The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 21, 1906, Image 7

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    How He Happened to Burn It.
Many Interesting neighbors drop In
and chat with Mark Twain when he
Is at "Quarry Farm," his summer
home near Elmlra. A small boy turn
ed up not long ago with his hand
wrapped in a bandage, Mr. Clcm-ns
Mpressed concern and . asked the
"Laid it on a red-hot stove and for-
eot to take it off.-' was the terse re-
That in addreas
ing Mrs. Pink
ham you are con
fiding your prWate
ills to a woman
woman whose experi
ence with women's dis
eases covers a great
many years.
Mrs. IMnkhara is the
daughter-in -law of
Ljdla E. Pinkham,
and for many yoars
under herdirection,
and since her de
oesse.she hoe seen
advising sick wo
men free of charge.
Many women
suffer in silenee and drift along from
bad to worse, knowing full well that
they ought to have immediate assist
ance, but a natural modesty impels
them to shrink from exposing them
selves to the questions and probable
examinations of even their family
physician. It is unnecessary. Without
money or price you can consult a wo
man whose knowledge from actual ex
perience is great.
Mrs. Plnkham's Standing Invitation.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are in vi ted to promptly
communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, at
Lynn, Mass. All letters are received,
opened, read and answered by women
only. A woman can freely talk of her
private illness to a woman ; thus has
been established ti;e eternal confidence
between Mrs. Pinkham and the women
of America which has never been
broken. Out of the ast volume of
estperience which she has to draw from,
it is more than possible that she has
rained the very knowledge that will
help your case. She sks nothing in
return except your good-will, and her
advlos has relieved thousands. Surely
any woman, rich or poor, is very foolish
if she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of assistance.
, If you are ill, don't hesitate to get a
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham'sVegetable
Compound at once, and write Mrs. Pink
ham. Lynn. Mass., for special advice.
When a medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many women,
yon cannot well say, without trying it,
I do not believe it will help me."
W. L. Douglas
Vr. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line
' cannot oe equalled at any price.
C 1 fl fl ft fl HEWARO to anyone who cm
iPIUjUUU disprove this statement.
H I could take you Into mv three large factories
t Brockton, Man., and enow you the infinite
care with which everv pairof shoes la made, you
would realize why w. U Douglas $3.50 ahoea
coat more to make, why they hold their shape,
tit better, wear longer, and are ot greater
Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 5hoe.
W. L. Dougam Strong Mado Shoem tor
Man. 99. SO, S2.00. Boym' School S
Diwat Shot,, $2. SO, 92, SI. TS,$1.BO
CAUTION . lnsifct upon having W.l..loug
Im bUoes. Tuke no substitute. None feiniine
without bis name and price stamped on bottom.
Faet Color Eyelets ueed ; they will not wear brasty.
Write for IlliistrHtm) (Iati.log.
W. I- DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass.
That Delightful Aid to Health
Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth purifies
mouth and breath cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed, ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing, healing and germi
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents .
The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass
Drill for Water
Prospect for Minerals
Drill TestandBlaatHolei.
Wa mk
For Hone, Slcam or
6 a s c 1 1 n Power.
Traction Machine,
r . tor We worth of leadlnr MX novelties InOhele
. C set Garden Heeda. M's worth of UnlTeraalt'r
I mlttni Ouuuoua free vltb every order.
tfoxle's Cough Disks
Check aooid In one hour, to cents at drurateU
ar mailed. A. . HOXIK. luBa.lo. K. V.
SS p. bonk free. Hlahfwf reft,
linf experience.. Fltcferatd
Coal M
Gas If
JOil. J
Man of Many Promise.
Abdul Hamld, the Sultan of Turkey,
always expresses the greatest aston
ishment when told that reforms have
not been carried out, and declares that
it is the fault of his ministers and
other subordinates who have neglect
ed to obey his orders. He then prom
ises thnt there will he no further de
lay, and expresses profound sorrow
and mortification that anyone should
suspect him of Insincerity. Nothing
happens. The ambassadors go again
and asain to the sublime por'e and are
told that their wishes will be Imme
diately complied with. They know
that they are simply being played
with and that the promises of the Sul
tan tire Intended to delay action and
to avoid It If possible.
