The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 06, 1907, Image 5

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    Bubteription $1.00 peryearin advance.
O.A.KTBFHBNSON .Editor an Pafe.
Entered at the oostottlce at ttejnoldsvllle
a., aiseeondclaai mall matter.
What to do for the patient and pre-
scrlbes the medicines. Our part is to
Iflll the prescriptions, and leading phy
sicians In Reynoldsville have a decided
Jpreference for us. Pure drugs, skill In
pnarmacy ana reasonable prices form
our claims to public patronage. These
are advantages which all should enjoy
and feel confident that they're not miss
ing any one of them. Anything that
affects the health is of paramount im
portance. Once a customer, always a
customer, describes the experience of
all our patrons.
A Little ot EvemtMng.
Sunday, March 31st, is Easter.
"The Choir Singer" at Park Theatre
March 12.
! March came in like a lamb. Lookout
for the lion.
' Lenten service in the Lutheran
church Friday evening.
Judge John W. Reed is holding argu
m9nt court in Brook vtlle this week.
The glass plant was idle Saturday to
have some repair work done on the
One of our subscribers paid his sub-
jnrfot.ion yesterday to February, 1910.
Thank you, i
you ever hear a man, with a
in his mouth, complain of his
irsoo bounty Pomona liranee
in Reynoldsvlllo on Wednesday
t week, March 13.
Theldegree team of Mazomanlo Tribe
aBBisteVt in Instituting a new Tribe at
Penfielti Monday night.
; The ladies Aid Society of the Lu
theran cnurch will hold an Easter ba
zaar on S&turday, March 30.
To-day Judge Reed will bear the
arguments for and against incorporat
ing Syk'esville into a borough.
Jury Commissioner John Trudgen
was at Brookville Friday drawing
jurors for April term of court.
You hud better bring that picture to
Hamilton and have it framed. You
may neglect it until it's spoiled.
The ordinance of Baptism was ad
ministered in the Baptist church last
Wednesday aud Sunday evening!.
The county executive commltte of
the W. C. L (J. will meet in the chapel
at Pancoast on Friday, March 8.
TkA 1 .. . ! . tL. r -ir
son County Sunday school ""Association
will be held at Summerville May 28
and 29. , 'V
All members of Camp No. 258, P. O.
S. A., are requested to attend the
regular meeting on Thursday evening
of this week, Maroh 7.
, The Young Ladies' Sodality of the
Catholio church will bold bazaar and
supper April 5 or 6 in Odd Fellows halL
Full particulars later.
Arthur Tyson's Sunday school class
will kold a dime social la festal hall of
M. E. church Thursday evening, March
7. Everybody invited.
The Brookville and Reynoldsville
high school basket ball teams will play
a game in Evans' rink at this place
Friday evening, March 8.
The postoffloe at EmerickvUle has
been discontinued and the people of
that village will get their mall on B F.
D. No. 1 from Brookville.
Rev. I. 8. Hanklne,, pastor of DuBols
Baptist church, who has accepted call
to New Jersey, preached his farewell
sermen to the DuBois congregation
Sunday evening.
A new large plate glass window was
put in front of post office building last
week in place gf the one that was
Token several weeks ago. Postmaster
Burns pays for the new window, ,aot
ths postoffloe department.
of nea
' The borough auditors best Monday
of neit week to audit the borough ao-'
oonnts for year ending March 4, 1907.
Judge John W. Reed has appointed
George 8. Weaver, of Bell township,
jury commissioner to fill the unexpired
term of John Hutchinson, deceased.
The friends of Prof. W. N. Kinney
say he Is an expert bean baker, but we
cannot verify the statement as we aid
not get a sample of the baked beans.
The Christian Endeavor Society of
the Presbyterian church will hold a
dime social In the Sunday school of the
church at eight o'clock on Friday even
ing of tbls week, March 8.
J. M. Miller, proprietor of the Park
Hotel at Eleanor, who was In Philadel
phia four months under treatment of a
specialist, returned home yesterday
very much improved In health.
The work at W. T. Cox's lath mill
hat Increased so that Mr. Cox found It
necessary to put In a 20-horse power
gas engine instead of the 8-horse power
engine that has been running the mill.
