The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 25, 1906, Image 5

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Tlic V Slav '
' ''ixcrtptiuii $1.00 jienieorin mh-nnre.
(!. t . h rKPHKNSiOiV .Killtoi hiio rub.
lintored at. the uostolllce ftl tluyntililsvlllft
n.. iih eicomlelatismallmntter.
Snmir.RVii,'Kr,KiMi()NitNo. 61.
'JiJ'lTU j'our new spring
suit and new boit
net you will need some
thing new in jewelry, lint
pins, waist sets, cuff pins,
fancy combs, etc. We
have a large assortment
and exquisite styles. Call
and see our hand painted
silk parasols.
c. p. Hoffman
Li J
Tfxzzu xxxi.i:l.:x. ::.rr:.-
Wall Paper
Wu tiitvt.! just finished clean
ing up inn1 wall paper stock
and many d designs luivo
bi en reduced to half a dozen
nil In or e.-s. Rnnucli for a
mn.iH room or closet. They
arc dlspltiyed. plainly marked,
on rvnt'T counter.
R.-tter leok over the regular
Btook too while you're in.
,fl Little o! Everything. '
Mock triiil In Assembly hall to-morrow
Mrs. Daniel Nolan baa boon Boriously
ill for a few days.
Ladios of Baptist church are having a
quilting in the church parlor to-day.
Son w-b bom to Mr. and Mrs. H. D.
Albright Monday morning, April 2.1,
The high school alumni banquot will
beheld at Hotel Imperial Friday even
ing, May 11.
Ninlan Cooper Bays that thirty-two
years ago Monday night and yesterday
one foot of enow foil.
' A plo social will be hold in the Horm
town Grange hall on Saturday evening
of this week, April 28th.
The Boynoldavlllo Building and Loan
Association sold $5,000.00 at the month
ly meeting Monday evening.
William Foust and Margaret Swartz
were married several days ago by W.
L. Johnston, J. P., in West Reynolds
vllle. ,
' Robs W. Clowgos, of Brockwayvillo,
and Miss Clara Ethel Tench, of Rath
mol, were married In Olean, N. Y.,
' April 18.
, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
will carry supplies consigned to the
relief committee at San Francisco, over
its line free.
The member's of the Ladios' Aid
Society of the Baptist church enjoyed a
social at the home of Mrs. J. M. KlDg
on Fifth street last Thursday evening.
Over a hundred young people attend
ed the "Thirteen Cent No Change"
social given in the P. O. S. of A. hall
last evening by the Epworth League
Mies Margaret Schultze, who was as
sistant postmaster In the Reynoldsville
office four years, has resigned.that po
sition. Bert S. Burns will assist In tho
Cort,' who will lecture in the
Lutheran church on Friday evening, is
a sister of Mrs. Rev. .1. W. Myers.
Mrs. Cort was a missionary In Japan
sjven years.
Rev. A. J. Monk will not preach in
the church of God at Rutbmol next
Sunday afternoon on account of tho
dedicating sorvices in the M. E. church
at this place.
Some person or persons became
alarmed about a forest, Dre near the
dwelling bouses west of the silk mill
about four o'clock Saturday afternoon
and sent In a fire alarm. Hope Fire
Company answered promptly to the call
but were not needed.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. McConnell
entertained members of the Knights
Templar Club and a few other friends
at Frank's Tavern last Friday evening,
Various kinds of games were played.
Fine refresh moots were served. It was
a very pleasant and enjoyable party
W. U. Wllhelm, assistant superin
tendent and head bookkeeper at the
Pittsburg Industrial Iron Works plant
at this place, has bought an Indian
Motor Cycle to rldo to and from the
steel plant. It Is a good machine ami
can run about sixty miles an hour when
given full speed.
Tho fall session of tho Clarion Pres
bytery will bo held In the Presbyterian
church at Clarion. The Presbytery
was Invited to meet at Roynoldsvlllo
next fall, but on account of It being so
long ago slnoo the Presbytery met nt
Clarion it was decided to hold next
mooting at that place.
