ffllg it Slav. Subscription fl.OO pet near in advance. C.A.STKPHKNSON.Kdltor hiiu Hub. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15. lflOO.' Entered at tUn postotlice in Keynoldavllle a,.asiiecond cIuru mull muttur. SOMKRVll,l.t I'm.EI-nONENo. 61. SECOND-HAND SHOW CASE FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. CALL AT C. F. HOFFMAN'S JEWELRY STORE. t Spices for Pickles To make savory sweet pickles you need good spices. You will experience the best results with all your pickling if you use our Pure Spices. We have them whole or ground. fl Little q! EvenjtMnQ. Criminal court is being held at Brook ville this week. The M. E. Sunday Fehool will picnic at Romantic Park to-morrow. Vesper sirvlce in M. E church Sun day evening from 7.00 to 8 00. VThe Gourley reunion is being held at Jeffeion Park, near Punxsutawney,' to-day. VA daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gates at Graceton, Pa., August 6, 1006. Ja new smoke stack has been put up over the boilers at W. A. Leech's plan ing mill. Chautauqua vesper services in the M. E. church next Sunday evening from 7.00 to 8.00. There are some very bad sidewalks in Reynoldsville and they are not all on back streets either. Meeting of the Foreign Missionary Society of the M. E. church will be held in the church parlor Friday afternoon. The DuBois Traction Company has men at work grading for the extention of its trolley line from Sykesville to Big Run. Dr. James Conway, pastor of the Brookville Presbyterian church, has given the congregation his resignation as pastor. Arthur O'Donnell, Jr., requests the party who took Ice cream freezer off his back porch last week to return it promptly. The P. O S. A. Camps of Jefferson county and DuBois will hold a picnic at Romantic Park, Sykesville, on Labor Day, September 3rd. H. A. Swab, contractor, who is build ing five dwelling bouses at Rimersburg, was not at home when his barn was burned Friday afternoon. The harvest home service and picnic of the Grace Lutheran church of Emer ickville will be held on 'Wednesday of next week, August 22nd. Almost two hundred tickets were sold at the P. R. R. station in this place Monday to people who were going to Brookville to attend court. Repairs on the tank of the Star GlasB Company have all been completed, the 'tank charged with cullet and is now ready for applying the torch. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Weed rill cele brate their stiver wedding on Thursday of next, week, August 23. Invitations have been issued. On account of Chautauqua vesper services in the M. E. church next Sun day evening there will be no meeting of the Epwortb. League. The borough dads will have new sewer inlets put in on Main street. They will be set in the curb. Two have been put in near postoffice. A base ball team came up from Brook ville Thursday afternoon and defeated a Reynoldsville team in a game on the diamond in this place. Score 14 to 4 The wet weather of last week dam aged the oats considerably in this sec tion. Some of the farmers had oats cut and could not haul it in between showers. The Protected Home Circle picnic that was announced to be held in Mam moth Park to-morrow has been post poned until Thursday of next week, August 23rd. Next Sunday evening vesper service will be held in the M. E. church instead of preaching service. The vesper ser vice will begin at seven o'clock and con tinue one hour. The merchants and clerks are enjoy i g the six o'olock closing these even ings. It will go a little hard with them after the first of September to keep open until eight o'clock. The Jufferson County Agricultural Society and Driving Park Association will hold its annual fair at Brookville September 4, 5, 6 and 7. This, fair promises to be bettor than ever before. Vhe doctors of Jefferson, Clearfield and Elk counties will bold a picnic at the Driving Park in DuBois on Friday of this week. It is the annual picnic of the Jefferson County Medical Society. During the storm last Friday evening lightning struck a tree close to the house of Malvln Styers, near Wlshaw, and gave the entire family quite an electrical shock, but no serious effects resulted. Fourth quarterly meeting service In the M. E. church next Sunday morning. Sunday school at 9 45, love feast at 10.30, followed by sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 11.30. There will be no preaching. , Rev. James Waite, a missionary in Cblna, who is visiting hiB mother near this place, gave a missionary address in the Reynoldsville M. E. church Friday evening, and a short missionary talk in the same church Sunday evening. Dr. Thomas F, Nolan, who bad charge of Dr. Gourley's practice at Bradley, Ohio, a month, returned to Reynolds ville Thursday and had charge of Dr. H. B. McGarrah's work Saturday, Sun day and Monday, in the absence of Dr. McGarrah. The annual picnic of Trinity Evangel ical Lutheran Sunday school and congregation will be held in Ro mantic Park at Sykesville, on Saturday of this week August 18. The Sunday school will leave Reynoldsville on the 9. 