v lie Ay REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1906. NUMBEB 10. 0 VOLTTMF, 1S. Jr ii The Peoples National Bank "Men," says Fielding, "do not become rich by what they get, but by what they keep." Our sav ings department is helping a lot of people to keep." Deposits received in any amount and at any time during the month. Interest computed twice a year, January and July, and compounded. Said accounts have excellent withdrawal privileges. : : : OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS 7.3Q TO B.3Q. The Peoples National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pa. ESTABLISHED IN 1875 Tmmmmm CAPITAL ffilOO.OOO.OO HONEY Q U A I T Y Rea's Quality Honey Takes the lead. Ask your dealer for Rea's and get a pure article and the finest quality comb honey that can be produced. Rea's methods are scientific. He has the largest up-to-date apiary In this part of the Btate. His honey has no unclean stains on the cap pings and even the wood of the sections is clean and white. PERSONAL GUARANTEE. If after eatlnn part of a section of my honey, you find the quality Is not as represented, return, Jt to me or your dealer and your money will be cheerful ly refunded. Not a single section hs been re turned In ten years. Call at Mnplewond apiary and be convinced. Visitors aro always welcome. Fancy quality honey only lHc per section. Sold by the fol lowinn merchants of Keynoldsvllle, West Reynolds ville and Rathmel: Robinson & Mundorft Chas. P. Koerner . Headley's Cash Store W. H. floor Hunter & riilllren Jas. A.Tyson J, W. Rigga D. B. & W. B. Stauffer J. D. Woodring & Son J. H. Korb S. C. Henry J. Bateson, Jr. , James H. Spry GEO. H. REA, R. F". D. INo. 2 Q U A La I T Y HONEY The Union Plumbing Com'y "Habit of Good Workmanship" A man doesn't have to know very much to get into trouble. But it usually takes a man that knows his bus iness to get him out. SMALL THINGS OVER-LOOKED usually cause the most trouble. A certain party wanted a sink installed. CHEAPEST MAN, CHEAPEST GOODS. Hegotthem. Up to date he has spent almost ten dollars on that sink and waste pipes. He could have got the best sink we have installed properly for less than what this has cost him and not have any trouble. People who take the trouble to investigate usually have us do their work. REFERENCE Any person we ever done work for. THE UNION PLUMBING COMPANY. Store open from 7.H0 a. m. to 8.00 p. m. Summervllle 'Phone. Two doors below Opera House. REYNOLUSVILl.E. N. HANAU July Clearance Sale ' - All Summer Goods Reduced 10c Figured Lawns 6V2C. 5c Embroidery now 3c 20c Embroidery at 10c. 45c Girls' Dresses at 33c. 10c Figured Batiste GV2C. 10c Embroidery now 7Vc. 25c Girls' Dresses at 19c. 50c Girls' Dresses at 39c. Cannot mention all bargains. Come and see our goods and get prices. N. HANAU. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. THE PEOPLE WHO ARE PASSING TO AND FRO. William Gibson was at Clarion Mon day. J. J. Sutter was in Wllllarasport last week. , Mrs. H. F. Lavo U visiting in Wll liamsport. Harvey Deter was at New Kensington Sunday. S. T. Reynolds was In Wllllamsport last week. John Carey, of Myetsdale, Pa., is visit ing In town. Miss Helen Seeley went to Chautau qua Monday. Mrs. C. R. Hall visited In Brookvllle the past week. Mrs. S. M. Gourley visited in Punx sutawney last week. Mrs. C. K. Hawthorne, of DuBols, spent Sunday in town. Will Crissman, of Pittsburg, Is visit ing In Reynoldsville. Carey Marsh, of Brookyllle, visited relatives in town last week. Rev. JameB H. Jelbart, of New Beth lehem, was in town Monday. James Bennett visited In Summervllle the fore part of this week. Miss Zoe Woodward visited in Falls Creek several days last weeks. John Ward, Jr., of East Pifsburg, spent Sunday in Reynoldsville. Mrs. Isaac Swartz visited in DuBois three or four days the past week. Frank McGlnnis, of Philadelphia, was in town a few days the past week. Harry F. Reynolds, of Pittsburg', is visiting his parents in this place. Misses Bessie - Sensor and Bertha Bowser visited in DuBois laBt week. Mrs. M. J. Farrell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. P. Howe, at Arcadia. Miss Agnes Riston is visiting .Mrs. Dr. H. W. Truitt In Indiana this week. Mrs. Nancy Coax, of Allegheny City, is viBlting in Reynoldsville and vicinity. Andrew Wheeler was at Kansas City, Mo., the past week buying a car load,of