The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 20, 1907, Image 1

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    VOLUME 16
Notary Public, Stenographer
, - Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
" 1217-1229 Filbert Btreet.
'A Square from Everywhere''
'" Special automobile nervli-e for our im-tH.
Stunt-seeing; and tnarinn cur. Kuom 0
per day and up. The only mixtarutn priced
hotel of repututlon und consequence In
Capital, Surplus and
Profits J1 2 0,000.00
Because of Its long experience, high character of it directors, extensive
connections and perfect equipment, this bank U eminently fitted to give
Its customers prompt and intelligent service.
Semiannual interest allowed and compounded on Savings Accounts from
date of deposit, having most liberal withdrawal privileges. ,
Your Business Respectfully Solicited.
Open Saturday Evenings 7.80 to 8.30.
The First National Bank
Capital and Surplus
J.O. Kino. Vlce-Pres.
J. 0. KlnR Daniel Nolan
J. S. Hammond
John H. Xacchkr, Pres.
John H. Kaucher
Henry C. Deible
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking;
I l.i i mmmmnTKmm faM
Style, which is
Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Psoriasis or Ulcen
Ibai has baffled all doctors kill aid othw
Dr. Taylor's
Eczema Remedy
will positively cure It the worat kind C
cate or no pay. Sold by
Fur Mil by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
Ask for 1r.e Illustrated booklet, j
Resources $500,000.00
Established 1ST
14. (J. Schuckers, Onahler
John H. Corbet
R. II. Wilson
2: -xiLi, ZSabrni
The manufacturers of Cloth
craft Qothes were the first ones
to make to advertise and to
guarantee all-wool clothes.
Doing so fully three years
before any other manufacturer
in the country.
They were ahead of the pttv
cession then as now.
Suits - $10 to $25
Overcoats $10 to $25
Made in New York
protect our customers from
tution by selling Clothes
ine uenjamm Label.
Try as they may, all that other
can offer is a weak
imitation of that
Correct. Npw Vrrlr
- wav.TT V 4a
characteristic of every
Suit or Overcoat.
Correct Clothes for Men
M. J. Farrell spent Sunday 'n New
Miss Elvea Coleman visited in Brook
ville Saturday.
Miss Ruth Stiles spent Saturday and
Sunday in Clarion.
E. D. Davis and wife visited In
Clarion county the past week.
Archie Huntington and wife, of
BowersvtUe, are visiting in town.
G. M. Brown, of Washington, Pa,
has been visiting in town the past
Mrs. John Fink, of Clarksburg,
Indiana Co , has been visiting in town
a few days.
Corbett Graham, who was in Phila
delphia several weeks, returned to this
place Monday.
Miss Helen . Seeley visited her
brother, T. L. Seeley, In DuBois the
the past week.
Rev. J. W. Myers visited in Johns
town, Pittsburg and Beaver county,
Pa., last week.
D M. Gearhart and son, Solomon,
of DuBois, were visitors at W. H.
Yount'a over Sunday. . "
A Katzen and daughters, Misses
Edith and Pauline, visited in DuBois
the firt-t of this week.
Elmer and Warren Moore, of Corsica,
visited their brother; W. Harry Moore,
In this place last week.
Mrs. J. T. Campbell, of New Bethle
hem, visited her sister, Mrs. C. S.
Artuagost, the past week.
Harry McGrody, of Pittsburg, visited
his father, George McGrody, on Jack
son street the past week.
Mlsf-ea Mary and Ethel McCrelght
have been visiting Mrs. C. H. Almen
at Vnndergrift the past week.
James M. Pence and wife, of Leather
wood, visited the former's Bister, Mrs.
C. S. Armagost, the past week.
John Marsh, of Punxsutawney, visited
his daughter, Mrs. T. D. Brewer, in
West Reynoldsvllle the past week.
Mrs. Samuel Ressler left here Satur
day to visit a sister at Johnsonburg,
Pa., and another at Jamestown, N. Y.
The Edison Phonograph
Is Like riagic.
We think it is wonderful when we
read about a magician who oan pour out
of a bottle any kind of wine that may be
asked for champagne for one, sherry
tor another and so on. How muoh more
wonderful then that a single Instrument
can pour out at will any kind of music
that anyone may want! Yet such an
instrument is the Edison Phonograph
with Edison Gold Moulded Records in
vented by the great American wizard,
Thomas A. Edison. By simply chang
ing a record you can have any music
you want, from a magnificent aria by
one of the world's greatest song birds
to an Irrt sUtlhly funny rag-time coon
song. It does each- equally well and
plitHM gHverybody who hears it.
