The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 24, 1907, Image 4

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Subteription $1.00 per' year in advance.
C. A. STEPHENSON, Editor and I'll b.
The agricultural department, id mak
ing preparations to beln prosecutions
gainst the violators of the pure food
law as rood as the Inspector have ob
tained samples of the different articles
under suspicion.
Au exchange says: "The highest and
purest love for children is not found,
in the parent who uses liquor, tobacco,
profane and vulgar language, and thus
sets examples that dobaso, demoralize
and destroy, as they are taken up and
One of the things that town council
should do promptly is to put some kind
of a light in the alley to the lock-up. A
policeman ought not to be asked to plod
through the darkness with a prisoner,
and in some cases a half dozen "toughs'i
following after.
Many young people forget that "evil
communications corrupt good manners,"
and that good associations exert a most
beneficial influence. The society of re
fined and intelligent people should be
desired at all times in preference to
the vulgar and immoral.
The erection of a largemonument in
the Reynoldsville cemetery In honor of
the soldier dead is the right thing to
do, and every loyal American citizen in
this community should be willing to
contribute something towards paying
for the monument. A large monument
on top of hill in the cemetery would
proclaim to the strangers passing by
that we appreciate the sacrifices made
and hardships endured by the soldiers.
A number of the county and state
" newspapers are referring to Senator
John S. Fisher, of Indiana, senator from
" Jefferson -Indiana county 'district, as a
'.' probable candidate for the Republican
' nomination for state, treasurer to suc
ceed William H. Berrr "ooator Fisher,
who is chairman of the state capltol
investigating commission, is coming
prominently before the people of Penn
sylvania and would not be a stranger to
the voters of the state if he decides to
be a candidate.' Senator Fisher is a
bright and clean young man and would
make a good state treasurer.
The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
railroad has applied to the 'New York
' state railway commission for authority
to mortgage the road and stock to cov.
' er an issue of bonds amounting to
135,000,000. Under this issue of bonds
$3,000,000 is to be used for improve
ments, 18,000,000 to refund the present
indebtedness and the remainder to be
issued when the trust oompany feels
satisfied that the road has acquired
property equal in value to the amount
to be issued. The first issue will be
made in 1908. Among the improve
ments are double tracking the line be'
. tween Punxsutawney and Ashford.
. "There has been exhibited from time
to time In this country, and that far too
' often, a maudlin and uncalled for sym
' pathy for criminals of a certain class,"
says the Punxsutawney News. "If a
man commits some common crime, like
larceny or burglary, but little notice is
taken of the affair. Let a man, how.
ever, oommit a murder, in which a
woman is in some way involved, or any
matter of a sensational nature be con
neoted therewith, at once a wave of un
reasoning sympathy sweeps over the
land. The newspapers are filled with
it. The criminal is represented as the
victim of moral insanity. He is more
sinned against than sinning. He is un'
deserving of punishment, he becomes a
hero in his own estimation and a mar
tyr in the eyes of. his maudlin sympa
thizers. Courts and juries are con
demned because they have found him
guilty, and governors are cursed if they
will not commute bis sentence or par
don him entirely."
There are some people who neglect
to pay their subscription for a newspa
per until they are in arrears four or five
years, or more, and then when request
ed to pay up are provoked because they
are so far in arrears, and to get even
with the editor for trusting them so
long, they have their names taken off
the subscription list and borrow their
neighbor's paper. In fifteen years ex
perience editing a newspaper we have
not met many such people, but occasion
ally have found one. . Some people
would get hopping mad if their paper
was stopped without their requesting
it. They take it as a reflection on
their honesty; think the editor is afraid
to trust them. While on the other
hand some who get four or five years
behind with payments are mad because
the paper was not stopped. Therefore,
the editor of a paper cannot please
everybody. Subscribers should not
forget, however, that men are not en
gaged in newspaper work for their
health, as it is not a real healthy avo
cation, but that "filthy luore," "coin of
the realm," or plainly speaking, money
is a necessary thing to keep a news
paper running. Paper and other stock
has to be paid for, employes expect pay
for their work, in fact everybody seems
'to think an editor should pay for what
he gets, so you see money is an essen
tisl thing in the business.
Town Will be Decorated Three Bands
Engaged Four Thousand Vis
itors Expected
: Thursday of next week, May 2. the
celebration of the tenth uiiulversary of
the foundation of the Princess Helena
Italian Society will be held in Reyn
oldBville. Preparations for the celebra
tion are about completed. It is expec
ted that from 4.000 to 5,000 visitors will
be in Reynoldsville that day if the
weather Is favorable. Nine societies
will participate in the celebration. The
Park Theatre, pavilion in Frank's Park,
I. O O. F. ha.l and a number of places
along Main street will be elaborately
decorated with U. S. flags, bunting,
Italian flags, &o. Some of the deco
rating will be don this week.
Wednesday evening, May 1st, the
South Sharon Military Italian band,
one of the bands engaged for the occa
sion, will give a concert on a raised
platform In front of the City Hotel on
Main street.