ClmrloB McDonald. Thomas McDon
ald and David Williams, of this place,
were at DuHols Sunday attending a
meeting of the Ancient Order of Hiber
nians to select a place for holding next
re-unlon. and DuBois was chosen as tho
place. The re-unlon will ho held on
Tuesday, August 2Sth.
Tho Ridgwny conference and Sunday
school convention of the Lutheran
church met at Rolfo Monday evening
and will adjourn at noon to dny. Rev.
.1. W. Myers, pastor of Trinity Lutheran
church of Reynoldsville, and his daugh
ter, Miss Anna Myers, are attending
the conference and convention.
"Nellie Illy" and man named Mills,
who were returned three months ago
hy Constable Hradenbaugh of West
Reynoldsville for keeping a disorderly
house on "Poverty Flat." and skipped
out before arrested were arrested Inst
week, given a trial, found guilty and
s-'ntonc d to three months In tho Alle
gheny workhouse.
Wednesday evening of last week tho
'nllowlog officers wre installed In
IVthanv Coinniunilory No. 83, Knight
IVniplnr, at DuHols : Eminent Com
mander, Dr. John II. Murray; General
issimo, II. A. Moore ; C.iplalu General,
Charles L Hay ; Senior Warden, John
II Rancher ; Junior Warden, Frank
lluttnn: Warden, Charles A. Herpel.
Thirty members of the Pocahontas
degree team of Punxsut iwney, accom
panied by several members of tho Im
proved Ol der i f Red Men of that place,
earn" to lieynoldsvilln Thursday even
Ing and Initialed livo members In the
Pocahontas lodjro at this place. After
the Initiation a lap lunch was served
in lodgi) room. There was n large at
tendance, including a number of Red
Men of this placo.
Mrs. J.icob Smith, of Rockton, Clear
field county, mothei of Mrs. Mary Fill
hart, of Keynoldsvillo, died at 5.15 p.
in. Monday, April Ki. aged 75 yearH, 2
months and 10 days. She had been 111
six weeks. Mrs. Fillhart was at her
b ulside when bIio died. Funeral was
held Thursday forenoon Milton J.
Fillhart and Misses Anna and Dora
Fillhart, of this placo, attended the
funeral oj their grandmother.
There has been considerable com
plaint to tho principal of the Bchools
about tho school children running ovor
lawns on their way to and from school.
Parents should caution their children
to keep oft lawns. It is provoking
when people put labor and expense on
their lawns to have boys and girls raco
over and destroy them. The fact of
the matter, older people are often very
careless about tramping over lawnB,
and especially along outer edge of side
walks. Be more careful about where
you walk hereafter.
Last. Saturday evening Major John
McMurray, D. G. G:, of Brookvlllo, In
stalled the following ofllccrs in tho I.
0. O. F. lodge at this placo : Noblo
Grand, E. C. Davis ; Vico Grand, Elijah
Trudgen ; Secretary, M. E. Weed ;
Warden, L. M. Alderton ; Conductor,
J. H. Byers ; O. S. G , Perry B. Love ;
1. S. G., S. G. Austin ; R. S. to N. G.,
W. C. Airaen ; L. S, to N. G., J. N.
Smail ; 11. S. to V. G, A. F. Yost;
L. S. to- V. G., Thomas Justham ; R,
S. S., Edward Binney ; L. S. S., Wil
liam Binncy; Chaplain, Philip Koohler.
The recital given in Assembly ball
Monday evening of this week by Prof.
Edwnrd P. Elliott, was a high class
entertainment. The audience was not
large, but it was a very appreciative
jno, and Prof. Elliott easily convinced
his hearers that he Is remarkably cloyer
in his impersonations. Scenes from
"David Harura" and "Curistopher Jr."
were Prof. Elliott's selections for the
evening's entertainment. "Christopher
Jr." was a very amusing and fascinat
ing story of the matrimonial trials and
tribulations of "Christopher Jr." and
bis wife "Dora," in three acts. Mr,
FUlbtt impersonated nine characters In
litis comedy.
