DR. DOUGIIELLE - Dr. L. B. Bouchelle of Thomasvllle, Ga., a physician well known in the South; Is very enthusiastic over the cod liver oil preparation. Vinol. He Bays: "I have used Vinol in my fam ily and in my general practice with the most satisfactory results. It is (exceedingly beneficial to those afflict ed with bronchial or pulmonary dis eases and to. create Rtrength." The reason Vinol Is so far superior to old fashioned cod liver oil and emulsions, is because, it is a real cod liver preparation from which all the .useless oil has been eliminated and tonic iron added. We ask every weak, thin, run down, nervous and aged person in town, and all those suffering from chronic colds, coughs and weak lungs, ia try Vinol on our guarantee. Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. A. DMINISTKATOR'S NOTICE Estate of .fnmiw I. Anderson, In Knox Township, .teiTWsnn County. Pennsylvania, JJeceusiu. . Lettnin of dniliilmriiton upon t'e ill) ve named estate IiuvIiik I wen arniitod to the undersl(.'nwl, nil nelsons huvliie- i-llnis gainst rtie sume will present, them forpuy ment duly authenticated, and those Indebt ed thereto will pleuso miiko tnimetliute pay ment to L. . Anhhbhon, M. M. Davis, - Administrator. Attorney. M INX1E N KECK. Notary Public, stenographer and Typewriter. Reynolrlsvllle, Pa Horseshoeing, Black smithing and General Repair Work f all kinds. Horseshoeing a specialty. All work neatly done. Give me a trial. Shop on'Willow alley. E. CREED PTENTRAL STATE NORMAL SCHOOL Lock Haven, Pa. J. R. Filckfnger, Principal. Fall Term begins September 9th. 1907. If yoa are Interested In security the best possible training for teaching or for business or desire to lit for college, or are seeking an excellent course In Music, Elocution or Art, it would be to your advantage to patronize this, re putable and thoroughly established Instit ution. Its policy Is to train not only the Intellectual .'faculties but to develop character and to fit for life's duties. Address for Illustrated cata log , . THE PRINCIPAL. The first National Bank OF REYNOLDS VI CLE. Capital and Surplus $ 1 65,0 0 0.0 0 Resources . . $550,000.00 OFFICER J. O. Kino. VicPre-. DlREOTOllH J. O. King Dimlnl Nolan J. 8. Hammond John H. Kaoohrr, Pres. .lohn H. Kaucher Henry C. Delble Every Accommodation'Consistent with Careful Banking mmmmmmmmtmnmmmmnmimmmmmtmimiK I Closing Out all Summer J J QGooflsiat Less than Cost. J Dotted Swiss, 25, now 17c. Dotted Swiss, 20, now 14c. :3 S Dotted Swiss, was 20c, now 14c. :3 tr Figured Batiste, was 15 and 18c, now 10c. E: Figured Batiste, I2V2C, now 8c. -3 . Figured Batiste, 10c, now 6c. s Ladies' Dressing Sacques, 50c, now 39c. SE Ladies' Hose 9c. Children's Hose, brokenj lots 15 and j 18c, now 10c. - 3 S Men's Dresa Shirts, 50c, now 35c. Men's Dress Shirts, i S $1.00, now 75c. 3 Men's'Summer Underwear, 22 cents. 2 35 Men's Pants, 75 cents. Men's $1.50JPants for 95c. 3 SZ- Can't quotejpnees on alljgoods, but everything re- 3 S duced proportionately to prices quoted. ' 3 1 N.HANAU. 1 WOMEN PIRATES. The Extraordinary Career of Anna Bonnay and Mary Read, ' Wjuieu who have succeeded la pass im: themselves off as men have been fcH'.d out from time to time ever since ti lievlunlng of history. Some have ev.-u! il detection for years, but even tual!;' their sex has been discovered. One of the best known eases of this M'X deception was practiced by two women, Anne Honucy and Mary Read, who were captured about a century into In the Caribbean sea and taken prisoners, charged with bavins pirat ical Intentions." With half a score of men they were sentenced and were about to be executed when they con fessed their sex nnd were eventually reprieved. Anne Bonney was the daughter of a Carolina planter and had been ban ished and disowned by her parents for having married a sailor. The uiurrlngo was an elopemeut, Anne having don ned man's clothing In order to escape del eel ion. Later she shipped as one of her husband's crew and took part In