The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 07, 1906, Image 4

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Thi Htar Is fflud ut kM tlnips to irlvn snai'e
f to contributions of ireni'nil interest from Its
renders and invites the free expression of
personal opinion.
A Voice of Dissent.
We notice by last week's High School
Bulletin that a dumber of Ueverends
and others have been making them
selves very conspicuous with their de
votional and chapel exercises about the
public school.
We think those persons atl very much
out of placo there in that cs paoity or
, occupation. If thoy wish to exercise
tholr zeal lot them do as the Catholics
do the world over uud as some of the
Boots do in many plaevB : cam', net schools
of their own when) thiy can air their
views without Imposing on others or
violating the laws of the land or charity,
and not use our schools as a proselytiz
ing Institution.
Our schools should bo unsectarian.
No priest, preachor, rabbi or Infidel
propagandist has any business or right
to conduct religious exercises there,
and in doing so are certainly not follow
ing the great commandment of love:
Doing to others as they would be done
by. We appeal to all religious enthus
iasts, whether they have a Rev. prefix
or not, as gentlemen, in the name of
Justice to desist from such practice ;
and to the school directors we appeal
for honesty and justice and favors to
none and ask them not to allow repre
sentatives of any cult to conduct de
votional exercises within our publlo
school building or air their particular
opinions before the pupils.
Catholic and Jewish Taxpayers.
Frightfully Burned.
Chas. W. Moore, a machinist of Ford
City, Pa., had his hand frightfully
burned In an electrlo furnace. He ap
plied Bucklen's Arnica Salye with the
usual result: "a quick and perfect
cure." Greatest healer on earth for
Burns, Wounds, Sores, Eczema and
Piles. 25c at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.,
Iteynoldsvllle and Sykesvllle.
Eliminates Health From Politics.
The British Medical Journal knows
no politics; it 1b neither Liberal nor
Conservative; Unionist nor Home Rulor
Free Trader nor Protectionist, but
where the publlo health is concerned it
has a right to be hear!. It asks that
candidates for Pari I me nt shall not, for
the sake of catching votes, demean
themselves by giving pledges for relaxa
tion of those measures wb ich a century of
world-wide experience proves to be the
only reliable barrier against one of the
most loathsome diseases that cim afflict
humanity. It asks voters to refuse to
be cheated of their votes by such mis
statments as are being circulated ut
Sleaford. And it asks members of the
medical profession throughout the
United Kingdom to do their utmost,
each in his own locality tn prevent
electors being deceived by atrl vaccinal
candidates, and to prevent candidates
boing deceived by local antl-vacclnatlon
League as to what is and v bat Is not
the truth about vacclna'Ion. The
Harrlsburg Telegraph, January 31, 100(1.
Luckiest Man in Arkansas.
"I'm the luckiest man In Arkansas,"
writes H. L. Stanley, of Bruno, "since
the restoration of my wife's health
after five years of continuous coughing
and bleeding from the lungs; and I owe
my good fortune to the world's greatest
medicine, Dr. Kings's New Discov
ery for Consumption, which I know
from experience will cure consumption
if taken In time. My wife improved
with first bottle and twelve bottles com
pleted the cure." Cures the worst
coughs and colds or monoy refunded.
At Stoke & Feicht Drug Co.,' Reynolds
vllleand Sykesvllle. 50c and $1.00. Trial
bottle free.
"God Bends meat and the devil sbndB
cooks" says old John Taylor. But it's
not always the fault of the cook. For
Instance, not even a heaven-born genius
of a French cook can make oysters taste
good, if they have been treated with
preservatives. But If the oysters are
Ucantmatch the bargains at Harmon's
the home of honest shoes.
First Mortgage. Six Per Cent Bonds. Payable in Gold.
' Dated Dec. 1st, 1905. Interest Payable June 1st, Dec. 1st.
Reynoldsville, Pa. . Reynoldsville, Pa.
C. F. DICKINSON, Westinghouse Building, Pittsburg, Pa.
We own and offer (1n amounts to suit purchasers) the best
industrial security ever offered to the investors of this com
munity. The controlling interest in Reynoldsville's new "STEEL
PLANT" has recently been purchased by Pittsburg people
who are old in the successful management of large iron and
steel properties.
