving service
Is bold in tbe evening Instead of 10.30
a. m., the old custom. Tho morning
service Is not as well attended as it
should bo and we h-Uove If tbe time
of holding the unlou service In Roy
noldsville was changed from morning
to evening that there would ho a bettor
attendance. Why not try it next year?
Fourth Well a "Duster."
The fourth gas woll drilled by tho
Roynoldsville Industrial Oil and Gas
Co., which was located near the electric
light , power house, proved to be a
"duster" and the well has been aban
doned. Tho cimpany will have an
other well drilled, which will be tho
fifth woll. This ono will bo located
near the glass plant. The derrick and
tools will he moved immediately and
work on tho fifth well will bo started
as soon as possiblo.
Polish Celebration.
The celebration of tho Polish Union
of Amoricn, under tho directions of St.
John Baptist Branch No. 105, of Rey-
rioldsvlllo, will bring a large crowd
of Polish people to town to-morrow,
Thanksgiving D.iy. Unions from
Soldier, Rathmel, Elcanora, Adrian,
DuBois, Tjior and other pluccs will
he present. They will attend Mass
in the Catholic church at 9.00 a. m.
Thore will bo a parade sometime In
the forenoon. Two or three brass bands
have been engaged for tbe celebration.
After tho parade addresses will be
made in the Park Theatre in the Polish
and English language.
Take Your Choice.
Hon. W. M. Chandler will lecture
In the Assembly ball to-night.' As
stated in The Star last week, the
audience will be given the privilege
of selecting the subj.'ot for tho lecture
aftor assembling to-night. A request
has boon made to have Mr. Chandler
repeat the lecture ho gave here several
years ago, "The Trial of Jesus From
a Lawyer's Standpoint," but a largo
number of people do not want to bear
the lecluro the s.coiid time, henco a
vote will ba taken. Mr. Chandler has
five other lectures, "Humorous Ex
periences Abroad," "Scotland and the
Scotch," "The Master Magician," "The
Republic," "Knighthood and Chival
ry." Suffered From Blood Poisoning.
John Spencer, who resides near Lud
wick's mill, in Paradise, and is now
eighty-one years old. is recovering from
a case of blood poisoning that very
nearly ended his earthly career.
Several weeks ago Mr. Spencer accl
dently got a large sliver in the palm
of hts right hand and ho pulled out
a half inch of the splinter and thought
he had gotten it all out. When Dr
J. C. Sayers was called, five davs after
the silver bad penetrated MrySpencer's
band, be found tbe old gentleman in
a serious condition from blood Dolson
ing. The doctor found almost a half
Inch of the splinter in Mr. Spencer's
hand. There was little hoDe for
several days of the old man's life, but
the doctor pulled him through the
critical period.
m t
When the Silk Mill ytSl Resume
J. W. Emlg, superintendent of ttra
Tteynoldsville plant of the American
Silk Company, made the last meeting
or the Business Men's Association th
occasion for issuing a definite explan
ation of tbe present suspension of work
at the local mill. He gave assurance
that the company had no intention
whatever of keeping the factorv closed.
tout were forced to temporarily suspend
operations by tbe extreme stringency
of the New York monev market, ren
dering it almost impossible to get even
eaougb currency to make up the pay
rail. As an evidence of the intentloa
to resume, Mr. Emig stated the Area
had cot been drawn from the boilers
nor had any other preparation been
made tor a long shut down. Its dur-
atlon will depend entirely on tbe lossen
i ' . i . .
iiik up m me money market, and that
should aot require more than a few
weeks at most. Mr Emlg has gone
to York, Pa., to remain until affairs
assume a more favorable aspect.
Card of Thanks.
We express our sinoera thanka tn m,
fiends and neighbors for thnlr rtwm.
kindness during the death of oui bo
loved ohlld, Marlon. " i i TFT&
Mb. and Mrs. W.;H. Scwt'OARg.
