The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 24, 1907, Image 4

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Children Growing Up ?
Mrs. G. G. Williams, Misses Ids Wil
liams and Maude Pratt went to Chau
tauqua yesterday.
Mrs. T. S. Arnold, of Clarion, and
her sister, Miss Golda King, of Sykes
ville, were guests of Miss .Lydia Mel
linger Monday night.
G. G. Williams will go to Chautauqua
Miss Sadie Kime, who has been spend
ing the past fourteen months nursing
In a sanitarium in Middletown, N. Y.,
has returned to her home in West
Mrs. Nina WeiBt and two children, of
Philadelphia, are guests at the home of
Adam Kime in West Reynoldsville.
James R. Smith, of Lamona, Iowa,
has been a guost for the past week at
the home of his brother, Adam Kime,
In West Reynoldsville.
Jay Evans and wife, of Greenville,
Mercer Co., who visited the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Evans, re
turned home Monday.
Miss Caroline Hill, of Knox, Pa.,
spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. A.
D. McKay, at Presbyterian parsonage.
tare. John J. Davis and daughter,
Miss Margaret, went to Franklin yes
terday to visit the former's daughter
ten days.
Miss Cora Robertson left here Mon
day to spend a couple of weekB at Oil
City and Connoaut Lake, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Corbett spent
Sunday with the former's parents in
Falls Creek.
Mrs. Mary C. Shannon, who was
working in silk mill at Erie, returned
to this place last week. She expects to
remain here.
Forrest Ressler, of Pj taburg, is
visiting his mother in this place.
' Mrs. Edward L. Neff and daughter,
MIbs Elsie, of Pittsburg, were guests at
home of the former's brother-in-law,
'Squire E. Neff, In this place the past
D. D. tfeff and wife, of DuBois, spent
Sunday at the home of the former's
brother, 'Squire E. Neff, In this place.
Miss Fay Neale, of Kane, is visiting
In town.
Mrs. Lottie Brothers was called to
Kittanning Saturday on account of the
BeriouB illness of her daughter, Mrs.
Prof. Charles S. MarBh, of New
Bethlehem, was In town Saturday.
Charles M. Milliren was in Kane last
George R. Adam, editor Brockway
vllle Record, and postmaster at Brock
wayvllle, was in town Saturday.
Mrs. J. C. McEntire visited in Du
Bois Saturday.
E. D. Davis visited in Clarion county
last week. '
. Mrs. Andy Denny, of Driftwood, was
a visitor in town Saturday.
Carl Kirk, student in the State Forest
Academy at Mont Alto, Pa., is home on
Mrs. Nicholas Welsch is visiting in
. Miss Marguerite Murphy, of Brook
ville, was the guest of Miss Catherine
Taafe the past week.
Miss Edith Katzen Is visiting in Saga
more, Indiana Co.
; Mrs. Frank S. Hoffman is visiting at
Derry Station, Pa.
Wayde Breakey and wife, of Stanton,
visited the latter's mother In Paradise
C. O. Berg and wife spent Sunday in
DuBois. .
G. M. Brown, of Washington, Pa.,
has been visitor In town the past
Mrs. A. E. OtwayPage, of Crystol
Beach, Canada, and Miss Amelia Clark,
of Brookville, have been the guests of
Mrs. C. R. Hall the past week.
Mrs. L. O. Gourley visited In Brook'
ville last week.
Miss Pearl Barrett returned the lat
ter part of last woek from two weeks'
visit In Punxsutawney.
William Barclay and daughter, Miss
1 Jessie Barclay, and Clement O'Hare
will go to North Fork Camp, near
Brookville, to-day to spend a few days.
Miss Jennie Harp, of Brookville, vls-
, ited in town this week.
Misses Nellie Welsh and Anna Levis,
of New Maysville, have been the guests
of Miss Irene Welsh on -Jackson street
the past week.
Miss Fonda King is visiting near
'Squire W. L. Johnston visited in
Clarion county from Friday until yes
Mr. ana Mrs. f. x. Shannon spent
Sunday at Crates,Clarion county.
Arthur McClure, of Allegheny, is
visiting home of his father on Main
street. His wife has been here a couple
of weeks.
Peter Constandakos was a visitor in
jNew Bethlehem over Sunday.
Mrs. G. M. Swartz U visiting a sister
in Sharon. She will visit in Pittsburg
and Butler before returning home.
Mrs. Samuel F. Brillhart is visiting
her sister, Mrs. W. W. Barclay, at
Mrs. Lydia Schotte and Miss Emnla
Meredith, of Kltttanning .were guests
of Mrs. C. Mitchell the past week.
