The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 19, 1906, Image 5

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,. I
if Stat.
Subscription $1.00 peryeurin advance.
C.A.STKI'llKNSON.KdUor md l-ub.
Entered at tlm postoltlee at Iteynoldsvllle
a.,aHecond elass mall matter.
8MMnvn.i.rii.KPHOWtNo. HI.
At nil timet and under all con-
dlilous an umbrella Is acceptable j
but more especially at Christina
time. We have the best assort-
ment In town. They are Hull J
Brother's detachable handle, high- 41
est quality and lowest price con-
slstant with good noods. Engraved J
Free J
in full swing at our
store. No variety
greater, no prices
fairer. Very many ex
clusive noveltiee t not
to be found , in .ther
stores. All the late
copy-right books and
a larger line than ever.
ft little ot Evemtning,
Six days until Chrltmas.
Zero weather this morning,
Services In Trinity Lutheran church
on Christmas day at 10.30 a. m.
Born to Mr. and Mr. M. W. Reitz
eon, Dec. 12, 1906.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gooder,
Deo. 18, 1906, a son.
The public school children are now
enjoying thoir holiday vacation.
Judge Reed is holding argument
court in Brookville this week.
The teachers' county institute is
being held in Brookville this week.
Punxsutawney is to have a shirt
waist factory that will give employment.
to 100 girls.
January 24 will be parents' and
patrons' day in the public schools of
Jefferson county.
The Reynoldsvllle Athletic basket
ball team will play a game at Westville
to-morrow evening.
Those who were pleased with Dr.
Driver's lecture last year will be capti
vated by Mr. Wood.
The Stab will be printed Monday
afternoon of next week on account of
Tuesday being Christmas.
At the monthly meeting of the Reyn-
oldsville Building and Loan Association
Monday evening 12,800 was sold.
Special music is being prepared
by the Catholic choir for Christmas
morning servioe in that church.
, Eleven divorce cases on the list for
argument court at Brookville this
week. "Is marriage a failure?"
Harry Belnap and Miss Sue Travis,
. both of Reynoldsvllle, were married in
CurwenBvUle, Pa., Dec. 4, 1906, by Rev
, 3. Booth.
The Lutheran Aid society will hold a
market Saturday afternoon and evening
in the room lately occupied by Gooder,
the jeweler.
A neat and substantial Granite
monument has been placed in the Reyn
oldsville cemetery on the lot of John
W. Dean to the memory of bis wife.
Twenty members of Paradise Grange
attended the State Grange in DuBols
last week. Members from Rathmel
and Hormtown Granges wore also
Bv the breaking of a rope Sunday the
tools wore lost In the gas well Doing
drilliod near Hopkins. Men are now
fishing for the tools.
Dr. A. J. Meek, pastor of Reynolds-
ville Baptist church, and Rov. C. A.
Wilson, pastor Uldgway Baptist
church, exchanged pulpits Sunday.
M. J. Miller, proprietor of the hotel
at Eleanor, who has been in Philadel
phia six or seven weeks reoelvlng treat
ment from a specialist, will return
home this week.
Bowling team was defeated in three
games by a Brookville team at this
place last Wednesday evening. Ihe
total points were: Brookville, 2,55";
Reynoldsvllle 2,352.
Howe's movlne picture show at the
Cenntennlal hall last Thursday evening
was greeted with a full bouse. Howe s
entertainment always draws a large
crowd at Reynoldsvllle.
Revnoldsvllle Athletio basket ball
team and a team from Clarksburg will
play a game in the Park Theatre on
Friday evening of this week. Game
111 be called at 8.30. Preliminary
game at 8.
About three hundred were added to
the membership of the different
churches in Brookville as a result of
the union gospel meetings held in that
) lace almost three weeks, closing on
luo 9th inst.
As pastor of Mr. Rpckofollor's church
in Cleveland and as the most brilliant
campaign speaker Ohio has ever known,
Morgan Wood has gained a reputation
that warrants a crowded house on his
appearance in Roynoldsville Jan. 3.
James Smith, a driver in the mlnos
at Fuller, was Btabbed in the back last
Saturday by an Italian, Smith, who
was not dangerously injured, was taken
tohorcoof his parents at LlndBey. There
were three Italians mixed up in the
aff al r. Two of them have been arrosted.
