The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 16, 1906, Image 4

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the People who arePs-
; To and Fro. I
iibson U In Plttabui-K this
larye Duliey wk Ht B.-n n- z 'He
- i
fank A. MeConnell whs in Clarion
A. M. Applepate wua In Uimui-aburg 1
last week.
Mrs. Ed. Cleer returmd lojiui- liume
in Plttbburjf Saturday.
Mrs. Lizzie Smith, of Rockdale MIUb,
vlelted In town last wik.
Mrs. MagKie Foster has moved to
Hanorvllle, ArmatroDK Co.
Mrs. Martin I'lyler. "( Summurville
spent Sunday In this place.
Mrs. U. Gt Scbeafnocker, of Brook
vllle, was a visitor in town Monday.
' W. B. HofTmun and wife Bpent Sun
day In Emporium with relatives.
John M. Sirouttt was Kt Hmswii last
Friday attending a goldeu wedilioff.
Mrs. A. H. Fli-ming and duhter,
Helen, spent Sunday in Curwensville.
Mrs. Frank Wiley returned last
evening from a visit at Sigel and Knox
dalii. Raymond SUIed ano wife, cf Madera,
Pa., violted relativtm in lown Ihu past
Miss Annie Loidold is tu Buffalo. N.
. Y., this week alteiidiutf uiillloery upun
lags, MIhs Amelia Clark, of Bruokville,
was the guest of Mrs. C. U Hall Sun
day. Emm it Schlabig and wife, vl DuBois,
visited their parents in this place last
John Yenewlne went over to Water
son, Clarion Co., Monday to work in a
mine. '
Miss Maybel Sutter, of Pittsburg,
spent Sunday at home of her parents on
Pleasant Avenue.
Henry Robertson and wife, of Force,
Elk Co., returned home last week after
a visit in Rath mel.
Miss Minnie Keck, notary public and
stenographer, spent Sunday at her
home in Langvllle.
Miss Grace Doverspike, of New Beth
lehem, was the guest of MIhs Cora
Robertson last week.
Mrs. F. C. Whitmore, of East Pitts
burg, visited Mr. Whitmore's parents
in this place last week.
Miss Edith Baum, of DuBois, who
was visiting Miss Mary McClure, re
turned home yesterday.
Miss Sadie Keim, trained nurse, has
gone to Middletown, X. Y., to accept a
position In a sanitarium.
George Donbiser, who Is working in
a coal mine at Waterson, spent Sunday
at his home In this place.
Will F. Herpel ard wife, of i'unxsu
t awney, spent Sunday at home of lat
ter's parents in this place.
Alex Riston and son, Dr. Paul Riston,
were over at Lushback, Cameron coun
ty, last week trout fishing.
George Mellinger, surveyor, is doing
some work at the coat mine at Watter
s on, Clarion county, this week.
Miss Elsie Lawrence, teacher in the
- borough schools during last term, went
to her home in Muncy last Suturday
John McClure, a merchant of Allel
(fhenyClty, spent Sunday at b me of
his father, A. T. McClure, in this place.
Miss Anna Jelbart, of New Bethle
hem, visited her grandmother, Mrs.
Hannah Butler, in this place the past
Miss Anna A. Robertson, who attend
ed the borough school the past term,
Choose Your
A man should take such precautions
as he can to safeguard any investment
he makes. A house owner's expense
for painting is very often larger than it
would be if he personally looked after
the material put upon it. There is
often a difference of three years in the
vcaring of two different paints. Cer
tainly, in this case, time is money. If
vott v.i ii see that
l'urc White Lead
mixta with
i'tire Linseed
Oil is used nn
Sjc i 1 vnnr tinnc
1 wow
you Will
bills on a
reasonable basis. You can
tell the pure lead from
the adulterated kind bv
Pur While Lead
Tla&o bj the Old Dutch Prbceaa)
' factured for years and, as any
irnced painter will teir you, the
.'.ard by which others are judged.
:d for booklet containing aevaral hand
. reproductions of actual houaea, offer-.'-ijr.ble
auggestiona for a
engine in painting your
A taut lor paint pur.
" is also give:l.
CO. OF FA.. 3d H'l
v. Bunk BnUdtng.
' v fit Jlnuga, ?,
f f A
iv a
return, d to I er lioma at Bitumen
Monday. v
H. B fliioppr ard J. K Bond. to
promln nt citizen of Brockwayvil'e,
were in town Friday.
Mra. S. T. HimoH, of Punxautawney,
U vlnltlug hi r' inollur,' Mrs. Robert
Wait, near this place.
