i inscription $1.00 per iearin advance. V. 1. ITKPHKNSON.Killtor and Hub. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28, 1900. Entered at the postotflce at keynoldavllle a., u iflcondolasinmll matter. HDMMIRVII.I.FRl,l!PnOIKNO. 61. HprlnR time is mmr, with It rnnitiN the spring sewtiiK, to rin It yon nlioulil have a Kooa mudiliin. Tho "Wiiitk" Is Kins;, mild on eusy payments by 0, F. HOFFMAN, Juwoler. Nuedlus for nil ninrltlnus. Gould SAYS "Still coughing ? Been waiting for spring to come thinking you would get better then ? Better not wait another min ute, but get a bottle of my Wild Cherry and Tar Cough Syrup. It will stop your cough and, let you enjoy the spring time as most well folks do. Wild Cherry and Tar Cough Syrup is easy to take and agrees with the youngest as well as the oldest member of the family. Price 25c per bottle. The . Reynolds DniQ Go. ft Little ol EverutWnq. Sleighing parlies were numerous last week. . Two weeks from next Sunday until Easter. Next Sunday is "April fools" day, April 1st. The trout sobboh opens April 15 and closes July 15. Thfi West Reynoldsville moat market has boon closed. Born to Mr. and Mrs G. W. Merrltt Monday, March 26, 1900, a son. Ten days sleighing after tho middle of March Is the record made In 1900. The barbers of Pittsburg hare raised the price of a shave from 10 to 15 cents. J. N. McEniire has moved from Reyn oldsville to Bluckllck Station, Indiana Co. Moving pictures In colors at Assem bly hall next Monday evening, April 2nd. Eight dogrees below zero last Friday morning was pretty chilly for a spring morning. Sunday was another busy day for the liverymen. Horses and sleighs were In big demand. Several township schools have closed and most all tbe others will close In the next two weoks. From July 1, 1905. to January 1, 1906, there were 1023 births and 308 deaths In Jefferson county. The Mission Band of the Presbyterian Sunday jchool held a social in the chape! last evening. The auditors' report of the finances ol Wlnslow township will be found In this Issue of The Star. The Baptist church will hold Its annual business meeting on Tuesday evening at 7.30, April 4th. Witnesses are now being secured for the breach of promise suit that Is to be tried Id Reynoldsville next month. It was reported hero lust evening that "Cap" Donahue, formerly of this place, bad been killed at Barnetboro Suqday. Tbe Utopia Society will hold a social at borne of Mr, aud Mis.' J. W. Gil lespie on Fifth street Friday evening. Some of our citizens went to Punxsu tawney last Friday evening to see "Wizard of Oz'' In the Jefferson Theatre. There are parties in town getting up a directory for Reynoldsville, Punxsu tawney, Big Kun, Sykesvllle and Du Bois. Tbe spring session of the Clarion Presbytery will be held in the Brook ville Presbyterian church April 17 and 18. W. G. Brenholtz. proprietor of the Star Dairy Wagon, has been off duty a couple of weeks nursing a carbuncle on his neck. Prof. Elliott, trainer for commence ment, will arrive here Saturday or Sunday and will get the pupils In train ing next week. Ford Fink, who was in a Pittsburg hospital with' typhoid fover, has re cuperated sufficient to be able to return to his borne in this place. It is expected now that the new Methodist Episcopal church In this place will be dedicated April 29th, four weeks from next Sunday. It Is reported that there were ten small wrecks on the Low Grade Division In two days last week, seven on Tuesday and three on Wednesday. Postmaster Edward C. Burns has been recommended by Congressman W. O. Smith for re-appolntment as postmaster at Reynoldsville. Thieves broke Into two stations or the Low Grade Division, at Falls Creek nnd Fuller, Sunday night, but got very little plunder for tholr trouble. The public road near top of hill back of West Roynoldsvllla was drifted full of snow and Impassable all of last woek. Teams had to go through the fields. George R. Adam, editor of Brockway vlllo Record, has been recommended by Oongressmnn W. O. Smith for the postmastorshlp at Brockwayvlllo. The monthly meeting of the M. E. stewards was held at home of Dr. L. L. Means Monday evening. Fine refresh ments were served after the mooting. On the criminal trial list of tho April term of court, beginning tbe second Monday in April, there are two murder cases and one case of assault with Intent to kill. A preliminary meeting of tbe