The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 21, 1906, Image 9

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T ho. Vnri by the Darin Kkh Gath
i rer of St. Klliln.
An Irish papor nut I0113 since offered
1150 for a gunuino St. Kildenu hair
ropo, Biicb us Is used by efsg gath
erers. Oil the lonely island of St. Kil
da the most appropriate present a
yomiK woman can give to her fiance
Is a rope made of horsehair, or, better
till, of human hnir. The rock scalers
of this Inland consider themselves rich
above mention If their brides are able
to make them such gifts. The ropes
are of various lengths, a good one be
ing forty or fifty feet long.
According to a woman traveler who
has spent much time nt St. Kilda, the
ordinary rope consists of a hemp
en cord wrapped lotiud and rutind with
sheep's wool, then with uoivhalr and
finally on the outside with human hnir.
It is the work of years to manufac
ture such ropes and the maiden of St
Kilda begins very early In her child
hood to save her hnir combings nnd
also to dry and bleach certain rough
grasses that grow on the wind swept
Island. The fibers make the cable
stronger, and the elastic quality of the
hair prevents chafing against the rude
cliffs during the rock scaler's descent
A curiosity collector wanted to buy
one of these ropes, which are used by
the St. Kilda egg gatherers. Ho of
fered $100, but the amount was re
fused scornfully.
He Dearly I.ove Tobacco and Not a
Mite of It In Wasted.
"No man Is fonder of tobacco than an
Eskimo," said an arctic traveler. "The
Eskimo depends for his tobacco solely
on the white num. For a pound of it
he would sell his oldest son.
"It is odd to see nn Eskimo smoke.
He chops his tobacco fine and mixes It
with chopped willow twigs so as to
make it go further. Then ho cleans out
with a picker of bono the small stone
bowl of his pipe, and then he plucks a
lock' of hair from his deerskin suit and
rams it down in the bottom of the pipe
bowl so as to prevent any of the finely
chopped tobacco from escaping Into the
"Finally he lights the pipe and smokes
it In a swift series of long, Strang puffs
so that there may be no waste. Each
puff Is inhaled deep down into the
lungs, nnd the first puff's smojko Is still
streaming from the nostrils long after
another puff has been started. There
must be, you see, no waste. There
must bo none of that vain combustion
of tobacco without benefit to the smok
er which goes on continually among us.
"Often the most experienced Eskimo
will smoke so hard nnd fast that tears
will stream from his eyes, he will cough
violently, and sometimes vertigo nnd
nausea will seize him." New York
Animals That Are Alwaya Enemies.
, Many animals are born with an in
herent antipathy for other animals.
The excessive fear shown by young
rabbits which for the first time smell a
ferret and of young turkeys which
hear the shrill cry of a hawk they
have never heard or seen before, are
proved examples of the strength of
these instinctive antipathies. But the
case of the weasel and rat Is, perhaps,
more to be noticed because of the great
er equality of the antagonists. The
feud is so bitter that a meeting be
tween them almost certainly means
death to one or both. Friendships are
not uncommon between the cat and
dog and have been known between a
dog niid wolf, but the mutual attitude
of the weasel and rat is invariably war
war that is waged to the death.
The Word "Unmeet."
"Nugget" was formerly used to sig
nify a bit or lump of anything, as a
"nugget of tobacco." Nowadays, how
ever, it is used principally of gold as it
comes from the mine. This use is Aus
tralian. Governor Sir William Denl
son of Australia wrote In 1852, "In
many instances the gold is brought to
market In lumps or nuggets, as they
are called." In Queensland there is
a peculiar use of the word unknown in
the rest of Australia. There, when a
nan appropriates unbranded calves, he
Is said to be "nuggetlng."
Spek for tt !" die cried to doggie,
for she knew in her little heart.
That German Syrup, home's (treat treasure,
Could health and joy impart.
JThe greatest tonic on earth is a good
night's rest. Restless nights and the ter
rible exhaustion of a hacking cough are
dread dangers of the poor consumptive.
f But why this fear of the night when a
few doses of Dr. Boschee's German Syrup
will insure refreshing sleep, entirely free
from cough or night sweat? Free ex
pectoration in the morning is made cer
tain by taking German Syrup.
