The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 08, 1907, Image 1

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NN. "VCkN. iN.NV. .N.VX. WOwS. stVAt. .NXS. .OX jsf-NN. -V."-- V---
Cooking Demonstration !
All this Week.
'New Process
Gas Range
Open fire always in sight. Adjustable gas orifice.
Top burners removable and easily cleaned.
Not necessary to heat oven before baking. '
No oven bottom or side flues to burn out.
Biscuits baked in seven minutes.
Come and let us explain this wonderful range.
Will furnish your home complete with
Furniture and
Floor Coverings
We have over 100 Rugs, room Bize,
$5.25 to $35.00 and more than 6,000
yards of Carpet. Never before have
we had such a line to select ' from.
the Peoples National Bank
Capital and Surplus, $112,000.00 ' .
. It is the constant purpose of the management of this bank
to strengthen the close personal relations and mutual con-
. fidenee between officers and patrons, which result in the
most satisfactory service.
Your business respectfully solicited.
Several Thousand Members of the
Princess Elena Society Partici
pate in the Parade and other
Events of the Day
The celebration o( the tenth annl
versary of the founding of the Princess
Elena Italian Society held In Reynolds
ville on Thursday of last week, May 2,
1907. was a complete and glorious suc
cess in everv particular, for which
great credit is due Mariano Cancelliere,
editor of ha Tnnama. of Plttsbiirff.
Carmine Marlnaro and his able assist
ants in Reynoldsvllle. The town was
elaborately and nicely decorated with
flags and bunting, the ' day was
favorable for s;ch an occasion, and
the number of visitors ran Into thous
ands. It was the largest and most
orderly fraternal organization cele
bration that has been held in Revnolds
vllle for years. Nothing occurred to
mar the day's program, which was
carried out as advertised.
At 10.00 a. m. members of Princess
Elena Society, headed by the Sharon
Italian band, marched in a body to St.
Mary's Catholic church and attended
high mass. At 1 00 p. m. In the Dar
lorsof Imporial Hotel a reception was
held for Judge John W. Reed, of
Brookvllle, Dr. Glusetmi Federloi.
Italian consul, of DuBols, and the
honorary presidents. At 2.00 the lonir
line of parade was formed in charge of
Grand Marshal Carmine Marlnaro
Eighteen state policemen on horse back
led the line of march, with the Italian
societies and three brass bands, Italian
band of South Sharon. Keystone band
of Reynoldsvllle, and the Sykegvllle
band, interspersed between the scol
eties. The carriages . In . which fode
the speakers, press representatives
and honorary presidents, were In the
rear, making a very long parade. Up
Grant to Eighth, down Eighth to Main.
down Main to Park Theatre, was the
route taken by the parade.
After the parade about 1,400 people
assembled in the Park Theatre to listen
to the orators booked for the occasion,
whi'in, with thirty or forty honorary
l"iidents, occupied seats on the stage.
Editor Cancelliere, president of the
federated societies, introduced Dr. J. C.
King, president of the town council of
Reyroldsvillo, who in turn Introduced
tr.o speakers of the day. Judge Reed
Summer Normal
Begins May 13th, 1907
Six weeks' course for those who
wish to strengthen themselves
In common branches and high
scdool work . . . $6.00
Seven weeks' normal course for
those desiring to take teachers'
examinations . . . Q7.00
Special course In Mathematics, En
glish and Modern Languages.
Fur particulars Inquire of
Prop. C. s. Marsh, or
Made in New York
NEW YORK sets the fashions.
Are your clothes copied by a local
tailor from fashion plates?
If so, your tailor comes as near as he can to
a picture made
from clothes cut
by New York's
Dest tailors.
'Itri'-,10 (o MAKERS.
-mj-t Kigali UU1UI9,
Why not have these clothes direct and
have Real New York Style with the
Alfred Benjamin & Co. label.
Correct Clothes for Men
Exclusive Agent Here.
Million Bros.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
was the first speaker and he delivered
a plain, practical un able address, con
gratulating the Italians 'of Jefferson
county on the magnificent dbiplay of
the numbers and conseauent oower for
gooa of the organization thev retire
sented. In bis address Judge Reed
said: "The Italian people occupy no
insignltlcant place in the world's civil!
zation, and In centuries past they have
contributed largely In letters, arts and
science to the sura of man's noblest
efforts." Judge, advised them not to
carry ueaaiy weapons. He sale: "The
individual should be educated to rely
upon the law for bis protection, and
for the vindication of every luvaJed
right, and to abandon "he idea of his
own right or prowess to redress wrongs
or grievances which he has suffered or
fancies be has suffered. The man who
carries concealed upon his person a
deadly weapon Invites disaster, and It
will overtake him sooner or later."
Dr. Federicl was the next sneaker
and bis audress was in the Italian
The third speaker introduced wna
reier cancelliere. a bright young
Italian lawyer of Plttauurg, who de
livered a surprisingly able and eloauent
address in English. He was recently
aamitted to the bar of Pennsylvania.
He displayed remarkable oratories!
ability. Among other things Mr. Can
celliere said; "This country has ever
been at asylum for the Door and on-
pressed from all parts of the world
She, herself, Is the offspring of tyranny
and oppression. The United States
welcomes all those Italians who are
indu8trio8, truthful, law-abldini? and
Bmbtttoua for the advancement of
themselv and their children. Fell.i
Italians, In this, your adopted anunt.rv.
- j
lei it oe your duty to mount higher
and higher In search of that true and
sincere American ideal and as you ap
proach nearer and nearer more fullv
appreciate Its spirit and virtue."