all of her husband's exploits and pi ratical adventures. Anions her ship mates, who were Ignorant of her sex and her true relation to the captain, named Uackhnm, she was deemed cour ageous ami full of spirit. The ship on which this female pirate was sailing was boarded one day by several strangers, one among them be ing another pirate of tho gentler sex, whose name was Mary Read. The two mnsqueradors became Intimate friends, though each was Ignorant at first of the other's real sex. They discovered each other, however, some time later. Mary Read began life under unusual circumstances. She was brought up as a boy, was made to wear boy's clothing and was looked upon by everybody as a boy. When Mnry grew up, she be came in turn n foot boy, a sailor, a sol- dier and later the wife of her comrade in war. When her real sex was dis covered by the regiment, Mary, with her new husband, set up a hostelry called the "Three Horseshoes." Their story having become known through out France, the country In which Mary lived at the time of her marriage to the cavalry comrade, they attracted hosts of patrons, and the business flourished for awhile. After the death of her husband, a few years later, Mary shipped on n Dutch vessel to the West Indies, ami it was there that she met Anne Bon ney, the other female pirate, and Joined a buccaneer crew. Both women were admired for the courage they displayed in this uncertain game, aud both were loved by their fellow companions. Mary Read wnfc nu expert swordswo- mnn and fought many a duel. She died In a prison cell. Anne Bonney was re stored to her family after the pirate ship commanded by Captain Rnckham was captured. New . York Herald. KIDNEY, LIVER AND BOWELS sir-VnMn is next to Imnoailble If you keep the Kldaeys. Liver and Bowels In perfect working order with an occasional aose oi Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills Mr R R . Holdea. No. 184U CMS Ave.. Orand Rapids, Mich., says: "I have for years been aubject to sluggishness of the liver and constipation, the kidneys were also Inactive and caused me a great oeai si paiu across my loins. I got some of Dr. A. W. (1h.' KMnar-Llver Pills and they cured the Inactivity of the organs rapidly and easily. I would not be without them." I5e a box at all dealers. Write for a free sample. Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. T. For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. K. C. McnrJCKERS. Caste' John H. Corbel t K.H. Wilson MAGNIFICENT OPENING Pittsburg Exposition's New Audi torium Dedicated Amid Bril liant Scenes - The nineteenth season of the Pitts burg Exposition was us-hcrod in on Wednesday evening, Augu3t 28, amid scenes which augur well for the suc cess of the immense show at tho Junc tion of the two rivers In the Smoky City. The event among musical events of the year was the indication of the handsome music hall the new and largest music hull in Western Pennsylvania, which was given over to the music loving public on the evening of tue openin g the Theodore Thomns orchestra pli: the Pitts burg composer's march "Tho Indi cation March" wri't n by Atlolph Foerster for th" dedlraticn or the Car negie muse hall some years ago. The Thomas orchestra, which Is conducted by Frederick Stock, who has had the leadership sine the death of the la mented Theodore Thomas, was In fine fettle for the dedWtory exer cises, which partook of the nature of a big family gathering. Western Penn sylvania has always been In neA of music and convention hall worthy of the city a hall capable of ca'..ng 5,000 or more and now it has It. The new music hall, brlllant In Its decorations of thousands of yards of green, pink and white bunting, pre sented an animated appearance. Every one of the 3. E00 seats on the first floor .