Monday James K. Johnston, of this
place, received a letter from a sister,
Mrs William Winslow, who resides
near Bemzette, Pa., giving him partic
u.ars of the burning of their barn Sat
urday evening, whicb was a heavy loss
to Mr. and Mrs. Winslow. The up
setting and explosion of a lantern was
what set barn on Ore. Five horses, two
cows, four calves, wagons, harness, farm
implements, grain, bay, hardwood
lumbir, Bhinglcs, and several outbuild
ings were consumed in the flames. - The
team of horses driven by Ferman Dean,
of Ralbmol, for a tea company of Du
Bois, was cremated In the barn. Mr.
Winslow was badly burned In trying to
save his horses. No insurance on barn
or stock. .
- Mining Situation Unchanged!
Tho joint scale committee of operators
and miners met at Clearfield yesterday
afternoon after two weeks' adjournment,
but the committee failed to reach an
agreement and adjourned until 11.00
a. m. to-day.
Seven Years to ''Pen."
Dominic Ponunno and Georglanna
Mazotta, who almost killed Julius San
ovloh at Sykusvlllo last January, and
wore fould guilty In tho JolTorson coun
ty court of assault with intent to kill,
were sentenced to undergo an Imprison
ment In tho Wost.-rn penitentiary for a
period of seven years.
Earthquake and Fire.
Wednesday of last week, April 18,
the famous city of San Francisco, Cat.,
was almost totally destroyed by an
earthquake and fire. A number of
towns along tho Pacific coast were
greatly damaged. A lengthy account
of the great loss of life and destruction
of property will be found on another
page of Thk Star.
Surprise Party.
Members of tho Protected Homo
Circle, of Reynoldsville, and friends
from Soldier, numbering sixty In all,
gave Mrs. J. II. Levis a birthday sur
prise party at her homo on Main street
hut Friday evening. Mrs. Lovls was
presented with a well filled purse and
other gifts. Various names were play-
id. A flno lunch was served.
Athletic Team's Record.
Tho Enterprise Athletic Association
basket ball team that was organized In
lieynoldsvlllo last fall has played the
Inst game for this season. The team
played twenty-one games -end was de
feated In six out of the twenty-one
'nines. The boys lost four games at i
the beginning of the season, before, tho j
team was organized. Tho Athletics
played wlili following teams : Duliois, j
Now Bethleln m, Fulls Crer k, Ilecch
woeds, Piuixsiiluwney, Klskl, Hutler,
Clarion, Weedville.lmlinna and linlivnr.
Seven Weeks' Pleasure Trip.
Mr. and Mrs. George Melllnger re
turned to this place last Wednesday
evening from a seven weeks' pleasure
trip in the southland. They went first
to Jacksonville, Fin., from there up tho
St. Johns river by boat toSanford, from
thero to Tampa, Fla., from Tampa by
steamer to Havana, Cuba. From Cuba
to Miami, Fia. From there, to Palm
Beach, then to Daytona, then to St.
Augustine, then to Jacksonville, Fla.
Jacksonville to Havana, Ga., then to
Richmond, Va., and to Washington,
D. C, and from thorc home.
Two Railroad Wrecks.
Two freight wrecks occurred on tho
Allegheny Division of tho P. R. R. last
woek. Ono near Lawsonham Friday
forenoon, which delayed the enstbound
passengor train dii" hero at 12.62 p. m.
almost five hours. Thero woro only a
couple of cars wrecked.
About 5.40 a. in. Saturday an east
bound freight train was wrecked about
one mile west of Bennezetto. It vas a
bad smash up, but no ono injured. Fif
teen cars were v-rcelted and three hun
dred feet of truck was torn up. Tho
morning and neon passenger trains had
to transfer at, wreck ard consequently
trains wero late.
Paradise Telephone Company.
Tho Paradise Telephone Company
will begin this neck to build a line from
Cool Spring II How, eastern end of
Reynoldsville borough limits, out to
Charles Keller's blacksmith shop,
thouce west through Wisliaw to Funx-
sutawney road, and probably to Panic.
