The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 14, 1906, Image 3

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    General Wood Reports a Fierce
Fight on Island of Jolo.
Artillery Had to be Lifted Up
Feet or More by Block and
An Important, net Ion between Ameri
can forces and Imstllu Moron lins tak
en plnce near Join.
Fifteen onllKti'il men were killed,
four couiniiBsiotu'd "olllccra wounded
anil 32 vnllKtPd mm wounded.
The ft' rim lust (toil mm killed.
MuJ. (ion. Lcnunrd Wonil. roiiiiiiiiiKl
or of the division of the Philippines,
reports from Jolo, tho cnpltal of the
Sulii Islands:
a ,of vos) .... lnfwly mfwyp m f wy in
"A Revere net Inn Pet ween troops,
Tinvul ilotueliiiient, eoiiHtnlMilnry nuil
hostile Moros lias taken plnee tit
Mount Dujo. near Join. The enmii
ment oprneil during I In nfiernoon of
March 11 ami eiuloil In tho innrtiliiK "f
March S. The net ion involved the
capture of Moiml DnJo. n lava rime
3,100 feet hluli. with n rrater at Its
summit, nnd extremely sleep.
"Tho last 4D0 feet were at an mmle
of 50 degrees .and I hero were fll'lv per
pendicular ridges mvored with
!1 i
growth of timber and Htronulv t'uril
fled and defended liy nn In vlsiljlt
forre of Moros.
" II. T). Cooke. Jr., eoni
mantling tho I'mnpnngn fort, was si
verely wounded nnd Coxswain (ill- i
more w:ia severely wounded In the el
tow. The cimst.'iliiiliirv ensiinltios
were: ('apt. John It. White, wounded
In the thigh, severely; lliree enlisted
me,, ,,. mm , woun.iou. i-npi. i ,.s r,.,,iili-,. shipments. New Kng
Tyree Tlivera siislnlned a slight flesh ! i.,,, ..,, ,, ,,,,,.,, ,.,
wound in the thigh
Lieut. Conli'ii i
was Slightly wounded In the right
hnnd; l.lent. Wylle T. Conway of the
Sixth Infantry was slightly .wounded
tn the left eve. All of tho Mjpunded
are doing well.
"Col. Joseph V. Duncan of the
Sixth Infantry dlrecled the operal inns.
All the defenders of the Moros strong
hold were killed. Six hundred bodies
Were found on Hie field.
"The nelion resulted in the extinc
tion of a band of outlaws who, rrrog
nl.liiR no chief, had been raiding
friendly Mtiros and, owing to their de
fiance of (he American nutlioril ies,
had stirred up n dmtgerous condition
of affairs."
The nrtllleiv was lilted by block
nnd tackle, a distance of :100 root, into
a. Position on tho lip of the crater.
Brlgndier-ficnernl Wis and myself
were present throughout the action.
The attacking minimis were cimi-
mnnded by Ma.. Omar Dundy, ('apt. j
is.. !'. i.awfon, Cnpt. Rivers. Citpt.
H. Koehler, Cap). McClaehlin and
T.leut. Johnson.
The officers and ien engaged
blghly commend the A constabu
lary who did.excollonl (work, their
cnsuaVties numbering 1 out of a force
of 44 engjigpd.
Rifles and Ammunition Found on Ves
sel at San Francisco.
Twenty-two modern rllles and 10..
. 000 rounds of ammunition were seiz
ed In the quarters of the Chinese crew
on the Ktenmer Manchuria, scheduled
to sail from San Francisco for the
Orient. The company's otnelnls or
dered a thorough search, which re
sulted In two more boxes of rifles be
ing found n tho room or an assistant
engineer. Tho engineer and the Chi
nese were questioned and it was found
the gnus had heen purchased by the
engineers and smuggled aboard the
The oifio.lals say they believe there
arc no more guns aboard, but this will
not be certain until iho freight has
been discharged from the steamer on
her arrival at Hong-kong. Nothing is
known as to how long the smuggling
of this character of -goods lins been
going on.
Woman Unbalanced by Study of Fire
Miss Madie Smith. 4." years old.
who lived with her mother, in Chica
go, saturated her clothes with kero
sene otl and hiding In the coal room :
beneath the sidewalk of her home set i
fire to her garments nnd was ere-
mated before assistance could reach j
It developed at the Inquest that j
Miss Smith had been a follower of j
Oroman Zar Adusht Hanish of fire
worshiping faith. .The Coroner was of
the opinion that her mind hn.-l been
unsettled by study of fire worship and
the Parsee religion.
