The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, October 03, 1906, Image 1

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SVM l'EB 19.
If in doubt as to the safety of your money, then re
move the doubt and ease' your mind by placing
your savings with the oldest established bank in
this vicinity
The Peoples National Bank
Interest paid on savings accounts. Said accounts having excellent
withdrawal privileges.
CAPITAL $100,000.00
The well selected stock of shoes In our store this fall Is worth; of every man's
and every moman's attention who expects to buy new shoes. If you want the
best you can find It here. The styles are Hunt. The leather Is of the best selected
stock. The sizes are here to fit your feet. We can show you 24 different styles
of Queen Quality. Price 13.00, 13.50 and 11.00 a pair. 30 styles of Walk-Overs at
$3.80 and $4.00 a pair. 8 styles of Banisters at $5.00 the pair. We h aye them on
widths from A to EE so there Is no trouble to give you a perfect 8t. Our business
grows every year. Come and bring your friends. Be among the buyers of good
shoes and you will never regret it.
Foot Fitters
CAPITAL $75,000
SURPLUS 90,000
TOTAL $165,000
.1. C. Kino, Vlce-Pres.
J. C. King rHii!-l Nolun
J. S. Hammond
Jons H. Kaccher, Pres.
John H. Kaueher
Henry C. Deible
of the Peoples Bargain Store
Has Bought a
of Fall and Winter
Special bargains iu Underwear
from baby's to grandpa's. Also big
variety of staples In Dry GOODS what
is needed in everyday use. The prices
are as low and right as you cau Imagine
You will find more assortment than has
ever before been bandied in our store,
boys' and men's winter outfit. You
can't compare our prices with those of
anybody else. Our motto, Quick Sales
and Small Profits.
A. KATZEN, Prop.
The Star's Want Column
Estate of William Dailey. Late or Wash
ington Township.
Notice Is hereby given Unit letters of ad
ministration ujKn the estate of the almve
named decedent have been granted to the
undersigned. All persons Indebted to said
estate are requested to make payment, and
those having cialmB or demands airainst the
same will ntako the same known without de
lay to James B. IAtmnKnTY,
Attorney, Adtnlnistrltor,
O. M. McDonald. Rockdale Mills, Fa,
K. C. checkers. Cashier.
John II. Corbet t
R, H. Wilson
Complete Stock
never fails to bring results
Estate of F. C. Bonnott, Lato of Wing--
low Township, Jefferson Co., Pa.'
Notice Is hereby Riven that letters testa
mentary upon the estate of the said decedent
have been granted to the undersigned. All
persons Indebted to the said estate are re
quested to make payment and those bavins
claims or demands against the same will
make them known without, dobiy to f
Laura I. Bonhett, Execiitrfk,
Kykcsville, I'a.
Mrs. A. B. Weed was in Pittsburg last
M. M. Davis, Esq., was in Erie last
Clarence Leird, of DuBois, is visiting
In town.
Mrs. G. G. Williams visited in Sligo
the past week.
Contractor Thos E. Evans was at
Tyler Monday.
Clarence H. Reynolds is In New York
City this week.
Mrs. Jennie Ressler visited in Heath
vllle the past week.
Mrs. Sol. Friedman and children tire
visiting in Pittsburg.
William H. Ford visited in East
Brady tho past week.
E. D. Davis and wife visited in Vand
ergrlft the past week.
Glen Emery, of Pittsburg, visited in
this place the past week.
Joseph Weist, of Philipsburg, Vas a
visitor in town this week.
Bert Repsher, of RIdjway, was a
visitor in town this week.
Lawyer Will G. Kline, of Galeton,
Pa., visited his mother this week.
M . Mobney, of Bellvue, a suburb of
Pittsburg, was in town Monday.
Mrs. Thomas Black went to Oil City
yesterday to visit her mother.
S. A. Fuller is in Knox township this
week assisting to set up a saw mill.
Tom O'Hare went to Scranton last
week to play base ball a week or two.
Mrs. W. T. Darr, of Brookvlllo, vis
ited ber mother in this place this week.
Charles M. Felcht and wife, of Punx
sutawney, were visitors in town Sun
day. Miss Ella E. Seeley, artist, went to
Buffalo, N. Y., the latter part of last
Mrs. Mary Sloppy, of DuBois, visited
her daughter in this place the past
Mrs. E. C. Shores and .Mrs. L. S.
