Subscription $1.00 per year in advance C A.WTEPHEWHOW, Bdltor and Pnb. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. 1U07. "The Teachers Minimum Salary Law." I am Informed that Id some of our neighboring counties that certain school boards have a determination to not hire teaches holding protuwlonal or permanent certificates, because of the new law fixing their salaries at not less than 150 per month. In -'order to avoid tuoh a possibility In our county I present these facts regarding the new law, to directors and patrons who have not had access to It. Tbe Law provides first; that teachers holding provisional certificates shall receive not less than $40 per month and second; that teachers having 2 years successful experience, holding a professional or permanent certificate or Normal school diploma shall receive not lees than tf0 per month. It also provides that In all cases where the salary required under this act Is greater than that paid during the year beglunlng June 1, l'JOrt, the state will pay the difference. The money to pay this difference will be taken from the 'general appropriation before it is distributed. This difference will not be paid until after the close of the school year, the same as haB always been the custom re garding appropriations. It will there fore be necessary for the boards to pro vide, either by loan or levy, sufficient money to pay the teachers and this dif ference will, at the close of the year, be repaid by the state. If a position paid 135 per month last year and a teacher holding a provisional certificate teaches it this year, the state will pay the difference between 135 and 140. If a teacher holding a higher certificate teaches the same school the state will pay the difference between. 135 and 150. It is clear that the advance required by law will la reality not hi a hardship ott the townships. Instead of avoiding the professional teachers' the boards should seek them. Each district can thus have the benefit of the best trained teachers and without any extra expenBe in the end. I do not wish to be understood as ad vising that good teachers holding pro visional certificates be "turned down" in favor of those holding higher grade certificates. I have been prompt ed to make this statement so that all boards and patrons mlghtknow the pro visions of the new law and how the in crease Is to be paid. School boards are now justified in hir ing the best teachers they can get with out regard to the class of certificate held- This new law takes effect June 1st, 1907. Diplomas granted by Prof. Teitrlck may be obtained by calling at my office or enclosing stamp. Very respectfully, j... . ;, L. Mayne Jones, :., Supi. of Schools. A person who has seen the new state capitol at EarriBburg. which cost thir teen million, and the Congressional Library at Washington, D. C, which cost six and one half million, can have some conception of the graft there was ' in the capitol building at Harrisburg. In Pennsylvania In 1900 there were 10,632 deaths from tuberculosis,. 4,039 from typhoid fever, 2,484 from diph theria, '1,683 from whooping cough, 1,585 from measles, 525 from scarlet fever and 85 from malarial fever. Total deaths from the seven diseases 20,987. It is not a good policy for-a large business firm to appear before the , people in an old-fashioned, carelessly written, small-sized ad. People are apt to judge the business by the ad. Better to fix up a bright, catchy ad vertisement and - take a space big enough to credibly represent the business. The East Jellioo Coal Company Is ow producing about 250 tons per day and before many months will doubtless hare a capacity of three or four times this iquanlty. It is one of the best plants In Eastern Kentucky and is under the able management of Mr. S. Shaffer. From The Black Diamond. Reynoldsvllle capital was Interested in the development of the above coal property, and Mr. Shaffer, the man' ager, was formerly a Reynolds villo man. Don't forget the place to leave your orders for ice cream either by 'phone or in person Is at Christy's factory. We do not make a cheap grade. Our prices are 22 cts per quart and 25 cts In brick. Delivered at your door. For fertilizer, go to the Keystone Hardware Co. Straw hats at Millirens. Douglas shoes at MUllrens. Queen Quality means a perfect fitting shoe for the woman who wears them. Adam's. White oxfords at Millirens. ' Christy's ice cream factory is the riace to get your cream. Only one ;rade and that Is the best. Price 22o er quart and 25c in brick. A New Strain of Honey Bees. i Ueynoldsville, Pa., June 20. Reynoldsvllle Is troubled by the little butty bee. For the last month, ever since hues have begun to swarm, they generally migrate to some neighbor's back yard and if a Hue full of nice white clothes are handy, In a short time they need washing. Mombera of the town council have been Interviewed on the matter and the council perhaps will be Induced to take steps toward stopping it, as It Is very annoying to the ones afflicted by the Industrious bee. Beyn oldsville correspondent Punxsutawney Spirit. The ordinary bees on their first cleansing flight after long confinement In winter or early spring, are liable to soil objects within 50 or KM) feet of their hives, and without regard to color, but at other times, and especially In the swarming season, they will not do this; and a swarm may be wrapped up for hours In the daintiest linen without It being Boiled. But the bees referred to In the above clipping are an entirely different strain of bees and are procured by a cross be tween a would-bee