Necessary additions are being made to the equipment, and
new and heavy machinery is being added. Upon completion
of these improvements a full line of Alligator Shears, Cold
Saws, Rolling-Mill and Contractors' Machinery will be. ex
tensively manufactured at the Company's works, and sold
from their Pittsburg offices.
The aslets ol the Company as re-equipped will stand at
$120,000.00 in round figures, against which the $30,000.00
of First Mortgage bonds are the first and prior lien. '
The Company has issued $30,000.00 six per cent First
$500.00 and $1,000.00 each and we, the undersigned, have
purchased a very large proportion of the entire issue.
The semi-annual interest, at the rate of six per centum, is
payable on June 1st and December 1st of each year, at The
Peoples National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pa.
These bonds are a first and prior lien on all of the real es
tate, buildings, machinery, equipments, franchises, property
and revenues of the American Production Company, and a
special condition in the mortgage provides that bonds to
the amount of $2,500.00 shall be retired every year, after the
first two years. ,
These bonds have been issued under the supervision and
advice of the following attorneys, viz : Messrs. Charles Cor
bett, of Brookville, -Pa., Weil & Thorp, of ittsburg, Pa.,
and G. M. McDonald, of Reynoldsville, Pa.; any of whom
can vouch for the binding validity of these securities.
The undersigned being personally acquainted with the
"STEEL PLANT" property, consider these bonds as the
best of the kind ever offered in this community, and recom
mend them as a safe investment. v '
Prompt subscriptions for bonds in amounts from $100.00
tip will be received by the undersigned at the price of par
and accrued interest. Allotments will be made as subscrip
tions are received, the right being reserved to cease the al
lotment at any time.
The Peoples National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pa.
By W. B. ALEXANDER, President.
The First National Bank, Reynoldsville, Pa.
By JOHN H. KAUCHER, President.
OR C. F. DICKINSON, 1218-19-20 Westinghouse Building.
Pittsburg, Pa.
Addresses a Circular to His Constituents
In Jefferson County.
To the livptililieun Voters of Jtffenmn
County :
By reason of the fact that tho Legis
lature of Pennsylvania Is now in extra
ordinary session, and my duties as a
member of Assembly will probably hold
me at my post here until after the date
set for the Republican Prlmarlos In
Jefferson County, I find It impossible to
make a personal canvass of the voters
of the county In my own Interest as a
candidate for re-election. The import
ant measures, especially legislative
apportionment, now pending demand
my presence here even to my own dis
advantage, for I hold that my duties to
my constituents are of parat tount Im
portance wbnn compared t my own
Intorests in the coming primary con
test. I therefore must content myself
with this public appeal to my frionds
for their support and assistance, hoping
that the olrcumstunees will bo clearly
understood by all. My record in the
season of 11105 Is open to all, and I hold
to the gratifying belief that I faithfully
represented my constituency, and was
as efficient therein as Is possible for any
member Oiling his first term In the
With the experience gained then and
now being secured In this special ses
sion, I feel confident that my ability for
service has buen largely Increased, and
that If honored with a re-nlectlon, I can
be a much more useful representative In
the session of 1907 than In the past. I
have reason to be very grateful to tbe
good people of Jefferson County for
their kindness to me In the former
election, and tbe manner In which they
have supported mo, not only with their
votes but also with their advice and
counsel in carrying out their wisheB as
their representative, and I shall make
It my sole aim to worthily represent
the Interest of our great county should
I again be elected.
Faithfully yours,
8. Taylor North,
Jan. 29, 1900.
A Bad Custom.
W. O. Smith, editor of the PunxsU'
tawney Spirit anil congressman from the
Twenty-seventh district, announces In
Washington that he will not be a can
didate for re-election. In his district
nomlnoes are chosen by three conferees
from each of the counties of Armstrong,
Clarion, Indiana and Jefferson. It has
been customary for no congressman to
ask for a third term. It is time for the
Twenty-seventh district to shake off
thecii8tom. Unless a congressman fills
the place well one term Is too
long ; If he has a record like Mr,
Smith, he should permitted to
loaye until old age or ill health demands
his resignation. Mr. Smith Is In tbe
prime of his life and Is regarded as one
of the ablest representatives of the
state, lie should be returned to con
gross by the Republicans of his district.
