The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 27, 1907, Image 3

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There nre three critical stages in a
Oman's life which leave their mark
n her career. The first of these stages
;'is womanhood, or the change from a
care free girl to building womanhood,
The second is motherhood, and the
third ist'hango of Life.
Perils surround each of these stages,
and most of the misery that comes
to women through ill health dates
from one or another of these iin
nortant crises.
Women should remember that Lydia
I E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
I made from native roots and herbs has
I carried thousands of young girls over
f the critical period of puberty, has
prepared mothers for childbirth, and
in later years carried them safely
through the change of lifo more suc
cessfully than any other remedy in
the world. Thousands of testimonials
lrom grateful persons, two of which
are here published, substantiate this
fact beyond contradiction,
Mrs. George Walters of Woodlawn,
111. writes !
Dear Mm. Pinkham :
"I feel it my duty to toll you of the good
Lydia E. Pinkham's Veetahle Compound
ban done me in preparing for childbirth.
Aftor sulfering and losing my children a
friend advised me to try your valunbio me
dicine, and the result wat that I had very
little inconvenience, a quick recovery and
During its long record of more
actual cures, entitles Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to
the respect and confidouce of every fair minded person.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Makes Sick Women Wei!.
Wild Animal3 Tamed by Fear.
' The fear wild animals have of mnn
seems to leave Ihem when other
dangers render them helpless. When
high waters cover the bottoms along
the Mississippi bear and deer and
other wild animals have been known
to seek the highest paint and with
water completely surrounding them
lose all fear of man, or at least be
come indifferent to his presence. In
ome Instances they have Beomed to
welcome man's approach, seemingly
feeling that he would be able to pro
tect them.
Bash Covered Face and Feet Would
y Until Tired Out Speedy
Cure by Cuticura.
y baby was about nine months old
whek she had rath on her face and feet.
Herffeet seemed to irritate her most, on
aeefilly nights. They would cause her to
iroken of her rent, and sometimes she
only cry until she was tired out. I had
vvas used Cuticura Soap myself, and had
ardlof so many cures by the Cuticura
smelles that I thought I would give
em a trial. The improvement was no-
in a few hours, and before 1 had
1 on
box of the Cutieura Ointment her
et wen
well and have never troubled her
also used it to remove what is
known ai
'cradle can from her head, nnd
it workediko a charm, as it cleansed and
healed tliesea!p at the same time. Now
I keep CutiiVra Ointment on hand in case
fif any Iittley-nsh or insect bites, as it
fakes out tin jnHummation at once. Per
haps this may be the means of helping
other suffering babies. Mrs. Hatlie Cur
tier, Thomaston, Me., June 9. 1806."
How to Treat Bruises.
In the treatment of contusions
where there Is extensive discoloration
of the skin if olive oil be freely ap
plied without rubbing the discolora
tion will quickly disappear. Absorb
ent cotton may be soaked In the oil
and applied. If the skin Is broken a
little boric acid Phould be applied over
the abrasion. A black eye thus treat
ed can be rendered normal In a few
hours, especially if the oil be applied
He Died Anyhow.
This was the way a native physl
jlan In India filled out a death certifi
cate: "I am of a mind that he died
(or lost his lite) for want of fondlings
or on account of starvation; maybe al
so for other things for comfortables,
and most probably he died by drown
ing.: . DON'T DESPAIR.
Stead the Experience of Minnesota
Woman and Take Heart.
Tf vnnr hack aches, and you fesl
Vck, languid, weak and miserable
rj""S day after day don't
' worry. Doan's Kld
jr ney Pills have cured
jjt fj thousands of women
i in the same condition.
Mrs. A. Heiman, of
Stillwater, wiua.,
rays: "But for Doan'i
Kidney Pills I would
not be living now.
They cured nis la
IS!) 9 and I've been
Jll since. I used to have such pain
"y back that once I fainted. The
ey seeratloas were much dlsor
Ted, and I was so far gone that I
p thought to be at death's ioor.
pe Doan's Kidney Pills cured me I
il as If I tad been pulled back from
i tomb."
Sold by all denlera. CO coats a box.
Foster-liiibum Co., Ba2aic, N. Y.
ns henlthy n eh!M as can be found nnvwhore.
Lyilia E. Pinltlmm's Vegetable Compound
in a blessing to all expectant motliors."