stock holders of tbe new opera bouse was held last night to make arrangements for applying for charter and some other matters. The ladles of Presbyterian church will hold an apron sale and markot at the Reynoldsville Hardware Co. store on Saturday afternoon and evening, March 31. Tbe Brockwayville Record, George R. Adam editor and publisher, entered its twenty-second year last Friday. The Record Is one of the best papers pub lished In the county. Bon McEnteer, of DuBols, an erst while Roynoldsvllle boy, now a student at Kiskiminitas, played with the Kiski Independent basket ball team at this place Monday night. Genuine moving pictures In natural colors will be exhibited In Assembly bull next Monday afternoon at 4.00 and in the evening at 8.15. All tbe great popular masterpieces. ' John H. Bell, of Punxsutawney, form er citizen of this place, accompanied the delegation of I. O. O. F. from Punxsutawney and Ltndsey who were in town Saturday night. John M. Stephenson, who Is working at Summeryille now, but whose family reside in Pittsburg, was In town this week. He just returned from 8 ending a couple of weeks at his homo. Mrs. Ethel Bates, clerk In the Adams Express office, was sick several days the past week and Express Agent Jos. Shaffer did tbe office work and Thomas Black had charge of the express wagon. Tbe Jeffersonlan Gold Medal Mins trels will play in the Belvidere opera house at Brookville to-morrow, Thurs day, night. The company will return to Roynoldsvllle on a special train after the performance. On the ninth Bleep of Plant Moon pril 9th the Improved Order of Red Men of Reynoldsville will hold a public nstallatlon in their lodge room on .bird floor of the Boyle building, over 'Stoko and Feicht Drug Co. Btore. The Indiana high school basket ball .earn will play the Roynoldsvllle high school team In the Enterprise Athletic Association rooms In this place on Fri day evening, Marob 30. Game will be called at 8.30. Admission 25 cents. Rev. H. T. Chlsbolra, who was pastor of the Falls Creek Presbyterian church several years, bas resigned that pastor ate and gone to Grldley, California. Rev. Chlsholm closed his work at Falls Creek Sunday and the Presbyterian pulpit at that place bas been declared vacant. A sleighing party from a neighboring town came to Reynoldsville one night last week and got supper at Bohren's Cafe. After the party bad gone about a dozen silver teaspoons were missed. When accused of taking tbe spoons they denied tbe charge and the spoons have not been found. The Reynoldsville Building and Loan Association is now working In tbe thirty-third series. The eleventh series matured last November atd the twelfth series will close in May or June. This building and loan association bas been the most successful of any similar association in this section of the country. A party was given at borne of Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlos Herpel In West Reyn oldsville last Thursday evening in honor of Curt Mueller, Cornell University student, wbo was tbe guest of Harry Herpel. There were fifteen young people present. Games were played. Luncheon was served. It was a pleasant party. MINERS TO QUIT WORK. Miners and Operators in Convention at Indianspolis Have Failed to Reach an Agreement. The minors and operators In conven tion at Indianapolis havo failed to agree yet on wage scale and the Indications are that the joint convention will ad journ without reaching a settlement. On account of the unchanged condition at Indianapolis and the fact that the present working agreement expires April 1st, all the miners lu District No. 2, which Includes the minus of this suc tion, have been notiflod by tho district officials to suspend work after March 31st. The suspension to continue until the miners and operators of tho district meet at Clearfield April 3rd. Won Another Game. The Enterprise Athlutle Association basket ball team defeated the Klskl minlU.s Independent team In a gamo In the Association rooms at this place on Monday evening. Thoscore was 32 to 17. Big Crop of Onions. D. W. Doomer, a nearby furmer, was In town Saturday and sold tho la.it I'ushol of 101) bushels of lino onions lalsed on his farm last year. Mr. boomer did not have much trouble In selling his onions. Meetings Closed. The evangollstlo meetings bold In the Presbyterian church three weeks, closed last Friday evening. Sunday morning four porsons