The celebration proper will begin at
10.00 a. m. May 2 with high mass in the
Catholic church, led by South Sharon
band. At 1 00 p. m. reunion of the nine
societies In Frank's Park. At 2.00 p.
m. big parade of the societies and three
brass oaud?, South Sharon Military
Italian band, Reynoldsville Keystone
band and Sykesvtlle band. At 3.00 p.
m. meeting in Park Theatre. Judge
John W. Reed will make the opening
address. There will also be an oration
by Peter Cancelller, a bright young
Italian of Pittsburg, an address by
Father Devilla, of Walston, in Italian
language, and other speakers. Every
body cordially invited to attend this
Judge Reed, of Brookville, will be
High Patron of the feast on that day,
Dr. Joseph Frederlcl, of DuBoie, Italian
Consul, will be Patron, and Mariana
Cancelller, editor of the Italian news
paper in Pittsburg, will be president.
The officials will hold a banquet at
Imperial Hotel at 7.00 p. m.
Summer Opening Wednesday, May I.
This opening is an important one.
There is something new to see; the
hats are different. We show the best
lot of white hats Been here or elsewhere
this season. Mrs. S. V. Hays, corner
Main and Fifth sts.
Excursion te Pittsburg.
Via B. R. & P. Ry., Sunday April
28th. Train leaves Sykes 7.28 a. m.,
Punxsutawney 8.00 and 8.40 a. m.
Round trip fare $1.50.
We have a line of large and small
rugs this spring that cannot help but
please you. Come in and see them.
Reynoldsville Hardware Co. (
Fancy Bummer vests at Millirens.
A heavy sole, patent oxford, large
epelets, wide lace, for women; price
$2.00. Adam's.
See the new belts at Millirens.
See the 69c pictures at Millirens.
Clover, timothy and alsyke seeds,
the best that could be purchased, at
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Summer underwear at Millirens.
We are ready for you this year with
a clean lot of clover and timothy seeds.
Come in and let us talk it over. Reyn
oldsville Hardware Co.
Want Column.
Bates: One esnt per word for eacb and
(toft Insertion.
For Sals Second band single wag
on. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of W.
E. Stormer,
For Sale Working horse. Inquire
of L. F. Hetriok.
Wanted Boys, to work in bottle
factory; wages $1.00 per day; board
$3.00 per week. Pear Glassl Co.,
Clarion, Pa.
FOR Sale Refrigerator, book-case,
dining chairs and table, stoves, kitchen
utensils, etc.' Inquire of T. J. Thorn
ton, Hill st.
For Sale Second hand buggy and
a good one horse surry. Inquire of M.
M. Davis.
For Rent Five houses in good
locations in West Reynoldsville. In
quire of W. L. Johnston.
WANTED To buy chickens. Inquire
at Frank's Tavern, Reynoldsville.
For Sale Good cart. Inquire at
Nolan's shoe store.
For SALE Good coal range. In
quire Mrs. J. B. Neale.
For Rent House on Grant st. with
privilege of town water. Inquire of
Dr. R. DeVere King.
Eggs for Hatching From white
Plymouth Rocks, single comb white
Leghorns, Anaoonas, Red Caps; 60o
per setting. Alex. Cooper, R. F.- D.
No. 2, Reynoldsville.
For Rent Eight room house on
Main street. Inquire of T. D. Hooo.
For Rent Six room house on Hill
street, near Fifth. Inquire L. M.
FOR Sale Good 140 acre farm In
MoCalmont township; one house, two
barns and one shop on farm; easy terms.
Inquire at The Star office.
One Hundied and Fifty Pound Pressur
With Good Volume.
The Reynoldsville Industrial Oil &
Ga Co. well that was drilled near the
glass plant has turned out to be a fairly
good gas well. It is a 150 pound pres
sure well with a good volume. There
is plenty of gas in it to run the Pitts
burg Industrial Iron Works, near the
well, and that company has made ap
plication for the gas, and will likely get
it. It is claimed that the well will pay
for itself at least.
As stated in The Star last week the
second well will be drilled on the Cen
tral Land & Mining Co. land near No.
2 bridge, just east of Hopkins. Men
are now at work removing the rigging
from well No. 1 to location for well No.
2. The gas company feel sanguine that
a good gas well will be struck near here.
The company Intend having at least
four wells drilled.
( Washington Twp. High School.
Seven or eight years ago the Wash
ington township high school was
started with considerable opposition,
but the school has been so successful
that the one room building erected for
the high school is now too small and at
a meeting of the school board last week
it was decided to tear down the present
one-story building and erect a building
large enough for two school rooms on
the first floor and an auditorium on the
second floor. The new building will be
erected on the site of the old building
near the Beech woods Presbyterian
church. The board also decided to in
crease the school course from two to
four years, so that a graduate of the
Washington township high school will
be prepared to enter college. The high
school has become quite an incentive
for pupils of the common schools to
work bard to be promoted to high
school. We believe every township
should have a high school and the state
has appropriated a certain sum for high
school work. The high school in Wash
ington township cost the township less
than $150.00, aside from the state ap
propriation for the last term. The
graduating exeroIseB of this high school
was held in the Beechwoods Presbyter
lan church on the 12th Inst, and a large
audience attended, notwithstanding the
bad conditions of the roads. The exer
cises were excellent.