Max Meyer Says Woman
is the i
Less Intellgent.
Dr. Max Meyer, professor of psy
chology, in an address before the stu
dents of the Missouri university, de
clared that a man is more intelligent
than a woman in the ratio of 44 to 33.
The statement was greeted with ap
plause by the men In the audience.
Dr. Meyer hastened to add that the
Investigations along this line had just
begun and that the ratio at any time
might be changed to favor the women.
Prairie Fir Causes $1,000,000 Loss.
The disastrous prairie fires which
wept the western part of the Texas
Panhandle for three days have caus
ed a loss of $1,000,000. It has been
found necessary for cattlemen to
move their herds into New Mexico for
range pasture. Some 500,000 acres
were burned over.
An early adjournment of Congress
to now the program of Senate leaders
ad May 1 Is named as the last prob
able date. ,
Activity In Building Material. With
Contracts for Future Delivery
Being Freely Placed.
Home Irregularity is noted In trade
reports for the past, week, but not
moro than1 is seitHuniihle, nnd merenn
tllo rollorlloiiR are generally prompt.
A little conservatism regarding for
ward business in Hotne Industries may
he attributed to high prices, nil lionpli
the RientoRl nl l ength appears In
building imiterlal, and preparations
for structural work are beyond prece
dent. Tlie few minor strikes do not ser
iously Interfere with progress and
thus fnr the only noticeable effect or
the eonl ctinlrovcrsy Is the unusually
In rue ileniand for this season of the
year In nil fuel markets nnd the dis
position of small merchants In the Im
mediate vicinity of the nntlirnelte
mines to allow slocks to heroine de
pleted. Should an amicable result tit
l"ud t ho meeting or March I!), these
dealei-i will provide wholesalers ami
manufacturers with much urgent busi
ness. There Is lillle Idle machinery In any
of tlii' lending tiintiiifurtiirlng Indus
tries and conlriicls for distant, deliv
ery come forward freely, except at
the toxiilo mills, where purchases
lite rhliflv fur Immediate rctptire
menis. Prices of commodities rose
slightly during Kelirimry. Dun's In
dex number being $101,201 on March
1 n In si nt,iill n month ngn. anil
$lill,'.i::!l a year ago. Hnllwav earn-
Iiiks continue tn miike striking com-
! pyiiKins vtllli last year's figures, the
increase during l-V'linini y amounting
to 21. It per cent.
Fun Inn ennnnerce at New York for
the las week showed an Increase In
exports of S!i2ri,2lil over the same
! week last year, while Imports de
i creased $71!'").
Leather is ipiiel, but steady, sup
port constantly nppenring as consum-
i,.mentnrv sprint; conliacls. fail
ures numbered 221 iigniii.-U 211 last
nuil In Canada,
L'.- a year ago.
21 compared j
Officers cf Mutual Reserve Life Com
pany Held by Grand Jury on
Five Counts.
Indictments cliarglng grand larceny
tn Hie first degree anil forgery In the
third degree by Frederick A. rtiirn
bain, president; (lonige D. Kldrldge,
first vl o-presldonl . and (ieorge llnni
hnm, Jr., second vice president, of the
Mutual Reserve Life Insurance Coin
luinv. wore found bv the grand- Jury
In New York. In till five Indictments
were brought against each olllcor, I wo
tor grand larceny and three Tor forg
ery. Tho alleged larceny and forg
ery was brought about, according to
the Indict incuts, by payments of $1.-
I 000 if the company's money to law
firms, the apparent purpose of which
Is alleged to have been to settle
j clalnu- against Hie company, while tlie:
roftl objeet Is alleged to have been to
I settle nction.i which had been brought :
I against officers of the company as In-
i dlviiiuuls. i
The Indictments on which a charge
J of larceny Is based alleged that tlie
'.officers embezzled two sums, one of
! $7,500 nnd the oilier of $l,.i00, on Oe- '
, tober 21. 11101. The three officers ap-1
' oeared in the court, of general ses-!
j slons, where Judge O'Sullivan fixed i
i their bail at $12,500 for each nnd fix
i od ii'w.ii next. Thursday as Hie time for
; Prefers the Senate to a Place on the
Supreme Bench.
Hir the second time in his public j
j career Senator P. C. Knox of Penn- j
sylvanla, lias declined an nppolntmelit
to tho supreme court, of tho Tnited '
States. The tender -was made by
President Roosevelt Saturday, March
:1, but Senator Knox promptly told the :
President hp could not consider the '
The position offered wns that of as
sociate Justice to succeed Justice Hen- j
ry 11. Drown, whose resignation wns ;
accepted 'by the President. Justice !