This company expects to connect with
the Red Bank Telephone Co. lino at
this placo and with Knoxdale lino at
Panic. The company will likely ex
tend its line from Keller's bhop to Big
Run. This will givo the patrons of the
Paradise company excellent telephone
service. Secretary-Treasurer J. W.
Syphrit Is buying poles for the new
line. '
Gave Dog Strychnine Pills.
Mrs. Wm. Burge has been ill for
sometime and her physician has pro
scribed strychnine; pills. Yestorday
her grand-child, little daughter of Mrs.
Atmore Shaffor, who Is just old enough
to walk and talk, In some unknown way
got the box of pills, and no one noticed
her having it. Thero was a little curlly
pup tho houo and when it was found
lying on floor dead tho family made an
investigation itnd found that tho littlo
"tot" had given the pup a number of
the Btrychnine pills, which had killed
It very suddenly. It is hardly necessary
to add that tho family was considerably
alarmed wbon they discovered that
Consula bad been playing with the
strychnine pills. She had put a pill In
her mouth, but because It was bitter
she spit it out. Had the pills been
more palatable there would have been a
dead child Instead of a dead dog In that
A. Silberman, of Now York City,
president of the Enterprise Silk Co., ia
In town this week.
Reynoldsville Water Company will
receive bids to furnish coal from May 1,
1906, to May 1, 1907.
. M. M. DAV19, Sec.
April 16, 1906.
Promises to be a Highly Creditable and
Interesting Commencement.
All arrangements have been com
pleted for tho high school commence
ment, and It promises to be one of the
best commencements ever held In Royn
oldsvlllo. The graduating sermon will bo de
livered In Assembly hall on Sunday
evening, May (I, by Dr. Nathan C.
Schaeffer, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction.
Junior reception In'l. O. O. F. ban
queting hall on Friday evening, May 4.
Junior contest in Assembly hall on
Tuesday evening, May 8.
Wednesday afternoon commence
ment exercises of ninth grade pupils
who have completed the common school
branches and will receive diplomas of
admittance into high school. This Is a
now feature.
Class exorcises, consisting of essays
and orations, In Assembly hall on
Wednesday evening, May 9.
Commencement exercises on Thurs
day evening, May 10. Address by Pres
ident Dwlght L. Thwlng, LL. D., of
Western Reserve University and Aldo
bert College, Clevolnnd, Ohio.
Alumni banquet Imporlal hotel Fri
day evening, May 11.
Died in Hospital.
.lames S. Shootz, son of Mrs.Gertrudo
Shuetz, of this placo, died In the hospital
at Monongahela City at C.00 a. m. Fri
day, April 20, l!)0(t. Typhoid fever was
oauso of death. James had been work
ing in mines at Ivanhoe whon he
took tho fover. A. II. Fleming, of
Dughes & Flomlng undertaking firm,
went to Monongahela City Friday after
noon and brought the body to Reynolds
ville Saturday noon. James Shootz was
born in KoynotdBville Juno 17, 1879,
making him almost 27 years old.
Funeral service was held at tho family
residence- on Fourth street at 4.00 p. m.
Monday, conducted by Rev. Dr. A. J.
Meek, pnstur of the Baptist church.
Interment was made In Boulah
Deceased was at one time a mnmbor
of Mazomania Tribe No. .141, Improved
Order of Red Men, of Roynoldsvlllo,
and a number of the mombers of that
order attended the funoral. Tho Red
Men furnished a very pretty fioral
piece, bow and arrow, tho emblem of
tho order.
Fast and Close Game.
Tho gamo of baskot ball last Thurs
day evening botwoen two home teams,
Enterprise Athletic Association and
Keynoldsvillo high school teams, was
0110 of tho beet and most hotly contested
games played in tho association rooms
this season. At the end of the second
half tho seoro was tio, 13-13, and the
teams had to tako anothor whirl at it,
which lasted about tbroo minutos whon
the Athletics scored two, making tho
total score 15-L3 In favor of the Ath
letics. Tho procoeds of this game will
bi used to buy uniforms. This is the
first season baskot ball has been played
at Reynoldsville and now we havo two
of tho strongest teams in this section.