Rev. Father Devllle. of Walston. was
the fourth and last speaker. He ad-
dressed the Italians in their own
tongue and judging from the rant at
tentlon of hh audleoee it must have
been a Very interesting address.
The next on the program was th
banquet to the honorary members at
the Imperial Hotel from 8.00 to 10.30
p. m. Mr. Cancelliere and his assist
ants did not stop for expense in pro-
viamg lor a Dig feast, which the ban-
quet surely was. While the honored
guests enjoyed the viands two Italian
musicians furnished delightful mnaln
Hon. John W. Reed officiated as toast-
master. Several guests were called nn
and responded promptly. After the
toasts Editor Cancelliere started sever.
al Italian songs In which his Italian
friends joined In heartily, and the sing
mg was nne.
A dance in the I. O. O. F. hall was
the last event of the big celebration
Among the things demonstrated At.
this Italian celebration, when four or
Bye thousand Italian men, woman and
oh lid re n flocked to' our town, was that.
the Italians are becoming quite a factor
in Jefferson county and thauthey can
behave in a very orderly manner when
they want to. We believe that It is
but stating a fact when we, gay that
never before hag there been as large
crowd of outsiders attend a culebratlon
in Reynoldsvllle that was as orderlv
as was the crowd of Italians who came
within our borders last Thursdav
There seemed to be an Impression
among our citizens that the town would
be full of drunken Italians on Thurs
day, possibly a couple of carving
set apes, but any one who expected such
conduct were disappointed, because
there wag not a disturbance in town
that day we know of that an Italian
wag mixed up In It. The fact of the
matter is that the Italians set an ex
ample of good conduct at their tenth
annual celebration that some of our
American orders would do well to
On another page will be found oio
tures uf the most prominent officers and
speakers who helped to mak6 the an
nl versary a success.
Wonderful Eczemi Cure.
"Our little boy had eczema for fivii
i - .
years," writes N. A. Adams. Henrietta.
fa., "two of our home doctors said the
lease was hopeless, bis lungs being
effected. We then employed other
I doctors but no benefit reauf -Ry
f chance we read about Electric Brw
bougr.t a bottle and goon noticed Im
provement. We continued this medi
cine until several bottles were used,
when our boy was comoletelv cured."
I Best of all blood medicines and body
building health tonics. Guaranteed at
I Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. store Reyn
oldsvllle and Bykesyille.
See the 69c pictures at Milllrens.
We have something attractive for
watch buyer. Call and gee.
C. F. Hoffman,
Jeweler and Optician.
Kempfe Balsam
Will s.'op any conqh that
can foe slopped by any
medicine ar.A ruri .!. .i.o
th?t cannot fc? r'Hrt-tl Kv -..,
other mecMcinc.
It Is aiwayi best
COUOtl Cl'r2. VH rxnnnl
a fiord '.o tnke rh.t
r.l:r-P'S rlLSAM cures
r'.p,'T.ia r.:l c onsump
Hon in Sirst stages.
11 does not corVain alco
hol. ODltlHt. lHT-ifir dw
my ei!?er narcotic, poison
ous or harmful dij.
m .
The Sweetest on
In Candies can be found here,
because we use only l he purest
sugars, extracts and fUvorlngs
In the making of all of our con
fectionery. Those who have
once tried our Candies will
have no others. Its well
known purity is the principal
reason for Its popularity.
Rich but delicate flavor is an
other, etc.
I have the following second hand or
gans that I will dispose of at these re
markably low prices:
L Palace Organ, original price....$110 00
Now $40.00
1 Weayer Organ, original price, $125. 0C
Now $(!0.00
1 Weaver Organ, original price, $115.00
Now $50.00
These organs are in good condition
aud warranted. Call and see them at
flusic Store
, Dealers in Everything Musical.
Ilere are some of the I
important tuings
you want in your
repair work of watch,
clock and jewelry ,
repairing : 1
. Best of Workmauship
Beet Material.
Right PriccB.
Prompt Service.
All these you can get
when you leave your
work with '
Gooder, the jeweler,
in the Peoples i 1
building. I
Columbus Studli
I. D. Kelz, Prop. ; i
Pictures of the Italia'
Nice New Line of Mould-'
in 2 and Framing
, o n
which will be sold 7'
Low Prices.
Souvenir Postals at
Special Prices
uuiugrajjuy ui All lunas ?'
highest grade of work
Letters testamentary on the ah.
having been ((ranted to the under
persons indebted to the said esta
quested to make payment and th(
claims to present the same wilhou
April -. 1B07.
M. M. Davis, Attorney.
Nn w Frrnu.v
0HARLB8 Howa
If you have anything to se
our Want Column.
Are You Planning to Remodel ?
If you contemplate remodeling your present
home now or in the near future, you should
study the subject of Plumbing. Good plumbing is one of the
-happiest features of a modern home. It not only contributes
to the comfort and health of the occupants, but is a source
of pride to the owner.
We will gladly discuss'
plumbing with you and
give you the benefit of our
experience. Having in-
iftfewn ,7stem' 5n numCTu fine
hornet we can refer you to
many satisfied customers.
A little knowledge on the
subject will be beneficial to
you inti.e selection of the
best materiaind fixtures,
and in their proper loca
tion throughout the house.'
If you will call to con
sult' ns, we
you the ai
have in
and quote you prices. , "SXwXbnS" Ware is the
material made every piece is guaranteed. Ask for
booklet "Modern Home Plumbing.1
Both 'Phones. Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
1 1 A
. 1 '