The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 08, 1907, Image 3

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    1 .
Spring Catarrh.
' i & - t
"Without hesitation 7 to its to thank you
for the great relief 1 have found, n your
valuable medicine, Peruna, and will call
the attention of all my friends suffering
with catarrh to that fact. Besides I cheer
fully recommend it to all suffering with
catarrh in any form." Miss Dora Hayden,
819 6th St., S. W., Washington, D. 0.
A Case of Spring Catarrh.
Mrs. N. P. Lawlcr, 423 N. Broadway.
Pittsburg, Kag., writes: "Last spring I
caught a severe cold, which developed into
a serious case of catarrh. I felt weak and
sick, and could neither eat nor sleep well.
"A member of our club who had been
cured of catarrh through the use of Peruna
advised me to try it, and I did so at once.
I expected help, but nothing like the won
derful change for the better I observed al
most as soon as 1 started taking it. In
three days I felt much better, and within
two weeks I was in fine health. Feruns
is a wonderful medicine."
"1 tried all kinds of blond remedies which fellea
to do me an? good but 1 hero found the rich! thing
tint. Hr foil of plmplei and black-
eadi. After taking Caicarete they all left. 1 am
enntlnelDg the me of them and recommending
them to my friends. I feel fine when 1 rtee -n the
Morning. Hope to bare a eaanee to recommend
""Vred 0. Wltten. TS Ilm St., Newark. X. I.
Beat for
r a. jtr i ne ooweia
Pleasant. Palatable, Potent. Tee te Oood. To flood,
Verer Sicken, Weaken erOripe. Me. Be.Mc.MeTet
old In bnlk. The genuine tablet temped CCO.
Svaranteea to core or yonr mover bank.
Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or M.T. 993
To eonrlnee any
woman that Pax.
tine) Antiseptic will
imriroYo ner neaim
and do all we claim
tn It TV a will
end her absolutely free tt large trial
box of Faxtlne with book of Instruc
tions and genuine testimonials. Bend
your name and address on a postal card.
and heali
hnuie f-
fectlons, such as nasal catarrh, pelvla
catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi
nine Ills; sore eyes, sore throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec
ommending It every day. BO cents at
druggist s or by mall. Remember, however.
IBS B. FAX TON CO., Boston, Mass,
.A. re Tou Ruptured!
Why not have It Cored? Hand at ones Inter
or postal, with your address and principal fact,
we will mall trial treatment, without coal to roe,
that will give Immediate relief from the effecta of
cumbersome and dangerous trusses. We also and
ear free book on the "Canes, Cere and Cure of
fcuptore." This explains how yoQ mmj be Ea
Jrely Cured by email ooat by the
Hwsls Healer Oe.. 440 W. 8, Brie. Pa.
An Insult to Army and Navy.
. When the Cdmm&nder-ln-Chlef ot
the United States Army la asked aa
President ot the United States to ap
prove the proposed constitution of the
new State of Oklahoma he will find
threln the following stipulation: ''No
officer, soldier, or marine of the regu
lar army or navy of the United States
shall be entitled to vote at any elec
tion In this State; provided that this
section shall not be construed to In
clude members and officers of the
State militia." Thl provision Is a
gross Insult to the army and navy,
and h wicked Invasion of the rights
of every retired soldier and sailor who
may now or hereafter reside In the
State of Oklahoma,' There are with
in the limits of the new State many
retired officers and men of the army
who have large property Interests and
have done much to prepare the Terri
tory for the dignity of Statehood, yet
It is here deliberately proposed to dis
franchise these citizens and subject
them to the Injustice' of taxation with
out representation. The adoption of
the above-quoted clause by the cons
titutional convention of Oklahoma has
provoked widespread indignation.
Army and Navy Journal.
Are Lights on Trains.
Western railroads have begun to
plan the installing of arc electric
lights on passenger trains de luxe.
These are to be operated on a bat
tery of 50 cells, which will prevent
fire or explosion following a wreck.