Ilrown wns Vo years old on Friday, i
March ?,. and having served on Hie I
I supreme bench for more than 10 years ;
: be is eligible under tho law to retire 1
; on full salary although he has been
I in good health and retains full posscs
i slnn of his mental vigor.
Missionaries Removed.
The Protestant missionaries at
Sulchou, province of Klangsl. have
been escorted 10 Kltiklang. The Ca- ,
tholic missionaries nl. Sulchou re-'
iuscd to leave the plnee and the Gov- '
ernor Is sending another escort for ,
them. The Chinese concerned in tlie 1
recent rioting at. Niinohang. province ;
of Klangul, have confessed their guilt,
but maintain that they were just Hied
in attacking the Catholics, ns the lat
ter had stabbed the magistrate. I
Oppose Increase of Wages.
At a conference of coal operators of ,
Ohio at Cleveland, no formal action 1
was taken, but those present were ,
unanimous against the proposed In-'
crease of 5.55 per cent. In miners'
Several hot speeches were made ;
against any increase. It was decided ;
to send a delegation of 100 operators j
to the district convention in India-!
nnpolis on March 19. The delegation j
wns instructed to opiMise any advance ,
In the present scale. i
Lower Freight Rates.
Western railroads. the Chicago
"Record Herald"' says, have decided
to make voluntary reductions in
transportations charges amounting in
the aggregate to many million dol
lars annually. The proposed redur
tiona are to be made in nil the six
classes Into which freight Is divided
and will be effective In the entire
territory between the Atlantic sen
hoard and and the Missouri river. In
general, the reductions will amount
to approximately 15 per cent.
TroubleOver Separation of Church
and State Causes Defeat
Turn In Event May Have Important
Bearing on Franco-German Con
teat at Algeclraa.
I.Ike a holt from a clear sky the
Rouvler ministry was defeated In the
Flench Chamber of Deputies mid Im
mediately resigned. The cabinet
crisis comes at a most dramatic ino
nicnl, when the Friincii-Uernian con
test has reached n decisive atnge and
may exert nn Important, adverse- In
fluence on the AlgeelriiH conference
and on Kuropeiin affairs.
Tho defeat of the government rnme
on a comparatively minor debate over
the chilrch disorder. Tin govern
ment snceeedeil In holding only 231
votes, while the various elenienlH In
opposition. CU'ileals, Socialists nnd
Nallonallsts united and polled 2H7
voles, thus placing tlte ministry In a
minority of :'.:).
Premier Rouvler, with all of his
eolleiixues, lliiinedllilely proceeded to
the foreign olllce, where u JoluL letter
nf resignation was prepared. Utter
M. Houvlcr pre.ienled tills loiter to
President Fallleres, who accepted the
resignations. The president announ
ced his Intention of consulting the
presidents of the Senate nnd Chamber
of Deputies relative lo the format Ion
of H - new enblnet.
The debate in tho Chamber of
Deputies was upon the bloody riot
dnriiiK tlie Inking of nn Inventory of
a church In tho village of Hoesehepo,
resulting In the ilealh or the iiiiinl
feslnnt. Various oritlors severely
crlllsed the pivcrniueiU's course, as
serllnK that it threatened to proel
pllate a rolijjious warfare.
Returns from Europe to Face Insur
ance Committee.
Andrew Hamilton returned lo Now
York on the ijteamcr Deiilcbland, on
which he was registered under the
name of V. Milton. Mr. Hamilton
was ill the bond of the legislative
bureau of the New York l.lfo Insur
ance Company and bud chnrgo of the
legislative work of several large com
panies. To obtain an accoiinllng from him
of moneys alleged lo have been ad
vanced by the late John A. MoCull, as
president of tlie New York l.lfo In
surance Company, John C. McCall,
secretary of tlie company, went to
Paris recently. The account lug was
asked for by the Fowler committee..
Mr. Hamilton's statement was also
placed bcloie the legislative Investi
gating committee. F,xilaining his re
turn. Mr. Hamilton said:
"I heard something nhoiit criminal
proceedings nnd hero I nut."
During the Insurance Investigation
Mr. Hamilton was In Fan'opo and
when John C. McCall met him In
Paris mid urged bla return Mr. Ham
ilton said that his physicians would
not permit it. Mr. Hamilton's con
nection with the New York l.lfo was
mentioned nt length In a recent re
port of the Fowler committee and It
was urged that he should return to
New York.
Ohio 8enate Passes a Bill for Con
stitutional Amendment.