JWe know Dy the experience of over
thirty-five years that one 7J-cent bottle of
German Syrup will speedily relieve or
cure the worst coughs, colds, bronchial or
lung troubles and that, even in bad
cases of consumption, one large bottle of
German Syrup will work wonders. i
sJTwo sizes, 35c and 75c. All druggists.
For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
Commissioners' Statement
Finances of Jefferson County
Amount Outstanding,
L. Lockwood pur
u. Lockwood
R. Ditty
1903- Snydcr
1 9i)4-Hroekway vlllo
1904- OUver
1904-Sumniervlllo .
1904-W. Rey'dsv'lo
S. Fermnn
A. Wallace
U Fc.t
C. Bin h
F. Kimihnrt
M. Pr.ndle
It. Dl uy
. Ward
Amount OutNtmiillna- for 11)05.
Hl Itun
Ilrockway vlllo ...
Kalis Creek
Punxsutawney ..
Knynoldsvlllo . . . .
Rose ...0
W. Reynoldsvllle
W. A. W Dace
. T. M. Hrc.fcius
.A. J. (Jnutius
W. D. McHcnry . .
C. U Felt
John H. Shlck ..,
James I.ocknrd . .
N. A. McLaughlin
J. T. Luther
Wm. Wilson
Juhu B. Cable . . ,
U. A. Kellur
John Paine .....
U A. Plfer
O. C. Stewart
J. C. North
J. F. Klsenhnrt .
S. L. Stewart
Frnnk Walters . ,
A. L. Lockwood . ,
jt'has. Miller ....
A. S. Kloek
I. M. Swurtz . . . .
;H. G. -Fa lk
A. S. Klouse
.C. M. Prlndle ...
C. W. Ditty
J. C. Morrison . . .
R. W. Wells
W. H. Hrltton ..,
P. J. Ward
Amos Strouse . .
INorman Getst . .
Thos. Cummlngfl
Per cen t on
Per cent. off. ,
Receipts nnd Expenditures for 100,1
Amount In Treasury at last
settlement $ 4,379 02
Outstanding taxes, 1904 and
previous 10,984 86
Outstanding tnxes, 1905 .... 71,670 31
Seated tax Lien Record ... 32 38
Unseated tax Lien Record . . 1,408 82
Interest tax Lien Record.... 6 43
Hotel Licenses 975 00
Automobile Licenses 31 35
Redemptions 199 99
Temporary Loan 15,000 00
Commissioners' Receipt Book
Commonwealth Costs .. 2,146 32
Returned taxes 62 37
Kent 127 60
Fines 25 00
Plank and Iron from old
bridges 63 21
Error in order No. 617 .. 315 90
3-4 State Personal tax .. 6,182 31
Rules of Court 2 60
$113,625 77
Assessors' bills ....$ 3,420 02
Auditors' Pay 214 20
Appeals 8 70
Auditing Prothonot'y's Acct. 60 00
Allegheny County Work
House 1,848 36
Blank Books and stationery 1,219 29'
Bridges and Repairs 44,369 37
Ballots Feb. Flection 258 30
Ballots Nov. Election 180 00
Burial of Indigent Soldiers.. 453 00
Booth and Ballot Boxes .... 125 60
Coupons Redeemed 80 00
County Superintendent 200 00
Commissioners' Attorney ... 600 00
Commissioners' Convention
and dues 69 00
Court Crier 219 00
Constables' Returns 435 94
Care of Clock 60 00
Commissioners' Pay
. Newton Webster 800 00
Al. Hawk 624 00
H. D. Haugh 665 00
Commissioners' Clerk 800 00
Commonwealth bills 4,816 60
Discharge cases and Inquests 1,144 00
District Attorney 755 00
Delivering Ballots 63 84
Disinfectants 49 00
Directors' Association 86 95
Express 10 20
Election bills, Feb 1,779 27
Election bills Nov 1,600 95
Fuel and Light 1,106 81
Freight and hauling 10 13
Headstones for Soldiers ... 120 00
Insurance 707 50
Interest 400 00
Interpreters' fees 265 60
Jurrors, Grand 978 96
Jurors, Petit 3,137 85
Jurors, Traverse 1,608 66
Janitor's pay 132 3;)
Jury Commissioners' pay .. 480 00
Jail Physician 100 00
Jeff. Co. Agricultural So
ciety 35 00
Livery Hire 71 00
Medicine for prisoners 199 25
Meals for Jurors 156 68
Penitentiary Bills 1,799 69
Prothonotary's Bills ' 978 90
Postage and box rent 140 63
Probates and fees 470 25
Pasteur treatment for Mc-
Cullough child 120 00
Republican 851 90
Democrat 396 00
Spirit 328 95
Herald n
News 76 00
Volunteer , 77 60
Star HI 4S
Record) 198 00
Punx'y Republican 85 76
Reform Schools
Morganca 605 28
Huntington 248 94
Repairs to Court House and
Jail 287 21
Register and Recorder 254 20
Repairing Prisoners' Shoes 20 IS
Rent 200 00
Road and Bridge Views .... 697 84
Rent for Telephones 158 40
Redemptions paid 229 80
Refunding orders redeemed 85 44
Supplies, Court House and . .
