i MEN ADMIRE a pretty face, a good figure, but sooner or later learn that the healthy, happy, contented woman Is most of all to be admired. Women troubled with fainting; pells, irregularities, nervous irrita bility, backache, the "blues," and those dreadful dragging sensations, eannot hope to be happy or popular, and advancement in either home, business or social life is impossible. The cause of these troubles, how ever, yields qulekly to Lyilla 10. l'ink ham's Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs. It acta at once upon the organ afflicted and the nerve centers, dispelling effec tually all those distressing symp toms. Mo other medicine in the country has received such unqualified indorsement or has such a record of cures of female ills as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Miss Emma Kuntzler, of 631 State St., Schenectady, N. Y., writes: "For a long time I was troubled with a weakness which seemed to drain all my Btrength away. I had dull headaches, was nervous. Irritable, and all worn out. Chancing to read one of your advertisements of a case similar to mine cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, I decided to try it and I cannot express my gratitude for the benefit received. Iairfentirely well and feel like a new person." Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the most successful remedy for all forms of Female Complaints, Weak Back, Falling and Displacements, Inflammation and Ulceration, and is invaluable in pre paring for childbirth and the Change of Life. Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to promptly communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. Iler advice is free and always helpful. Extremely Distant. Randolph He is a distant relative Of mine. -She How distant? "Oh, about 150,000 removed." rrrs,St.Vitus'Dnnre:NorvonsPiMSPnper. jnanentlycnred by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. 3 triul bottle nnd treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,fl.'tl Arch St., I'hila., Pa. Surgery for Ailing Trees. One of the curiosities of modern forestry is the care of beautiful old shade trees. The amputation of dis eased or dead limbs is as carefully performed to prevent further decay from the elements as in surgical op erations on human beings. Decay ing cavities are cleaned and filled with a preserving cement, as is done by the modern dentist. And the lat est advance is to build a tin roof along the upper surface of wide spreading branches where little hol lows might hold dampness and pro mote decay. Some handsome pa triarchs well deserve it. Iioston Her ald. Limit of Economy. " I don't mind a young man econo mizing when he is out with me," sighed the Rlrl, "but it seems to me that when he takes you in a penny in the slot machine parlor, drops a penny In a slot and hands you one of the ear things while he takes the other the limit has just about been reached. Of course you can hear the opera almost as well with one ear, but how does it look?" New York Presfc. A Square Deal Is assured you when you buy Dr. Pierce! family medicines for all the Ingredi ents entering into them are printed on the bottlo-wrappcrs and their formulas are attested under oath as being com pinto and correct. You know just what you are paying for and that tlio Ingredients are gathered from Nature's laboratory, being selected from the most valuable native medicinal roots found growing in our American foreslSTtrVdwhlle potent to curt re pertwrtv harmlani to the mosl delicate woinflsJTlimiTcTir Not drop . mf alrnhol ontcrTlnto their corauy.snioTi. i-li Duller agolil is used both tor ex- hit ai"l nrf'-rvT'rn-mi mciircinul rinciples used in them. .viz. pure mjrin. ineq glycerine, una agcul possesse! tiKThsic medicinal properties of Its own, eelBg a most valuable antiseptic and aim fernYnt, nutritive and soothing demul cent. Glyerlnn plays an Important part In (Dr. Pleseo'a Golden Medical Discovery In the cur of Indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, fceart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stom ach, biliousness and Kindred dcrango nants of tho stomach, liver and bowels. , Besides curing all the above distressing ailments, tho "Golden Medical Discovery Is a specific for all diseases of tho mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the Basal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. Even in its ulcerative tages It will yield to this sovereign rem edy if its use be persevered In. In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it Is well, while taking" tho "Golden Medical Dis covery for the necessary constitutional