The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 12, 1906, Image 4

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    1lt Slav.
Subscription $1.00 jic near in advance.
C- A.STKPMKNSON, Kdltor mid Pub.
- mm IT rM .Trt " T" 1
t I Ml jhlwo ur t
t I Nm pry towns X
Reported by The Str'e ;
Special Correspondents. X
Mrs. J. M. Loghry, Mrs. H. A. Logh
ry, daughter, Imilda, and son. Clyde,
of DuBois, visited with Mrs. I. G. Mans
field Saturday evening and Sunday.
Mrs. J. G. Schoooh, of DuBoIb, and
(;rand-daughter, Helen Rensel, of Ren
oyo, visited with Mrs. Thomas Smith
Sunday evening and Monday.
Mrs. William Stoughten and sons,
Charles, Lloyd and Dale, returned home
Friday after a nine weeks' viBit with
friends in Emporium and Clearfield.
Harvey Nupp and daughter, Erma, oi
DuBois, visited with his mother, Mrs.
Emma Nupp, on Sunday. Mies Erma
will stay with her grandmother and
attend school here this winter.
Miss Laura Sloppy visited with her
aunt, Miss Myrtle McGaughty, in In
diana several days the past week.
Quite a number of people attended
the fairs at Indiana and Brookville last
Miss Cora Smith visited at her home
near Reynoldsville on Sunday.
Charles Gumbert returned home Fri
day evening after working two weeks
in the Westinghouse shops in East
Mrs. Earl Long gave a dinner for the
Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. church
Miss Emma Null, who has been em
ployed at Kane Borne time, is home to
attend the Null reunion which is to
take place this week.
- Homer Mansfield returned to his
home here after a viBit with his uncle
and aunt, Harry Kaney and wife, of
Miss Myrtle Conway, of Karthaus, is
visiting with her sister, Mrs. Swisher,
in this place at present.
Miss Ethel Dunlap, of DuBois, visited
with her parents, George Dunlap and
wife, Sunday.
Mrs. William Sent,!, of Prescottville,
visited her parents Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mulbjlland, of Ernest,
visited this former's brother, W. Mul
holland, In this place one day last week.
A. R. Ritchie, wife and two sons were
at Ratbmel Sunday.
Mrs. 5t. L. Clark made a short visit
in Sykesville last Wednesday evening.
Our BChools opened Monday with
quite a large attendance. A number
from this place will attend schools in
other towns. Miss Clara Boardman
will attend at Sykesville. Miss Ella
Katzen, Master LaMarr Ritchie and
William Boardman at Reynoldsville.
Mrs. William Mulholland visited at
Helvetia Sunday.
There are three cases of scarlet fever
in Soldier at present, two cases at the
home of Benton Clark, while the other
is in a foreign family. All are getting
along nicely.
William Rodwell left last Monday
morning for New York City, where he
will sail on the steamer, "Majestic" for
his former home in Barnesley, England.
He expects to be gone two months.
Mrs. Alex Johnstone has gone to vis
It her former home in Glasgow, Scot
land. She left last Monday for New
York City accompanied by her son,
John. She will sail on the steamer,
"'Majestic," and expects to begone until
Mrs. William Moore is on the sick
' J. A. Hetrick is visiting at Warsaw.
Miss Julia Schugars visited relatives
in Brookville last week.
Miss Maude Moore is visiting in
C. H. Mateer," of Mosgrove, spent
Sunday in this place.
Miss Katie Smith, of Deemer's Cross
Roads, visited her sister, Mrs. W. H.
Schugars, Sunday.
G. A. Hetrick and wife visited at the
home of M. M. Moore Sunday.
A large number of people from this
place attended the Brookville fair last
Well Worth Trying
W. H. Brown, the popular pension
attorney, of Plttsfield, Vt., says: "Next
to a pension, the best thing to get is
Dr. King's New Life Pills.'-' He writes
"They keep my family in splendid
health." J Quick cure for Headache,
Constipation and Biliousness. 25c.
Guaranteed at Stoke & Feicht Drug
Co , Reynoldsville and Sykesville.
.New full suits at Millirens.
