H) Do Ton Open Tour South Like t young bird and ruId down what. ever food or medicine may be offered you ? yr, uo you want k Know sometntng of the composition and character of that which you tak Into your stomach whothor as food or medicine ? Most Intelligent and sensible people Biow-a-uays insim on Knowing what they lemDloT whether aa food nr nmiirinn Dr. Pierce believes they havo a perfect tight to Insist upon such knowledge 80 ho 'publlshes.-EQailrist ana on each bottle fwranper' whatjTITTni4klnes are made of ndveifio8l!irer-tftIl This ho feels tig can TNlJTiurd to do hcrause tlie mi)a thliigrTdU-nts iil which Ills mcdiclnrs re "made arc stiidli'd nnd undirsUHxl ttu Inure will tlii'lr superior curative vlrtunS fl'or the cure of woman's peculiar weak mises, Irregularities and derangoments, giving rise to frequent hondarhes, back- tiche, dragglng-down pain or distress In owor abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied, ofttlmes, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of weakness, Dr. Plerco's Favorite Inscription Is a most eflicient remedy. It Is equally elTectlvo in curing painful periods. In giving strength to nursing mothors and In preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The " Fnvorl to Pre scription " Is a most potent, RtrcnRthonlng tonic to tho general system and to the organs distinctly feminine In particular. It is also a soothing and Invigorating cervlno and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vltus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms at tendant upon functional and organic dis eases of tho distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all tho several schools of practice, recommend each of tho several Ingredients of which "Favorlto Prescription Is mado for tho euro of the diseases for which it Is claimed to be a euro. You may read whnt they say .for io'intcl by sending a postal card request for a free booklet of extracts from the leading authorities, to Dr. H. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Rnrgleal In stitute, P.ufTalo, N. Y.,and it will como to you by return post. Crowding the Camel. The experiment of using motor cars on the Sahara desert Is said to be a success. The only hope the camel has of keeping its hold on the trans portation business la to learn to drink gasoline. Take Garfield Tea in the Spring it will ave you many days of headache, Yaxsitndo and general ill health! This natural laxa tive purifies the blood, cleanses tho system and establishes a normal action o( liver, kidneys and bowels. Playing in the Dark. Because they have no sight and must cultivate the sense of feeling, the blind are peculiarly sensitive 111 touch. The average piano student can profit by this knowledge and help himself more than he realizes by a few minutes of nightly practice with out artificial light. Try going to the piano when the lights are low, or not burning at nil, says a writer In the Etude. Run over the scales In con secutive order. Then play the ar peggios and running chords of the dominant seventh and diminished fifth. Then let yourself go on the pieces you have memorized. You will flnrL yourself musically awakened, for you can hear better when you are not distracted by what you see, and your touch will become more firm and sure and your dependence on printed notes will gradually grow lesB. Wants to Help Out "I am afraid you don't like work," "Yes, I do," answered Plodding Pete; ''I have so much respect for work that when I see a piece of It to be 'tended to I alius feel like turnln' ' It over to somebody else that wouldn't be as likely to spoil It as I would." iashington Star. The Proved Remedy For Over 50 Years. Price 25c and 50c MX had for yean suffered from wbatm4teal men Ctlitd Dyaptpals and Catarrh of th Stomach, la AaffUit I purchased abo of Cascareu and wan anr prj i4 to find that I "bad em' yi a wieifltnc, qalrmtDff mm left me. Judge onr doctor anr criiewhen 1 ihowed htm thirty feet, and In another iy tbe-retualndert about the Bams length )nf a tape Worm that bad been tapping tnr Titahtr for inrt. I have enjoyed the beat of health ever linre. I trust thla atwtimonlal will appeal to other nfferra.' Chat. B lacki bock, 1319 DWInitr