toeatment, to cleanso the passages freely two or three times a day with Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. This thorough course of treatment generally cures the worst cases. In conrhs and hor.rseness caused by bron chial, throat and luiir affections, except ron emmntlon in its advanced si aces, the "Coition jMerilcal Discovery'' I a most efficient rem edy, especially In those obstinate, hang-on coughs caused hylrrlialion and congestion of ibe bronchial mucous membranes. The "Ilia" covery " la not so eood for acute coughs aris ing from sudden colds, nor must It be ex pected to cum consumption in Its advanced tagns no medicine will do that but for all the obstinate, chronic couirhs, which. If neg lected, or badly treated, lead up to consump tion, it is the best medicine that can betaken. FptMk ndP9i To convince any OHM f4 woman that rx IjT 6?a tijl tine Antlseptln will Mm ai B Improve her health B FWi Din and do all we claim II HEZXICa (or u. We will send her absolutely free a large trial box of Paxiine with book of Instruc tions and genuine testimonials. Bend your name and address on a postal card. PAXTINEivj lections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvlo catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi nine tils ; sore eyes, sore throat and mouth, by direct local treatment. It cur ative power over these troubles Is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and reo ommending It every day. 60 cents at drurglst s or by mall. Remember, however, ITMRTH Tim NOTHIJiOTOTKYIT. TUB U. l'AITOS CO, Iioston, Hiu, ft I 1 1 1 V op an aMured Income wr show yon a"-" how. Make from .J toSJuuuajeaj St home. Particulars free. Addreea : The Auckland Co 830 Broad SU. Newark. H. . P. N. U. 14, 1907. SSPSTkoinpsoirsEyeWata MISS EMMA RUNT7LER Indians Clannish. The Euche Indians, 600 in number, who live In a remote part of the Creek Nation,, cling to their own language and marry principally among their own tribe, after being conquered and absorbed by the Creek Indians more than two hundred years ago. In some cases' a Etthe may marry a Creek, nnd the children will speak to the father In the Euehw language and to the mother in Creek. CURED OP GRAVEL. Not a Single Stone Has Formed Since Using Donn's Kidney Pills. J. D. Daughtrey, music publisher, of Suffolk, Va., says: "During two or three years that I had kidney trouble I passed about 2 pounds of gravel and sandy sediment In the urine. I haven't passed a stone since using Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and that was three years ago. I used to suffer the most acute agony during a gravel attack, and had the other usual symptoms of kidney trou bles lassitude, headache, pain in the back, urinary disorders, rheu matic pain, etc. I have a box con taining 14 gravel stones that I passed, but that Is not one-quarter of the whole number. I consider Doan's Kidney Pills a fine kidney tonic." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. FoBter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Money in Bogus Pennies. Strangely enough, the most profit able coins to counterfeit are pennies, because ifor an expenditure of IS cents 100 of them can be made, which leaves a profit of 82 cents on the dollar. The chief difficulty Is in getting them into circulation. It also takes expert workmnnshp to make these pennies, because they must be made with a die. The best coun terfeiters pay most of their attention to the making of quarters, half dol lars and dollars. With silver at 60 cents an ounce a counterfeiter can make five quarters from every ounce, quarters that ring true and have ev ery appearance of the real thing. New York World. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell nnd completely derange '.he whole sys tem when entering it through the mucous surfare. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phv sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Ilnll's t'atnrrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the Mood and mucous surfaces of thesystem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the (lemiinc. It is taken in ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney k Co. Testimonials free. Sold bv Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Take llall's Family Pills for constipation. Evidence of Growth. It is costing more and more every year to run this country, but the country is becoming year by year more and more difficult to run in a small way. Chicago Inter-Ocean- FURIOUS HUMOR ON CHILD. Itching, Bleeding Sores Covered Body Nothing Helped Her Cutlcura Cores Her in Five Days. "After my granddaughter