Pass Successful Examinations. ,
Following is a list of the applicants
who were examined recently at Punx
sutawney for mine foremen and flreboss,
all of whom passed remarkably high
grades: -
First Grade Certificates: D. J. Wil
liams, Big Run; R. L. Taafe, Reynolds'
ville ; Thomas Hammond, Horatio;
William B. Wardrup, Anita.
Second Grade Certificates: John Nes'
bit, Horatio; William Medill, Anita;
Thomas Lonergan, Wllgus; John Trim'
ble, WIIrus; Bruce Mills, Sykes; Ed'
ward Swanson, Ernest; Simon S, Con'
nor, Arcadia; Scott George, Onondaga;
Jesse M. Luttman, Glen Campbell; S.
H. Secrist, Wisbaw; James McLaugh'
lin and James Connell, Yatesboro;
Thomas Lynch, Rosslter; Joseph Straw
bridge and James Burns, Punxsutaw
ney; Charles Weber, Valier; William
and E, W. Casker, Sagamore; John D.
Dougherty, Rosslter.
Fire Boss Certificates: Charles M
Mumpher, John Nesblt, Arthur M
James and Abram Abrams, Horatio;
O. R. Johnson, Yatesboro; Thomas
Madden, Eleanora; William H. Wil
Hams, Big Run; Thomas Strawbridge,
Anita; William McCleavy, Ernest.
Bitten by a Spider.
Through blood poisoning caused by a
spider bite, John Washington, of Bos
queville, Tex., would have lost bis leg,
which became a mass of running sores,
bad he not been persuaded to try Buck
len's Arnica Salve. He writes: "The
first application relieved, and four
boxes healed all the sores." Heals
every sore, 25c. at Stoke & Felcht Drug
Co. Reynoldsville and Sykesville.
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of expressing
our heartfelt thanks to the friends and
neighbors for their kind assistance and
sympathy after the death of our be
loved son, Alfred G. Draucker.
A. W. Draucker and Family.
Card of Thanks.
We hereby give expression of our
heartfelt thankfulness to the friends
and neighbors who were so kind during
illness and after death of Father Pow
ell. W. E. Reed and Family.
B. R. & P. Excursion to Pittsburg.
Sunday, April 28. Train leaves Sykes
7:28 a. m., Punxsutawney 8.00 and 8.40
a. m. Round trip fare $1.50.
Last year's carpet samples for small
rugs at your own price. Reynoldsville
Hardware Co.
Mennen't Talcum Powder 15c at Mil
Oxfords for men. We can show you
more than twenty styles. Price $3.60
and $5.00. Adam's.
Home dressed meats at Hunter & Mil
liren's. Guaranteed genuine imported olive
oil in quart and pint cant for sale at
J. Damore's. Try a' can and bo con
vinced that it U the genuine stuff.
Here are Bomeof the
important things
you want in your
repair work of watch,
clock and jewelry
repairing :
Best of Workmanship
Best Material.
Right PriceB.
Prompt Service.
All these you can get
when you leave your
Work with
Gooder, the jeweler.
inthe Peoples
National bank
Carpets and Rugs
Body Brussels
. Axminsters
The largest assortment we ever had.
9 x 12 Floor Rugs
The largest Assortment, the Handsomest Pat
terns, the Best Qualities ever shown in town.
Beginning of a New Season
It may eeem this 1b not the first month of the spring Beason, but
weather conditions have been such that spring is actually only begin
ning. Our stock is singularly suggestive of the season. Designs were
never more lovely, models more exquisite nor styles more beautiful.
Our Wool Dress Goods -
comprise all the good things that will be in demand during the season
and at prices that are absolutely right. You never could buy the
quality embodied in the goods for as little money as we are offering you
this season, even tho prices at present have advanced Borne.
Our Wash Goods
, s
In white and colored for spring and summer cannot be surpassed. We
have the most carefully selected stock we have ever been able to show
you. We think we are putting it very mildly When we say we can save
you money on every yard you bay. - '.
Lace Curtains
Perhaps require more of your attention just at present than any other '
household requirement. We have a beautiful line of curtains in nov
elty, which gives you an opportunity to get away from Nottingham,
which you are, perhaps, getting a little tired of. (
Sheets and Pillow Cases
May interest you at this time of year. Why spend time and labor .
making them when you can buy them ready made from the very best
material at Bame price as goods cost you ?
We are prepared to show you the best line of ,
Skirts, Suits and Jackets
On the market at prices that cannot be equalled elsewhere. The season
is now here and a little spring and summer weather will induce you to
make your purchases without delay. Come in and see what we have
to- show you. See them before the line is broken in BizeB.
ubscrlbc for
The Star
If you want tbc New
Single Copies of The Star
Mav be Secured ar Tfk Star Office at any time and in any
quantity, iTice per copy, ihreb Cents.