X ,4 PAINS AKERICAN WOMEI FIND RELIEF Th.Caa of Mlas Iran Croaby to On of Thousands of Cures mad by Lydla, . Plnkbam's Veg-atable Oompound. How many womra realiie that itla-not the plan of nature that women should suffer so aeverely. Thousands of American women, how ever, have found relief from nil monthly suffering hy tnkinfr Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vep'tahic Compound, as it is the moot tlioronph female regulator known to medical science. It cures the condition which riiusca so much discomfort and ruin, these periods of their terrors. Miss Irene Crosby, of 313 Charlton Street, Kasl Savannah, Ua., writes: " I.vdio K. PInkbrn'Ve.retaliIa Compound in a true friend to woman. It lias been of Krwit benefit to me, ctirinK nie of irregular and painful periods when everyt hing else had failed, arid I gladly recommend it to other lulTernijt women." Women who lire troubled with pain ful or irreifnlnr periods, backache, bloating (or fliitulenee), displacement of organs, inflammation or ulceration, that bearin(r-down "' feeling, dizzi DeKs, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or the blues, tihonld take iinrnediiite action to ward on the seri ous consequences, and be restored to perfect health and strength by tnkinjj Lydia li. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound, and then write to Mrs. rink bam. Lvnn, Mass.. for further free ad vice. She is daiiphter-in-law of Lydia E. PinkliHin and for twenty-five years has been advising women free of charge Thousands have been cured by so doing. None Turned Back. Out of the many thousands of rms ftwera arriving at Dover from the Continent since tho English aliens net has been in operation not one h:i8 failed to obtain permission to land. FITS permanent ly en red. No tits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve P,estorer.'i trinlliottlwmiltri'at isefree Dr. K.H. Klink, Ltd..9!il Arch St.,rtiils., Y. A (renin it often a man Wiio understand! advertising. TntlfthltiK I'nrnitnre. The manager of a larire furniture factory says that if women understood the value of soap and water there would not be so many calls for furniture polish. Hut it must be used with judgment, as strong soap would Vie injurious. .Make a tepid suds of ivory Koao: din a cloth. in it. squeeze and po over the furniture several times. Polish with ehamoK Elkaxok 1!. PlSKER. The Kaiser in his sports employs "al! the modern. improvements." A Guaranteed Cnre For Pile.. Itching. Blind, Klewline. Protruding Tiles. Prueirists are authorized to refund moDev if I'axoOintmentfail to cure in 6 toH dnvs.SOc. In Ctialdea an ancient love letter lias been discovered written on clav. Wettest Place in the World. The wettest place in the world Is Chenapunjl, In Assam. Its average rainfall for tho last 10 years has been nearly 27 feet. Next to this come the environs of Bombay, with some 21 feet annually, though the single sta tion of Dobiindjseha, in Kainemn, has had for several years an average of 34 feet, chiefly in summer. Full wwing avails not unless fol lowed by full tending. St. Jacobs Oil for many, many years has cured and continues to curs RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA. LUMBAGO BACKACHE SCIATICA SPRAINS BRUISES SORENESS STIFFNESS FROST- BITES Price, 25c. and SOc Drill for Water Pretpect lor Mlnarali Drill ituana stannous. DMLLHM MACHINES Eav Mama Sfa.m ar t a o 1 1 o Pmrtr. Latest Traction Michlnt. LOOMIS MACHINE CO, TIFFIN. OHIO. for K worth oftoarlinir ianoTtlelnOhclr . C Mt Oardeu IWi. tl'a worth of UnlTnalVw l nuuin conuuut JrM Trim very oraer. 'jHJlAilAkO'n bfcJCl) ItlOlUl. DiLXlMOIUt. PATENTS 4S p. book frw. Hlrht refn. Ixmif experience. rlLsferald kCs.Uevt.M.WuhtlicWB.Il.C I Coal a Gas If JOil. J RUSSIAN PEASANT'S LONG JOURNEY. Traveled to Paris and Rome to Inter view Owner of Land. .A Russian peasant passed through Vienna on Christmas day on his way back from a long and tedious jour ney. ..to Rome,, where ho had gone tc perform what was, in the eyes of him self and the members of his village community, a duty of simple honesty and good faith. He was without bag gage and was clad in the heavy cloth ing worn during the Russian winter. He stayed In Vienna only a few hours, and continued his journey to his com munity to report the success of his er rand. ' The rural community of the district of Voronzh, in the government of the' same name, recently held ' a well-attended meeting and passed resolu tions to the following effect: First,. to destroy