Titusvllle Herald.
The Reynoldsville Trust Company.
Notice Is hereby given that tbe annu
al meeting of the stockholders of this
company will bo hold at their banking
nouse on West Main Street, Reynolds
vllle, Pa., on Thursday, February 8th,
190(i,botwoon tbe hours of 1 nud 2 p. m.,
for the election of offioers to serve for
the ensuing year and the transaction of
such other business as may properly
come before tho meeting.
J. S. Howard,
See. and Treas.
January 3rd, 1900.
Woman's Judgment.
Tho woman who exercises good every
day common sense, and profits by her
own experience and that of othors, will
recognize In the Prlzer Ranges, a per
fection in stove construction that Is not
found in other makes. We would be
pleased to have you examine them and
we believe you will confirm this state
ment. Sold and guaranteed by Reyn
oldsvlllo Hardware Co.
For Sale.
One hundred fine residence lots on
Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the
purchaser. City gas and water can be
bad. Most beautiful resldenoo street In
town. Close to business center. In
quire of D. Wheelor, Roynoldsville, Pa.
A New Gas Mantle.
We have sold one hundred Never
Break mantles. Wo have replaced
three which were broken. Union
Plumbing Company.
Don't Dally
With a cold. Cure It with Reynolds'
Cold Cure Capsules 25c.
Wanted Boarding,
Boarding wanted for young men and
girls. Apply to Enterprise Silk Co.
No hot air, just real bargains at
Harmon's shoery.
Best bargains in shoes and footwear
at Harmon's one price shoe store.
When you need a house lease call at
The Star offlco. .
Shoes for the whole family at the
Cash New York Racket Store.
Wave of Evangelism.
Rev. Teagarden has beon holding re
vival meetings In Eleanors for the last
couple of weeks. There wure 75 profes
sions and at tbe services last Sunday 51
people took the church covenant and
became members. This Is one of the
greatest spiritual awakenings that has
ever been witnessed In this coram inity.
Tbe Young Peoples' Endeavor Society
has a membership of oyer 00. The Sun
day School has a membership of 150.
The church has a splendid ladies' Aid
Society. The Junior Endeavor will
be organized sobn, and the young men
are now organizing a benefiolory society
which will be an auxiliary to lun church
for the help of the poor and unfortunate.
Rov. Teagorden has certainly been do
ing a wonderful work In that communi
ty and tho Kews only hopes i ud wishes
the good work will go on. Punxsutaw
ney JVeiM.
Murray's Candidacy.
James V. Murray, Eeq., or present
efficient DlHtrict Attorney, Is a candi
date for re-olectlon. There. Hre soveral
good reasons why he should be his own
successor, foremost among which Is
that he has made a splendid official.
He performed the duties of his office
faithfully, efficiently, energetically and
fearlessly. Instead of "farming" the
offlco he worked for the interests of the
people. He Is young and vigorous yet,
and being willing to accept another term
it would be good business to re-elect
him. His experience will add to bis
efficiency and make blm all the more
valuable. Having proven himself com
petent and worthy under the foe system
it Is no more than just that he should
be given a term at the fixed salary of
81,250 a year; which, meagre as It Is, is
considerable more than the office for
merly paid. Punxsutawney Spint.
As Our Neighbor Sees It.
At tbe recent Republican suggestion
meeting In Roynoldsville the name of
C. A. Stephenson, editor of the Royn
oldsville Star was suggested for bur
gess. In many quarters, where the ex
treme modesty of tbe average news
paper man Is not known, editors are
supposed to want everything they havo
a chance to get their hands on, but
Brother Stephenson, In his last Issue,
declines to stand for the proffered honor
and in a card to the voters says: ''My
aspirations have nover Inclined that
way, and the mayoralty bee has never
buzzed under my hat," which goes to
show that there Is one editor In the
county, at least, who Is both modest and
wise. Brookville Republican.
.The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Reynoldsville Building and
Loan Association will be held In their
office February, 19, 1900, at 7:30 o'clock
p. m. for the purpose of electing five
directors and one auditor and the trans
action of such other business as may
come before It.
John M. Hays,
Attest : President.
