The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 28, 1906, Image 4

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    -A J
Th Stak Is tatl l tl IIhim to Khw mm.m
torooirtbutU.u f wiwrwl tuttwk 4I
redr antl tnu tv (: nMv.h l
peroul opiukw.
Sectarianism in lh I'uMw Shvl.
Editor Stak : 1 wikv4 i
week's tssuo of Tm: Sta kmu'W
UUed "Tho Olhsr i Uvo IW,"
an ali-lutf of vtv rv.jv "A
Voloe of P;!.
I hv hJ vytvrU'.';V(' K tvitnull
with my C:w- :, luil
will aajr tor tJw V. yslv hl
as to prJJ .t.(, tv tor UU
an arimi!t Jt nfit fcfsau l sviUUuw
ln8truvUwu, W w- I Ul y I
don't cr IvUovon.
What h orai(Wjf faliovt U
not tho qutwdw I iK ut tutoiul to
arfrne thai. Thai ti Nvh i'mtl ly
men with mom ;ry matter muler tholr
hats than vithor boor I, ami U tm boon
dooliW that our utUo olitMls choiilil
be nou-sooturtmi ami 1 am nallslloil to
abide by thotr docUlon. Wo who noko
objected to any )Hi m lioklliitf ohitil
exorcises on thu k rou nd that It umkot)
our school soi'tnrliui, and In, therefore,
an injustice to tome, lienlile helng a
violation of tho school lnw In nnitiR tho
fundi) for purposos othor thnn that for
which It Is collected.
Tho Writer of "A Voice of Dissent."
The nbove rnmimmlftillon whs roeclved
luat week too Into for iiulillciiiloii.
Which ? Oysters and Water or Oysters ?
The tub oyster is flabby, tasteless,
soft and "wishy-wasby." The Scalshlpt
oyster is natural, solid, unwatered,
and has a full richness of flavor
that will prove a new sensation to your
. palate. BobIJos, "Soalsblpt" oysters
are puro no "preservatives" over used.
Try them. Wo've jfot 'em. Frank's
The Yellow Fever Germ
Has recently been discovered. It bears
a eloso roscmblmioe to tlv malaria
jorm. To free the system fr m disease
perms, the most offectivo rou dy is Dr.
Kiug's New Life l'ills. Gua antced to
cure all diseases duo to malaria poison
and constipation. 2nc. at Stoke &
Felcht Drug Store, Itcynoldsvlllo and
Card of Thanks.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to
our friends and neighbors for their kind
assistance and sympathy after tbe in
jury and death of our husband and
Mrs. Tiios. White and Family.
pi uni hi n a
Steam and Gas
Fitting and all
kinds of work
in that line, &
We handle Mantles,
Globes, Rumors, Chan
deliers, Etc.
Located In the Stoke
building on Fifth street.
8. J.
Banltary Plumbers
On Sunday ovenliitr a Thomas llu
dolph wa on hU way to wi i'U at tho
Stauley uitnoa ho was run down and
klllod by attain on thall. A 8. It. H.
noar tho brink works In KumHykenvllle.
Mr, Uudolph stopped onto tho H. & 8.
track and waa walchliiK a train on tho
11 , K. A 1', track and did not notice tho
train on tho II. A H. that was baoklnir
up tho track when ho was struck and
killed, hi body holitK cut In two and
both 1ck sovcifd from his body. Ills
ivmalna woit) taken to tho homo of his
iiopuuw, Thomas Smith, where Mr.
Uudolph has made his homo for some
time, from which place Interment was
made on Tuesday afternoon at two
o'clock. Iln was hurled In tho Sykus
vtllo cemetery. Mr. Uudolph 'b father,
Unnc Uudolph, was killed BomoolKhteen
years nm by a li., It. and V. train
within ten rods of tho saino place that
his sou met his death on last Sunday.
On Sunday Itev. Wilson, of tho Itldif
way llaptlst church, preuehed for Itev.
Crawford of tho Baptist church at this
place, while Itev. Crawford preached
for ltov. Wilson at Ridgway.
Itev. D. I". T. Crlekonberjfcr, pastor
of tho Lutheran church of DuBols, will
preach In Smith's hall at 2.00 p. m.
Sunday, March 4th. All are welcome.
Mrs. Lulu Stormer, son and daughter,
visited with hor brother, Prof. Seilor
Gelst, several days last week.
Mrs. John Dally, of Johnstown, was
In town Monday during tho Initiation
of the Pythian Sisterhood.
Mrs. William Colo, of Punxsutawney,
visited with her mother, Mrs. J. B.
Sykes, last week.
Milton Harvey attended the funeral
of bis mother at Kersey, Pa , last week.
Charley Hiles is on tho sick list.
Mrs. Mary E. Smith visited In Wlshaw
last Wednesday.
J. King spent last Saturday with his
son, John, at Pardus.
John Hiles went to Brady's Bond last
Monday on a business trip.