Mrs, Elva Itarbcr Edwards, of
Cathlmnet, Wash., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkhnm :
"I want to toll you how Lydfa. E. Plnk
rmm's Vt'Rntnbla Compound can-led me
through the critical period of the Clmngn of
Lifo without ny trouble whatever, also
cured mo of a very severe f omnia weakness,
I cannot say enough in praise of what your
mcUiriiio has done for me.'.'
What Lydia E. Pinltham's Verr-tn.ble
Compound did for Mrs. Walters and
Mrs. Edwnrds it will do for other wo
men in their condition. Every suf
fering woman in the United Statea
is asked to accept the. following in
vitation. It is free, will bring you
health and may save your life,
Mrs. Plakham'3 Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Pinkham, nt Lynn, Mass. From the
symptoms given, the trouble may be
located and the quickest and surest
way of recovery advised. Out of her
vast volume of experience in treating
female ills Mrs. 1'inkham probably
has the very knowledge that wiil
help your case. Her advice is free
and helpful.
than thirty yoara its long list of
Berlin Would Be Second.
If Berlin annexed all Its suburbs, af
ter the fashion of Paris, It would have
about 3,000,000 Inhabitants, and would
be the second city In elze In Europe.
Only One "llromo Quinine"
That is Laxative llromo Quinine. Similar
ly named remedies sometimes deceive. The
lirst and originnl Cold Tablet is a White
Package, with black and nil lettering, and
bears the signature of E. W. tirove. 2oc.
Virtus In Copper.
"Copper is a marvelous preventltlvo
of disease. If we returned to the old
copper drinking vessels of our fore
fathers, typhoid epidemics would dis
appear." The speaker, a filtration expert, took
a copper cent from his pocket.
"Examine this cent under the mi
croscope," he said, "and you will find
It altogether free from disease germs.
Examine gold and silver coins, and
you will find them one wriggling and
contorting mass. Yet copper coins
pass through dirtier hands than gold
and silver ones. You'd think they
ought to be alive with micro-organisms.
Hut, no. Copper kills germs.
Diphtheria and cholera cultures
smeared on a copper cent die in less
than two hours.
"They have many cholera epidemics
in China, but certain towns are al
ways immune. These towns keep
their drinking water in great copper
vessels. Travelers have tried to buy
these vessels, for they are beautiful
but the villagers will not sell them.
They have a superstltutlon that their
health and welfare depend on their
retention. I wish all superstitions
were as true and salutary as that.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Itoafncss Cntinut He Cured
bylocal applications on theyennnot reach tho
rtieeiwod portion of tho our. There is ouly one
wnvtocure deufness, and thr.fc is by consti
tutional remedies. leftfuesa iscauscd byan
inttnme.l condition of the mucous lining of
the Eustachian, Tube. WheuthiBtubeisin
tlamedyoukaye a rumbling sound or imper
fect hearing, nd when it is entirely closed
Denfness is the result, and unless the Inflam
mation can bo taken out and this tube re
stored to its normal condition, hearing will
be destroyed f orovor. Nine cases out of ton
arecanseiibvmtarrh, wbichisnothinlmtan
iunnraen eonaition or trie mucous sonaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
casoofDesmws (caused bycntarrhJtbatcjiD
not be curedbyD all's OatnrrhCnre. Bond for
circulars free. P.J.CnieniT & Co.,Toledo,0.
Sold bv Drue; gists, 7Sc.
Take Hall's Ftnilv Pills for constipation.
The Tyranny of Clothes.
Place a man In a silk hat and
frock-coat and transport him to a
farmyard. Agricultural pursuits may
be the one passion of his life, but clad
In these garments he feels in such
surroundings miserable, out of place,
essentially urban. Clothe him con
versely in flannels or knickers and
place him in a church and It is ut
terly Impossible' for htm to assume a
fittingly dcvotionable frame of mind.
Unlimited autocracy itself cannot Im
pose such tyrannies on the subject.
Civilization Is the slave of Its clothes,
and there is no prospect of freedom.
London Graphic.
Decline of the Drinking Habit.
Almost nothing else atTords so strik
ing an evidence of the moral improve
ment of the American people as the
decline of drunkenness and of drink
ing. How great has been this decline
only persons of advanced years can
fully realize. Whether this is an ef
fect of the preaching of temperance
or a logical result of experience, or the
spread of habits of industry and thrift
or of all these influences. Is not ap
parent, but the Important U the
fact itself. Rochester Democrat and
Washing With Gasolene,
If gasolene is used Instead of kero
sene In boiling clothes, there will nev-
er be a greasy scum on the water, as
is sometimes the case with kerosene,
and there is no odor left on the
clothes. Of course tho gasoline can
must not be tnken near the Ktove. but
if the amount needed Is carried to
the boiler In a cut) there Is no danirer.
