The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 13, 1907, Image 4

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    fEft Stat
1 I
Subscription tl.00 per iear in advance.
. A.KTBPHBNSON, Editor ad Pub.
Terry Cathets bought a valuable
horso a few days ago.
John M. Norrls made a trip to Rttyn
oldeville on business Saturday.
Mottern and MoDonuld are buny
hauling og to the Luiiwlg mill.
One u( our popular farmers I tired
raising buckwheat cakes, and U going
to move to town.
John VV. Bpencer, liaB taken a con
tract for the Ulsen bank, and Is putting
out tome oice coal.
P. M. Wells and family made a trip
In his horseless carriage to visit his
brother last Sunday.
F. S. Douffhlt treed a bear one day
last week and shot at It with snow balls,
but the bear escaped safe and sound
A very fine surprise party was held
at the home of Braiden Spencer lu
honor of bis father, who was eighty
years old on the twenty seventh ult.
An excellent dinner was served to about
sixty persons, to which all did ample
justice. In the afternoon we war en
tertained with very fine mualo, both
vocal and Instrumental. The young
people gathered in the evening and had
a very pleasant time. Mr. Spencer re
ceived a number of very valuable
presents. .
Mrs. John McEntire, of Presoottvllle,
spent Monday la Soldier.
George Ditch, of Ernest, Indiana Co.,
was in town one day recently.
Mrs. Robert Cameron,' of Rathmel,
visited In this place last Tuesday.
Mrs. A. R. Ritchie Is Hi with tonsi
lltis. This is the third attack of the
disease this winter.
Mies Nettie Tozier, of this place,
pent last Thursday with Mary Champ
man in Prescottville.
Tuesday evening Lenten! services
were held In St. George's church by
Rev. Father Wienker.
A pie social was held In the public
'school building 'Saturday algbt for
the benefit of the school library..., , ,-,
Mrs. Joseph Ditch and Mrs. Andrew
. Mullen, of Rathmel. wre, .in Soldier
last Sunday attending, the funeral of
Fred Biggie. Jr. " , , ,
, Union Meetings at Rathmel. '
A series of union gospel meetings
began in the Church of God at Rathmel
on Monday evening of this week. Rev.
Edwin Yahn preached the opening
sermon. M. C. Coleman, of Reynolds
vllle, will have charge of tbe singing.
The following ministers, will take part
in these meeting: - Dr. A. J. Meek,
Rev. D. S. Waldrop, Rev. Edwin Yahn
and Rev. R. C. McMinn. A cordial
invitation is extended to everybody to
attend these meetings.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent por word for each and
vorv Insertion.
LOST A carmen bracelet between
postofllce (or scboolhouse) and residence
S. M. McOeight. Finder please leave
at Star office.
A duck strayed onto my premises.
Owner come and get duck and pay for
this notice. G. M. Herold.
For Rent House on Grant st. with
privilege of town water. Inquire of
ur. k. i.ev ere King.
'" For Sale House abd lot on Main
street, opposite Burns House. Inquire
m.. m. uavu. .-, ; ..
FOR Sale Second hand one-horse
wagon. Inquire at The Star office.
For Sale or Rent Six room house,
good water; Avenue. Lillian Lewis.
For Sale Full blooded Plymouth
hock cmoken eggs for setting. In
quire of H. A. Swab.
WANTED Two exDerienced ladv or
gentlemen canvassers. Answer by let
ter, giving reierenoe and experience
Address J. X. F., Reynoldsville.
Salesmen Wanted To look after
our Interest in Jefferson and adjacent
counties, salary or commission. Ad
dress The Victor Oil Co., Cleveland, O.
For Sale Eggs from pure bred
barred Plymouth Rocks (Gardener-
Thompson strain) 6Uc per setting. In
quire of Frank Shumaker.
For Sale Good Jersey cow. In
quire at The Star office.
For Sale Good 140 acre farm in
McCalmont township; one bouse, two
barns and one shop on farm; easy terms.
Inquire at The Star office.
For Rent Eight room house on
Main street. Inquire of T. D. Hoon.
For Rent Six room house on Hill
street, .near Fifth. Inquire L. M
. Snyder. ' - ' .
One Double ten room house, barn
and one acre of ground at Wishaw for
sale on easy terms. Enquire of E. Neff.
FOR Rent--SIx room house on Jack
son street. , Inquire of M. M. Davis.
