REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, MAY 22, 1907. Nl'Ji H K). 2, W. B. Ai.kxni)RH, F. D. Smith. Vlce-Pres. Aiioust Uai.daut, Vlce-Pres. The Peoples National Bank ; REYNOLDSVILLE PENN'A. Capital, $100,000 Surplus and Profits, Notwithstanding we are examined semi-annually by the Treasury Department of the United States, we also have an audit made semi annually by an Ex amining Committee appointed by the Board of Directors, who report as follows: KEYNOLD8VILLE, PENN'A., May 15, 1907. . To the Board or Directors of The Peoples National Bank or reynoldsville, penn'a. Gentlemen: The Examining Committee appointed by the Board to make an examination of tho assets of the Bank report as follows: The cash ha been counted, and the notes, collateral and other securities have ben listed. The cash on hand corresponds with the amount called for by the balance book of the bank at the close of business May 15th, 1907. The note agree with the amounts recorded In the Ren eral ledger as of May 15th. The collaterals and securities called for are all on hand and In noRotlable oondltlon. There are no pant due or sus-' pended not", or any notes ir assets In litigation. A trial hnlance was aim taken of the Individual ledgers and same found to bi In btlaiNM with ana unt called for In the general ledger. In our opinion the assets of the bank are of larger actual value than the book value. i Respectfully submitted, August Baldauf, , James H. Spry, . , W. H. Moore, Examining Committee. The New Process Visible Opeu fare always in sight. Adjustable gas orifice. Top burners removable and easily cleaned. , Not necessary to heat oven before baking. No oven bottom or side flues to burn out. Hi.-cuit baked in seven minutes. Come and let us explain this wonderful range. ? NEAIMCHTOFFICE. J fl Do not under-ettimste the 3 home and the sanitary qualities italL The character of the Dlumhtnr anrt the emiim r t 0 1 l w, j ,th room governs not only your health but the selling value of your 'BSC W WCU. 'SteaAwd" Baths and Lavatories nt, betides Dane unsurpassed in ithit ware and our reputation for high-grade work should merit your Vntion when you need nj kind of plumbing service. Careful work reasonable prices, by lulled mechanic otter for your patronage. UNION PLUMBINGCOmPANY Both Vboo-s. , RyiioldHville, Pa. Preslilont. K. ALEXAHDKit, Cashier. P. P. Amixandrb, Ass't Cashier. $ 18,000 Gas Range REYNOLDSVILLE. PA... . vsliie nf onmf nlnmkin. ... .. ft fwwviMi IM J UUI of the bath room fixtures vn possess guaranteed sanitary quai beauty of deuen. The exeeIVn- using modern methods is what --"""s-Mim -a. w THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO. James- Muir Is In Pittsburg this week. M. J. Farrell was In PltlHburg Satur day night. David Sowers was in Sumiuervllle last week. Mrs. W. B. Hoffman Is viultlug In East Brady. Mits Julia Kirk was In Pittsburg the past week. O. H. Johnston was In Clarion a day last week. Mrs. C. N. MoPlieison visited in Big Run last week. . Miss Mary Wauon in visiting In New Keudlneton. Mrs. L. L. Guthrie visited at Heath; ville the past week. D. M. Duosmore and wife spent Sunday In Warren. Lawyer Clement W. Flynn was In Pittsburg this week. Father John Dvllle. of Walston, was in town Monday. Mrs. Barbara Walte, of Rlmersburg, spent Sunday In town. Miss Bessie Sensor visited in DuBois the first of this week. , Mrs. G. M. MoD.raald visited In Brookville yesterday. Mrs. Hood Knox and daughter, Mary, are visiting In DuBois. Andrew Wheeler returned Saturday fi-'jm a trip to St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Deemer, of DuBois, vlalted In town the past week. Mrs. Fred Bartow returned Satur day from a visit in Phllipsburg. John Adam spont Sunday at home of his mother In Brockwayville. Eisjene Cochran, of Brookville, visit ed In town the first of this week. Fred Wiley, , of Brookville,' spent Sunday at his home In this place. William Bolt, of East Brady, spent Sunday with his parents In this place. Harry Howe and George Snedden left here Monday for Indian Territory. W. H. Bell, the clotlher and wife wnn. in Plttshiirg the first of this week. Miss Pansy Fount N visiting her aunt, Mrs. Harry C. Richard, at Johnsonburg. Charles S. Kircharta, of Warren, spent Sunday with his family in this place. 