20 car. All will be welcome. A number of Daughters of Robe k ah and other ladies from this place and Rathmel drove to home of Mrs. Lizzie Smith in Beechwoods last Wednesday and held a picnic. Had the weather been favorable more ladies would have tt tended the picnic. Dr. A. J. Meek, pastor of the Baptist church, and family left here Monday on a two weeks' vUit in Pittsburg, Greens burg, . Waynesburg and other places. Rev. J. E. Dean will preach in the Bap tist church Sunday morning and there will not be any preaching in that church Sunday evening. Mention was made in The Star last week that the teachers and pupils of the Dennison school in the Beechwoods will hold a reunion in the Ross grove August 29. This promises to be a big reunion. Nlnian Cooper, of this place, came with in one of teaching the Dennison school the winter of 1846. ' The Daughters of Rebekah will hold a plcnio in the Reynolds park on Wednesday of next week, August 22. All Odd Fellows and wives, Daughters of Rebekah at.d members of Women's Relief Corps are invited. Coffee will be made free for ail. If it should rain picnic will be held in I. O. O. F. ban queting room. Mrs. Harriet Lingenfelter died at the borne of her daughter, Mrs. Melvin Styers, near Wishaw, at 1.00 a. m., August 4th, 1906. Dropsy was the cause of her death Deceased was born February 22, 1835, and was 71 years, 5 months, and 13 days old at the time of death. Interment was made Sunday afternoon at Battle Hollow 'cemetery .beside her first husband, Samuel McGhee. On Thursday of laBt week a party con sisting of Mrs. F. R. Best, Mrs. Al. Leech, Mrs. Walter Dillman, Mrs. J. O'Connor. Mrs. T. O'Connor, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Catbcart, Miss Frances O'Connor and others,, en joyed a tally-ho trip to Brookville. They were joined by a number of Brookville people at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carroll and were splen didly entertained. K. of P. Reunion. The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of the Grand Domain f Penn sylvania will meet in DuBois next week, August 21st to 25th. Reunion of the First Reunion District, which comprises Jefferson, Clarion, Armstrong, Clear field, Indiana, Centre andElk counties, will be held on Thursday, Aug. 23rd. Manufacturers to Meet. A meeting of the National Associa tion of Window Glass Manufacturers will he held at Fort Pitt Hotel, Pitts burg, on Wednesday of next week, August 22nd, at which meeting it is expected that the manufacturers will select a wage committee to treat with a wage committee from the Amalgamated Association. Two Bricklayers Injured. Last Friday morning Bert Bussard, of Brookville, and Ralph Syphrit, of New Bethlehem, two bricklayers who were working on J. Morris Smith's house on Worth street, were Injured by the scaffold breaking. Both men had a gash cut in hack of head, requir ing three to five stitches to sew up the wound. The men were bruised con siderably by brick falling on them. New Automobile. A. B. Weed, train dispatcher on P. R. R., has bought a new automobile, which arrived here Monday. It is a Wayne light tour car, Model G, 14 horse power, bevel geer driver, heavy wheels and heavy springs with gasoline power. The car is painted a carmine color. It haB two seats and five persons can ride in It very comfortable. It is a beauty and has the latest Improvements. y'For Fire Protection. The Reynoldsvlllo Water Company will lay a six Inch water line from the pump station down Fifth street to con nect with the main water line on Main street. This line is to be used to pump water direct from dam Into the mala line in case of fire. The pipe alone for this line, which Is now being hauled along the street, cost about $800.00. The pipe will be laid as soon as possible, Picnic and Carnival. '' Big harvest home picnic and carnival at Nolan Park, in Clarion county, four days this week, beginning to-day and closing Saturday. Among the attrac tions will be day and night .balloon as censions, trained horses, base ball, John L. Sullivan, the pugilist, who will box four rounds with his partner each day. Prominent speakers will be present, in cluding Hon. W. T. Creasy, the famous granger and legislator, and Hon. Alex ander McDowell. Killed Twenty-Three Snakes. Last week Amos Strouse, tax col lector of Wlnslow township, got up a party and drove over Into Clearfield county to pick huckleberries. There were 34 persons in the party, sixteen of whom were of the gentler sex. There were six wagons In the caravan. Mil ton Filbart, of this place, was one of the jolly party. He says they killed twenty-three rattlesnakes and only got seven bushels of huckleberries alto gether. Huckleberries, must be scarce and rattlesnakes plenty. Miss Carrie J. Carnahan, of Pittsburg, secretary of the Philadelphia Branch of the Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal church, delivered interesting and instructive addresses in the M. E, church at this place Saturday evening, Sunday morning and Sunday evening. Miss Carnahan epent two years in making a trip around the world, at her own expense, to acquaint herself with the missionary work in foreign lands. She