Add two-thirds of a bur of Bonn to
two-thirds of ' a boiler of water, and
when It nearly reaches the boiling
point add three lilliW-snnnnfnls nf orns-
olene and put tho clothe3 In dry. Af
ter they have boiled 20 minutes they
are ready to be rubbed slirrhtlv. blued
and starched. The Housekeeper.
Boiling Vegetables.
A housekeeper gives these hints for
boiling vegetables:
At this time of year let them He in
cold water for an hour or so before
cooking, then put them Into boiling
salted water. Parsnips will boll tend
er In from 20 to 30 minutes, Bplnuch
in 20 minutes; turnips need from 45
minutes to an hour. Do not break the
skin of beets before they are cooked
or they will loso their red juice. Boll
them an hour or two, until thqy are
thoroughly tender. Then plunge them
into cold water and slip off their
skins. Many persons like onions and
cabbage better if they are boiled in
two or three waters. This takes
away some of their rank flavor.
Laundry Suggestions.
Home washing on such matters as
collars and shirts is, of course, usually
out of the question; but If small quan
titles of the formulae we are about to
give be prepared and presented to the
queen of the washtub, she will first
temporize, then try, and ultimately
pray you to teach her how it is done,
and this is the modus operandi: Make
an ounce of etarch into a thick,
smooth paste. Add to this a pint of
boiling water, in which has been dls-
solved a tablespoonful of white sugar
and a tablespoonful of salt. Drop In
to this mass three drnchms of par-
aftlne wax and boll the whole for half
an hour, stirring weU to prevent burn
ing. This must be strained and used
while hot Blue may be added If de
sired. Another excellent preparation,
and of a simple nature, is made by
taking one ounce of powdered gum
arabic (procurable from any chemist),
mix It with a pint of water and let It
stand' for twelve hours, then decant
it, carefully straining it free of dregs,
and use It as required. A teaspoon-
ful of the solution in a pint of starch
made in the usual way, will give a
very excellent gloss to shirt fronts
and collars. The Cultlvat&r.
Back to the Old Copper Kettle,
An English scientist attributes the
wiue pievuience or appenuicitis to tne
use of enameled cooking utensils. He
points out that when the old-fashioned
cooking utenslla were in vogue ap
pendicitis was practlcaly unknown,
"The present age uses increasingly
enamel ware, which splinters on the
least provocation. ,
"I find that not only a food such as
porridge will carry tho needle-like
splinters to the body, but that a soup,
and even tea, may very well contain
sharply splintered particles of this
most dangerous glass."
Many physicians and surgeons have
advanced the theory known as the
mechanical theory, that the cause of
appendicitis may be the Introduction
through the food of some sharp, irri
tating substance, causing Inflamma
tion and ulceration. ,
They designate tooth brush bristles,
wheat grit, particles of antlmonal rub
ber stoppers, as common irritants.
None of these are of such Irritating
quality as spicules of enamel, which
might be swallowed with the sauces
or vegetables cooked In the enameled
ware vessels.
Accordingly among medical men and
some housekeepers there Is a crusade
having for Its object the return to the
old copper or Iron kettle.
Celery Toast. Cut the rrisn from
the heart of a stalk of celery Into por
tions of about two inches long, shred
very fine, and lay In ice-cold water
for two hours. Butter squares of
toast, cover with the shredded celery,
and pour over it whlDned cream nea-
soned with salt and a little cayenne.
Garnish with pareley.
Roast Goose. A eoose should ho
roasted longer and basted oftener
other poultry. Twenty-five minutes
to the pound is none too long. For
the stuffing mix bread crumbs and pul
verized chestnuts, seasoned with
salt and pepper. A green goose is
one under four months old. and thosn
are decidedly preferable to tho older
rowls. Gooseberry sauce is an appro
priate accompaniment ADule sauce
Is also orthodox.
Orange Fritters. Divide some or
anges, leaving throe or four sections
together, sprinkle them with powder
ed sugar, and leave them for about
half an hour before they nre required.
Then dip the pieces Into a thick battel
and fry them in a bath of boiling fat
Place the fritters on paper In front
of a brisk fire, as they are taken from
the pan, and when all are ready pile
them up on a hot dish covered with a
doily and scatter a little white sugai
over them.
this competitive age and when of ample character it places its fortunate
possessor in the front tanks of
The Well Informed of the World.
A vatt fund of personal knowledge is really essential to the achievement of the
highest excellence in any field of human effort.