John Laverick and Miss Mary Bell,
of Soldier, were married at the Baptist
parsonage in this place last Thursday
afternoon by Dr. A. J. Meek. For par
ticulars see Soldier items on another
Miss Luclle Gourley, youngest daugh
ter of S. M. Gourley and sister of Bur
gess L. L. Gourley, who has been near
the gates of death the past two days, Is
resting easier as we go to press this
T. F. Turnbull, new superintendant
of the Pittsburg Industrial Iron Works
plant at this place, Is moving this week
Into Mrs. Cora Mitchell's house on
Grant street, formerly occupied by O.
L. Scblumpf.
Rev. J. E. Kirkwood, son of James J.
Kirk wood, of this place, now in the
employ of the American Sunday school
Union at Portsmouth Ohio, has ty-
phoid ever. His wife Is just convalesc
ing from a case of typhoid fever.
The degree team of Mazomanla Tribe
No. 341, Improved Order of Red Men,
of Reynoldsville, ' was at Summerville
Thursday nlgjit ' assisting Deputy
Great Sachem Grant Rhoads Institute
a tribe at that place. The new tribe
has(4 charter members.
Assessor C. J. Kerr will be In Brook
ville on Friday, March 8, one of the
three days of general appeal from
triennial assessments, and any property
owner of Reynoldsville who wants to
make ao appeal can do so that date at
commissioners' office. '
The Casino roller rink at Brookville
was opened Monday night of this week
at wbicn time skaters from Reynolds
vllle, DuBols and Punxs'y were present
The rink Is under the personal care of
H. W. English. It will accommodate
three hundred skaters.
Rev. A. R. Rich, D. D., presiding
elder of the Clarion District of the M.
E. church, preached in the M. E.
church at this place Friday night and
Sunday at 11.00 a. m. After Friday
night sermon quarterly conference was
held. Sunday morning the Lord's
Supper was administered.
David Harriger, of Knox toweship,
died March 2nd, was burled yesterday.
The real cause for his death was
not known, and his relatives were anx
ious to know, an autopsy was held Sun
day. Undertaker J.. H. Hughes, of
this place, had charge of autopsy.
Enlargement of heart and liver was
cause of death.
The Epworth League of the M. E.
church will hold a reception on Tues
day evening.March 12,for new members
who were received Into the ctfurch re
cently. Refreshments will be served.
All members of the church are invited
to attend this reception to give the new
members a cordial and hearty welcome,
and to enjoy a social time together.
The Jefferson County Realty Com
pany has been organized In Brookville.
Its object is the buying and selling of
real estate. s Thomas V, Hendricks,
one of the editors of tr Brookville
Republican, is president and manager,
and Raymond E. Brown, Esq., an
erstwhile Reynoldsville young man, is
secretary and solicitor for this new
The monthly meeting of the Brother
hood of St. Paul will be held in the
M. E. church at 8.00 p. m. Friday of
this week. After a short business
meeting and light refreshments there
will be an address by Rev. J. H. Clem
ens, pastor of the Ridgway M. E.
church. Subject: "Jesus Christ Our
Master." All members of the Brother
hood and men of the church are Invited
to attend this meeting.
. Rev. Gilbert Wright Stewart, stu
dent In Presbyterian Theological
Seminary, Allegheny- City, preached
in the Reynoldsville Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and evening,
in absence of Rev. McKay, who has
been in Ohio ten days. Rev. Mechlin,
D. D., was to have preached, but there
was a slip In the mall somewhere and
he made another engagement and could
not come to Reynoldsville. Rev. Stew
art, who did missionary work among
the cowboys of North Dakota .several
years,' gave a very Interesting talk
Sunday evening, by request, on bis ex
perience among that class of men.
Dr. J. C. King Elected President and
Lawyer Clement W. Flynn, Secretary.
The old town council met Monday
evening and after transacting some
business adjourned sine die and a tem
porary chairman elected for new coun
cil. Then adjournment was made until
Tuesday evening to allow the new
oouncllmen to file certificates with the
prothonotary of their campaign ex
penses, as required by law, which bad
been overlooked. Last night the new
council was reorganized with Dr. J. C.
King as president, and Lawyer Clement
W. Flynn as secretary of council. An
adjourned meeting of council will be
held this evening to elect a treasurer
and solicitor.
Derrick Burned.