-sas occupied long before the "Dedication March' was played. There was hardly breathing space in the foyers of the hall and the prover bial "pin-dropping" quiet was preval ent when Mr. Stock took his position on the new stage and gave the swing to his baton which marked the dedi cation of the hall. Acoustics Greatly Improved. The elevated floor in the new hall Is a decided Improvement, giving the auditors In every part of the building ftmple jopporttinlty to see every part of the stage. The acoustic properties of the hall have been greatly Improv ed by the erection of an arch and sounding board over the new stage. The moving back of the stage to the rear of the 'building, thus doing away with the elevated seats which former ly occupied a position in the back of the building, it another noticeable im provement. . The gallery In the. new music hall will be completed t (his fall, giving . Pittsburg a convention hall with a seating capacity of over B.OOO. Aside from the musical attractions for the exposition this year there are scores and acores of highly entertain' tng and new features this year to be seen In a promenade through the main building. Into Machinery hall, in the amusement area and about the long walks ea the exterior. Notable among these - side attractions Is the Bostock animal arena In the Hippo drome In Machinery hall, showing 100 trained animals which nave Veen brought to the Exposition from the combined shows of Bostock In Paris, New York aid London. Never before In the history of anlmaldom have such entertaining animals been on exhib ition. A dozen acta include all of .the animals, showing the wonderful tricks of trained elephants, monkeys, bears, hyenas, etc. Bostock la the orlglnat or of handling wild animals In the arena and hat thereby won the de serving title of "Animal King." For over 15 years he went dally Into the arena himself and faced the wild beasts of the forests. He was the most successful animal trainer of the age, fcut the growth of the business side of his life obliged him a few years ago to turn over the training feature to other hands and thus he became the teacher of many men and women, many of whom now have acts of their own and all of them have displayed a great degree of Intelll gence. Greeted by Bowers of Flowers, The noral Hall In the lobby of the main building attracts the eye of eVery visitor the moment he enters the main fate. The familiar walls of the main entrance) have disappeared Instead a bower of flowers Is the greeting. The walls and celling are hanging of palms, ferns, evergreens etc. In the corners of the big lobby are water falls and the center Is oc cupied by Jutting fountains, while pretty and romantic little walks wind their way through the gardens. Throughout the seasok ' there will be "Put Tlnmmr Cnntmrniu ..' competent Judges awarding prizes to thoM '" mlttlng the prettiest "bouSueti from heir own gardens or conserva tories. "Pharaoh's Daughter," an electri cal Illusion, Is another of the won ders of the big show this year. There Is also a display placed by the Pitts burg Sanatorium, showing the meth od of preventing the spread of tuber culosis; a display by the children's lepartment of the Carnegie Library; coffee-packing machine, showing the various processes of putting up coffee in packages; In fact, there Is something new to be seen this year at every tarn. The package express demonstration fn Machinery Hall was the center of a curious erow all evening daring the opening night This gives a prac tical demonstration of the manner la which the rural package and express Mrrtce works through the farm dis tricts. Sousa follows the Theodore Thmas orchestra, than oonesVlotcr Herbert the United states tfartae Baad, IMr nllo, aad tastlr but sot the least try any means, Walter Damrosob. PECULIAR PEOPLE. The 8lrange Mixture of Raoes Found In New Hebrides. In Southwest Bay ulone 1 have seen writes Beatrice Grlmschaw In the Windsor Magazine, di-ci-llIng the peo ple of the New Ileltrlcles, distinctly Jewish types of fsieo. types suggesting the west African nero, types like an extremely (lepra veil monkey aud types like nothing else on ciilli but them selves. There mo In the buy three distinct