The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 05, 1906, Image 1

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Miss Naomi Mitchell spent Sunday
In DuBois.
W. B. Hoffman and wife are visiting
in East Brady.
Prank Heckman visited in Bitumen
the past week.
Mrs. J. M. Dalley visited in Penfleld
the past week.
Henry Montle was in New Bethlehem
Thanksgiving Day.
L. O. Gourley and wife spent Thanks
jflvlng in Brookvllle.
Miss Melissa Sensor visited relatives
in DuBois last week.
L. W. Soott is visiting his daughter
In ClearBeld this week.
Mrs. Robert Bayers visited lo John
sonburg over Sunday.
Mrs. C. R. Hall visited in Brookvllle
couple of days last week.
P. J. Pox and wife, of Butler, visited
in Reynoldsvllle last week.
Mrs. Ed. Bird, of Clearfield, visited
in this place the past week.
W. A. Thompson and wife spent
i Thanksgiving in Brookvllle.
Miss Aldie Means spent several days
in Frostburg the past week.
Miss Jennie Nelson, of TluBolp, spen'.
Sunday at home of J. W. Keller.v -
W. W. Wiley, proprietor of the City
Hotel, was In Pittsburg this week.
Mm. C. B. Krota and daughter, Miss
Nellie, visited in DuBois last week.
A. H. Fleming, wife, daughter and
' ' his mother scent Sunday in DuBois.
Mrs. Harry , E. Burns, of DuBois,
visited her parents in this place last
J.N. McEntlre and family, of Black
Lick, Indiana Co., are visiting in this
.A. C. Shannon, of Butler, visited his
parents In West Reynoldsvllle last
Mrs. Mary J. Rhoades, of New Castle,
is visiting her son, D. C. Rhoades, In
this place.
Mrs. Harry F. Lord, of Johnsonburg,
visited her mother in this place the
past week.
Mrs. M. E. Rldgeway and son,
Joseph, of New Bevhlehera, were In
town Friday.
OMiss Jessie Barclay was In Brookvllle
yesterday attending funeral of Mrs. Dr.
W. W. Matson;
Mrs. E. E. Smith, of Patton Station,
visited her father J. A. Myers, in this
place last week.
Mr. and Mrs George Melllnger
returned Monday from four or five days
visit In Pittsburg.
Miss Elizabeth Baughman. one of the
teachers in our public schools, visited in
Clearfield last week.
A. L. Parrish left here Monday on a
business trip to West Va., East Va.
and North Carolina. ,
Charles L. Sansom, of the Clarion
TV I. U.t ot. nA
-H.l Tun. Cmm aMm
L. L. Guthrie and wife spent a couple
- of days last week at home of the
former's mother at Heathvllle.
Dr. A. J. Meek Is in Brockwayville
this week conducting evangelistic
meetings In the Baptist church.
Mrs. Lewis Brody, of Driftwood,
visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. G.
Bohren, in this place Monday. '
Miss Nellie Montgomery, of Pitts
bur?, snent Thanksfflvin&r with her
parents In West Reynoldsvllle. u,
John MoClure, of Allegheny City,
pent a oouple of days the past week at
-. . i , ,
some oi du parents in uu piaoo.
Thomas H, Silver, Jr., of Wellsvllle,
Ohio, visited his sister, Mrs. C. J.
Soott, in this plaoe the past week.
Miss Elsie Lawrence, teacher In our
public schools, spent a oouple of days
' the latter part of last week in Kane. '
Mum Olevla Murray went to Phil v
delphla yesterday to enter the Samari
tan Hofinital to become a trained nurie.
Miss Mabelle Lucas, teacher In West
Keynoldsville publio schools, spent a
couple of days In Brookvllle last week.
Mrs. Jennie Shoemaker, of Wilkes
barra, visited her sister, Mrs. J. D.
Woodrlng, In West Reynoldsvllle last
Ed. Hughes and W. A. Leech, pro
prietors of meat markets in Rathmel,
were in Pittsburg tbe first of this week
buying cattle.
O. H. Broadbead and daughter, Miss
Alice, returned yesterday from a visit
with the former's mother and other
relatives in Apollo.
Joseph C. Phillips and wife of Phila
delphia, visited the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Phillips, In this
place last week.
Albert Feloht, student in Western
University of Pittsburg, spent Sunday
at home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
Feloht, on Hill street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Owen Edelblute were
in Brookvllle yesterday atendlng the
funeral of Mrs. Dr. W. W. Matson.
Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Ebers, of Pitts
burg, spent Thanksgiving at tbe home
of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Montgomery, in West Reynoldsvllle.
Ralph D. Albright and .wife went to
Chicago, 111., Monday on a business
and pleasure trip combined. Mr.
Albright said this Is their wedding trip.