Denmark's Army.
Denmark has 1S7 soldiers to every
10.000 of her population, popseslng the
largest in proportion to size in the
FITS permsnently cured. No (Its or nervous
ness after flwt day's use of Dr. Kline's Grest
Norvo Restorer, 2 triallKittlenniltrpatisefrflS
Br. II. H. Ki.txs, Ltd., 9.11 Arch Ht. , Phils., P
Smallest if all ths nnnifs in Europe i
hat of the principality of Monaco.
Power of a Locomotive.
The average locomotive will pull
300 tens cf goods a nulvs every Ibrte
mlDute.-. 'ifti tlrtv.t? a' long would be
repuired by a man and his team to
haul a single ton one mile.
To Cnre a Coltl In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money If it fulls to cure. E.
W. Grove's signature on each box. ii5u.
The coldest city in the world is Yakutsk,
Eastern Siberia.
An Amusing Trick.
Stand against the wall with the left
side, the cheek, hip and foot touching
It. Then try lifting the right leg
without moving the body away from
the wall. It is laughable to see chil
dren trying to perform this feat, for
it Is one of the things that are Im
possible to accomplish.
Bow's This ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ense ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by
hall's Oalarrb Cure.
y. J. Crekxt Co.. Toledo, O.
Vfe, ths undersigned, havi known P. J.
Cheney for the last IS years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transaa.
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligations made by their Arm.
West A Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, To
ledo, U.
Witmso, Kinsa Masvis, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, O.
Ball's Catarrh Cnreis taken Internally, aot
Ingdlrectly upon the blood and mucuotis sur
taxes of the system. Testimonials sent free.
Price, 7V. per bottle. Hold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
Chinese Humility.
A Chinaman wearing his finest gown
of silk, called at a house where he
happened to disturb a rat, which was
regaling itself out of a jar of oil
s'anding on a beam over the door. In
its sudden flight the rat upset the oil
over the luckless visitor, ruining his
fine raiment. While the man was si ill
pnle with rage his host appeared and
after customary greetings the visiu
accounted for his appearance in thll
wise: ''As I was entering your hon
orable dwelling, I frightened your hon
orable rat; while it was trying to es
cape it upset your honorable jar of oil
over my poor and Insignificant cloth
Ing. This explains the contemptible
condition In which I find myself In
your honorable presence."
Cnres Bolrtitne or Gas Bl Hrsath and
Hail Stmnach-Sliort Hreatli
atlostlnr sonr Krnctatlons
Irresillar Heart, Ktc.
Ta'e a Mull's Wafer sny time of the day
or night, and note the immediate good t
feet on your stomach. It absorbs the gas,
disinfects the stomach, kills the poison
germs and cures the disease. Catarrh of
the head and throat, unwhnleome food
tnd overeating make bad stomachs.
Scarcely any stomach ia entirely free from
taint of some kind. Mull's Aiiti-Helch
Wafera will make your etomaen healthy
by absorbing ioul gases which arise from
the undigested food and by re-enforcing
the lining of the stomach, enabling it to
thoroughly mix the food with the gastric
juices. This cures stonmch trouble, pro
motes digestion, sweetens the breath, stops
belching and fermentation. Heart action
becomes strong and regular through this
Discard drags, as you know from experi
ence they do not cure stomach trouble.
Try a common-sense 1 Nature's) method
that does cure. A soothing, healing sen
sation reotilts instantlr. .
We know Mull's Anti-fleleh Wafers will
do this, and we want you to know it. This
otter may not appear again.
Send this coupon with your name
and address and your'a name
and 10c. in stamps or silver, and we
will supply you a sample free it you
have never used Mull's Anti-Belch
Wafers, and will bIho send you a cer
tificate good for 2ic. toward the pur
chase of more Helen Waters. Vou will
find them invaluable for stomach trou
ble; cures by absorption. Address
Moll's (Juapk Ionio Co.. 323 3d
Ave., hock island. 111.
Qive FuU Address and Write I'lainly,
All druggists, 50c. per box, or by mail
npoa receipt of price. Stamps accepted.
Complete Gesture Language.
Gesture language still exis;s in parts
of Australasia. Some tribes possess
so excellent a code that it is almost
as efficient as a spoken language.