The derrick at the gas well recently
drilled noar Hopkins, by A. A. Stewrt,
of New Bethlehem, was burned about
eight o'clock Monday evening. There
Is little doubt but that the derrick was
purposely set on fire.
Individual Cups.
The Individual communion cups were
used in the Methodist Episcopal church
at this place Sunday for the first time.
This set was borrowed from the Punx
sutawney M. E. church. The church
at this place will buy a set before the
next communion.
James Bennett, of Reynoldsville, and
Miss Hettie Howell, of Eleanor, were
united In marriage by Rev. J. C. Mc
Entlre at his heme In West Reynolds
ville on Saturday evening, March 2,
1907. They have gone to housekeep
ing. Their many friends wish them
happiness and prosperity in life's
Birthday Party.
Twenty-seven young people, mostly
relatives, from Beechwoods and Brock
wayvllle, attended the birthday party
given at home of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith,
on Main street, Saturday evening last
In honor of her brother, W. Vernon
Britton. It was a delightful and enjoy
able party. Games were played. A
fine luncheon was served. ' Mr. Britton
received a number of presents.
Engineer Corps Here.
An engineer' corps for the Franklin
& Clearfield railroad came to town Sat
urday and are now at work surveying a
line between Reynoldsville and Brook
ville. We are In hopes, and believe,
that the Franklin & Clearfield road will
be run through Reynoldsville. This
corps of engineers just completed a sur
vey up the North Fork via Aliens Mills
to Falls Creek. There are fourteen
men In the corps. They are stopping
at the National Hotel.
Council Re-Organized.
The town council of West Reynolds
ville borough was re-organizvd Monday
evening. J. N. Smail succeeded him
self and E. D. Davis succeeded W. P.
Woodrlng as a member of this council.
J. N. Small was elected president. At
the next meeting a secretary will be
elected and committees appointed. The
new council is composed of following
gentlemen : J. N. Smail, Henry Her
pel, W. S. Ross, Arthur O'Donnell, Sr.,
Richard Miller, John Benson, E. D.
Supervisors Met Monday.
The supervisors of Winslow town
ship, Wm. H. Rober, J. M. Norris and
Thomas Wood, met in Reynoldsville
Monday. Mr. Reber was elected chair
man, Mr. Norris secretary, and J. W.
Syphrit re-elected treasurer. The
township was divided Into four districts
and the following rnadmasters appoint
ed: K. B. Deemer, J. 5. Brennan, M.
M. McAdoo and Benjamin Haugh.
The supervisors laid 5 mills work tax
and 2 mills cash tax.
Nine Candidates "Rode Goat."
Monday night there was a meeting of
Reynoldsville Encampment of the I. O.
O. F. and a class of nine candidates was
takea into the Eneimpment. There
were three grand officers present from
Scranton, Pa., Philip J. Vetter, Grand
Patriarch of Grand Encampment, Fred
C. Hanyan, Grand Marshall, and Wm.
C. Cowles, Grand Senior Warden!
After the candidates were initiated a
banquet was served In the banqueting
hall by the Daughters of Rebekah.
There were visitors present from Brook
ville and DuBois. Those present had a
very enjoyable time.
"The Choir Singer."
Aa elaborate scenlo production In
eluding the exact reproduction of a
Broadway Roof Garden is promised
with "The Choir Singer" which will
furnish the attraction at the Park
Theatre on Tuesday night, March 12.
This latest comedy drama success from
the pen of Carroll Fleming, author of
"Sis Hopkins," has just concluded an
engagement In New York where It was
received by the press and the publlo
with great enthusiasm. A feature of
the play which Is said to please all
classes of theatre-goers Is the Intro
duction at appropriate moments of a
number of musical selections Including
songs of a varied nature. A large
company of carefully selected metro
politan players are engaged In the
James Ohls, Althonrh'Tembly Burned,
Will Recover Is in DuBois Hospital.
Mention was made in The Star last
week that Homer Hetrtck had been
burned to death la a shanty at Camp
Run abouteleven o'clock Tuesday nlgbt,
February 26, 1907, and that his "butty,"
James Ohls, narrowly escaped the same
fate as Hetrlck. Ohls was terribly
burned. He was taken to DuBols Hos
pital Wednesday forenoon.