were received Into the church by letter and thirteen on confession of faith. Buried Sunday. Three day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Addison Wells, of West Reynolds ville, died Friday night. March 23, 1906, and was burled Sunday afternoon. Funeral sorvlce wa9 held at tho family residonoo at 2.00 p. m., conducted by Rev. J. A. Parsons. Interment was made In the Reynoldsvillo cemetery. Normal Team Defeated. The Clarion State Normal School basket ball team played the Enterprise Athletic Association team of Reynolds villa in the Association rooms at this place last Thursday evening. The home team won tho gamo by a score of 24 to 16. The visitors playod good ball but the home toara was to fast forthum. Miners' Convention Postponed. The convention of District No. 2, United Mine Workers of Amorlea, that was to have been held at Clearflold yesterday has been postponed until Tuesday of next week, April 3rd. Tho postponement was necessary on account of the district officers being in attend ance at the national convention in Indianapolis. Initiation and Banquet. Last Saturday evening about seventy Odd Fellows from Punxsutawney and Ltndsey visited tho I O. O. F. lodge in Reynoldsville. They brought two candidates to be initiated In the second Degree. Tho Reynoldsvillo Degroo Team Initiated them. After lodge ad journed a banquet was enjoyed by tbe visitors and home members. Headley CB. Merica Dissolve. N. A. Headley and L. A. Merica, who were engaged in the mercantile business under the firm name of Headloy & Merica, dIssolvedpartnership on Mon day of this week, Mr. Merica retiring from the business. Mr. Headloy, who Is an enterprising aud bustling young man, will continuo the business. His store is located at t he corner of Main and Tenth street. Association Building. J. W. DawBon and others Interested In the Enterprlso Athletic Association are talking of organizing a stock com pany and orectlng a building this year lor the Association. Mr. Dawson thinks enough stock can be sold to buy a site and erect a comfortable and suitablo building for the association. Six por cent will be paid on the money invested. Death of An Infant. Elmer Ellsworth Riggs, six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rlggs, of Allegheny City, died Friday, was brought to home of Mrs.Rlggs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Dellart, in this place at noon Saturday and was burlod In the Reynoldsville cemetery Sunday afternoon. Rev. J. C. McEntlre con ducted funeral service at residence of Mr. DeHart. Pnoumonia was cause of death. Father of the baby Is a son of W. M. Riggs, Fifth street grocer. The parent have tbe sympathy of their numerous friends in Reynoldsville. Birthday Anniversary. Friday, March 23, was the 71st birth day for W. J. Boner, of Sandy Valley, and Mrs. Boner decided to give her husband a birthday surprise by inviting the pastor and session of tbe Roynolds vllle Presbyterian church to take dinner at the Boner residence on Friday. Tbe wives of members of sossion were in cluded. 'Squire W. L. Johnston and wife, Miss Mary Johnston, James Camp boll and wife and A. T. McClure were all that were able to attend. Mr. Boner was in Reynoldsville that day and went up to Sandy Valley on samo train with the Reynoldsville guests and. before reaohing bis residence it dawned on Mr. Boner that it was his birthday and that there was "something doing." It was an enjoyable social gathering.. KILLED ON RAILROAD. Qiacomo Angiolinl Struck by a Passeng er Train Yesterday. The westbound P. R. R. passenger train, due here at 5.07 p. m., Charles H. Montgomery engineer, and James Martin conductor, struck and killed Glacomo Angiolinl, an Austrian, near Pancost yesterday. The report Is that Angiolinl was walking on the track when tho train struck him. His neck was broken, two and a half Inch gosh cut In his head, right blp broken and right leg broken above the knee. Angiolinl had been working at Sher wood mine, but had quit, gotten his tlmo and had gone to DuBols yesterday to get his monoy, having about 930.00 coming to him, and was returning homo when killed. The body was brought to Prloster Bros, undertaking rooms and prepared for burial. Iqterment will bo made In the Catholic cemotery. Very Narrow Escape. George A. Farroll, son of M. J. Fan-ell, of this place, who Is employed 'n the olllco of Harbison & Walker 'trick Works at