The Best Oil doesn't come from a tank wagon. Exposure and much handling spoilt, it. Family Favorite Oil The Best for Illuminating. It a clear, colorless, odorless oil that it served by your 'dealer to you directly from the original barrel. Just like buying Irom the refinery. Safe and burnt out dry to the latt drop. Will not smoke chimneys or char wicks. Speak to your dealer about It. WAVERLY OIL WORKS Oils for AH Independent Refinert Booklet Purposes PITTSBURG, PA. scat Frn mntmrnmnimmmiiimmmfflimiimffltiinmimmtng 1 Closing Out all Summer 1' Goods at Less than Cost. 1 & ' B S Dotted Swiss, 25, now 17c. Dotted Swiss, 20, now 14c. :3 SX: Dotted Swiss, was 20c, now 14c. S Figured Batiste, was 15 and 18c, now 10c. ' j j , Figured Batiste, I2V2C, now 8c. 3 5 Figured Batiste, 10c, now 6c. s C: Ladies' Dressing Sacques, 50c, now 39c. 3 j Ladies' Hose 9c. Children's Hose, broken lots 15 and -3 S - 18c, now 10c. 3 5 Men's Dress Shirt9, 50c, now 35c. Men's Dress Shirts, :5 S $1.00, now 75c? ' 3 g Men's Summer Underwear, 22 cents. S Men's Pants, 75 cents. Men's $1.50 Pants for 95c. :3 - S Can't quote prices on all goods, but everything re- S duced proportionately to prices quoted. S N.HANAU. 1 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BULLETIN. . - BALTIMORE OLD HOME WEEK. Maryland is sending invitations to her eons and daughters scattered everywhere to come to a grand reunion, and is mak. ing extensive preparations to give them when they come, a week of right royal entertainment. New Baltimore, sprung Phoenix-like from the ashes of the fire of 1904, will make of Old Home Week, October 13 to 19, one continual round of patriotic and civic display. EHlj9 There will be an electrical pageant, a magnificent military and naval display, a gathering of patriotic societies, a parade and ball by the fraternal orders, a big concert and a night car nival. There will be also a special pilgrimage to Annapolis on "Peggy Stewart Day," Saturday, October 19, when visitors will have an opportunity to inspect the magnificent new buildings of the United States Naval Academy and the remod eled State House so full of historic associations. "t12 The Homecomers will have the advantage of specially low railroad rates. The Pennsylvania Railroad will sell excursion tickets to Baltimore October 12 to 14, good for return passage until October 21, inclusive, from all stations on its lines north and east of Shrewsburg, Principio, and Port Deposit, at a con siderable reduction from the regular faret Every former Marylander whose address is known will re ceive a special invitation, issued by Governor Warfield, and the entire week will thrill with the hospitality for which the Old Line State is so famous. For exact rate3, conditions of tickets, and train service, consult nearest Ticket Agents. , P I T T S B U R G EXPOSITION The season's on the wane Closing Night, Oct. 26 MUSICAL ATTRACTIONS FOR OCTOBER UNITED STATES MARINE BAND - President Roosevelt's own Sept. 30 Oct. 5 MEXICAN BAND Mexico's Official Musical 60 October 7-12 DAMROSCH and his peerless musicians closes the season, Oct. 14-26 BOSTOCK'S ANIMAL ARENA Includes 100 of the most farocioua beasts in captivity Show la entirety brought here from Parit Twice at large at latt year. NEW NEW NEW SEE 'EM Floral Hall, Package Express) Demonstration, Electrical Illusion, Pharaoh's Daughter, Theatorium, Moring Picture, Ferris Wheel, Merry-go-round, Coffees Packing Machine, Pony Track, Toboggan. NEW MUSIC HALL Seating Capacity Increased; Improved Acouttict; New Stage; Largest in Western Pennsylvania. - a ADMISSION 25c ' EXCURSIONS ON ALL RAILROADS. Ask your ticket agtnt akeoi thssj .JOB WORK of all kinds promptly done at . ' x THE STAR OFFICE. E ATE (Great Treat When Damrosch and New York Symphony Or chestra Appear With but a couple of weeks mora Of the nineteenth season of the Pitts burg Exposition, comes the announce ment that Walter Damrosch and the New York Symphony orchestra will please thousands of Western Penn sylvanlans next week with a most magnificent Bet of programs for the afternoon and evening concerts. Dam rosch has always been one of the most favored conductors who visits Pittsburg. Ha lias