4 Mrs. Sabtna Fulton Is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Wilson, in this place. James Jones wont to Pittsburg Fri day to visit his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Stewart. H. R. Burns, proprietor of the Wind sor Hotel In DuBois, was In town yes terday. J. M. Dailey and wife are visl'lng at home of the latters's parents at Peale. Pa. , Mrs. W H. Karns ard son, William, rfOakmont, spent Sunday at home of A. B. Weed. Mrs. M. E. Ridge way and son, Joseph, of New Bethlehem, were In town Monday, Mrs. F. P. Howe returned Sunday from a visit In E'klns, W. Va., and Pittsburg, Pa. M. J. .Mt'lcr. prnp'-i -tor of the Park Htpl at Elennnrw. was In Williams port this week. Clarence and Robert Stephenson and Wm. Coyle, of Pittsburg, were visitors io town over Sunday. Mrs. C. N. Lewis and son, Ronald, visited at home of I. F. Dempsey at Oak Ridge last week. Miss Mary Brody, of Driftwood, was the guest of her cousin, Miss Anna Bohren, last Tburseay. Dr. McLaln, of Pittsburg, Is visiting his aunts, Mrs. Cora Mitchell and Mrs. Margaret T. Mitchell. Mrs. Will Heldrleb, of East Brady, is visiting her sister, Mis. H.. Eugene Phillips, cm Grant street. Miss Anna Jelbart, of New Bethle hem, Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Butler, In this place. Dr. 9. Reynolds, who has been at Warren about four weeks, returned to bis home In thh place Monday. .Mrs. Harry C. Kl chard, of Johnson burg, la visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Foust, In this plaee. Mrs. H. J. Pbllitt and two daughters. Ruth and Helen, left here Monday to visit In Sprlngdale and Pittsburg. J. R. Mllllren, George Hunter, Dr. B. E. Hoover and two sons, Burton and Frederick, were at Wlntlow, Pa., Frank DegnHn went to RUlgway Monday to visit a few day. and may remain there and work thin summer Mrs. James E. Mitchell anil dmiifht er, Helen, of Kane, are visiting her parents, Mr. anil Mrs. .1. J Sutter, In this place. Mrs. Smith M. McCrelght. of Bur gettstown, Wuxhlngtnn Co.', Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Andrew Wheeler, in this place. L. H. Boyla and wife went, to Clear field Friday to attend funeral of a cousin. They remained In Clear field until Monday. Harry Ohl. Lloyd Humphrey, Ralph Wylarn and Lawrence Whltaker went to Clarion Monday to get a position in the bottle factory. Mrs. E. L. Potter, who has been living on Pleasant avenue several years, went to Corsica Saturday where she will remain until fall at least. Miss Anna Robertson, who attended school hern the past term, went to Bitumen, Pa., last Friday to spend the summer at home of her parents. ' Walter Booth went to Pittsburg lat week to work .for the Westingbouse Company diMng the summer months and In tlx fall will attend 8tate College. Dr. J.!j$ Parsons will go to Wllklns burg . to-nrtrrow and will preach In a Methodist church In that city to morrow evening, returning home Fri day. ' i Mrs. Julia A. Reynolds, Mrs. A. B. Weed and Mrs. C. N. Lewis attended the M. E. Foreign Missionary conven tion In New Bethlehem the latter part of last week. Miss Elvira Johnston and Kittle Mowery, two young ladles who gradu ated In tho Reynoldsville high school, went- to Clarion last week to attend the State Normal. Mrs. M. Hayoer and Miss Gilbert, trained nurses In Adrian Hospital at Punxsutawney, visited at home of the former's brother, Robert Fergus, In this place Friday, Edward Hard man, student In the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Md., Is at home of bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Hard man, in West Reynoldsville, (or the summrr vacatton. ' Mrs. Dee Doming, Mrs. Alice Rider, of Oil City, and Mrs. Freona Chaney, of Rlmerton, were visitors at home of T. E. Evans last reek, called to town by the serious Illness of their niece, Mrs Lizzie Wllliard. Rev. W. B. Purdy, of Blancharcf, Centre Co., who was pastor of the Bap tist church at Corsica number of years, was the guest of Dr. A. J. Meek few hours yesterday. Rev. Purdy was on his way to Corsica to visit a few days. Mrs. Susan Murphy, of Emerlckvllte; and her son, Jamrs Wesley Murphy, of Worthville, went to Norfolk, Va., Saturday to visit the former's son, Elmer Murphy. Tbey will attend the Jamestown Exposition before returning home. William Epler and wife, of Balti more, Md., were called here lat week by the serious illness of the former' father. Major Levi Epler, who la In bis 03rd year. Mr. Epler returned to his borne In Baltimore yesterday, but Mrs. Epler will remain in town for a short time. A Narrow Escape. G W. Cloyd, merchant, of Plunk, Mo . bad a narrow escape four years ago. when he ran a jlmspn bur Into his thumb. He says: "The doctor wanted to amputate It but I would not consent I bought box of Bucklnn's Arnica Salve and that cured the dangerous wound " 2iio. at Stoke &FeiohtDrug Co., Druggists. Reynoldsville and Sykesvllle. " Reynoldsville Ahead. We are confident we can give prices durtng the month of May on Ingrain carpet that you have never bad before. I bare over 3,000 yarda of beet all wool ingrain carpets that I will sell while they last that will surprise you. All new fresh patterns and good goods. Come and aee C. R. Hall. Home drdssed meats at Hunter & Mil lion's. See the ti&o pictures at Millirens. Quick bakers and gas economizers the "New Process" visible gas ranges. Keystone Hardware