To-morrow, Thursday, Is directors
day at the county institute at Brook
ville. At 11O0 a.m. there will be an
informal meeting of all the school
directors in this county. Dr. Nathan
C. Schaeffer, State Superintendent of
of Public Instruction, will address this
Mrs. H. J. Pollltt and two daughters,
of this place, and C. W. Stevenson, of
Washington township, attended tho
funeral of David McKee at Corsica
yesterday. Mr. McKee died Sunday.
He was a highly respected citizen of
Corsica and was well known in the
M. M. Fisher has bought the' T. C.
Reynolds property on Main street. Mr.
Reynolds, who holds a state position at
the capital at Harrisburg, will bo in
town this week to transfer the property
to the new owner. Mr. Fisher will put
In a new front In the room formerly
ocoupled by Gooder's jewelry store.
The attendance at tho bond social in
tho M. E. church last Friday evening
was not as large as usual, on
account, no doubt, of Inclement weather
The program consisted of recitation
by Helen Consor; recitation, Mary Mc
Crelght; solo, Mrs. J. W. Gillespie;
recitation,. Miss Margaret Stoke; solo,
Mrs. J. A. Parsons; recitation, Phyllis
Young. The program was short but it
was a good one.
There certainly could be some ar
rangements at small expense to keep
Main street in better condition during
the muddy season. If the Water Co.
would furnish water the business men,
wo balieve, will pay for the labor of
having the street washed at least once
a week. Mud aid dirt accumulate very
fast on the paved street and during the
rainy weather last week people bad to
wade across the street.
Several West Reynoldsvllle boys
were arrested last Friday for stealing
peanuts out cf P. R. R. freight, station
and for loafing around the passenger
station at train time. The boys bad a
hearing before 'Squire W. L. Johnston
and were released with - a small
One this time. The next of
fense the boys will not get off so easy.
Unless there is less loafing around the
station at train time there will be more
arrests made.
Morgan Wood is one of the youngest
as well as one of the most popular lec
turers on the platform to-day. He is
magnificently endowed with voice and
physique. Indeed, nature seems to
bave been partial to blm. . He is pos
sessed with wonderful oratorical powers,
moving his hearers to tears and laugh
ter almost at will. He is tragical In
appearance and oft times In manner is
Indeed modern Saul. Bloomlngtoo
(111.) Leader. At Assembly hall Thurs
day, Jan. 3. , r
The debate on National Politics at
the Belvedere opera house" at Brook
ville Monday evening between Hon.
Champ Clark, of Missouri, who re
presented the Democracy! and Hon.
Charles H. Grosvenor, of Ohio, repre
sented Republicanism, was a puzzler for
the judges, 1. 1. John W. Reed and
Charles Corbett, -f Brookville, and
Rev. D. A. Piatt, presiding elder of the
Franklin District of the Methodist
churcb, and their report was that
they could not agree on who was
winner. The large audience at the
Belvedere had the pleasure of hearing
two of the ablest statumens in the
country to-day.
John Ctinwny Deitd,
John Conway, uo old oitizen of WeBt
U-ynolilsvllln, died Suliirdny morning,
December 15, 1!WU l'ti uinnary tuber
culosis whs cause of til death. De
ceased was lil years old. Funeral ser
vice was held in Calliollu church at 9.00
a. m. Monday, Interment was madu In
the Catholic cemetery. Hughes &
Fleming had charge of the funeral.
Traction Co. Schedule,
On the present schedule of the Jeffer
son Traction Company only two cars are
run between Reynoldsvllle and Punx.
sutawnoy, a car leaving here every
hour and twenty minutes, excepting
the coal company pay Saturday's when
an extra car will be put on at noon and
a car will leave Keyuolilsvllle for Punx
hutawney every 55 minutes after 12.40
p. m. "
Will Drill for Gas.
At a meeting of the stockholders of
the Heynoldsville Industrial Oil and
Gas Company last Thursday evening It
was decldi-d to drill For gas as soon as
noeslb;e. Tbe first well will be drilled
near the Heynoldsville Clay Manufac
turing Co. plant. This 0 mpany has
considerable land leased in this section.