of about seven years bad been cured of the measles, she was attacked about a fortnight later by a furious itching and painful eruption all over her body, especially the upper part of it, forming watery and bleeding sores, es pecially under the arms, of considerable size. She suffered a great deal and for three weeks we nursed her every night, using all ths remedies we could think of. Nothing would help. We tried tht Cuti cura Remedies and after twenty-four hours wa noted considerable improvement, and, after using only one complete set of ths Cuticura Remedies, in five consecutive days the little one, much to our joy, had been entirely cured, and has been well for a long time. Mrs. F. Ruefenacht, R. F. D. 3, Bak ersfield, Cal., June 25 and July 20, 1900." Irish Chickens for England. Ireland sends nearly 8,000,000 fowls yearly to English markets. Plan for Good Health ! Take Garfield Tea aow; it regulates the liver and kidneys, veroomes constipation, purines the blood and eradicates disease. It is made wholly f Herbs. There were 1,234,278 Odd Fellows In the United States January 1. Nine Rules For Proposing By MORRIS SALMONSON, Marriage JJcense Clerk. Proposing Is the crucial point In love, and love, I have learned from these young men, resembles business In many ways as far as the proposing point is concerned. The psychologi cal Instant In many cases is a matter of mathematics, and can easily be prearranged by any young man who cards to make a study of women. Most young. pien.rush blindly into the game without observing its rules, and that is one of the reasons why we have suicides before marriage and the divorce courts afterward. Write down these rales: 1. Propose before the winter sets In. 2. Propose In the moonlight, twi light, gaslight (turned low), and never in the sunlight, daylight or electric light (unless you've got smoked glasses). ' 3. Propose to a girl when she's hungry or just after she has eaten. 4. Never propose to a girl before 4 o'clock In the afternoon. 6. Don't make up yaur mind be forehand as to what you are going to say when you propose. 6. Don't get on your knees to pro pose. 7. Don't propose to a girl too soon after gaining her acquaintance. - 8. Don't wait too long. 9. Play your cards carefully, and the average girl can be made to pro pose to you, in acttons at least. Why should the proposal be de layed until the winter sets In? My boy, that is an Important rule. In the spring, you know, a young roan's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love, and In the winter a young wom an's mind leans to dreams of a cozy little flat of her own. All girls dream of a home, and they dream of it most when the parks are dreary and the bleak winds blow. A girl should be proposed to either Just before she has eaten or imme diately after. If her lover pops the big question when his lady love Is hungry she is apt to glance down the Btretch of years that make the future and to think of the probable occa sions when she will be hungry again, and in that event it is more than like ly she will reply favorably. A busi ness man is most approachable Just after he has eaten, and why shouldn't girls be the snme way? It's no use to prearrange your speech for the momentous occasion, because you are sure to forget it when the time comes, and then you are In an awful predicament. For getting what you intended to say, you can't collect your thoughts to think of anything else. A girl likes to be wooed before she Is won, and for that reason it is not safe to propose too soon after gaining her acquaintance. Girls are bo anxious to get married nowadays that they will take desper ate chances if a young man shows the least hesitancy, and a lot of worrying that young men do is entirely useless (or that reason. WORDS OF WISDOM. Greed prevents real gain. There is no saving anger without love. Airing our aches will never heal them. No one ever regretted burying a slander. If you want to ba haDDy make some one less sad. This world is enriched by the eood more than by the clever. If the Voice of conscience rllHhirliq you, silence it by obeying it. The light of love shows tho trim Belf as the light of learning can not. Little deeds tell more than thn largest, plainest bumps of character. Plenty of Deonle who talk of hon esty as a good policy fall to pay the premiums. You go forward to no nrlze without leaving behind many things that seem aoBirauie. You are not Hkelv to load men to faith In God by preaching crooked facts about men. It Is faith mixed with facta and not with fancies that holds the convic tion In a sermon. Some folks think thev are GrenerniiR because