Jail 148 35
RtenoirraDher's Pay 634 60
Sheriff's Bills 6,428 24
State Bridge expenses
630 65
Transcribing Records
State Tax
Telegrams and Telephone . .
Traveling ex. and mileage . .
T.aa.KNf'i nor ft. receiving
81 75
8,243 08
24 95
64 00
352 96
236 37
324 00
$109,258.47 at 1 1-4 1,365 73
Treasurer's per cent., paying ...
out $100,943.66. at 2 2,018 87
Cash in Treasury .297 61
$113,625 77
General Statement.
County taxes outstanding.
1904 and previous $ 1,747 40
County taxes outstanding 1985 22.116 76
Bond tax outstanding 1905.. 3,845 83
State tax outstanding, 1905.. 1.853 27
Unseated tax otustandlng ... 8,184 88
Cash In Treasury i.297 61
$41,543 63
.$ ' 2.000 00
. . 10,000 00
. . 15,000 00
. 14,643 63
County Bonds, series 1894..
Temporary Loan ,
Bonds, series 1905
Assets over Liabilities. . . .
$41,643 63
Receipts and Expenditures for 1UO&.
Poor Fund
YEAR 100S.
11X14 and Previous.
Co. Poor' Bond State Dog
i T68j 3 36 I J 62 S 39 r"9 90
143 3 05 2 29 4 90 9 00
14 61 9 98 7 13 10 78 8 80
10 45 14 00 11 49 4 40 11 00
25 06 23 88 18 62 15 18 19 81
22 66 21 68 16 76 13 66 17 82
66 41 32 07 60 08 17 29 84 70
175 23 87 50 44 07 29 00
17 OS 8 75 . 4 12 4 28
258 8 129 89 65 60 28 35 20 00
609 77 306 64 163 74 14 98 34 45
20 95 14 40, 6 21 1 35 7 15
56 24 28 12 14 34 8 19 6 30
10 86 5 44 2 84 3 40 9 75
ct. on
ct. oft
ct. on
ct. on
Co. Poor ' Bond Slate Dog
S 212 70 I "'SB 90 3S95 $ ITiS 993
. 245 H0 46 73 46 73 16 1 7 26 95
678 2 113 17 113 17 4 04 25 30
240 91 4110 41 10 21 69 9 37
64160 108 98 108 98 98 11 2147
1437 35 243 77 243 77 199 86 31 42
1021 61 173 46 173 46 39 80 31 94
329 99 55 49 66 49 27 79 4 95
133 7S 22 64 22 61 12 99 3 30
901 76 152 69 152 69 11 92 41 25
719 55 158 06 1S8 06 139 60 37 95
466 9!f 78 62 78 62 34 06 23 10
173 64 29 29 29 29 3 30 9 35
1 122 41 183 64 189 54 104 12 42 35
384 92 64 4S 6448 22197 31 35
175 47 73 41 73 41 4518 168 95
1085 24 182 28 182 28 15 91 36 30
347 66 97 10 97 10 9 04 34 10
497 53 81 44 81 44 9 01 25 30
312 07 52 46 62 40 14 08 12 65
326 68 44 98 44 98 5 08 19 90
2516 87 423 9S 42398 193 66 42 35
2536 16 426 29 426 29 67 67 44 00
539 60 100 00 99 73 11 87 24 75
672 27 133 08 133 08 75 64 40 15
618 30 - 104 95 104 95 21 82 68 85
214 41 37 05 37 05 18 28 6 05
182 09 21 70 ' 21 70 9 95 7 16
1163 34 196 02 196 02 58 61 43 45
1056 16 161 75 161 75' 61 49 91 52
349 30 69 71 69 71 15 40
1966 46 337 65 337 65 67 91 170 86
40 07 8 64 8 64 2 64 2 20
1015 89 174 13 174 13 49 43 7160
(24326 23 $4230 40 $4230 40 $1488 60 $1266 28
22114 75 3845 83 3845 82 1353 27 1150 26
Am't In treasury at last set
tlement $
Outstanding tnxes for 1905...