The Ohio Senate by a vote of 211 to
111, ndoplod n resolution by Senator
Howe of Cleveland, providing for the
submission to the people of a consti
tutional amendment penult ting the
people lo till) into anil to vole by ref
erendum on leglsallon. To Initiate n
law petitions for the same must, be
signed by at least 5 per cent of the
voters of the Stale. No law enacted
by the Cioneial Assembly, except
(tnergoncy measures, shall become ef
fective under the proposed amend
ment until (10 days lifter lla passage,
during which period the same may be
submitted to n vote of Hie people and
nn tiiherso majority shall act as a
veto. The resolution goes to the
Ceremony Moves All Members of
Royal Party to Tears.
The impressive ceremony al the
conversion of the Princess Kirn of
lialtenburg. to the Roman Catholic
faith, prior to her marrying King Al
fonso, took place In t'ho chancel of
the palace of Mlraniar at San Se
bastian. Spain.
Tlie Rt. Rev. Root Hrindlo, Roman
Catholic Hi shop of Nottingham, Eng.,
officiated. Premier Moret. nnd the
Duke of Alba were witnesses for the
Princess. The members of the royal
party were deeply moved, the Prin
cess Beatrice. Princess Henry of
Itattenhurg, mother of the Princess
Fun. and Princess Knn were In
Charges Against Policemen.
Berths Claiche, whose pea of guilty
to manslaughter was accepted, made
a confession, charging a number of
New York policemen with having re
ceived large sums weekly from un
fortunate women whom they ostensi
bly protected from arrest.
Gifts from President and Jing.
Rev. W. A. R. Goodwin, rector of
Brulou Parish church, Williamsburg,
Va., states that the Bible to be given
by King Edward and the Lectern by
President Roosevelt will be formally
received when the restored church Is
consecrated, during the general con
vention in 1907. The gifts are .made
to Brutou as the official successor in
1C!Ht to the church nt Jamestown, and
prior to the revolution the court
church of Colonial Virginia.
t . : J ,
Woman Attempt to Atiasilnate Rue
dan Official.
An attempt m the life of Vice Ad
miral Doubssoff, governor general of
Mosrow, and a member of the coun
cil of the empire, was frustrated. The
would-be assassin was ii woman.
Representing that she came from per
sonal friends lo the governor general
she gained admittance to tho chan
cellory, but her agitation til true-toil
tho al tent Ion of an aid, who noticed
particularly the luxuriance of the wo
man's hnlr, which was oolffoil high
upon her Uead. When she whs Inter
rogated Shi) attempted lo flee, but
was seized nnd searched and n small
Jiomh was discovered concealed In her
troc.- The identity of the woman
lias not been established.
Fourteen Men and Boys Arraigned
Riot Cost the City $22,000.
Four companies Of tin- Ohio Nat
ional liuaril from Columbus, two from
Springfield, nnd one each from Xeiila
and I'rlmiin, were withdrawn from
duly nt Sprlngllcld, O.
Fourteen men and boys were nr
rnlgncd In police court. A big crowd
was excluded from the room. Afier
the (lepnilure of tho soldiers the na- ,
loons wore pornillted lo open. It Is I
esllinnloil t lint the cost of bringlm;
Die noldlors wns $l().tniit. The piop
eity loss is esl limited al $12.00(1.
Wife of French Noblnman Will Bring
the Children to America.
Connless Donl de Castellane and
her children are expected In New
York some I lino this month. In spile
of the assertions to the contrary.
Preparations are being made for
their coining at Miss Helen (loubl's
home In Fifth livening nnd for n pro
longed slay.
Inasmuch as Donl Is entirely de
pendent, upon his wife's charity for
the selt'letiient of Ills enormous dcbls,
and for bis future bread and butler,
neither he inn- any member of his
fliuiily lire likely to offer legal objec
tions' to tlie children being taken ul
of the country by their mother be
fore a decree of judicial separation or
of divorce has been issued by the
Paris courts.
! Permission to Build Railway
I From Rockefeller by Czar.
An American syndicate, headed by
John 1). Rockefeller had obtained,
through Premier W'llte. concessions
for building a highly Important rail
way line between' Chita and Task
liond. The road was to lap the groat
Hliiorlan runway
Irkutsk- nuil run
west Hi rough rich
011 miles West of
,000 miles south-i
and largely uinle-
veloped territory lo Hie capital el
Russian I iirkeslnn- -a roule wit U
great possibilities.
The syndicate's represonlalive has
been nolilled Hint by F.mperor Nicb-
Idas' command Hie concession has
been withdrawn.
Old Age Salary Placed at $1,000.