no property in tho district: second, to expel from the district at once a man named Nicolsky, tho local agent of the Revolutionary party, and third, to purchase tho holdings of the great landed proprietors of the dis trict. The largest estate belonged to M. Xarychkine, formerly first secre tary of the Russian embassy at Paris and now Russian minister to the Vat ican. In order to carry out the third res olution It was decided to send a mes senger to M. Narychklne. He was believed to be In Paris, so a peasant named Nicolas Petrovitch Therni scheff was charged with the duty of conveying the peasants' offer to their lord. Thernlscheff was supplied with money, and started on his journey. He talked nothing hut Russian, but In spite of this he managed to make his desires known along the line, and, with simple directness of purpose which won for him the sympathy and help of the foreign railroad officials, he made his way to tho French capi tal. There he found the Russian Em bassy. The first Russian words ho had heard in a long time informed him that M. Xarychkine was in Rome, so he at once decided to continue on to Italy. He was placed on the right train by his embassy In Paris, and finally found f. Xarychkine in Rome. The peasant made his purpose known to the diplomat in simple language: "Our contract with you for the tilling of your ground expires on the first of January," he said, "and I have come to offer to buy the land. We do not wish you to have a bad opinion of us; we want yon to know of the resolutions wo have adopted. We are poor, our harvests have been bad, and the times arc bad. We want to buy your entire estate, and we ask you to give it to tis at a price which we can pay, and to make an equitable arrangement as to the method of pay ment. We desire to be honest, and we will not have recourse to violent or dishonest ways." 51. Narychklne accepted the offer. A fair basis of valuation was arrived at, and terms as to payments possible and acceptable to the peasants were then and there concluded between the proprietor and the messenger of his tenants. In Home Thernischrff saw the Pope, who gave him his blessing. In de scribing his Interview with the Pon tiff the peasant said: "I kneeled before him, for I per ceived him to be a venerable, good, and saintly man." From Rome, Thernlscheff travelled back to Russia by way of Vienna. He is a tall man, advanced in years, but sturdy and rugged, and his strong, clear-cut features suggest that direct ness of purpose which has led him far afield in foreign lands for the ac complishment, of a simple duty. He minded one of the sterling men who lived under Peter the Great. Thernischeff had little to say of his impressions of foreign lands, hut It was evident that he was returning to his fellows in Russia with the keenest satisfaction at being able to report to them the successful outcome of his mission. An Ill-Sorted Family. " r-- - search for potato hugs Into the fact U. M -w. 1.1 i Uwlll.,Ut ..U ,.. Ing his old friends after an absence of ten years. "How's your son Dick getting on?" he asked, after a few preliminaries. "Dick? Oh, he's getting on first rate; he's a sort of a doctor," said the father. "How about Arthur?" "Arthur? Oh, he's getting on all right, too. He's a sort of a lawyer." "What's Jim doing?" he demanded. "Oh, Jim, he's doing fine; he's a sort of a preacher," said Mr. Carson, cheerfully. "And you keep right on here," said the old neighbor, with evident regret. "Well, er, for the present," said Mr. Caraon, apologetically. "You see, it seems kind of advisable for some one to be sort of a fanner, and kind of feed Dick and Arthur and Jim for an oiuer ten years or so, till they get a sort of an Income." Youth's Com panion. Carriers of Diaease. The house fly is of itself a great dis seminator of disease, partaking and polluting as it does the food and drink f man. Military authorities have no ticed that officers whose tents were lly-Bcreened suffered proportionately less from the attack of typhoid fever than did those whose tents were un protected. The mosquito carries malaria and fellow fever; the rat carries the plague; the cat and dog, hydrophobia; uie bog, trlchlno; the sheep, cattle and horses, anthrax and glanders; and they all carry tuberculosis. Presby terian Banner. HIS ONE WEAK SPOT, prominent Minnesota MerrhantCnrrd to Stay Cared by Doan't Kidney IMIU. O. C. Hayden, of 0. C. Harden ft Co., dry good mercliatits, of Albert Xea, Mlmi., says: "1 was o lame that I could hardly watic. There was an unac countable weakness of the back, and constant pain and aching. I could find no rest and was very uncomforta ble at night. As my health was good in every other way I could not understand Ulris trouble. It was just as if all the trongth hud gone from my back. After, suffering for aome time I began using Doau's Kidney Pills. The rem dy aeted ut once upon the kidneys, uid when normal action was restored, Khe trouble with my back disappeared. 