L. J. McEntire, See.
The Yellow Fever Germ
Has recently been discovered. It bears
a close resemblance to tha malaria
germ. To free tbe Bystem fr m disease
germs, tbe most effeotive ren odv is Dr.
King's New Life Pills. Guaranteed to
cure all disuses due to mali.ria poison
and constipation. 25o. at Stoke &
Feicht Drug Store, Reynoldsville and
A Great Mistake
You are making If you don't hurry In
to the Reynoldsville Hardware Co.'s
and get a pair of those nice woolen or
cotton blankets while they last. Re
member these are sold at Bame price as
they cost us in the city.
Want Column.
H ntn. 1 f"l n n no... not an.rf - A
w.v vv.av yni nu.u iui G (.V-11 a 11 14
evory Insertion.
For Sale Two horses, 21 single
comb white leghorn hens and five roost
ers, all of the Blancbard strain. Inquire
of J. M. Hays.
LOST Bunch of keys at Reynolds
ville or Wlshaw. Reward of $1.00 for
return of keys .to Hughes & Fleming,
FOR RENT House on Jackson street.
bouse on Grant street, flat on Main
street. Inquire of E. X. McGaw.
Wanted Sewing to do. Inquire at
residence of J. J. Hoffman, Fifth street.
FOR SALE Three lots on north Bide
of Grant street. Mrs. S. M. Rhoads.
FOR Sale Team of work horses. In
quire of Amos Strouse, Wlnalow town
ship. s
Wanted District managers to uost
signs, advertise and distribute samples.
Salary 118.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for
expenses. State age and present em
ployment. Ideal Shear Co., 39 Randolph
St., Chicago. 5-24-08
Wanted Men women, bovs and
girls to represent McClure's Magazine.
Good pay. Address 67 East 23d St.,
N. Y. .City.
For Sale Greenlawn Stock Farm,
One mile from Sbannondale, Clarion
county. Lot young timber, good water,
nice location. A bargain, to settle an
estate. For particulars address J. A.
Shafer, Duquesne, Fa.
A Few Words Concerning the Candidacy
of John M. White.
We are pleased to make Bpeclal com
ment on the appearanoe of the official
announcement of John M. White, Esq,
of Rose township, as a candidate for the
nomination for District Attorney at the
Republican primary election to bo held
February 20lh, 1906. We have known
John, as we call him, from his youth to
his admission to the Jefferson County
Bar, and have watched his course on
ward and upward ever since. We must
say that when he chose tbe profession
t.f law for his life work he male do mis
lake. Nature endowed him with a
bright, open and pleasing personalltv. a
clean and accurate mind, good exeutlve
ability, a high and refined sense of what
Is honest and Just. Very fow members
of the Bar, at his age, are so well quali
fied to fill the office to which ho aspires.
Ills nomination and election would be a
guarantee tbat during his administra
tion all criminal business would be con
ducted and managed on the lines of
Strict economy and good judgment It
Is Mr. White's disposition to be thorough
In his work, and judging from the past,
he will take a special Interest in his of
ficial duties and perform them as the
law directs. He has always been a
thorough, straight-forward Republican,
an efficient worker, and at the same
time he has not been an offensive par
tisan. One of the strong traits of his
character Is his loyalty to his friends
and his high respect for tho rights of
others; ho has been an energetio and
progressive citizen, taking an active In
terest in everything pertaining to the
publlo good. In consideration of his
many good qualities, strict integrity.
excellent ability, strong personal friend
ships, be will be a strong candidate be
fore the people. Mr. White Is before
tbe people of tbe county as a candidate
for the first time. He Is a young man
making an honest effort to advance In
his profession the same as other boys of
Jefferson county have done. The office
has always been looked upon as a step-
in g-s tone in tbat direction, and he Is
therefore before the people asking them
to give his claims to the Domination a
fair, impartial and candid consideration
Brookville Republican.
Big Deal in Coal Lands.
The Rochester & Pittsburg Coal &
Iron Company last week purchased the
Interests of tbe Bellofonte Coal & Coke
Company In Gasklll Township, this
county. Tbe tract contains 1,400 acres
of valuable coal lands, Including tbe
plant now In operation at Wlnslow, and
the price named in the deed is $125,000.