is an intelligent woman, good talker and is able to hold the close attention of bor audience. . Lrge Funeral. The funeral service of MfV Philip Koehlet held in the M. E. church last Thursday afternoon was largely attend ed. The service was conducted by Dr. J. A. Parsons, assisted by Rev. James H. Jelbart, of New Bothlehem. The floral tribute was beautiful. The fol lowing outbf town relatives and friends attended the funeral : Miss Julia Barry, of Stroudsburg, Pa., J. H. Crawford, Wilkesbarre. Mrs. Dr. J. K. Brown, Mrs. James Hawthorne, Misses Clare and Virginia Hawthorne and Mrs. Grant Scheafnocker, of Brookville, Rev. James H. Jelbart and wife, of New Bethlehem, and a number from Beech woods and Hormtown. Won a Wager on Walking. Fred Carlson, a miner of Westville, who is a fast walker, 'bet ten dollars with another citizen of Westville that he could walk from Westville to Reyn oldsville, a distance of almost eleven miles, in two boure. The walk was to have been made Sunday, but the mines at Westville were idle Saturday and Mr. Carlson won tbe wager that day by walking to Reynoldsville in one hour and forty-two minutes. Gust Nestor and Andrew Arbucklo,' also of West ville, drove behind Mr. Arbuckle to see that he did not run and that he walked from Westville to Reynoldsville within tbe time limit. They had to make their horse trot frequently to keep up with Carlson. , " , See the new negligee shirts at Mil lirens. ' Lightning Struck Two Places. During the heavy storm about five o'clock last Friday evening lightning struck the barn of H. A. Swab, on Fifth street, and set the barn on fire. Hope Hose Company promptly respond ed to fire alarm, but the barn was de stroyed before tbe firemen got the flames under control. A workshop and small dwelling house near barn were not damagee by the fire, but had it not been for the work of .the firemen tbe shop and house would have been burned. There were a number of chickens and two tons of baled hay In barn. The chickens escaped in safety, but the hay vas badly scorched. There was some lumber burned near the barn. Mr. Swab did not carry any insurance. Philip Koehler's house was struck by lightning during the storm Friday about five o'clock. There was not much dam age done to house, Marvelous Feat While Asleep. Eight-year-old daughter of William Shutt got out of bed several nights ago while asleep, crawled out of second story window, down side of house on some small vines, was carried into the house by her father and did not awaken until he put her on her feet. It is, mar velous how she got out of the window and down the side of house without falling. Some members of the family heard the little girl crawling down side of house and thought It was a robber. In looking for the supposed robber Mr. Shutt found his daghter before she had gotten down to the ground. Sunday School Picnic. Tbe Methodist Episcopal Sunday school will hold a picnic at Romantic Park, Sykesville, to-morrow. The first car will leave here at 9.20 a. m. and there will be an extra car every 35 minutes after that until noon. Fare for round trip 15 cents. Tickets will be on sale this afternoon and to-morrow at Stauffer's grocery store, Stoke & Feicht drug store, Tyson's grocery store and James W.Spry's grocery Btore. Par ents, members of congregation and friends are invited to attend the picnic. Evening Party. Miss Pearle Barrett entertained a number of friends Monday evening In honor of her guests, Misses Emily, Elsie and Adda Douglass and Edith Mackie, of Allegheny City. Parlor games were played and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Fine refreshments were served. Out of v town guests present: Miss Mary Neff, of Punxsutawney, Miss Sadie O'Connei, of Milrate, Charles Mohney and Charles Fye, of DuBois. Big Fair at DuBois. In this Issue of The Star will be found a two column advertisement of tbe big fair to be held in DuBois Aug. 28th to 31st under the auspices of tbe DuBois Driving Association. Tbo as sociation promises to give the people good races, Wild west show, balloon as cension, midway attractions, ball games, etc. Read tbe advertisement. Free Tuition For prospective teachers seventeen years of age. College preparatory de partment. Conservatory of music. Com mercial department. Three new build ings. The fall term of the Indiana Nor mal School of Pennsylvania will begin Tuesday, September 11. 1906. Catalogue free. Address D. J. Waller, Jr., In diana, Pa. The House Keeper. Tbc'Prlz'tr stoves and ranges repre sent the best of everything in stove making. They please the housekeeper because they are what they want at prices they can afford to pay. