The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 30, 1907, Image 1

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- VOLUME 15.
Removal sale
February 10th, I will
move my jewelry
store to the Fisher
building on Main st.,
opposite McEntire's
drug store, and until
that time all goods
will be sold at very
low prices. Come in
and be convinced.
Next Door to Postoffice.
Crtn tie cured only by
A nraci'.y that will
len-.ovo I'ifl causo.
Tlio cfteiier you
ctop it vriCx lu-ndache
powders or y'.'.la the
quicker w"l it return.
C-onornl!y, headache
cones from a (lis.
turbcd stomach or
Irregular boweb, and
almost invariably
Laiac's Family
2 (a tonio laxative) will cure head
ache in short order by retaliating
the bowels and reinvlgoraling the
It Is a great blood medicine
and the favorite laxative, of old
and young.
At druggists', 25o. and 50c.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
The Citizens National Bank
Your attention is directed to the names of the
following well known business men, who compose
our Board of Directors :
David Wheeler
McCurdy Hunter
J. M. McCreight
John F. Dinger
Arthur O'Donnel
John W. Stewart
James G. Brown
Andrew Wheeler
Dr. A. H. Bowser
In addition to above, we have a strong body of
stockholders, whose standing and responsibility give
. increased strength to the institution.
Columbus it Studio
I. D. Kelz
Located on Main street, across
from new Park Theatre.
Pictures from 45o to $4.00 per
i dozen. Cabinet size $2 to
$4 per dozen.
6 for 25c.
Finest grade of work guaranteed.' Sp.clul
attention givn wm k In your own Imnvs
and to outside work In general. Pictures
enlarged at low rates.
We carry a large line of
and can quote you reasonable prices.
Amateur kodak films and negatives
Largest line of
Post Cards
In town. See our
window display.
n ti
Capita and Surpl
Joan H. Kaccheb, Pres.
John H. Kaucher
Henry C. Delble
J. O. Kino. Vloe-Pres.
i . C.;Kn l Daniel Nolaa
J. B. Hammond
K. C. Bchcceem, Cashier
John H. Corbett
K, H. Wilson
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Will be held in the Reynoldsville M. E. Church Thursday and Friday, Jan. 3 1st and Feb. 1st.
QJhurfitati. 3mwarg 31st.
a. .
9:30. Devotional Service led by Dr. A. J. Meek.
10:10. "What Is Evangelistic Work?"
Rev. J. V. Bell, DuBois.
10:30. "Prayer and Evangelistic Work,''
Rev. J. A. MoCamey, Brookvllle.
11:00. "Personal Work In Evangelistic Meetings,"
Mr. S. D. Weeks, DuBois.
9. JR.
2:30. Devotional Service led by Rev. A. D. McKay
3:00. "The Evangelistic Church,"
Rev. H. H. Barr, DuBois.
3:30. "The Pastor his own Evangelist,"
Rev. Mr. Waldrop, Falls Creek.
4:00. Symposium, "How to Follow up an Evan
gelistlo Campaign,"
Mr. H. W. Love, Brookvllle.
7:30. Evangelistic Service. ' Park Theatre.
A. .
Jrttag, Jrbroary lat.
Devotional Service led by Dr. J. A. Parsons.
"The Personality of the Holy Spirit,"
Rev. R: C. McMInn, Sykesvllle
The Deity of the Holy Spirit,"
Rev. C. A. Clark, D.D., Punxsutawney.
"The Emblems of the Holy Spirit,"
Rev. C. W. Miner, Punxsutawney.
Devotional Servlre led by Mr. J. M. Correy,
'The Work of the Holy Spirit,"
Rev. L. B. Underwood, Brookvllle.
"The Filling of the Spirit and How to Re
ceive It,"
Dr. Smith
Waiting for the Promise of the Father,
"The Sin Aganst the Holy Ghost,"
Dr. Smith, Park Theatre.
Addresses limited to twenty minutes. Bring
Bibles and note books.
The High School Bulletin
Editor-in-Chief, Bert A. Hoffman.
Current Events, Lena Herpel.
Social Events, Aldie Means.
Jane Smith, Reporter Room 13.
The quintet from the "city of gas
wells" went down in defeat before the
local H. S. five at Evans' Rink last Fri
day evening. The first part of the game
was close and exciting. At the end of
tbe first half the score stood 14-9, In
favor of tbe local five. The second half
was different. The H. S. got their
second wind and the way tbe points
rolled up was certainly awful to tbe
Kami boys. Tbe bi'tlng and all around
work of the local five is Improving
rapidly. Knoe U the champion team
of MeKean county and by defeating
th: uiH give th'1V)'tt am the! charn
liniBhlp of aiiollicr uuiiii'y. ' The line
R. H. S 35 , .. . ' K ne H. S. 13.
Svkes .Forward ' Pierott
GillesptH Hunze, Pierott
Hoffman Center'' ' f. Valemere
Murray ' ?' . Guard . '(' ,. Dolphin
Thornton ,- , . Guard ' , Reed
Referee, Adam; timekeeper, ' Dr.
