THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AJVD FRO. Conrad Mendoll Is visiting In Alle gheny City. Mrs. W. P. Altman 1b visiting at Scotdale, Pa. Miss Maggie Solada 1b visiting at Russell City, Pa. Mrs. Catherine Dovorspike ts visiting In New Bethlehem. Harvey S. Deter spont Sunday at New Kensington. Benjamin Hocking is visiting In New Bethlehem this week. Dr. S. Reynolds and son, Walter B , were atSligo Monday. Mrs. John R. Elder, of DuBois, was a visitor In town Monday. Mrs. Chatlos Montgomery, of Sligo, visited In town this veck. H. C. Fleming, of Driftwood, was a visitor In town over Sunday. A. J. Disharte went to Fairmount, W. Va., yesterday to work a couple of weeks.. George Hunter, J. R. Milliren and wife visited In Juneau Sunday. Mrs. Harriet Rephser of Yatosboro, visited in town the past week. 'Squire W. L. Johnston and wife are visiting a son at Akron, Ohio. David C. Rhodes left here Friday to visit In Pittsburg and New Castle. Mrs. C. P. Koerner and MIbb Ida Showers are visiting In Pittsburg. J. C. Williams, of Rldgway, was a visitor In town the first of this week. J. W. Kirkwood and wife are visiting in New Bethlehem and Now Kensing ton. Mrs. L. C. McGaw. of Punxsutawnoy, visited her parents in this place Inst woek. E. L. Johnston and wife visited rel atives in Cool Spring Saturday and Sunday. Last Friday the jury commissioners drew the jurors for the November term of court. M. G. S.vartz and wife spent Sunday at home of latter' parents near Emerlckvllle. Mrs. John MeG'nness, of DuBois, visited her former home awPresou ville this week. Jerry Heckmanand son, Frank, paint ers, are doing work near Rimersburg, Clarion county. Robert Lowury and wife, of Brook ville, viBited J. N. Small and wife In this place lust week. A. H. Fleming was at HeathvlUe the first of this week gathering chostnuts and hunting squirrel. Mrs. John Beck, of New Bethlehem, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Philips, on Jackson at. Joseph Cleer, Jr., of West Martins ville, W. Va., visited his parents in this place the past weok. Miss Jennlo Harp returnod Saturday evening from a three weeks' visit in Oil City, Emlenton and Pittsburg. Mrs. Harriot Owens and Miss Lucy Larimer, of Clearfield, were guests of Mrs. W. A. Thompson over Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Kimmel went to ClurKa burg, W. Va., Saturday, where Mr. Kimmell Is employed In glass plant. Mrs. J. W. Warnlck, of Johrsonburg, is visiting her slaters, Mrs. D. H. Young and Mrs. Samuel Ressler, in this place. Miss Fannie Alexunder is visiting In Has'ingH. Pa. Mrs. V. C. Freas Is visiting In Brockwayvlllo. P. A. Cash man and wife are In Pitts burg this veuk. Andrew Wheeler Is at Steubenville, Ohio, this week. Miss Bertha Copping was a visitor In DuBois yesterday. Mrs. G. W. Lenkord Is visiting her mother in Allegheny City. Mrs. Charles McKalo, of Youngs town, Ohio, Is visiting her parents In this place. Earl Dercpsey, of Dents Run, spent Sunday with his parents In West Reyn oldsville. Mrs. P. A. Hard man and daughter, Joanne, left here yesterday to visit in Butler and Pittsburg. Clyde M. Kochor, who has been at Graceton, Pa., sometime, has returned to hh home in this place. John Ziuimorman, who has been working at Boyer, Butler county, about four years, has moved to Reynoldsville. Clyde Murray, school teacher at Slgel, spent last week at this place. His school was closed ten days on ac count of a number of cases of diph theria at Slgel. Miss Elvle Coleman has been visiting in Summervllle the past week. Edward Gray, one of the editors of the DuBois Courier, was In town last evening and called at Tub Star ofllce. Mrs. John W. Stewart, of Coal Glen, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson, In this place. Miss Grace Peters, of Clearfield, visited her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Peters, in this place last week. John A. Welsh was at New Mays vine Sunday to see his brother,, who was dangerously 111 but is now getting better. Mrs. James E. Mitchell and daughter, Helen, who have been visiting here b!x weeks, went to tholr homo in Kane Monday. Mrs. C. C. BenBeotor, of Brookvlllo, and Mrs. H. B. Powell, of Clearfield, wore gueBts of Mrs. Dr. 3. Reynolds Thursday afternoon. 'Squire E. Neff and wife will go to Rossmoyno, Indiana county, to-day to visit 'Squire's parents, who are well along in life's journey. Miss Alicia Zierden, an employe in the State Educational Department at Harrlsburg, was the guest of Mrs. J. T. Evans over Sunday. Miss L'ji.u iSptur is visiting la Pitts burg this week. Dr. H. U. McGarrah and Franois D. Smith arc In 1 'niliidolphlu this week. H. Ali x Sti-se ard wilo and George W. Sink.., Jr, P hi Pittsburg this week. Miss Nora Wilson, of DuBois, visited her sinter, Mrs. Frank P. Alexander, in this place It. in week. Dr. W. B. Alexander, president, of The Peoples National Bank, and wife . left here yesterday on a trip to Wash ington, D. C. and Into West Va. G. B. McKee and wife were called to Barnesboro Saturday to attena the fun eral of a sister In-law, Mrs. Robert L. McKee, who died Friday morning and was burled Sunday. mIss Mlnnln Keek went to Rochester, N. Y., la-! Thursday to complete a course In lortliaad. Miss Keck, who hits taken e-iboos in shorthand before, expects tu graduate) iti shorthand before the holidays. John Ue 1, general manager of the Jefferson & Clearflold Coal & Iron Co., was at Baltimore. Md., on Sunday to see his brother, Joseph Rend, superin tendent of the mines at Wishaw., who Is In a hospital at Baltimore. See the new rain coats at Milllrens. Be Wise and Economize. Clark's Sewing Thread, black and white, 12 to 70, 2 spools for 5c. Be Wise and Economize See the display of Indian Baskets and Clothes Hampers. azjscBasaai :tm Thursday, Oct. 11, Special Showing of New Fall Garments, Women's Suits, Cloaks and Separate Skirts. ffe J mmm. I iff " - l f Furs for Fall. Thursday, Oct. 11, Special Millinery Opening. AH the latest Paris and , New York designs shown for Fall. Music by Miss Murphy. NO CARDS SENT OUT SO COME AND LOOK. Dailey & Loidold. Your fall garment, Wooltex make, is here. New fall Suits for men and boys. New fall Overcoats for men and boys. New Fall Footwear for the whole family. Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags. Milliren Brothers Reynoldsville Pa.