A Onaranteed Cnre For Plies.
Itehlnir, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles.
Droitrdsts are autuoriKod to refund money It
PnzoOlntmentfall to cnre in 6tol4 days.Wa
The year 1905 broke the latent Office
B. H. Gain's 8oxs, ot Atlanta, Oa., are
the only suooeasful Dropsy Hpeolalists lntne
world. See their liberal offer la advertise
ment la another column of tills paper.
The pay of the Chinese soldiers figures
exactly eighteen cents per week.
The first King of the Vandals was
Gupderlc, who ascended the throne In
406 A. D. Their last king was Gell
mer. 631-634.
Oh, Stell.
When Stella says "Kurewcll"
The world which once was glad
So suddenly grows sntl
More snd thnn tonmie can tell!
A wall of grief doth nwell
To bid n friend good bye.
While tears dim mnny nn eye,
When Stella says Kai-ewell."
Prepared to pull the bell
The stiect-tnr man draws near
His flown is most severe
As "Jtn-n-iird!" he Intid doth yell.
Her mint exclaims. "Oh, Stell!
I most forgot to say "
And then there's more delny
When Stella, says "l-'niewell."
With glnnces fierce nnd fell
The pnsengers exeliiim:
"This Is n burning rhame,
Thnt xlie should thus compel
Vs folks tint hero to dwell."
And the Inngunge e'en glows bad,
llceause we ieel w sad
When Slellu says "Farewell."
Washington Star.
Utilizing Sharks' Teeth.
The natives on some of the Pacific
Islands, being provided with neither
metals nor tiny slono harder than the
:oral rocks of which the atolls they
Inhabit are composed, would seem
badly off, Indeed, for material of which
lo make tools or weapons, were It not
that their very necessity hns bred tin
Invention no less ingenious than curl
Otis and effective. This is the use ol
sharks' teeth to give a cutting edge
to their wooden knives and swords
The mouth of the shark contains three
hundred teeth, arranged In five rows
all closely lying upon each other, ex
cept the outer row, initl so cons!niote:
that us the toolh Is broken or losl
another takes Its place. The tpetb
are not only pointed and keen-edged
but are finely nnd regularly seriated
so that the cutting power Is greally
Increased. Indeed, so great a faetiHv
have those teeth for wounding that
the Implements nnd weapons upon
which the y are used have to he nun
died with great care. The Kingmll'
Islanders make many strange articles
of sharks' tee.h.
Daring Railway Building.
The work of constructing n lallroat!
to (he summit of Mount Wane has
been becun with enthusiasm and the
engineers In charge of the undertnk
Ing will push the construction with nl!
possible speed. The line will be Imlll
like the Jungfrau line in the Hernest
Oberlnnd. Switzerland. It, will have
a total length of nlneleen kilometers
(eleven nnd fotir-fifllis niilt-s) and will,
it Is hoped, be completed within flvf
or six years. The carriages will be
heated nnd lighted by electricity, ami
the (rain will be composed of an eiec
tricnl engine nnd two saloon cars
mntle to accommodate about eight)
people. A special arrangement of tht
wlmlowB will permit nil travelers In
discrlminatcly to enjoy the scenery
Three kinds of powerful brakes, hide
pendent of each other, will he attach
ed to the cars, thus rendering all nc
cldents impossible. The telephone
will be established along the line ant:
will connect any point thereof with
the head stations.
Killed by Cane Thrust.
A Bombay (Indian) planter has jus
been arrested for involuntary homl
clde. Some time ago, when returning
from a party with his .Sauce, he was
attacked in the dark by a stranger. Ir
self-defense he made a lunge with his
walking stick, and his assailant drop
ped on the ground. He struggled tc
his feet again and the planter and his
fiance hurried away. Next, day a mnr
was found dead on the road and thf
Inquest showed that some Instrument
had pierced his eye and entered deep
ly into the skull. Several of the vie
tlm's friends and acquaintances wer
arresled and released before the plant
er heard of the affair, when he mads
a full confession.
Dog Came for His License.