Miners! Do you want old papers for
"shooting" in the mines? Come to The
Star office and get a large bundle for
6 oents,
Evrty Ltv Twn ShonM Have Some
Such Organization.
There hits bnen tiilk for fconip time of
organizing a board of trail,-iu Reynolds
ville, but so far it. hits only ended tn
talk. It is a wall known fact that the
tuwn lhat. profiler harci a board of
trade or noma kind of an organization
that can bH referred to when some per
bon representing a large industry enmes
around looking for a location, and we
ought, nut b i lagging behind. Ye have
good sites, cheap fuel, plenty of water,
railroad facilities, Ac. No other town
ha nnvthing better to offer, but we
must make our town and Its advantages
known outside of our own community,
and one of the ways to do that is to get
a live board of trade that will come In
touch with the industrial world. When
a town lacks sufficient push and enter
prise to have a board of trade, although
it may have many natural advantages,
live business men who are looking for
locations are not as favorably impressed
as they would be If representatives of a
board of trade would meet them and
Bhow them around. Everybody's bus
iness Is nobody's business. When a
stranger comes to town looking for some
person to show him around there is no
person in particular to whom he can be
sent, but of corrse after looking around
some person can be found that will take
enough interest in the matter to show
him our sites, and tell what natural ad
vantages wo have.
How much more business like it
would be when a stranger comeB to
town representing an industry that is
contemplating a removal to a new site
to refer him to the president of the
board of trade. Most any person could
then direct him to the person for whom
he is looking Without a board of
trade to whom could you direct such a
man ?
Why not organize a board of trade,
and why not organize it in September,
190H? Some person say where the
meeting shall be held and we will an
nounce it in The Star next week.
Moved to Kane.
James E. Mitchell, who has been as
sociated in the merchant tailoring
business with E. G. Briggs and Co.
corner Market and Railroad Sts. during
the past couple of years, is moving his
family to Kane where be has gone in
partnership with Mr. Milllren under
the Arm name of Milliren and Mitchell.
Mr. Mitchell has been in business in
Kane for several years and is well and
favorably known there. Mr. and Mrs.
Mitchell and daughter have made many
friends here who sincerely and deeply
regret their lea lug Clearfield and it is
but due to say that Mr. Mitchell is very
highly esteemed in both business and
socially for his genial manhood and
sterling business integrity. Clearfield
rublic Spirit.
Ca'd of Thanks.
We take this method of expressing
our heartfelt thanks to the friends and
neighbors for their kind assistance and
sympathy after the death of our father,
Josiah Deter. Children.
Tuesday Excursions to Niagara Falls and
Every Tuesday, to and including Sep
tember 25th, the Buffalo, Rochester &
Pittsburg R'y will sell excursion tickets
from Falls Creek to Niagara Falls and
Toronto, good for return passage any
time within fifteen days from date of
sale at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Falls and
$8.90 to Toronto. For full information
consult agents of the company.
For Sale on Easy Terms. -
Thirty fine residence lots for sale on
extension of Fourth street on easy
terms, to suit purchaser. Inquire of
E. Neff, Reynoldsville, Pa.
For Sale.
One hundred fine residence lots on
Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the
purchaser. City gas and water can bo
had. Most beautiful residence street in
town. Close to business center. In
quire of D. Wheeler, Reynoldsville, Pa.
Luck and Chance.
Luck and chance don't figure in the
making of the Prizer Stoves and Rang
es. They are the. result of good mater
ials, careful workmanship and the best
experience in stove making. They
contain many good ideas that lighten
kitchen work and add to the comfort
and convenience of the house-keeper.
Come in and let us tell you about them.
Sold and guaranteed by Reynoldsville
Hardware Co.
Crabapple soap 5 cents at Millirens.
Blank bouse leases may be obtained
in any quantity at The Star office.
Buttermilk soap 10 cents at Millirens.
The busy shop ; Gourley's horse shoe
ing shop.
New belts at Millirens.
Never before has there been such a
large stock of floor coverings shown in
this town than we have this spring.
We have over 60 patterns of 9 ft. x 12ft.
rugs from 15.00 to $50.00, and over
7,000 jards of carpet from 20c to $1.00
per yard. Come and see our stock ; no
trouble to show It. J. R. Hillls &Co.