The Keystone band gave a concert in
front of tho Association rooms boforo
tho game Thursday ovening.
Seven Yeats in Japan.
By Mrs. Cort, in the Lutheran church
April 27th, 1906, at 8.00 p. m.
Fair Warning.
Dullnquont tax payers In Roynolds
vlllo borougb are hereby glvon fair
warning that all taxes not paid on or
before May 1, 1900, will bo collected by
law. Tho borough and county are de
manding the money from mo and I will
positively collect the taxes as tho law
provides if not paid before the expira
tion of tho date stated above.
Wm. Copping, Collector.
Bids Wanted.
Bids wanted for the erection of a bank
building ; plans and specifications of
which can bo soon at The Pcoplos
National bank. Right to reserve or
reject any or all bids.
The Peoples Nat'l Bank.
Dress Goods.
All the new spring and ummor dress
?oods. To name and price all tha dif
ferent kinds we have would fill a page.
Just drop In and we'll show you the
finest line of spring and summor goods
wo'vo ever had. Bing-Stoke Co.
Our New Pavement
Causes favorable remarks by strangers
and the handsome line of go-carts at
"Hall's" and the big stock and varied
patterns of oil cloths and linoleums
creates talk at home. Call and let us
show you every and anything wanted to
furnish a house. C. R. Hall.
Never bofoi as there been such a
large stock of i.- coverings shown In
this town than we have this spring,
We have over 50 patterns of 0 ft. x 12 ft.
rugs from $5.00 to $50.00, and over
7,000 yards of carpet from 20o to $1.60
per yard. Come and see our Btock ; no
trouble to show it. J. R. Hillls & Co,
Spring shirts at MUllrens. '
Have your moving and carting .dose
by Nelson Smith. Special moving van.
Douglass shoes at MiHlrena., .... .
Applk-d for Macadamised Road.
The supervisors of Winslow township
have made application to have a mile
of township road, from Cool Spring
Hollow, eastern limit of Reyiioldsvillo
borough, to the cross roads at Fuller
farm, east of Prnseottvlllo, macadamiz
ed under the Stale Highway law. The
supervisors aro expecting tho State
Highway Department engineer here
soon to make tho survey. The road
will he macadamized twenty-four feet
wide. Under this new lnw for lmprov-
rrg highways tho township pays 10 per
centum, the county 1(1 per centum and
the si iite pays the balance of tho ex
pense In paving the public highways.
This Is the first application, we under
stand, that has been made in Jefferson
county under tho new law for impr oving
public roads.
This gives Reyiioldsvillo borough an
opportunity to get Main Btreot ma
cadamized from Seventh street, end of
brick paving, to Cool Spring Hollow, to
connect with township macadamized
road, for the Binall sum of 12, or not
over 25 per cent of the actual cost of
macadam Izlng the street, and the state
will pay 75 per cent of t.h cost of pav
ing. An application should be made
promptly and If tho work Is not done
this year It will b dono next year.
This Is cei talnly a good opportunity to
get Main street macadamized.
Mis. John W. Dean Dead. "
Mrs. Emma Dcun, wife of John W.
Dean, died in tho hospital at Warren
at 9.45 a. m., Friday, April 20, 190(1.
Mrs. Dean had been In the hospital
three years. ,1.11. Hughes, of Hughes
fi Fleming, undertakers, accompanied
Mr. Dean to Warren Friday evening
and brought the body to Reynoldsville
Saturday evening Funeral service was
held at, residence of W. .1. Weavor on
I llll street, at 2O0 p. m. Monday, con
ducted by Dr. A. J. Meek. Iiitermont
was made in tho Reynoldsville cem
D 'cased was born in Columbia coun
ty, Pa,, February 5, 1H40, making her
(10 years old" last February. Her maiden
name was Emma Shoemnker, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John Shoemaker, both
deceased. SI10 was united in marriage
to John W. Dean Oct. 7, 1807. They
raided .'111 years in Washington town
shid, .'10 years on a farm. Mrs. Doan
was tho last of five sisters. She Is sur
vived by her husband and three broth
ers, Amos and Kills Shoemaker, of
Washington township, and William
Shoemaker, of Winslow township.