1 have not had any return of it." For sale by all dealers. 00 cents a tiox. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. N.Y. Women are to be admitted to be doctors of medicine by the Vnlverslty of Prague, which, however, refuses to admit thcin as doctors of philoso phy. DON'T MISS THIS. A Cnre For Slninnrh TrnnMc New MetlloJ, lv Abinrpllon No Irna. Jlo Yon Peleh? It mrans a diseased Stomach. A:e you afflicted with Short Iirenth. t!a. Sour KiuctatioiiP, Heart l'ainf. Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Hunting Pains nnd Ix'itd Weight in Pit of Stomach. Acid Stomach, Ilia tended Abdomen, )7.inF. Colic? !ad Breath or Any Oilier Stomach Tor ture? Let us send you a box of Mull'n Anti r.elch Wafers fiee to convince you that it eures. .Nothing else like it known. It's sure nnd very pic.t.i n f . Cures by absorption. Harmless. No drops. Stoninch Trouble can'ts be cured otherwie o says 51edical Science. Drugs won't do they eat up tho Stomach and make von worse. We know Mail's Anti-Ikkh Wafers cute and we want you to know it. henrc this offer. This oiler may not appear acain. t;00.! l'OU 25c. 114 Send this coupon with your name and address and your druggist's name and hit, in stumps or silver, and we will supply ou a sample lice if you hnve irvcr used .Mull's Antl-Hclch Wafers, and will alto send von a ccr tilicnte good tor 2.V. toward the pur-dia-ic oi mure iieli h Wafers. You will tind them invaluable for stomach trou ble; cure hy absorption. Address Mui.t.'s (Jrai'B Toxic t'o., 328 3d Ave, Kock island. III. (,'i'n Fni: AiMrr. dit'i Write ti'ii?i. 1 1 All I'ruggifts. 30c. per box. or by mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. Deep-Sea Water is Free of Microbes. The result of the prince of Monaco's deep-sea soundings continue to inter est the Academy of Science at Paris. Al. the lust meeting reports were read of the prince's latest investigations of the floor of the Mediterranean. One of tlw facts was that at the bot tom of the Mediterranean the temper ature of the wnler was at 15 degrees above zero f Centigrade), whereas in the Atlantic the temperature at a depth of "1,000 or 4,noo motors is scarcely 2 degrees above zero. An mbor interesting discovery was that, though the water of the sea near the mouth of rivers wsis unusually full of inicro-'iies. nnd t ongh Imrinful germs were even found upon the surface in midoop.m. at a depth of J.mlil meters mm water is absolutely s'erile. Fighting Shows the Race. 'Hy the way they fight I can tell men's nationality,' said a policeman. 'An Englishman, when he is going to light, throws his hat and coat lu a Mustering, bluffing way on the ground. A Scot pulls his hat down tight on his head nnd buttons his ooat carefully. The canny Scot is not going to en danger any of his property. In irish man appeals to the crowd to hold his coat. The Celtic nature desires sympathy and tries to build it up. A German, methodical, precise, folds his coat in a neat bundlo and lays his hat on top of it to hold it down. An American is so anxious to pitch in and have the thing over that he starts fighting without giving a thought lo hat or coat." New Y'ork Press. FOOD AND STUDY A College Man'a Kxnerleneo, "All throngh my high school course and first year in college," writes an ambitious young man, "I straggled with my studies on a diet of greasy, pasty foods, being especially fond of cakes and fried things. My system got lnto-a state of general disorder and it was difficult for me to apply myself to school work with any degree of satis faction. I tried different medicines and fowl preparations but did not seem able to correct the difficulty. "Thenmy attention was called to Grape-Nuts food and I sampled it. I had to do something, so I Just buckled down to a rigid observance of the direc tions on the package, and In less tbsn no time began to feel better. , Ta a few weeks my strength was restored, my weight had increased, I hod a clearer head and felt better in every particu lar. My work was simply sport to what it was