Bobbers gr everybody. Blng-Stoke
Will preach the sermon at the Union Thanksgiving service in the
Baptist church to-morrow.
Found a Package of Sugar Coated Tab
lets, Ate Them and Ditd in a
Few Hours.
Sad Indued is the home of W, II.
Shugars at Hormtown because death
suddenly and unexpectedly snatched
a bright and sweet little daughter from
the homo Friday night. Nov. 22 11)07.
undor circumstances of an unusual
nature. Mr. Shugars and bis mother
live in the Bamu house, but havu
soparate apartments. Friday a sister
of Mr. Shugars, who was not will,
was in town and got biiiii i uvdlcine
in tablet form from a doctor and when
she got homo sho laid tho m-:dieli e
down with some other packages and
for the time forgot about l ho medicine.
Cora Marian, aged two years and
27 days, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Schugars, wont over to her
grandmother's Bide of the house and
unseen by any one found the box of
tablots and ate a number of tbem,
which contained something of a poison
ous 'nature. Tbe poison soon effect d
tbe child and in a few hours sho died
In convulsions.
Funeral service was held at home
of parents at 2.00 p. m. Monday, con
ducted by Rev. J. C. McEntlre, of Rey
noldsyllle, Rev. J. W. Myers, the
family pastor being out of town. In
terment was made in tho Chestnut
Grove cemetery.
Trolley Line Work Progressing.
Whon work ceased for tbe week on
Saturday on the extension of the trolley
line from Sykcsville to Big Run, the
grading and wiring had been advanced
past tho farm of Robert London, below
Kramer station, which is a little more
than half way. Although the weather
has been unfavorable a considerable
portion of the time of late, Contractor
Asa Sykes has kept the job moving, and
last week he had 101 men at work. Tho
company has a large 'gang ballasting
also, so the track laying will be but
little behind the grading, when the
heavy work Is done. Unless the winter
should tighten up very hard, the exten
sion should be ready for the public in
the second month of tbe new year. The
new line traverses a section underlaid
with coal, a large part of It holdings of
the Erie Company, and a little later on
it will become very busy and quite pop
ulous territory. DuBois Courier.
Closing Out Entire Stock.
The Cash New York Racket store
is closing out W.500 worth of stock
at 25 cents less than cost to quit bus
Trinity Lutheran church service next
Sunday: Preaching at 11 00 a. m. and
7.30 p.m. Luther League at 8 30 p. m.
If you want pure maple sap syrup for
your cakes Thanksgiving go to Robin
son & Muodorffs. Also sell tbe blended
maple and cane.
Xmas neckwear at Milllrens.
Are you from "Missouri?" Want to
be shown this is the only department
store in town? Come in, wo will show
you. Blng-Stoke Co.
The best store to buy ladles' and
misses coats Is -at Horwitz's in the old
opera bouse building. You get the
same goods at one-third less than tbe
price you pay elsewhere.
Men's housecoats fur Xmas at Mil
Ureas. Cards of thanks and obituary poetry
are charged for at rate of 6 cents per
Winter shirts at Milllrens.
Ladles,' misses' and children's wool
and fleeced undorwear. Blng-Stoke
C. C. Bensooter. Esq.. of Brookville.
was in town yesterday afternoon.
Fellowcraft and Ralston Health shoes
for men. 13 60 and U.00. Blng-Stoke
An Active Representative.
Mr. Editor: It ee"ms to me that a
ijglslator who u-presenls his constitu
ency faithfully, energetically and Intel
ligently i-h('iild bii commended for so
doing Such a representative is the
Hon. lu.vior North, who performed
his duty honestly Htd was one of the
men who came to tho front at Harris-
bin g," accord liiK-to an article" in tho
Phllnd itphiu iVttw of May, 15, 1907. By
reurlinu thut. nnn .. u .