Tko no, rf iha Inennrtpsrpnt electric
lights on trains was regarded as a
distinct advancement, but the are
lights glow with a light so much
hlt anil nnftor that thpV Will be
adopted by progressive lines. A
test made in Chicago during me weea
by one of the railroads was entirely
satisfactory. The battery is ample
for a 50-hour run.
Land Values in New York.
Trinity Building, lust north of the
old churchyard, in Broadway, New
York, pays returns on a valuation of
$5,000,000. In 1857 the land with
the building on it, which stood until
a few years ago, was bought for $200,
000. Farther up Broadway, for the
site on which the Astor House stands
with the original building on it, Jacob
Astor paid $60,000. The land alone
Is now worth $3,000,000. '
The Farmer's Wife
Is very careful about her churn. She
scalds it thoroughly after using, and gives
It a sun bath to sweeten it. She knows
that if her churn Is sour It wllrtalnt the
butter that Is made In it. The stomach is
a churn. In the stomach and digestive
and nutritive tracts are performed pro
cesses which are almost exactly like the
churning of butter. Is it not apparent
then that if this stomach-churn Is foul It
makes foul all which Is put into tt?
The evil of a foul stomach is not alone
the bad taste In the mouth and the foul
breath caused by It, but the corruption ot
the pure current of blood and the dissem
ination ot disease throughout the body.
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
makes the sour and foul stomach sweet.
It does for the stomach what the washing
and sun bath do for the churn absolutely
removes every tainting or corrupting ele
ment. In this way it cures blotches,
pimples, eruptions, scrofulous swellings,
sores, or open eating ulcers and all
humors or diseases arising from bad blood.
If you have bitter, nasty, foul taste in
your mouth, coated tongue, foul breath,
are weak and easily tired, feel depressed
and despondent, have frequent headaches,
dizzy attacks, gnawing or distress in stom
ach, constipated or irregular bowels, sonr
or bitter risings after eating and poor
.appetite, these symptoms, or any consider
able number of them, Indicate that you are
suffering from biliousness, torpid or lazy
liver with the usual accompanying Indi
gestion, or dyspepsia and their attendant
"f tilrrflKaffll'"","
lor mo. f.nrrrm i
01 parting Tparhgrs an
aff the several;
.tat1, W
frirnnlnnn Til
nlacnijprv T
Sue-eat mivii.r- r
.twITiy the writing
igBirai nnrni
hat this Is absolutely true
will be readily proven to your satisfaction
if yon will but mail a postal card request
to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for a
free copy of his booklet of extracts from
the standard medical authorities, giving
the names of all the Ingredient entering
into his world-famed medicines and show
ing what the most eminent medical men
of the age say of them.
P. R, TJ. 18, 1907.
If afflicted
with weak
eyes, aae
A Wonderful Oil Stove
Entirely different
from all others. Em
bodies new ideas,
new principles.
Easily managed.
Reduces fuel ex-"
pense. Ready for
business at moment
of lighting. For
your summer cook
ing get a
Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove
Its heat la highly concentrated. Doea not overheat the kitchen.
Oil always at a maintained level. Three sizes. Fully warranted.
It not at your dealer's, writs our nearest agency for deacriptivs
Re&fO Lamp
fst round household
XH IfSXTn T la the W
lamp for all-
. kuuuu UUUHCUUIU UDO 411 WW
of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Per
fectly constructed ; ebsoluteiy safe ; unexcelled in
light-giving power; an onuunent to any room.
Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's,
writ to our nearest agency.
(Incorporated) .
The Girl Who Tries to Conquer
New York.
"I know of nothing more pathet
ic," said a woman to me, lately,
"than the one face one is sure to find
at every boarding house in New York
the face of the girl who has just
come to conquer the, city. To me
such faces are mora tragic than an
army with binners. Why doesn't
she go home?"
Now, why should she go home
the girl who has Just come to con
quer the city? The women who are
at the heads of their professions did
not go home,' and they are not going
to keep their places always. Who
will take their places if that army ot
eager, confident young women at the
boarding house tables of New York
should suddenly go home?