There Is some stock for sale.
Raymond, Hand-cuff King.
Raymond, the hand-cuff king, pleased
and mystified a large audience at the
Park Theatre Monday night. Chlef-of-l'ollce
Adulspergor and others put a
dozen pair of handcuffs and shackles
on him but In a few minutes he had re
leased himself. HIb work with chains,
handcuffs, ropes, &c, puzzled the most
careful observer. Managor Dawson has
engaged Raymond for return dates,
January, 3, 4 and 5.
Daughters of Rebekah,
The following officers have been
elected by the Daughters of Robokah
Lodge No. 225 for tbe ensuing term:
N. iG,, Cora Larmor; V, G., Luclle
Taylor; Secretary, Edfth Shuckers;
Treasurer, Ella Evans; R. S. to N. G.,
S. G. Astln; L. S. to N. G , Kate Heff-
nor; R. S. to V. G., Mary Herald:
L. S. to V. G., Bessie Gibson; Warden,
Ida Gibson; Conductor, Molll? Yene-
wine; Chaplain Lizzie Bolt; I. G.,
Alice McConnell; O. H Edith Hoover;
R. S. S., Delva Schuckers; L. S. 3.,
Flora Northey.
Ripple of Excitement.
Some person was responsible for a
ripple of exoltement in town Wednesday
afternoon by starting tbe report that
the drillers on Stewart's well near
Hepkins, less than three miles West of
Reynoldsvllle, had struck a big flow of
gas, the presure being so strong the
drillers could not get It under control.
It was good news but a muchly inflated
report. The drillers did strike gas
sufficient to run tbe engine which
requires from 80,000 to 100,000 feet per
day. Tbe drill is now down about 2,-
600 feet. One of the drillers, who has
had years of experience in drilling for
oil and gas, says be is sure that there is
gas in paying quantity in this section.
The Haywood Memorial church at
Wishaw will be dedicated on Deo. 30,
1906. There will be services during tne
week beginning on Thursday evening,
Deo. 27, wl'b a sermon by the Rev. J.
W. Myers, of Reynoldsvllle, on Friday
evening Rov. A. D. McKay, of Reyn
oldsvllle, on Saturday evening Rev. J.
A. Parsons', of Reynoldsvllle. At 2.00
o'clock on Sunday afternoon the Rev.
C. W. Miner, of Punxsutawney will
proach, and in the evening at 7.00
o'clock Rev. A. R. Rich, D. D., of Du
Bois, will preach and dedicate the
church. Everyone within reach is
cordially Invited to attend those
services It will do you good to hear
these able men - in these dilTcrent
Jumped to Save His Life.
James Dobbins, a miner of Arnot,
Tioga Co., who is working in a mine
near Sutnmerville, was crossing tbe
high railroad bridge between Baxter
and Summerville Thursday morning of
last week and when in middle of bridge
the westbound P. R. R. passenger
train, due in Reynoldsvllle at 8.08 a.
m., came thundering around the curve
at west end ot bridge at high speed,
Mr. Dobbins had the choice, and it had
to be made quickly, of remaining on
bridge and being ground to death under
the ponderous engine or jumping into
tbe Red Bank creek, thirty feet below
the bridge, and the man jumped, land
ing feet first in cold water up to his
waist. He did not fall down, but wad
ed out of tbe. water. The train was
stopped'' and Dobbins was taken to
Summerville. He would be a little sore
for a few days from the jar he received
when his feet struck the bed of the
creek and from his cold bath. He had
a very narrow escape.
Three sample pianos from one of tbe
largest factories in the world will be
sold at factory prices. Cash or easy
payments. Address F. G. Griffin,
Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
Fancy vests for Xmas at Mlllirens.
A lot of open stock china dishes just
arrived at Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Largest line of toys and prices away
down at B 'eakey's.
All the Churches are Preparing Special
Christmas Music.
Next Sunday being tlm Monday before
ChristmaB special services will be held
In all the churches:
Baptist Church.
At the Baptist church a Sunday
school rally will take dace at time of
the regular preauhlng service at 11.00
a. m. A program of songs and
recitations by pupils of the school and
and address by pastor has boon arrang
ed. Everybody welcome.
