The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 14, 1906, Image 1

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    0 : Wt jttot :
We carry a large
: stock of
Blank books
and officejsupplies.
When in need of
in that line
give us a call.
Stoke & Feicht
Drug Co.
A Queen Quality
is the popular shoe for women.
Foot Fitters
Capital $75,000
Surplus . . ' $7S,OOQ
Total $150,000
John H. Kauohbr, Pres.
John B. Kaucher
Henry O. Delble
J. 0. Kins
J. B. Hammond
ik mc u ik iktt ill A iK nciflc
Steam and Gas
Fitting and all
kinds of work
in that line. j
We handle M initios
Globes, Burners, Chan
deliers, Etc.
Located In the Stoke
building on Fifth street.
Sanitary Plumbers
Hens are Gacllino
I receive fresh eggs daily.
I also handle a choice
line of Fruits, Vegetables,
Groceries, Etc.
When you want any
thing fresh in above line, you
are sure to get it at my
G. P. Koeiw.
Near Postoffloe.
On reason why they are popular is
becausi they fit the foot. When you buy
a pair .f shoes be particular that they
feel uaty and yet touch your foot all over.
This in how the QUEEN QUALITIES fit ;
like a glove; perfectly smooth yet feel so
oasy. ' The styles are the newest the
market affords and the workmanship is
not equalled for the price in any other
shoe. VYs carry large variety of leathers
on the ithapes that are strictly original
with the Queen Quality people.
Wo are showing advanced Btyles for
spring. Buy a pair of QUEEN shoes and
know what a pleasure there is in a shoe
that is right in every way.
J; 0. Kino, Vlee-Pres. K. 0. Bchockebs. Cashier.
Daniel Nolan
John H. Corbett
R. H. Wilson
The Cure thai Cures
, Coughs,
Whooping: Cough, Asthma'
Bronchitis and Incipient
Consumption Is
o& &Tua: 2550rts
For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
TirTvrTTXTrv xtr Atttt
PAID. :::::::
JK 4(
Paper Read by Mrs. Minerva Strauss at
Farmers' Institute in faraaise.
A model or pattern should be the
highest idoal of its kind conceivable,
whether it be the government of a
nation or a home. This great republic
of which we are justly proud, did not
spring up during the night like a toad
stool or mushroom to wither in the
noonday heat. To many deliberations
wore held, and sacrifices made, to
many hearthstones left lonely and sad
ere the conflict ended and liberty was
proclaimed, for men will fight longer
and harder for their homes and loved
ones than anything else on earth. "Our
homes are our nation's safe guards." Do
we all realize this ? There is a wide
difference betwoon house building and
borne building ; for fine houses and
costly raiment, like charity, often cover
a multitude of sins ; too often, alas.
Comparatively few are the homes in
which there is no skeleton bidden.
Divorce cases increase every year at an
alarming rate, more especially in so
called high life, or the aristocracy.
Really it is something of a fad, and
while in one sense it is deplorable, in an
other it is commendable, for when two
cannot agree is it not better to separate
than to bring up children In an atmos
phere that sooner or later must have
an influence that cannot be for the best?
rhere must bo a cause for this as well
as every other wrong. Too little con
sideration has been given by the con
tracting parties as to what constitutes
the making and ordering of an ideal
home, or tho sacrifices that must be
made ere they may enjoy the most en
viable possession on earth, a peaceful,
happy dwelling place, though it bo but
i cottage without even the proverbial
ivy clinging to its walls. If congenial
spirits dwell within, it can be an eden,
a haven of rest, a place in which to love
and be loved, where the spoircr never
enters and harsh words aro left unsaid.