Mrs. Jennie Barklcy, of D iBoIh, vis
ited hor sister in this place h Jt BYtday.
Don't forgot tho Ice cream and pie
social In the old church this, Wednes
day, evening.
Goorgo Peterson, ot DuBols, visited
bis mother, Mrs. D. Johnston, in Pres
cottvlllo last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, of El
eanora, spont Sunday with the I niter's
father, George Scott.
J. E. Smith and son, Floyd, were in
Wishaw last Sunday to see the former's
sister, who was burned pretty badly last
Card of Thanks.
I desire to thank the friends and
neighbors for kindness shown during
the illness and death of my wifo, Mrs.
Jemima Claubaugb.
Thomas Claudauoh.
Letter LUl.
List of unclaimed letters remaining
In po9t office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for
the weok ending Feb. 24, 1900 :
J. W. Boyle, P. T. Smith (2), John
Say advertised and give date of list
when calling for above.
E. C. Burns, P.M.
For Sale.
One hundred fine, residence lots on
Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the
purchaser. City gas and water can bo
had. Most beautiful residence street in
town. Close to business center. In
quire of D. Wheeler, Reynoldsville, Pa.
Big new stock of men's and boys' bats
and caps just in, all priced very low, at
the People's Bargain store, A. Katzen,
Return engagement of the Burke
McCann Co. at tbe Reynolds opera
house, March 5, 6 and 7.
The High School Bulletin
KltlTOK w Ciiief.Carl Kiiik.
The exorcises for Washington's birth
day went off vnry nicely, A great miny
visitors woro present both on Thursday
and Friday afternoons. Thoy all went
away pleased and glad that tho school
house hill did not prevent them from
bolnij present.
On Friday afternoon a literary con
test was given by flvo members of tho
junior class for a prize of flvo dollars,
given by tho Daughtors of tho Revolu
tion of Brookylllo. Nolle Foley and
Bert Hoflman camo out ahead, having
received thirty-seven and ono-half
points each. The other contestants
woro Joanne Mllllron, Aldlo Means and
John Thornton. Four of the essays read
weroon "Our Navy In tho Revolution,"
the othor on "Tho Indians In tho Rev
olution." Tbe judges woro Mrs. A. D.
McKay, Rev. A. D. McKay and itev. J.
A. Parsons.
On Wednesday morning thero will bo
delivered In chapel tho first of a series
of addresses to be given on "Choosing a
Profession." Tho first number, "Tho
Ministry," will be given by Rev. J. A.
Parson. Tho second will bo given by
Lawyer G. M. McDonald on "Tho Law."
"Teaching as a Profession" will bo dis
cussed by Superintendent Teltrlck,
A pa rail o was given last Monday by
some of the blgb school boys. They all
came out in their spring headgear.
Tbe prize for tbe most fantastic make
up was given to Craig King.
We have now a musical troat on tho
first floor In the shapo of a brand now
organ. Listen real hard and you can
tell just where It Is located.
The high school basket ball team is
just as good as ever.
Tbe girls' basket ball team has been
practicing for their next game. Thoy
throw two baskets last week.
Just one more Old Tight, is the latest
by-word In the High School.
Eloquence Flowed Like Water.
In speaking of Dr. John Morritte
Drlvor, who will lecture In Assembly
ballon Friday evening of this -week,
March 1st, the Commercial, of Columbia
City, Ind., Bays : "For one hundred and
forty minutes his audience gave the
most profound attention to tho eloquent
words which flowed as freoly and pro
fusely from the tongue of the orator as
the waters flow over the falls of Niagara.
Every word was polished as with burn
ished stool."
Woman's Judgment.
Tho woman, who exercises good
every-day common sense, and profits by
her own experience and that of otherB,
will recognize in tho Prlzor Ranges, a
perfection In stove construction that Is
not found in othor makes. We would
be pleased to have you examine them
and we believe you will confirm this
statement. Sold and guaranteed by
Reynoldsville Hardware Co.
Township Road Orders.
Tbe officers of the Winslow township
road district will meet at Frank's
Tavern on Saturday, March 3rd, 1900,
and all persons holding orders or bills
for work are requested to present them
at that meeting.
J. K. Womeldurf, Sec.
Spring and summer stock of shoes for
men, boys and children at A. Katzen's.
When you need a bouse lease call at
The Star office.
William Francis Burko has some new
songs to sing at the Reynolds opera
house March 5, 6 and 7.
New stock of spring and summer lace
curtains from 38c to $2.25 per pair just
received at A. Katzen's.
Don't Forget "
Jeffersonian Gold Medal
March 16-17
Frightfully Burned.
Cbaa. W, Moore, a mauhlnliit of Ford
City, Pa, had his band frightfully
burned in an eleotrlo furnace. He ap
tilled liucklen's Arnica Salve with tbo
usual result: "a quick and perfect
euro." Greatest healor on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and
Piles. 2!io at Stoko Sc Feluht Drug Co.,
Itoynoldsvlllo and Sykesville.