M. E. Church.
Cantata, "Son of the Highest," will be
given by the choir in the M. E. church
Sunday evecing under the directions of
Prof. Arthur H. Hasklns.
Lutheran Church.
Services in the Trinity Evangelical
Lutheran church at 11.00 a. m. and 7.30
Presbyterian Church.
A special musical program has been
prepared for the Sunday evening service
at the Presbyterian - church. The
choir will be assisted by an orchestra
and Prof. W. W. KIple, the violinist,
will be present to play. Mr. Kiple will
also play at the morning service. .
Gooder's New Store.
Gooder, the jeweler, has moved Into
his new room in The Peoples National
bank now building and now has an up-
to-date iewelrv store that would be a
credit to any town. The furniture and
fixtures are new and modern. Six floor
cases and 32-foot wall case In three
sections, with two large mirrors. The
cases are birch with mahogany finish
The room is 15 x 85 feet, much larger
than the room formerly occupied by
Mr. Goodor. The new store is lighted
with eleotrlclty and gas. A large dis
play window, 10 x 15 feet, gives the
store an attractive appearance from the
outside. A line of new goods, latest
Btyles and patterns, Is In keeping with
the new furniture, &o., and gives tbe
store a bright appearance. See his half
page advertisement In this issue.
Sunday School Treats.
On Monday evening of next week,
the night before Christmas, pupils of
the Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist
and Lutheran Sundav school will be
given a Christmas treat at 7:30.
At the Lutheran churcb there will
be a tree and song service.
At Presbyterian church there will be
a tree, tsacta iaus ana special pro
At the Methodist church a treat and
short program.
At Baptist church treat and short
Will Publish on Monday Next Week.
We will not skip an issue this year,
as has been our custom at Christmas
time, but on account of ChrUtmas fall
ing on Tuesday The Star will be pub
lished on Monday afternoon of next
week, Deo. 24, so that tbe employes of
this office can have two days vacation,
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Advertisers, or any persons wanting
notices In The Star, must get them to
tbe office not later than Monday morn-
of next week.
Notice of Stockholders Meeting.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Citizens National Bank ot Reynolds
vllle, Pa., will be held at their banking
room Tuesday, January 8th, 1907, at
one o'clock p. m , for the purpose of
electing a Board of Directors for the
ensulnir vear. and Ihe transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before the meeting.
J. S. Howard, Cashier.
Get on a Skate Saturday.
Thomas E. Evans, proprietor of the
new skating rink in rear of Odd Fellows
block, expeots to have the rink open on
Saturday or this week, Deo. 22. This
will be a large and delightful rink.
The latest make of roller skates have
been ordered.
City Drayman.
George Hartman, city drayman,
now running three wagons and can give
prompt attention to all orders for dray-
ing of any kind, hauling baggage, coal
&c. He has a Bell telephone in his
residence. If you want any draylng
done rintr the telephone bell and tbe
work will be promptly attended to,
Large Line of Watches.
We bave the largest line of watches
that we have ever offered to Christmas
shoppers. Our prices art low, but we
do not have a cheap trashy watch; all
are good reliable makes, fully guar
anteed. It you can use a watch for
Christmas come in and look at our stock
and get prloes. Everything new but
the place and the man. C. F. Hoffman
the Jeweler.
Oceans of kerchiefs at Mlllirens.
A surprise is in store for all who
attend the lecture on Jan. 3. From an
oratorical stand point Mr. Wood will be
the treat of the season.
Everything going at cost at Dailey &
Loidold's this week.
Go to Long's Bargain store In Cen
tennial ball building for Christmas
goods, chlnaware, dolls, drums and toys
of all kinds. . '
The Shooting and Killing of Little John
Pyne Not Intentional,
Joseph Liohner, of Reynoldsvllle,
who shot and killed John Pyne, of IIol
vulla. 8undny afternoon, Deo. 9, gavo
himself up to Chief of-V'ollee Adols
perger in this place late Tuesday night
and was taken to tho Clearfield county
all by Chief Adelsperger.