These are a few of the little things that
go a long way toward the doing or
undoing of the home. If fond mammas
were to teach their aspiring daughters
that good, good cooking and household
economy was a science and an art that
Anna Elizabeth McGorty vs. Charles Mc
Gorty. No. 181, November Term, 1905. Plurles Sub
poena In Divorce.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To McGoiiiy, Ghkktino:
We command you, as twice before you were
commanded, that all matter of business and
excuses being set asldo, you be and appear in
your proper person before our judge at
Brookville, atour Court of Common I'leas,
tbere to be held on the second Monday of
April next, to show cause, if any you have,
why your wife, Anna Elizabeth McGorty,
should not be divorced from the bonds of
matrimony which she hath contracted with
you the said Chi, i Iks McGorty agreeable to
the Petition and Libel exhibited against you
before our suld Court, and this you shall in
no case omit at your peril.
Witness The Hon. John W. Uced, President
of our said Court at Brookville, tin 22nd day
or January, A. u. hum.
Allowed by the Court.
Cvbus H. Bi.i
,ood, Protbonotary,
To Chabi.ks Mc9orty, Greeting:
You are hereby notified to appear before
the Honorable Jud'eof tho Court of Common
Pleas, nt Brookville, Pa., on the second Mon
day of April next, to answer as se forth In
the above subpoena.
March 6, 1909. Hherlff.
Rachel W. Thompson vs. .T. f). Thompson.
No, 10, November term, 11105. l'lurlcs Sub
poena in Divorce.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To I. D.Thompson, Greeting:
We command you, as twice before you were
commanded, that ail matter of business and
excuses being set aside, you be and appear in
your proper: person before our judgo at
Brookville, at our Court of Common Pleas,
there to be held on the second Monday of
April next, to show cause, If any you have,
why your wife, Rachel W. Thompson, should
not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony
which she hath contracted with you the said
J. D. Thompson agreeable to the Petition
and Libel exhibited against you before our
said Court, and tills you shall In no case omit
at your peril
Witness the Hon. John W. Reed, President
of our said Court at Brookville, the 8th day
of January, A. D. 10M).
Allowed by the Court.
Cyrus H. Blood, Protbonotary.
To J. D. Thompson, Greeting:
You are hereby notified to appear before
t he Honorable Judge of the Court of Common
Pleas, at Brookville, Pa., on the second Mon
day of April next, to answer as set forth in
the above subpoena.
March 8, 1906. Sheriff.
Delia Fish vs. Thomas Pish.
No. 155, November Term, 1905. Plurles Sub
poena In Divorce.
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To Thomas Fish, Greeting:
Wecommand you, as twice before you were
commanded, that ali matter of business and
excuses being set aside, you be and aupear
in your proper person before our judge at
Brookville, at our Court of Common I'leas,
there to be held on the second Monday of
April next, to show cause, if any you have,
hy your wife, Delia Fish, should not be di
vorced from the bonds of matrimony which
she hath contracted with you, the said
Thomas Fish agreeable to the Petition and
Libel exhibited against you before our suld
Court, and this you shall in no case omit at
your perlL
Witness the Hon. John W. Heed, President
of our said Court at Brookville, the 8th Jay
of January, A. D. 1900.
Allowed by the Court.
Cyrus H. Bixiod, Protbonotary.
To Thomas Fish, Greeting:
Yc.u are hereby notified to appear before
the Honorable Judge of the Court of Common
I'leas. at Brookville, Pa., on .be second Mon
day of April next, to answer as set forth In
the above subpoena.
March 6th, 1906. Sheriff.
no girl, whether rich or poor, should ba
deficlont In, there would be loss divorce
cases, for if you would keep your
husband sweet tempered don't feed him
on Bour bread and soggy potatoes, dish
water coffee, &o. It's an old adage that
a man's heart is reached by way of bis
stomach, but be also gets dyspepsia by
the same route, so be careful and not
overdo the matter.