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by Royn oldsville Hardware Company. The Board of County Commissioners recently redeemed 117,000 of outstand ing county bonds, thus reducing the county indebtedness to that amount. While the taxpayers furnished the money that made redemption of theBe bonds a possibility tbe commissioners de serve proper credit for using the money to the best purposes, and stop the pay ment of large sums in interest. Brook Tille Republican. Large luscious blackberries are very plenty in this section thU year, and are soiling at four cents a quart. Clarion State Normal School opens September 4. Expenses for the year (41 weeks) to prospective teachers, $136.00. Write for catalog to J. George Becht, Principal, Clarion, Pa. Tbe Reynoldsville school board will receive bids for good first-class run of mine coal for the coming school year. Coal to be delivered at the school build ing. Al) bids must be in the hands of secretary by the 15th of September, 1906. W. H. Bell, Sec. Parasols at Millirens. Butter-fly batistes at Millirensl Young men desiring rooms in the new dormitory of the Indiana Normal School of Pennsylvania will find it to their ad vantage to send in their applications at once. Address D. J. Wallor, Jr., In diana, Pa. Pure imported olive oil 60 cents a can at J. Damore's. - Must be Vaccinated. Tbe State health department under Dr. Dixon Is sending out instructions to; every school board in the State to tbe effect that tbe vaccination law must be rigidly enforced this year, especially since it has beon approved by the Supreme Court. It is suggested that those having children who must be vaccinated should attend to that during summer vacation so that tbey may be fully recovered before school opens in the fall. At tbe request of several school boards this notice is published, and it will be for the welfare of all to follow the directions of the health de partment. In another column of The Star will be found a notice from the school boards of Reynoldsville and West Reynoldsville that all children who have not been successfully vaccinated will not be per mitted to attend the next term of school. Rain Marred Pleasure of Encampment. On account of the rainy weather last week the Sons of Veterans' field en campment In Mitchell's Park, near Punxsutawney, was not as enjoyable an encampment an tbe boys bad at this place last year, and the attendance was not as large as it would have been had the weather been more favorable. Tbe Klttannlng S. of V. Camp joined tbe Field Encampment Association this year, and the Association Is now com posed of Camps from Jefferson, Clarion, Armstrong and Clearfield counties. Tbe place for holding the encampment next year was given into hands of a committee and It is very likely that the next encampment will be held in Reyn oldsville. New Tribe to be Instituted. A Tribe of the Improved Order of Red Men will be instituted at Klttannlng September 8th with a membership of at least one hundred. District Deputy Great Sachem C. Grant Rhoads, of this place, was In Klttannlng ovnr Sunday and on Monday the officers of the New Tribe were elected. Tbe degree team from Mazomanta Tribe No. 341, of Reynoldsville, will accompany District Deputy Rhoads to Klttannlng to do the degree work in instituting the Kittan ning Tribe. ' . Ingelow Club Entertained. Last Thursday evening Mrs J. L. Gra ham entertained the members of ths Ingelow Club at home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Corbett, and last evening Miss Sara Corbett, sister of Mrs. Graham, entertained the members of the Ingelow Club at same borne. Both evenings the members of the club were nicely entertained and fine refresh ments were served. ' A Good Band. "Dick" Ramsey's famous Keystone Band, of Reynoldsville, gave a concert in front of the Waverly Hotel last Thursday night, which delighted a large crowd of people. The selections rend ered were such as to show that this organization has the talent and skill to execute anything placed before it in the way of music. Punxsutawney Spirit. Harvest Home Picnic at Nolan Park. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company will sell excursion tickets to Nolan Park August 15 to 18, good returning until August IB, inclusive, from East Brady, DuBois, Sllgo, and intermediate sta tions at reduced rates. Consult ticket agents. New Flour. Have you tried Royal Quality Hour ? Best in tbe world. A strictly fancy spring patent ; Evory sack guaranteed. For sale by the following merchants : James H. Spry, Ed. .McCrnlght, E. M. Evans, J. W. Riggs, Harry Moore, Star Grocery, L. Dembek. W. G. Spencer, Agt. for Pa. Tuesday Excursions to Niagara Falls and Toronto. Every Tuesday, to and including Sep tember 25th, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R'y will sell excursion tickets from Falls Creek to Niagara Falls and Toronto, good for return passage any time within fifteen days from date of sale at fare of $7.45 to Niagara Falls and $8.90 to Toronto. For full information consult agents of tbe company. Balbriggan underwear at Millirens. A good light one that we can guarantee the Queen Inverted. Saves gas and mantles. Imitation of the electric light. Guaranteed for sixty days. Money back if not satisfactory. Full line gas lights and fixtures always in stock. Union Plumbing Co. Oxfords and low cuts at Millirens. Never before has there been such a large stock of floor coverings shown in this town than we have this spring. We have over 50 patterns of 9 ft. x 12 ft. rugs from $5.00 to $50.00, and over 7,000 yards of carpet from 20o