Homestead, had a hutow escape from being Instantly billed ono day last week. Gooreo and two other men wore sitting at their desks In tho company office working when a car heavily loaded with steel jumped the track and crashod Into the office, completely wrecking the build ing, destroying tbe office furniture and fixtures aud valuable books and docu ments. The escape of the men was miraculous. It Is hardly necessary to add that thoy were badly frightened, and thoy had good reason to bo fright ened. . Will Receive Due Consideration. W. W. Wiley, proprietor of the City Hotel, who Is very much Interested In the future prosporlty of Roynoldsvllle, received the following letter several days ago from the manager of a large Industry In New York City that Is talking of looking for a new location: "We are in receipt of your esteemed favor of Kith Inst., and In reply have to sny that we have not decided on any location for any probable change wo may mako, nor are we likely to for some time to come, but when weddRoynoldB villo will receive due consideration." Visited New Bethlehem Council. Friday ovenlng of last week the fol lowing seven members of Century Coun cil No. 789, Royal Arcanum, of Reyn oldsvillo, went to Now Bethlehem and installed i new officers In the Royal Arcanum Council In that place : M. J. Farrell, W. W. Hlggins, J. W. Gilles pie, M. E. Weed, Solomon Friedman, L. L. Gourley and Harry K. Plfer. There was a banquet after the Instal lation. The Reynoldsville gentlemen were well pleased with the hospitality given thetn at Now Bethlehem. Matinee Monday Afternoon. Thomas A. Edison's genuine moving pictures In natural colors, with noise offects, will be exhibited in Assembly hall at matinee next Monday afternoon at four o'clock and in the evening at 8.15. This is claimed to be an exhibi tion of tho highest quality and perfec tion. All the groat popular master pieces. Tickets on sale at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. store Friday morning, March 30. Reserved seats 30 cents ; gonoral admission 10 and 20 cents. Put the Lid On. On account of a number of cases of measles and scarlet fever at Ratbmel, ind in somo rases the parents wore not ibeylng tbe quarantine law, a repre sentative of the State Board of Health 'isited Ratbmel last week to see that he quarantine law would hereafter be itrlctly obeyed. A Roynoldsvllle loctor said yesterday, "The lid la on : Ight now and there is not much danger of the diseases spreading at Rathmel." Congregational Meeting. On Wednesday evening of next week, April 4, at eight o'clock, tbe annual congregational meeting of the Presby terian church will be held. Reports will be beard from all organizations connected with the church and new officers will be elected. After the businoss moetlng the ladles of the con gregation will serve refreshments. All church members are expected to attend. Kindly Respond. A number of our subscribers bave kindly responded to tbe notices we sent out recently of the delinquency on sub scriptions, but there are others whom we have not beard from yet: We will appreciate it if all will give this matter their attention us soon as possible. There are a few notices we bave not sent out yet, but they will be mailed this week. Opening, Saturday March 31, in the Centonnial hall J. J. Long's new bargain store. If you want to buy or sell anything, or lose or find anything, try our "want" column. Sure of good results. Take your watches to Samuel Eatzen tho jeweler, wbo guarantees all his, work for one year. Next door to post office, Roynoldsvllle. B fit properly in the latest style shoes at Harmon's. Debt Must be Paid. Mention was muile In THE Star two weeks ago that the Reynoldsvillo Land Improvement Company still owed about 81,400 on the tract of land south of town that wns purchased for tho purpose of giving free sites to Industries looking for location. Wo have been informed that unless the monoy Is raised before the llfleiintb of April to pay tho note of $1,400 tho Land Improvomont Company owes to the Albert Reynolds estate, thatC. W. Flynn, Esq., attorney for tbe executrix of the uforesald estate, will prococd to collect the amount by the luw process. Neither Mrs. Reyn olds nor her luwyor are desirous of selling the lard by sheriff salo to get tbelr claim, but they wunt to get estate Bottled and want tho noto paid for that purpose. The Roynoldsvllle Land und