Anderson visited in Brookvllle the past
Benjamin Sykes was at Curwensvllle
yeBturday attending the funeral of a
Mrs. Joseph Happe, of Brookline,
Pa., is visiting her sister, Mrs. George
John A. Welsh whs at New Maynville
Sunday to see a brother who Is da. .por
ously 111.
Roy Eisenhuth has been visiting in
New Bethlehem and East Brady the
past week.
John McClure, of Allegheny City, Is
visiting at the home of his parents in
this plues.
W. A. Wtschmyer and wife, of Du
Bois, were guests of George Johns and
wife over Sunday.
Arthur H. Husk ins, who ' was at
Wildwood, N. J., ten weeks, returned
home last week.
Miss Harriet Walk r, of Indiana, is
visiting her sister. Mrs. James A. Mo
Crulght, in this pine- .
T. R. Parsons, of .Milnglehouse, Pa.,
is visiting Lis brolhi 1, Dr. J. A. Par
bods, at the M. E. pa -onage.
Miss Margaret So '. of Summerville,
is visiting tbu faailu of S. A. Fuller
and other relatives iu ibis place.
Will Wenk, assistant editor or the
Rldgway Dally Record, visited at home
of Rev. J. E. Dean the paBt week.
Mrs. Steel and Mrs. Fairbanks, of
Bradford, and Mrs. Irwin, of DuBois,
were the guests of Mrs. C. E. Kroh.
C. E. Schuckers, of Vandergrlft, Pa.,
is visitiDg hist parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Schuckers at Emerlckville.
."m1ss Elizabeth Davis, pharmacist,
who was in Pittsburg Beveral months,
has returned to her home In this place.
Mrs. A. D. McKay and Mrs. Sadie
Henderson went to Knox this morning
to attend a Presbytoriun Missionary
John H. Ginniff and wife, of Pitts
burg, visited the latter's bt other, J. W.
Gillespie, and wife In this place the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone, Sr., were
called to Barnesboro Monday on ac
count of serious Illness of their daught
er, Mrs. Thomas Kirkman.
C. Henry Kline, Mrs. Cutherins Kem
slo and Mrs. Mary "rindle wont to
Creekslde yestorday to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. W. B. Kline.
Wayne Carberry and wife, of Drift
wood, attended the wedding of his Bis
ter, Miss Elizabeth Carberry, to Orrie
Shccsley on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Amelia Murray, who waB at
Mahafjoy throe months, has returned
to Reynoldsvllle aud has moved into
her new brick house on First street.
John H. Wagner and wife and A. M.
Smith and wife visited In Reading the
first of this week and from there will go
to Philadelphia and New York City.
Mrs. F. J. Martin, of Pittsburg, and
Mrs. John Woods, of Eldred township,
visited their brothers, J. J. and C. F.
Hoffman, in this place the past week.
Mrs. E. H. Alexander, of Allegheny
City, who was visiting her daughter,
Mrs. G. W. Lenkerd, In this place
several weeks, returned home Satur
day. Thomas F. Nolan, who vas home for
the summer vacation, returned to the
Jefferson Medical College In Philadel
phia last week. Thomas will graduate
next spring.
Mrs. Thomas Reynolds, Jr., and
daughter, Miss Margaret, of Paradise,
are visiting the former's sons, Til ton
and Park Reynolds, at Frampton, Clar
ion county.
Mrs. Van Lew, of Dayton, Wash.,
and Mrs. Joseph Strayer, of Sinnema
honing, were calling on old time friends
in town yesterday. Both ladles resided
here some years ago.
Irvln R. Kiock, clerk and window
trimmer in Millirens department stores,
returned Friday evening from a two
weeks' vacation spent in Buffalo, N. Y.,
and Toronto, Canada.
A. L. Sheesley and wife, Henry and
Newton Carl, of this place, attended the
funeral of Mrs. J. A. Carl at Niagara
Falls, N. Y., last week. Mr?. Carl was
mother Of Mrs. Sheesley.
F. O. Sutter, Adams Express Co.
agent at this place, will go to Cleveland,
Ohio, to-day to meet his wife and son,
who have been visiting at Three Riv
ers, Mich., and Cleveland a couple of
Mrs. Mat Sample, of Glen Richey,
Mrs. Thomas Crawford, of Ford City,
Edward Horm and wife, ot Pittsburg,
visited George Horm and family In
Horm settlement, and Miss Mollle
Horm in this place the pa?t week.