formerly. "My sister's health was badly Tun down and she had become so nervous fbat site could not attend1 to her music. She wmt on Grapc-Nnrs and had the same remarkable experience that I had. Then my brother. Frank, wbo is in the Tostofflce Department at Wash, ington city and had been trying to do brain work on greasy foods, cakes and all that, joined the Grape-Nuts srmy. I showed him what It was and could do and from a broken-down condition lie lias developed into a bearty and efficient man. "Besides these I could give account of numbers of my fellow-students who have made visible improvement men tally and physically by the use of this food." Name given by Tostum Co, Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read tbe little book, "Tbe Road to WellTllle," In pkfs. PEARLS OF THOUGHT. God never calls you from larger things to smaller. Let us do-all the business we can. If we can't be a lighthouse, let us be a candle. Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it Is one of God's best gifts. . I believe in laughter, in love, in faith, in all distant hopes that lure us on. Edwin Osgood. Vivid imagination can make things about as disagreeable as anything in this world. Atchison Globe. , Take courage and turn your troubles which are without remedy Into ma terial for spiritual progress. An enemy' can partly ruin a wan, but it takes a good-natured, injudicious friend to complete the thing and malie It perfect. M ark Twain. Often family dissensions have no other origin than bad service of ser vants whom wo havo not known how to direct. Lucy Burlamacchl. PAJAMAS BROKE ENGAGEMENT. Young Man Gave His Fiance a Pink Suit Got His Ring Back. On Christmas morning a young wo man who lives in well, east of Flfty fith street (Wilson avenue) chote from among her presents a mysterious box. It bore the card of her nance. It was light in her hands and her curios ity grew. Eagerly she unwrapped it In joyous anticipation she removed the cover and the wrappings and held up oh, horrors! a suit of pink pa jamas. Her exclamation of dismay attracted other members of the family. They turned to find her sobbing on the couch, and saw the suit of pink paja mas. They frankly were scandalized. "Who ever heard of such a thing?" the mother asked. "I always told you that man was Impossible. Perhaps now you will agree with me. lie shall never be received In this house again If I can help it." loiter in tho day the young woman, In mortification of spirit and In re sponse to the united demand of tin members of the family, agreed to break the engagement. As for tht pajamas well, they must be exchanged for something else. In the exehnnge the story leaked out. As luck would have It the mother re turned the luckless suit of pink paja mas to the saleswoman who sold them to "that stupid man." She recognized them, sympathized with the indignant customer and got the whole story. with the exception of the man's name. The story was too good to keep. Told once or twire, It. travelled swiftly. So clety now is discussion the question, "Does the punishment fit the crime?" It is wondered If the young man's un happy choice of a Christmas present will mean his social ostracism. Cleve land Leader. . Colonial Policy of Russia. Russia certainly deserves much praise for tho colonial policy, the least result of which Is that we are able to look upon them at all In safety Thirty years ago Bokhara equaled Lhasssa in Its fanaticism.. As a pro tected independent state, Its internal administration has hardly altered. It still remains the recognized centre of the Mohammedan world. But without loss to the strength of Islam, the in habitants have experienced a wonder ful revulsion of feeling In their attl tude toward foreigners. There was I, a lone stranger, among thousands of Bokharans, ignorant of their ways and apt at any moment to violate some lronhound and sacred custom. Yet during all my stay J encountered not even one sour glance; nothing but friendliness and kindness. The change has been wrought only by the wise system of trealment to which Russia has adhered, by the strict policy of non-interference With the religious customs and daily habits of the peo ple, or more, by actual deference to them. Tho native has learned tnat associ ation with tho Westerner,, far' from bringing danger to his cherished ideals may result only in his material benefit, from his own standpoint. The system is slower than that pursued in the col onies of Borne other powers, but it Is resulting in the