to $1.60 per yard. Come and see our stock ; no trouble to show it. J. R. Hillls &Co. Straw hats at Millirens. See the white goods at Millirens. Take your watches and clocks for re pair to Samuel Katzon, tho jeweler. He guarantees all his work for one year. Next door to Postoflice, Roynoldsville. Laoe curtains at Millirens. THE NEW THEATRE. Plans for the Building will be in Hands of tbe Contractor this Week. The plans for the now theater for the Reynoldsvlllo Auiuacuient Company will be completed and In tbe hands of the contractors by tbe end of this week. The building will be 62 x 95 feut. will contain a gallery and be in every way a first-class, up-to-date theatre. At the entrance there will be an addition for the box office and a ladies' dressing room, also a coat and hat room for tbe ' use of patrons. The interior will be so constructed that it can easily be used for a gymnasium, basket ball playing, running track and a skating rink. On each side of the stage will be boxes de signed in the latest style. The stage will be large enough to accommodate the best attractions on the road. Under the stage will be a large room for dress ing room, lockers and bath room. Ar rangements are being made to open with a grand musical and military spec tacle of the civil war, Other shows are also being booked and some of the best attractions of the season have already been secured. It is the purpose of tbe management to book nothing but first-' class, clean shows that will please the people. In addition, basket ball games will be a feature and some good playing can be expected, as some of tbe best teams in Western Pennsylvania will be scheduled to play here. From the pro gram now being got together, this com pany will be a great success and will be a great factor in attracting people to this town, which is destined to be tbe best In Jefferson county. Little Expenene with Bees. Cbief-of-Police Frank P. Adelsperger was going around for several days the past week with a skinned nose and badly swollen eyes, but he did not get them by coming In contact with a pair of knuckles. Saturday a hive of Mr. Adelsperger's honey bees swarmed on a cherry ttee and he climbed tho tree to capture the bees. Th' limb he was standing on broke and tie fell and bis nose was skinned in coming In contact with tbe ground. Falling from the tree disturbed the bees and some' of tbe pesky little things gave vent to their ill temper by stinging Mr. Adelsperger, which was tbe why fore of the swollen eyes and face. Frank is congratulating himself that all the bees did not sting bim. . The bunch of little fellows got away from Mr. Adelsperger and flew over tbe hills. ' Accept our Thanks, Gentlemen. J. M. Culp, a farmer who resides near Desire, was in town yesterday and pre sented The Star office force with a bushel of choice eating apples. This is the second bushel of apples Mr. Culp has given to this office this year. Samuel Dickey, one of our farmer friends, has the thanks of ye editor and The Star office force for Bomo choice eating apples left at this office Satur day. His kindness is very much ap preciated. Liable to a Fine. There is an ordinance in this borough making a person liable to a fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars who tie a horse to a shade tree within this borough and the horse injures the tree. A number of people, evidently, don't know anything about this ordinance. Church Notice. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran church notices: Sunday School 9.45 a. m., preaching at 11.00 a. m., Luther League 6,45 p. m., vesper service 7.45. Grace Lutheran church, Emerlckville: Service 3.00 p. m.; harvest home service and picnic August 22; service In the church at 10:30 a. m. LLOOTTSS For Sale on Easy Terms. Thirty fine residence lota for sale on extension of Fourth street on easy terms, to suit purchaser. Inquire of E. Neff, Reynoldsville, Pa. Wllliamsport Commorcial College. Fall terra begins Tuesday, September 4. Students admitted at any time. Over 200 calls received ror oooKKeepers ana stenographers last year. Catalogue and . trial lessons free. F. F. Healey, Prop. The Lock Haven State Normal school I closed the most succesful year in its his tory. Its new catalogue containing 122. I pages, beautifully illustrated, is now ready for distribution, xnia isoneoi toe great schoos of our state and affords the best available advantage for the train ing of teachers, fitting for college or business. Its department of music and elocution are also largely patronized and thoroughly equipped. The fall term begins September 10th. Address for catalogue, the principal, J. R. Flicking er, Lock Haven, Pa. Tbe musical features of the week of August twentieth to twenty-fourth at Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, New York, will consist of three con certs : On Monday evening a perform ance in which tbe Male Glee Club and Mandolin Club will take the principal part; on Wednesday afternoon the HKual popular concert ; and on Friday evening one in which all will fool a familiar interest, ''Auld Lang Syne." Florsheiro shoes at Millirens