The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 31, 1907, Image 4

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Isaac London is visiting in Kane.
Harry T. Peters was in Warren lsat
Mrs. A. B. Weed is visiting in Oak
tnont. M. J, C. McEotjre js visiting in
Miss ulu Neale, or Kane, ts visittnB
in town,
Mrs. Joseph Wblst Visited In DuBois
last week.
br. A. J. Meek was in Brookvllle
Josh Hinderllter was 1ft Clarion
thts week.
Miss Minnie keck wtts tn Brookville
Mrs. P. W. fea'ny Is voting a sister
In Johnstown.
A. M. Smith visited at Worthville
the past week.
A. E. Dunn, of Tails Creek, was in
town yesterday.
Earl Dempsey, of Dents Run, visited
In town this week.
Mrs. Henry Herpel visited in New
Bethlehem last week.
Mrs. J. J. Kirkwood visited Its New
Bethlehem last week.
Mrs. Cora Mitchell visited in Punx
sutawney last week.
Nelson 'Goodhile, of Erie, pent Sun
day in Reynoldsville.
Mrs. 3. N. Small visited a sister at
Puller a day last week.
G. W. Fuller is spending a couple of
weekB at Ltllydale, N. Y.
Rev. Father P. A. Lynch was in New
York City the past week,
Mrs. J. R. Mllliren and daughters are
visiting at Cool Spring.
Mrs. Frank Bates, oT Indiana, was a
visitor in town a day last week.
Mrs. M. E. Weed and son, Melrose,
visited in Brookville Thursday.
Isaac F Miller, wlTe and children are
visiting in Knoxdale this week.
William DeHart, oT Elmira, N. Y., Is
visiting his parents In this place.
Mrs. Howard SIpe and bop, Raymond,
visited in Curwensvllle last week.
Misses Helen Me"k and Florence At
water are visiting in New Castle.
Mrs. John L. Graham and son, Cor
bett, are visiting in Saginaw, Mich.
Miss Elizabeth Clark, of DuBois. was
the gueBt of J. R. Milliren last week.
Dr. B. E. Hoover and children are
visiting in Marchand, Indiana county.
Miss Mary Boatty, of Clarion, was a
visitor at J. T. Guthrie's the past week.
S. C. Showers returned last week
from a five weeks' sojourn in South Oil
Mrs. William Bone, of Barneshoro,
was a visitor in town the first of this
Mrs. Jessie Lowther, who was visit
ing In Indiana county, returned last
Robert Z. Parrish returned last week
from a business trip in West and East
Frank McGinnis, wife and son, Blake,
of Philadelphia, were visitors in town
last week.
Miss Dee Foust, of Brookville, was
the guest of Miss Berna Hoover the
past week.
Albert Feioht. of Punxsutawney,
spent Sunday at home of his parents in
this place.
Mrs. A. H. Murray and two children,
of Big Run, were visitors in town the
past week.
Rev. John J. Myers spent Sunday
with bis sister, Mrs. Paul A. Hoffman,
in Renovo.
f-roi, 1 . 11. crown ana wue, of near
Panic, were visitors in town Saturday
and Sunday.
Mrs. Susan Knarr, of Lock Haven, is
visiting her neloe, Mrs. G. M. Herold,
in this place.
Fred Reed, of Washington, D. C, is
visiting his sister. Miss Eleanor Reed,
In this place.
Miss Flo Wast, of Rimerton, was the
guest of Misses Lois and Alma Barlett
the past week.
M. Schwer, of Peale, Pa., visited his
daughter, Mrs. J. M. Dalley, In this
place last week.
Mrs. John Trudgen, Jr , visited her
Ister-in-law, Mrs. John Stauffer, in Da
Bols last ween.
Mrs. D. M. Shearer went to Belle-
fonte last Friday to spend six weeks at
home of her parents.
Miss Dorothy Sutter returned Moo
day from a visit with her sister, Mrs. J.
E. Mitchell, in Kane.
Gordon McGlffin, clerk in Mllllrens
department store, was in Emporium
the first of this week.
Miss Laura Endean, of New Kenslng
ton, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harvey
S. Deter, in this place.
James Passmore and wife, of Philips-
burg, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Weist over Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Matthews, of Pitts
bur)', was tbe gutst of Mrs. C. E. Shores
the past week.
Miss Ethel Schuckers, of Emerick
ville, is visiting Misses Atda and Leone
Baum this week.
Homer Brumbaugh, of Franklin, at
OHO t'me merchant at this place, is
visiting la town.
M. J Quinllck and wife, of Punxsu-
taney, were guests at home of P. T.
Shannon Sunday.
Miss Jessie Shannon attended a party
at home of Andy Denny In Driftwood
last Thursday night.
Mrs. W. H. Karns and Bon, William,
of Oakmont, were visitors at home of
A. B. Weed last week.
Miss Clare Proclous, of Hawthorne,
Pa., Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. J.
Sayers on Main street.
James K. Gnllaher, assistant elec
trician at the electric light plant, spent
Sunday In Punxsutawney.
Mrs. D. M. Bulger and son, DonnU,
left here Saturday to visit in New Cas
tle, Pittsburg and Butler.