Mrs. Walter Williams, of Oak Ridge,
was a visitor in town last week.
Lawyer C. W. Flynn was in Plttsi
burg last week.
Mrs. G. P. Williams, of Sligo, was in
town Thursday.
Hood Knox and wife and daughter,
Miss Mary, went to Mercer, Pa.,
Monday where Mrs. Knox will
take a course of treatment in the sani
Miss Elvie Coleman visited in Brook
ville la-it week.
Mrs. W. J. H. Kocher visited In
Brockwayville a couple of days last
Mrs. Homer Brumbaugh and two
daughters, Rui.h and Inez, of Frank
lin, are vUitlng relatives In Reynolds
ville and community.
Miss Fay Verstine, of Brookville,
was the guest of Miss Mary McClure
last week.
Mrs. William Anderson, of Adrian
Furnace, was a visitor In town a day
last weeK.
Marguerite Lowther, of Rimersburg,
Is visiting relatives in town.
Miss Edith Clark is visiting her
brother, Charles B. Clark, in DuBois
thta week.
Marian and Fred Clark, of DuBois,
visited their grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Clark, in this place last week.
Mrs. John Brltton, of DuBois, is vis
iting her father in this place. '
Mrs. H. A. Corbett 1b visltinc In New
Bethlehem this week.
Miss Adda Martin will return this
week from a trip to Washington. D C.
Jamestown Exposition in Virginia and
nttsourg, ra.
Fred Pifer and wife, of Rldgway,
were visitors in town Monday.
Miss Ruth Stiles Is visiting relatives
In Ebensburg, Pa., and taking a course
in the summer school at that place.
Miss D. B. Snvder is visiting In
Miss Alda Means, of Frostburg, who
graduated In the Reynoldsville high
school In May, is visiting her brother,
ur. u. Li. means, in tnis place.
Miss Helen Rearlck, of New Castle,
is the guest of Miss Mary Parsons.
G. W. Sykes and wife and Miss Ella
Sykes were In Philadelphia last week.
Mr. Sykes was also in New York City.
. Frank Strouse and James Musser
have returned from a trip to Washing
ton, D. C, and Jamestown Exposition.
Miss Dorothy Wilson, of DuBois, has
been the guest of Miss Cora Mitchell
the past week.
Clarence H. Reynolds, of Warren.
Pa., was In town yesterday afternoon
ana last mgat.
Andrew Thompson Bing, of Bing-
stone uo. aepartment stores, and wife
returned last Thursday from a Blxteen
day jaunt to Buffalo, Beach wood Park,
Lake Ondago, Syracuse, N. Y., and
Crystol Beach, Canada.
A. C. Scott, wife and daughter, Miss
Helen, are visiting Mrs. Scott's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A W. Thomp
son, on fourtn St. Mrs. Scott and
daughter will remain here a couple of
Jarvis Williams spent Sunday at
iMortn r orn uamp, near Brookville.
S. H. Jones and wife are visiting the
former s parents at Ull uity.
Linden Coleman, of Pittsfield. Mass..
is visiting his cousin, Prof. Clarence
Henry At water left here last week
on a trip to Washington, D. C, James
town Exposition and New York City.
Miss Llllie Lenkerd spent Sunday in
Mrs. Sarah Tovey, of Anita, is visit
ing her sister-in-law, Mrs. J. P. Has
Walter Booth, who n In PI
two months, has returned to Reynolds-
Miss Anna McMasters is visiting in
.new netnieDem.
J. K. Siple and wife, of Lanes Mills.
spent Sunday at home of the former's
mother In West Reynoldsville.
Irvln R. Klock went to Warren Mon
Miss Leona Baum is spending this
ween witn a cousin, Miss Anna Crow,
at nurai valley, Armstrong county.
Misses Margaret Jones, Carrie TraiB
ter and May Blose, of DuBois were
guests of Miss Alda Baum in this place
Mrs. H. S. Belnap was called to Big
Run last week on account of the serious
illness of her sister, Mrs. Robert Span'
Miss Margaret E. Taafe, of Pitts
burg, who holds a position as sten-
oerapner lor tne Merchants Savings &
Trust Company of that city, is spending
her vacation with her parents on Main
loon U'Hare took his children to
Villa Marie, Pa., near Youngstown,
Ohio, Monday to spend a couple of
wee its witn an aunt. Mr. O'Hare will
take a trip to Detroit, Mich., and other
places Delore returning boms.