School shoos at MilUrens.
New Real Estate Firm.
TTaving formed a CK-pHrtnersliip with
C. A. Yeager, of Marlinton, W. Va to
do a general real estate business in coal,
timber and farming lands, we are pre
pared to furnish those wanting south
ern timber, or coal with anything In
that line they may want. Mr. Yeager
is a native of West Va., and has had
many years experience In the timber
business, and Is thoroughly posted in
the timber trRcts of that section, know
ing where all the best ones are. I have
spent most all my life In the lumber
business, and we feel we are competent
to pass judgment on a piece of timber
when we see it, and we aim to make a
personal investigation of every piece we
list for sale. Those wanting timber or
coal lands will do well to communicate
with our main office, Yeager & Parrlsh,
Marlinton, West Va., or with me at my
home address, Reynoldsville, Pa.
Robert Z. Parrish.
Double Track to Indiana.
It has been given out officially that
the B., R. & P. railroad will build a
double track from Punxsutawney to
Indiana, estimates for the work having
been completed last week. Sufficient
right-of-way property vas purchased at
first and bridges and trestles all con
structed with this double track In view.
The tremendous coal out-put demands it
now and if two more mines are to be
opened at Iselln and one at Homer City
the double track will be an imperative
necessity. Work will be begun at once
as the estimated out-put for January
first will be 50,000 tons. The dally pro
duction now is more than 31,000 tons.
runxsutawney Republican.
Starving to Death.
Because her stomach was so weak
ened by useless drugging that she could
not eat, Mrs. Mary H. Walters, of
St. Clair St., Columbus, O., was liter
ally starving to death. She writes:
"My Btomach was so weak from useless
drugs that I could not eat, and my nerves
so wrecked that I could not sleep;
and not before I was given up to die
was I induced to try Electric Bitters;
with the wonderful result that improve
ment began at once, and a complete
cure followed." Beit health tonic on
earth. 50c. Guaranteed by Stoke &
Feicht Drug Co., Reynoldsville and
Excursion Fares to Pittsburg.
On account of Pittsburg Exposition,
the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry.
will sell special excursion tickets to
Pittsburg and return from Ridgwav.
DuBois, Clearfield, Punxsutawney,
Fenelton, and intermediate points on
WedneBdays,Sept. 5,-12, IX 26 and Oct.
3, 10 & 17. These tickets will be good
going on regular trains on date of sale
and for return until following Saturday
and will include admission to the expo
Special Low-Rate Excursion via Pennsyl
vania Reilroad.
On Saturday, September 22, the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company will
run a special low-rato excursion to
Niagara Falls from Pittsburg and prin
cipal stations in this vicinity. Excurs
ion tickets, good for return passage until
September 26, inclusive, will be sold
from Reynoldsville at $4.50, good going
only on train leaving at 8.08 a. m.
Consult ticket agents.
Special Excursion Rates for Dayton Fair.
On account of the Dayton fair the
Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry.
will sell excursion tickets to Dayton
and return on Sept. 25tb, 26th, 27th and
2Sth, for train leaving Punxsutawney
7.14 a. m. at fare of 60 cents for the
round trip. Tickets will bo Rood re
turning to and including Saturday,
Sept. 29th.
Letter 1,1st.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
in post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for
the week ending Sept. 9, 1906:
Mrs. Chas. Frost, Mrs. Annie John
son, W. Lenard, James Neff, D. W.
Warn pier.
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E C. Burns. P. M.
Rimersburg Fair.
For the fair at Rimersburg Sept. 18
to 21, the Pennsylvania Railroad Com'
pany will sell special excursion tickets
to Rimersburg September 18 to 21, good
to return until September 22, inclusive,
from KIttanning, Emlenton, DuBois,
and Intermediate stations at reduced
rates. (Minimum rate 25 cents.)
Woman's Work.
Every requirement of the house-keeper
has been met In the making of the
Prizer Stoves and Ranges. They con
tain quite a number of excellent feat
ures that lesson work and add to the
comfort of the household. They are
guaranteed to be good bakers you run
no risk. Sold and guaranteed by Reyn
oldsville Hardware Co.