Outstanding tuxes for 1904
and previous
Seated tax lien record
Unseated tax lien record....
Interest tax lien record ....
Am't received for care of In
mates nt County Home and
State aid
Products of farm
Burial expenses
Money refunded
10,987 50
9,130 65
4,258 08
5 27
662 62
Z 09
2.216 66
3,039 96
20 00
43 69
171 00
7 45
7 28
$30,451 95
Building and repairs ....
1,279 31
51 10
21 60
600 00
63 95
81 50
25 00
188 10
388 00
600 00
590 00
200 00
3,980 00
55 52
239 85
8 33
402 72
76 27
434 64
191 48
297 23
1,001 61
3,090 71
92 33
3,668 50
605 50
300 00
130 29
104 00
31 16
30 96
125 00
2,664 51
91 50
25 00
200 00
845 18
239 02
73 90
100 26
30 00
90 11
27 75
1,000 00
600 00
420 00
50 00
156 00
182 00
31 50
139 79
23 00
125 00
249 60
250 00
243 SO
627 17.
3,323 01
Balance on Robinson account
Balance due Superintendent..
Burial expenses
Certificates of Insanity
Caskets and trimmings
Commissioners' pay
Newton Webster
Al. Hawk
H. D. Haugh
Commissioners' Clerk
Coupons redeemed
Cutting ensilage nnd thresh
ing grain
Express .
Expenses Pasteur treatment..
Freight and hauling
Flour nnd feed
Fertilizer nnd lime
Fuel and light
Groceries and provisions....
Hospital bills
PaBsavant Memorial ....
Livery hire
Outside relief
Orders of relief
Shoes and clothing
Seed and plnnts
Traveling expenses and mile
age Transcribing
Transporting Inmates
Veterinary surgeons
Salaries nnd wages
J. N. Kelly
A. F. Baliner, physician..
M. M. Haugh
Chad Galbraith
Mabel Kelly
Myrtle Wolf
Martha McKlnley
Terznh Rowan
John Stefi
C. A. Hnrdlng
Elizabeth McCullough ...
C. T. Hetrlck
Treasurer's per cent, for re
ceiving $19,464.45
Treasurer's per cent, for pay
ing out $26,358.47
Balance In Treasury
$30,451 95
General Statement.
Poor tax outstanding for
1904 and previous $ 683 44
Poor tax outstanding for
1905 i 3,845 82
Unseated tax outstanding... 685 65
Cash in treasury t 8,823 01
Liabilities over assets 91,612 18
$100,000 00
Poor bonds, Issue 1900 $ 76,000 00
Poor bonds, Issue 1901 25,000 00
$130,000 00
Inventory of Produce and Stock Raised
n Farm
Bushels of oats 967, bushels of rye
254, bushels of corn 300, bushels of po
tatoes 700, bushels of buckwheat 849,
tons of ensilage 80, tons of straw 12,
tons of hay, 70, bundles of. fodder, 600,
pounds of pork 2,576, pounds of beef
2238, loads of pumpkins 6, heads of
cabbage 2,000, bushels of beets 23, bu
shels of onions 30, bushels of onion
sets 2, bushels of beans 4, bushels of
parsnips 30, bushels of tomatoeH 6, bu
shels of cucumbers 8, bushels of peas
6, bushels of carrots 3, bushels of rasp
berries 2, bushels of sweet corn 25,
bushels of rutabagas 5, bunches of cel
ery 2000, heads of lettuce 2000, barrels
of pickles 2, pigs 14, calves 9, chickens
100, dozens of eggs 670.
Livestock on farm January 1st, 1906:
5 horses, 1 bull. 11 cows, 14 young
cattle, 16 hogs, 140 chickens.