Mrs. Dora Steel and son, Walter, of
DuBois, visited the former's sister,
Mrs. A. T. Bing, Monday.
Miss Emma Davis left here yesterday
to visit in New Kensington, Renovo,
Pittsburg and Johnstown.
Mr. and Mrs. E L. Maines, of
Rochester, N. Y., are visiting the
latter's parents at Hopkins.
Miss Jenet Passmore, of Phillpsburg,
who was the guest of Miss Mamie Weist
a month, has returned home.
Mrs. J. W. Campbell and children
visited several days last week at home
of the former's father-in-law,
Misses Jessie Reitz and Rebekah Bar
rett, of Brookville, were guests of Miss
Pearl Barrett over Sunday.
Mrs. L. to. Snyder and children left
here Saturday for a two weeks' visit in
Summerville and Brookville.
Mrs. J. A. Hoon, of Johnsonburg, is
visiting her son and daughter, Thomas
D. Hoon and Mrs. George Rea.
Mrs. Wm. Sorsby, of Washington, D,
C, and Mrs. C. J. Boyle, of DuBois,
were visitors in town Saturday.
Mrs. E. L. Maines and sister, Miss
Pearl Chatham, are visiting their sis
ter, Mrs. Eufer, In Brookville.
J. W. Hunter, cashier of the Citizens
National Bank, spent Sunday at home
of his parents, near Coal Glen.
Will Feeney, of California, Pa , was a
guest at home of Ex-Constable P. J.
Ward several days last week.
A. Katzen. pfcprletor of the Peoples
Bargain store, was in Pittsburg the
first of this week on business.
Mrs. C. V. Freas and children are
visiting In Brockwayvllle. Mr. Freas
was in.Brockwayville yesterday.
Miss Anna Lee Hetrick, of Big Run,
was the guest of her cousin, Miss Sarah
Ford, on Fourth street, last week.
Mrs. D. E. Clinton, of Brockwayvllle,
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
H. Kocher, in this place last week.
Miss Margaret Butler returned last
week from a visit at home of her
brother, Fred J. Butler, at Llstle, Pa.
Evangelist L. R. Williams, of Cam
bridge Springs, was the guest of J. R.
Kirkwood in this place last Thursday.
R. J. Lldle, of Youngstown, Ohio,
visiting at home of his unole, L. D.
KUenhans, in this place the past week,
J. M. Dalley, Sr., of Penfield, visited
his son and daughter, J. M. Dalley, Jr.,
and Mrs. G. M. McDonald, a day last
Ninlan Cooper went to Beech woods
yesterday to attend the golden wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McCullough
W. A. Winner and wife, of Newberry,
who were visiting the former's parents
in West Reynoldsville, returned home
Dr. J. A. Parsons, pastor of the M,
E. church, will go to Rochester, Pa.,
this week to take charge of camp
meeting. a ,
Rea Johnston, who spent several
months at home of bis mother Id Clar
ion county, returned to Reynoldsville
last week.
Miss Mary Martin, of Pittsburg, and
Grace Woods, of Brookville, are visit
Ing the former's sister, Miss Anna Mar
tin, In this place.
Mrs. W. B. Scott, of Philadelphia, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Peter Emerick, at Emerlckville. Her
mother Is very ill.
Miss Margaret Fleckensteln, of Oil
City, and Miss Geneva Fleckensteln, of
Emlenton, were guests of Mrs. Joseph
Weist the past week. '
Miss Olevla Murray, who is studying
for trained nurse in the Samaritan Hos
pital In Philadelphia, is home on
three week's vacation.
Mrs. J. R. Man Ion, of Tulsa, Indian
Territory, who was visiting her moth
er, Mrs. Ellen Friel, Id this place, start
ed homeward last Thursday. Mrs.
M 'in Ion will stop in New Bethlehem
and sevorul other places before making
final start on her long journey.
Miss Helen Seeley went to Blooming
ton, III., last week to spend a couple of
months with an aunt, Mrs. William
Van Schoiuk.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H Weeks, of But
ler, spent Sunday at the home of the
latter's mother, Mrs. Elmira Kline,
near this place.
Rev. J. W. Myers, pastor of the Luth
eran church, returned last week from a
visit Id Beaver oiunty, Washington
county and WUkintburg,
Mrs. William Tucker dnd son, John
Tucker, of Rath me), took In the P. R.
R. Bve tiny excursion to Buffalo and
Niagara Falls the past week.
Claude Truttt, wife and two bods,
Robert and James, of Pittsburg, are
visiting the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Truitt, In this place.
M. W. Yoeman, conductor on street
oar line in Pittsburg, is spending a few
days at home of his parents in West
Reynoldsville nursing a sore leg.
Mrs. M. E. Beck and daughter, Miss
Edith, of Punxsutawney, formerly of
this place, took the P. R. R. train here
Monday morning for Chautauqua.
Mrs. M. W. McDonald and Mrs. Anna
McClarren, of Turtle Creek, who viBited
their mother in Paradise a couple of
weeks, returned home last week.