Mr. Elliott Eddlnsrs. of Los Angeles,
Cel., and Miss Gussle Plant, of Three
Rivers. Mich., are visiting the formers
sister, Mrs. F. O. Sutter, in this plaoe.
Mrs. W. B. Alexander was at Bir
mingham. Pa., last week visiting her
sister, Miss Isabel Arnold, who is a
muslo teacher In the seminary at that
Clarence M. Lelrd, of Donora, visited
his mother, Mrs. D. M. Dunsmore, In
West Reynoldsvllle last week. Mrs.
Lelrd has been visiting her several
Mrs. J. W. Keller and daughter,
Ruth, of this place, and Mrs. D, T. Pool
and Norma Keller, of Scottdale, spent
Friday in DuBois.
Mrs.D. T. Pool and Norma Keller,
of Scottdale. spent Thanksgiving with
the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Keller, in this place.
S. M. Burkett, of Vandergrlft
Heights, who was called here ten days
ago by death of his father-in-law, Peter
Snyder, returned to his home Monday.
Mrs. Burkett Is still at home of her
mother, Mrs. 8nyder.
Lawyer M. M. Davis and wife, who
spent a ouple of week In New York
City with their daughter, Mrs. James
. W. 8tevenBon, and husband,' returned
to Reynoldsvllle Monday. They had a
delightful visit in tbe metropolis.
J.N. Small and wife and Miss Sarah
Small were called to Cool Spring to
attend the funeral of . b aunt, Mrs.
Mary Booher, who dl4 Thursday t N
29, 1906, and was burled Sunday." Mrs.
Boober. was, 86 jyears, 6 months and 27
days old.
A Notab'e Engagement.
There is a fascination In the motion
picture which appeals to everyone.
This Is especially true of Lyman H.
Howe's ever welcome Ltfeorama to be
seen in Centennial Hall on Thursday
evening, December 13. It is by common
acceptance the most popular and perfect
exhibition of this kind In the world
to day. Over a mUliorT patrons to
whom the name Lyman H. Howe is a
synooym for an attraction which in
variably makes good every promise
made, await Its semi-annual visits with
ever renewed interest. The new
program is precisely the kind people
want. It Is clean, clear, wholesome
from beginning to end. - It cannot tail
alike to Interest the learned age as well
as delight the infant mind. Tbe scenes
an- not confined to any one cla of
subjects, but the scope of the new
program is . world-wide. Covers the
entire domain of human interests and
activities at home and abroad. It is
therefore as instructive as it is enter
taining, ..The . great, popularity ,and
reputation established locally by Mr.
Howe on his many previous visits
presages a record attendance.
A Texas Wonder.
There's a Hill at Bowie, Tex.; that's
twice as big as last year. This wonder
is W. L. Hill, who from a weight of
90 pounds has grown to over 180.- He
says: "I suffered with terrible cough,
doctors gave me up to die of Consump
tion. I was reduoed to 90 pounds, when
I began taking Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I
have more thai doubled in weight and
am completely cured." Only sure
Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by
Stoke &. Feicbt Drug Co. of Reynolds
vllle and SykesvlUe, 50c and 1100.
Trial bottle free.
The laales of the M. E. cburcb take
jtosseesion and dispose of all goods at
Hall's for their benefit. Tuesday, Dec.
11, 190(i.
Jersey gaiters for Xmas at Milllrens.
Sweaters for Xma3 at Milllrens.
Daniel Varner, who has been serious
ly ill, is able to set up a short time.
E. Smith, who has been 111 for the
past few days, Is able to bo out again,
Mrs. Fred Patterson, of Iselin, visited
here with Mend tbe past week.
J. C. Ferris and family have moved to
Mrs. George Allen, Sr., is visiting In
Tioga Co.
A large crowd from this plaoe attend
ed the cantata "Queen Esther" at
the Reynoldsvllle Park Theater last
Thursday evening.
A young couple from this place
boarded a trolley ear a week ago last
Saturday evening with the Intentions
of going to DuBois, so the young people
around tbem thought, but instead tbey
journeyed to Limestone, N. Y , where
they were united in marriage Sunday
morning. The oouple were Wm. Allen,
youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George
Allen, Sr., and Miss Nettle Fyke, the
accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs
Daniel Fyke. They returned home
Sunday evening. Their many friends
were greatly surprised on bearing of the
New Cure For Epilepsy.
J. B. Waterman, Watertown, O.,
Rural free delivery, writes; My daught
er, afflicted for years with epilepsy,
was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills.
She has not bad an attack for over two
years." Best body cleansers and life
giving pills on earth. 25o at Stoke &
Feloht Drug Co. stores Reynoldsvllle
and SykesvlUe.
Luck and Chance.
Luck and chance don't figure in the
making of Prlzer Stoves and Ranges.