According to Licbner's statement ot
tho sad affair, and from reports from
Helvetia, the young nmn did not shoot
the boy intentionally. It was not a cold
blooded murder as first reported.
Llcbner Bays be was talking to an
other boy and did not see the boy that
was killed when tbe gun went off.
After shooting the lad Llchner was
frightened and ran Into the woods.
Sunday nlgbt he went to Wishaw
where be remained until Tuesday night
and came into town late and gave him
self up, as stated above.
Tbe reports In some of the papers
that the police had some difficulty at
DuBols and Clearfield to keep angry
crowds from doing violence to tbe
prisoner, were sensational and false re
ports. '
Married in Carlisle.
Fred R. Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Smith, of this place, and Miss
Lulu Blanch Jonts, a popular young
lady of Carlisle, Pa., were married at
the home of tho bride's parents in
Carlisle at 10.00 a. m. Tuesday, Deo. 11,
1900, Only a few friends were present.
Mr. Smith and bride left Carlisle forty-
five minutes after the nuptial knot was
tied and came to Roynoldsville that
evening. They remained at the home
of the benedict's parents until Thursday
morning whon they went to Youngs-
town, Ohio, where Mr. Smith holds a
position as Bcale inspector for tbe
uarnegie bteel Uo. The bride Ib a
graduate of the Carlisle high school
ana is a one musican. Fred is a
graduate of the Reynoldsvllle high
school and the Dickinson College of
Carlisle and Is numbered among the
promising young moo that have gone
out from our town.
Died in Wilkinsburg.
Ed E. Anderson, who spent his early
life at home of Daniel Syphrit In Para
dise, bis father having died when he
was a lad, died at his borne in Wilkins
burg Friday. December 14, 1900. He
had been In poor health for some
months. Tuberculosis was cause of bis
death. About the first of August Mr
Anderson went to North Carolina In
hope that the ohange would benefit his
health, but the disease bad too firm
grip to De snaiten on. The body was
brought to Reynoldsvllle on the noon
train Sunday and Interment was made
In Reynoldsvllle cemetery. Rev. A. D.
McKay conducted short service at the
cemetery. Funeral service was held at
his late residence In Wilkinsburg at
8.15 p. m. Saturday.
Deceased was 38 years old. About
12 years ago he was married to Miss
Minnie Ewlng, of Reynoldsvllle, who,
with three children, survive him.
Ira Ewing and Mrs. Lottie Green
wood, of. Pittsburg, accompanied Mrs.
Anderson to Reynoldsvllle to attend
the funeral.
Last Call to Pay Taxes.
This is the last month to pay 1900
taxes five per cent added Jan. 1. Pay
now and Bave enough to buy Xmas gifts.
After Jan. 1 taxes will emphatically
be collected by law. State, county and
borough are demanding money. Col
lector Copping was easy on people this
year on account of strike, but now taxe
must be paid. Will be at Froohlich's
tailor shop every afternoon and eveaing
from now until end of year. All taxes
will be due and collected by law
after Jan. 1, 1907.
Long Tennessee Fight.
For twenty years W. L. Rals, of
Bells, Tenn., nasal catarrh. He writes
Tbe swelling and soreness inside my
nose was fearful, till I began applying
Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore
surface; this caused the soreness and
swelling to disappear, never to return
Best salve In existence. 25c at Stoke &
Felcht Drug Co. Reynoldsvllle and
For useful Xmas presents, such as
hanging and stand lamps, skatos, pock
et knives, sleds and all kinds of iron
toys, go to Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Gloves for tbe whole family for Xmas
at Mlllirens.
Toys, a very wise selection, at low
prices at A Katzen's.
New Indian baskets for Xmas at Mll
lirens. Initial kerchiefs by the box for Xmas
at Mlllirens
New neckwear for Xmas at Mlllirens.
Everything going at cost at Dailey Sc
Loidold's this weak.
Fancy slippers for Xmas at Mlllirens.
A full line of holiday goods at the
Union Bargain store.
New Wooltex coats for Xmas at Mll
lirens. Cut glass and fine china. Come and
soe our line before making your Christ
mas selection. C. F. Hoffman, The
Everything going at cost at Dailoy &
Loidold's this week.
An Election in February to Increase the
Indebtedness of Borough for Pav
ing Purpose.