Want Column.
Uatosi One cent nor ward for each and
every Insertion.
For Bale Tho Sprague mansion,
sltuato on Main street, RoynoldBvillo,
Pa. For terms Inquire of W.C. Sprague
or at the law office of C. W. Flynn.
For Sale Good organ ; sold cheap.
Inqulro of Sara'l Early, Pleasant Ave.
Foil 8ALR Oood gas range ; will be
sold cheap. Inquire at The Star office.
For Sale One six-horse power "Per
loss" threshing engine ; in good con
dition. Burt Wblto, Funxsutawnoy, Pa.
Wanted Bids for moving my frame
dwolllng bouse from Main street down
to Sixth stroot. Danlol Nolan.
For Rent Six room house op Hill
st. Inquire of Mrs. C. Mitcholl.
FOR Rent Houso on Jackson street,
bouse on Grant street, flat on Main
street. Inquire of E, T. McGaw.
FOR SALE Three lots on north Bide
of Grant stroot. Mrs. S. M. Rhoads.
For Sale Team of work horses. In
quire of Amos StrouBe, Winslow town
ship. Wanted District managers to post
signs, advertise and distribute samples.
Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for
expenses. State age and present em
ployment. Ideal Shear Co., 39 Randolph
st., Chicago. 5-24-00
Wanted Men, women, hoys and
girls to represent McClure's Magazine.
Good pay. Address 07 East 23d 8t.,
N. Y. City.
' 330,000.00
First Mortgage. Six Per Cent Bonds. Payable in Gold.
Dated Dec. 1, 1905. Interest payable June I, Dec 1
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Reynoldsville, Pa. PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK, Reynoldsville, Pa.
and; .
' C. F. DICKINSON, Westinghouse Buiiding, Pittsburg, Pa.
We own and offer (in amounts to suit purchasers) the best industrial security ever offered to
the investors of this community. '
The controlling interest in Reynbldsville's new "STEEL PLANT" has recently been
purchased by Pittsburg people who are old in the successful management of large iron and
steel properties.
Necessary additions are being made to the equipment, and new and heavy machinery is
being added. Upon completion of these improvements a full line of Alligator Shears, Cold
Saws, Rolling-Mill and Contractors' Machinery will be extensively manufactured at the
Company's works, and sold from their Pittsburg offices.
The assets of the Company as re-equipped will stand at $120,000.00 in round figures,
against which the $30,000.00 of First Mortgage bonds are the first and prior lien.
The Company has issued $30,000.00 six per cent First Mortgage Gold Bonds in de
nomination of $100.00, $200.00, $500.00 and $1,000.00 each and we, the undersigned, have
purchased a very large proportion of the entire is.sue.
The semi-annual interest, at the rate of six per centum, is payable on June 1st and De
cember 1st of each year, at The Peoples National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pn.
These bonds are a first and prior lien on all of the real estate, buildings, machinery,
equipments, franchises, property and revenues of the American Production Company, and a
special condition in the mortgage provides that bonds to the amount of $2,500.00 shall be
retired every year, after the first two years.
These bonds have been issued under the supervision and advice of the following attor
neys, viz : Messrs. Charles Corbett, ol Brookville, Pa., Weil 8f Thorp, of Pittsburg, Pa.,
and G. M. McDonald, of Reynoldsville, Pa.; any of whom can vouch for the binding val
idity of these securities.
The undersigned being personally acquainted with the "STEEL PLANT" property,
consider these bonds as the best of the kind ever offered in this community, and recom
mend them as a safe investment.
Prompt subscriptions for bonds in amounts from $100.00 up will be received by the un
dersigned at the price of par and accrued interest. Allotments will be made as subscrip
tions are received, the right being reserved to cease the allotment at any time.
The Peoples National Bank, The First National Bank,
By W. B. ALEXANDER, President. By JOHN II. KAUCIIER, President,
Reynoldsville, Pa. Reynoldsville, Pa.
C. F. Dickinson, 1218-19-20 Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa.
$1.50 to $3.50.
The Wider Shapes
Greatest Reliable Department Store in Jefferson County
Showing of Spring
v '
HOWARD STIFF HATS with 5 and 5 crown and a neat curl on brim $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00.
SOFT HATS come in a multitude of shapes. The Telescope seems to be a leader in black, brown and
pearl $1.50, $2.00, $2.50.
THE ROUND BRIM with the dip front in black, castor, pearl and brown $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50.
Men's Spring Shirts
Made in coat style or plain. Some have cuffs attached. Fancy colors and plain $1.'00 and $1.50.
Men's Douglass Shoes
Made of the patent Corona or the new Gun Metal in all the late spring toes, cut plain or Blucher.
$3.00 and $3.50. '
Wooltex and Princess Garments.
Jackets and Skirts for Spring.
Look the line over. .