Improve ment Co. will make a mistake If thoy let the free site lund get out of their control. Whatovor Is done will have to be dono quickly. An effort should be made to pay olT the noto and hold tho land. Moving Pictures. The moving pictures at tho Presby terian church last night under tho auspices of tlio R. R. Y. M. C. A., was a decided success. Tho audience was a largo ono considering the blizzard which prevailed. Tho color effect was a new feature and the noise effect made the pictures appear real lifelike. It was conceded by many to bo the best moving picture entertainment ever given In DuBols. A new program will bo given to-night. By numerous re quests, the Train Robbery will bo re peated and on account of not haying a matinee Jack and the Bean Stalk will be shown. Come and bring tho child ren. DuBois Morning Courier. At Assembly hall April 2. Admission 10, 20 and 30 cents. Reserved seat tickets will be on salo at Stoke & Feicht drug store Saturday morning. Lutheran Church Services. Trinity Lutheran church, Rev. J. W. Myers pastor. Service next Sunday at 7.30 p. m. Lenten service Friday at 7.30 p.m. Confirmation and commun ion service on Easter Sunday. Passion servioo each evening, except Saturday evening, during the week before Easter. Etnorlckville Lutheran church. Serv ice next Sunday at 10 30 a. ra. Lenten service Wednesday at 7.30 p. m. Con firmation and communion on Easter Sunday at 3.00 p. m. Chestnut Grove Lutheran church. Sorvlce next Sunday at 2 .'10 p. m. Lent en service Thursday at 7.30 p. m. Con firmation and communion on Palm Sun day, April 8, at 2.30 p. m. City Milliners. Misses Dailoy and Loldold, experienc ed and first-class milliners from New York City and Buffalo, N. Y., are opening a millinery store on the balcony of Mllllrons department store In this place. On Thursday of next week, April 5, they will have their spring opening of New York and Buffalo pattern hats. They extend a general invitation to all the ladles of Reynolds ville and vicinity to attend this opening. Miss Murphy, pianist, pupil of Dresden Conservatory of Germany, will play Thursday. Come and hear her. Progressive Salmagundi. Miss Fannlo Alexandor entortalned a number of young people at her borne on Grant street last night in honor of tho five school mates visiting- ber, whoso names appear In the personal column. Progressive Salmagundi was tho entor tertalnment for the evening. Fine refreshments were served. Carpets and Rugs. Our new spring lines of carpets and rugs surpasses any we have ever had for beauty, style or values. We carry also a large stock of linoleum, oil cloths and mattings. Our lace curtains, por tlers and couch covers attract tho at tention of all buyers. Our art and china department Is the largest ever shown In the town. Call, look and bo convinced. C. R. Hall. Fire at Kane. In the big fire at Kane Monday after noon all the household goods of Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Clayson were burned. Mrs. Clayson bas boen visiting at home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Marshall, In this place the post ton days and was not at Kane when bor goods were destroyed. Williamsport Commercial College. Spring term begins Monday, April 10th. Thirty students placed In good positions during March. Write for catalogue. ' F, F. HEALEY, Prop. Souvenir postal cards of tbe now and old M. E. churches are on sale at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. store, Bing-Stoke Co. department store and at The Star printing office. Oponlng, Saturday, March 31, in the Centennial hall J. J. Long's new bargain store. , Never before has there been such a large stock of floor coverings shown in this town than we have this spring. We have over 50 patterns of 0 ft. x 12ft. rugs from $5.00 to 150.00, and over 7,000 yards of carpet from 20c to $1.60 per yard. Come and see our stock ; no trouble to show it. J. R. Hillis & Co. MRS. MICHAEL BEST DEAD. Sho was in Her Seventy-Ninth Year Had Resided In this Section All Her Life. Mrs. Juliana Best, widow of Michael Best, who died seven years ago, died at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. Augus tus Schugors, near Hopkins, Wlnslow townshlp.at 7.40 p.m. Wcdnosday,March 21st, 1900. She was sick throe weeks. Old ago was cause of her doath. Funer al sorvico was held in the Lutheran church at Emorlckvlllo Saturday after noon, conducted by