Pursuant to law, we, the unders
signed Commisloners of Jefferson
County, publish the foregoing state
ment of the receipts and expendlti. -es
of said county for the year 1906, and
also present the assets and liabilities
of the county on the 1st day of Janu
ary. 1906
Witness our hands and seals of of
fice this 29th day of January,' 1906.
J. N. KKI.I.Y, (Seal)
J. 8. BARK, (Seal)
E. T. McGAW, (Seal)
Attest: Commissioners.
Finances of Jefferson County
Treasurer's Account.
JOS. B. MEANS, Treasurer, In ac
count with Jefferson County for the
year ending December 3l8t, 1905.
To am't In treasury at last
settlement $ 4,379 02
To am't of county tax for
1905 , 78,140 06
To am't of bond tnx for 1905 13.074 99
To nm't of state tax for 1005 8,421 11
To am't ree'd on taxes, 1904
nnd previous 10,998 86
To am't personal tax ret'd by
state 8,182 31
To am't received from hotel
licenses 975 00
To am't from Commls'r re
ceipt book 2.742 80
To am't of redemptions ree'd 199 99
To am't of unseated tax for
1904 received 1,408 32
To am't Int. ree'd on unseat'd
tnx 6 43
To am't of seated tax ree'd,
1902-1903 32 38
To am't of automobile li
cense ree'd 31 35
To am't temporary loan .... 15.00JOO
$141,591 62
By county
. .' $92,008 39
By refund's;
redeemed 95 44
By exonerations re
deemed 405 25
By return orders
redeemed 235 64
By coupons red'm'd 80 00
By Co. bond and
state tnx of 1906
outstanding 27,313 84
By am't paid direct
or's asso 86 95
By amt. paid Co.
Superintendent .. 200 00
By nm't paid state
treas. on personal
tax 8,245 08
By am't redemp
tions paid 229 80
By rebate tax, tim
ber land 11 72
By treasurer's per
centage, on $109,
258.47, 1 1-4 per ct 1,365 73
By treas. percent
age, paying but
$100,943.66, 2 per
cent 2.018 87
By bal. In treasury 9,297 61
-$141,591 62
JOS. B. MEANS, Treasurer, In ac
count with Jefferson County poor
funds for the year ending December
31st, 1905.
To am't In treasury at last
settlement $10,987 60
To nm't ree'd on poor taxes
of 1904 and previous 4.258 08
To am't of poor tax for 1905 13.074 99
To am't of state aid received 3,039 96
To am't ree'd for maintenance
of Inmates of Co. Home.... 2,216 66
To am't ree'd for caskets and
burial expenses 171 00
To am't of fines received .... 20 00
To am't of premium on stock
received 7 45
To am't ree'd for produce of
farm 43 59
To nm't of money refunded.. 7 28
To am't unseated tax ree'd,
1904 662 50
To int. ree'd on unseated tax,
1904 2 09
To am't of seated tax ree'd d 27
$34,396 89
By am't of orders re
deemed $22,378 47
By am't coupons re
deemed 3,980 00
By am't exoneration
orders redeemed.. 6176
By return orders re
deemed 36 86
By nm't of poor tax
for 1905 outstand'g 8,844 82
By Treasurer's per
centage, for rec'v'g
$19,464.45 243 80
By Treasurer's per
centage, pay'g out
$26,368 47 627 17
By poor funds In
treasury 3,323 01
$34,396 39
JOS. B. MEANS, Treasurer, n ac
count with the Sheep Funds of Jef
ferson countv, for the year ending De
cember 81, 1906.
To am't In treasury at last set
tlement $ 200 00
To am't of dog tnx for 19C5 1,637 60
To nm't dog tax ree'd 1904 and
previous 879 46
$2,716 96
By orders redeemed
for sheep killed by
dogs $ 244 50
By orders redeemed
for horses, cows and
hogs, killed by mad
dogs 320 00
By exoneration orders
redeemed 85 68'
By nm't of dog tax for
1905, outstanding . .. 1,150 26
By am't paid school
districts 675 71
By Treasurer's per
centage for receiv
ing $1,281.02 ,
By Treasurer's per
centage for paying
out $1,240 21
By reserve funds In
16 01
24 80
treasury 200 00
1-$2,716 96
Sheriff's Account.
J. W. CURRY, Sheriff, In account
with Jefferson County for the year end
ing December 31, 1905.