Place. nan muaaaipnia, f m Pieman., Palatable, Potent. Tatte Good. Do flood, Haver bicken, Weaicen or Gripe, 10c, lie. tOc. NeTer J old tn bulk. The fennlne tablet itampod CCC loaxaotwd to care or your mooejrback. SterliDj Remedy Co., ChJcaco or N.T. S94 AilX'JfiL SALE, TEH MILLION BOXES P. N. U. 17, 1807. DROPSY V,ZW , ?ISC0VE2T ; vwt fw, i!k f t.lln.UI. in in ! trrftln-al I: vmiEraTis&i I i V AND A jj NEUpLGIA I . ST' ' I JACOBS 1 frS et for J The Dowels ,4 CANDY CATrWtnc Running It Into the Ground. The latest development of municipal ownership in Vienna, which Is now operating a gas and electrlo light plant, a water system and a street railway, Is the purchase for $500100 of the rights mid privileges of two big undertaking companies In ordor to control the burial business. This is carrying municipal ownership to the grave. There is tnmre Cntnrrh In this section of tho country tlwn nil other dispiwe put to gether, nnd nntil the Inst few yenrs was sup posed to bo incurable, Vor a ercnt mnnv yenrs doctors pronounced it a local disenso and preacrihcil locnl remedies, and by con stnntlv fnilinn to cure with locnl treatment pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitution Jisniwe. and therefore requires constitutioMl treat mcnt, Hnll'a Cntnrrh Cure mitmifn.fiirpd v V. .1. Cheney Si Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only con stitutional curconthcmnrkct. It i tnkon in ternally in doHCfl from II) rlrmm tnntenMooon. ful. It acts directly on the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars foranvrnneit fni'ls to cure. Kcnd forrirculnrsnnd testimonials. Address l.J, UHKSFY Co., Toledo, O. fold bv Dnnreintn. 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, Schools Teach Card Playing. Fashionable boarding schools In Germany are tenchlng card playing to the girls In order that they may be competent to All their places at soci ety functions. SKIN SORE FOR EIGHT YEARS Spent $300 on Doctors and Remedies, But Got No Relief tuticura Cures In a Week. "Upon the limbs and between the toes my skin was rough and sore, nnd also sore under the arms. I hail to stay at homo several times because of this nffection. Up to a week or so sro I had tried mnny other remedies and several doctors, nnd spent about three hundred dollars, without nny success, but this is to-dn." the seventh day that I have been uxing the Cuticura Remedies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so thnt I can nitain attend to my business. 1 went to work again to-nmht. I had been suffer ng for eight years and have now been cured by the Cuticura Remedies within a week. Fritz IlirschlafT, 24 Columbus Ave., New York, N. Y., March 29 and April 0, 1906." Twenty-Four Hour Clock. Russia Is experimenting with tho 24-hour time system, the hours being numbered from 1 to 24, Instead of In two periods of 12 each. The minister of railroads has directed that the sum mer time tables for the railroads to Moscow be printed In the new sys tem. . A MISSOURI WOMAN Tells a Story of Awful Buffering and Wonderful Relief. Mrs. J. D. Johnson, of COS West Hickman St., Columbia, Mo., says: "Following an operation two years ago, dropsy set in, and my left side was bo swollen the doctoi said he would have to tap out the water. There was constant pain and a gurgling sensation around my heart, and I could not raise my arm above my head. The kid- ,Vfci-!' ney action was disor dered and passages of the secretions too frequent. On the advice of my husband I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. Since using two boxes my trouble has not reappeared. This Is .wonderful, after suffering two years." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Tf. Servants In France. In France the servant question has reached a very acute stage. In 10 years the supply of women domestic servants has decreased by some 200, 000 Individuals. "Dut," says a Frenchman, "though now fewer than formerly, those that remain to us are cretalnly greater In efficiency." WORTHY OF EDISON. A. O. Leonard's Patent Marvellous ly Successful. New York. The press in this city and throughout the world have recently drawn attention to an antiseptic invisible ear drum, resembling a miniature megaphone, for deafness, head-noises and kindred affec tions. Not a day passes without the in stant relief of esses which have heretofore found no hclp.Mr. Leonard for more than thirty years was a very deaf man. Instead of giving up when specialists and various devices had failed to aid him, he succeeded in developing this marvellous little drum, with which he can now hear distinctly. lle put the drums on the market four weeks ago. Last week every pair had been sold, so great has been the success of the invention. Saturday he received another consignment, which is being rapidly ex hausted, but before another week passes he hopes to have an amie supply. Information is gladly given to all who write to him at his office, 1171 Broadway, Suite 231, New York City, and most search ing investigation welcomed. There is no invisible device which can show the re sults of this invention. The population of London ts rapidly reaching the 7,000,000 mark. EXCELSIOR BRAND Oiled Clothing and Slickers Make yon comfortable In uncomfortable weather. Our ExceltorCrackProol Brand Police Coat It a great favorite. one oi our specialties for general use. Dealers everywhere carry the "8wrr Coats and Slickers if not with yours, write for catalog and price. V Mil k - -vd r v rr r 111 1 1 m 1 1H. M. SAWYER ft SOU, M-LAI i East Cambridge, Mass. ATTT . I Disease and the Weather. Diseases that affect fowls In win ter are moro prevalent during tho continuing of rainy wenther than during the cold period. Clear, cold weather, when the air Is dry, seldom affects poultry unfavorably, and nt such times there Is nothing to provent turning the hens outside, giving them little to scratch In, and allowing them to keep warm by healthy exercise; but poultry of all kinds suffer from some one or more of the various all monts due to exposuro In damp weath er. Roup Is a disease that seldom puts In an appearance In dry weather. Tho dampness Is also futal to chicks during the cold weather.. Tho best remedy Is shelter, a Warm, tight house, and fowls confined during dump days, or untn tho weather becomes warm. Trap for Insects. Atrnp that has been extensively used for destroying night-flying In sects, and which seems to bo tlio most economical when one considers first cost and number of Insects killed, con slats of a pressed tin basin, with a capacity of about one-half gallon, n plain tin torch holding about one-half pint, which Is soldered In tho pan, and a tin tube soldered to the bottom be- neath the pan. By means of this tube the trap Is set upon a stake driven Into the ground. The basin Is partly filled with water, the torcli filled with oil, a little of the latter poured on the wa ter, and tho trap Is ready for the night, The torch will burn "about eight or ten hours, when It goes out, thus requiring only to bo filled and lighted each eve nlng. Philadelphia Record. Estimate for Pork. It may be somewhat novel to esti mate tho amount of pork that can be produced from an acre of certain crops, but It is claimed that an acre of land In clover will produce 800 pounds of pork; nn acre In peas, 875 pounds; corn, 050 pounds; oats, 320 pounds; barley, 420 pounds, and wheat, 225 poum!a. The value of each crop on one acre, when converted Into pork, as follows: Clover, $32,- corn, $22.40; pease, $15; barley, $10.80; oats, $13.20, and wheat, $9, estimating the pork at 4 cents per pound. Of course, something depends upon the prices ruling for the crops. The amount of produce per acre required to give the pork mentioned on an acre Is 900 pounds of wheat, 1080 pounds of barley, 1320 pounds of oats, -40 pounds of corn, 1500 pounds of peas and 12,000 pounds of green clover. Philadelphia Record. House and Surroundings. Keep the house cool by opening blinds and windows In the early morn ing and closing before the air gets warm. In sections where fleas are trouble some In the house scatter essence of pennyroyal liberally over floor and car pets. It will drive the fleas out and not Injure fabrics. Keep the lawn sprinkler going If the grass Is burning out, especially on terraces. Keep the lawns cut even If they are a little burnt. Keep the sweet pea vlno3 free from sods. Water abundantly and help them through the hot wenther. They will blossom