The Reynoldsville school board will
receive bids for good first-class run of
mine coal for the coming pchool year.
Coal to be delivered at the school building.-
All bids miif-t be in the hands of
secretary by the 15th of September,
100(1. W. H. Bell, Sec.
Fancy white vests at Millirens.
Style mid American Drrmmtker has a
breezv little figure In an outing suit on
the front cover. The magazine makes
a most remarkable offer of a complete
skirt nutting system and a year's sub
scripiinn to the magazine for $1.78.
There are many Interesting and time
ly articles, one on an embroidered dress
and an advertisement shows whera this
art Is taught. The style article by
Linda Ro;i Wade is instructive and In
teresting to every woman who cares for
her personal appearance. '
The review contains timely ideas and
suggestions on preparing for the fall and
winter wardrobe which cannot fall to be
of Interest to every woman who sews.
Sample copleB 10 cents. Subscrip
tions $1.00 per year.
Address Style and American Drexs-
maker, 24-25 East 21st street, New York
Qive Up
Saying that fate is against you.
Finding fault with the weather.
Anticipating evils in the future.
Pretending, and be your real self.
Going around with a gloomy face.
Fault finding, nagging', and worrying.
Taking offence where none Is Intend
Dwelling on fancied slights and
Scolding and flying Into a passion over
Thinking that life is a grind, and not
worth living.
Talking constantly about yourself and
your affairs.
In every state of the Union and in
many foreign countries carry their sav
ings account with the Peoples Savings
Bank of Pittsdurg. No matter where
you live, our system of receiving depos
its by mall will enable you to take ad
vantage of our four per cent interest
rate and the security offered by our
capital and supplus, which is larger
than that of any other savings bank in
the world. Send for our booklet
"Banking by Mall."
''To Cure a Felon."
Says Sam. Kendall, of Phillpsburg,
Kan., "Just cover it over with Bucklen's
Arnica Salve and the salve will do the
rest. Qulokest cure for Burns, Bolls,
Sores, Scalds, Wounds, Piles, Eczema,
Salt Rheum, Chapped Haads, Sore
Feet and Sore Eyes. Only 25 cents at
Stoke & Feicht drug store, Reynolds
ville and Sykesville. Guaranteed. .
Excursion to Niagara Falls and Buffalo.
Via Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg
Ry., Sunday, Sept. 23rd. Special train
will leave Sykes at 0:1X1 a. m. and
the round trip fare will be ODly
$2.50. Tickets will be good returning
on special train leaving Niagara Falls
7:00 p. m. and Buffalo 8:00 on date of
sale, also on any regular train Monday,
Sept. 24th.
Fall stylos in hats at Millirens.
Fall shirts at Millirens.
Fall shoes at Millirens.
Want Column.
Rates: One cent ner word for each and
evory Insertion.
LOST Pocket book between Prescott
vllle and Ludwick's mill, containing
silver and check for $15.09. Finder
pleaso return to Star office.
For Sale French poodle pup; fine
stock. A. C. Fish, Reynoldsville, Pa.
For Sale Fine pair buff cochlne ban
tams. Write Forest Lewis, Reynolds
ville, Pa.
For Sale Fine $350 piano for $200.
Mrs. L. P. Miller.
For Sale Business block on Main
street. Two store rooms and six room
flat above, also fine home on Jackson
street. Inquire of L. J. McEntire.
For Sale Six room house and one
acre of ground In Wishaw; two houses
and two lots in Prescottvllle; two lots
on Whirlwind St., Reynoldsville. In
quire of E. Neff.
For Sale On 12th St., city, six room
house and lot; cellar; good water. Will
sell on easy payments. M. M. Fisher.
Wanted At once fifteen good weav
ers on woolen goods. Pay fir cents per
yard, or will guarantee good weavers
$1.50 per day, pick work. Brookville
Woolen Mills, Brookville, Pa.
For Rent Three office rooms on
second floor and hall on third floor, all
with modern conveniences, in Smith &
McClure's new building. Inquire of F.