To am't of orders drawn $6,428 24
JOSEPH B. MEANS, Treasurer, In account with the Bond. School, Water and
Light Fnnda of the vnrlons townships anil borough of Jelrrraoa county for 1IMI.1,
Am't ree'd by Treasurer
Includ'g balance on hand
1 Z
m o
Beaver ,
Big Run
Brookvllle . . .
Clayvllle .....
$99 32$98 64) 53
17 861
14 32
6 07
6 12
216 72
287 27
37 78
14 99
12 17
22 66
49 55
81 75 31 6613 8
4 eu B 1
Eldred 265 50411 2030 01
Falls Creek
23 ID
10 09
18 70
33 97
Henderson ...
McCnlmont . . .
Plnecreek . ..
Summervllle ..
Warsaw ,
Washington . .
33 961
16 16
12 651
25 30
11 40
34 78
23 83
42 63
4 23
16 601
40 381
6 00
14 48
36 00
68 901
4 73
Wlnslow .'
Young ...
29 73
2 061
31 611
85 60 66 18
353 91 698 09
240 93 206 38
7 94 14 24
134 01 156 94
45 69 57 24
111 00 86 85
61 88 89 60
207 65 218 91
160 22 219 73
2 69 1 79
79 02 173 98
288 60 299 83
34 34 13 63
28 60 74 78
96 83 329 38
'"2-85 "is'37
210 89 275 78
96 68 246 26
91 1 73
174 67 369 96
I 17 831 29 51
YEAR 190J.
Jury fees 32 00
Balance due Sheriff . 207 70
$6,667 04
By nm't due last set
tlement $2,728 24
By boarding prisoners
4,770 days, 60 cents
per day 2,386 00
By washing for prls
crs 685 weeks, 10 cts.
per week 68 60
By 119 commitments ., 59 60
By 114 discharges ... 67 00
By am't paid Jail g'rds 134 00
By removing prison
ers ,to the peniten
tiary 236 07
By removing prisoners
to the work house.. 297 04
By nm't paid for cloth
ing of prisoners ... '64 67
By drawing nnd sum
moning jurors 188 00
By fees for attending
court 99 00
By am't. paid for clean
ing jail 5000
By fees and expenses
for executing death
warrants 195 20
By furnishings for nnd
repairs to Jail 86 82
By extra care for Ce-
, fall and others' In
hospital 20 00
-$6,667 94
County Commissioner' Account.
By nm't due nt last
settlement $ 133 00
By 70 days as county
commissioner 245 00
By 30 days as poor di
rector 106 00
By 8 months salary for
com'lss'er and poor
director 800 00
$1,283 00
To am't co. and poor orders
drawn $1,188 00
To bal. due Newton Webster 95 00
$1,283 00
By am't due at hist
settlement $ 60 00
By 70 days as coun
ty commissioner .... 246 00
By 30 days as poor di
rector 105 00
By 8 months salary for
commls'ner and poor
director 800 00
-$1,210 00
To nm't co. and poor orders
drawn $1,145 00
To bnl. due Hurvey D. Haugh 65 00
$1,210 00
By nm't due nt last
settlement $ 132 00
By 70 days as co. com
missioner 245 00
By 30 dnys as poor di
rector 105 00
By 8 months salary for
commls'er nnd poor
director 800 00
-$1,282 00
To nm't co. and poor orders
drnwn $1,224 00
To bnl. due Al. Hnwk 58 00
11,282 00
f'oninilsalonrra' clerk's Account.
By one year's salary $1.000 00
To county orders drnwn $ 800 00
To poor orders drawn 200 00
$1,000 00
Steward' Account.
J. N. KELLY, Steward of County Home.
By am't due nt last
tlement $ 600 00
By one yenr's salary
as steward 800 00
$1,300 00
To am't of orders drawn .....'.$1,300
Matron's Account.
MRS. J. N. KELLY, Mntron of County
By one year's salnrv $200 00
To am't orders drawn $200 00
County Superintendent's Acount.
R. B. TEITRICK, Co. Superintendent.
By am't of vouchers filed $200 00
To cosh received from Treas.$200 00
.Innltor'a Account.
By one yenr's salary as janitor. .$480 00
To nm't of orders drawn $480 00
County Home Pliyilclnn'a Account.
DR. A. F. BALM EH, Physician.