L. M. Snyder left here Saturday on
the Pennsylvania five day excursion to
Niagara Falls. He will visit in Sum
merville and Brookville before return
ing home.
Mrs. William Hannah and too, Jesse
K. Hannah and wife, were called to Up
per Hillvllle last week to attend the
funeral of the former's sister, Mrs.
William Steele.
Miss Florence Moore, of Potttville,
and Mrs. Charles Quinn, of Squirrel
Hill, suburb of Pittsburg, visited the
former's brother, Dr. J. J. Moore, in
this place the past week.
Dr. L. L. Means, wife and two chil
dren went to home of the former's par
ents at Frostburg Saturday. Dr. re
turned Monday, but Mrs. Means and
children are still at Frostburg.
Mrs. John H. Corbett, who was at
Cambridge Borings four weeks taking
treatment for rheumatism, returned
home last week feeling much better
than she did when she went away.
Mrs. J. J. Lukehart, Mrs. Samuel
Rlchtv. Mrs. N. T. Rhodes, of Falls
Creek, and Samuel Loyd, wife and two
children, of Smlcktburg, were guests at
home of John R. Sowers a. day last
Mid-Summer Clearance
The Big Store has determined that this Bhall be Btnctly a Clearance
Bale a sale TO CLEAN UP BROKEN LOTS, odds and ends and all
SURPLUS SUMMER STOCKS. This will be a sale where $1.00 will go
a great wayB. Do not fail to make your $1.00 earn you 25c or 50c, or in
many caseB another $1.00 all of which will be a clear profit to you, since
almoBt every day the manufacturers advance the price on some line ot
merchandise. We urge you to make your purchases now, while we are
making a reduction of 50 per cent, whereas later you will have to pay an
advance of from 25 to 50 per cent. DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG good
things are picked up every day.
There are bargains in all departments. Look for ticket on bargain
counter. It would be impossible for us to enumerate everything we are
offering, but as a hint as to what you may expect we mention here a few
Figured and Dotted Swisses, . 33 per cent off'.
A few Ladies' Shirts Waists to go at 25 per cent off.
A few Ladies' Wash Suits at 50 per cent, off or 1-2 price.
A few Odds and Ends in Silks at 50 per cent off.
Ladies' Jackets, .... $6.50, now $3.75.
Ladies' Jackets, . . $8.50, now $5.75.
Ladies' Jackets, . . . $10.00, now $7.50.
SUITS at greatly reduced prices. To appreciate price you must
Bee the suits.
There are many bargains and bargains for everybody.
Shick & Wagner
Corner Main and Fifth Streets.
Reynoldsville, Penn'a.
BinQ-Stoke Go.
All over the house, in each department
& You'll find bargains. &
( .
. , , j j All Ladies' Oxfords go in this sale.
We've gone through our stocks and made timru . t1 ia .,nn . a
. $1.50 Oxfords now $ 1. 1 9. $2.00 Oxords$ 1.69.
a riiT r.M All CI 11UJUFD mnnc $2.50 Oxfords $1.98. $3.00 Oxfords $2.39.
A CUT ON ALL SUMMER GOODS Mcn,s 0xfords ta Gun Met4 Patent Lu&Bt
IH TO 95 PFR TFIMT Vici Kid black or tan. $2.50 Oxfords $1.98.
IU U3rl,i-m $300 Oxords $2.69. $3.50 Oxfords $2.98.
, tt i c-i i n Now's your opportunity to buy Oxfords at Octo-
Ladies Muslin Underwear, Skirts, Gowns, ber prices- Lots of time yet to wear Oxfords.
Chemise, Drawers and Corset Cover, We've
made a cut of 10 per cent, which at the present
price of Muslins is cheaper than you'll ever be ' $1.25 White grford. $j.98
able to get them again. All $2.00 White Oxfords 1.69
Widow Jones Clothing for Boys
Aged 3 to 16 years, go In this sale at
following prices.
16.00 Suits now $4 98
6.50 Suits now 4 49
6.00 Suits now.. .; 4.19
4.50 Suits now....: 3.79
4.00 Suits now 3.19
3.50 Suits now 2.98
3.00 Suits now 2.25
2.60 Suite now..... 1.98
2.00 Suite now... 1.49
1.60 Suits now.... 1.19
Clothcraft Clothes for Men and
Young Men.
All spring and summer weights go in
this sale (excepting Clays and Tblbite.)
120.00 Suits now $1 49
18 00 Suits now 14.98
16.60 Suite now 13.49
15.00 Suite now 12.49
13.60 Suite now 10.98
12 00, 12.50 Suite now 9.98
10.00 Suite now 7.98
8.00, 8.50 Suite now 6.49
Men's Imperial Dress Shirts,
former price 50c & 75c now 39c.
KJ 00 Pants now I5.0O
6.00 Pants now 4.19
4.60 Pants now 3.98
4 00 Pants now 3.49
3 50 Pants now 2.98
3 00 Pants now 2.49
2.50 Pants now 1.98
2.00 Pants now 1.49
Odds and ends in Men's summer
Underwear former price 60 and 75c (the
piece) this sale only 39c.
Basement Department
We save you 15 to 35 per cent on all Basement Goods