splendidly again during the cool autumnal days. Now is the time to plant your bulb planting. Have you got catalogues? Don't forget the early-blooming bulbs; they gladden the eye long before tho fields are gren. To transplant fairly large ever greens and trees, dig a trench around them early this month, about threo feet from the stem. DI3 deep enough to cut off most of tho roots. Fill In with leaves or litter. It will be safe to move them toward tho end of Aug ust. Sow those grnnd old favarltes hollyhocks and Bweet willlnms. This Is a good month to clean out ditches and water courses, so when tho heavy rains come, the wntor may have free course. If wells need cleaning this is a fine time, as tho veins are low now. Indianapolis News. Fancy Apples for Market. U. T. Cox of Rockwood, Ohio, presi dent of tho Ohio State Horticultural Society, delivered an addreBS at Hart ford, Conn., on "How I Grow Fancy Apples for Market." His talk center ed In the Rome Beauty as an illustra tion. The original tree was set out from a sprout In 1816 In the Ohio River bottom. Mr. Cox advocated the mulch system of raising apples as the only profitable system he could em ploy under the conditions he had to meet. In sprayfng his trees he uses half amounts of arsenate of lead and arsenite of soda, and gets better re sults than from any other spraying ma terials. Too great care cannot be ex ercised In tho spraying, as tbis is the surest means of fighting scab and the coddling moth. The only way to do a thorough Job Is to put on too much liquid rather than to little. Spraying 1b done right after the bloom drops, and four applications of the liquid are mado at frequent Intervals during the ten or twelve weeks following. As a general rule.iho said, there Is too little spraying done and the result is found In t'.ie poor fruit that finds Its way into the market. The result of this abundant spray ing with the Rome Beauty is that a lurge percentage of tbem has to be picked in tho middle of the summer, and as a largo crop In bulk 1b picked Jn the fall as would be picked were nil tho apples left to mature. As soon as the apples are picked they are barreled In tho orchard and put immediately in cold storage. They cannot be put In storage too soon af ter thoy,are picked and barroled. ' The Perfect Cow. It Is said that long ago, when no doubt sho was the most useful animal in tho world, man worshipped the cow. It is to bo hoped she was then perfect, In these times, It is doubtful if many persons have seen a cow without fault, says H. O. Lowelllng in Jorsey Bulle tin. To nsslEt beginners In their search for a perfect cow, some of her de formities, which they are suro to meet before they come to the ideal, are pointed out as follows: If the lips of the cow are thick and stiff they are deformed. If her- eyebrows are heavy or with long hair protruding they are deform ed. If her check from her mouth toward her ear is swollen or ridgy, or is not smooth and flat, It is deformed. If tho edge of her oar curls back it is deformed. If there Is loose skin or flesh in the forks of the lower Jaw, appearing like a pelican pouch, It Is deformed. If tho skin of her throat is thick it is a deformity. If her dewlap Is thick and pendulous it Is deformed. , If the point of her brisket is soft, having a fat appearance, It is deform ed. If her shoulders are thick and rounded over the top, they are deform ed. , If tho proceses of her shoulder blade edges of which sometimes curl back ward, it is also deformed. If the point of her shoulder blado works above her spine it Is deform ity. If the muscles about or above her stifle are thick and heavy, they cause contractions that give her a minc ing gait or turkey walk, and are a de formity. If her flank is thick, lumpy or has a ridge extending toward the navel, it Is deformed. If her udder is In any degree fleshy It Is deformed. If her navel Is the least pendent, it Is deformed. If her shanks appear round and fleshy or are not flat and firm they are deformed. If. there are knots on her ankles, it is deformity. When she stands even the halves of her foot should fit close together, forming a straight top line; If ' other wise, the foot is deformed. Many years of close