Thomas Green and John Conser, pro
prietors of Hotel Imperial, J. O. Edel
blute, proprietor of National Hotel,
John O'Hare, proprietor of the whole
sale liquor store, and Alex Rlston, of
Rision Cigar Company, are over In Elk
county this week camping and hunting.
J. B. McCracken, of Southern Pines,
N. C, who had been spending a few
weeks with his niece, Mrs. John Ross,
in Reynoldsvllle, started for the south
land Monday. The chilly weather, of
the first day of October made Mr. Mc
Cracken feel like making haste for
North Carolina.
Letter Lint.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In post office at Reynoldsvllle, Pa., for
week ending Sept. 29, 1900:
E. V McCrelght, Samuel Wilson.
Foreign Giovanni Clpano, Jomes
Lambricki, Wavystaw Marynlak. '
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E C. Burns. P. M.
The House-Keeper.
The Prizer Stoves and Ranges rep
resent the best of every thing in stove
making. They please the house-keeper
because they are what they want at
prices they can afford to pay. Sold,
guaranteed and recommended by Reyn
oldsvllle Hardware Company.
Blood Poisoning
Results from chronic constipation,
which is quickly cured by Dr. King's
New Life Pills. They remove all pois
onous germs from the system and Infuse
new life and vigor; cure sour stomach,
nausia, headache, dizziness and colic,
without gripping or discomfort. 25c.
Guaranteed by Stoke & Felcht Drug
Co., Rnynoldsville and Sykesvllle.
At the Reynolds opera house this
Wednesday evening, October 3rd, will
be a company of first class artists In the
comedy drama "Ole Oleson,"' the only
Swedish dialect character that has
stood the tost of time. "Ole Oleson" Ib
an old play now but it Is a play that is
always a favorite with the public. It is
bright and clean In Its comedy, thrill
ing in its drama and full of pathos.
New fall suits at Millirens.
Blank bouse leases may bo obtained
in any quantity at The Star office.
Crabapplo soap 5 cents at Millirens.
Stupendous Animal Show.
The Bostock animal show is perhaps
one of the most stupendous and cosily
ever brought to tho Pittsburg Expo
sition. Oring to a previous engage
ment In New York, the management of
the Exposition was unable, to bring it
here until after the opening of the reg
ular season. But In the short time it
has been on view in Pittsburg, thous
ands and thousands have wl nessed the
marvelous performances of the most
dangorous animals from the wilds of
Africa, have marveled at the patience
and,bravery of the trainers and have
Bat In open-mouthed wonderment as
the big beasts, in all their savagery,
are driven to tricks that would put a
human being on his fettle, If he were
to attempt them. Most marvelous is
the exhibition of the trained elephants,
three In number, who under the train
ershlp of Charles Miller, go through
feats that are astounding. Stories ap
pear in the pBper year in and year out
about the intelligence of animals but
yet what is told of the Bostock animals
is truthful. Can you Imagine elephants
being taught to play ten-pins, to bowl
with the skill and ease of a man or
woman? The Bostock animals go
through a bowling performance with
amazing precision, often making a
"strike" with a grace and ease that Is
wonderful. Then these elephants play
the base drum, blow boms, telephone,
dance in fact exhibit human intelli
gence. Then there are trained lions
ferocious but yet under the magnetic
eye of the trainer, made to do almost
Impossible feats. Hyenas, wild boars,
dogs, leopards, monkeys and other ani
mals go tbrougn tricks in the big cage
on the stage that keep the people in an
highly excited state, wondering what
is coming next.
Conference at Emenckville.
Following 1b the program of the Rldg
way semi-annual conference to be held
in the Lutherad church at Emerlck
ville October 15-17:
Communion Service.
Sermon ... Rev. W. E. Brlnkman
First Session -Tuksdat. 9 A. u.
Business, Reports, Elections, Etc.
Doctrinal Discussion Hub lect. Baptism.
A discussion of the IXth article uf
the Augsburg Confession
Her. 1). P. Crickenherger
Bbcond Session Tdksoat, 2 p. m.
Catechlsatlon, or the importance of early
thorough religious instruction
Rev. I... M.O. Welcksel
Confirmation, or Confessing Christ. ...
1 Rer. 1. B. Stetler
Third Session Tuesday, 7.30 p. u.