.Deskman Quackenbush, at police
headquarters, Paterson, N. J., war
filling out blank forms for dog licenses
recently, when a coach dog walked ur
to hlin, lagging his tail and holding
In his mouth a $2 bill, the license fee
The policeman took the money and
Bpoke to the dog, which wagged hit
tail more than ever. Soon after thai
a young man appeared, and explained
that the dog was the property of J
A. Van Winkle, a feed merchant. The
license was Inclosed In an envelop
and placed in the dog's mouth. The
animal then left for his home.
Sent Quarter Through Mail.
The most peculiar piece of -mail
that hns ever come to an Alabama
postofflce, so far as known, reached
the New Decatur postofilce to-day.
It was a silver quarter of a dollai
with a small piece of paper pasted on
each side. On one side was written
the address and on the other a few
words. The quarter was tied in the
center of a bundle of letters when It
arrived. It had traveled many miles
and was delivered safely to the one
tor whom it was intended. Decatur
;orrespondence Nashville American.
Postmaster Since 1861.
The record made by the late Thorn
is Mlhsnll, who served as postmaster
it La Crescent, Minn., for forty years,
has been exceeded by Mr. George W.
U Smith, who has, been postmaster at
Smith's Basin, N. Y., since April 19,
About Due for Accident.
After forty-one years of service as
a woodman, Callce Pelon of Donvllle,
N II., received his first wound from
tn ax a few dayjs ago.
Tlionsnnda ofRoMlers Contracted ChronU
Kidney Trouble While In the Serrlce.
The exprrlenee of Capt. John L. Ely,
of Co. E, l"tb Ohio, now living nt &00
Eiut Seooud street, Newton, Kansas,
will Interest the thou
sands of veterans who
came hack from the
Civil War aulT?ring tor
tures with kidney com
plaint. Cnpt. Ely says:
"I contracted kidney
trouble during the Civil
War, and the occasional
attacks finally devel
oped Into a chrjn'c
Use. 'At one time I bad to us?e a
crutch nnd cane to get about. My
back was lame and weak, and besides
the aehlns, there was a distressing re
tention of the kidney secr.'tlcns. I
was In a bad way when . began using
Doan's Kidney Pills In 1001, but the
remedy cu-ed me, aud 1 have been
well ever since."
Sold by all dealers. .10 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. 1'.
H d a Thirteenth Rib.
That a man may live his whole life
with one nioro rib than his physio
logical allotment and never know a
thing about It Is cause enough for con
siderable uneasiness. But he may, as
the surgeons at the Medlco-Chlrur-gical
hospital discovered. This man
however, found his thirteenth rib and
both the rib nnd the finding were un
lucky, which is to be expected were
thirteen is concerned. The patient was
a day laborer, and the Ice on Satur
day gave him a bad fall. He was
taken to the hospital and there told
that he had dislocated a rib. Phila
delphia Record.
from Dreadful Paine From Wound oa
FootSyatem All Run Down Ml
racnloua Cure by Cutlcura.'
"Words cannot sprak highly enough for
the Cuticura liemedies. 1 am now seventy-two
years of age. My system had
been all run down. My blood was so bad
that blood poisoning bad set in. 1 had
everal doctors attending me, so finally 1
went to the hospital, where 1 was laid
op for two months. My foot and ankl;
were almost beyond recognition. DarU
blood flowed out of wound in many places
and I was so disheartened that 1 thought
surely my Inst chance waa slowly leaving
me. As the foot did not improve you cau
readily imagine how I felt. I was simply
disgusted aud tired of life. 1 stood this
pain, which was dreadful, for six months,
and during this time 1 was not able to
wear a shoe and not aole to work. Some
one spoke to me about Cuticura. The con
sequences were I bought a set of tte Cu
ticura Remedies of one of my friends, who
was druggist, and the praise that 1 gave
after the second applieaticr is beyond de
scription; it seemed a miracle, for the Cu
ticurs Kemedies took effect immediately.
I washed the foo with the Cuticura Soap
before applying the Ointment, and I took
the Resolvent at the same time. After
two wrelts' treatment my foot was healed
completely. People who had seen my fool
during my illness .and who have seen it
since ths cure can hardly belie -e thjir
own eyes. Robert Kchoenhauer, Newbu!h,
N. . Aug. JU. 1905."
Historic Locket Worn by General-
Wife Turns Up at Capital.