A Knowledge of Forms, Knowledge of Functions and Knowl
edge of Products are all of the utmost value and in questions of life and health
when a true and wholesome remedy is desired it should be remembered that Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., is an
.1 I . . 1 . 1 L I . -.1 .1 1 f .L . . 1 !: I
euiicai product wnicn nas met
gives uuiveiaoi suumuluuu,
rvnown vuauiy, ivnown excellence ana fuiown ujinponenij 71
Parts and has won the valuable patronage of millions of the Well Informed of the A A
world, who know of their own
and best ot family laxatives,
This valuable remedy has been long and favorably known
under the name of Syrup of Figs and has attained to world
wide acceptance aj the most excellent family laxative. As its pure
laxative bnnciples, obtained
and the Well Informed or the world to be the best we have
adopted the more elaborate name of Syrup of Figs and
Elixir of Senna as more fully descriptive of the remedy,
Oolor mors KomlahrlghMriuHl tutor colors Umnnnr
dteaujr gurment without rlppln paru Write far
A Good Business Law.
The Cape parliament In South Afri
ca passed a bill which compels each
trader to keep proper boobs, and re
fuses him a license unless he can show
that he has some capital and is not a
man ot straw.
FITS,8t.VItu8'Dnm,e:N?rvons DipeaRen per
manently enred by l)Ti Kline's Urent Nerve
Restorer, la trial bottle nnil treatise free.
Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,:)l Arch St., Phila., Pa.
. ; Death Rate Decreasing.
Statistics ot the Board of Health
show that the general death rate In
New York City Is decreasing In all
diseases excepting the four groups of
acute respiratory troubles, cancer,
diseases ot the heart and diseases of
the kidneys. .
$33 Personally ConductrdExrnrslons.
Colonists' one-way tickets Chicago to the
Pacific Coast, via the Clii(0, Union Pa
cific & North-Weftorn Line, are on sale
dnily during March and April at the rate
of Correspondingly low rates from ull
points. Double berth in tourist sleeping
car only $7, throuftU without change to Bun
Francisco, Los Anxeles and Portland. No
extra charge on our personally conduct-id
tonrs. Writo for itinerary and full partic
ular to 8. A. Hutchison, Malinger Tonr
ist Department, iil d Clark St., Chicago, 111.
One In Every Ninety Insane.
Declaring that one person in every
ninety in Cook county is mentally tin-'
safe and requires watching, the State
Board of Charities will present its bi
ennial report to Governor Denoon, en
dorsing the establishment at Kanka
kee of a training school for doctors
employed in the different detention
hospitals in the State. While Cook
county contains a larger number of
persons liable to insanity than any
other part of the State, the general
average for Illinois is one in every
hundred, or a total of M.OOO ps-sms
who are liable at any moment to be
come insane. The report of the State
board states that .the State Institu
tions for the insane are conducted too
much along the line of prisons, and
that the hospital side is not sufficient
ly developed. Chicago Inter P """..
Black Fox Skin Valuable.
'While hunting red foxes on Mead
run, McKean county, Pa., George
Sanders shot and killed a black fox.
The animal fell into a pool of water
after being Injured, getting wet and
muddy, and, as It was nearly dark.
they did not discover that it was black
until they reached their camp. They
sold the fur for J700.
hii ja aafcj jaV Wti-ti'
It is poor economv to use inferior mints on
esrjcciallv when vou consider thnt the labor ia
this spring, use Duf.'clo A. L. O. Paints,
Bultalo ralata look beat, protect and r-reerve
and mml lantinir OXIDK CF Z'NC
In correct nronnnlon. m-V1.:-.? PerlecS Pa lilt.
ought to kne- oout Dailolo PMsta. Bend for our
Personal Knowi:edg
Personal knowledge is tlie winning factor in the culminating
wiin tne approval or me most emuieni
ucuusc uui icuicuy ui
v 17 ii i ir r
personal knowledge and from actual use that
tor which no extravagant or unreasonable claims are made.
lrom benna, are well known to physicians
but doubtless it will always be called for by the shorter
name of Syrup of Figs and to get its beneficial
effects, always note, when purchasing the full
name ot the Company California rig Syrup
Co. printed on the front of every package,
whether you call for Syrup of Figs
or by the full name Syrup of
Fio nnrl Plivir rf Snna
. .0-
othor dye. One ll)c. pack'ig'-' colore nil fibers. Thejr dre In cold water better than any other dro. Voocaa
freo booklet-How to De. Blench nd Mix Colon. mo.NK.OK Dttbti CO., LalenTllle, Alieeoari
A Medical Trust.