The tract extends from Winslow almost
tJ Big Run and it is the Intention of the
new owners to make openings on the
north side, about a mile from Big Run,
and ship most of the product over the
B. R., & P. railroad. Punxsutawney
Handles the Best for the Pries Gas Man
tles. Their Never Break Mantle is a
It Is the only gas mantle in 'be world
tbat Is covered by a patent. The patent
number is on each box. We do not
know of any mantle that will stand the
wear and tear like our Never Break,
and we havo handled thousands of man
tles. Don't take our word for it. Give
them a trial. Costs nothing if not as
we guarantee. Guaranteed nut to break
by jars of any kind. Gives butter light
and will outlast ten ordinary mantles.
We sell mantles from 10 cents to 45
cents. The Union Plumbing Co
In Reynoldsville
Many of the best families in Reynolds
ville and vicinity, are using the Prlzer
Stoves and Ranges with tbe best results
Every one sold has given entire satis
faction. We would bo pleased to have
you examine ' them. - Reynoldsville
Hardware Co.
or Tim
at Keynotdsvllle, In the state of Pennsyl-
Loans and discount $191 eoo 89
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. aoo S3
V. 8. Hondo to sec urn circulation.... 60.00) 00
Premiums on U.S. Bonds 2.uoo 00
Bonds, securities, etc 9.000 00
Ranking house, furniture, fixtures.. -10 ftw (in
Due from approved reserve agents fQ 072 60
Checks and other cash Items 3,258 70
Notes of other Natlonul Banks a,T 00
Fractional paper currency, nickels
and cents 301 17
Lawful money reserve in bank, vis:
ppecie v.iku zu s.loo 00 lMKf) 5H
Redemption fund with U.S. Treas
urer aj of circulation) 2,300 00
Total $373,730 18
Capital stock paid In 1100.000 00
Surplus fund ,000 00
unuiviueu pronu, itms expenses ana
taxes nald 1 Ml is
National Bank notes outstanding... 50,000 00
Individual deposits subject
to check 1212,172 03
Time certificates of deposit 4,825 00
Cashier's c'ks outstanding 71 00 217,168 03
Total U73.7M 18
SUtt sf PmtylTuU, Csaaty t Jifirui, n:
I, F. K. Alexander, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
F. K. Alexander, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to befnra ma this
1st day of February, into.
smith m. met hbioht, Notary Public
My commission expires Jan. 30, liioil.
Correct Attest:
W. B. Alexander,
A co. HAi.DAur, -W.
O. Murray,
I Furniture $ House
Furnishing Goods, j
Come and sea us when you need anything In
Furniture, Carpets and Floor Coverings.
We have the goods and right prices. Come In
and look over our stock, Inspect our price and
see If we cannot save you money.
Rockers, 81.C0 to $4 00. Dining room chairs,
$4.00 to 126.00. Stands, 90o to $1 8.00. Sideboards,
$14.00 to $45.00. Buds, $2 50 to $24 00. Mattress
es, $1.50 to $18.00. ,
J. R. Hillis & Company
Shick Vagner
The Big Store
Showing of
. We received this week our
spring and summer line of Wash
Goods and Light Weight Dres9
Fabrics. We are showing the
newest colorings in the most de
sirable fabrics of the season.
We have them ready for your
inspection and believe it to your
advantage to see them. Many
of these shades cannot be dupli
cated and the tendency to buy
them early is stronger than ever.
Shick Vagner
Cor. Main and Fifth Sts.,
Reynoldsville, Pa.-
15 to 35 per cent.
Special on Winter Overcoats
and Suits for Men and Boys.
DRESS GOODS which sold for
$1.00 now goes at 75c.
Dress Goods, was 75c, now 50c.
Meltons, were $1.00, now 75c.
LADIES' COATS which' were
sold for $10, $12 and $15, you
get for $5, $6 and $7.
FURS I have a few yet, not
many. One-third and one-half
off, $4.50 Furs now $2.50.
LEGGINS-SOc kind now 39c.
FASCINATORS-In black and
white, were 50c, will go at 39c.
10c Ladies' Hose for 9c or 3 for
1725c. 25c Ladies' Hose for 21c.
Boys' Fleeced Undershirt and
Drawers 25c, none betterat40c.
Fleisher Yarn 98c a pound.
Come and see for yourself.,