been one of the largest drawing cards and v. I n pleasing personality and unexcelled ability, always satisfies. The New York symphony orchestra has never before In its history been In finer fettle. Thanks to Mr. Damrosch's energy and persistency and to his eunquettloaabl skill as a director, the organization has been brought to its highest state of efficiency and it is doubtful if it has its equal in America. It is the only or chestra that keeps in rehearsal the year round, over 300 concerts having been the remarkable record of 1906 07. Ferullo, who was the conductor of the Ellery band heard at the Exposi tion last year and who is one of the greatest leaders in the country from an artistic and musical standpoint, is at the Exposition this week and Judg ing by the popularity of his mothods last year he will have crowds every afternoon and evening. Ferrullo is at the head of his own band this year, a band which has taken t!:a west by storm during the past six months. . The Exposition closes on Saturday night, October 26, but for the remain ing days everything possible is being done to give the , thousands upon thousands of visitors more entertain ment with each succeeding day. The excursions which are being run to Pittsburg from all points in West ern Pennsylvania, Eastern Ohio and West Virginia, with one fare for the round trip, are attracting thousands and thousands of out-of-town people to the Smoky City. On Thursdays these excursions are run on all of the roads entering Pittsburg. On Wednesdays and Saturdays special excursions from certain points are run. The ticket agents at all stations are thoroughly posted as to time of trains leaving for the Exposition and all of them have been supplied with admission tickets for the Expo, . which can be purchased before leaving for the City, thus saving time and trouble in lining up at the ticket windows of the big show, where there are usually im mense crowds. . During the remaining few days of the great Exposition the one Ex position of the world which has stood for' nineteen years and shows - in creased attendance each year the many novelties which throng the main building, machinery ball and the grounds surrounding them will be the mecca for every Exposition visitor. The Bostock animal arena Is one of the most popular of the side at frac tions. In fact, the Bostock show is an Immense show In Itself. The arena contains over 150 of the finest trained anlmalg in the world animals which have been imported from the African Jungles from the interior pt the far off countries by Frank C. Bostock and after being thoroughly trained, placed in the arena in Pittsburg and forming one great show. Consul, the little chimpanzee, is having the time of his life In Pitts burg and has been taken out into society during the past few days. On last Thursday he represented Africa in the Firemen's parade, having been equipped with a fireman's hat. an axe, etc., and given a ride In the parade over the streets of the two cities. Many essays are being received by the Exposition management from school children of Western Pennsyl vania on "Indra, the Sacred Elephant from Slam," which is on exhibition this year. Prizes are being offered for the, best essays, all school children Run-down Feople NeedVINOL the modern strength creator and body builder Many people right here in this vi cinity are all run down and hardly 'able to drag about don't know what ails them. "Such people need Vino), our cod liver preparation without oil. which contains in a. highly concentrated form all of the medicnal and strength, creating elements of cod liver oil ac tually taken from fresh coda' livers, but from which the useless oil la eliminated and tonic Iron added." We ask every man, woman and child in thla vicinity who la run down, tired and debilitated to try Vlnol on our offer to return money It It fails. Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. being eligible to contest. There are myriads of other fun and Instructive devices to be seen on an afternoon or evening at the -Exposition, including the Floral Hall coffee packing machine, rural package de livery, "Pharaoh's Daughter," tuber culosis exhibit, Tacoma display, merry-go-round, Ferris wheel, pony track, roller coaster, etc. What is difficulty? Duly 11 word in dicating the tlesjroe of strength requi site fur nn.