Rov. D. E. Baldwin. Interment was made in tho Luthorun cemetery at Emorlckvlllo. Mrs. Best joined the Lutheran church when a girl. Deceased was born on tho old Doomer homestead in Paradise 79 years ago. Her maiden name was Juliana Doomer, daughtorof Jonathan Deomor, deceused. Sho Is survived by five daughters and three sons, Mrs. Augustus Schugors, of Hopkins, Mrs. Frank Schugors, of Hormtown, Mrs, H. L. noke, of Royn ildsvillo, Mrs. S. S. Bliss and Mrs. W. Tarry Thompson, who reside near toynoldsvillo, John W., Augustus und 11 ank R. Best, of Reynoldsvillo ; also mis throo brothers living, Jonothan Deemor, of Sykesv lllo, Z. A. Doemor, near Deemers Cross Roads and John J. Doomer, of Paradise. Mrs. Best had resided In this section all her life. Sho was one of the old residents of this section of country. Sho was an excellent woman, a good mother and kind neighbor. Took Wrong Cow. Friday of last woek a Paradise farm er camo into town and bought a cow from Austin Robinson, of the Star Gro cery. Mr. Robinson was busy and told tho furmor whore he would find tho cow, but did not go with him to get her. The farmer started aftor tho cow und mot PostmaHor E. C. Burns near tho Burns livery stable and inquired where bo would find Mr. Robinson's barn, and was given the Information. It so hap pened that Mr. Burns had a valuable cow in tho barn adjoining the ono where Mr. Robinson's cow was kept and that tho farmer got Into tho wrong barn and Innocently led Postmaster Burns' co away. The cow was not missed until evening and then a search over town was made for the bovlno but she could not be found. Mr. Burns then remembered that somo one had inquired for Mr. Robinson's barn during that day and tho discovery was made that tho wrong cow had been taken. Mr. Burns had to take a trip into Para dise Saturday morning and the farmor ted tho cow back into town. The Last Honors. The death of tho Rev. P. A. Rono, pastor of the First M. E. Church, Shar on, Pa., was a great loss to the church, the conforenco and the world, as well as a grievous blow to the family. He was beloved by all and eminently successful. The high character he bore and the value of his work were attestod by the ereat number who attended his funeral March 7, and by the simplicity and deep feeling which marked the services. More than fifty brethren of the ministry were present and the tributes paid to his memory by mon who had known him long and loved him much were peculiarly appropriate and tender. The business places of the city were closed and all the people joined to do honor to a great and good leader. Pittsburg Advocate. Veteran Employe. M. J. Farrell, P. R. R. agent at this place, who has beon In tbe employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company finco 1861, was recently elected a mora ber of the Votoran Employees Associa tion of the Pittsburg Division of P. R. R. Ho has been a member of the Middle Division several years. No one isontitled to membership in this associa tion who wore not an employeo of the P. R. R. previous to 1805. Communion Set. Tho Baptist church bas purchased an Individual communion set which thoy will use for the first time on Sunday morning next. The trays, base and cover are aluminum of beautiful design. The filler is aluminum silver lined. Your Baby Would look so sweet in one of our go carts. We have them all styles and prices. Come In and look them over. No trouble to show them. Reynolds villo Hardware Company. Millinery Opening. Call and see our early spring ready-to-wear hats Thursday, April 5th. Mrs S. V. Hays. The tax collector of Brookville bas given the delinquent taxpayers of that borough until the first of April to pay their taxes, and after that date unpaid taxes will be collected by law. Opening, Saturday, March 31, in the Centennial hall J, J. Long's new bargain store. Ucantmatchem Harmon's shoes. Have your moving and carting done by Nolson Smith. Special moving van. M. Singlcbach will give prompt at tention to all orders for cleaning closets and back yards. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. tlllinpses of the People who are Pass ing To and Fro. M. II. Caldwell wus at Hawthorn this woek. Miss Minnlo Keck was in DuBols, yesterday. P. S. Hauck and wife visited In Big Run lust week. G. W. Pulsn, of Williamsport, was in town last Friday. Mrs. C. H. Hull was in Clarion this week visiting frionds. Mrs. John Ward, Sr., visited in Parker tho past wook. Mrs. Clara M. Shlck is visiting bor mother at Worthvillo. Frunk Isoman, of Ronovo, is visiting his paronts, in this place. Futhors Brady and Lynch woro at Brockway villo Thursday. J. L. Jones, cf Falls Creek, was a visitor In town Saturday. , Mrs. F. M. Brown und duughter, Miss (tiez, wore In Brookville yesterday. Mrs. Fred C. Pifor Is visiting at liomo of her parents near Emlonton. Miss Dorothy Sutter Is. visiting bor sister, Mrs. J. E. Miteholl, In Clourfiuld. Mrs. Harry I. Ross, of DuBols, visit ed relatives In this place tbe past woek. Postmaster E. C. Burns, Frod Burns and D. S. Bacon were at Clarion Mon day. Mrs. D. C. Barclay, of this' place, visited her parents at Pluravlllo laBt week. Miss Emma Davis, student in Indiana Stato Normal, is at home for Easter vacation. S. T. Hoover, of Wlnslow, Pa., visited his Bon, Dr. 13. E. Hoover, in this place last woek. J. N. Rech, of Showors, Clarion Co., formerly a citizen of this place, was In town lust week. Harry Herpel, student In Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., is at homo for Easter vacation. Mrs. George S. Kcaglo, of Rathmel, returned Saturday from a visit wJth hor paronts at Clearfield. Mrs. Thomas Black returned Monday from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. John C. Dunsmoro, at Phlllpsburg. Mrs. Annlo McClarron, of Turtle Creek, visited bor mother, Mrs. Thos. fteynolds, near this place last week. Mrs. C. J. Boylo, Misses Mabel Boll und Itobo Wetzel, of DuBols, were quests at homo of J. Van Roed Satur day. Rov. E. M. Turnor, of Limestone. Pa., was tho guest of E. D. Davis, of West Reynoldsvillo, on Monday of this week. H. Bruce Kline and little daughter, of Now Kensington, visited thoformor's mother near this place several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. Schuotto Arnold, of Ithaca, N. Y., visited the lattor's mother, Mrs. Viola King, in this piaco last week. Misses Grace Meek and Amy Bolling er aro at home from Bucknoll Universi ty on a short vacation. Miss Meek will graduate in June. Miss Mollie Horm was called to Pitts burg Sunday on account of serious ill ness of Scott Horm, who is in a hospital with typhoid fover. Mrs. Nancy Foley and Miss Jessie Rhoads, of this place, visited the for mer's daughter, Mrs. Wilbort Dillman, in DuBols last Saturday. Rev. A. D. McKay will go to Blairs ville to-morrow and will preach in the Presbyterian church at that place Thursday and Friday evenings. Homer Smail, teacher in one of tho rooms of Sykesville public schools, was at Brookvillo Saturday taking the annual examination for diploma. 4 Miss Gertrude Clouser, teacher In Falls Creek public schools, was tho uost of Miss Emma Davis in West Keynoldsville Saturday and Sunday. Frank A. McConnell was in Phila delphia last woek. Ho and George Mc Clelland took Scott McClelland to a Philadelphia hospital for treatmont. Earl Dempsoy, bookkeeper and clerk in Frank Williams & Co. large store at Dents Run, spent Sunday and Monday at home of his parents in West Reyn oldsvillo. Curt Muellor, of Cleveland, Ohio, student of Cornell Uuivetsity, Ithaca, N. Y., was the guest of Harry Herpel In West Reynoldsville a couple of days last week. Francis D. Smith, former hardware merchant, will go to Philadelphia this evening to receive treatment for a very sore jaw. Mr.-Smitb has been confined to tbe house about four weeks. Dr. W. B. Alexander and wife, Fred K. A. Alexander and wife and Dr. S. Reynolds were In DuBois Friday after noon attending the funerals of Dr. R. V. Spackman and Congressman W. C. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Postlethwait, of Prlcedale, Pa., came to town Saturday evening to visit the letter's mother. Mr. Postlethwait returned to Prlcedale Monday, but bis wife will remain here a week. Rev. H. A. Cooper, of AlbaarfSwrque, New Mexico, son of John Cooper, de ceased, formerly of Beech woods, visited his uncle, Ninian Cooper, in this place i last Friday. Rev. Cooper first want from tola secucn to Illinois, men into Kansas and finally to New Mexico for Denent or nls health. Miss Kathrine Bressler, of Wayn. Vch f; Vfo V.nnn.-an r1 TTaat.ini Pa., Miss Lucile McGee, of JlcOo Mills, Pa., Miss Clara Arnold.oItJlarK Miss Lillian Cricks, of DuBois, and SJ Nora Bell Tyson, of Big Kun, are guests of Mibs B'annlo Alexaider I U . 1 1 .. U .w. . .... - 1 tain seminary at Birmmgnam, r a.