reporter and a vir gin dally rewspaper. They will be known as the Polkadots. This new strain of bees promises to revolutionize bee keeping; more than half of the bees in town have already been purchased by enterprising bee men within a week. With these new bees you can throw away your swarm catcher, discard all your non-swarmlng devices. Abandon the idea of sometime developing a strain of non-swarming bees (for bees will swarm whenever conditions are favor able), but If you will get in possession of these new bees, Bave your old linen and window curtains Place your empty hives In some desirable place, hang up some white clothes around them. These bees have such a mania for dotting white olothes that the absconding swarms will be attraoted by the white clothes, and after doing justice to the clothes and finding a new home there waiting for them, they will enter It and go to work, and you bave escaped the most perplexing part of bee keeping. This seems almost too good to be true. It may only be another case of a dally paper In a small town being driven to desperation for want of manuscript; or it might be that the editor was so busy guarding the rest of the capitol build ing that be over-looked the above ar ticle. For although some pretty "big oneB" appear In the Spirit at times, they are generally labeled In some way. However, it is claimed by those who have had experience with these bees that where the bee keeper Is on very bad terms with bis neighbor, these characteristics are manifest to a slight degree, the more antagonistic the more perceptible, just like chicken and dog tracks In the garden. Persons wishing to test some of these remarkable bees, or wishing any Information In regard to them can address, Nectar and Venom. Care this office. Parcel Room Service Available at AH Pennsylvania Railroad Stations. For the convenience of the public, beginning July 1, patrons of the Penn sylvania Railroad will have the privi lege of checking hand baggage and other Bmall articles in the baggage room at all ticket stations which do not now bave special parcels checking rooms, A charge of five cents for 24 hours or fraction thereof will be made for each article checked, except from Saturday noon until Monday noon when goods will be held for five cents. After the first 24 hours an additional charge of ten cents for each additional 24 hours or fraction thereof, with a minimum charge of $1.00 per month. Notice to Contractors. Sealed proposals will be received by the town council of the borough of Reynoldsvllle, Pa., until Tuesday, the 20th day of August, 11)07, at 8 o'clock p. m. for the grading, curbing and pav ing of that part of Fifth street in said borough which lies between the south side of Main street, where said Main street crosses said Fifth street on the north, and the north side of Jackson street, where said Jackson street orosses said Fifth street on the south. The plans and specifications therefore can be seen at the office of the clerk. J. C. Kino, Attest: President of Council. C. W. Flynn, Clerk of Council. . A Memorable Day. One of the days we remember with pleasure, as well as with profit to our health, Is the one on which we became acquainted with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the painless purifiers that cure headache and biliousness, and keen the bowels right. 25o. at Stoke & Feioht Drug Co. stores, Reynoldsvllle and Sykesvllle. How Much Rent have you paid out in past five years? How much could you have ap plied on a home? Point View offers inducements and we'll help you to make your lot worth double the present price in two years. Point View Land Co. Try Old Dutch Blend coffee. 20 cts. at Rigg's grocery. Watsootown work shoes for men, made of solid leather. Price $2.50 to Prominent Resident Beechwoods Dead. fames Welsh, one of tbo oldest and boot known residents of the Beechwoods district, and who was one of the few surviving veterans of the civil war, died at bis home at Grove Summit Tuesday, June 25, 1907, aged 'HO yars. Death wan due to acute lmll?e?ttnn and heart trouble, from which Mr. Welsh had been a sufferer for several years. Last fall he had a serious attack of illness and was confined to the house nearly all winter, and he never fully recovered from Its effects. For several weeks he bad been falling rapidly, but bis death was unlooked for by his many friends, and only the Immediate members of the family know during the last few days that the shadow of death was darkening their home. James Weltih was one of the pioneer residents of the Grove Summit district and ho spent nearly all his life In that section. He was born in Philadelphia June 13,1841, and was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Welsh, who came to this section In 1843 and established a homestead at Grove Summit, where the family has been one of the best known and most influential In the district. After the death of his parents Mr. Welsh moved onto the old homestead, where family still resides. Brock way vllle Jitwrd. New Game Law. The now game law, approved by Governor Stuart, makes the open seas on for woodcock and pheasant from Oct. 1st to Deo. 1st; quail Nov. 1st to Deo. 1. It is unlawful to shoot or injure quail when bunched upon the ground; or to hunt for or to kill any of the game birds protected by this act during the night time; or to kill any game of any kind, within this commonwealth, through or by the use of a gun of any kind other than is usually raised at arm's length and fired from the shoulder. Fine for violating the law Is $25 for each bird killed, or one