D. Smith.
Farm for Sale Fifty acres in cul
tivation; located 31 milos west of Reyn
oldsville; fruit of all kinds; good build
1 lngs ; farm in good condition and handy
church and school. Inquire of Henry
Snyder, Reynoldsville, Pa.
For SALE One house and lot in
West Reynoldsville and one lot on
Grant St., Reynoldsville. W. C. Smith,
For Sale A good, quiet family horse,
fair size: also spring wagon, two sets of
harness and two seated trap. Inquire
of C. R. Hall.
Do Not Burn
Off Old Paint
You will have to do no
if you use hard, inelastic
paint; but there is a better
Use old-fashioned white
lead and linseed oil paint.
It wears down uniformly,
without that scaling olF
which disfigures so many
modern houses, and is
ready for re-painting with
out burning or scraping.
Pure White Lead
(Made by the Old Dutch Process)
is just such an old-fashioned
Our booklet will tell you about it, miJ
give you other paint information valuable
to the house-owner.
Second National Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa.
For sale by all first-class dealer.
No. sm.
PTrcaenrit 3eptvtment
orrici or
Comptroller of uXt Currency
Washington, n. C, June 12, 1!KW.
Whbrras, By satisfactory evidence pre
sented to the undersigned, it has been made
to appear that "The Citizens National Hank
of KevnoldBvllle." In the town nf Reynolds-
Vllle In the count y of Jefferson and State of
Y ennsyivania, nan compiled with all the pro
visions of the statutes of the United States,
reoulred to he compiled with before an as
sociation shall be authorized to commence
the business of banking:
Now Tiikrrfohb I, William B. Rldgely,
Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby cer
tify that The Citizens National Bank of
Reynoldsville, In the town of Reynoldsville,
in the county of Jetferson, and State of Penn
sylvania, is auinorizcn to commence me bus
iness or Dunking as provided in section Fifty
one hundred and sixty nine of the Revised
Statutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof, wltnessmy hand and
seal of office this twelfth day of June, MOO.
Win. B. Kiihikly,
IbbalI Comptroller of the Currency.
Note the Difference
Thla kind shines It
self and is the only
preparation suitable
for das Ranges. It
Killa Rust on Stove
Pipe, Wire Screens,
Btoves or any Iron
work. It will not
wash off, and weara
months. Price, 35c.
This la a liquid stov
polish that shine eas
ler, weara longer an!
ooata leae than anj
other. Keepa forever
always ready for use;
Big can, oc
Ask your dealer for either kind.
If your dealer hasn't i iiinu-Stoke t'n has
CAPITAL $75,000
SURPLUS 90,000"
TOTAL . $165,000
J. (J. Kino, Vlee-Pres.
.1. C. Iv III' Daniel Nolan
.1. J. Hammond
John II. Kauchkk, Pies.
John H. Kauchcr
Henry O. Delble
bim'h.hih'1' mi ii'. 1 mmxmxmama
Fool Fitter
Go to the following
places and get
guaranteed quality
Robinson ft Mundorff
Chat. P.Koerner
Headley Cash Store
W. H. rioore
Hunter ft nilllren
Jas. A. Tyson
J. W. Rlggs
D. B. ft W. B. Stauffcr
J. D. Woodrlng ft Son
J. H.Korb
S. C. Henry
J. Bateson, Jr.
James H. Spry
Jefferson Supply Co,
Star Orocery
The dealer vyho dosen't
WATCHES may tell you
they are not the best He
wants to sell what he has
h's human nature.
Before buying, a the
dealer who has them. '
A. Gooder
Subscribe for
The -X" Star
If you want the News
K. C. cnrjOKRRS. Cashier.
John II. Corbett
It. H. Wilson
TIMS FALL we are bet
ter prepored than ever
before to sell you the right
kind of shoes for your boys
and girls. We have given
our special attention to this
line of shoes and the result
Is we are in shape to give
you (he right shapes, the
right kinds of leather, at
the right price. For the boys
we have the extra high, the
medium and low cuts in box
calf, oil grain, gun metal
and satin calf. Prices range
from f 1.25 to tkOO a pair.
For the girl we have vlcl
kid, gun metal, box calf,
marine calf. Price 11.00 to
12.90 the pair, Buy the next
pair of us and see how long
they will wear.