It takes more engineering and skill
to manage a man and house than the
building of the Panama Canal. If you
don't believe it, try it ; if you do, don't
try it. The husband is supposed to be
the home maker and the bread winner,
but to the good wife fails the responsi
bility of the home keeping and the
broad making. Fortunes are not often
made in tho kitchen, but many a one
has boon lost there on account of poor
management and a disregard of econ
omics. Don't look at it as drudgery, as
too many do, but as an art, a science by
which you may keep yourself and family
in perfect health and happiness, which
is more toyourcredit,and will go farther
toward making a paradise of your home,
than to be able to quote Shakespeare or
converse in the dead languages. I
wouldn't have you infer that I don't
believe in education for women, far
from it. I believe they should have, and
are capable of the higher education, as
they have demonstrated it In many
instances. An educated man usually
has a profession, but a properly educat
ed woman has many. Therefore, the
making of a model home falls heavily
on the mistress, So when the master
comes home tired, after a day of hard
labor or vexing business and And 8 his
dinner ready, his smoking jacket and
slippers waiting for bira, and while he
devours his favorite dishes prepared by
loving hands and recounts what he has
done, where he has been, and all the
annoying things that have happened,
keep patient, for when he gets through
be will feel rested. Then while he takes
his after-dinner smoke, wash your
dishes and by the time you are through
he will have finished smoking. Then
both are ready to enjoy the evening
together at home if you are home
people, but if, as Is so often the case
these days, he belongs to a club for
every night in the week and two times
for Sunday, you can sit out the evening
alone, or follow bis example, go to a
women's club or a theatre, or anywhere
to get even. Let the family lookout
for themsolveB, run the streets, they
belong as much to him as you, If he
don't care you need not. Such expres
sions and examples are frequent. Don't
try to keep even in that way ; keep the
balance on your side, for trials and
heartaches will come to the best
regulated homes. Men are not angels,
neither have women wings ; the tongue
also is an unruly member. Let us then
try to remombar Will Carleton's advice:
"Boys flying kites haul In their white winged
1)1 rds,
But you can t do that when flying words ;
Careful with Are Is good advice we know,
Careful with words Is ten times doubly so."
It is a truthful saying "that it takes
two to quarrel, but only one to stop it."
We would add that it also takes two to
make home perfect. There is little use
in a woman trying to make sunshine by
being all smiles st all times, whan the
man is a chronic growlor, who airs his
business troubles three times a day in
exaggerated form to the already over
burdened partner of bis life. Men are
apt to think they own their wives and
everything else about the place, but a
woman likes to feel that she is part of
the concern and not'a servant, likes to
be treated as though you needed ber
not only to mend your socks, but your
heart as well ; to help drive away the
shadows. Love Should be the domi
nant chord in every borne, to which the
heart strings should be attuned. No
plaoe is perfect without It. ' How we
love to visit whero It is the ruling
passion ; where each member seems
bubbling over with good will toward
each other. It's like an oasis in life's
desert to tired and wornout nerves. Let
us try to meet each other half way in
smoothing out the rough places, setting
an oxample to our children and others
that may prove a blessing to genera
tions to follow.
Mrs. Minerva Strauss.
A Pleasant Treat.
Theatre goers will have a most pleas
ant treat Friday and Saturday evenings.
The Jeffersonian Gold Medal minstrels
is a mammoth entertainment containing
up-to-date specialties and the latest
musical bits. Extremely extravagant
farcial absurdities have been construct
ed purpose for laughter. Replete
with mirth, melody and spectacular ef
fects. For Sale.
One hundred fine residence lots on
Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the
purchaser. City gas and water can be
bad. Most beautiful residence street In
town. Close to business center. In
quire of D. Wheeler, Roynoldsville, Pa.
Official West Reynoldsville.
(NO. 2G)
AN ORDINANCE granting to tho Red
Bank Telephone Company, its suc
cessors and assigns.the right to erect,
maintain and operate a telephones line
on and along certain streets and alleys
of the borough of West Reynoldsville
as hereinafter designated. Ho it or
dained and enacted by tho town coun
cil of the borough of West Roynolds
ville, Jefferson County, Pennsylvania,
and it is hereby ordained and enacted
by authority of tho same.