As stated last, week the young men,
whose parents reside near EmerickvUle,
were "batching" in a shanty at Camp
Run and working in the coal mine for
Anita Coal Company. They had not
worked for several days and bad been
at home of their parents. Tuesday
afternoon they returned to Ca,mp Run
and worked in mine until ten o'clock
Tuesday night. They got supper at
shanty after quitting work and then
retired, leaving a hot fire in the cook
s'ove. About 11.15 Ohls awakened and
found the shaty full of fire and smoke.
He called for Hetrlck to get up, but
was so excited and confused did not
know whether Hetrlck had gotten out
before him or not. There was two kegs
of powder In the shanty and one keg ex
ploded before Ohls got out and the
other one exploded juBt after he got
out of shanty. Hetrick'a charred body
was found near the window and it is
supposed he was attempting to get out
when the second keg of powder ex
ploded near him and he was overcome.
The boys were "batching" In part of an
old planing mill, which was dry pine
lumber, and It burned very rapidly. It
is not known how the shanty caught
fire, but likely from a hot coal dropping
from stove.
Homer Hetrlck would have been
seventeen ' years old last Saturday,
March 2nd. Was the son of George
Hetrlck. Funeral service was hold in
the Lutheran church at EmerickvUle
Wednesday afternoon, conducted by
Rev. J. W. Myers, of Reynoldsville.
Interment was made In EmerickvUle
Lutheran cemetery the same afternoon.
Hughes & Fleming, of Reynoldsville,
bad charge of the funeral.
James Ohls, who Is only eighteen
years old, Is the son of William Ohls.
Both Hetrlck and Ohls are highly
spoken of.
Basket Ball Affairs.
The game of basket ball between the
Brookville and Reynoldsville high
school teams announced for last Friday
night was cancelled and a new date
March 8th made. The contest will
take place In Evans skating rink at
ReynolJbvllle. ,
The regular Reynoldsville team of
basket ball players went to Falls Creek
Wednesday evening of last' week and
bad a lively argument with a five of
that city. The score was 25 to 23 in
favor of Reynoldsville and its closeness
throughout made the game unusually.
Brookville sent a delegation of
athletes to Reynoldsville Thursday
evening to contest for honors with the
Reynoldsville basket ball team. They
were all fair piayers Individually but
lacked team work, due to the fact that
it was the first game In which they had
ever played together. The game was
even for five ralnutcB but thereafter the
boys from the county seat were merely
lookers-on. The Reynoldsville players
were sore frem the previous night's
contest at Falls Crook and there was no
brilliant playing to shout ever. Final
score, Reynoldsville 51, Brookville 18.
Concert in Assembly Hall,
Miss Annie Elizabeth Hughes, of
Chicago, will give a concert in the As
sembly Hall Friday evening, March 15,
Miss Hughes won prominent notice In
lyceum work when with a Chicago
lecture bureau and will present one of
her most successful programs at her
concert here. She will be assisted by
Miss Elvie Coleman as pianist and by
Mr. Kiple as violinist.
There will be no seats reserved and
the admission -only twenty-five cents,
a price far too low to be at all Indloa
tive of the merits of the evening's
entertainment. Sixty per-cent of pro
ceeds for benefit of the schools.
Observe carefully the following pro
gram. PART 1.
1. Spring: flowers .Reinecke
(Violin Obligate)
2. (a) Wlegenlied Brahms
(b) Ancient French Dance Bong
. ,,, ,. HUdacta
S. Violin
4. Irish Folk Song Foots
5. Carmana Wilson
part n
1. 01 Dry Those Tears Del Blexo
. (Violin Obligate)
I. I Love You '....Bobeski
S. (a) Home, Sweet Home
(h) Massa'a in the Cold, Cold Ground
4. Violin
Parla , Ardltl
4. Oood-Bye Tosti
Fault Finder.