For Sale Six room house on Jack
eos street. Inquire of M. M. Davis.
It might Interest Rheumatic suffer
ers of this country to learn the wonder
ful work that Urlc-O Is doing towanln
the relief and cure of this dreaded dis
ease. Letters of praise are received
daily from men and women who have
used the remedy with the greatest suc
cess. The manufacturers ot turn won
derful Specific have never soliuited a
testimonial or a word ot praise from
people who have used the remedy. Yet,
letters like the one given lie low are be
ing received from both old and young.
Mr. Reuben Whlrtnle. tToeerv elprlr. nf
Glens Falls, N. Y., says: I was laid up with
severe form of Rheumatism, and was con
fined to my room for nine weeks. A sample
oottieor urio-u, na one regular Dottle ha
worked a wonderful chance 111 me. it hits
entirely cured my Rheumatism, and I am
now afile to go about my work again 1
recommenaea toe remeay to sir. jonn
Harris, of East Lake Oeorge, who was nnahls
lo walk. He had taken every possible treat
ment, had spent hundreds or dollars, and
had found no relief. He Is taking I'rlr-O,
and Is Improving rapidly, and able to be out
around. 1 will continue to recommend
Urlc-O, as It is certainly a merited remedy.
Uric-0 is sold by Druggists generally
at $1.00 per bottle, or it will be sent by
SYRACUSE, N. Y., npon receipt of
price. Liberal size samples and circu-
ars will be mailed free to all who ap
ply for same.
TTrleii la aild In Revnoldnvllln hv the
Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.
Kemps Balsam
Will stop any cough that
can be stopped by any
medicine and core coughs
that cannot be cured by any
other medicine.
It Is always the best
cough core. Yon cannot
allord to take chances on
any other kind.
coughs, cqlds, bronchitis,
grip, asthma and consump
tion la Urst stages.
It does not contain alco
hol, opium, morphine, or
any other narcotic, poison-
ens or harmful drug.
VS. sis . '1W...M1
Maddening ' Disease, Rheumatism,
Easily Cured With URIC-O.
Lest You Forget
That I have all the latest hits, here
are a few of the latest successes.
Poor John.
No Wedding Bells for Her.
Nobody's Little Girl. .
'Neath tbe Old Acorn Tree.
That Welcome on the Hat Ain't
Meant for Me.
When You Know Your not Forgotten
by the Olrl you Can't Forget. '
Fanella(Intermetio), , ','
Ban Antonio. ' j
He's a Cousin of Mine.
Meet me, Bwee Kathleen, In Honey
suckle Time. ; '
We told his Missus all About Him. .
' Obt Mister Brown. -" ' - ,
Ask Me Not. '
Good Bye, Sweet Maryland.
My Little Drummer Boy.
Come and hear these new songs and
get a monthly "hit" list;
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
The Jefferson
Now handles some of
the finest grades of flour
ever brought to Reyn
oldsville and has the ex
clusive agency in this
section for some lines
never ''before sold here
Have a special brand
"Crown" made express
ly for us. Flour is sold
at retail and a special in- -vitation
is extended the
public to stop at the of
fice in Evans building,
Main street, near Prank's
New Tavern, and see
their line, whether you
wish to buy or not. J
They also call attention
to the fact that they are
selling the finest
Pure Olive Oil
to be had in Reynolds
ville, ' It is an imported
product the best the old
country can, produce
guaranteed absoluiely .
pure and bears the. gov
ernment stamp of excel
lence. - ' - ' j
All goods sold by the
macaroni factory are
reasonably priced and of
first quality. Send orders
for family use by mail or
'phone. Both 'phones.
C. & J. Marinaro, Props.
Look Who's Coming
Monday, Maroh 18tii
Mr. J. C. Matthews presents "America's Natural Actor,,
total Fitzsimmoris
A Fight for Love"
Supported by an excellent company and presented exactly us In tho bin cities.
In a 3 round clove contest,
ju bis wtitlerful btp punrblnp exhibition
Mxke horse shoes and eho the Arabian pony,
1 'Uhh AH," in full vii w of the iiudlcncu
Prices 25, 35, 50, 75c and $1.00.
Annual Clearance
I will closeout all winter goods. You can save from
25 to 35 per cent by coming here to buy. '
FASCINATORS 50c ones, Clearance Price 35 cents.