There came a girl to New York,
three years ago, who went to see one
ot the successful women in her pro
fession. "My dear young friend," said the
successful woman, "go home, i have
an average of ten girls a day who
come to me as you have come. I
know girls ot refinement college
bred and clever who cannot earn
five dollars a week in this town. Go
home and stay there."
"But yon didn't go home," sug
gested the girl.
"That was because I didn't know
what I was daring," replied the suc
cessful woman.
The girl did not go borne, how
ever. She stayed, and now she is
earning a salary almost equal to that
of the successful woman for New
York is Indeed a fairy city if one
knows a little magic oneself.
To every girl who has come here
to make her way I should like to say
two things:
First, know yourself; that bit of
advlcfi has never yet been equaled.
Second, if tt is not your pride, nor
your desire, nor your discontent at
home, but your sober judgment ot
your own ability and perseverance
that leads you to believe honestly
that you can win then stay.
Given health, and with no pressing
call of duty at home, any girl who
understands her own personality, and
who stays in the belief I have Just
mentioned, holds her future in her
own hands. In her own hands)
There, alas, is the rub; for upon the
way she Juggles the future with her
own clever hands everything depends,
far more than on the intervention
of fate. Success Magazine.
New York's Extravagant Tax.
It costs New Yorkers $31 a head
to be governed. In Philadelphia and
in Chicago it costs only $13 a head,
and citizens are provided with police,
fire, sanitary and other protection
common to large cities. In Buffalo
the figure is $12; in Washington,
Bridgeport, Schenectady and cities of
that sort, $11 per capita pays the
tax; In Houston, Texas, the charge is
under $10; in lively Los Angeles,
$7.60; Scranton and Seattle each col
lect $6.60, and Nashville, Tenn., Is at
the-bottom ot the list of progressive
cities with a taxation of about $6
per capita, less than one-fifth ot New
York's rate.
The average city tax throughout
the country is probably between $10
and $11 per capita, or almost exactly
the amount by which New York has
raised its per capita figure in only
nine years. Broadway Magazine.
Fruits by the Roadside.
The province of Hanover, Ger
many, - owns 176,794 fruit trees
planted along the sides ot 1976 miles
of highways. There are pear, cherry,
plum and apple trees. Apples are
the most numerous, and give, upon
the whole, the best returns. The
planting ot trees began in the early
part of the last century. a Those
which are too old to be ot' service
are being-replaced. But a large part
of the highways thus utilised as or
chards have been constructed since
1870. The grosB income from these
trees has reached nearly '$40,000 in
a season. The maintenance costs
about halt the average product,
which is a little over twelve and a
halt cents per tree. Yonth's Companion.
Of Proved Honesty.
A small town out West had for a
long time a chief of police, one Alt
Church, noted for his bluntness and
honesty. One day a grocer went to
him for information about a certain
Joe White, who had applled for credit
and a book at his store, and the fol
lowing dialogue ensued:
"Good mornin', Mr. Church."
"Do you know Joe White?"
"What kind ot a fellow is he?"
Pretty fair."
"Is he honest?"
"Honest? I should say so. Been
arrested twice for stealing and ac
quitted both times." Harper's
, How the Printer Erred,
It was a typographical error that
threatened to bring streaks of gray
into the locks of the editor ot a newly
started weekly which purported to
chronicle the doings ot the smart Set
of a Western city. In reality, how
ever, it sold out the edition and filled
the readers with a desire to see what
would develop in the succeeding num
bTS.. The subject of the paragraph
was a pink luncheon given by a well
known matron. When the edition
was given to the public it was found
that the opening lines ot general
eulogy were followed by the bald
statement, "The luncheon was punk."