luuKtuiges, no onu of which can be understood by the sp;ikers of another, uuil iu the rest of tlie Islnnil there ure nt least seven or elijht other languages. ' The houses are of a very low nnd degraded type, hcing merely roofs set on a liamlKio stockade a couple of feet high, but tho biiintils, or sacred houses, of which ouch village owns one, arc high, pointed, gabled buildings with tiers of windows In the gable ami lofty, narrow doors, apparently meant for the admission of very high prowe l canoes, wiilcli t lie isew neiiritietins uo not possess. There are certain Jewish rites In use among them. They htive caste regulations suggestive of India, and they make mummies not very In ferior to those of Egypt; also, they are cannibals, and they slug (Jregorlnn chant or Its first cousin In their devil dances. They worship tho man-of-war hawk, which holds an extraordinarily high place In their reglllous beliefs. They set an almost sacred rnluo on pigs, and the real object of their Idols or linages, which aro hideous, no man knows. The existence of mummies has, I be lieve, been questioned. This Is small wonder, since they nre always kept In the luimnls or temples of the heathen cannibal villages nnd strangers nre not encouraged to meddle. I had much difficulty in seeing one myself, as tho temples nre most strictly barred to women. A native woman would be Instantly killed If she so much as put her head Inside, nnd I do not think It probable that a white womnn would escape cither If she were caught doing it. I was, however, lucky enough In another pnrt of Mnlekula to Hud n tem ple unguarded save by a few old wom en squnttlng outside, nnd, 'seizing the opportunity, I entered. It was not a very gootl specimen, be ing little better than a shed, nnd It was very dark Inside. Further, I thought It well not to stay very long. However, I saw a number of mummies, mounted on carved stretchers nnd painted red and blue, bunging up around the sup porting parts of the roof: also a gootl many skulls placed on rough shelves, their faces covered by a mask of fibrous stuff painted red, nnd some curiously curved spears, adzes and kill ing mallets bung around the walls. I got away again without being seen and left that afternoon by the monthly steamer, It being the last day of my stay In Malekula. I heard afterward, however, that 111 feeling had been caused among the natives by my vio lation of their Bluebeard ehuniber. Ou another occasion I succeeded In seeing n place Into which no white person had ever ventured before, a for est cannibal fortress, six miles up In tho uutraveled interior. My host told me that if I went with him quite un armed and with only n couple of boys to guide us and carry our dinners our Insignificance would probably bring us through nil right. Within the bamboo stockade that surrounded the houses dancing bad begun. I have not space to relate the tale of that strange sight of the wild, weird dance, performed by a band of howl- nor black demons, carrying cocked and loaded rifles, around n group of skull faced drain Idols Iu the center of the square: of the deafening boom made by the hollow Idols themselves as they were loudly beaten by the musicians: of tho strange solo dance performed by a famous cannibal chief, wbereiu he enacted with unpleasant realism hawk pouncing down on Its prey; of the still Btrnnger dance performed by another, who capered lightly about with a large squealing live pig oi his shoulder; of the extraordinary chitnio t r of the dancing chant, as like Ure gorlmi, pointing and nil, as a small pea is like a big one. "Aro you In pain, my little maa?" the ilnd old gentleman asked. "No." answered the boy. "The f:iin'. In me." Know how to give without hesita tion, how to lose without regret how to acquire without meanness. George Sand. Nervous From a Little Child Up Today she is strong and healthy as a result of the use of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. . The genuine Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pllla