A valuable and historic locttet be
longing to General Washington which
has been lost for a number of yenrs,
was found a few days ago in Wash
ington City by Joseph I. Kecfer. The
locket contains the miniature painting
of Mrs. Washington which the Gen
eral had painted after their marriage,
and which he wore around his neck
until his death.
Mr. Keefer, who Is a cousin of Gen
eral Washington, Mrough his motner.
Mary Hall, In conversing with Mrs.
Moorhead, found that she has the
locket in her possession and prizes it
highly. He has been hunting tor the
locket for years.
Million Bushela of Wheat Wasted.
"During 1905." writes George It
Metcalfe, M. E., In the March Tech
nical World Magazine, ."the railroads)
of the United States ordered new loco
motives to the number of .300, to
gether with 3,300 passenger cars 'md
340,000 freight cars. These last f!s
ttrcs give a good Idea of the relative
importance of passenger and freight
traffic to a large railroad. The rail
mills started the new year witn ord.j-.-s
for 2,500,000 tons on their books.
'In spite of these great orders, and
tn spite of the best efforts of the rail
road managers, pile ufter pile of
thousands of bushels of corn has bees
heaped up on the ground In Iowa,
Kansas and Nebraska, for want of
storage room or transportation facili
ties; while In North Dakota alono
over a million bushels of wheat has
rotted on the ground for want of
freight cars to move It."
tCzptnlna How to Keep Vp Mental and
J'liysical Vigor.
A New Jersey editor writes:
"A long indulgence in improper food
brought ou a condition of nervous dys
pepsia, nearly three years ago, so
severe that I bud to quit work entirely.
I put myself on a strict regimen of
Grape-Nuts food, with plenty of out
door exercise and in a few mouths
found ray stomach so far restored that
the process of dlgcstiou gave me pleas
ure iustcad of distress.
"It also built up my strength to that
I was able to resume my business,
which is onerous, as I not only edit my
own paper, but also do a great deal of
'outside' writing.
"X find that the Grape-Nuts diet en
ables we to write with greater vigor
than ever before, aud without the feel
ing of bralu-fag with which I used to
be troubled. As to bodily vigor 1 can
and do walk miles every day without
fatigue a few squares used to weary
me before 1 began to live on Grape
Nuts!" Name given by Postum Co,
Battle Creek, Mich.
There's a rearon. Read the little
book, "Tht Road to Wellvllle," in pkgs.
Farmer Knew o'f More Interesting
"Show"- Than the One Sought.
: Several years ago William L. Doug
las Bpent a Bhort vacation with some
friends In New Hampshire. The first
morning there found him taking his
usual long wnllt. He bad heard his
friend talking of Wilson's Cascade.
Just four miles from there, so he de
cided to walk In that direction. He
had gone about two miles when he
saw nn old man sunning himself in
Ihe doorway of a great barn which
stood near the road.
"Can you direct me to Wilson's Cas
cade?" he Inquired of the old man.
The old man squinted his eyes and
look an exhaustive survey of the ques
tion before he spoke. "Take your first
A Better Show.
right and follow It till you come to a
fork where there's a clump o' black
berry bushes," he said, slowly, "then
strike on to the left. Go on till you
come to the next crossroad, and then
bear off to your left again. When
you've gone a piece on that road you'll
come on Abe Simmons' house. You'll
know him, because he wears plaid
overalls, green and blue plaid, and she
makes 'em for him. You can't keep
from laughing when you set eyes on
'em, I'll wager.
"Excuse, but I have only so much
time,'' said Douglas; "will Mr. Sim
mons direct mo to the cascade?"
"I presume to say he can," he an
swered, "but after you've seen those
plaid overalls a little mess o' water
running over a little mess o' rocks
will seem mighty tame to ye." Bos
ton Herald.
Dust on the Ocean.
"To talk of a 'dusty' ocean highway
sounds absurd, but the expression le
perfectly accurate," states a writer.