..m . , ... . ., ullP , ,u ntM trui u runb
outsiders ililnk ( him. It reads:
There nre a score of members of the
house who have been active in their
own way, even if not so conspicuously
on tne tiring ,lne. They are men of
rugged honesty who have exerted a
quiet influetcu on tho general work of
the bouse." Among those named is
North of Jefferson. He was not afraid
of work, knew bow to work and did
work us a member of the legislature for
every measure that was good and hon
est and right and against all others.
His training has fitted him for the
state senate, his ability to fill he po
sition with credit to himself and his
constituency is unquestioned, bis faith
fulness in tho past is ample proof of bis
Integrity. He is without doubt the
man Tor the p ace, and I believe a great
majority of the voters of this district
will Bhow by their votes that they think
so too. Voter.
Meanest Thief in the Bunch.
Editor The Stak: We all do a great
deal of kicking against the party that
charges us exborbltant prlcos for food
stuff, und rightfy, too, but the meanest
thief in tho buuch Is the crook who
soils us short weight or measure.
Bunco steering, fllmflaming and bur
glary are respectable In comparison
wi'h the miserable snoak thief tbat
short weighs or measure our goods.
When they are detected they should
not only be exposed and imprisoned,
but they should be put up in some
public place and placarded for forty
olght hours to warn tbe public in tbe
future against them. A Kicker.
Letter List,
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Roynoldsvillr., Pa., for
week ending Nov. 23, 1907.
A. Capoliuo, Ira H. Dickey, Mrs.
Jessie Hoffman, John Hanes, T. Hart,
Sam Keavey, James Martin, Miss Nan
nie Maiooey, H. L. Snyder, C. E.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E C. Burns. P. M.
A Significant Prayer.
"May the Lord help you make Buck
len's Arnica Salve known to all," writes
J. G. Jenkins, of Chapel, N. C. It
quickly took the pain out of a felon for
me and cured it in a wonderfully short
utno. liest on earth for sores, burns
and wounds. 25c. at Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co. stores, Reynoldsvllle and
Trading Stamps Redeemed.
Having discontinued giving trading
viU,s wun eacn purchase we are
redeeming all books and parts of books
at tnelr actual value. Millirens,
Tho Clothiers
Trunk and suit cases at Milllrens.
Dorothy Dodd and Gold Medal shoes
for women, 2 50, 13 00, $3.50 and 14.00.
Blng-Stoke Co.
Think a minute. What
Overcoat, suit. hat. shoe, shirt f.
gloves, underwear, hosiery or dress
goods? We have 'em. Blng-Stoke Co.
See tbs $1.00 underwear for UA
at Milllrens.
Men's boy's and children's overcoats
at low prices at A. KatxeuV
Tbe best stora- to buv ladles' and
misses' ooats is at Horwlti's in thn old
opera house building. You eet tha
same goods at one-third less than the
price you pay elsewhere.
New winter bats and ran it Mil.
Hon. H. I Wilson for Senate.
Fur three years Hon. Henry I. Wilson,
of this placed has been urged by bis
u line p-'oplo to b.'come u candidate for
t le olllue of Statu Senator, umLiJte
c msldering the matter, ho bus ilffled
to enter the raco and win conduct an
aotivo campaign at the proper time.
Vr. Wilson's candidacy "Will appeal
-.iiO'.igly to all who are in favor of
electing a young, clean, energulio and
trained man to represent ibis dis
trict in the State Senate. Ho is the
i-on of a Pennsylvania veteran of the
Civil War; a graduate of the 'NVellsboro
High School and Warner's Elmira
Business College; studied law with M. F. Elliott, ono of tho best
lawyers Pennsylvania ever produced; had fifteen years of active legal
practice at this point; served one year
in the House of Representatives, Ses
sion of 18110, and made a clean record;
tilled the position known as "ono of
tbe most exacting and hardest jobs
on the hill" Journal Clerk (Secretary)
of .tho State Senate during the last
session with great credit, never causing
the Senate a deluy for him to make
up recordt; has a personal acquaintance
with the Governor, Lieut. Governor,
and all the Senators; and uhovo all,
has a technical knowledge of the rules
and legislative practice in the Senate
equal to any member in it. His friends
claim that by reason of hl6 stundlng
and training he should bo the logical
candidate. It is seldom that Big Run
presents a candidate for any county
ollice, Mr. Wilson being about the only
man pushed forward since the -place
bt-came a borough In Wi". It must
be 'agreed that our claims have been
very medest.