A provision limiting the suIiiI'Ioh ot
government clerks over 05 years old
to 1,000 a ciir has been allaihed lo
the legislative iippi opvlnl ion bill,
which a suh-coniniitlee will report
to tho House Committee on Appropria
tions. The suh-coniiultlee has com
piled llgures shewing Hull $2,000,000
is paid ii mi mi My lo clerks in Wash
ington over 05 years old, and that 77
per cent, of those clerks received
morn than $1,000 nnnnully.
Marrying Couple Both Over 70.
All local marriage license records
wore broken at Lancaster, Pa., when
Jacob II. Ramsey anil Rebecca J.
McVey, both of Quarryvllle, secured
the proper authority to wed. Ramsey
is 77 and his Intruded bride 71.
i Neither has had any previous malrl
j nionial experience and tiolh are pop
! nlar In their home town.
Barge is Burned at Sea.
The barge Hamilton Fish, owned by
i Hie C. Dunham Nephew company, of
New York, was destroyed by lire at
sea four miles off (lie llnrnegnt. life
saving station. The captain and crew
were taken off by Hie tug which had
the burge In tow. Tlie vessel was left
burning nnd the tug proceeded up the
In the District Court at Ciildwell.
Idaho, a grand Jury relumed Indict-
ments against all Hie men held on
the charge of murdering former Gov-
ernor Frank Sceuiienherg. with the
exception of Steve Adams.
For refusing to bundle their guns
against the revolutionists during the
recent disorders nt Odessa, Russia,
30 artillerymen have heen sentenced
by court -nui rtial to various terms of
imprisonment tin to 20 years. ,
The Servian Cabinet has tendered j
its resignation 10 the King, saying Hie j
Minlslois cannot accept Austria's pro- ;
posnls for the conclusion of a politl- i
co-conimercial agreement with Ser-
vla. i
.. . .... . i
Fire at Sheboygan. Wis., caused a
loss or $100,000 in tlu
fiiinlture fac-
tory district here. The losers are:
Sheboygan Couch company, $50,000;
Sears Roebuck, Chicago, warehouse
$:i0,0li0; Montgomery Ward & Co.
warehouse $IO,000. miscellaneous $10.
000. Prosperity in France.
A summary of the foreign trade of
Franco for the first II months of
1903 shows that the exports Increas
ed over the previous year $06,000,000.
The French minister of commerce in
commenting on this thrift said that
it. was greater than over before known
In Its history, lie attributed this
satisfactory progress to the wise pol
icy of the third republic and the peace
of nearly 35 years, a longer period of
quiet than the country had enjoyed
for centuries.
The President Thinks Our Wealth
May Lead to Naval Attack.
Millions of Dollars Arc Needed
Carry Out the Recommenda
tions Made.
President Roosevelt, sent a message
to Congress accompanying plans for
coast defense prepared by n Joint
lion rd of army and navy officers in
which he emphasized the necessity
for further defenses and reviews the
history of the defensive works In this
The President culls especial atten
tion to the recommendation of the
board that the entrance lo Chesa
peake Hay be added lo the list of
places In Hie 1'nlled Slates to be de
fended, lie says the Insular posses
sions cannot be neglected If tint I'nlt
ed Stales desires to bold them.
Defenses are recommended for Ma
nilla Day, Penrl Harbor, (iualanaino.
(iaiim, San Juan and Honolulu
! cause of their strategic locutions, al
l ft) for entrances lo Hie Panama ca
. n:il. Tile luess'igo says:
I The necessity for a complete nnd
adequate system of eons! defense Is
i crealer lo-dav Hum 20 years ago, for
I Hie Increased wealth of the oouuln
offers more templing Indueoineiit-i lo
attack pad n host He fleet can reach
our coasl in n much shorter period
of lime. The fact, that we now have n
navy does not in any wise diminish
the Importaueo of const defenses; on
the contrary, that fact emphasizes
their value nnd I he necessity flir I heir
Commander of Army Stationing
Troops to Protect Peking.
A correspondent at Peking describ
es the Interesting sirnloglo disposi
tion of troops by Yuan Sbi-Kiii, com
iiuindcr of the Chinese forces. He
has stationed four batleries of field
artillery nt Chluohow, province of
lliiian, on the Yuen-river under pre
tense Hint bandlls an- approaching.