Harrr King. Tlnii, two 20-m!nute
The crowd enjoyed a nice skate after
tbe game.
The Star's Want Column never fails to bring results
The Punxsutawney H S. team, which
is also the Y. M. C A. team, plays here
Monday. February 4 P H. 8 U a fast
team, their -xprnH art. small and we
would like ui haVH hII the lover of tbo
sport come out and lv 114 your hearty
Ordinance I. No wblsperlug within
school limits. Anvooe. who dares to
commit tbUcrlmxw iil have punishment
bestowpd on them h follows : Deport
ment marked down, having pleasure of
standing nr slulrjf tide Prof: Marsh,
jut as ,'Hl!i Honor' ishes. .
Oidtnauoe II. No luting within sight
of tbe faoulty or away gnos your honor,
beside having to ylslt Prof. Marsh In
bis room.
Ordinance III. No responding Im
pudently to maglster or you lose your
footbold and standing with the rest of
the pupils.
Ordinance IV No deceiving tbe In
structor by reading your recitation
from the book or you suffer' the loss of
your self-respect, teacher's respect,
classes' respect, everybody's respect and
nobody's respect.
Ordlnanoe V. No scattering paper or
any foreign matter. Alas, If you do
you suffer consequences.
Ordinance VI. Get all supplies off
Mies Dewey.
Arctics. .
Men's 4 buckle arctics for overshoes
or with solid heel only 11.89.
Blng-Stoke Co.
You will save money by attending the
great sale at I. Horwltz store.
Colored Snati for women anv shad
you want for 76o. a pair Adam's Shoe
You will save money by attending the
great sale at Hue.
The Tipping Nuisance.
. The Missouri Legislature has passed
a bill tasking It a misdemeanor to tip a
waiter or Pullman porter. The penalty
Is a fine of not le's than five dollars nor
more than two hundred. The tipping
business is getting to be a very decided
nuisance. A man who travels must
reckon on about 25 per oent. of his ex
penses in tips. If be doesn't tip the
waiter at any of the leading hotels
where be happens to take a meal, tbe
whoj, force of colored gentlemen will
give your waiter the laugh and put you
down as a jay who doesn't understand
tbe decencies of life. And tbe truth is
that, in many places, waiters depend
entirely on tips as payment for their
services. This sort of graft is so profit
able in some of tbe big hotels that a
waiter actually pays for tbe Drivlles-e
of working. , He gets his compensation
by "working" the guests. The average
man doesn't want anybody to work for
him for nothing and the possibility that
we waiter is receiving no other wages
makes you feel that you ought to tin
him: It is a bad custom but It is doubt
ful if it can be cured by legislation, for
the reason that a man ought to, have
the constitutional right to give bis own
money to whom he pleases. Punxsu
tawney Spirit.
Miss Catherine Ross is visiting in
McKean Co.
Mrs. J. Laverick, who has been at
tbe Adrian hospital. Is borne again
muoh improved. Her many friends
hope for a speedy reoovery.
J.C. Bell and wife, of Wlsbaw, were
in town Sunday.'
Miss Jennie Hunter Is staying with
Dr. Hammond and wife at Wlsbaw at
DeVere Ritchie has been ill, but Is
better at present.
"Bobble Burns" was at Hotel Soldier
last Friday ntgbt. A large crowd was
present, all report a very good time.
Cured of Lung Trouble.
"It Is now eleven years since I had a
narrow escape from consumption,'
writes C. O. Floyd, a leading business
man of Kershaw, S. C. "I bad run
down in weight to 135 pounds, and
coughing was constant, both by day and
by night. Finally I began taking Dr.
King's New Discovery, and continued
this for about bIx months, when my
cough and lung trouble was entirely
gone and I was restored to my normal
weight; 170 pounds." Thousands of
persons are healed every year. Guar
n teed at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
stores, Reynoldsville and Sykesvllle.
6O0 and 11.00. Trial bottle free.
ubacrlb for
The -X- Star
If you want the News
New Applicants Refused License.
Liquor license court was held In
Brookvllle on Monday of last week and
Judge Reed granted license to all tbe
old applicants, but held all tbe new
applicants over until Monday of this
week and then decided not to grant any
of them. Following are names of tbe
applicants who were refused:
Wholesale William Delaney, Falls
Creek. ;
Retail John D. Davis, residence
Perry township, Fordham Hotel. 1
Judson H. Brady, residence Wlnslow
township, Arlington Hotel.