mules. yMrs. C. A. Stephenson Is visiting her mother, Mrs. Nancy Reynolds, in Lock Haven. Miss Grace Craig, who was visiting in Sligo, returned to thl9 place several days ago. Charles P. Koerner, groceryman, was at Niagara Falls and Buffalo, N. Y., lust weekr vMrs. O. II. Johnston visited her mother at Day, Clarion county, during the past week. .jMiss Eflie Mllliren has hue a visiting her brother, Glenn A Milllren, In Kane the past'week. Amos Klock, of Buffalo, N. Y., visit ed his son, Irving IX. Klock, in this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. ChHfles Spencer, of Bradford, spunt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell. . Miss Merrill Snyder, of Brookville, visited at the home f Mrs. L. M. Sny der during the past wf.k. Mrs. M. 51. Crlbh.. of Wllklnsburg, is visiting her parent. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Ris'on, on Grant i"-eut. , Mrs. H Erl Swift. . f Brookvllle, is visiting hur parent!. Mr. and Mrs. William Barclay, in this place. , Miss Mary Weiner, of Pittsburg, is a guest at the bome of Charles W. Herpel in West Reynoldsville. Mrs. J. O. Kessler, of DuBois, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Stiles, In West Reynoldsville last week. Mrs. James S. Abernathy was called to 'Jamestown, N. Y., last Thursday by the serious illness of her mother. Dr. Clarence H. Reynolds will go to Indiana, Pa., to-day to take charge of a drug store for a couple of weeks. Mrs. A. H. Fleming went to Sabula, Pa., yesterday to spend a few pays with friends who are camping near Sabula. Miss Ruth Stiles returned last week from an extended visit in Iowa City, Cedar Rapids and other places in Iowa. Fred K. Alexander, cashier Peoples National Bank, wife and son, Arnold, spent Sunday in Clarion with relatives. Mrs. F. P. Howe, of Arcadia, who was viBlting her parents in this place several weeks, returned borne Saturday. William Warren, a civil engineer employed near Johnstown, Pa., is spend ing a few days at his borne in this place. Mrs. T. V. Malloy, of Butler, who was viBlting her parents in this place several weeks, returned home Satur day. V, - . ' Mrs. Ida Snow, of Pittsburg, has been visiting in West Reynoldsville. Vincent Reynolds, of Johnstown, Pa , Is visiting his parents In this place. James Bennett went to Kingsvtlle, Clarion couty, this morning to accept a position. Mrs. S. B. Hall, of Brookvllle, has been visiting in West Reynoldsville the past week. Harry Conrad Horpel. M. E..' will go to Little Fall, N. Y., to-day on a business trip. Mrs. G. Newell Meeker and Miss Luclle Mitchell are visiting in Clear field, Houtzdale and Philipsburg. Mrs. H. J. Pollitt spent Sunday at Craigsvllle, Butler Co., where Mr. Pollitt is superintendent of a woolen mill. Mrs. George H. Haggerty, of Arling ton, N. J., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hennlnger, In this place. Mrs. Francis O. Sutter and son, Ken neth, left here this morning to visit in Cleveland, Ohio, and Three Rivers, Mich. George Barrett, student In Glrard College, Philadelphia. Is visiting his grandfather, George 5IcGrody, in this place. ' Mrs. L. Pohl and daughter, Viola, of Pittsburg,' have bien the guests ef Charles P. Koerner and wife the past two weeks. t Mrs. Ada McNutt and daughter, Mrs. Dr, V. K. Corbett, of Driftwood, were guests of Mrs. A. M. Woodward last Thursday. . Mrs. J. j. Sutter, Mrs. Albert Sutter and Mrs. Brashlngton spent Sunday and Monday with Mrs. Harry P. Thompson in Brookvllle. Mrs. Sibylla Nolf and grandson, Ward Nolf, of Putney vllle, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. A. F. Yost, In this place last week. Misses Vera and Margaret Apple gate left on Monday for Van Wert, Ohio, to visit their grandparents,, Mr. and Mrs. John Cramer. Mrs. W. C. Helmbold, Mrs. Gustavus Wolf, and three children, of Curwens vllle, were the guests of Mrs. W. B. Alexander Monday. a Dr. J. H. Hoffman and son, Norman, of Pittsburg, spent Sunday with the former's brothers; C. F. and J. J. Hoff man, In this place. . Dr. B. E. Hoover and wife are spend ing this week at home of Doctor's parents on a farm at Wlnslow, Gatklll township, Jefferson Co. Mrs. Mary Stodard, of Portland, Oregon, has been visiting her Bister, Mrs. J. H. B. Taylor, In West Reyn oldsville for a week or two. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cook and .Mrs. John Hocking, of Beaver Falls, who were visiting in this place and Rath mel. will return home to-day. Mrs. E. A. Clark and daughter, Miss Mildred, and Miss Evelyn Cailol, of Du Bois, were guests at the home of John O'Hare on Hill street, Sunday. Mrs. Joseph R. Milllren left here Saturday to visit In Wlnslow, Rosslter, MabafTey and Punxsutawney. She expects to be absent three weeks. Misses Minnie and Daisy Strong wt.l leave here to-day or to-morrow on a pleasure trip to Erie and other places. They will be absent several week. Mrs. Susan Springer, of Hawthorne, who was visiting her daughters, Mrs. C. E. Jones and Mrs. Calvin DeHart, in this place returned home last week. Mrs. Brashlngton and daughter, Mrs. Albert Sutter, of Franklin, Pa., are visiting at home of he tatter's father-in-law, J. J. Sutter, on Pleasant avenue. Mrs. Charles Lyle, of Kel'.ay's Sta tion, who was visiting her mother, Mrs. Lilly Moore, at Rathmel, returned home yesterday. Fred and Mary Moore accompanied her home. Miss Jennie Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thompson, of this place, who was In California and Old Mexico throe years, returned to her home in this place Saturday. H. C. Fleming, of Driftwood, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Fleming, at Emerlckvllle, and visited his sister, 5frs. Robert Z. Par rlsh, at this place this week. Mrs. Philip Koohlejif accompanied by Dr. J. B. Nealo, went to Pittsburg Monday to undergo treatment in the Mercy hospital. Her husband, Philip Koehlor, who has been In Iowa several weck9, will m?et her In Pittsburg. . Leon D Ferris, of Pittsburg, was in Reynoldsville Saturday and Sunday. Leon Is an rx-Reynoldsville boy whom fortune is Ireatly kindly In the "Smoky City." He Is now manager of a large wholesale merchandise house. Mrs. Martin Hanrahanand daughter, Grace, and Miss Sara Johnston, of Brookville, Beatrice Filllnger, of Clarion, and Gene McDonald, of Crown, Pa., visited Mrs. G. R. Yuengert In West Reynoldsville a day last week. Claude Truttt and wire, of Pittsburg who have been visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Truitt, In this place, went to Tyrone yesterday to visit a few days. They will return heie before going to their borne In Pittsburg. Mrs. J. M, Dally, of Penileld. and ber Bister, Mrs.. J. M. Groves, of Portland, Oregon, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. G. M. McDonald, in this place last week. This is Mrs. Groves' first visit In this section of the country in fcrty four years. James W. Gillespie, wife and daugh ter, Catherine, will go to Salamanca, N. Y., to-morrow and spend several days with Ed. Hoy, president of First National bank, of Salamanca, and family. Monday Alex J. Gillespie will meet his parents at Salamanca and they will go to Chautauqua to remain a couple of weeks. Sykeavllle. Mrs. J. M. Loghry and grand daugh ter, Imilda, visited In DuBois Monday James Ackley, wife and two daugh ters, Faye and Margarett, of Halton, visited with Wm. Rlshell and wife last week. Fifteen members of the Sykesvlllle choir attended the dedication of the M. E. church at Sandy Valley Sunday evening. Mrs. Florence Minns, daughter Bessie and sister-in-law, Miss Martha Minns, of DuBois, visited with Mrs. J. M Loghiy Sunday. Misses Lula Gearhart, Anna and Laura Ennis and Maude Philllppi leave to-day (Wednesday) for a month's visit in New York City and Philadelphia. Edward Mix, wife and daughter, Essie, two grand children, Adaline and John Yoder, of DuBois, and Harry Mix and wife, of Alllegheny, visited with J. M. Loghry's on Wednesday. Miss Maude PblllippI entertained her Sunday school class, numbering about fourteen girls, at her home Friday evening. Ice cream, cake and water melon were served as refreshments. On Wednesday a orowd of people numbering about sixty gave Mrs. Geo. Dunlap a complete surprise, it being ber birthday. In the evening a crowd of young people numbering thirty-seven assembled. A neat lunch was served about eleven o'clock. Miss Twila London entertained six teen of her girl friends at her home Thursday. They assembled about ton o'clock in the forenoon. A sumptuous dinner was Berved at the noon hour to which all did justice. The afternoon was spent in playing games. Luck and Chance. Luck and chance don't figure in the making of Prisser Stoves and Ranges. They are the result of good materials, careful workmanship and the best ex