! ' ll,s '"'""''' V guards the northern np-
proucu in ine capnai, inning uie
cam vii n route from Manchuria to
Peking, lie ulso is sending eight
batteries of rapid -lire gums lo Sliun
lel'n under the pretext thai a secret
society there Is exhibiting unrest. Urn;
guarding Hie s-tmlhcrn approach to
I ,p t :i I
and cutllnir the Hankow-
),.. ,. ,.,, I
Vmm shi Kit! retains 21 modified
k, ,,,.!. .miis. Hie most modern nieces
'f in Clnioi nl Hie I ( 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 r Park three
j china, at Hie lliinliii
, ,,,s (!, ,lf ivklng.
Measure Provides for Appointment by
Governor of Three Members. j
Tho Ohio House by a vote 80 to
t passed tlie bill creating a Railroad '
Hate commission. The hill provides ;
for the appointment, by the Governor!
of n commission of lliree members at i
a salary of $.".000 a year each.
This commission is charged wiih 1
Hie investigation of nil complaints of.
unjust discriminations or unreason
able rates and has the "power lo fix )
sik h rale or rules as It shall have de- ;
leriiiitied to be just nnd reasonable."!
The commission is given the power to i
enforce by proceedings In mandamus
any order which II may Issue. !
The bill applies lo all steam, elec
tric and inleriirban railways, express,;
sleeping car, freight and rreighl line ;
companies. The measure has not
been passed by the Senate.
on Which They Are Fishing
! Breaks and Floats Seaward.
I It Is feared 800 fishermen. with
their families, who are afloat on the
j Ice In the Gulf of Finland, are dooui
! ed to perish. A fortnight ago about
j 1,000 persons, who had with them
I their horses, were fishing oft the east
! land, when the Ice parted, nnd was
! driven by a storm Into the Bultic sea.
I Later the Ice split, the wind chang
! ed lo the east, and a block on which
i there were 200 persons came ashore
j nt Fredericksham. Tho fate of tti
i others Is unknown.
Killed by Gas.
t Howard I. Richardson, 10 years old,
; of Gleiiwood, Pa., after returning from
; work in the morning retired, telling
j mother, Mrs. Anna Richardson,
j l(, r.a im at 5 o'clock p. m. When
she went to his room at that hour she
found him stretched
across the bed
! dead,
while the room was stifling with
gas. The gas In u stove In the room,
which had been burning when he re-
..... . J 1.1 !.. I ntln.,l..l,nJ
I II Oil, nail evtlie,lll uixu ri muimo-ii j
III some
oti later
manner and the gas coming
had asphyxiated the young
Freezing and Starving In Japan.
Tlie Secretary of the American Na
tional Red Cross has received Itifor-
! million that the unprecedented cold In
Northern Japan has greatly Increased
the- suffering In the famine-stricken
provinces. Millet Is being bought
with some of the relief funds, as that
Is cheaper than rice. Many have
starved to death or died of the cold.
New Railroad Project.
Official announcement has been
mnde by W. B. Strang, of New York,
that the. right, of way has been se
cured between Toledo and Indlapo
lls for a uew railroad, and that work
will begin next month. The com
pany Is capitalized at. $:!.000.000. and
Senator Thompson., of Indianapolis, is
president. While steam will be used
ror the movement of freight, gaso
electrlc cars will be used for passen
ger service. The road will be known
as the Toledo. Fort Wayne and In
dianapolis. .
But 8ys Congress Must Provide
Money for Commission.
President RooMwelt sent a message
lo the OrnigrfKH announcing; his sig
nal ore to the Joint resolution re
cently piuwed Instructing the Inter
state commerce commission to mak
examination Into the subject of rail
road discriminations and monopolies
In coal nnd nil, He says frankly that
ho has signed It with hesitation, bo
cuuse it may achieve little or noth
ing., Ho Indicates, too, Unit If the In
vestigation proposed by the resolu
tion Is conducted thoroughly, it will
result in giving Immunity from crimi
nal prosecution to nil persons who are
called nnd sworn as witnesses. In
Hie opinion of tho President, the dU
lection will remain practically In
operative unless money ho provided
to curry on Iho Investigation nnd the
commission bo nuthorlzoil to take tes
timony under Its provisions.
lie suggests, therefore, that. Con
gress give serious consideration to
Just, what It desires the Interstate
Commerce commission to do nnd that
Tho sum of $50,000 bo placed nt the
disposal of the commission to defray
Hie expenses of the proposed Investi
Tho three men who on February 10
tried to tissnsslimtn President Reyes
of Colombia, have been shot at. the
spot where Iho nltnok took plnce.
Governor John A. Johnson lias an
nounced that he will recommend to
Hie next Minnesota legislature! nil
aggressive light, against the Cordngo
Imperial ukases are Issued detltilng
powers and providing for the manner
of selection members of the new Rus
sian parliament, showing the conccs
kIoiir mnde to tlie people.