they are willing to give up their good intentions. The happy Christian so advertises his religion that the other man will not be happy till he gets It. From "Sentence Sermons' In the Chicago Tribune. Smartness and Aristocracy. The death of Lady Cadogan. fol lowing at no very long interval that of Lady Spencer, removes the second of Ireland's most famous vice-queens iu the last century's second half. As regards- social and fashionable dis tinction these two ladies were about equal. Both also took the same prac tical interest In reviving more than one almost extinct Irish industry. . The true social parallel between "the Spancers and the Cadogans" lies In the fact that each of these Coun tesses began by setting her face against "smartness" as a cult and ended not indeed by cordial conver sion to it, but by practically recogniz ing it as an institution inevitably in cidental to courtlershlp a la mode. The "fine fleur" of aristocratic fash ion was the European as well as Irish reputation won by Lady Cadogan's stately splendor for herself and her husband. Westminster Gazette. London has over 1000 postoraces and the mail delivery amounts to 727,000,000 pieces a year. this competitive age possessor in the tront ranks or The Well Informed of the World. A vact fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the highest excellence in any field of human effort. A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured bv the California Fin Svruo Co.. is an ethical product which has met with tlie approval of the most eminent physicians and nives universal satisfaction, because it is a remedv of Known Quality, Known Excellence and Known Component! rarts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed pf the" world, who know ot their own and best ot lamily laxatives, tor This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world wide acceptance as the most excellent family laxative. As its pure laxative principles, obtained from Senna, are well known to physicians and the Well Informed ot the world to be the best we have adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Seruu as more fully descriptive of the remedy, but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial It 3? LOUISVILLE, KY. PUTNAM me auygumeulwuiiuut ripping avurt. Writ tot HOW JAPS WILL WHIP US. German Military Critic Has Future War Mapped Out. Captain Ignaz Rodlc, of the general staff of the American-Hungarian ar my, has published a pamphlet enti tled "The Prospects of the Future American-Japanese War," In which he says the unprotected Pacific coast of the United States offers excellent chances ot the success of the Japa nese. He asserts Japan Is working feverishly to complete her military and naval equipments adding that during the last few months 50,000 men have been at work day and night in the arsenals, turning out guns and Binall arms. Plenty of Borax and Soda. Near Asheroft, in British Columbia, are a number of small lakes, whose shores and bottoms are covered with a crust containing borax and soda In such quantities and proportions that when cut out it serves as a washing compound. The crust is cut into blocks nnd handled In the same man ner as Ice,' and it Is estimated that one of the lakes contains 20,000 tons of tills material. Qualified. The following story Is rclnted of an applicant for tho position of confiden tial attendant to a judge. After urg ing various qualifications upon a per son supposed to have the desired In fluence he exclaimed. Impressively: 'All my acquaintances have told me I am well qualified to hold a slno euro." Good Government A FRIENDLY GKOCEIt " Dropped a Valuable Hint about Coffee. "For about eight years," writes a Mich, woman, "I suffered from nerv ousness part of the time down In bed with nervous prostration. "Sometimes I would get numb and It would be almost impossible for me to speak for a spell. At others, I would have severe bilious attacks, and my heart would flutter painfully when I would walk fast or sweep. "I have taken enough medicine to start a small drug store, without any benefit. One evening our grocer ws asking Husband how I was and he urged that I quit coffre and use Pos tum, so he brought 1 me a pkg. and I made it according 1 1 directions and we were both delighted with It. "So wo quit coffee altogether and used only Postum. I began to get better in a month's time and look like another person, the color came back to my cheeks, I began to sleep well, my appetite was good and I com menced to take on flesh and become interested ia everything about the house. - "Finally I was able to do all my own work without the least sign