By two year's salary $600 00
To am't orders drnwn $$600 00
Jnll Phyalelfln'a Acconnt.
DR. R. S. HUNT. Jail Physician.
. . . CR.
By one year's salary $100 00
To am't of orders drawn $100 00
CoinmlMMloncra' Attorney Acconnt.
JOHN M. WHITE, Attorney.
By one yenr's salary $600 00
To am't of orders withdrawn. .. $500 00
Am't In
hand of
Tr. and
Am'ts paid to Districts
In the year 1905
0 5
$94 00
$98 19
$ 53
12 641
18 69
14 99
12 17
$5 32!$ 45
68144 32
( 07 9 33
17 18
6 12
6 30
21 89
"l8 49
216 72
287 27
21 89
ii 10
38 39
36 67
22 66
1 21
'l8 49
31 66113 891
4 60
2S2 63
400 00
30 01
2 97
15 27
11 20
6 04
6 29
11 88
14 24
70 331
61 14
23 10
5 28
10 091
18 70
33 97
325 Oil
240 931
691 80
28 91
195 00
7 94
130 00
166 64
4 01
45 69
67 24
33 96
16 16
1 1 1 00
86 85
61 38
39 60
12 65
207 07213 321
26 30
11 40
1 79
160 04
219 54
34 78
23 83
134 00
79 02
173 98
299 63
13 18
134 OOi
132 00
132 00
288 23
42 63
8 14
39 94
21 071
94 24
4 23
66 64
328 41
13 37
274 78
16 60
6 43
40 88!
1 09
5 00
14 48
36 60
2 85
13 28
:io 02
1 00
6 26
1 73
73 40
240 00
68 901
4 73
29 73
2 06
31 61
174 67
29 51
17 3.1
We, the undersigned Auditors of Jefferson county, !n the state of Penn
sylvania, do certify that In pursuance of the 47th section of an Art entitled
"An Act relating to counties, townships, etc., passed the luth day of April,
A. D., 1834," we met In the Commissioners' office in the borough of Firook
vllle, Pn., on the First Monday of January, A. D., 1906, It being the first dav
of said month, and did audit, adjust and settle the several accounts required
of us by law, agreeably to the several acts of Assembly and supplements
thereto, according to the best of our Judgment and ability, and find them as
set forth in the above report.
In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals at the office
aforesuld this 30th day of January, A. D., 1906.
G. II. SMAII.. (Seal)
JOHN H. ( Aim, (Seal)
Carpets , .. Rugs
We have a lot of remnants of Carpets, running in
length from 7 to 20 yards. Any of these we will
close out at these unheard of prices :
Velvets, $1.25 per yd., now 80c
Axminster, $1.25 per yd., now 80c
Tapestries, 80c per yd., now 60c
Also a lot of Japanese Matting, was 25 cents,
now 20 cents.
C. R. Hall
Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. Es
tate of J. F. Henry, deceased.
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Jefferson County, there will lie exposed to
Public Sale, on the premises in Wlnslow
township, near Kathmel, Jciremon County,
Fa., on
Monday, March 12, 1906,
nt 2:00 o'clock p. m., the following described
real estate, to wit: All that, certnln piece,
parcel or trnct of land situate In Wlnslow
township, Jelf arson county, Pennsylvania,
to wit. :
On the Fast by the UeynoUlsville and Du
Bols road, about llfty-four (.'tt) perenrs; on
the North by hind of Hell, Lewis & Yates
'Joal Mlnlint Company, about tlfty-one and
ihree-Hftlm (.11 3-A) perches; on the West.
Mary I.lillo and L. L. Henry about tlfiy-four
(54) perches; on the south by lands of Geonre
L. Henry, about flfry-ono and three fifths
(SI 8-5) perches' UonMlnlmr seventeen (171
ai'res and sixty-six and two-ftfihs iitl
porches. All the coal and mineral I- re
served. Paid piece of ground having erected
thereon one frame house ;Kix:i2 feer and two
stories high and a (rood cellar thereunder;
one barn with two sheds altuched; one 2A.tti.
the oilier 20 x 40; one waKon shed .0 x 3i, and
other necessary outbuildings; one spring and
one well of water; growing fruit trees; land
all cleared and under cultivation.
