Sykesvllle. Samuol Rued U quite ill at this writ log. , I. G. Mansfield made a business trip to Keynoldsvllle Monday. Quite a numberot people altondi d the reunion at DuUois last Thursday. M1b8 Janet Wll.lams, of Johnstown, visited with Jacob Smeal and family In towu last week. Six persona were taken into the M. E. church in full menibe-slilp Sunday by Rev. B. C JicMinu. Mis. A. S l'Mlllpol, son, Willie, and daughter, Vliylnla, of Blacklick, visit ed with in town tli- pat w. ,.k. John Null uml wife attended the wedding of tln'ir son, Kdvuru. to Miss Rosa Ki.ttlebf i jjt r in Curwi-iville lust Wednesday. v Mi9s Beatriiv Siiiitii. of Cli-iuTi-id, visited with Mi Goideu 1'hlilippi aeveral days li-t week. Mif-s l'lii:iiii accompanied her mi her return i ome as far a9 DuBols. Charlos Widduwnon, of Indiuua, with his auut, Mrs. Emma Nupp. last Wednesday. Sept. 3 he will leave for the Kongo I'Yeo State in Africa us a medical missionary. Joseph Grinder and wife, of Cry k side, visited at the former's home last week. Mr. Grinder was formerly em ployed at Creekside, bur, will now (jo 10 Blairsville. where he will be emplojed. Tuesday Excursions to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Every Tuesday, to and including Sep tember 25th, tho Buffalo, Rochester it Pittsburg R'y will 6ell excursion tickets from Falls Creek to Niagara Falls and Toronto, good for return passage any 'time within fifteen days from date of 1 sale at fare of $7 45 to Niagara Falls and $8.00 to Toronto. For full information consult agents of the company. Stockholders Meeting There will be a ttockholders meeting of the Heynoldsville Water Company at the ofllce of M. M. Davis, Secretary, on September 24, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of receiving reports from the officers, the election of officers and to transact any other matter or business required of the stockoldurs. deemed necessary. M. M. Davis, Secretary. Florsheiro shoes at Mi'lirens Parasols at Mlllirens. Don't forgot to attend the big fair at Brookville September 4, 6, 6 and 7. The only fair in Jefferson county. Butter-fly batistes at Millirens. eOODEK'S fiMAlii AUGM Before moving into the iDuilclinQ on At, I. Soldier. Clans Early and wife were in DuBols one day last wot k. Will Morton aud wife were at Du Bois last Thursday. JohnB Morton visited J.E.Morton and wife several days last week. A bouncing boy came to reside with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bailey recently. Uei-uico, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Winslow, has been quite ill. James Patterson and familye hav mov ed to the London iniues near Ruthmel. Rev. J. A. Parsons and wife, of Royn o iUvillo railed on friends here Satur day. A viihuiblo cow belonging to John C:lliert was killed in the coke ytrds here by an engine. A urge crowd from thii plauc was at DuUois Thuivduy to nee Hie K. of 'P. parade which was very good. C. J. Kerr and a number of his friends who are visiting at his home In Roy n oldsville were at Soldier one day lust week. Mrs. James Ross and the Misses Katherine and Caroline Ros, Mrs. A. R. Ritchie and Master LaMarrand De Vore attended the Scotch picnic at Hand's Grove last Saturday. They were also accompanied by Morris Smith and wife and two sons of R.-ynoldsviUe. They had a very enjoyable time. Excursion to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and To'onto, Tuesday, Sept. 4th. The Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will run their annual after harvest excursion to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Toronto on Tuesday, September 4th, affording an excellent opportunity for a trip to the Falls and the great Toronto fair, which ' opens August 27th and closes September 10th. Special train will leave Falls Creek at 6.10 a. m. Fare to Niagara Falls and return $2.50. Fare to Toronto and return $4.00. Niagara Falls tickets will be good going and returning on special train on date of sale, also for return passage from Buffalo on regular trains Wednesday. Sept. 5th. Toronto tickets will On good for return passage, with privilege of stop over at Niagara Falls or Buffalo, if used on or before Satur day. September 8th. Buffalo and Niagara Falls. Special excursion by Buffalo, Roches ter & Pittsburg Ry., Tuesday, Sept. 4. Train leaves Falls Creek at (i 10 a. m. Round trip tickets, which will also b good returning from Buffalo Wednes day, Sept. 5th, only $2.50. See the new negligee shirts at Millions. Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Out Glass, Silverware, Umbrellas, Etc. WEDNESDAY, At I will sell my entire stock at auction. Everything goes tp the highest bidder. A special invitation is extended to the ladies. uoon Reduced Rates to Brookville Fair, For the Fair to be held at Brookville, Pa , September 4 to 7, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets from Pittsburg, Oil City, Driftwood, Jobnsonburg, Falls Creek, and Intermediate -tat Ions, to Brookville on September 4, 5, 6, and 7, good to re turn until September 8, Inclusive, at re duced rates (minimum rale 25 cents). Consult nearest ticket agent. For Sule. One hundred fine residence lots on Fourth street, on easy lernis to suit the purchaser. Pliy gas and water can he had. Most lieautiful ivsidenee street in town. Close to hn-iness center. In quire o( O. Wheeler, Keynoldsvllle, Pa. NOTICE TO PAINTERS. OlTlCE OK THK CorNTV I'OM M ISSIONKHS OF JKIFKIISOS COUNTY, 1IROOKVII.I.K, 1'A., AllllllSt 8, 1IM.I. Seized nm,Misals will ! received ill this ofll e 11 mil 12 o'clock noon. September 0, lwil, for furnlsliinir the muloihtls and labor i-e-quired In (m'lllinu anil IIuMhiiIhk the nuts, rods and holts of the following county bridges, viz.; NAMKOr BltlDOK. Twp. oil Hon. Btiikam North Fork Brookville North Fork itlooit's Mill F.ldred Ills .Mill Creek I, nun's.... Heaver and "Intfunlil Utile Sandy Uesslei ....Heaver anil KlnuKold. Mttle Handy UilstMill Oliver Little Sandy rrunkle' Mill . Oliver Sandy Crunk Hrockway vllie..l)rorkwiiyvllle Toby Clover Hun (Jasklll Clover Kun One coat of pnlm to be applied toallmelal put t of said bridges and all bidders must bill upon both of the following kinds of pafttl, 10 wit: Graphite F.lnstlc l'aint No. 3, manufac tured lv the National Paint and Varnish Co , Cleveland, Ohio, and Dixon's Silica (iraphlte Black faint, manufactured by Joseph llixon Crucible Co., I'hllailelpMx, Pa. Hidden shall also bid for each bridge sepa rately, but may in addition bid for the lot as a whole. Bids shall be addressed to the county com missioners and endorsed on the envelopes, "Proposals for 1'iilntliiK" and shall be In ac cordance with the specifications on Hie In the Commissioner's OfHce. The bidder to whom the contract Is awarded shall Rive bond with two milticlent sureties, residents of Jefferson County, Pa., probated before some officer authorized to take iirllda vlts, or the bonds of a surety company organ ized and existing under the laws of this stale, In double the amount of the bid, conditioned upon the fait hf ul performance of thecontraet The rljfht to reject any or all bids Is re served by the Commissioners. Hperlliratlons may be seen and information and blanks for hiddfngohtulned at the said Commissioner's Olllce. Hy order of County Commissioners, a. i-:. ;,t I.ltl! AITM, Commissioners' Clerk. PENNSYLVANIA RVILROAD 14.00 to FiusDuro and Return Wednesdays, September 5, 12, 19, and 26, October 3, JO, and 17 INCLUDING ADMISSION TO EXPOSITION. Tickets good to return within four days, including date of issue. Grand.Misic hy-Great Bands. J. U. WOOD, Passeinrer Traffic Manager. GEO. V. BOYD, Gen'l Passentrer Audit. 2:30 O'clock, P. sz..':zzzzii:uz:::.i.:.. BARGAINS OF REYNOLDS V iLLE, AZTEC ARCHITECTURE. Wonderful Endurance of the Old Mlxll-:n lIutllWllKK, The . lexic.tns or Hi .V ice liiillnna 1.1:1 faive the people of the United fitutes lessons In ;m M. ' lure and In boIIiI construction of huilillngs. There are bulMltigs standing today In the City of Mexico that Ihivo stood for three centuries and 11 W i:i 1111 excellent stnte of preservation. There Is not a friiine building In the 1 ;iy. There are a few adobe, but most nil me stone, brick or eomenl. There Is n brick building down In the old pnrt of the town that was creeteil prior to 1 I.TO. It shows that so lor.;; c;; 1 t!3 th it the Indians were experts In the iiiiinufiw ture of bricks, lint je.