of my old trouble. I am so thankful for the little book, 'The Road to Well vllle.' It has done me so much good. I haven't taken medicine of any kind for six months and don't need any. "A friend of ours who did not like Postum as she made it, liked mine, and when she learned to boil It long enough, l.er's was as good as mine. It's easy if you follow directions." Name given by Postum Company, Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little book, "The Hoad to Wellville," In pkca. "There's a reason." OF Personal Knowledge Personal knowledge is the winning factor in the culminating and when of ample character it places personal knowledge and from actual use that which no extravagant or unreasonable claims effects, always note, when purchasing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, whether you call for Syrup of figs or by the full name Syrup of rigs and Elixir of Senna. SAN FRANCISCO. GAL, lon doming land. FADELESS BYES Ireo Oooltlot-Uow to Dyu. Ulo,-n anil Mu Color. AlONItOK DULU CO., tnlunvllle, Alluourl L. DOUG LAS Os, !" t-r AMIt T!5 KfS W. t. D0U31AS $4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT ANY PRICE. Kp7 wS SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES t I I v Men's HIiopn, MS to al.ftl. Iltij ' SluiflK. .1 to Ml .2.1. Women's E.- V HIlilPA, 4 to S1.)11. JUlftiteM' K ciiiidroirs niiobh, V3.Z0 to Wl.Ufl. V. j liinitfliii slides are recoj,'iii.ml by export judges of footweur to he ilia Uest in stylo, lit ami wcur produced m this country. I'.aoii part of the sliee and every uotatl ol the making Is luoKotl tutor Mill W.'LtHiml nr., lt llklllnil .llnnmalriiM n-itlinu, tn Brockton, Mass.. and slinw von how shoes are made, you would then nnderntand why they hold tholr shape, fit better, wear lonpnr. anil are of creator value than any other makes. W. 1,. IhiiiuliK nnw nnd prle-1 nfnmpi-il on tlip bottom, wlili-h nrritfi-tn the wmw ftpnlnflt hlirh prlw iti'l IntiTlnr Titke Wii Ntd.alltiHe. Snlrt ,y 1 hf hiM b1k Hilpm (vfrywlicrf. Fait Color K wl'l' mil rrrlmirrtv. Valuing wmlnl frrr. V. I.. JOl'J I. AH, llt'orklon.MaM. IB W 34 YEARS SELLING DIRECT Oar Tehjnleii ttiirl harnesp hare been sold dlrert from our fadlorr' to u6r for a third ol a oentunr. We nhlu for oiamlnatlon and approval and guarantee flare deliver. You are out noUUna imotaatUlled aa to atyie, qna.fty aud prloa. f-""- We Are The Largest No.W9. SplndleSeat, jelllni to ttie eonmirner eiolualvelT. We make MiitiM ot a smiia arran pfVe uear PrlvlBB- Vehicle. Mrtrlee or llamas!, ami for Ian,., free catalogue. nirae with Cord UKnari carrlaae frioa complete, SS6.60. Elkhart, Ripening Bananas to Order. An English electrical expert has discovered a means of ripening ba nanas to order. The bunches are hung In an air-tight glass case, in which are a number of electric lights. The artificial light and heat hasten the ripening process in proportion to tho number of lights turned on. Rec ords huve been made which enable the operators to make delivery of anv quantities at nny agreed date. New York Tribune. Tho hedgehog, guarded by spikes. rolls Itself up for the winter In a hole lined with grass and moss. el Different from other oil stoves, Superior because cf its economy, cleanliness, and easy operation. The NEW PERFECHOM Wick Blue ftae Oil Cook-Sf ove saves fuel expense and lessens the work. Produces a strong working flame instantly. Flame always under immediate control. Gives quick results without overheating the kite j Made in three sizes. Every stove warranted. If not at your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. Ifeyb THE is the best lamp (or all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled la light-giving power; an ornament to any room. Every lamp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY (Iavsorporalctl) contests nf its fortunate it is the first are made. 7: IT NEW YORK.N.Y' CUAirP BEST IN f S3 caref'nllv W. h. l)ouiiUlllMAmWM Hantuctnrers In The Worii Inrrle Strap, th Carredl lar. Prlml 11.16. I a Harness Mia. Co- ureaat uona Indiana. complete, 911, Old Adage Does Not Apply. The adage which advises people who live In glass houses not to throw stones will have to be revised. The glass that Is now used in making houses Is not hrpnknhln Tt Innlii like white marble and is used in the same way as that material. OnrtMd Tea is for t'mso wto deire aa ideal laxative: it is simple, pure, mild and potent; it regulates the liver and kidneys, overcomes couHtipation and brings Good Monlth. It is guaranteed under the P ire Food and Drugs Law. '?There are 481 stenographic systems in use in the civilized world. The Mew Oil Stove Lamp y