Do you realize what It means (or a family to
grow up without any knowledge of music,
without keeping In touch with the world's
progress in music? There Is one easy. Inex
pensive way to treat your family to the best
music of the world: By the purchase of an
Edison Phonograph and Edison
Gold Moulded Records.
Call and hear the new records and we will tell
you how you can get an Edison phonograph
on easy payments.
Haskin's Music Store
Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania-
Here are some of the
important things
you want in your
repair work of watch,
clock and jewelry
repairing :
Best of Workmanship
Best Material.
Right Prices.
Prompt Service.
All these you can get
when you leave your
work with
Gooder, the jeweler,
in the Peoples
National bank
Mid-Summer Clearance
The Big Store has determined that this shall be strictly a Clearance
Sale a sale TO CLEAN UP BROKEN LOTS. oddB and ends and all
SURPLUS SUMMER STOCKS. This will be a sale where 1.00 will go
a great ways. Do not fail to make your $ 1.00 earn you 25c or 50c, or in
many cases another $1.00 all of which will be a clear profit to you, since
almost every day the manufacturers advance the price on Borne line of
merchandise. We urge you to make your purchases now, while we are
making a reduction of 50 per cent, whereas later you will have to pay an
advance of from 25 to 50 per cent. DO NOT WAIT TOO LONG good
things are picked up every day. ' .
There are bargains in all departments. Look for ticket on bargain
counter. It would be impossible for us to enumerate everything we are
offering, but as a hint as to what you may expect we mention here a few
Figured and Dotted Swisses, . 33 per cent off.
A few Ladies' Shirts Waists to go at 25 per cent off.
A few Ladies' WaBh Suits at 50 per cent, off or 1-2 price.
A few Odds and Ends in Silks at 50 per cent off.
Ladies' Jackets, . . . . $6.50, now $. 75.
Ladies' Jackets, . . $8.50, now $5.75.
Ladies' Jackets, . . . $10.00, no-w$7.50.
SUITS at greatly reduced priceB, To appreciate price you must
Bee the suits. '
There are many bargains and bargains for everybody.
Shick & Wagner
Corner Main and Fifth Streets.
Reynoldsville, Penn'a.
All over the house, in each department
& You'll find bargains.
, . t " i j All Ladies' Oxfords go in this sale.
We've gone through our stocks and made . . . , , ,
$1.50 Oxfords now $1.19. $2.00 Oxords$ 1.69.
a hit am All ClUWAAPD" rnnnc $2.50 Oxfords $1.98. $3.00 Oxfords $2.39.
A CUT ON ALL SUMMER GOODS Men's Oxfords in Gun Metal, Patent Leather,
10 TO ? PFR TFISIT Vid Kid black or tan. $2.50 Oxfords $1.98.
IV iy rLv'mi $3.00 Oxfords $2.69. $3.50 Oxfords $2.98.
t j. it . tt j ct . n Now's your opportunity to buy Oxfords at Octo-
. Ladies Muslm Underwear, Skirts, Gowns, Lots of time yet to wear Oxfords.
Chemise, Drawers and Corset Covers. We've illL., n j r e j
, . f u l .1, White and Colored Oxfords
made a cut of 10 per cent, which at the present
price of Musta U cheaper than, you'll ever be g Srf .
able to get them again. AH $2.00 White Oxfords 1.69
Widow Jones Clothing for Boys
Aged 3 to 16 years, go Id tbis sale at
following prices.
86.00 Suits now vt4.98
5.50 Suits now 4.49
5.00 Suits now 4.19
4.50 Suits now 3.79
4.00 Suits now , 3.19
3.50 Suits now 2.98
3.00 Suits now. 2.25
2.60 Suits now 1.98
2.00 Suits now ,..1.49
1.50 Suits now 1.19
Clothcraft Clothes for Men and
Young Men. . -
All spring and summer weights go in
this sale (excepting Clays and Thibits.)
120.00 Suits now.., $16.49
18 00 Suits now 14.98
16.50 Suits now 13.49
15 .00 Suits now 12.49
13.50 Suits now , 10.98
12.00, 12.50 Suits now 9.98
10.00 Suite now 7.98
8.00, 8.50 Suits now 6.49
Men's Imperial Dress Shirts,
former price 50c & 75c now 39c.
6 00 Pants now .. . 5.00
5.00 Pants now 4.19
4.60 Pants now 3.98
4.00 Pants now 3.49
3.50 Pants now 2.98
3.00 Pants now.... ...2.49
2.50 Pants now 1.98
2.00 Pants now 1.49
Odds and ends in Men's summer
Underwear former price 50 and 75c (the '
piece) this sale only 39c. "
Basement Department
We save you 15 to 35 per cent on all Basement Goods