day In jail for each dollar of fine. The season for killing rabbits is from Oct. 15 to Deo. 1 and may be killed In any manner "except through or with the aid of a ferret." Deer may be killed Nov. 15 to Dee. 1. It is unlawful for any person to kill In any one Beason more than one deer, which in every Instance shall be "a male deer with horns." Penalty for violation $100. The squirrel season remains as It has been for some yeai s past, Oct. 1 to Deo. 1, thus making the season for killing small game more uniform and prohibit ing hunters from killing pheasants un der the pretext of hunting squirrels, as was often the case when there was 15 days difference in the open season. The Charming Woman Is not necessarily one of perfect form and features. Many a plain woman who could never serve as an artist's model, possesses those rare qualities that all the world admires; neatness, clear eyes, clear smooth skin and that sprlghtllnesB of step and action that ac company good health. A physically weak woman Is never attractive, not even to herself. Electric Bitters re store weak woman, give strong nerves, bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, beau tiful complexion. Guaranteed at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co., druggists, 50o. Reynoldsvllle and Sykesvllle. Letter List. List of unclaimed letters remaining In post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for week ending June 29, 1907. ' John Broad, Thomas Marshall. Foreign Jakob Cbronowskl. Say advertised and give date of list when calling for above. E C. Burns, P. M. Extra values at Millirens. Want Column. Rates: One cent per word for each and evorv Insertion. Found Between Frank's Tavern and Imperial Hotel, a purse containing money. Inquire of John Hanson, Pine Grove Cottage, West Reynoldsvllle. For Sale House' and lot at Anita. Inquire E. Neff, Reynoldsvllle. FOR Rent Modern brick house, n quire D. H. Young, corner Grant and Fifth streets. For Sale Good bouse and lot on corner of Fourth and Mable streeets on easy terms. Inquire at law office of M. M. Davis. For Sale Good working team, war gon and harness; team weighs about $2,800 pounds. Inquire of L. F. Het rlck. FOR SALE Cadlllao automobile. In good condition; will be sold cheap. In quire or j. a. Howard. For Sale Lot and two houses with modern conveniences on Fourth St. Easy terms. Inquire of M. M. Davis. For Sale A property on Grant street. Inquire on premises or address unas. a. turcnartz, Warren, Pa. For Sale Good property on East Main street at a bargain. Inquire of T 1 W T . . ... 1 jusepn macro, iteynoiasville. . For Sale McCormlck mower and rake. Good as new. nnthlnir hmba Sell for $35 or exchange. Inquire of mm. uiosoo. For Sale Good house, barn- and six acres of land adjoining borough of Reyn oldsvllle. Inquire of J. J. or C. F. Hoff man. , FOR SALE Snuare niann: a hinniln for $35.00. Inquire at The Star office. For Rent Four room house on Jack son street. Inquire L. M. Snyder. - For Rent Five houses ia good locations in West Reynoldsvllle. In quire of W. L. Johnston. Wear Watsntown shoes tor work, they are the' kind that stand bard knocks. Adam's. Speulnl Jun hm-galn festival fur this month at villlltvni.. Lest You Forget ' This is ju9t a reminder that we have all the latest Edison and Victor RECORDS Call and hear them at Haskin's Music Store Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania. A PLATE Of our delicious Ice Cream is so cool, refreshing and delightful that you can not afford to do without it when you consider the flavor, quality and price offered at our store. jjj REYNOLDSVILLE 1 CANDY WORKS. Here are some of the important things you want in your repair work of watch, clock and jewelry repairing: Best of Workmanship Best Material. Right Prices. Prompt Service. All these you can get when you leave your work with Gooder, the jeweler, in the Peoples National bank building. 'Shrn ca m him, but b 4 : PORCH SHADES The Citizens National Bank ITS FINANCIAL STRENGTH Your attention is directed to theinames of the followingfwell known business men, who compose our Board of Directors : . David Wheeler McCurdy Hunter J. M. McCreioht John F. Dinger Dr. A. II. Bowser . In addition to above, we have a strong body of stockholders, whose standing and responsibility give increased strength to the institution. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. VISIT JEFFERSON PARK ' ANY DAY THIS SUMMER Everything Dancing, Skating, Coaster, MerrryGo-Round, Art Gallery, Laughing Gallery, Ball Games, Shooting Gallery, Swings, Refined and High-Class Vaudeville, ' Life Motion Pictures, Illustrated Soncrs. Etn. FRANK GIGLIOTT AND DAMIANO BRUNO in their great Fireworks Display at Jefferson Park July 4th. Follow the Crowd. J. ft. HILLIS & GO. Will furnish your homecomplete with Furniture and Floor Coverings We have over 100 Rugs, room size, $5.25 to $35.00 and more than 6,000 yards of Carpet. Never before have we had such a line to select from. CALL AND SEE OUR I Vudor Porch Shades Get the most out of your porch this summer. Make it a spot where you can rest or work on the hottest days out doors, yet free from thj sun's glare and heat, j j s Vudor Porch Shades are made of thin, flat strips of linden wood, fine, close ly bound by strong seine twine in a lock stitch weave. Painted in any color. Fits any porch and sets your porch off just beautifully. For sale at ReunoldsviiiB Hardware COMPANY STORE can't tar Arthuii O'Donnel John W. Stewart James G. Brown Andrew Wheeler to Amuse You "You Bet I'm Going." STOCK AND SAVE MONEY W $5.00. Adam's. i fit -