observation con vinces me that all of these deformities and others are tho result of disease. The above applies more or less to all animate of the cow kind. Notee of the Farm. The man who places a porcelain nest egg In the nest when the temperature is down below zero causes the hen that goes on the nest not only a large loss of animal heat to warm the cold task which is severe and cruet. The greatest gain Is from young slock because of rapid growth, and the nearer the animal approaches ma turity tho slower' the increase in weight During the cold season more food is required than during sum mer. Ducks can be easily reared without ponds, provided they have a trough of water for bathing purposes. Tbey are however, more expensive when kept in that manner, as they procure a large part of their substance when running at large and have access to ponds. Bone Is one of the best substances that can be fed to hens. Ground or broken bone Is highly relished. It not only contalnes lime for the. shells, but also nitrogen and the phosphates. ' It should be kept In boxes before the hens at all times. Flavoring butter with the odor of fresh flowers is one of the arts of the French peasantry. The process is very Blmple and consists of putting the little prints, which have first been wrapped in a thin cloth, into a tight porcelain dish, in a bed of what ever blossoms are chosen. Among the flowers which give the best results are clover and nasturtiums. Experiments in the feeding 'of car rots, beets and small potatotes to cows show that milk fever is less liable to occur when cows are fed liberally on root crops than when they are confined to bar and grain. No corn should be given six weeks before, calving. Lin seed meal may be allowed with the hay, which should be cut fine and the linseed meal sprinkled over it Care bestowed upon the calf the first year means a clear gain of a yea"r, besides having the calf stronger and a more useful animal. Breed up, but feed up a4so. Work with nature and a sure reward for Intelligent continu ous and well-directed effort will be yours. Bull calves should receive the same treatment as heifers. Keep them always growing, so thst the-,' may be vigorous and prepotent The Change of Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Lee, ilrs. Fred Certla and firs. Plnkham. MRS HENRY LEE Owlnr; to modern methods of llvinjr not one woman In a thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without experiencing a train of very annoying; and sometimes painful symptoms. , This is the most critical period of her wholo existence and every woman who neglects tho care of her health at this time Invites disease and pain. When her system is in a deranged condition or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion pf any organ, tho tendency is at this period likely to become active ana with a host of nervous Irritations make life a burden. At this time nlso cancers and tumors are moro liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning symptoms as sensa of suffocation, hot flashes, headaches, backaches, melancholia, dread of lm pendingcvil, palpitation of tho heart, irregularities, constipation and dizzi ness are promptly heeded by intel ligent women who are approachinp; tho period of life when this great change may bo expected. Mrs. Fred Certla, 1014 So. Lafayette Street, So. Bend, Ind., writes: Dear Mrs. Plnkham : . 'Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cnra- puuuu u me laeoi medicine lor women wbo When a modicine has been actually thousands of women, roucanriot wfill R.1V Tvirhniif tfm'nff it, "I do not believe it will help and family to try Lydi . L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES iheWui W. L. DOUGLAS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT OE EQUALLED AT ANY PFUOE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT All PPJGESt Men's HIioph, nii to 1.51). Itnvx' Klioen, S.'l to tH.'Oi. Woma n'. Klines. tn l.BO. Mlnw.' & hlldrnn's shoe.. SV4.25 to SI. III). W. L. Iouilii shows are rerognized by Inlio ,l.n l.,.u, tt, utvl,. 