making of loyal Rus sian subjects out of once bitter ene mies. James Locke in "New Y'ear Festival at Bokhara." in the Outing Magazine. A Human Convenience. A certain Western railroad which has not yet been "reorganised" by Wall Street is still owned and oper ated by the blunt-spoken old lumber man who built it. Last year, after a particularly severe accident upon It, the agent for an automatic block sig nal system called and tried to get a contract for installation. Tbe old lumberman examined the device attentively, and seemed much interested. "Your chief engineer recommends it highly," said the agent. "He told me to use his name with you, and he would see you later." "Wal," said the lumberman, "I reck on it is a pretty machine. I like to sit here and Bee it work myself, it's so all-fired sure. But come to using It on my road now, young feller, I've been running a railroad some longer'n you, and I'll tell you something. "Accidents Is bound to happen about once in so often, no matter what you do. I've got three brakemen in jail now, and I've vowed to hang the next one, and the public Is pretty well sat isfied. But what satisfaction is it go ing to be for any one if I go to work and hang an old automatic machine? Youth's Companion. Canday for "That TlrtJ Feeling." Candy, or hakingisoda ss,a remedy for that tired feeling was recommend ed by Prof. F. S. Lee in a lecture given to the biology section of the Academy of Science, of Philadelphia. Tuesday night. Trof. Leo said there were three acids In the blond, which caused or Influenced fatigue, lie was sure of if, because he had taken thoso acids and injected them into the muscles of a frog, and those acidized muscles had tired much more rapidly than the normal muscles. Ho nlno said there was another acid which was conspicuous by lis absence. He was positive that sugar or candy can help out this difficulty, and possibly baking soda. As to the latter, his ex periment had not gone far enough to enable him to offer It as a positive cure. "When one Is very tired." ho said, "a quantity, of candy will half an hour after eating often make one feel energetic." Raisin Trade Active. Loral dealers are very optimistic Over the outlook in the raisin market. Of ail tlw dried fruits this article has been the firmest seller and is In con stant demand. The present prices of 84 and 9 cents a pound have been quoted for some time pnst and there has not been any reduction of Impor tance. The ndvance In raisins last week was made by the Independent packers, who now quote 'e above the combine. It is expected that before long many cars will be on the way from Chicago and California loaded with this fruit, and It Is conceded that the demand will keep up. This Is tho first season that (he raiRin has held such an important place in the job bers' estimation, nnd by the looks of (ho market that place is warranted. While the demand at times has not been phenomenal yet it Is steady and consistent, and that is the kind of commodity that dealers put (heir faith In. Italy Gaining Fast. ' At the Paris Exposition in 1!)00 It was often remarked by careful ob servers that Italy made an astonish ing display of Ingenuity and skill, en terprise nnd rapacity, Snnio high authorities declared that no oilier country displayed so much creative power in the line oT real novelties. Since then the world has been re minded, with increasing frequency, of Italian progress. There Is a renals r.r.neo of Italian Industry, invention, commerce and prosperity. The proofs are many and convincing. Cleveland Leader. There tf mire caiarrn in tms feotlounf the eotintrytlmnall other dlen'es put together, ami until the last few years wasppnsed to beincurable. Fora wrest many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Helena has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney h Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure onthe market. It tstnlceninternallylndoses from ludropstoatcaspoontul. It actsdlreet )y on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case ft falls to cure. Send for circulars anil testimonials. Address F. J. Caasait h Co. Toledo, . Hold by PriiKirist". 