"Everyone who Is familiar with Rhlps
knows Hint, no matter how carefully
the decks may be washed In the morn
ing, a great quantity of dust will col
lect by nightfall. You say, 'But the
modern steamship, burning hutulredf
of tons of coal a day, easily accounts
for such a deposit.' True, but the
records of sailing vessels show that
the latter collect more dust than a
steamer. On a recent voyage of 8
sailing vessel a Journey which last
ed ninety-seven days twenty-font
barrels of dust were swept from the
decks! The captain was a man ol
scientific tastes and made careful ob
jervatlons, but could not solve the
mystery. Some, no doubt, comes from
the wear and tear on the sails and
rigging, but that accounts for only a
small portion. To add to the mys
tery, bits of cork, wood and vegetable
fiber are frequently found In this sea
dust. Where does It come from?"
Thimble Collecting.
One of the queerest fads among the
tipper classes Is the collecting of the
thlmbleB of women celebrities. One
of the finest of these collections Is
that of a London society man, whe
has a cabinet full of the dainty finger
shields of the maidens he has loved
and lost; while Mrs. Vanderbilt re
joices In the possession of a veritable
thimble of that excellent needlewom
an Queen Elizabeth. This is the gem
of her collection, although the lattei
contains a solid silver thimble worn
by our queen when a girl of fourteen,
and a substantial "finger-shoe" of no
less a person than the mother of out
king. London Tit-Bits.
Farmhouse In Normandy,
Near Rouen, In Normandy, France,
stands a curious old farmhouse built
with a porte cochere. Great gates are
closed at night to keep intruders out.
1 A Ferocious Fish.
The post surgeon of Colustine, San
ta Ke, Argentina, writes:
"I was called to attend the steward
of the Norwegian barque Turlst, then
loading quebracho wood In this port,
who had had his index finger bitten
off by the head of a 'bacu' fish, which
had been severed from the cleaned
and gutted body for a space of two
hours previous to his picking tip the
head to throw It overboard. This Is a
Crow Has Learned to Talk,
Georce Nov pa cantured a vnune-
crow about a year ago. He clipped
the bird's wings and gave It to his
daughter for a pet. Recently the
hti-d heeran nttrrlnsr simile wnrdn llt-o
"papa," "mamma" and "Goldle." His
sole effort at forming sentences con.
slats of "George, get up."
Sore Throat Develops Into Bronchitis.
' Mrs. Addie llnrding, 121 W. Brighton
Ave., Syracuse, N. Y., writes: "1 have
been a user of Peruiin for the past twelve
yenrs. Willi me it is a sure preventive
oi eoim anil many oilier ins
w"Two op Iht-ee Itfncg a
r v '
Mrs. Aihlle Hiirilini;.
troubled with my throat, n kind of raw
feeling, turning to bronchitis. 1 have hud
the services oi my physician in each case.
Two years ngo, when 1 'elt r. 4-iell coming
I tried I'crima to check it, and to my
delight was not troubled with the smoth
ered and choking feeling nnd never have
been since, i can (.heck it every time with
rt-J1 hi. villi
in utiu uni wm
AN HiK P Nr $ grip bad
nWHUuliMtfoR HFAuUHC K-V ,;,u ,0 J""
Mara Steam Rnglnrs Used Now Than
f-Jver Before.
The use of the steam engine li in
creasing faster to-day than ever before.
Many mammoth industrial plants arc
exclusively engaged in building steam
boilers and engines, and It Is the proud
boast of one of these, the Atlas Engine
Works, of I nil in tin i ol Is, that it aver
ages a complete boiler and engine outfit
of fifty horsepower every thirty min
utes of the working day.
When the visitor to their plant has
gone through two or three of their
great wnreliouses. and emerges upon a
boiler yard or twenty neres, he won
ders where upon earth use can be
found for nil the boilers nnd engines.
'Hut, will watch the loading
process, he will see some ten or twelve
trnlnloads per day go nut, labeled for
destinations nil over the world, and
will gain some notion of the magnitude
of the world's work. Then, when be Is
told that this one concern, leviathan of
the trade though It is, does not produce
ten per cent, of the world's output of
steam boilers nnd engines, he will be
gin to realize how vast is the produc
tion and consumption of steam power
throughout the world.