Death From Apoplexy.
Patrick Powers, nn old soldier, who
was an inmato of tho county home, died
at 4.00 p. m. Wednesday of lust week
at a bouse on "Poverty Flat," West
ReynoldsTillo. Patrick received his
pension and slipped a way from the
county homo Monday of last week and
came up toReynoldsvilio to "celebrate."
Ono of tho county commissioners met
Mr. Powers at this place Monday even
ing and wanted him to return to the
county homo, but Patrick refused to go.
Ho said ho was going to Ohio and novcr
expected to go back to tho homo. It is
reported that Powers was lying out
doors all day Wednesday until a short
timo before ho died. Apoplexy was
what doctor pronounced was cause of
hlB death. Body was takon to Hughes
& Fleming's undertaking rooms, pre
pared for burial and was buried Friday
morning. Powers did not have any
rolutlvos in this section of tho country.
San Francisco Relief.
Having been designated to receive
subscriptions in behalf of the Red Cross
socloty for tho benefit of tho San Fran
cisco sufferers we trust tho peoplo of
Roynoldsvillo and vicinity will respond
to this universal call. Any amount ac
ceptable and thankfully received, we
ail being equal in this noblo cause.
List of contributors will bo published
noxt week.
The Peoples National Bank.
W. H. Moore and wife and J. A.
Myers and daughter, Miss Grace, were
in Brookvlllo yestorday attending a
wedding at homo of Ex-County Treas
urer and Mrs. W. H. Lucas. Their
daughter, Miss Earla Boll Lucas, was
united in murriago to William Harry
Wisbart at 3.00 p. m. It was a very
pretty home wedding.
No v long gloves that are worn bo
much this season you'll find them bore.
Bing-Stoke Company.
The New Railroad
May not strike our town but C. R. Hall
has in stock the finest line of room sized
rugs and border carpets as well as the
substantial ingrains ; also lace curtains,
blinds and window trimmings he ever
had. Call and see for yourself.'
A Fine Selection
Of matting now ready for your Inspec
tion at our store. Reynoldsville Hard
ware Company.
We are head quarters this year for
clover and timothy seeds. Clover,
medium choice, $9.00 per bushel. Tim
othy fancy, $2.00 per bushel. These
seeds are warranted to be strictly good.
Drop In and examine them. Reynolds
ville Hardware Company.
See tho Wooltox garments at Mil
lirens. '..
Be hop J. F. Berry, D. D., Mr. Joseph W.
Powell and Former Pastors Will
be Present.
Next Sunday, April 29, tho new
Methodist Episcopal church In this
place will be dedicated. Bishop Joseph
F. Borry, D. D and Mr. Joseph W.
Powoll, of Buffalo, N. Y., Presiding
Elder Dr. A. R. Rich, of DuBois, Rev.
Gearing Peters, of Knox, and other
ministers will be present. Mr. Powell
will have charge of the exercises.
Friday at 3.00 p. m. thero will be a
meeting for women only. All the ladles
of the church and congregation are
earnestly requested to attend this moot
ing, at which Mr. Powell will speak.
Saturday evening there will be a
meeting of all the official members of
tho church, presidents of the church
soclotios, chairmen of the various dedi
cation day committees and all workers.
Morning 9:00 Informal greeting to
visitors 9:30 organ proluJe, hymn,
prayer, anthem, scripture losson, male
quartette; 10:00 sermon by Bishop J.
F. Borry, D. D. ; anthem ; address by
Mr. Josoph W. Powoll ; hymn ; bone
diction. Afternoon 2:45 meeting of officers,
teachers and Sunday school scholars ;
3:00 young peoples mass meeting for
everybody ; singing b,y congregation ;
male quartette ; throe minute talks by
visiting pastors ; singing ; address by
Mr. Powell.