They are the result of good materials,
careful workmanship and the best ex
perience in stove making. They con
tain many good Ideas that lighten
kitchen work and add to the comfort
and convenience of the house-keeper.
Come in and let us tell you about them.
Sold and guaranteed by Reynoldsvllle
Hardware Company.
Reduced Rates to DuBois, Pa..
Via Pennsylvania Railroad account
meeting Pennsylvania State Grange,
Patrons of Husbandry. Tickets sold
Deo. 8 to 14, good returning until Deo.
17, Inclusive, from all stations In Penn
sylvania. Consult nearest ticket agt.
For Sale on Easy Terms.
Thirty fine residence lots for sale on
extension of Fourth street on easy
terms, to suit purchaser.' ' Inquire of
E. Neff, Reynoldsvllle Pa. '
New Wdoitex coats for Xmas at Mil
llrens."" i - . - -
See the carbon sepia photos at Vas
binder's They are the latest.
Hallock's perfume for Xmas at Mil
llrens. For Christmas pr sents see Hoffman,
the jeweler. Everything new.
Hand bags and purses for Xmas at
Holiday hankerchlefs for men, ladies
and children at low prices at A.
Kat zen's.
Lathor cuff and collar boxes for
Xmas at MUlirens.
Blank house leases' may be obtained
n any quantftynt Th '. Star office.
TIand painted Bif q ie china for Xmas
at Milllrens.
We sell the Osiermoor Mattress.
Better than hair. Built, not stuffed.
J. R. UUlis & Co.
Silk suspenders for Xmas at MUlirens.
v Ladles come and see. our, line of band
painted ohlna. 'Hoffman, the jeweler.
Children's fur sets for Xmas at MU
lirens. : , , ..... .;'
Men's, boys' and obUdren's first-class
clothing, bats, cape and dress shirts.
Big bargains for holidays at 'A.
Katzen's. . ,
' Fancy umbrellas' for Xmas Milllrens.
. Take your watches and docks for re
pair to Samuel Katzen, the jeweler.. He
guarantees all bis work for one year.
Next door to Postoffice, Reynoldsvllle.
Suit cases for Xmas at Milllrens.
We don't handle tbe hot blast that
blows up. Reynoldsvllle Hardware Co.
Trunks for Xmas at Milllrens.
Notice Is hereby Blven that the pnrt ni't-nhlp
heretofore exlHtln between I). L. Henry and
H. C. Henry, under the Arm nnme of D. I..
& H. C Henry, was dissolved on the I'lr.h dav
of Nov.lWJtl, by mutual consent. The business
will hereafter be conducted by 8. c Henry,
to whoru nil bills owlnK late firm are due nnd
payable, and to whom all clnlm aud de
mand on suld firm are to be presented for
payment. I). L. Hknhy
8. O. Ukbht
Beynoldavlllc, Nov. 28, 1900.
Row the Dm I Extracted From
the Wood of the Tree.
The camphor laurel, from which the
greater part of the camphor of com
merce Is produced. Is a native of
China, Japan, Formosa and Cochin
China. It Is a hardy, long lived tree
and sometime prows to a great size.
t has evergreen leaves, yellowish
white flowers In panicles and Is a
very orumnentul tree, the trunk run
ning up to a helk'lit of twenty or
thirty feet before branching. The
fruit Is very much like a bluck cur
rant, . In the extraction of camphor tbe
wood Is first cut Into small chips, and
tbe chips are put Into water In a still
aftd steamed. Tbe head of tbe still Is
filled with straw, nnd as the steam
carried off the camphor in vapor It
is deposited In little grains arouud tbe
The crude camphor Is then heated
In a vessel, from which the steam Is
allowed to escape through a ,small
aperture. The camphor sublimes In a
aeinltransparent cake. In the man
ufacture of camphor the tree Is nec
essarily destroyed, but by a rigid law
of tbe lands In which the tree grows
another Is planted in tbe place of every
one that is cut tlowu. The wood la
highly valued for carpenter's work.
Camphor was unknown to the
Greeks and Romans and was first
brought to Europe by the Arabs.
It la Bald to Be the Cleanest Towa
la the World.
, The cleanest town In the world Is
said to be Brock, In Holland. It is only
a few miles from the capital, and has
been famous for Its cleanliness from
time Immemorial. It Is also notable on
account of the fanciful style of Its
houses, and yards and gardens and
streets, l
The people, though only peasants, are
aU.'wej) to do, and nil feel a pride In
their tpwn. It seems to be tbe first
business of their lives to keep their
houses freshly painted, their gardens in
perfect order and their yards and
streets as elenn as a new pin. No carts
are allowed hi the streets, and no cattle.
Though the raising of stock and the
making of butter and cheese are their
occupations, a stranger ' would never
Imagine that there were any cattle In
the. rsloa,-iia lens be went to tbe beau
tiful tVera ateadows at the back of the
bouses or the stables out there, Where
cows are kept In stalls scrubbed and
washed like a kitchen.