'Section 1. That the right of way be
and the same is horeby granted to the
Red Bank Telephone Company, its suc
cessors and assigns to erect and main
tain lines of poles, mains, wires, along,
in, under, over, through and across pub
lic streets, avenues, alleys, bridges, via
ducts and ways in the borough, said
public streets and alleys to be herein
after designated for the purpose of oper
ating a Telephone Exchange and tele
phono lines, provided said linos of poles
shall be placed under the direction of
the town council so as to interfere least
with the public use of said streets, ave
nues and alleys as hereinafter stated.
The Company to be responsible to the
borough for all damagon caused in erect
ing, maintaining and oporating paid
Section 2. The poles shall be of sound
timber and kept properly painted and
not less in size than 15 Inches in diame
ter, (J feet from butt, wires not to bo loss
than 30 feet elevation from ground, and
when placed on street or streets, ave
nues or alleys as hereinafter designated
are to be placed within or without the
line of the curb and at such place as
the council may direct, so as not to in
terfere with any sewerage, gas pipes or
water lines now built or hereafter to ba
Section 3. Hereafter the wires of all
electric light, tolcgraph or telephone
companies to be erected or standing at
an angle across the wires of said Tele
phone Company shall not in this case or
In any other be allowed to approach the
wires of said company nearer than two
(2) feet nor said Telephone Company be
allowed to place its wires nearer than
two (2) feet to the wires of said other
company. The provisions of this sec
tion are to apply with equal force to
motor wires for Btreet railway purposes
except so far as they may interfere with
the proper placing of the motor wires
hereafter to be placed in which case It
shall be the duty of the said Telephone
Company to yield the right of way of
said motor wires and change the plac
ing of their linos accordingly.
In case of the violation of this section
it shall be the duty of the Street Com
missioner to notify tho offending com
pany to remove its wires, polos and fix
tures so erected In violation herein
within threo days of such notification
and in failure to comply with such notifi
cation, it shall be the duty of the Street
Commissioner to remove the same at
the expense of the otTonding party or
Section 4. That it is agreed by the
said Company that in the consideration
of the grant of the right of way as here
inafter provided that said Telephone
Company will put up and provide a
'phone in the municipal building or
elsewhere in the borough as the coun
ell may direct for the use of the bor
ough officers, free of charge.
The use of tho poles of the company
by the borough for carrying electrlo fire
alarm wires 6hall bo permitted free of
expose and charge to the said borough.
Section 5. Said company, its success
ors and assigns, are to remove within
ten days after notice has been served by
the council or street commissioner, in
writing, all dead polo or poles not hav
ing living wires on them.
Section 6. The public Btreets, ave
nues, alloys, bridges, viaducts and ways
for poles and lines shall be located in
Baid borough as follows: Pike street,
Brown street, Broad Btreet and First
Avenue. All of said poles are to be sub
ject to a pole tax of per pole,
said tax to be paid to the borough treas
urer annually on or before the first
Monday of March of each and every
year. Said polos and wires aro not to
be used In conjunction with the Red
Bank Tolophone Company by any other
persons or company at the same time
without the consent of the council of
the borough of West Roynoldsville, by
ordinance duly passed.
Section 7. This ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after its
Passage and acceptance by the Red
lank Telephone Company in behalf of
itself, its successors and assigns, and its
publication as provided by law, the
costs and expenses of said publication
to be paid by the said Rod Bank Tele
phone Company, provided said company
shall file with the clerk of council its
written acceptance within ten days af
ter the publication of said ordinance
and paying for Bald publication at the
time of Buch written acceptance, and
provided further that Its poles are
erected on or before January 1 1907,
otherwise this ordinance becomes' null
and void and of no effect.
Section 8 That the rights and privi
leges hereby granted shall be held and
used subject to the terms and provisions
of the laws and ordinances of the bor
ough of West Reynoldsvlllo, now in
force or hereafter to be passed, regu
lating and relating to the same.