Evening 6:00 Epworth Loaguo ; 7:00
organ prelude ; anthem ; hymn ; pray
er ; 7:30 sermon by Bishop Berry; male
quartette ; 8:00 address by Mr. Powoll ;
There will not be any preaching
sorvleo In tho Baptist church Sunday
morning, but there will bo servlco in
that church Sunday evening. Thero
will be preuchlng service In tho Pres
byterian church Sunday morning, but
will not bo service In that church Sun
day evening.
Defeated Bolivar Second Time.
The Enterprise Athletic Association
basketball team of this pluco went to
Bolivar, Pa., Saturday and defeated the
Bolivar team in a game Saturday even
ing. It was a fast and Intensely in
teresting game, but our team was too
quick for the other team the last few
minutes of the game. The score at end
of first half was 11-7 in favor of Bolivar,
Three minutes boforo close of game the
score was 14-12 in favor of Bolivar, but
in those three minutes the Athletics
threw three goals, winning the game
by score of 14-18. This Is the second
time tho Bolivar team was defeated by
the Athletics. Thoy met their first
defeat in the Association rooms at this
place April 10.
John Thornton, Fred McEntlre, Bort
Hoffman, Eugene Murray and John C.
Thornton, were the Athletic players in
this game. Josse Hirst and J. M.
Dailey, of this place, and F. F. Daily, of
East Brady, accompanied the Reynolds
ville team to Bolivar.
The boys came home by way of Pitts
burg, arriving In that city at 9.00 a. m.
Sunday. They Bpent the day in "Smoky
City" and arrived home on the 9.50 P.
R. R. train Sunday night.
Baccalaureate Address.
The baccalaureate address to the
graduating class of the West Reynolds
ville high school was delivered in the
Baptist church last Sunday evening by
Prof. J. George Becht, principal of the
Clarion State Normal school. Dr.
Becht gave an excellent address, one
that should be helpful and Inspiring to
all who beard It, especially tho young
peoplo. His subjoct was "Tho Ideal
Life." Dr. Becht Is not a minister but
ho took a text from Joel 2 : 28 : "Your
young men shall dream dreams and
your old men shall see visions." There
was a large audience present. The
auditortum of the church would not ac
commodate the people and the Sunday
school room was thrown open. Bou
quota of the class flower, carnations,
were on the pulpit and around the
The graduating exercises of the class
will be held In the Reynolds opera
house at 8.15 next Tuesday evening,
May lat.
Notice to Taxpayers.
All taxes not paid on or before May
1st, 1906, will be collected according to
law. The borough and county need tbe
money and it must be paid and I will
positively collect by law if necessary,
Wm. Copping,
Collector In Reynoldsville.
Men's Shoes.
Dictator, Beacon, American Gentle
man, Fellowcraft and Summit all top
notch shoes $3.00 and $3.50. Bing
Stoke Company.
At a Bargain.
Curtain stretchers at 75 cenls at C. R.
Hats and Caps.
For spring and summer wear. If
you've not got your spring hat or boy's
cap. Now's the time. Bing-Stoke Co.
Somebody's large, white bull pup at
my place. Come quick, pay for this
notice and get your dog. A. C. Fish,
West Reynoldsville.
Glimpses of the People who are Pans-
Ing To and Fro.
W. J. Kochor 1b at Crenshaw to-day.
Dr. J. W. Foust was In Pittsburg last
Miss Mattlo Breakey visited at Stan
ton the past wenk.
D. W. Atwator and wife were at ,
Johnsonburg Friday.
Waydo Broakey visited bis parfcnts
at Stanton last week. ,
W. J. Morrison is visiting a brother
In TlonoBta, Forest Co.
Miss Mary Knox visited rolativek In
DuBois tho past wook.
Mrs. A. B. Weed was In Pittsburg
several days Inst weok. ..,
Mrs II. W. Herpel was at Knoxdale
last week visiting a sister.
Mrs. David Reynolds Is visiting her
mother at Ansonvlllo, Pa.
Mrs. M. E. Ridgoway, of DuBois, wag
a visitor in town Saturday.