Personal Knowledges
Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating contests of '
this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate
possessor in the front ranks of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vast fund of personal knowledge is reallv essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir 'of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
ethic J product which has met with the approval of the most eminent physicians and
gives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedy or
Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component.
farts and has won the valuable patronage ol millions of the Well informed of the"
world, who know of their own personal knowledge and from actual use that it is the first
and best or family laxatives, for which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made.
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians
and the Well Informed of the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy,
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial
effects, always note, when purchasing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package.
whether you call for byrup of rigs
or by the full name Syrup
Figs and Elixir of Senna.
LOUISVILLE, KY. londonsengland. NEW YORK.N.Y
voior nore goods brighter and (aster colors Wan an? omer dje. On 100. package colors all libera. They dye In cold water better than any otner dsv Ta
ww bmuvu NiiuviunviHiii AjwK nciM.w. m uvuuw-eve w via diwcd nan iui unota munitus uauu iUi, unionTiue, miser
Canada's Postal Protest.
Two United States postal officials
have been at Ottawa negotiating a
new arrangement for second ctasa
matter newspapers and periodicals.
Borne time ago the Canadian authori
ties gave notice that the existing ar
rangement made tn 1875 was unsatis
factory. The thief complaint is that
the United States Is sending 10 tons
ot this class ot mall Into Canada for
every ton returned,-and that the pres
ent free exchange is one-sided in its
benefits. Canadian Courier.
Justice Geo. E. lw, of Brazil, Ind.,
Has Married 1400 Couples.
Justice Geo. E. Law, ot Brazil,
Ind., has fairly earned the title "The
Marrying Squire," by which he is
known tar and wide,
having already mar
ried some 1400 cou
ples. Ten years ago
he was Deputy Coun
ty Treasurer. "At
jf" yj i that time, II said Jus
f ZJ I tlce Law, "I was suf-
noying aianey trou
ble. My back ached,
my rest was broken at night, and the
passages of the kidney secretions
were too frequent and contained sedi
ment. Three boxes of Doan's Kidney
Fills cured me in 1897, and, tor the
past nine years I have been free from
kidney complaint and backache."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T.
Norway's Beaweed, used as fuel,
yields a greater revenue than its
PITS, St. Vitus'Dance :Nervous Diseases per
manentlycured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve
Restorer. t3 trial bottle and treatise free.
Dr. H. E. Kline, Ld.,931 Arch at., Phils., Pa.
Champlaln Anniversary.
Arrangements are being made to
get New York, Vermont and Canada
to unite In celebrating, on July 4,
1909, the three hundredth anniversary
of Samuel de Champlaln's discovery
of the lake which bears his name,
and which abuts on the territory of
each of these communities. France
was beginning, to colonize Canada at
the time of the discovery of Lake
Champlaln, and England was Btartlng
to Establish its 13 American colonies
along the Atlantic Coast Cham
plaln wag Governor of Canada.
Glacier Ice for Sale.
Glacier Ice Is now delivered to
some of the larger consumers of
Lyons and other cities of Europe.
There are so many railways In the
Alps at present that it has been
found profitable to gather this ice and
transport it to the cities, where it Is
preferred to other ice because of its
hardness and lasting qualities. This
Ice is blasted and mined in the same
manner as stone Is quarried.
. Most Active Volcano.
The most active volcano in exist
ence is Sangay, in Ecuador. Ex
plosions occur usually four times in
the hour, 267 explosions have been
counted in an hour.
It is a pity to be ill ! Take Garfield Tea,
the laxative exactly suited to the needs of
men, women and children; it is made wholly
of herbs; it purifies the blood, eradicates
disease overcomes constipation, brings
From the hawksblll turtle of the
Caribbean sea comes the turtolse
shell of commerce.
Awful Humor Eating Away Face
Body a Mass of Sores Cntlcura
Cures in Two Weeks.
"My little daughter broke out all over
her body with a humor, and we used every
thing recommended, but without results. I
called in three doctors, but she continued to
grow worse. Her body was a mass of sores,
and her little face was being eaten away.
Her ears looked as if they would drop ff.