perience in stove making. They con tain many good Idea that lighten kitchen work and add to the comfort and convenience of the house-keeper. Come in and let us tell you about tbem. Sold and guaranteed by Reynoldsville Hardware Co. Excursion to Buffalo and Niagara Falls. The Buffalo, Roches tern ii Pittsburg R'y will run another of its popular low rate excursions to Buffalo and Niagara Falls on Sunday, August 12th. Special train will leave Sykes at 6.00 a. m. and returning leave Niagara Falls i7.00 p. m. and Buffalo 8.00 p. m. The round trip fare will be only 12.50 and tickets will also be good return!ngfrom Buffalo on regular trains Monday, Aug. 13th. United PresbyterianJReunion. The ninth annual reunion of the United Presbyterians will be held at Exposition Park, Conneaut Lake, Thurs day, August 9th. For this occasion the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will run a special excursion .train which will leave PunxsutawneyJatR.OO a. m. and returning leave Conneaut Lake at 6.00 p. m. Round . trip tickets $1.85. Children over five and under twelve years pf age half fare. Buckwheat Reunion at Goodville. For the Buckwheat reunion at Good ville Thursday, August 9tb, the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. will sell ex cursion ticket to Goodville and return for trains leaving Punxsutawney at 7.30 and 8.30 a. m. at the low fare of 50 cents for the round trip. Soldier. John Morton, who has been very ill, Is slowly improving. Mrs. C. Early has returned from a few days' visit with friends. Soldier Is to have a new doctor soon. Dr. Mills will move to Eleanora. Mrs. R. B. Smith and Mrs. Morgan Wilson, of Sykesyille, spent part of Wednesday with Mrs. D. Varner. Lightning struck one of the company's houses during the heavy storm Satur day, doing considerable damage. No lives lost. Miss Lizzie Clarkson, who has been in Cleveland, Ohio, for some time, re turned to her home in this place a few days ago. Mrs. George Allen, Sr.,' entertained her daughter, Mrs. Love, and a number of ber lady Irlends from DuBois one day last week. A few ladies from Soldier were invited and all report a very pleas ant time. Mrs. John Laverick, Sr , who was operated on at the Adrian hospital a few weeks ago, returned feeling well. But sorry to say the pains are return ing again in her face, wbicb makes it very discouraging for ber and her fam ily and friends. Blng-Stoke Co.'s Saturday shirt waist sale. Douglass shoes at Mlllirens. Shirt waist sale Saturday morning at Bing-Stoke Co.'s. - Want Column. Rates: One cent per word tor each and evorv Insertion. LOST Tan colored jacket between Jacob Schwem's and Reynoldsville. Finder will be rewarded by leaving jacket at this office. For Sale Four hundred chickens, seventeen varieties. 81.00 each. W. 51. Fetterhoff, Reynoldsville P. O., Jef ferson Co., Pa. Shipped any place. For Rent Five room fiat with oloset . and bath room. Also seven room bouse with closet and bath room, In good lo cation. Inquire of E. M. Evans. For sale Six room house on Grant st. Inquiie at New York Cash Racket store. For Rent Three office rooms on second floor and ball on third floor, all with modern conveniences, in Smith & McClure's new building. Inquire of F. D. Smith. Wanted 15 experienced weavers on woolen goods at once. .. Address Brookville Woolen Mills,Brookvllle,Pa. For Sale Ice cream tables and chairs. Inquire at the Reynoldsville Candy Works. Farm for Sale Fifty acres In cul tivation; located 31 miles west of Reyn oldsville; fruit of all kinds; good build ings ; farm In good condition and handy church and school. Inquire of Henry Snyder, Roynoldsvllle, Pa. For Sale One house and lot in West Reynoldsville' and one lot on Grant St., Reynoldsville. W. C. Smith, attorney. Old-fashioned Paint The good paint which lasted so well a generation and more ago, was simply pure white lead and pure linseed oil. Paint made of these two ingredients alone is just as good to-day as it ever was. The only point is to buy a brand which vou can rely on. Sterling 1 Pure White Lead (Made by the Old Dutch Process) and Armstrong & McKelvy Linseed Oil are guaranteed perfectly pure. They have the reputation of years be hind them. If your dealer will not supply you, it will pay you to write to us. NATIONAL LEAD & OIL CO. OF PA. , Second National Bank Bklg., Pittsburgh, Pa, For sale by all first -class dealers. J.