- i If i i UEYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A,, WEDNESDAY, MAY 16, 1906. NUttllEBl. VOLUME 15. PIONEER SETTLER GONE. 1 -Xi Jtt '".V I Old Maid 5 9 a Swings a a a a a a a a a a a a We can show you something very different this year in porch swings from that of last year. Note, these are large enough for two, has arm and foot rests, reclines so as to allow you to sit in any position. Are very pretty, strong and durable, have plenty . of chain to reach any heighth ceiling. They will cause you to smile when you see them and really make you laugh out loud to sit in them. Come in and let us tell you about them. a a & a a a a a a a a s5-' Reynoldsville Hardware Co, 1 a a a a tH fa a a a a a a a a a a a a a A CTIOI ! AUGTIOI On account of remodeling store room I will be compelled to reduce my stock. To do so quickly will offer at auction commencing lay, 9 J.IA1 Ny 2:00 p. m., continuing afternoon and evening until stock is sold, my entire stock of 16, 1906 Solid Gold and Gold Filled jewelry, Clocks, Cut Glass, Fine China, Etc. very article is of good quality and guaranteed to be as represented. During auction any article in stock may be called for and will be put up and sold to highest bidder. David B. McConnell Departed This Ufa Last Wednesday Night. At 10.45 p. m. Wednesday, May 9. IflOfl.. David B. McConnell died at the home of his son, Frank A. McCnnn4JI, ut Frank's Tavern, Uoynoldsvllle, after unhurt Illness. General debility was cause of death. Ho was born In Centre Co,, Ph., September 24, 1 Sl2 1 , und whs 84 yearn, 7 months ai.d 14 days old ut time of deutli. He was the bod of Willliam und Margaret Moore Mo Cornell, both of whom were born in Ireland. Mr. McConnell was one of a family of eleven children and ho was the last ono of the family to depart this life. He moved with bis parents to D'lechwood settlement In 1831, when that section was a vast wilderness and wild animals roamed tbo forests at will, making him one of the pioneer settlers of Beech woods. . In 18471 Mr. McConnell was married to Charlotte Campbell, of Clarion Co. In 18(19 he bought and moved on a farm near Brookville, where be resided until five or six years ago when be sold bis farm to the county commissioners lor a county borne. After selling the farm he came to Reynoldsville to live with his son, F. A. McConnell. His wife died April 24, 1880, over 26 years ago. In Novembar, 18fifi, deceased joined Hobah Lodge, No. 278, F. & A. M., In Brookville and was an honorary mem ber of that lodge the past four years. Politically he was always a stalwart Democrat. Several times he was elected justice of the peace, but would not accept the office. "Uncle DavU" was a gonial, good natured man, consequently, had a host of friends and was well known In the county, especially by the old Inhabit ants. He was the father of five sons and one daughter, two of the sons, "Tcot" and George, having died some years ago. He Is survived by three sons and one daughter, Frank A. and Ed. L. McConnell, of this place, J. Ray McConnell, of Klrkman, Pa., and Mrs. Barton Hutchlns, of Sbebota, Miss. Short funeral service was held at Frank's Tavern at 2.00 p. m. Friday, conducted by Rev. A. J. Meek, Ph. D. pastor of the Baptist church, and in' terment was made in the Beech wood 9 cemetory. Eleven members of the Brookville Masonic lodge and a number of Reyn oldsvllle Masons attended the funeral. The Brookville lodge had charge of the service at the cemetery. Prlester Bros., undertakers, had charge of the funeral. The floral tributes were beautiful, consisting of wreath from the Reynolds ville Preceptory of the Amalgamated Window Glass Workers of America, sheaf of wheat and carnations from Daughters of Rebekah, bouquet from Thelma Matthews, bouquet from Teatephla Evans, bouquet carnations from Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Schuckers bouquet carnations and roses from Misses Cora Larimer, Blanche Brown, Isabel McHenry and Verna Peace, six dozen carnations from Masonic Lodge of Brookville, bouquet of sweet peas and carnations from Masonic Lodge of Reynoldsville, bouquet from Mr. and Mrs. George Crissman, of Llndsey, pillow of carnations and lillles from grandchildren. Out of town relatives and frlende who attended funeral were : S. Miles and J. R. McConnell, of Coraopolis, Mr. and Mrs. M. Allgeler, Mrs. N. G. Pin' ney, of Brookville, John Miller and wife, of Punxsutawney, Jas. A. Cooper and wife, of Warsaw, nine Masons from Brookville, also a number of relatives and friends from DuBois, Falls Creek and Beechwoods. . Everybody come and yike advantage of this opportunity to get high grade goods at your own price C. F. HOFFMAN THE JEWELER V AFTER REPAIRS ARE COMPLETED WILL OPEN AT THE OLD STAND FOtfND IN THIS SECTION. Notice. Any person or