Section 9. That any ordinance or
part of ordinance, contlicting with the
provisions of this ordinance bo, and the
same is hereby repealed, so far as the
same effects this ordinance,
Enacted and ordained by the town
council of the borough of West Reyn
oldsville, Pennsylvania, at a regular
meeting held at the council chamber
on February 5th, 1906, at 9 o'clock p. m.
Henry Herpel,
Attest: Presidontof Council.
Philip Koehler,
Clerk of Council.
. Approved this 6th day of February,
Chiof Burgess.
Baxter, Pa., Feb. 15, 1900.
S. M. McCreight and Council of
West Reynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Gentlemen: I in and for, by authori
ty of Board of Directors of the Red
Bank Telephone Co., officially accept
the franchise of West Roynoldsville as
passed by the couucil.
Yours Truly,
Joseph H. Knapp, Sec.
Burlesque, Travesty, Vaudeville. .
The Jeffersonian Gold Medal min
strels two nights, March 10 and 17.
This famous organization will present a
program of progressive novelties and a
perfect typhoon of merrimont. Don't
miss hearing the famous brass quartette,
a musical carnival by celebrated ar
tists, ColilnB and Jenkins, straight and
grotosque dancers in their unique spec
ialty; Harris and Thornton in their
current absurdity, "The Last Chance;"
The boy soprano ; the original musical
sketch by the "Irresistible Four," and
a host of gorgeous, sensational and
spectacular surprises that have been
gathered up from all parts Of Europe
and America for mind recreation.
A Scientific Wonder.
The cures that stand to its credit
make Bucklen's Arnica Salve a scien
tific wonder. It cured E. R. Mulford,
lecturer for the Patrons of Husbandry,
Waynesboro, Pa., of a distressing case
of Piles. It heals the worst Burns,
Sores, Bolls, Ulcers, Cuts, .Wounds,
Chilblains and Salt Rheum. Only 25o
at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.'s drug
store, of Roynoldsville and Sykesvillo.
The House-Keeper.
The Prlzer Stoves and Ranges repre
sent the best of everything in stove
making. They please the house-keeper
bocauso they are what they want at
prices they can afford to pay. Sold,
guaranteed and recommended by Reyn
oldsville Hardware Co.
Blank house leases may be obtained
in any quantity at The Star office.
New goods just received for spring
and summer at A. Katzen's.
We want 25 first class
moulders for medium
and heavy machinery
work. Steady work
and good wages, J
Are careful as to the source of
the Ice which is put Into your drink
ing water But are you sure that the
Ice which Is put Into your oysters en
route Is pure? Why not be on the safe
side and use the wholesome, appetiz
They never come In contact with the
Ice, but are enclosed In a sanitary case
of white enamel which Is sealed and
surrounded by Ice In a
Sealshipt Oyster Carrier
A. D., 1900.
JjlNNIE N. KECK, ' '
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Surveyor and Draughtsman. Office in fly n
dicute building, Main street.
Office four doors from Ross House, West
Reynoldsville, 1'a.
Rlack and white funeral cars. Mian street.
Reynoldsville, Pa.
The U. 8. Burial League has been tested
and found all right. Cheapest form of In
surance. Secure a contract. Near Public
Fountain, Reynoldsville Pa.
Corner Grant and Flftn sts Reynolds
ville, Pa. ,
Philadelphia, Pa. 1
Between 12th and 13th Sts on Filbert Bt.
Three mlnutos walk from tho Reading Ter
minal. Five minutes walk from the Penn'a
R. R. Depot. European plan $1.00 per day and
upward. American plan 12.00 per day,
Prank M. Bcheibloy, Manager.
Leech's f
Planing MillJ
West Reynoldsville $
Window Sash, Doors,
Frames, Flooring,
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Etc., Etc.
Contract and repair work given
prompt attention.
Give us your order. My prices
are reasonable.
W. A. LEECH, Proprietor.
The Marvel
of Marvels
Marvel Flour.
The bread maker. Made from
best clean spring wheat in and
absolutely clean mill by scrupu
lously clean workmen.
Try it.
Robinson &
Sell It.