41, n,l part of the shoe and every detail' of the making is looked after -A'f;?.d and WUtcllOtl over bv Skilled f,lloem!llrr.r Withnnt. TfnnrA tn Jfi-R '':':: k time or cost. If I could take von Into llmckton, Mass.. and show vou liow shoes are made, you would ihen nnderstand "whv they hold their fcliapc, fit better, wear uiiijrer, 11111 aro or prr-nter value tnan nnv other makes. W. I I)oiiijl t natnp nnil prl Id ptniupcil on llr Niirorti. whlf li j,r.lf f tti Mrr nfflnt ttlffh prtn-t nnd infrliir ihoo. Title? Si ,iltliit... ,w thf l-t nn:-- i-vprvwher'. Fait Cftlor EvrleH rrrhiilr'hi. f'itthi mntlrtl Jr". W. I .. JIO I. A I. ftrnck iou. Ma The Blaine donkey, once the prop erty of James O. Blain, still roams around the outskirts of Bar Harbor, Me. He Is said to be over 40 years aid. Protective Paint Pure White Lead Paint protects property against repairs, replacement and deterioration, it makes buildings look better, wear better and sell bet ter. Use only Pure Linseed Oil and Pure White Lead made by the Old Dutch Process, which is sold in kegs with this Dutch Boy trade mark on the side. This trade mark protects yon against fraudu lent White Lead adulterations and substitutes. SEND FOR BOOK ATnlkon Pslnt. fclTM valuable inf"r mat inn on tho tiaint uHKt. Pnt tioe Atl twt pnrkrrl fn upon request. XX7 bear this mark. . NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY In whichever f the follow ing citiet it tuortst jhm: KowYork. Boston. Buffalo, ClewUnd, Cincinnati. Chicago. Bt. Lmjl Philadel. phia John T. Lewi k Bros. Co.J P ittsbnrgb UNaUonai Lewi Oil Oo.) fca Axis Grease I lengthens the life of the R) wagon saves horse I M power, tine end tern- "' a per. Best lubricant in 1 powdered inlca I which 1 "r . smooth, Lard coating oa axle, acd reduces friction. If yon want your outfit to last and cam coney while it hats grease the axles with Llica AxIq Creese STAMMRDOilCCSPAHT a MRS. FRED CERTI A are passing through Change of Life. For sevoral months 1 tuff cred from hit flashes, extreme narrowness, headache and sleep losnness. I hnd no appetite and could not sleep. I hnd niale up my mind there wo no help for ma until I tiegan to m Lydib E. Plnkham's Vegetable Cnmponnd, mjr bad symptoms censed, and it brought me safely through the danger period, built up my system nnd I am in excellent bf-altk. 1 consider Lyclia E. linkhnm's Vegetable Compound unmrpnKsed for women during this trying period of life." Mrs. Ilenry Lee, 60 Winter Street, New Huven, Conn., writes: Dear Mrs. rinlcham: "After suffering untold misery for three yenrs during Change of Mf.i I heard of Lydln E. Pinklmm's Veg. tnblo Compound. 1 wrote you of my condition, and fx'gnn to take Lydia E. tfnkliam s Vegetable Com- riund nnd followed your advice, nnd to-day am well and hnppy. I can now walk any whero and work as well as nnvone, and for yenrs previous I hnd tried bul could not got nround without help. 1 consider yoar medi cine a sovereign balm for suffering women." Women passing through this critical period should relv npon Lydia B. I'lnkhara's Vegetable Compound. If there is anything- about your case you don't understand write to Mrs. Plnkham, Lynn, Mass.. for advice. It is free and has guided thousands to Health. successful in rnsfari me." It is your dutv to vouraelf ia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. expert judge oifootwear1- I i,. ,l.iu .... ..., I.' mv Inrire factories ntiP:.-?fl c.-irefiillv V. I,. I)onil.- li5S,.5A An everage man needs 1,600 pounds weight of food yearly. Pnre! Pleasant! Potent! Three inter esting facts about Garfield Tea, the Natnral laxative. It is made of Herbs and is froaran. teed under the Pure Food and Drugs Lew. Palestine has 100,009 Jews at the present time. , For Pteserviiig, Purifying and Beautifying tfec Skin, Scalp,. Hair," and Han(fc nt aa native. ntiatntic nroitertiM dena from. Cuticur. thf c prat Si.o Cure, wiin tiu purm of aan Ofuutouf RurrtMlirntJ, and moat rrtrpatttnx of flo-ff Odri. DpoW : London. 27 ctrvr h jao Pir $ Rurde i Pit; Aurtra ia. R. Towaa t'Oi oyri nrv: Indl. B. K. Paul, tiicutta.; So. A tries. Lrn Bon. Ll.. 'ar Town, ftc; h ios. 1-7 roiumbua) j2-M;K'd! Ftkj. How to t rrn PurLt.VUt Beautify U10 SJua. cip, lUir. tad HaruU. INSIDE INFORMATION F0,lAl0,U n rMlii-A Toor worn nn.l rtal! h ,..uu HOUSEHOLD StiPru STORE, 3CS Semi taut, Pittibarf, Pa. jr 1 BEAUTY ,r, 1 1 11 'i in f . A