The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 11, 1906, Image 8

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    U -il M' Hi ii.v ' ! 1 1 I V T II!
n: II III l I Ik-,! il.
i rain k 1
i mm wrwsmhL
? rjr I
There are two strides of clothlntr. CLOTH-
CRAFT and others, some, merely made to sell.
CLOTHCRAFT is made to wear.
Good clothes on the surface Is not enough, some
good looking furniture for instance is only "varnish
deep," you don't know how soon it will go to pieces;
Surface Clothes cover a multitude of the tailor's
6ins and the worst of it is, you've lost on the
transaction more than you thought you saved.
Back of CLOTHCRAFT garments stands a glo
rious record, a name that means much to both the
maker and the wearer, it means much to us as
well, because you will NOT be a one-time customer.
It's the coming back again and again that pays us
to sell CLOTHCRAFT CLOTHES pays you to
wear them too.
AH that brains, shears and needle can accom.
plish in skilled hands, are made manifest in this
splendid make of splendid clothing, that standard
by which so many of the "best" makes are
measured. Be sure you're safe." If oleomargarine
Is Just as good as butter, why buy butter ? "Just
as good as CLOTHCRAFT " is the best argument in
the world for you to buy CLOTHCRAFT.
Op the finances ov winslow town
MARCH 2 1ST, 1!)0).
BEN. HACGII, Work Account.
By am't dupllcato $J,IH8 81 2,fi48 81
CR. ;
Cash rcc'd on duplicate $ 7nl SS
By am't turned over to J. A.
Llndy : (II
By am't exonerations PO 4
By am't double assessed ' . . . . 1-0
By ain't worked by citizens. . 1,5M HH
By am't taxes uncollected. .. 140 U0
$2,048 81
Cash Account.
By am't cash roc'd on dup'c't 7H 58
, " taxna uncollected.... lt HO
" auditors' order US llll
Total Debtor (1,046 S4
By iim't receipts H48 :I4
By 267 days' labor ! $i.0u day 63; HO
Total Credit $1,182 34
1,010 54
Bnl. due Ben. II.uikIi. 1:15 80
J. A. LINDY, Supervisor.
Am't of duplicate t?,t!4il H8 (3,04s 88
Am't wish ree'd on duplicate 1,148 83
Am't worked by citizens 1,141 114
Am't taxes exonerated 80 18
Double assessment 2 85
Am't taxes uncollected 27108
$',048 88
Cash Account.
By am't cash ree'd on dup'c't 1,148 8:1
By am't taxes uncollected .. 271 08
$1,419 91
By am't cash receipts 940 46
By am't team work i;i2 57
By days' labor l 00
per day 80100
(1,574 m
' 1.419 91
Bal. due J. A. Llndy.. 154 12
AMOS STROUSE, Collector.
Am't carried ovor from last
settlement X02 50
Am'tcash duplicate 1,2?2 52
Am't special tax duplicate.. 5,049 71
$7,124 73
Am't paid for orders and In
terest 99 59
Am't ret urned to Brookvlllo 52 29
Am't exonerated 217 i
Am't collected 3,1)54 IB
Am'tcollectors' percentage. . 1H1 9
Am't cash paid to J.M.Norrls 779 97
(5,384 83
Bal. In Collector's hands. 1,740 40
J. M. NORRIS, Account as Treasurer.
To bal. from last settlement 103 70
Received from J. B. Sykcs
and I). H. Estcs ,. 319 28
Eec'd from Jos. B. Moans. . . . IHli 00
bue'd from Ira .1. Campbell, iluu 00
" J. M. Deemerfor
use of election house ' B 00
Ree'd from C. E. fcstrouse for
use of election house . . 5 00
Ree'd from Collector Strouse " tint! 87
Kec'd from Col., special tax. S.tMti 45
Kec'd from Collector Strouse H!K) 78
Kec'd from W.D. and J. E.
Reynolds 2,214 75
By am t overpaid on orders 7 94
$7,878 77
By am't orders redeemed . . 7,1173 22
" treasurer's percent . 157 41
" expenses to Brook vl 200
$7,832 63
Bal. In Tretis. hands 46 14
Audited March 21, 1900.
J. M. Hutchison, I Auditors.
J. L. I' L'dATK, I
J. E. WoHELDDKf, Township Clerk.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
RoynoldRville, Pa.
Black and white funeral cars. Mian street
ReynoldBVille, Pa.
The U. B. Burial LeiiRue has been tested
and found all right. Cheapest form of In
surance. Secure a contract. Near Public
fountain, Keynoldsvllle Pa.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Between 12th and 13th 8ts on Filbert St.