put up In a round flat box with blue and yellow label never fall, when Intelligently used, to cure any and all childhood - troubles caused by a run down exhausted condition of the nerv ous ayetem. They , give strength, steadiness, vintural sleep and general vigor. Juxt ns Mrs. Mary Ballert of 121 Dearborn St., Buffalo, N. Y., says L they did In her daughter's case. She says: "From a little cniid up, my daughter new 21 years of age has been exceedingly nervous, fidgety and restless even of late years, work has been out of the question. Any exertion played her out her sleep was far from good and constantly broken. I was ad vised to try Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Pills. I got some and used them wltb fine results. The improvement was most marked today she la In comfort feels strong and better In every way and sleeps well. The eyesight Is better and strongetwione of the old watering of the eyes. It certainly is a splendid medicine." 50c a box at all dealers or Dr. A. W. Cbase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. T. For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. NAMES FOR BIG GUNS. Two Significant Ones That Were Se lected and Rejaoted. At the Fort Pitt foundry, Fort Tilt, ra., v?ere cast In 1807 for the monitor Puritan two twenty-Inch guns, which Captain W. C. Wise, then chief of the naval bureau of ordnance, proposed to call Satan nnd Lucifer. This proposi tion culled forth a protest from the pastor of n Presbyterian church nt Pittsburg, wlio characterized It as "most unseemly. If not Impious." Ills letter was r ij;iTcd by the member of congress to whom it v:is aiblres Mvl to tho department and litri' y came Into the hands of (,'nptaln W! for reply. In answer, he called attention to the foreign custom of giving t.i vessels such names as Jupiter, .Itino. Vulcan, Venus, Juggernaut. Inferno and Luci fer and Snl an to convey an Idea of tho power of the destructive agent used In battle. These guns, argued the learn ed captain, were not Intended for peace and the utterance of good will toward men, but to Inflict as much mischief and destruction on human be ings In time of war us their namesake, tho devil, tries to do at nil times. Ho further reminded his clerical critic that a number of clergymen hud witnessed without protest his act of "christen ing" In presence of a large assembly of ladles and gentlemen the first twen ty Inch gun cast for the navy as Beel zebub. However, the argument did not prevail, for religious sentiment was effective In preventing this use of Bib lical nomenclature. Army and Navy Journal. TOUGHS OF PARIS. They Are Known as. "Apaches' and Work In Gangs. Los Apaches They work in gangs. In the under world their associations are complete and distinct. Fame has come to them to the gnng of Bebert of Montparno, of Qegene of the Courtlllo, the Green Cravats, the Costands of the Vlllette, the Mont-en-l'alr of the Batlgnolles. Against these bands the police .war iu vain. They wage their battles In open day for some "mome" that Bebert has stolen from Gegene. A band comes down from the heights of Belleville or of Charomie and raids a peaceful quar tera homo going cab Is surrounded. tho passenger stabbed through the win dow and robbod. They prey on the public. Band wars upon band. There are nightly duels on the formications or under the bridges when the Beau Totor meets Polgne d'Acier, knife to knife, in a savage and not uuloyal way. Young all, from sixteen to twonty-two, rarely older, i Where do they come from? Everywhere. They grow on the pavements of Tarls, along the gut tersfoundlings or deserted children, sons DcrhaDS of that laboring class PEN NSYLVANARAILROAD 1HAGARA FALLS AND Saturday, September 7tti, 1907. EXCURSION TICKETS good to return on regular trains until September 11 inclusive, will beoid at the following low rates. Pittsbursf East Liberty. Oakmont Kiskimin. Jo. Hed Bank..., East Brady. . Parker '(" stops on signal or notice to