Fault finding instead of commenda
tions, bickerings and strife Instead of
sweet, happy companionship, Is beard
in many homes In other towns. . Surely
such conditions do not exist in any home
In Reynoldsville. Come to think of It,
there Is a possibility that in a few
homes la town such condition of un
pleasantness might be found. Re
member like produces like In the life as
elsewhere. This should be borne in
mind and a constant effort made for
brighter homes. Make the lives of
others happy and you will be happier
nit , i-
Last Sunday Rev. Dr. A. J. Meek
completed his seventh year as pastor of
the Reynoldsville BaptiBt church and
on Monday evening a reception was
given Dr. Meek and his family In the
church. A large audience was
prepert. The auditorium was filled
with members of the church and friends
who hold Dr. Meek and his excelleht
family in high esteem. George Rca. in
behalf of the ladles ot the church, who
had charge of the reception, presided
and an entertaining program was given,
consisting of addresses, recitations and
songs. Program as follows:
Paper by Rev. J. Booth, In which he
gave a snort sketcn oi tne circum
stances that led up to Dr. Meek's call
Rev. A.J,
to Reynoldsville and his acceptance.
In speaking of his work slncti oorai6g
to Reynoldsville Mr. Booth Raid that
Dr. Meex had preached 1.184 sermons.
During past year he preached 102 ser
mons and officiated at 20 funerals. Ad
dresses were made by Rev. J. W.
Crawford, of Syicesville, Rev. C. A.
Wilson, of Ridgway. Rev. J. C. McEn
tlre and Dr. J. A. Parsons, of Reynolds
ville. M. C. Coleman, in behalf of
Reynoldsville friends, presented Dr.
Meek with a sum of money, and N.
Ferman Dean, In behalf of Rathmel
friends, presented Dr. Meek with a
sum of money There was a reci
tation by Miss Marian Booth, solo
Henry Conrad Dead.
Henry Conrad, who was manager of
The Mansion Inn before Tom Reynolds
become proprietor several weeks ago.
died Thursday evening, February 28,
1907. He had been sick a couple of
weeks, but was only confined to bed
one week. He was married to Sarah
Catherine Boonett, Sept. 30, 1885. Is
survived by his Widow and three child
ren, Charles C, Effle L. and Elsie May
The body was taken to borne of de
ceased's brother, John Conrad, at De
sire Saturday and on Sunday funeral
service was held in the Pleasant Valley
church, conducted by Rev. Coulter.
Interment was made in tbe Bowers
Settlement cemetery.
Ten Dollar Reward.
.1 will pay any person H0.O0 for In
formation that will lead to the ai rest
and oonvlction of the person or periods
who have been breakln? Into my shanty
at the coal mine. John Trudgen. "
Watsontowo shoes for workingmeo
Made of all solid leather. At Adam's.
' . - . ...
ir it II hi.iM-i.
' v mvm
Baptist Church.
by Miss Fay William aud singing by
male quartette. Dr. Meek responded
to the addresses and presentation
After the Bow of wit and humor,
complimentary remarks and congratu
lations, the ladies of the church served
a fine luncheon in the Sunday school
room, which was also enjoyed by a large
number of those who listened to the
The Rpynoldeville Baptist congrega
tion were fortunate In finding an able
pastor, faithful and zealous worker
when they gave Dr. Meek a call to the
pastorate of their church. He is a good
preacher, wise counselor, a genial gen
tleman, always ready to extend a .glad
Meek, Ph. D.
hand' to any whom he may meet on
street, in shop or at church. ' His seven
years' work In Reynoldsville has been
very successful.
It must not be forgotten that while
Dr. Meek Is being praised for bis suo-"
cess in his ministry here, that be has a
noble Christian wife who has been a
great help in his work. Mrs. Meet "
never allows social pleasure to interfere
with her church work. She is 'always
zealous in the Master's vineyard. Dr.
Meek, wife and daugbters are highly
esteemed not only -y members of the'
Baptist church, but by a large number
of friends not affiliated with that
Letter List.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for
week ending March 2, 1907.
Ralph McCracken, Mrs. E. W. Rob
ins, Miss Anna M. Smith, Mrs. Vander
wort. Miss Elizabeth Veitch, George
Mozalls, J. C. Wilson, Mark Zellar.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above. -
R C. BURN9.P. to.
Notice to Subscribers.
A number of our subscribers are la
arrears a year c- more and we wouV
like to get all subscriptions account
settled before the 15th ef March, 1907.
Will you kindly see that your sub
scription or part of It is paid before,
that date. After the loth of March we
will send statements to all who are in.
arrears. Please make an effort to pay
your subscription. It is a small amount
for each subscriber to pay, but in the '
aggregate amounts to considerable te
Have vou a Dictum ot av
' "