Keep your cjt s on our mar. He will
conduct a vigorous clean-cut campaign;
will hold meetings in various places
in tho district and will call upon the
people to publicly question him as 10
his qualifications and his position on
the Important Issues soon to be met.
Big Run Tribune.
With Your Friends at Frank's New
Tavern. Special Menu Prepared. .
As has been the custom in the past, a
s cially attractive menu will be placed
K tore the gueels at tbe Thanksgiving
dinner at Frank's Tavern, in ReynoldB
villo, and will be served at tbe low price
of 50 cents. The following menu will
give an Idea of the to ilh-omo delicacies
awaiting you to morrow :
(iihlet Soup
Celery Hutted Nuis Loituce
Housl Buckling IMu Cranberry Sauce
Oynter Patties
Barbecued Kuhblt
Enplish Plum Pudding-Brandy Sauce
RoHHt Killer. Hoef A mo Um M uslirooms
Frenrh I'Cit Hltred '.'iKuiubcrs
ItoHst Vermont Turkey Oyster Killing
Brown Swofil and Miiflhfsa roiutoes
A)l Mlmv and l'uinpkln Pie
f-ttu'A "t-ny Ice O-eum '
AswrU'd l ake Ki ults
Hei kliiK'rClie--c .T. T Crackers
. Tec Milk Mi .
Enthusiastically Received.
Mr. L'.Oau! Poc.,' rendering of
;David Garrick" w,,- oi'wl.entbsias
tically rcccked by iho faculty and
students ol Bowdoin College. His
nncrsonation of character, without
tbe accessories of scenery and cast,
is the quintessence of art. Inciden
tally, through canful sil.ictlon of
sentiments and situation to be rep
resented,' Mr. Powers leaves behind
valuable moral impressions which can
never be oblitered. Wm. Dewitt
Hyde, President of Bowdoin College.
At teachers' institute, Brookville,
Wednesday evening, December 18,
Public Sale
Take notice that there will be sold at
auction to the highest Udder at the
corner of Main and Fourth streets, In
the borough of Reynoldsvllle. county of
JefTeron and State of Pennsy lvania, on
Friday, the 29th day of November, 1907,
commencing at 3 o'clock p. m., the fcl
ioing stocks:
Two shares of stock iu the American.
Silk Company.
Twenty-five shares t-l stock in the.
Reynoldsvllle Real Estate Co.
Thirty-three rharen ef stock io the
Reynoldsvllle Woolen Co.
For account of vhom ii.ui.iy concern..
' Meeting of Hotel Keepers.
There will be a general meeting of
the hotel keepers and all those engaged
in the manufacture and eale of liquors
in Clarion, Elk, Jefferson. Indiana and
Clearfiold counties in the P. O. S.
of A. hall at Reynoldsvllle on Friday
afternoon, Nov. 29tb, 1907, at one
o'clock. All persons interested in per
sonal liberty should attend.
J. O. Edelblute, Secretary.
Men's raincoats at Milllrens.
For men's boys' and children's cloth
ing at low prices go to A. Katzen's.
LaVogue coats for ladies, the stan
dard styles. Blng-Stoke Co.
J. O. Johns, merchant tailor, next
door to National hotel.
For a good cup of coffee at nanle
price we can furnish the material. We
have no competition in price on coffee.
Robinson & Mundorff, grocers.
Go to A. Katzen's for underwear
for the whole family; best quality for
low priees.
Stylish olothes for bov. Made TV
stand the racket. Bing-Stoke Co.