Mis Mary Ward U vli-itlng her
sister, MrB. Martin Feeneji. at L"ck
No. 4, up the Muniingitbela river from
Mrs Charlf Now, of JennottP, who
was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Sykes, returned tu her hnino
Mother M. Lucllla. of Villa Marin.
Pa., arrived In town last evening, called
here by the serib'us lliness of hor sister,
Mrs. John O'Hare.
Miss Irene Phllllppl, who had bem
at Colorado Springs, Col., since last
September, returned to her home In
this place yesterday.
Rev. D. L. Dickey, of. Mt. Pleasant,'
Ohio, Is visiting his daughter, Mrs.
A. D. McKay, at the Presbyterian
manse on Grant street.
W. C. Aimen Is In Pittsburg this
week attending the I. O. O. F. Grand
Lodge as a representative, from the
I. O. O. F. lodne of this place.
Mrs. Joslah Shoemaker went to Cora
o polls, Pa., Monday to visit her sister
and two brothers, Mrs. Eliza Rodgers,
S. M. and John R. MeConnell.
Miss Catherine Dewey, teacher In
high school In this borough during terra
that closed last week, went to her home
in North East, Pa., yesterday.
Harry Br'illhart, of DuBois, who was
seriously ill a couple of weeks ago, was
able to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. E. Brillhart, in this place Sunday.
Mrs. J. J. McCracken, of Creekslde,
Indiana Co., who was visiting her neice,
Mrs. H. Fred Stauffer, in West Reyn
oldsvllle last week, returned home
Friday. ,
Mrs. A. C. Scott and daugbter,Helen,
of Brookville, who spent three weeks'
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Thompson, returned home
Mrs. Will McLaln and daughter, Mies
Ethel, of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Charles
McCartney, of Punxsutawney, are visit
ing Mrs. Cora Mitchell and Mrs.
Margaret Mitchell in this place.
Prof. J. R. Wilson, who Is teaching
summer school at Summerville, was in
town Thursday evening to attend the
Reynoldsville high school commence
ment and Alumni Association banquet.
H. M. Clark, electrician, who had
charge of the Light & Power Co. plant
in this place, has resigned and gone to
Danville, N. Y., to take charge of an
electric light plant. Robert Bonet has
taken charge of the electric light plant
in this place.
Milliard McKee was called to Pitts
burg Saturday on account of the serious
Illness of his brother, Albert McKee,
who has typhoid fever. Milliard re
turned to this placo yesterday. His
brotherwas still living when he loft,
but was at the point of death.
Mrs. Edith Schugars, Mrs. Thomas
Evans, Mrs. James Orr and Miss Carrie
Deter left here Monday, morning for
Pittsburg to attend the Odd Fellows
Grand jLodge and Rebekah Assembly,
which Is being held there this week.
Mrs. Schugars is the delegate from this
place, the other ladies going as repre
sentatives. Miss Deter will visit in
Westmoreland and Clarion counties
before returning' borne.
Want Column.
Rates: One oent per word for each and
For Sale Tomato plants 10 cents a
dozen. Mrs. G. G. Williams.
For Sale Tomato, cabbage, Icauli"
flower and celery plants. P. G. Burk
hart, Pleasant Ave. cj C3
For Sale 50 acres of land with good
house and bank; barn and other out
buildings. Situated three miles from
Reynoldsville on the pike. Will sell
cheap on easy payments. M. M. Fisher.
Strayed White pony weighing
about 600Jelbs. strayed from Eleanor,
May 1st. ' Reward will be paid for re
turn of pony 'to James McKalllp, Eleanor,
For Sale One house and lot in
West Reynoldsville and one lot on
Grant St., Reynoldsville. W. C. Smith,
attorney. ,
u Wanted To buy a large number of
chickens. Bring them fcto iFrank's
Tavern, Reynoldsville.
, For Sale Two desirable building
lots on Hill St., near Third st. Easy
terms. Inquire of E. Neff. ',
For SALEGood horse, buggy and
harnets.-rWill be sold cheap, "inquire
at Hughes & Flemings undertaking
For Sale Two 6 room houseB near
Star glass plant. Inquire of M. M.
Davis or E. Neff.
Wanted Girl to work for small
family. Inquire of E. Neff. ,
For rent House on Jackson st. In
quire of E.,T. McGaw.
For Sale The Sprague mansion,
situate on Main street, Reynoldsville,
Pa. For terms Inquire of W. C. Sprague
or at the law office of C. W. Flynn.
Loi Anireits Not Shaken.