Michael J. Skeban, residence Sum
tnerville borough, Commercial hotel.
Bottlers William Delaney, Falls
Distillers Punxsutawney Distillery
Co., a corporation at tbe Distillery of
tbe Punxsutawney Distilling Co , in
Punxsutawney Borough, Pa.
Reynoldsville Distillery Co., at that
certain distillery situate in tbe town
ship of Wlnslow, Jefferson county, Pa.
tetter List.
List of unclaimed letters rematnlng
in post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for
week ending Jan. 26, 1907.
Charley Bodeoker, David Gourley, C.
D. King, Laura B. Neil, Mrs. Gertrude
Mease, Mrs. Cbas. Rboades, J. W
Joss Skolum, John Lymelo, John
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E C. Burns P. la,
i off on Ladies and cbildrens coats at
Colored low top Spats for woman.
Red Gray and Blue. Price 75c. Adam
Shoe Store.
eport of the condition
' or the
at Keynoldsville, In tbe state of Pennsyl
vania, at me close 01 ousinees Jan. Jsatn, iwf,
Bonds. . I 9.300 00
Loan and discounts (324,9)18 65 238,648 OA
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 2iH IS
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... 60,010 00
Premiums on U. 8. Bonds . 2,0110 00
Banking bouse, furniture, fixtures.. 25,361 27
Due from National Dank (no re
serve agents 4.V9 84
Due from approved reserve agents 44,703 44
Checks and other cash Items H,'JhH 78
Notes of other National Banks 4,810 00
r factional paper currency, nickels
and cent 368 48
Lawful money reserve in hank, vli:
Specie 112,276 00
Legal-tender notes S.S40 00 17,818 0C
Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas
urer (5 of circulation) 200 00
Total.. tW,41 19
Capital stock paid In 1100.000 00
Surplus fund 12,000 00
Undivided proBu, less expenses ana
taxes paid 1,829 78
National Bank notes outstanding... 60,000 00
inoiviauai aepositssuDject
to check 8231.U6 63
Cashier's checks outstanding 2& 81 231,788 44
Total (396,418 It
lUto if Fsuiylvula, Otuty tt Jiftrasa, m:
I. F. H. Alexander. Cashier nf the atwiv.
named bank, do solemnly swear that tbe
above statement is true to the beat of my
i , 1 1 . .
F. K. AuuKSiB, Cashier.
Rubscribed and sworn to before me this
JHthday of Jan., 1WI7.
smith m- MCUHKirJHT, notary Public.
My commission expiree Jan. W, 19U9.
Correct Attest:
W.B. Albxahdul
W. H. Moons,
Jam as H, Bpry,
The Right Name. .
Mr, August Sberpe, the popular
overseer of tbe poor, at Fort MaOlson,
la., says: "Dr. King's New Life Pills
are rightly named; tbey act more agree
ably, do more good and make one feel
better than any other laxative. Guar
anteed to cure biliousness and consti
pation. 25c at Sioke & Felcbt Drug
Co. store Reynoldsville and Sykesvllle
Stockholders Meeting. '
The annual meeting of the stock
holders of tbe Reynoldsville Land &
Improvement Company will be held
Monday, Feb. 18, at 8 00 p. m. In Cen
tennial hall for the purpose of electing
- v of directors and the transaction
of such other business as may be pre
sented. S. B. Elliott, Pres.
H. Alex. Stoke, Seo'y. ,
Leggings. 1
Leggings 25 cents for children, 30
cents for misses and 35 cents for ladles.
Blng-Stoke Co.
25 per cent off on Blankets at Millirens.
The Jefferson
Now handles some of
the finest grades of flour
ever brought , to Reyn
oldsville and has the ex
clusive .agencr in this
section for some lines
never before sold here
Have a special brand
"Crown" made express
ly for us. Flour is sold
at retail and a special in.
vitation is extended the
public to stop at the of
fice in Evans building,
. Main street, near Frank's
New Tavern, and see
their line, whether you
wish to buy or not.
They also call attention
to the fact that they are
selling the finest '
Pure Olive Oil
to be had in Reynolds
ville. It is an imported
product the best the old
country can produce
guaranteed absolutely
pure and bears the gov
ernment stamp of excel
lence. All goods sold by the
macaroni factory are
reasonably priced and of
first quality. Send orders
for family use by mail or
'phone. Both 'phones.
C. & J. Marinaro, Props.
Meat Market
Bids for Your Trade
Recently opened inSyn
dicate building with a
new line of choice fresh
and smoked meats, lard,
butter and eggs. We
promise you prompt at
tention to all orders and
solicit your trade.