Three minutes walk from the Headlnii Ter
m,?ll; I lve minutes walk from the Perm's
K. K. Depot. European plan (l.on per day aud
upward. American plan (2.90 nor day,
Prank M. Scheibley Manager.
vine" Gmnt aD1 F'f,n "U" Kcyn"lus-
Surveyor and Drauphtsman. office In Syn
dlcate building:, Main street.
Notice Is hereby Riven that the partner
ship heretofore existing between N. A. Head
ley and L. A. Mcrlca, under the Arm namo of
Headley & Merlca, has this day been dissolv
ed by mutual consent, Mr. Itferlca retiring.
ThoTiustness will hereafter be conducted by
N. A. Headley to whom all bills owlnir tb
said Arm are due and payable, and all de
mands are to be presented to him for nay.
ment- N. A.,
u u .. . L. A. Mkuica.
Keynoldsvllle, March 26, luce.
1 Leech's
s Planing Mill 5
West Reynoldsville
Window Sash, Doors,
Frames, Flooring,
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Contract and repair work given m
prompt attention.
Give ub your order. My prices
are reasonable.
W. A. LEECH, Proprietor..
IXr . A TWT m n
t a n 1 Hi d
PAID. :::::::
a Lust Four Months Every Diph
theria Patient Troated Promptly
and According; to Health Com
missioner's Instructions
Has Recovered.
Dr. Dixon Scorer a Notable Life-Saving
Triumph Among the Poor of Penn
sylvania Hopes For Still
Better Record.
The Health Commissioner, Samuel
Q. Dixon, a couple of months ago an
nounced that use of free antitoxin
among diphtheria victims who were too
poor to pay lor the serum had reduced
the death rate to 8.8 per cent. This
was a splendid result and ahowe'd the
great buuelits of the State paying for
antitoxin for those who might other
wise not be able to procure It and In
conseuu-.'nee probably die.
Now Health Commissioner Dixon
announces that according to the rec
ords compiled In his otllce he finds
that during the four months of Novem
ber and December, 1905, and January
and February, 1906, there has not been
a single death from diphtheria where
the free use f antitoxin provided by
the State has been used within 24
hours nrtcr the onset of the disease
and in doses recommended In circulars
gent out by the Commissioner.
Dr. Dixon attached great Import
ance to tills fact, and hopes that the
same results will be secured In a far
larger number of cases by physicians
throughout the State using free' anti
toxin more promptly.
Tills prompt use of antitoxin has
been urged by Health Commissioner
Dixon ii'om the start of the free dis
tribution. He has urged It In his cor
respondence with fellow-medical men
and the local HoiirdB of Health
throughout the State, and especially in
'he circular which is coutalned In
every package of the State's free anti
toxin. "The early use of antitoxin Is es
nential," says Health Commissioner
Dixon In this circular, and he endeav
ors to impress It upon the people by
heavily underscoring the words of ad
vice. In this circular also Dr. Dixon has
given general directions for the ad
ministration of antitoxin In both cura
tive and immunizing doses that have
been found exceedingly helpful to phy
sicians in Pennsylvania. Never less
than 3000 units, says Dr. Dixon, should
be used for a curative dose; In ad
vanced oases he says to Increase the
Initial curative dose from 3000 to 6000
If Improvement Is not manifested
within six hours following the Initial
dose, give 6000 units, and if no benefit
Is to be observed within the following
eight to 12 hours, repeat the same un
til a change for the better can be no
ticed. All cases showing croutiy symptoms
Rhould reclve large and often-repeated
The Cure that Cures
Whooplnd Cough, Asthma'
i Bronohltla and Incipient)
Consumption Is
kSoi Aruoste. 2550el
For sale by Stoko & Folcht Druff Co,
Steam and Gas
Fitting and all
kinds of work
in that line.
We handle Munifes,
Globes, Burners, Chan
deliers, Etc.
Located In the Stoke
building on Fifth street.
3. J.
Sanitary Plumbers
Thr War -he Toothhrnnh Wll at First
Colonial liurivs nnil letters multe it
plain thnl our unfortunate ancestors
Buffered much from jumping tooth
miles, swelled faces uitil the early Iobs
or forcible extraction of teeth which at
a Inter period might lmve been saved
li render their owners many years of
ftn lhcr service. No icomlor, since the
care of the leeth was lilllc understood,
ami that little often but negligently
piactii cd.
Toothpicks were known; the tooth
brush watt not. although rough substi
tutes were employed, made of llutten
ed st: Us, split ami poiimiod at one end
to a stiff, librotts fringe. Toothbrushes
when first introduced were regarded
its by no menus Important accessories
to the toilet, but rather as minor lux
uries mid stiltnblo for women only.