Revolt of czar's subjects results In
assassinations', robberies and panic In
Russian Poland. alarmed at the criticism
from other nations and Chinese, offic
ials are ordered lo protect all for
eigners, especially missionaries.
(ieorge C. Thomas, a retired hank
er of Philadelphia, has presented
$100,000 to tlie board of missions of
tho Proteslunl Episcopal church.
Deri ha Guliek, 15 years old, was
fatally burned nt Rtouhcnvllle, O., her
clot lies catching fire from n gas
Fire destroyed tJie Odd Fellows'
hall nt Fredonlii, Pa., together with
James Module's grocery store. Loss,
A. S. Young, of Tllusville, was ar
rested at Greenville. Pa., on a
charge or embezzlement, nnd count
erfeiting. A distinct earthquake was felt In
Portland, Me. In several parts of tho
city the shock was accompanied by
rumbling, which lasted several sec
onds. At Grand Rapids, Mich., two
daiighlers of George Storer of Cam
den have been fatally poisoned by
canned salmon.
Kansas will drop Its ouster proceed
ings against the Standard Oil .com
pany, which liavn been pending in the
Supreme court for a your.
The citizens of Bath, Kngland, de
cided by a vote of two to one against
Hie acceptance of Andrew Carnegie's
offer of $05,000 for a public library.
Congressman II. T. Bannou was
renominated without opposition by the
Tenth Ohio district Republican con
vention. By the death or tne late Phobe
Gates Strawn of Jacksonville, III., the
Jacksonville Female college receives
her residence, vnltied nt $75,000, for
Iho purposes of an nrt, gallery.
A special dispatch from Algeclras
says Germany has accepted the Rus
sian proposition that the control of
the force for the policing of Morocco
be entrusted to France and Spain
Jointly as the basis for an agreement.
Not an Easy Task.
The New York Tribune says:
There seems to be little doubt that
the Chinese government is earnestly
trying to discourage and to suppress
antiforelgn demonstrations by the
people, but In so vast and so decen
tralized an empire the task is not an
easy one. The part of reason and of
justice surely Is, however, for foreign
countries not to embarrass but rath
er to aid and sustain the Chinese
government In Its laudable efforts. It
would not be for the good of the
world to have another Boxer out
break or to have the Chinese dynasty
overthrown and the whole empire
cast into the melting pot.
Jury Convicts Negro of Murder.
(ieorge Small, the negro, who was
placed on trial at Mount Holly, N. J.,
charged with the killing of Miss Flor
ence W. Allinson, near Moorestown.
j on January 18, was convicted of
murder in the first degree and sent
enced lo be hanged March 2:, at
which time Ritfus Johnson will also be
executed for the same crime. John
son was convicted on February 8.
Sixteen Dancers Perish.
At the village of Fucecchlo, France,
a - house where a dance was in pro
gress took fire. During that panic
a floor gave way and 16 persons per
ished, while many others were In
jured. Clark Win His Land Suit.
1'nlted States Senator W. A. Clark,
of Montana, won the case against him
In the Supreme court of the United
States, In which the government
sought ' to have canceled patents to
11,400 acres of public lands In Mon
tana, which were alleged to have been
fraudulently secured.
' Andrew Carnegie has signified to
President John M. Davis an intention
to donate $25,000 to Rio Grande col
lege, a Baptist theological school, af
Rio Grande, Gallia county, Ohio,
HoUry Pnblte, ml nlM fl ttf "1
murcit, eollnotlniii m6 promptly, 41
tn SfBtlluta bulldlnf. UarnaldtTill) fT
J JR. B, B. BOOT It R,
KiwiuciiI dntlm. In the nonrof tadtftsB
iniii timet. OftiitlAnftit tn optntlat.
OfBo on leoond floor of Tirtt T
tioul bank building-, Mala ttrt
Offlct on tenor.d floof RaynoldfyfiN
Real Estatn Building, Mala itriiiC
RnynoldsTllle, I'a.
And Heal Estate Afeni
HeynotdirOU, ffc
Rotary Publln and Hint EnUt Afafitl. OeSJ
Uotlons will rfionlvA prompt attftntlun. OflUf
In tli Hi.fnoWi.Tl I In ilurilwsre Ho. BnlUlma,
Mala slrMt, 10-ynul.Hfillo, r.
Grain, Flour and Feed.