-onili pin t ic-iMn r ob jects; a mere notice of the necessity for exertion; n lit!glienr to children 11 1 it 1 fools; only n mere stimulus to meii. Samuel Warren. I A Good Motto. j It Is only the tliln';l:i 111:111 wlv yny.t ' things worthy of ntleviMici'. Somi tit Ik the livelong dry, yet s:iy nnlhiri! I Hung this mot!') on tin1 will or mem 017. "Rpetik little; uny much. Why She Laupld. Nell Sin- :'!v.-i; t r"i -it lilm r and yet he I n't 11. 1 Y: ''"!Y I No. but ! ' "Ho-p s !m IhmiiI th '.t he I hriil. reiunrki i! owe t'.wt he :nl:.iiiv ' j her teeth , I The Headaches of Growing Girls No medicine in these troubles gives the same splendid results that Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills dor I If there to any time In a glrl'a life when she needs watching mid care It Is during the early yeais of her life. The rapid growth and changes that occur and the strnln of school duties all call for additional strength. Dr. A. W. Chnse realized this and met the re quirements of the condition with his un equuled nerve uno? general tonic. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Fills, and to prove their great value In ruch we give you the statement of Mrs. Geo. Shutz, 47 Fair St., New Philadelphia, Ohio, who snys: "Dr. A. W, Chase's Nerve Pills are nn excellent medicine. My little girl wim so run down she had to stay out of school nervous headaches and nervousness as well at general weakness was her trouble. The medicine built her up finery, cured the nervousness and headaches gave ater strength and enabled her to return to her studies. I have used them my self as well, and find them an excellent nerve and general tonic." 60c a box at all dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medi cine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by Siokt & Ft ii b' Ditfc Ci Here are some of the important things you want in your repair work of watch, clock and jewelry . repairing : Best of Workmanship Best Material, Right Prict e. Prompt Service. All these you can get when you leave your work with Gooder, the jeweler, in the Peoples National bank building. "PJXECUTOtt'S NOTICE. Estato of Matilda Kllngensmith, ceased. De- Notice Is hereby given that letters of ad ministration In the above named estate have heen granted to the undersigned. All per sons I ndebled to ilia said estate are requested to niHke payment,, and those having clnlmg or demands against the same will make tbem known without delay to the undersigned. Smith M. MkCrriuht, KeynoldsviUe, Pa, Executor. Sent. U, 1WIT. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Estate of Mrs. Mathilda Burge, late of B trough of West Roynoldsville, di-coa-ed. Notice Is hereby given that letters of ad ministration In the above named estate bave been granted to the undersigned. All per sons Indebted to the saM estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will make them known without delay to the undersigned. Mhs. MARTlSnArraH, 8. M. McCrelght, . Executrix. Attorney. 8ept.lJ,l0i. Horseshoeing, Black smithing and General Repair Work of all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty. All work neatly done. Give me a trfal. Shop on Willow alley. E. C. REED Little Willie Is running to JTv-' tell 'de gang' about the big .4, Hallowe'en masquerade and carnival at Reyooldsville. Reunoldsville Ordinances. (ORDINANCE NO. 127) AN ORDINANCE establishing the grade of the side or foot walk on both sides of Hill street from the east side of Flynn alley on the west to the west tlde of Seventh street, where said Seventh street crosses said Hill street on the east: also Axing the material 'to be used in the construction of said side or foot walks when laid, rclald or repa'red, and fixing the width thereof. Sec. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the town council of the borough of Reynoldsville, Pa., and It is hereby or dained and enacted by authority of the same, tbat the grade for the side or foot walks on the north and south sides of Hill street, In said borough, from the east side of Flynn alley on the weBt to the west side of Seventh street, where said Seventh street crosses said Hill street on the east, be, and the same Is hereby established as follows: NORTH SIDEWALK. Beginning at northwest corner of Seventh and Hill streets, at an elevation of 202 feet as grade, thence along Hill street 50 feet at a falling grade of 14 per cent; thence 25 feet at a falling grade of 10 per cent; thenoe 30 feet at a falling grade of 8 08 per cent; thence SO feet at a falling grade of 5.30 per cent; thence 39 feet to the east side of Sixth etreet at a fulling grade of 5 per cent; thence across Sixth street 40 feet at a rising grade of 1.12 per cent; thence 100 feet at a rising grade of 4.49 per cent: thence 50 feet at a rising grade of 2 04 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 4 40 per cent; thenoe 50 feet at a falling grade of 11.62 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 13,(10 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 12.74 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of If) 24 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 23 90 per cent; thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 21.42 per cent; tbence 11(1 feet to East side of Fifth street at a falling grade of 18 per cent; thence across Fifth street 50 feet at a failing grade of 10.96 percent; thence 50 fee) at a falling grade of 5.44 per cent; thence 60 feel at a falling grade of 3 94 per cent; thence 150 feet at a falling grade of 2.93 rir ct. ; thenoe 60 ft. at a falling grade of 80 per cent; thence 100 feet at a falling grade of 1.20 per cent; tbence 80 feet level; thence 137 6 feet to east side Fourth 9treet at a rising grade of 8 80 peret ; tbence across Fourth st. 40 ft. at a rising grade of 2 95 per cent; thence 249 feet at a rising grade of 10 per cent; thenee 50 feet at a rising grade of 9 02 per cent; thence 50 feet at a rising grade of 7.98 per cent; tbence 38 feet to east side of Fine Alley, at a rising grade of 5.63 per cent; thence across Pine Alley 16 feet at a rising grade of 3 5 per cent; thence 100 feet at a ris ing grade of 6.80 per cent; thence 50 feet at a rising grade of 8.18 per cent; thenee 35 feet to east side of 'Third street at a rising grade of 8 per cent; thenee across Third Btreet 40 feet at a rising grade of 10.27 per cent; tbence 83 feet at a rising grade of 7.37 per cent; thenee 50 feet at a rising grade of 7.10 per cent; thence 50 feet at a, rising grade of 3 44 per cent; thence 60 feet at a rising grade of 1 02 per cent; tbence 75 feet to east side of Alley at a falling grade of 0.50 per cent. SOUTH SIDEWALK. Beginning at the southwest corner of Seventh and Hill streets, at an elevation of 196.32 feet as grade; tbence along Hill Btreet 60 feet at a falling grade of 11.16 per cent; thence 25 feet at a falling grade ot 10.96 per cent; thence 25 feet at a falling grade of 9 per cent; tbence 30 feet at a falling grade of 7.36 per cent; tbence 59 feet to east side of Sixth streetat tailing grade ot 5.50 per eeat; thenee across Sixth etreet 40 feet at a tailing grade of 7 30 per cent; thenoe 100 feet at a rising grade of 2 54 per cent; tbence 50 feet at a falling grade of 1 per cent; tbence 60 feet at a falling grade of 1 40 per cent; thence 60 feet at a falling grade of 5.80 per ceni; thence 50 feet to east side of Coal alley: at a falling grade of 10.22 per cent; tbence 50 feet at a falling grade of 11.35 per cent: thence 50 feet at a falling grade of 18 per cent; thence 50 feel at a falling graie of 20 44 per cent; thenoe 50 font at a falling israrle of Ifl M(i per cent; thence 1 lit feet to eust sldn of Flfvb etreet at a tailing grade of 17 (10 per cent; tbence across Fifth street 50 reel at a falling grade of 8.70 per cent; tbence 50 feet at a fulling grade of 5.14 per cent; tbence 60 feet at a fulling grade of 3.94 per cent; thencu 150 feel at a falling grade of 2.93 per cent; thence 50 (eel to east side of Swamp alley at a falling grade of 1 80 percent; tbence 1U0 feet at a fulling grade of 1 20 percent; thence 80 feet level; thence 137.6 to east side Fourth street at a rising grade of 3.60 per cent; tbence across Fourth street 40 feet at