75c, clearance 59c. $1.25, clearance price 87c. ,
NOTIONS 50c Golf Gloves for 37c. 25c Golf Gloves
for 19c. 50c Handbags 26c. 25c Handbags for 15c.
LADIES' COATS I sold coats in the beginning of the
season for less than any other store in town.
$10.00 Coats, Clearance Sale Price, to. 00.
. tl2.00 CoaU, Clearance Sale Price, 16.00.
115.00 CoaU, Clearance Sale Price, $7.50. .,
CHILDREN'S CO ATS $2.00 Coats, now $1.39. $1.50
Coats now 90c. $3.00 Coats now $2.25. $3.50
White Bearskin Coats, $2.25.
- ' Come and see for yourself.
"The Big Store"
Showing of a Strong Line of Spring
" The Big Store " announces to our friends and patrons that we are
ready to supply you with the strongest and most carefully selected
line of reliable merchandise that it has ever been our privilege to
showyou. Assuring you that in keeping with our past policy we
will sell you nothing but good, honest, reliable merchandise the
best the country can produce we will add to this that we are rep
resenting the very best manufacturers only and are showing styles
that are accepted and approved by the best critics ot the country.
!. .'
4M2-Laals' WsW.
Sites 83, 84, 86, 38, 40
Inches bust measure.
:,f!fr1trf f 'i
MM L4kt' Skirt.
Sices M, 24. M, 28. 80,83
Inches waist measure
Dress Goods
We have all the new fancy novelty and all
the leading popular cloths in plain colore. TVe '
find the novelty panama especially to be In de-'
tnand this season.' '' They come in all'prloes from '
60 cent a yard to 11.60. : .
".. .V.''' ..Wash Goods ' '.' '';
We bavf the strongest line of Wash Goods
' In white and all the le'ding things In colors and
figured we could possibly obtain. The -line In
clude a variety of prices from 10c organdies up.
Spring Jackets and Jacket
These lines are probably receiving more of
your attention at present than any other. We
are ready to show you a line which is fully up to
the Btandard of high grade goods. Now is your
best time to buy your suit or jacket. The lines
will shortly be broken and your selection will
then have to be made from a broken line.
Suits in blnrks and fancies, $10 CO to $35.00.
Jackets, $2 50 to $18.60.
Skirts and Petticoats
We have also our line of Skirt and Petti
ooata ready. We call your attention especial
' to our line ot "High Art" Pettlcoater-reoegnH
. as one of the. beet lines of PettlooaU manu
!-:ture. v ., ... .. ,wf .
.,n, Prices in SklrU from , ' . 15.00 to 116.00.
vV! Prices In Petticoats, 'mercerized, - .00,
Prices In Petticoats, Heatherblooii, ' '
from ' -11.60 o i 13.50.
Prices In PettlooaU. silk, from 13.5 to 110.
The best time to buy a ebi waist is before
the line Is broken In sizes. We have long sleeve
and short sleeve in whites, principally trimmed
in lace and embroidery.
Price 50 cents to 3.50. -
Coflars, Belts and Hand Bags
A new, snappy and up-to date line of above
has just arrived. We maintain the popular
prices always.
t ' :
Meat Market
Bids for Your Trade
Recently opened in Syn
dicate building with a
new line of choice fresh
and smoked meats, lard,
butter and eggs. We
promise you prompt at
tention to all orders and
solicit your trade.
1 Proprietor.
Between 12th and 13th fits,, on Filbert St.
Three minutes walk from the Reading Ter
minal. Five minutes walk from the TcntTa
R. R. Depot. European plan 41. IX) per day and
upward. Americnu v'"u auxtper unj.
Practical Camel fciii
I have been in town eight years. I will quote you
prices which are the lowest you have.Jheard,'of if every-
thine else is up. I am still weaving for the same ole
price 10 cents a square yard when yonffurnish'the chain
and when I furnish the chain, whichjis of the best quality",
5 ply, I charge 20c, 22c, 24c, 25c, 28c and 34c per
square yard, weaving included. If the piece is20 yards
or more, will make it to order to fit your room at the
above prices per yard, and for out of town people pay
freight one way; over 40 yards, both ways. Call in and
see my work or send for samples of chain.
I have a lot of carpet for sale very cheap.
P. O. Box 358. One door east of bo roue hall, Weet Key oldsvUle, Pa.