Ifaigh' .i advised me to get Cuticura Soap
and utment, and before I had used half of
the cake of Soap and box of Ointment the
ore bad all healed, and my little one's
face and body were as clear as a new-born
babe's. I would not be without it again
if it cost five dollars, instead of seventy
five cent. Mrs. George J. Rtese. 701 Co
burn St., Akron, Ohio, Aug. 3U, 1905."
A New York store contains 3,000 dlf
ferent barks, roots and berries, all Im
ported from China..
Is the best choice when a lnxntive is needed;
It is Pure, Pleasant to take, Jlild and Potent.
Buaranteed nnder the Food and Drugs Law.
The' Jamestown Exposition' police
will consist of a hundred men, known
as the Powhatan Guards. v
Mains Farming Profits.
Aroonstook Is the place where
money can be made on farm property.
George A. Fawcett has sold his farm
of 160 acres, located near Fort Fair
field village, to John and William
Henderson for $16,000. Mr. Fawcett
tame from New Brunswick less than
three years ago and invested $2,000,
since which time he is preported to
have cleaned up over $10,000 from
his farm. Kennebec Journal.
Canada's trade with this country is
three times greater than with the
mother country.
Hard to Kill.
A colored man up at Leavenwa
has broken the record for living
der difficulties. A surgical ofl
tlon showed that he had lived a
with a blood clot In his' bral
large as a man's hand. '
9100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this rtansr will lentms
learn that there is at least one dreaded
ease that science has been able to cure"
its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall s (
Cure is the only nositive eure now kn
the medical fraternity. Catarrh twins i
stitutional disease, requires a constitute
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
nally, acting directly unun the blood i
cous surfaces of the system, thereby destr
ing tbe foundation of tbe disease, ana gn
the patient strength by building up the
stitution and assiNtina feature in dom
work. The proprietors have so much J
in its curative powers that they ones
Hundred Dollars for any case that it fa
cure, bend for list of testimonials. Aq
F. J. Ciiekey k Co., Toledo
Sold bv DruroiRtR. 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipatirj
Higher Criticism.
Much depends upon the
celved notion which) the read
have about the book wlilch
his hands what his Jud
Its contents will be. Am
the greatest Bible readers.
Jorlty of them take it as
been taught to, as the di
true and wholly good.
find what they do not und
discover conflicting statenl
pass them as mysteries, bu
any sense errors. CoiJ
either skip those peculiar
or attempt to smooth thq
over. The work ot the m
higher critics has been to fl;
these statements got lntoj
In the Celestial empire, where hu
man life Is held cheap, the genius or
demon ot suicide is represented as a
In this nineteenth century lo keep
up with the march of progress every
power of woman is strained to its
utmost, and the tax upon her physi
cal system is far greater than ever.
In the good old-fashioned days pi
our grandmothers few drugs . were)
used In medicines. They reliedbpon
roots and herbs to cure weaknesses
and disease, and their knowledge of
roots and herbs was far greater
than that of women today. I
It was in this study of roots and
herbs that Lydia E. Pinkham, of
Lynn, Mass., discovered and gave
to the women of the world a remedy
mora nntent and pfrtaninna. (hnn
tVlKi). (w. u. r I IN ft any, combination of drugs.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Is an honest, tried and true remedy of unquestionable therapeutic value.
This medicine made from native roots and herbs contains no narcotics
or other harmful drugs and today holds the record for the largest number
of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the world has aver
known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials are on file In the
laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to its wonderful value.
Mrs. C. E. Fink, of Carnegie, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: "I
wish every suffering woman would take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound and write to you for advice. It has done me a world of good
and what it has accomplished for me I know it' will do for others.
When women are troubled with Irregularities, Displa
auon, innammaiion, cacicacne, xservous Prostration,
member there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. I
table Compound.
Mrs. Pinkham's Stand-ins Invitatiot
women suffering from any form of female weakr
write Mrs. Pinkham. at Lynn. Masa Out of htr )
perience she probably has the very knowledge thati