-oiiaMy SO per cent of nil the building are made of concrete cement. Cement ami concrete have been used successfully In Mexico for fillO years, tinil nil the cnlhedrals and churches are of that nialerliil. On the line of the Vera ems', l'ucllic can be seen the ruins of Tore ISravo, where there are evidences of a city ruined centuries ago. There are some twenty pyramids of solid cement which must have been erected over DUO years ago. Due of these pyramids is 170 feet In height, and on the summit rests a cement ledge thirty feet In diameter. This, ns well us others, Is of llllgree work nnd curved atntuary. Near this stands another of white limestone, built In four terraces, with carvings and o-nainentatlons which would put tOKhanie the modern Amer ican sculptor. II has stood all these centuries, yet the limestone is much easier broken than the cement. Think of n town of almost 400.000 persons, and tho fire record is three in 0110 year. The Inside wall 1 of ninny of UiS build ings are ns unHi ns six feet through, and all lniiliihi','! are built around courts. There Is no provision In any of them for II res, and at the present time small coal oil stoves are selling iu the city for 0 the Biinie thnt sell for $U iu the states. The floors are of stone, tho ceilings of filigree cement, the walls of coarse plaster and nlmost without exception hand painted. Tho architecture on ninny bnildlngH In the republic shows that the Indian of cen turies ago was abend of the modern builder of today. Ilobnrt N'ews-Ite-publlcan. CZ3 I CJT SEPT. 5, 1906 People's National Bank: Nov. 1st, 1906 A LIFETIME leweru V'iKqiillo V-HJlt. Tlli'e ... i.i in.), i.uito are fastened '" ' '! y a v'.c-hl secretion from the 1. 1 ; l ..). i'r mi 2."0 to 3: eggs I 1 nl i t'n.e. and the little boat ' i. el ma s Is no c instructed thut It ;i cot overset. It cannot be sunk nor !.. any wny injured by wind, rain or water. It Is almndone 1 "y the Insect mil the ckh aro ha telle . by the heat of tha sun or ntmo ;pliere. A teuipcr nture below freezing Is said not to destroy the vitality of the mosquito's es's. The Hear, ! nf 111 Life. Sir AVilllam drove, the eminent sci entist and Jurist, never forgave himself for not discovering the spectroscope. "I had often observed," he said, "thnt there were different lines exhibited In the spectra of different nietnls limited In tho voltaic arc, nnd If I had had any reasonable nniount of wit I oiiKht to have seen the converse viz, thnt by Isnillou different bodies show In their pectral lines the materials of which Uiey nro composed." Two Poor WnlKri. Hewitt Time waits on no man. Jewctt I jruess that's the name of tho new waiter at my restaurant. New York Press. NOTHING PITTS flWjBsl EXPOSIT Opens Wednesday Evening GREATEST MUSICAL PROGRAMME EVER PRESENTED fJREATORE "ttiyust '29 to Gep. ember 8 Yi-ilDirsSlE TSiOWIAS Dr'tiHESTnA September 10 to 15 SQUSA SeptoiVjer 17 to 22 hg TOMSK HIPrODROSSS ""T'r K?JAfcKCSUZ hilt HIS WONCZRfU. AiHSiiir "Destruction nl fc 1 frn--. :co' L'nllnl -Stares Ooverim-it". -Kagniflcsnl IMi'bil of 11.3 r.r .n.irccs pi t::8 So'iili "A,-ou;nl v ' 'jrV Viin graph iVInviiig Piuasaj Enormous Fcit:j '.'.'h: l Cn; Tare for Round Trip on All rvailroadu ADMISSION 25 CENTS The Star's Want Column gSSEaaBSMt'iRCBEIffaSEiil feaKMQggagiEMB M. 2ES V. PA. I &YQ13 Are The One to Suffer by the "penny-wise pound-foolish" policy of mixing your own paint9. Kuy Lawrence Ready Mixed Paint prepared from the best pigment and the purest linseed oil with scientific accu racy. Guaranteed by the maker. Lawrence Ready Mixed PAINT Sold by Ko.ytoie- Hardware Company LIKE IT" AUGUST 29 HERBERT September 24 to 29 ELLERY'S BAND October 1 to 6 AMROSCH October 8 to 20 never fails to bring result ,ywLMi. SA -I II-