You should have one and you can buy
it of ui
Reynoldsvllle, Pennsylvania.
that bear
Exclusive Agent Here.
Milliren Bros.
Reynoldsvllle, Pa. '
A. H. Flemin-f Is at Heathville to
day. Miss Jessie Shannon spent Sunday
in Punxsutawney.
Nelson Goodhlle. of Erie, was in "own
on business last week.
, Grant Rhoads was In Pittsburg the
latter part of last woek.
G. W. Miller, of Big Run, had
business In town Monday.
George Mellinger and wife are visit
ing in Kittanning this week.
Daniel King, of Pittsburg, spent
Sunday at bis home In this place.
John Robertson, of Evans C'ty, Pa.,
was a visitor in town over Sunday.
Mrs. H. P. G6arhart, of Bellwood,
Pa., is visiting Mrs. A. M. Applegate.
Charles J, Kah, of New Bethlehem,
Is visiting Etenry Priester In this place.
Irven Dempsey, of Oak Rld?e, was
a visitor in town the first of this week.
Mrs. William Anderson, of Adrian
Furnace, was a visitor In town yester
day. v.
Mrs. M. Jr- Farrell and daughter,
Miss Ellav returned Monday from a visit
In New Castle '
Mrs. B. M. Dunsmore returned
SaturdayJjrojn a two weeks' visit at
S tne th port, Pa. '
Miss Florence Parrish, student in
Clarion Normal, spent Sunday at her
home in thlailaee.
Mrs. J. T. feuthrle went to Pittsburg
last week to spend a couple of weeks
with her sister.
MrB. Hannah Prescott returned Sat
urday from a visit in Punxsutawney
and other places. i
Mrs. Smith McCrelght, of Burgetls
town. Pa., ,is visiting her daughter,
Mrs. Andrew Wheeler, In this place.
Mrs. J. L. Test will go to Tawas City,
Mich., this week to spend the winter
with her daughter, Mrs. G. Allen Pres
cott. .
Miss Maude Meek was in Punxsu
tawney Thursday night to see the art
exhibit in the publio school building
at that place.
Mrs. Benjamin Osborn, of Summer
vllle, and Mrs. Ambrose Crates, of
Crates, Pa., were guests of, Mrs. P.
T. Shannon the past week.
Mrs. J. F. Mohney, of Sligo, who
was called here last week to attend
the funeral of her nephew, Fred Cald
well, returned home Friday.
Mrs. W. B. Cochran and son, Stuart
LeMoyne, are visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Hauck. Mr.
Cochran spent Sunday here.
Rev. Henry Madtes, pastor of Punx
sutawney Baptist church, and Rev. M.
E. Hare, of DuBois,. were guests of Dr.
A. J. Meek in this place Monday.
Mrs. James Haggerty, of Vowlnkel,
Clarion Co., and Mrs. Peter Schwartz,
of Brookville, visited C. J. Kerr and
brother in this place the past week.
Mrs. V. R. Pratt spent several days
of the past week with her daughter,
Miss Maude Pratt, at Meadville, where
Miss Pratt is a student' In the Alle
gheny College. '
Dr. J. A. Meek was at Greenville,
Clarion county, Friday night preaching
the ordination sermon for Rev. A.
Wissinger, who was ordained as a
Baptist minister that night.
Mrs. Mary Jackson, who was visiting
in Allegheny, Charleroi, Washington
Co., Pa., and at Warren, Ohio, three
months, has returned to home of her
daughter, Mrs. H. Alex Stoke, in
this place.'
A Hard Debt to Pay.
' I owe a debt of gratitude that can
never be paid off," writes G. S.Clark,
of Westfield, Iowa, "for my rescue from
death, by Dr. King's New Discovery.
The ominous dry, hacking cough quit
before the first bottle was used, and
two more bottles made a complete
cure." Nothing has ever equalled New
Discovery for coughs, colds and all
throat and lung complaints, Guaran
teed by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. drug
gists, Reynoldsvllle and Sykesville.
60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Is due in a large measure to abuse
of the bowels, by employing drastic
purgatives. To avoid all danger, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills, the safe,
gentle cleansers end lnvigorators.