aitent. Electric Railway through the Great Gorge. J. R. WOOD. Passenger Trafflo Manager, P I T T S B U R G EXPOSITION Opant Aug. THOMAS' ORCHESTRA Aug. 38 til to Sept. 7th SOMA'S BARD Sept. 0th to Sept. 21at VICTOR IERBERT Sept.21stteSapt.2Sdl The Strangest Array ef Musical Talent In the Country. The World's Best Muslolans , Over $100,000 Spent in Improvement This Year New Music HaO ; largest in Western Pennsylvania. SOME HQ SIDE FEATURES OF THE EXPO THIS YEAR : BOSTOCK'S ANIMAL ARENA am whiki making A wanda. Twice at Urge at hut yeat lOOaniauliia 12 acta, TKe mmm thaw at was thowa ia Parie, Loadoa aad New York. See the aaiaul laaton ia the big cage. Heaf the beam roar. Floral Hall. Package Expects Demoutraboo, Electrical Mum "Pharaoh '. Daughter." Tkeatorium, Moving Pictum, Fenit Wheel, Mtrrjr-ge-aMad, Cofee Picking Machine, Pony Track, Toboggan. Something New Every Minute. ADMISSION. 2S CENTS EXCURSIONS ON ALL which Is on the edge of crime and beg gary. The life of the Apache is short, but for every one sent to the Jail or the guillotine two stand ready nt the door of the slums. They used to haunt-' the den of the Fere Lunette. From "Tho Slums of Paris," by Vance Thompson, in Outing Magazine. Nurses and Cancer.' "I find the trained nurses brave enough in most cases of contagious dis ease," said n Brooklyn doctor, "but thoro Is one thing at which they balk." "What's that," asked a friend "smallpox?" "No; cancer. They have all tlio un trained woman's horror of that dis ease. Tho most faithful of them will go without on engagement for weeks rather than take a cancer case. Yet the peril Is slight compared with what they face almost without thought." , "Isn't It contagious?" "A malignant case Is If a scratched bund Is brought into contact with the cancer. Threo cancers out of four, however, are not malignant and can be dressed without gloves safely. The trained nurses balk at all of them." Brooklyn Knglo. Intoxicated Midge Fliea. Concerning the life history of th particular little inltlge that patronize; the arum in England very little Is known, yet It Is certain that when arums nre blooming these midges give little time to anything besides drunken orgies within their shelter. You have only to cut open a bloom at the narrow neck port ion aud look down to the lower part to see the helpless Insects lying in heaps, all more or less Intoxi cated Intoxicated from overindulgence In urn 111 pollen. Strand Magazine. Two Views. "What a pity you are engaged so young, my dear!" suld the maid who was beginning to enrry weight for age. "Ton will never know what fun It is to refuse a man." "No, I suppose not," rejoined the fair debutante, "but you can't Imagine how much fun there Is in accepting one." Cbiciigo News. The One Thing Left. "But what will there lie left for you to do after your tolling and scheming nud self denial have brought you the millions you covet?" "Whiit'll there be left? Gosh, I can go to New York and spend 'em, can't I ?" Chicago Record-Herald. It Hurt Him. Tommy Pld the fowl hurt you, Mr. Bqulres? Mr. Squires What d'you mean, my dear? What fowl? Tommy Well, I wanted to know If It hart, cause mummy said you had been hen pecked for twenty years. Strand Mag azine. RETURN Itegular trains leave Rate .9 00 a.m. 1.10 p.m. 11.00 p.m. 8R.O0 ..910 ' 120 " 11.10 ' 5.00 ..8 44 " 10 59a. tn. 9.35 " 4 75 . 9 00 " 11 14 " 9 52 " 4 50 . 9.02 " f 11 1 " 9 64 " 4 50 ..9 61 " 11.37 ' 10.19 " 4 60 . 9.54 " 12 00 p m. 10 44 " 4 50 .10.14 " 2.17 " 12 15 a.m. 4.50 .10 47 " 2 47 " 12 48 a ra. 4 25 .10 57 " .... " ' 12 58a. to. 4.25 .1121a. m " f 1 21 a. m. 4 25 .11 28 a. m " f 1 28 a m. 4.25 1136 a.m. ( 3 27 " 1,35 a.m. 4.25 9 19 a. m. ... .... 4 60 . 8 49 " .... ... 4-60 . 8.36 " .... ... 4 SO .8.08 " .... 4.50 7 65 " 4.50 7 35 " .... .... 4.50 GEO. w. BOYD, General Patssenper Agent 28 Closes Oct. 26 U. S. MARINE BARD Sept. 30th to Oct. Bth MEXICAN BARD Oct. 7th to Oct. 12th WALTER DAMROSCH Oat. 14th to Oct. 28th 0 RAILROADS. Ask Year Tloket Ag.ot