Trig Duties or the Christian
(A) To himself, to his family and
. local church... .Rev. W, E. Brlnkman
Rev. J. W. Myers
(B) To the church at large Home
Missions Rev, I. 11 Stetler
Rev. L. M. 0. Welcksel
(C) To the Heathen Foreign Mis
sions Uev. Paul K'limmer
Rev. D. P. Crickenherger
KonnTH Session Wednesday, 9 a. h.
Business of Conference.
L-st Excursion to Niagara Falls.
The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Ry. will run their last excursion of the
seasan to Niagara Falls Sunday, Oct.
14th. Special train will leave Svkes at
6.00 a. m. Round trip tickets, good
two days, only 82.50.
"For Rent" and "For Sale" cards can
be secured at The STAR office.
School caps at Millirens.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent per word for each and
evorv Insertion.
For Sale Mohney proporty on
Jackson street. Inquire of E. Neff.
FOR RENT House in West Reynolds
vllle. Inquire of G. G. Williams.
For Rent Seven room house in
West Reynoldsvllle with modern im
provements. Inquire at The Star
FOR Sale Two cows. Inquire of B.
R. Raymer, near Emerlckville, Pa.
For rent Large furnished room with
privilege of bath room. Inquire at The
Star office..
FOR Sale Business block on Main
street. Two store rooms and six room
flat above, also fine home on Jackson
street. Inquire of L. J. McEntira.
For Sale On 12th St., city, six room
house and lot; collar; good water. Will
sell on easy payments. M. M. Fisher.
For Rent Three office rooms on
second floor and hall on third floor, all
with modern conveniences, in Smith &
McClure's now building. Inquire of F.
D. Smith.
Farm for Sale Fifty acros in cul
tivation; located 3 miles west of Reyn
oldsvllle; fruit of all kinds; good build
ings ; farm in good condition and handy
church and school. Inquire of Henry
Snyder, Reynoldsvllle, Pa.
For Sale One house and lot in
WeBt Reynoldsvllle and one lot on
Grant St., Reynoldsvllle. W. C. Smith,
The High School Bulletin
Editor-in-chief, Aldie Means.
The High School Foot Ball Team
played a game with Punxsutawney Foot
Ball Team last Friday resulting in a
score of 11-0 in favor of Reynoldsvllle.
If the boys play as well in every game
as they did Friday there will be few de
feats this season. A return game will
be played at Punxsutawney Oct. 12.
Tiy to attend the game and show your
colors blue and white.
The Directors of Jefferson County
will hold a convention at Reynoldsvllle
Oct. 1819 They will visit our
The Juniors have
"skidoo" class of
Ed and A'lce for a stroll have gone
Anil of course Gene and Jan went along,
It looks s'plclous, well I think so,
When they to school did not go.
Lust Thursday seemed an unlucky day
Since six from school stayed away. .
Hut scolding Is no use
As chestnuts are ripe, a "Good Excuse."
"Es amicus carus mens" Is the Fresh
ies opinion of latin.
Alone In the crowded school-room,
The young Fresh Ies old In years.
On their faces were tender smiles
Their eyes were filled with tears.
The class was all attention,
More than half were fast asleep.
Except one or two gay Freshmen,
Who green apples gravely eat.
Prof. Marsh rose and said:
His tones rang loud and clear;
All those who brought your lunch
Please keep your seat In here.
Buffalo and Niagara Falls.
B., R. & P. Ry. excursion Sunday,
October 14th. Special train will leave
Sykes at 6.00 a. m. Round trip tickets,
good two days, only 12.50.
New neckwear at Millirens.
Hire a Good
But do not hire him
too often. If you use
poor materials,-not
even a good painter
can give you a good
Cheap or improper
paint is very expensive
in the long run.
Paint should be
made from
Pure White Lead
(Mad. by the Old Dutch Process)
an Armstrong tz
McKelvy Linseed
Oil. Such paint will
give good service.
Second National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
For sale by all first-class dealers.
Dealers In
Home Dressed
We wish to notify the
meat consumers of Rey
noldsvllle that we have
all the beef slaughtered
at Punxsutawney that
we offer to our trade and
the same Is thoroughly
Inspected and selected
from the best prime
western and native cat
tle. The killing estab
lishment Is conducted
In the cleauest and most
sanitary method. A full
Hue always on hand.
Your patronage solici
ted. Hunter & Milliren