Frank Schlablg, of Buffalo, N. Y., U
visiting his parents In this place.
Mrs. Frank Kennoy, of Pittsburg, Is
visiting her parents In this placo.
John Wlldauer was at East Brady over
Sunday, visiting blsmothor-ln-law, who
Is ill.
Edward Bronnan, an old soldlor of
Unlontown, vas visiting In town lost
woekt '
Harvey S. Deter visited In Clarion
and Westmoreland bounties the past
Rev. A. J. Moek and wife visited In
DuHols yesterday afternoon and lapt
Mrs. Catherine Burns, of DuBois.
formerly of this placo, visited In town
last, week.
John Lowthor, Jr., of Rimeraburg,
visited relatives In Roynoldsvlllo' tbn
past week. '
Miss Olevliij Murray returned last.
woek from a month's visit with a sister
at Mahaffoy.
Solomon Friedman, proprietor of Cash
New York Racket store, was in Pitta- .
burg last week.
Miss Mario Murphy, of Brookvllle,
spent Sunday with Mias EHubeth
Taiifo of this placo.
J. S. Howard, cashier of the Reyn- '
oldsvillo Trust Co., was in West Vir
ginia the past week.
Dr. C. W. Hoffman, of Riraeraburg,
was In town last week to see his fathor-
n-law, Robert Waito.
Prof. C. J. Scott, superintendent of
the borough schools, was at Moadvillo
Saturday and Sunday.
Mrs. Lavina Hughes and Miss Lizzie
Thompson, of DuBois, wore guests of
Mrs. Hood Knox last wook.
F. F. Dailey, of East Brady, visited
his brothor, J. M. Dailov. In this placo
the latter part of last week.
M. J. Farrell, Misflo9 Ella Farrafa'' "
Corina Russ spent Sunday with T
win. x. . i.jranvjjr in uuuiur, "v
Misses Alma Brady and Minnie
ILT no rP M Uiillnt. . 13. .!-.. I
zol, of Brookville, wore guests of Miss
Leona M. Baum ovor Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph B. Mitchell, of Houtz-
dalo, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. L. J. McEntire, in this place:
Claronco Stephenson, of Pittsburg,
an enginoor on Allegheny Division of
P. R. R., visited In town last week.
Ira Bowser, student in Pittsburg
medical college, visited at his home in
this place several days tho past week.
J. Owen Edleblute, proprietor of tho
National Hotel, has been over In Cam
bria county the past woek trout fishing.
Ford B. Fink, who had a hard ;tusalo
with typhoid fever, was able to return
to Pittsburg Monday to resume work.
Clydo Murray, teacher In Bellvlew
schools, spent Saturday and Sunday at
his home In this place. Clyde's school
closes this woek.
Miss Unita Farrell, who has been
visiting her Bister, Mrs. T. V. Malloy,
in Butler, several weeks, will return
home this week.
Miss Blanche Thompson, a trained
nurse, of Corsica, returned home yes
terday after a two weeks' visit with ber
cousin, Miss Olive Reynolds;
Mrs. Homer L. Brumbaugh and
daughter, Ruth, of Franklin, visited
tho formcrs'a sister, Mra. W. C- Murray, .
In this place the past week.
Mr. and Mra. Samuel Brillhart and
daughter, Mrs. N. A. Drake, were
called to DuBois Thursday by the
aerious illness of their son, Harry Bril!
tirt. Charles Aimen, who is employed at
Donora, Bpent the past week with his
family in this place. Mr. Aimen was
ill and unable to work and came home '
for a few days.
Mrs. W. E. Phill'ps and two children,
of Clearfield, returned home Monday
after a two weeks' visit with the form
ers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bone,
Sr., on Worth st. I
G. J. Corwin, photographer, presi
dent of tho Meadow Creek Mining Co.
of Newsom-j, Idaho, a gold mining
company, loft here Saturday for Friend
ship, N. Y., where he remained until
the first of this week and then started
for Newsome, Idaho, where he will
remain several weeks at least.