The diary of a London merchant
trading to the colonics lias litis entry:
"Untight a Toothbrush for my wife,
wheh, used together with sn!te water,
very strong, and a. wnsslie of Herbs,
alio Is told will keep her Teethe from
falling out or getting liollowe. The
Ktilte and Ilerbes may well prove
strengthening to her (iunintes well,
are lender, but for the brush It seeiues
but a silly Toy, hardly like to ware
the worth of Its price and scarce clenu
ley save when new. But she must
have It, being a new thing Into from
In the famous collection of the let
ters of the Verney family, as well, the
toothbrush Is referred to n. "an ele
gant trifle, now used by the ladies of
Hut when Sally Aunls, a colonial
belle, wrote of It to her sister she had,
lihe the Loudon merchant's wife, good
aKi of Its proving of more than
trilling value. Her seafaring father
hail brought her one, along with
other gifts.
"Besides these, and ye smnlle
conilie, be brt. me a new mouth-brush
made of eyvory," she wrote, "the buck:
parte Inlaycd very pretty with sliver:
i.nd ye brUslea long nntl stilTe and sett
very linne: web he Is assured will help
me of my Tooth Akes: well, yon will
irncss deer .Ittdy I do pray It may."
Youth's Companion.
Melted butter will not make a good
Veal should be white, dry and close
The colder eggs are the quicker they
will froth.
To make good pastry the Ingredients
must be lee cold.
Nutmegs should be grated at the
blossom end first.
A brush dipped in salt water should
be used in cleaning bamboo furniture.
tiood macaroni Is of a yellowish tint,
does not break readily in cooking and
swells to two or three times Its bulk.
A simple and very efficient disinfect
ant to pour down a sink is a small
quantity of charcoal mixed with wa
ter. Warm bread and cake should be cut
with a knife the blade of which has
been heated by standing It In boiling
Mica Mlnlnst.
Mica mining Is one of the greatest
Industries in North Carolina. Mica is
found in all sorts of blocks of various
thicknesses and shapes and can be split
it ml respllt almost ad Infinitum or until
H becomes the thin, flexible wafer of
commerce. The material Is by nature
imbedded or scattered through the feld
spar In masses large or small, close to
gether or far apart, and Is blasted from
the rocks by means of dynamite, the
purer veins being found between walls
of slate. From the mines It is taken to
the shops, where it Is split into thin
sheets, trimmed Into regular forms and
made ready for the market, the price
varying with the size and color of the
sheets. The average size Is about
4 by 0, though rare sheet of 24 by 18
inches are sometimes found.
Knimlcoirn llnd HnmlTvrltliiH'.
M. Iloussnye attributes the muddle
over orders at Waterloo to Napoleon's
execrable handwriting. This was the
opinion of the writing master of Alex
andre Dumas: "The emperor never lost
a battle except by his bad writing. Ills
officers could never make out what he
meant. Bemember this, Alexandre,
aud thake your down strokes heavy
and your up strokes light." Grouchy
declares that during the battle of Wa
terloo he could not make out whether
Napoleon wrote "batallle gagnee" or
"batallle engagee," and he coujectural
ly read "battle gained." Andrew Lang
In London Post.
The Freak of Fate.
Here is a unique memorial notice
from a Georgia exchange:
"Once he was nearly swallowed by
an earthquake and shortly afterward
was blown nearly a quarter of a mile
by a hurricane, but he triumphed over
all those afflictions, only to be kicked
out of life by a mule thnt had a mort
gage on It and was blind In one eye."
Atlanta Constitution.
Other ObJectlnitH.
"Gladly would I die for you!"
Her look of hauteur was maintained
despite this plea.
"You are in error," she replied coldly,
"If you think the color of your hair
constitutes my chief objection to you."
The good night was brief and soon.
Philadelphia Ledger.
A Mia- Difference.
' Rlio TTnw much fin vmi onrn n vsinp?
ne-About $2,000.
"But we can't live on that!"
"You asked me bow much I earned.
I make about $20,000." Life.
"The best remedy I can prescribe for your In
digestion, madam, is Green's August Flower.
I know of several other physicians who pre
scribe it regularly."
JIndigrstlon is making au awful record
as a cause of sudden deaths. It is beat
ing heart-failure in its ghastly harvest.
tJYou read in the papers daily of appar
ently healthy and even robust men being
suddenly attacked with acute indigestion
after enjoying a hearty meal, and of their
dying in many cases before a physician
could be called in.
tJThis should be a warning to yott who
suffer with regular or periodical attacks
of indigestion. If these unfortunate vic
tims of acute indigestion had taken a
small dose of Green's August Flower be
fore or after their meals they would not
have fallen a prey to such sudden seizures.
tfAugust Flower prevents indigestion by
creatinggood digestion. It also regulates
the liver, purifies the blood and tones up
the entire system in a natural way. t
tJTwo sizes, jsc and 75c. All druggists.