No one will deny the statement that
Main street, irom bevemh street, to .
end of borough line at Cool Spring
Hollow Bhould be paved. Evory spring
and full the Btrcet gets In a very bad
condition. It would require a large
sum of money for tbe borough to pay
all the expense of paving samo, and on
account of a number of vacant lots along
that line of street, the property owners
could not likely be persuaded to pay
two-third expense, as was done on the
business portion of Main street and part
of Jackson Btreet, and with this con
dition of things the street would not
ikoly be paved for years, but the town
council has an opportunity of getttlng
aid from the state, if the work is done
in tbe spring.
As is generally known the state is
expending a large sum of money each
year in improving the publlo highways,
and next spring the state will maca
damize tbe publio road from tbe bor
ough line on east Cool Spring Holtow
to the junction above Prescottvllle,
and If the portion of Main street men
tioned above is paved at that time the
state will pay three-fourths of the cost
of paving same with brick or macadam
izing it a width of twenty-one feet.
Tbe council has wisely decided that
this is an opportunity Reynoldsvllle bor
ough can not let pass, but to take ad
vantage of It tbe bonded indebtedness
of the borough will have to bo In
creased, and to gfve the people a chance
to vote on tbe question an election will
be held February-19, 1907, at the regular
spring election. An ordinance pro
claiming tho election will be found in
this issue of The Star. The ord inance
calls for an Increase of Indebtedness In
the sum of 110,000, but the councilmen
do not think that It will require that
sura to cover tbe expense of tbe pro
posed paving, and there will not be any
more bonds issued than will be neces
sary, but the amount has been set at
$10,000 to be on the safe side. We
have no doubt but tbat this bond Issue
ill be carried by a large majority. .
Read tbe ordinance.
School Notes.
Tbe Reynoldsvllle borough schools
closed last Friday for the holiday
vacation and will not re-open until
Thursday, January 3rd. Ordinarily the
school opens after mid-term examin
ation the first day after New Years
day, but this year it is opened two days
later In order to make the last day of
school In the spring come on Friday in
stead of Monday.
Dr. W. H. Ulsh, a retired naval
officer, gave a very Interesting address
to the pupils in chapel Wednesday
morning of last week. Tbe doctor has
had many Interesting experiences and
his remarks wore highly enjoyed by tbe
Recently a Pittsburg bank offered a
number of prizes in rebus and compo
sition contests. Tbe awards were made
last week and tbe three first prizes
came to tbe following . Reynoldsvllle
pupils: Margaret Renzo, 1
Robert Scblumpt.
The exercises in Assembly ball last
Friday afternoon by pupils of the prim
ary and Intermediate grades attracted
a large number of people.. Standing
room was at a premuim Tbe program
consisted of recitations and songs, a
cantata, "Santa In Southland," In which
the real old patron saint was introduced
coming down tbe chimney and filling
stockings with gifts, to tbe intense de-'
light of the younger pupils. Two of
the best features of the program
were drills by twelve boys, "The Snow
BrigadS" and twenty-four girls in tbe
'Star Drill." Silas Katzen gave some
very clever negro dialect specialties.
The exercises closed with a grand
march by students. Prof. W. W.
Kiple, the violinist, was present and
Interspersed the program with selec
tions on the violin, In which be was
accompanied Miss Sara Corbett.
Our furniture room Is now ready for
your Inspection. Reynoldsvllle Hard
ware Co.
Buy a 50 cent box of White Flake
Baking powder at James H. Spry'g
grocery store and get a framed picture
First class overcoats for men, boys
and children ata bargain at A. Katzen's.
Opera shawls for Xmas at Mlllirens.
Christmas Is coming and Santa Claus
headquarters is at Breakey's.
Overcoats for Xmas at Mlllirens.
Everything going at cost at Dailey &
Loidold's this week.
Oceans of kerchiefs for Xmas at Mll
lirens. ' Waterhouse Xmas neckwear at Mil
lire ns.
Don't forget how to have a hot time
in Reynoldsvllle by getting a Peninsular
Hot Blast at the Reynoldsvillo Hard
ware Co. store.
Beautiful rockers for a Christmas
present at Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.