Tbe streets are too fine and neat for
the feet of the -animals to step on. All
are paved with "polished stone, 'Inter
mingled with bricks of different colors,
and kept so scrupulously clean that a
lady could walk anywhere' In white
satin slippers. Pearsou'a Weely, .
1 ; Deadly Snakes.
'' The deadliest of snakes Is said to be
tbe mamba; an African colira; It files
at everybody and everything; It goes
out 'of its way-to quarrel; it will even
come down from a tree to solicit an
Interview. ! Over In India there is the
great king coliro, or hamadryad, a slr.e
larger, quite as fierce It bos been
known to chase a man on horseback;
be had to ride for bis life but his
poison Is a degree less virulent. Tbe
difference, however, may be considered
negligible and ceases to Interest the
patient after a few minutes. Among
tbe Australian cobras, the pit vipers
of America and the great west African
vipers there are siecies with evil repu
tations, and the most alarming feature
Is that tbe aggressive snakes are all
desperately poisonous.
The Slse of Bolivia.
The area of Bolivia is not accurate
ly known, yet it is probable that its
present area Is not far from 000,000
square miles, which Is the equivalent
of the area of Germany, France and
Spain combined. From the lowlands
on the east and southeast tbe land
rises, sometimes by easy slope and
sometimes ' by abrupt uplift to the
snowcapped peak of Sornta, with Its
altitude of near 25,000 feet and to tbe
pyramid of Illlmanl, which Is given aa
21,300 feet In height. La Pas ilea, at
an elevation of 11,000 feet above sea
level and Polos! at nearly 14,000 feet.
A few miles 'west of La. Pas lies the
Inland sea of Tltlcaca, at an elevation
of 13,000 feet. '" '
HI roaltlaa la the Matter.
"Gracious T' exclaimed the fond wife,
coming In her husband's den and find
ing him smoking his pipe and reading.
"This room is thick with smoke. I
don't see bow you can stand to sit in
here." '
"You can't?" responded the brutal
husband. "Well, I don't stand to sit
in here; I sit to sit In here. Did you
think you bad married a freak?"
It Is said that this was tbe first time
in their married life that she slammed
a door on leaving him.
Wit, like every other power, has Its
boundaries. Its success depends on the
aptitude of oUiers to receive impres
sions, and that as some bodies. Indis
soluble by beat, can set the furnace
and crucible at defiance, there are
minds upou which the rays of fancy
may be pointed without effect nnd
which no fire of sentiment can agitate
or oxnlf Johnson.
Pay Your Taxes.
Tbls Is tbe last month to pay 11)00
taxes five percent added Jan. 1. Pay
now and nave enough to buy Xmas gifts.
After Jan. 1 taxes will bo emphatically
collected by law. Slate, county and
borough are demanding money. Col
lector Copping was easy on people this
year on account of strike, but now taxes
must be paid. '
Letter Mat.
List of uncial mod letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for
week ending Deo. 1, 1900:
Charles G. Bush, William Cochran,
GuUeppl Lposlto, Ray MoGown, Miss
Lula Rut. Jacob Snyder.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E C. Burns P. M.
Cardigan jackets for Xmas at Mil
llrens. Don't forget Methodist day Tuesday,
December 11, at Hall's.
Mermen's Talcotn Powder 15 oentsat
Leech's f
Planing Mill i
West Reynoldsville jj
Window Sash, Doors,
Frames. Flooring, 1
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Em, Em
J Contract and repair worlcglyen I
jjl prompt attention. Z
i Give us your order. My prioes 5
i are reasonable. I
W. A. LEECH, Proprietor. I
Capital and Profits $115,000.00 :: Assets, $450,000.00
' The-
Peoples National Bank
Has a record for strength, courtesy and "square"
dealing - extending oyer a quarter, of a century.
Your business is respeetfully solicited. .J.
Capital and Surplus . $165,000.00
Resources . . . $550,000.05
Jons H. Kauohsr, Pres.
John B. Knucher
Henry C. Delble
Every Accommodation Consistent with Careful Banking
Friday Eve., Dec. 7
Lady Audley's
Friday, Dec. 11, 1906
Basket Ball
weeaviiie vs. Reynoldsvllle
It is now the time of
the year when everyone
is looking for a Christ
mas present. The best '
and most appropriate
thing is to come to the
and order some nice '.
pictures. Cabinet size
$2.50 to $6.00.
Largest line of
in town. Many beau
tiful designs and styles.
Call and see them.
I. D. KELZ, Prop.
lUbacrlbc fpr
The Star
If you want the Ntws
J. 0. Kino, Vlee-Pres. K. C. Bchockirs, Cubler
J.CKlDg rtnnlel Nolan John H. Corbett
J. 8. Himmond K. H. Wilson