It whs reported that Lo Anifilew,
Cal.. wan ahaken imd damaged by the
earthquake at time San Francisco was
dentroyed. April Rth. but this report
was not eorrect. Wo reeelved a letter
from J. G. Brenbolt, nf L8 Angeles,
brother of W. G. Brenholt, the 8tar
Dairy milkman, of this pUce, and he
says that city was not shaken, that the
citizens were not even awakened by the
earthquake. A picture of the huslness
center of Los Angeles, taken after the
earthquake, was enclosed In the letter.
to show that the city' had not been
Shirt Waists.
Silk, linen, lawn and pTCals. You'll
be wanting the newest styles and lowest
prices. We have both. Bing-Stoke Co.
All persons are hereby warned not to
throw tin cans, rubblBh or garbage of
any kind on or along the publlo roads.
Any person guilty of, so doing will be
dealt with according to law.
By Order of Supervisors.
We have kitchen cabinets in five dif
ferent stylos and shall be glad to have
you look them over. Reynoldsville
Hardware Company.
Go to Long's Bargain Btnre in Centen
nial building for oil cloth for papering.
Up-to-Date ..
Wall Papers
Ceiling Decoration, Room r
Mouldings, Paints, Oils and
Varnishes. Very large stock, y
very low prices, at the
Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.
Newest Shoe Fashions
You will always find at our store the newest styles In footwear. It is
oilr aim to keep the best that is going and to give our customers just as
good stylo and value as can be had In city stores. We carry widths that
stores in small towns do not usually keep. If you have an A foot we oan
fit you as easily as we can an E or EE foot. If you will give us the oppor
tunity to fit .he shoes on your feet you will have less cause for complaint
of sore feet.
For Men, the BANISTER high grade at B 00 the pair. WALK
OVER, "known everywhere as the best value for the price asked," 83.50
and For Women, the QUEEN QUALITY and Ford's shoes, 82 50,
:! 00, f.1.50 and 84 00. White canvas oxfords, 81.50 to 11.00.
Foot Fitters
Real Value Trading StampB
given in every department.
Ladies' Mannish Jackets of
Tan Covert and Fancy Colors.
Greatest Heliable Department Store in Jefferson County
May Sale of Undermuslins and
White Goods
Trimmed Corset
Covers 10 Cents.
Drawers Trimmed Ele
gantly, both Jclosed and
open, 25c, 50c, 75c and
Nlolit Gowns
Best value at every price
50c up to the finest at $3.50.
Too many styles and too many ideas of trimming to
attempt a description. A personal inspection is the
only way to appreciate the scope of the showing and
the unusual values. 50c, 75c, $1.00, 1.50, 2.00, 3.00.
women's Skirts
Made of .fine muslin, lawn and
cambric, exquisitely trimmed
with lace or embroidery ruffles.
50c, 75c, $1.00, $2.00, $3.00,
$4s00, $4.50.
corset covers
Trimmed with lace and embroid
ery, finished -rt-, "bbon. Made
of muslin, lawn and nainsook.
25c, 40c, 50c, 75c and 85c.
Summer Suits
Made of Lawn, Linen and Chambra3r,
shirt waist style
$2.25, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00, $4.50.
Zephyrs, gingham suit, made elegantlj',
all sizes
Pure linen suit skirt, made medium
length, waist up, in latest fashion
Sliirt waists
Of Lawn and Linen. Some made plain
while otbers are trimmed elegantlj with
Val and Oriental Lace.
. $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
Summer White Goods
Dotted Lawns,
Dotted Swisses,
Dotted Mulls,
IOC tO 656
Dimities in fancy or the plain neat' little
10c, 15c, 25c.
Butterfly Batiste, a nice selection to
choose from 12V2C
Oriole Batiste I2V2C.
India Linons a great assortment
8c, 9c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 18c, 20c.
Imported Lawns of French and Per
sian makes 35c and 50c.
Shirt Waist Linens, 36 inches wide, 25
and 50c ; 34 inches wide 75c.
Shoes . . oxiords . . Shoes . . oxiords
For Summer, for Men, Women and Children. Patent Kid Oxford.Jhigh heel, large eyelel, $1.75. Gun Metal Oxford,
stylishly cut, $2.00. Patent Corona, black or chocolate, vici oxford, high heel, $1.25 and $1.50.
Douglass Shoes and Oxfords for men $3.00, $3.50, $4.00. '
Real value Trading Stamps given m Every Department.
Lace Curtains, Nottingham Curtains, Portierea with
Persian Designs. .