The State Medical Board of Cali
fornia has 4G mandamus suits against
it. The allegations are that certain
physicians who control It are main
taining a doctors' trust and keeping
physicians from other States from
securing licenses In California.
Among those barred, it la alleged, Is
Dr. Charles English of Washington,
D. C., who was the family physician
of President Benjamin Harrison.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
teething, softens thegums,reduoesinnHmma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 26c a bottle
A City of the Past.
, Rlmlnl is full of associations with
thrilling people of the past. It was
here that Caesar crossed the Rubicon.
We crossed ourselves on the very
bridge his feet had touched. It was
here, too, that St. Anthony came to
preach and, finding no people who
would give heed to him, turned in des
pair and preached to the fishes, who
raised their heads out of the water to
listen to .him. There is a chapel
which marks the spot where he stood
by the water. In Rimini lived Palo
and Francesco, tho tragedy of whose
love every one knows. Travel Maga
zine. 1S47-1D07.
Kivfif vain firm Allcnclc's Plasters were
first introduced to the public They ar
to-day the world's standard plasters.
This invention has been one of the
greatest blessings imaginable and affords
the quickest, cheapest and best means ol
healing and rebel for certain ailments,
that has ever been discovered.
Allcock's are the original and genuine
porous plasters nnd are sold by druggists
in every part of the civilized world.
A laboring nnn in Mexico thinks he
is entitled to 131 holidays out of 305
days of the year.
Tiles Cnred In 0 to J t Days.
Pnw Ointment Is guaranteed to cure any
CHHeof Itching. Blind, Blee Jiug or Protruding
Tiles in to U days or money refunded. Sue.
Experience teaches us to. distrust
everything, and ourselves most of all.
'pt.UBtt.on otitt-tf.
tioni for mltiT
trtff each wtrly.
AUTIVirlAI, T.1MBH KRKE-Crlpplewltli
n-j i t a i i wi.l i sleu wrk ia
tt.ei!-uwu low hv wh i tier o.a earn the
SHU limb; nad- siecnl f to -r.ler therr
Diema: inisr ,liil. U t vi-n a NOtuteljrm. ntt-ner.
Ailuriwa WISUMJH, 1M' W'a hli kiii M..Chlrao.
vour buildine, and you can't afford to do it
tha moat coatlv Dart of r-aintin?. If von paint.
and feel satisfied that you have tR9 Best.
your property lonceit, became they contain the beet
and WHITE LEAD, around In ACTd Lintcco VII
Before vou decide on the kind of paint to nee, yov
1907 Color Charts and valuable Paint Information.
b -mm b
contest of
pnysicians anu (
it is the first
. v l
For Baby's First Bath and
Subsequent Baths.
Because of its delicate,
emollient, sanative, anti-t
septic properties derived,
from Cuticura, united with
the purest of saponaceous
ingredients and most re-;
freshing of flower odours,
Cuticura Soap is all that ihe
fondest of fond mothers de
siresf or clean si ng,preserving
and purifying the skin,sdrp,
hair and hands ofinfantsand
children. Guaranteed abso
lutely pure and may be used
from the hour of birth.
BIrTnta: London. 27 Chtvtrrttoan (Vi.; Pnrfe. 8
M ae la Fklz : Potter Dru A fm. Oom.. Bovtoo,
. & A.. Sole Prop. crPoit- e. Cuitcur Hoot.
rag To eonrlnee any
ffj woman that Pax-
Drj tlnAntlpHowlli
ri improve ucr oeftim
r ami At All mrA
for IL. Wa will.
send her absolutely frea a larer) trlaU
tlons and genuin tetlmoninls. Send,
jour naois and tuldreas oa s postal card
aril heals,
m a m -
hranA at.-
feetlons, Sueh as nmnl eatarrh, pelyM
trtuuni kju iu.ituuiii.i-.iun CUU&4-U vj lemi
nine ills; sora eyes, sore tliront and
mouth, by direi-t local trentment. Its cur
alive power over these troubles Is extra
ordinary and fiives Immedinfa rvlinf
Thousands of T.i.mi n are using and ree- '
uniiiH-iuiiiiB ib -ery any. ou rents at
tlrucBlstsorbymail. I?emember, hOTyercr.
IT 'OMT9 1(11' NOTIIlNdTlirilVIT.
lanu. FAXTOX CO- Boton. Maw
P. N. U. 8. l'J07.
K'-H ! Thcmpson's Eye Watei