Terms of fale : One-third of Iho purchase
money at the confirmation of the sale hy the
Court, and the remainder In two e(Uiil an
nual Installments from the dato. with lawful
Interest therefor from the same time, secuied
by bond and mortgage entered of record, or
by Judgment bond entered at the same time
aaihe delivery of the deerl.
A. O Mim.irsm.
Administrator of J. K. Henry, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given, that the partnership
lately subsisting between f. P, Leech and W.
A. Leech, of Keynoldsvllle. Pa., under the
Hrm of Leech llros., was dissolved on the 24th
day of January, A. I). HKDi, by mutual consent..
All debts owing to the said partnership are
to be received by said W. A. Leecii, and all
demands on the said partnership are to be
presented to him for payment, and he Is also
authorized to settle all uuuts due to and Dy
the company. H. P, Lekch,
W, A. Lkkch.
If you have anything to sell, try
our Want Column.
Why Suffer?'
Haines City. Fla
Philips Dru(? Co.. Warren, Pa.
Pear Sirs: December 21, 1(101, was taken
with what physicians pronounced
I had it bad. I took, as I thought, every
known remedy t paid out enough money,
anyhow. 1 was entirely helpless for uearly
IN mouths I about that time saw your ad In
The National Tribune; sent fur a bottle then
sent for another; then another, and now I
firaoutof the medicine business enrlrely. I
give Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy the credit
of curing me. lean heartily recommend it
Very truly, I. F. TOWER-
, For Bale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.
15 to 35 per cent.
Special on Winter Overcoats
and Suits for Men and Boys.
DRESS GOODS which sold for
$1.00 now goes at 75c.
Dress Goods, was 75c, now 50c.
Meltons, were $1.00, now 75c. .
LADIES' COATS which were
sold for $10, $12 and $15, you
get for $5, $6 and 7.00.
FURS I have a few yet, not
manv. One-third and one-half
off. "$-k50 Furs now $2.50.
LEGGINS 50c kind now 39c.
FASCINATORS-In black and
white, were 50c, will go at39c.
10c Ladies' Hose for 9c or 3 for
25c. 25c Ladies' Hose for 21c.
Boys' Fleeced Undershirt and
Drawers 2oc, none better at40c.
Fleisher Yarn 98c a pound.
Come and see for yourself.
4t 4JI
Planing Mill
West Reynoldsville
Window Sash. Doors,
Frames. Flooring,
Rough and Dressed Lumber,
Etc.. Etc.
Contract and iep:iir work given
prompt intention.
Olvrt tn your orrli'r. My pi-pr
atv ri'HHOnabl-.
W. A. LEECH, Y roprietor
ubocrlbr tor
The -X" Star
' If you want the News
For New Bethlehem, Red Bank, unci piln
flpal Intermediate si at ions, oil City and
Pittsburg. U:i, K;0S a. m, 1:211, 8:07, 7:SS (New
Bethlehem nnlyi p. ni. week-days. Sundays
SsNln. in.. 4:20 p. m.
For DuRols. Driftwood, and principal Inter
mediate stations. Iliiirlshuri'. Philadelphia,
Baltimore and Washington. H;:;n a. m.,
6:25 p m. week-days. Hiindays 12: lip. m.
For Dii Bois only 11:12 a. rn. week days, 9:50
p m dally.
W. W. ArrsRBi:nv, .1. It. Wood,
Gen. Manager. Passenuer I'ratllc Mgr.
Oko. V. Movu,
General Passenger Agent.
Passengorl'raln Schedule. First Class Trains.
Dally except Sunday, connecting with P. U.
U. Trains at. Miuiinervtll,.
Nn. :t.
II. 1-1 am.
11.2.1 '
1l.:r '
11. fls
12. UI
No. .1.
4.40 p.m
4.57 p.m.
ft. 23 p.m.
5.26 p.m.
No. 6.
6.(B "
6.28 "
6.46 '
Clarion, leave,
1 rut ton vlllo,
".So a.m.
811" "
summervllle, ar.S.;i5 "
onisu wist.
No. 2.
8.52 "
No. 4.
12.15 p.m.
12.17 "
12.43 "
12.53 "
1.00 "
Summervllle. Iv
Clarion, arrive.
In effect Nov. 27, 1905. For further tnfnr
matlon address the Company's general othae
t Brookvllle Pa.
Cbas. V. n bid hick, Pres. D. Nolan, Bupt,