The product ot this one plant, which
builds every type nnd size of horizontal
steam engine, affords nil interesting
study of mechanical evolution. The
balanced slide-valve, the shaft gov
ernor, the rotating, or Corliss valves,
self-olliug devices, compound cylinders
and direct connected shafts are only
the more visible improvements. The
built-up connecting rod, the removable
bearings, improved piston construction,
stronger anil lighter designs of bed,
more intelligent designing of all recip
rocating parts, better selection of ma
terials and more accurate workman
ship throughout nre some of the things
that differentiate the engine of to-day
from that of half a century ago.
The changes in boiler construction
have not been so numerous, but they
have been quite lis marked. In the out
put of this one concern can be found
evers size nnd type of boiler, from the
little horizontal tubular of fifteen
horse-power, to the new Alius wnter
ttibe, which purllles its own water,
superheats its own stenin and gives the
highest elliciency yet accomplished in
boiler construction.
How Auto Speed Ha Increased.
The great object sought by this
rapid development of the motor has
been attained In a sensational degree.
The Increase during the past ten years
would be almost Incredible wcer there
not figures to prove it. In 1S95 the
Pai ls-Bordeaux road race was won by
a 3-horse power automobile wltj an
average speed of 15 miles an hour. In
3897 the winning automobile, and 8
horse power machine, covered the 9'i0
miles of the Paris-Amsterdam traoa
at 2$ miles an hour. In 1899 the
Paris-Bordeaux race was won by a 12
hoise power automobile going at. 30
miles an hour. In 1901 the Paris-Bordeaux
race was won by a 644-horse
power machine with an average hour
ly speer of 50 miles an hour the same
course that was covered six years he
fore at 15 miles an hour.- The In
crease in speed since that time, though
great, has been more gradual. The
winning car in the Vanderbilt Cup
race the most important held in Amer
ica, averaged slightly less than 62
miles an hour for the 283 miles; It
was of 80-horse power, but in the
same race there were cars of 120
horse power and one of 130. Amer
ican Magazine.
V s iiit!Z Mrs. Ilrglnin Cal ma.
t ri
St. Jacobs Oil
Is the short, sure, easy curs for .f
- and '
1 I? V mm
I 'I
' .... w mum
m MM.
ii l fc. . HkHMI
Chronic Catarrh of Throat and lungs.
Mrs. Virginia Cnvinna, room 32, Cam
bridge Block, Portland, Ore., writes:
"1 was a sufferer with cnturrh of the
throat and lungs lor a long time before
I'eiiiiin was recommended to me. 1 gave
it a trial, although 1 thought at the time
it would be just like other medicines and
o me no good. 1 was pleased to lind tint
my improvement began in less than two
weeks and continued u- til 1 was entirely
wJI. 1 gained nearly 75 pounds, have a
splendid appetite and nin grateful for what
your medicine Itasrdotie for me."
cold, headache and neuralgia.
- '. iririiom i i bbs.
, IF. Dinner, M.D., Manufacturer, Nprtntfleld, .
m "From Hie cradle to lh baby chair"
B If so, you ought to hiv
'At . ' ' W ) "i
ti rC i"t' ' -.ttfiiVS'' 'I
CVJR PHOENIX Walking Chair )
noias trie cnua securely, pre
venting those painful falls and
bumps which are 80 freqnent when
baby learns to walls.
The chair is provided with a re
movable, sanitary cloth scat.whioh
supports the woight of the child
and prevents bow-logs and spinal
troubles; it also has a table attach
ment which enables baby to find
amusement in its toys, eta, with
out any attention. -
"As indispensable as a cradle."
It is so constructed that it pre
vents soiled clothes, sickness from
drafts and floor perms, and is
recommended by physicians and
endorsed by both mother and baby.
Combines pleasure and utility.
No baby should be without one.
Call at your furniture dealer
and ask to See one.
Cm only be hid ol your furniture dealer.
There is no a&ti&f action keener!
than being dry and comforted)!
when out In the horae&t atormL
Oiled clothikg
P. N. V. 11, 190.
f Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
LaToPrinclD! Br&mlntr C B. Pttntlon Bureau.
3 jra la Atvu wtw. 16 tuli ""-"mg tlaimi.atm tea
It psnetrates to the seat
of torture, and relief
promptly follows.
Price, 25c. amd SOc.
i a t v a -v ri x
T f vhk r.ll.r Ml ....
r. m. ii. mnr mm, .. ?iiHSTS.