5c. Take Hall's Family Pills for eoustlDatim Got What Me Asked For. A jocular American once wrote Rudyard Klplinj:, "Hearinc that you are retailing literature at $1 a word, 1 enclose $1 for a sniaple.' Mr. Klp linjr sent him .the sincio word 'Thanks," and Vept tho dollar. High Class Druggists Tho better class f druggists, rTerrwliPTft. aremfT) of scientific attainments and high integrity, who dovoto their lives to the welfare of thir fellow men in supplying the hest of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, In accordance with physicians' prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never seil fal?e brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes , all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. Th earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in barjding out the genuine article hearing the full name of tha Company California Fig Fyrup Do. printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headache attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or over-eating, that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects aa Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because' it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to tho excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and tho immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there ara individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate ' to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name" Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Svrup," which does not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front oi the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whother it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians''prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which mav be sold to them. If it does not bear the full nnm nf tT!Pntmronw California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go druggists woo wiii sen you wnat PUTNAM ColrrnoiieMhri(bUr ( T relor lhn dra f .rm.nl wltboal Mrploc apart, Writ HAD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. Congressman Meekison Gives Praise to Peruna For e t t t 7 - - - CONGRESSMAN MEEKISON PRAISES PE-RU-NA. Hon. Diivid M .kifnn. Napoleon, Olii i, rx-ineniher of Congres, Kilty-fifth Dis trict, ivrilrf; li i t-a ii sect sec r it ht.lii-H ' I'ermin nit I 1 ei-l. uteitly hamjlltul i thereby fro it mil eitiirrh h''ih head. I Ve-l mvnur ifiril lo hellerei th ill if I n" ( ii k'i ir' t itn - r ifer will it 'l ' ) (l ife tn eiaiUvnlu the 5 ? tllsrur. oftlilrlii yr:ir' s ; fi;;. ' --Hie.i ic.voii, j ANOTHER SENSATiONAL CUBE : Mr. ! County, Mo., writer: "1 i.he hern in h-'id lir:t'.:h inr tli taking twehc bet. lis of yn-.ir I'truna I inn cured."- .lo, If vim do ; t l rive 'ti nipt nnd satisfactory result write at once to Vr. IIr.tf::iiiti. pivim a f d! s'. Uciiicnt of . p. cared to pive yen bis vul'.:ah!e ;;rmvc AiMii'm. Ir. ll.'irtm.'iii. President of 25 Cts TO CURE THE GRIP IN nNF DAY a im ri"ir.5rir & nniiuiur nLRa Hill a.BH .il JIN1M L4r,iST- Insurance Against War. Insurances recently have been plac ed In London to cover the risk of war breaking out between Enpland and Clci'initny during the ensuing 12 months at 3 guineas per cent. California honey retails In Knsland nt Hi to "0 cents a pound. To Cure Cool In One Twy. Tnke Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. lruit(zlsts refund money il it Inils to cure. K. W. Grove's signature oil each. Ikix. 2br. Mr. N'g is the latest Chinaman to attack the exclusion law. . k - w c AND OTHERS. you wied and tbe best oi every tbing FA DEL nr olh.Mlre. One t(V r,-V. r-.lori U rr. The.T for tn kuokM-Uaw le !, BIMoh nd Mn Color.. His Recovery. a aaaaaAiaA)aaAMAtMiAMrkA1rtii' I,. Davie-, iv seven vca li I.. Davis. iii'.'iin. Stone and niter i'miiii the use of IVritna, . on j- ease, and he will be gratis. I lie HaiiiMiin Sanitarium, CuMimlv.n, f, D 0 TO B E?S 3 PI IP GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. I won't Mil Atl Orlplne to il.njsr who won't Oonrnnlre II. CHI for vour MOSF.Y BACK :HT DOF.NVT 'tDHB. F. n Dlemer,Jtl.V.f Manufacturer, Springfield, JHo. That Baby of Yours ffw-lK FTnijMft'j rrmni ( nr for '.'oiiffhn, Cold,fntrp or f'riwiim.niiii. It iirvntft Mrnihranou Croup ftud tjbtliri. i-OpAnid, at rnitnriirur nmU. A. P. IHIXMIB. Tloflftla. N. Y. iFREE fceVvy trn.-tnnforlh I J. t. If. Off n7 Sf StrblrlifH, Iim. . nPHDQY DXSC07EKY; U IV Xa J I aifft, qnk rHf Uf mrtm nmnt fif. Hunk f tHmnill itiit fO Imyn' lrBtMNt l'r. Or. H. II. (JHFTV hOt, Hot ft. At)' ', V Komi tHini fii '1fcrlT'!t'iTi awl piiv'0 SO CHEAPEST FAhMS IN OHIO. II. N. HANlltOl T, .fKFVKK-ON, OHIO i do not hesitate to return the to one of the better class of in bis line at reasonable prices. S S DYES 1 In rnl.l w h....P ,h nr ..Hi.r ,l. v. .mlNKUK UUl'u "oltimlmft&nl&iiZ