a rising grade of 2.30 per cent; thence 96 feet at a rising grade of 9.59 per cent; thencu 50 feet at a rising grade of 9 62 percent; thence 50 feet at a rising grade uf 9.28$; thence 50 feet at a rising grade of 10.22 per cent: thence 50 feet at a rising grade of 9.78 per cent; tbence 50 feet at a rising grade of 9.22 per cent; thence 35 feet to east side of Pine alley at a rising grade of 7.40 per cent; thence across Pine alley 16 feet at a rising grade of 1.84 per cent; thence 180 feet to east side of Third street at a rising grade of 6.38- per cent; thence across Third street 40 feet at a rising grade of 6.85 per cent; thence 130 feet at a rising grade ot 6.31 per cent; tbence 50 feet at a rising gradeof 3.f; thence 60 feet at a rising grade of 1.34 per cent; thence 75 feet to east side of alley at a falling grade of 1.73. Sec. 2. The width of the side or foot walks on said street shall be four feet and all side or footwalks laid upon said street shall be upon the grade as es ta dished to Sec. 1 of this ordinance. Sec. 3. That whenever hereafter any side or footwalk shall be laid, relaid or repaired on tie north or south side of Hill street, between the termini de scribed In Sec. 1 of thla ordinance, tbe same shall be constructed only ot brick, concrete or paved flag stone. Seo. 4. Tbat so much of any ordlnanoc as may eonfllot with or be supplied by tbe foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law at a regular meeting ot the Council held, at r- the council chamber on Tuesday, the 1st day of October, 1907, at 10 p. m. J. C. Kinq, Pres. of Council. Attest: Clement W. Flynn, Secretary of Council. And now, October , 1907, the fore going ordinance is submitted to me, read, considered and approved. Smith M. McCreight, . Chief Burgess. ORDINANCE NO. 128. -AN ORDINANCE to establish the ffrnri a nf uln o..An u. . aft cdi UCIineua in 19 South Bide of Seventh Street, where said Seventh Street crosses said Main Street on the West, and the borough line at ' Cool Spring Hol low" where said Main street coincides with a public road in Winslow Town ship, on the East. Be It ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., and It is hereby ordained and enacted by authority of same. See. 1. That the grade of Main Street in tbe Borough of Reynoldsvllle Pa., between tbe South side of Seventh Street where said Seventh street crosses, said Main street on the West. and the borough line at "Cool Spring Hollow", where said Main street coin cides with- a public road in WlnBlow Township, on the East, shall be and Is hereby established in accordance with the grade map as prepared by The State Highway Department of the Commonwealth ef Pennsylvania, ap proved the 22ad day of June, M07, by Joseph W. Hunter, State Highway Commissioner,, a profile and plan of said map being now on file in the office of the Clerk of Council of Reynolds vllle Borough:: the nalrl being marked and designated as "Plan and Profile for the Improvement of Main Street in Reynoldsvllle Borough, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania." Seo. 2. All ordinances or parte- of ordinances in conflict herewith,, are hereby repealed. Passed and enacted finally by the Town Council of Reynoldeviile, Pa., at a regular meeting held at the Coun oil Chamber oo Tuesday, the lfct day of October, 1907, at 10:30 pi m. J. C. Kino; Attest: President of Council. Clement W. Flynn, Secretary of Council. And now , the foregoing ordinance is submitted to me, read, considered and approved. Smith M. McCrbioht; Chief Burgess. JI BEL IN DIVORCE. Minnie Pyle versus Harry Pyle. No. 1M April Term, 1907, Plurles SubpoBna In Dlvoree. JEFFERSON COUNTY, 8S: s Tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.. To Harry Pyle, Greeting; We command you, as twice before you. were commanded, that all matter of business and excuses being set aside, you be and appear in your proper person before our Judge at Brookvllfe, at our Court of Common Pleas, there to be held on the second Monday of November next, to show cause,- if any you have, why your wife, Minnie Pyle, should not be divorced from tbe bonds of matrimony which she bath contracted with you, the said Harry Pyle, agreeable