persons removing or taking away any sand, gravel, stone or clay from the lands of the Reynolds' vllle Land fc Improvement Company, without permission, will be prosecuted without further notice. And to any person or persons having removed any Band, gravel, stone or clay without paying for same, are re' quested to make prompt payment for same. Reynoldsville Land & Improvm't Co. Woman's Judgment. The woman who exercises good every' day common sense, and profits by her own experience and that of others, will recognize in the Prizer Ranges, perfection in stove construction that is not found in other makes. We would be pleased to have you examine them and we believe you will confirm this statement. Sold and guaranteed by Reynoldsville Hardware Co. Never before has there beon such large stock of floor coverings shown in this town- than we have this spring, We have over 50 patterns of 9 ft. x!2ft, rugs from $5.00 to $50.00, and Over 7,000 yards of carpet from 20o to $1.00 per yard.' Come and see our stock i no ' " v' . . m D. B. McConnell, Deceased. Sykesvllle. Wm. Geary, of Indiana, visited in town several days this week. Ira Johnson and wife visited In Rath- mel with their parents on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Smith visited with Mrs. J. C. Schooch in DuBois, on Saturday. Mrs. George Bolt, of Rimersburg, visited Mrs. H. S. Clark last Thursday. Gaol'tre Johnston and wife, of Rath- mel, Bpent Sunday with their sou, Ira, and wife. Mrs. Wm. Stoughten and three sons spent Saturday with Mrs. H. A. Logbry of DuBois. Joseph Grinder and wife and son, Donald, of Ernest, visited with friends in town this week. A. M. Boughman and wife, and daughter, Wavle, visited with Mrs. W. A. London last Sunday. Edward Smith and Miss Cora Snyder of Reynoldsvillo, Bpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Gumbert. Mrs. Fred S. Maize and son, Clyde, visited last week and part of this with her parents in Punxsutawney. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Griffith, of West Virginia, visited with Atfen Null and wife last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. J. M. Loghry spent Saturday and Sunday with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. H. A. Loghry, In DuBois. I. G. Mansfield, George Walker, and Hiram Rupert, who are employed at Ernest, spent Sunday at their homes in town. On Wednesday a crowd of young people, numbering about twenty-flvo, gathered at the home of Ruth Bonnett to remind her of her eleventh birthday. Many games were indulged in by all present. At six o'clock an elegant Bupper was' served, after which many more gameB were played 'till seven o'clock when they repaired to their homes after wishing her many more such happy birthdays. Postmaster Robbed. G. W. Foutu, Postmaster at Riverton, la., nearly lost his life and was robbed of all comfort, according to his letter wjiich says : "For 20 years Ibad chronlo liver Oomplaint, which led to suoh a severe case of jaundice that even my finger nails turned yellow ; when my doctor prescribed Electric Bitters ; which cured me and have kept me well for eleven years." Sure cure for Bil iousness, Neuralgia, Weakness and all Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bladder derangements. A wonderful Tonic At Stoke & Felcht Drug Co.'s store, Reynoldsville and Sykesville. 50 cents. Tokio Toe. Ladies' and men's shoes ; patent leather, gun metal, calf and vici kid in . the new Tokio toe. $2 00 to $3.50. J31Ilg-Ol(!Ke LO. LLOOTTSS For Sale on Easy Terms. Thirty fine residence lots for sale on extension of Fourth street on easy terms, to suit purchaser. Inquire of E. NetT, Reynoldsville, Pa. White Goods. Indications are that this will be the greatest Benson yet for white goods. Why not select what you want now from our large stock. All styles, all prices. Blng-Stoke Co. Suits. For men, boy's and children in the newest cuts and fabrics at our always saving price. Bing-Stoke Co. Contractor and Builder. H. A. Swab, contractor and builder of Reynoldsville, will give estimates on short notice. He sells sea green and black slate for roofing. Clover and Timothy. Second alotment just received. Low er price, better quality. Reynoldsville Hardware Co. A Penny Wise and A Pound Foolish You have heard of it. So are people that do not get their work done by experienced workmen. Because if you do not, you are sure to make the difference up in doctor bills oX-.pairs. ' ."Sf We are experienced and first class mechanics, having installed some of the largest and finest work in town. ' 4 As we have done nothing but plumbing for eight years, don't you think that we know our business ? 'The Union Plumbing Go. C3 R. D. ALBRIGHT, Sole Owner. Summeryille Phone. Next door to Corwin's photo gallery. trouble to show it, J, R. HUHs & Co. '