Co., near postofflce. See the new spring jackets at Mil-tirtns. Wondeiful Eczenw Cure. "Our Utile hoy had ecaetna for fiv.i years," writes N. A. Adams, Henrietta, Pa., "two of our home doctors raid the case was hi'intlm, bis lungs being effected Wi then smploytd other doctors but no benefit resulted. By chance we rend about Electric Bitters; bought n bottle and soon noticed Im provement. We continued this medi cine until several bottles were used, when our boy was completely cured." Best of nil blood medicines and body building bisalth tonics. Guaranteed at Stoke & ,Feioht Drug Co. store Reyn oldsville and Sykesyllle. Low Rates to Atlantic City. Via Pennsylvania Railroad account meeting American Medical Associa tion. Excursion tickets will be sold May 31 to June 4, good returning until June 10, from all stations over 100 miles from Atlantic City, at single fare plus tl.00 fur the round trip. For parlluulais, cuiiou.t nearest ticket agent. Sacrificed. , 3 1)00 yards best all wool carpets. Do you want one? C. U. Hall. See tbespiiug clothing MlllireiiH. Fertilizer iu all grades at Keystone Hardware store. Want Column. Kates: One cent per word for each and avert Insertion. ' FOR SALE MoCormick mower and rake. Good as new, nothing broke. Sell for $35 or exebaogu. Inquire of Wm. Gibson, For Sale Property on Jackson st Inquire of H. E. Conrad. For Sale-Good house, barn and six acres of land sd joining borough of Reyn oldsville. Inquire of J. J or C- F, Hod man. For Rent Seven room house, In eluding bath room, on Grant street M. M. Fisher. . - Lost Between bridge and public school building, a signetclasp pin, with the monogram "M. E. J " For Sale Good house on Fifth st. with all modem improvements, bath room and heater. Will be sold cbeap to a quick buyer. Inquire at THE STAR 'fflce. ' FOR SALE 3quare piano; a bargain fir 35 00. Inquire at THE STAR oHIo- FOR SALE Tomato, cabbage, caul I flower and early celery plants. P. G. Burkbnrt, Pleasant avenue. FoR SaLE Second hand three seat' ed back, almost good as new, heavy Conklln wagon and light Conklln wag on. Joseph Bateson, Rathmel. ' For Sale Twin go-cart; good con' ditlon. Inquire at STAR office. For Sale Barbershop In West Reynoldsville. Inquire at The Star office. , For Sale Two trash cows. Inquire of Ellsha Cox, Pardus. Wanted A half dozen weavers for weaving blankets. Good weaver can make from 18 00 to flO.OO per week Address the Craigsville Woolen Mill Manufacturing Co., or H. J. Pollltt, Craigsville, Pa. For Rent Five rooms. Inquire of Mrs. R. L. Tsafo. , FOR Sale Demorest sewing ma chine, good as new. Inquire of A. M. Applegate. For Rent Four room bouse on Jack son street. Inquire . M. Snyder. For Rent Five houses in good locations In West Reynoldsville. In quire of W. L. Johnston. For Rent House on Grant st. with prlvllegH of town water. Inquire of Dr. R. DeVere King. JOHNSON'S BLOOD PURIFIER FOR Piles and Kidney Trouble. Bu permanently cured hundreds of cases sad the demaad for It Is Increas ing every day. Every bottle (uaraa teed to xtve good results. On sals at Stokt A Feicht Drug Cet tort, R.tynoMvUlc Pa. r ESTATE OF J. E. DEAN, DE CEASED. fibers u-svurovDuiry on me aoore estate bavins been (runted to the underlined, all peraons Indebted to the -utld eetate are re- tl'imiru iu uiv.v pnjineiii ana lOOM BV!OC claim to present the tame without delay to Noah Fprmam ntiv April , 1W7. Cajnxjs Howard Ksa. Here a re nome of llirs important thinly ' you yvaiit in your repair work of wattliv clock and jt'welry repairing: Bent of Workniuieiliip' Befit Material. Right Prict p. Prompt Sei vice. All these y.tii can get when you leave your work with Gooder, the jeweK-r. In' the Peoples National bunk building. The Edison and Virf nr Rprnrrk fej - . r fn . Inns tafill IUI JUIIli Will be on sale May 27th. Call in S and hearthem. Haskin's Music Store. An Important Engagement Is that of the young lady lore. Furh an en. Cagenieit should bare a "true rim" kbout It. Girls delight In rings And oc'etv gives the stamp of Its approval to the "fad ' of bav'nf one's "blrthstone" set In the ring We bare them for erery month In the yesr. In every kind of setting. Erery ring Is a "reiular item." Moderate prices, such as add to the lemputlun to buy SAMUEL KATZEN, The Jeweler. Opp. McGntlre'sdrug store. KEY NLLL8 VILLK. PA. "Nunc but the Erave Deserve the Fair" But whether you be bra re . il 1.1 you II set nothing but tuir treat ment here, vi are In bulnes to make frhmU and to keip them. We can only do this by giving the people their money's worth right alone, by offering the freshest . goooa. by prompt and polite ser vice, and by charring only reason able or re. We know that you win lKatstfd with must we sell, with the price we sell at, and with our selling oiwi hod. REYNOLDSVILLE CANDY WORKS. JeweLry M. M. ral. Attorney. ) Sunday. UA