For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
For New Rnihlclioni, Red Bunk, and prin
cipal Intermedium stations. Oil C'lly llnd
I'll isbmi.., saw a. m, 1:2!, 5:07, 7:SS (New
Bctlilclicni only) p. 111. week-days. Sundays
B:M0 a, m., 4:20 11. in.
Kor I)ii hols, briftwood, and principal Inter
mediate stations. IliirrWlniri;, I'liiladclnlila.
Kalllniore and Washington, i:il!l a, in., '-'.:!i
tt:2. p ni. week-days. HundayH V2::iU p. 111.
Kor HiiHols only 11:42 a. m. week-days, DiSO
p. 111. dally.
W. W. Attrimwiiy, .1. R. Woon,
Gen. Manager. Passenger Tralllc Mj;r.
lino. W. Hovu,
General I'asNeiiKcr Agent.
Wedding Invitations and Visit
ing Cards neatly and prompt
ly printed at The Star office,
ajxrcrrn-ssanirjirn li it-rtfr r-pr rrrr
Many states have passed laws prohib
iting the sale of sea foods that, have
been treated by preservatives, nu'esx so
The above trade mark Is a guarantee that the oysters or other
sea foods bearing It tire absolutely pure and free from pre
servatives of any kind. Sealshlpt Oysters are free from
water, from Ice, from germs, from dirts. They are sealed In
air-tight cases at the beds and opened at the dealer's. The
ice Is packed around the case.
Frank's Restaurant.
15 to 35 per cent.
Special on Winter Overcoats
and Suits for Men and Boys.
DRESS GOODS which sold for
$1.00 now goes at 75c.
Dress Goods, was 75c, now 50c.
Meltons, were $1.00, now 75c. ,
LADIES' COATS which were
sold for $10, $12 and $15, you
get for $5, $6 and 7.00.
FURS I have a few yet, not
many.'v One-third and one-half
off. $4.50 Furg now $2.50.
LEGGINS-50c kind now 39c.
FASCINATORS In black and
white, were 50c, will go at 39c.
10c Ladies' Hose for 9c or 3 for
25c. 25c Ladies' Hose for 21c.
Boys' Fleeced Undershirt and
Drawers 25c, none better at 40c.
Fleisher Yarn 98c a pound. '
Come and see foi yourself.
First Mortgage. Six Per Cent Bonds. Payable in Gold.
Dated Dec. 1, 1905. Interest payable June I, Dec. 1.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Reynoldsville, Pa. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK, Reynoldsville, Pa.
C. F. DICKINSON, Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa.
We own and offer (in amounts to suit purchasers) the best industrial security ever offered to
the investors of this community.
The controlling interest in Reynoldsville's new "STEEL PLANT" has recently been
purchased by Pittsburg people who are old in the successful management of large iron and
steel properties.
Necessary additions are being made to the equipment, and new and heavy machinery is
being added. Upon completion of these improvements a full line of Alligator Shears, Cold
Saws, Rolling-Mill and Contractors' Machinery will be extensively manufactured at the
Company's works, and sold from their Pittsburg offices.
The assets of the Company as re-equipped will stand at $120,000.00 in round figures,
against which the $30,000.00 of First Mortgage bonds are the first and prior lien.
The Company has issued $30,000.00 six per cent First Mortgage Gold Bonds in de
nomination of $100.00, $200.00, $500.00 and $1,000.00 each and we, the undersigned, have
purchased a very large proportion of the entire issue.
The semi-annual interest, at the rate of six per centum, is payable on June 1st and De
cember 1st of each year, at The Peoples National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pa.
These bonds are a first and prior lien on all of the real estate, buildings, machinery,
equipments, franchises, property and revenues of the American Production Company, and a
special condition in the mortgage provides that bonds to the amount of $2,500.00 shall be
retired every year, after the first two years. -
.These bonds have been issued under the supervision and advice of the following attor
neys, viz : Messrs. Charles Corbett, of Brookville, Pa., Weil & Thorp, of-Pittsburg, Pa.,
and G. M. McDonald, of Reynoldsville, Pa.; any of whom can vouch for the binding val
idity of these securities.
The undersigned being personally acquainted with the "STEEL PLANT" property,
consider these bonds as the best of the kind ever offered in this community, and recom
mend them as a safe investment.
Prompt subscriptions for bonds in amounts from $100.00 up will be received by the un
dersigned at the price of par and accrued interest. Allotments will be made as subscrip
tions are received, the right being reserved to cease the allotment at any time.
The Peoples National Bank, The First National Bank,
By W. B. ALEXANDER, President. By JOHN H. KAUCHER, President,
Reynoldsville, Pa. Reynoldsville, Pa.
C. F. Dickinson, 1218-19-20 Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa.
! 't