Guaranteed to cure headache, bilious
ness, malaria, and jaundice, at Stoke
& Feicht Drug Co. store, Reynoldsvllle
and Sykesville. 25c.
Appreciation mako stupid people
brighter, homely ones loss homely,
the clumsy less clumsy, the diffident
self-possessed. It need not bo given
in words; tones are often sufficient,
even glances or gestures will convey
ample meaning to sensitive bouIs. Try
a few words of genuine approval upon
the most stupid person of your ac
quaintance and note the effect, it
will surprise you; try it on a woman
who knows that she is plain and un
attractive and mark how her eyes
will brighten, her choeks flush and
her face light up with something akin
to beauty. Try it on a man who lays
out your walks or hoes your oorn and
see what consciousness It will awaken
In him. There is that in all of us
that responds quickly to the voice of
eulogy and longs for It. The man
dead to this is dead to every noble
Closing Out Entire Stock.
The Cash New York Racket store
Is closing out 14,600 worth of stock
at 25 cents less than cost to quit business.
Take your sick watches to Hoffman's
hospital. Cure guaranteed.
Dorothy Dodd and Gold Medal shoes
for women, 12 50, 13 00, 8.1.50 and $4.00.
Blng-Stoke Co.
Don't miss the closing out sale of
14,500 worth of goods at the Cash New
York Racket Store. All goods must
be sold. Going to quit business.
For a thorough examination of your
eyes by the most scientific methods,
try Dr. Gibson. See his ad and dates
in this paper.
Don't pay your money In advance to
tramp opticians when you can get bet
ter work for less money at home. Work
guaranteed; brioe reasonable. Call and
tell us about your eyes. C. F. Hoffman,
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
Fob Sale Twenty-eight six weeks
old pigs. Inquire at HUlis & Co.'s
furniture store.
Lost Pair of eyeglasses between
Jackson st. and Presbyterian church
Finder return to Star office.
Wanted Sewing. Wllda Williams.
For Sale Sohmer piano at a rare
bargain. Inquire at The Star office.
Lost Bunoh of keys between Fifth
and Seventh streets. Finder leave at
Star office.
For Sale Two cows. Joseph Mo
Kernan. For Rent Modern brick house. In
quire of D. H. Young, cor. Grant and
For Sale A - half dozen young
Rhode Island Red roosters. J. M.
Hays, Reynoldsvllle.
For Sale Six room house, barn and
lot 60 x 150 feet on Hill St. Inquire
of E. Neff.
For Sale Good property on East
Main street at a bargain. Inquire of
E. Neff.
i s
We have the best home g
made Mince Meat in g
$ town. A trial is all $
you need to be con-
Hunter & Milliren
f Meat Market. 5
f '
HovAboutthaiiJMi Im
Are his feet dry V Just the lime of year they should be dry.
Buy him a pair of Burley & Slums high or low tops, carried
by us. We are showing an unlinud shoe for boys, made of
Kangaroo, with hand-nailed bottom. Our Mud shoo for boys
is a winner. We never showed a bitter variety of Men's and
Women's fine footwear. . '
SOMETHING NEW A Ladies' Foothold put up in a rubber
lined bag. Can bo carried in pocket or pooket-book. Prici 75c.
Nolan, t
In thequallty inglasses as in
shoes or clothing, but 'after all
the !ruti vhIuo consists in hav
ing th Ions",, mado to meet . the
needs i f the Pie, which only the
skilkcl optician can Miccessful
ly do. I will have all the ap
pliances needed, for good work
and will meet all pontons need
ing such at Brookville. Novem
ber 10 und 18 and al Imperial
Hotel, Reynoldsvllle, Nov. 21.
Practical Optician.
Are sweet to old or young, especially
when swapped between the sexes. But
boy or girl, young man or maid, old man
or matron are equally fond of tho sweet
"Kisses" which are u prominent feature
in our Confections. Chocolates, Bon
bons, and all' the popular kinds are
made daily by us, and done up In neat
and handsome boxes for the home, or
for the borne of your best girl. Here's
a bint for you, young man. The best
way to earn "her" kUses is to take
her some of ours.
Here are some of the
important things -you
want in your
repair work of watch,
clock and jewelry
repairing :
Best of Workmanship
Best Material.
Right Prices.
Prompt Service.
All these you can get
when you leave your
work with
Gooder, the jeweler,
in the Peoples
National bank
ho Shoe Man.