to the Petition, and. Liber exhibited against you before our said Court, and thla you shall In no case omit at your peril. Witness tbe Hon. John W. Reed, President of our said Court at Broolcvllle, the lthdar of Sept., A. D., 1907. Allowed by the Court. Attest Cthus H. Blood, Prothonotary. To Harry Pyle Greeting: You are hereby notified to appear before the Honorable ludge of the Court of Common Pleas, at Broolcvllle, p&., on the second Mon day of Novemlwr next, to answer as set forth In the above suhpfini. GRAN T SOHEAFNOCnRR, October 4, 1807. Sheriff. Trustee's Sale Of Valuable Real Estates In the District Court of the United states, for the Western District of Pennsylvania. In the matter of Cbarles Philip Koerner, Bankrupt, No. 3060 in Bankruptcy. By virtue of an order of the Dlstrlofc Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, In the above stated: case, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by auction on the premises of Chailes Philip Koerner In. the Borough, of West Keymfldsvllle, county of Jefferson, and state of Pennsylvania, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1907, at 2.00 o'clock In the afternoon, all the fol lowing described two tracts-of land: situate in the Borough of West Reynoldsvllle, county of Jefferson, and state of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described: as follows, to-wit: THE FIRST THEREOF, all that certain lot or piece of land sltuatu In Powers and. Warner's addition of town lots to the bor ough of Reynoldsvllle, now West, Reynolds vllle, as surveyed and mapped by James. Caldwell, A. I)., 1872, and known In said ad dition as lot No. 123, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post cor ner of Powers and Brown streets; thence North 87 degrees Kast sixty feet to a post; tbenre Souih SIS degrees East one hundred and fifty feet to post;. thence-South 37 degrees West, sixty feet to a post ; thence North along riinriBBuwi .19 uugrees nesi,, one nunarea and fifty feet to the pl:i- of beginning, con taining 9,0K) square foet more or less and marked and numbered, ie said plot as lot Nn. 123. Being the-same- property deeded to Charles P. Koerner by J. U. Svkes aud wife by deed dated October l, 19UU, recorded In Deed Book 89, puge P4. TUB SECOND TIIKREOV, all that cer tain piece, parcel or lot of ground, situate In the borough, ot West Reynoldsvllle, county of Jefferson, stale of Pennsylvania, in Powers and Warner's plaaot town lotslnsaldi borough, as. mapped and plotted by James Caldwell, and: recorded lathe Recorder's office In aad for Jefferson county, in Deed Book Vol.2tl,jHtge427, bounded and descrlledi as follows: On the north by Brown street, thirty feet! on the West by lot number one. hundred and twenty-three (120. one hun dred aad tfty feet; on the south by an alley thirty feet; on tbe East by the eastern kalf of lot BWBber one hundred and twenty-twov containing 4300 Miuare feet, and being the Western half of lot No. 122, adjoining the lot No. 121. Being the same property deeded to Charles P. Koerner by Arthur O'Doaaell by Deed dated March 4th, 1902, recorded la Deed Book 96, page 85. The above described land as a whole having thereon erected a two story frame dwelling and otharaeces sary outbuildings. TERMS OF SALE. 1st, Ten per cent of the bid at which the property Is knocked down, must he paid In cash, or by certified check, at the time the Croperty Is struck off or it will be Immedtate I put up and resold, and the bidder held for any discrepancy between his bid and any subsequent bid 2nd, The balance of the purchase price must be paid in cash on continuation of sale anJ delivery of deed. HKNRY HERPKL. Trustee. September 23, 1907. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICy. Edtatd of G Boh re n. Into of the Bor ough of Kynoldbvltln, deceased. Notice i hrhjr jrtven that letters of fcd mltilstratimi In tuo nbove nmnel etit have been grunted to the undersigned. All par Hon indebted to tliewftid eMtHtenrerHiutmted to make payment, and those having claims or demand avainst the name will make them knowu without delay to the Hudurwiftned. JHH. APT"! WliHBIB, C, W, Flynn, Administratrix. Attorney. August 27, VJQ7