Wlinnt Nn. Mil I 7 M
Ityn Nn. 7
Corn No t ynlliiw, i-iir t'.i Ml
Nn. X yellow, Hliiillml 45 40
Mlml i-iir l 47
OMR-No. a whlli) Hi n
No. ;i wiitto 111 m
Flour Wliitnr pntiTit 4 (Vi 4 70
Kany airnlKlit wlnlnrs 4 mi 4 10
Hiiy-No. 1 Timothy IS 7 ID (HI
( lovor No. I (I OH fl.'.O
Fiwil No. 1 nlilti) inlil. ton EMU cv.V)
Ilrown nililitlliiK ill Ml iffi 01
llmti. hulk..; ) (Hi W V)
Biriw Win-in 7 Oil 7 M
Out 7 01 7 Ml
Dairy Products.
Buttur KlRln creiimory 8! fit
Ohio eruriiiii'ry JH 29
Finn y I'ouiiiry roll I'.' 'iO
(.Tioi'ho Ohio, ni.w II In
Now Yurie, imw 13 14
Poultry, Etc.
Him-rnr lh 8 II IS
Chli-kiina Irnnnoil I" H
KKK" 1'a. and Ohio, truth M Ul
Fruits and Vogetablei.
Apploit Mil s Al 5 SO
I'oiutoort Fiinry whlto ht hu.... 75 ao
(alihnuB pur ton .. tfl 00 lit no
OiiloiiH burrol 4 (u 24
Flour Wtntnr Patnnt t
WlH-at No. ti red
Corn Mlxo'l
Hutnr Ohio iTftumr-ry r..t
9 r,
Flour Winter Ptnnt f 5 ot 5 t
Wheat No. 1 red HI Hf,
Corn No. S ml led 40 47
Oat No. while M
llutter Creamerr vj ftl
Kkk Pennsylvania llrila jft at
Flour Patent I S
Wheat -No. red H
s n
Corn No. s '
OaM No. a white
butter -Creamery iW
Kxiia State and Pennnylvahla.... 10
Union Stock Yards, Pittsburg.
Kitia, I.4.V1 to 1,000 Ins...., 15 40 it 00
Prime. 1,800 in 1, 400 llw 6 10 II so
Oood, l.nooto l,00 I ha 4 8S It 111
Tidy. I.imtol.ltw lh 4 ) 4 80
Fair, WW to 1,100 lh 4 00 4
Common, 700 10 1100 Iba 8 7." 4 00
Common to food fat oien t 7S A 'A
Common to good fnt bulla ft 50 4 .t
Common to good fat cowa 1 00 8 7
lleltera, 700 tol, lOfllbe SO 4 411
Freeh cowa and nprlnger 18 00 50 00
Prime heary hog f t 7fi I M
Prime medium weights 6 7ft ft so
Beat heay Vorkera...., ft Tt 0 SO
(iood light Yorker ft Mi ft 40
Plg, as to quality ft 80 tin
Common to good roughs 5 00 ft 70
Htags ft 50 4 7ft
8heep. .
Prime wethers ISM ft 00
Wood mlied ft 80 57
Fair mixed ewes and wethers..., 4 7S ft so
Cullaand common 2 50 4 0O
lulls to choice lambs '"'it ft u)
Veal Calves it 00 ft 50
Heavy and thin calTes ..... 0U ft 00
No Authority for It In the Bible.
A story is told of the late Dr.
Peddle, a Scotch miniHter, to whom
his congregation had presented a pul
pit robe. He had never worn a robe,
and after acknowledging the gift,
ho said ho would wait in the vestry
five minutes after service to hear any
objectors to the innovation. Nobody
appeared lint one old lady, who, on
being asked what her objections
were, answered t'-iat she had read
the epistles of St. Paul, and could
not find any reference to the Apostle
wearing a gown. "What epistle dlrl
you read?" asked the doctor. "From
Romans to Hebrews," answered the
old lady. "Well, Janet," said her,
minister, "I havo read from Romans
to Hebrews also, and I could never
find any reference to the Apostle
wearing the breeks. What would you
think if you saw me going into tho
pulpit without breeks?" Needless to
say, the old lady departed satisfied
with the exnVTtntlon.
A Parrot of Evil Reputation If
' The Kea parrot ot New Zealand la
a very curious bird. For many years
it has been charged with killing sheep
by pecking holes In their aides, end
this alleged fact has been recorded in
many works on omlthologyand nat
ural history. Accordingly, as the
Kea Is In danger ot extermination, an
nvestigatlon was recently undertaken
to determine whether this bird real
ly deserved its evil reputation. No
evidence could be found to warrant
"he statement, and it was thought
o be based entirely upon the curt
wlty which it manifests in looking
rer tt carcasses, of dead animals.
Hand's Weekly.