The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 31, 1906, Image 7

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    Admiral Hichborn
Praises Pe-ru-na
Admiral's Words Carry "Weight
Roar-Admiral Hichborn i one of 1 lie
best known officers of our navy. His
statement concerning Peruna will have
much weight as they go out in the world.
What he nays is echoed by many other
officers of high standing.
What the Admiral Says.
Philip Highborn, Hear-Admiral of the
C 8., Washington, D. C, writes:
"After the ue of Peruna for a short
ferlod, I can now cheerjutly recom
n end your valuable remedy to any
its who is in need of an invigorate
. img tonic. "Philip Highborn,
s25 Cts
pi IN onp niv fM
in ui ii urn
HAS HO tOUAL KIR HtjVgtf, if.
Horseradish came from the south
of Europe.
To Care a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet".
Druggists refund money if It falls to cure. E.
W.Grove'ssignatureoneaohbox. 25c.
Mahomet's tomb is covered with jewels
worth $12,500,000.
. She Knew Her Grammar.
The Judge's little daughter, although
6he had talked several times through
the telephone to her father, had never
gone through the formalities neces
sary In calling him up. The first
time she tried it she took the receiver
off the hook, as she had seen others
do, placed her lips to the transmitter
and said: ,
"Hell, l I want to talk to papa."
"Number, please?" said Central.
"Singular," she answered, sur
prised at the question, but proud that
she knew something of the rudiments
of grammar. Youth's Companion.
Has a Silver' Vindpipe.
Archduke Otto, of Austria, has been
seriously ill for the last few months.
His condition became so aggrevated
that the operation of tracheotomy was
performed and the Archduke now
breathes through a silver tube insert
ed in the windpipe. The operation
was performed when dangerous at
tacks of suffocation made it impera
In All Part of the United States Lydla
B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
Baa Effected Similar Ourea.
Many wonderful cures of female ills
are continually coming; to light which
have been brought about by Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and
through the advice of Mrs. Pinkham,
- of Lynn, Mass., which is given to sick
women absolutely free of charge.
The present Mrs. Pinkham has for
twenty-five years made a study of the
ills of her sex ; he has consulted with
and advised thousands of suffering
'- women, who to-day owe not only their
health but even life to her helpful
Mrs. Fanjiie D. Fox, of 7 Chestnut
Street, Bradford, Pa., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"I suffered for a long time with female
trouble, and finally was told by my physician
1 . that I had a tumor. 1 did not Want to
submit to an operation, to wrote you for
advioe. I received your letter and did as
you told me, and to-day I am completely
cured. My doctor says the tumor has disap-
r Hired, and I am once more a well woman,
believe Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound Is the best medicine in the world."
, The testimonials which we are con
stantlypublishingfrom grateful women
- establish beyond a doubt the power of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound to conquer female diseases.
Women suffering from any form of
' femule weakness are invited to
promptly communicate with Mrs.
Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. She asks
nothing in return for her advice.. It is
absolutely .free, and to thousands of
women has proved to be more precious
than gold.
Thompson's Eyewater
wliu weak
(2 Jllrs. Fannie D.Fok e)
3?"a rrf
An Ever-Present Foe.
The soldier and the sailor are especially
subject to catarrh. In the barracks and
on the field Peruna is found equally effica
cious to overcome this physical enemy. If
taken in time it will prevent colds from
developing into catarrh. Even after a cold
has settled in some organ of the body Pe
runa can be relied upon as an efficacious
remedy to promptly overcome it.
Peruna will relieve catarrh, whether
acute or chronic, but a few doses of it
taken in the first stages of the disease
will be more effective than when the dis
ease has become established.
I won't Mil Antt-Qrlplne to a dealer who won't ttnarnntr It.
l W, Dietner,, Manufacturer, Hprtngfield, 3l.
Products of Manchuria.
Millet, Indian corn, and wheat are
among the chief farm products of
Mnnclmria. Apples and grapes do
well, although the native apple is suft
and lacks flavor. Tomatoes grow in
great abundance, particularly in
Southern Manchuria, where aspara
gus also flourishes. All vegetables,
as a rule, can be grown in abundance.
A Ciiaratiteftri Cure For Pllei,
Itching. Blind, Meeding, Protruding Piles.
Druggists are authorized to refund money It
l'azo Ointment falls to cure in 8 to 14 days. 50c.
Salt has had much influence in shaping
Piso's Cure for Consumption Is an infallible
medicine for coughs and colds. N. V,
SaHUF.1,, OoeanQrove, N. J., Feb. 17, 1900,
The Hindoos are bovcotting foreign
Robbed In Clmrrh.
Just think what an outrage it is to be
robbed ot sll the benefits ol the services
by continuous coughing throughout the
congregation, when Anti Gnpine is guaran
teed to cure. Sold everywhere. 25 cts.
F. W. Dietner, M. 1), manufacturer,
Springfield, Mo.
A company has been formed in Greece
for buying up unsold currants.
A tl.nnEh the fresh water fish are
being systematically destroyed, the
Nova Scotia fisheries were never bet
SnnVred For Ten Years Spread to Body
anil I.lmba Cured by the t'ntl
enra Keinedies.
"I had eczema on my hands for ten
years. At first it would break out only
in winter. Then it finally came to stay.
I had three good doctors to do all they
could, but none of them did any good. I
then used one box of Cuticura Ointment
and three bottles of Cuticura Resolvent,
and was completely cured. My hands were
law all over, inside and out, and the ec
zema was spreading all over my body and
limbs. Before 1 had used one bottle of
Cuticuca Hcsolvcnt, together, with the
Ointment, my sores were nearly healed
over, and by the 4ime I had used the third
bottle X was entirely well. I had a good
appetite and was fleshier than I ever was.
To any one who has any skin or blood
disease 1 would honestly advise them to
get the Cuticura Remedies, and get well
quicker than all the doctors in the State
could cure you. Mrs. M. E. Falin, Speers
Ferry, Va May 19, 1005."
The Russian government has re
stricted the exportation of grain.
A Cnre For Stomach. Tronblft A New
Method by Abaorptlon No Drugs.
Do You Belch?
It means a diseased Stomach. Are you
afflicted with Short Breath, Gas, Sour
Eructations, Heart Pains, Indigestion. Dys
pepsia, Burning Pains and Lead Weight
in Pit of Stomach, Acid Stomach, Dis
tended Abdomen, Dizziness, Colic?
Bad Breath or Any Other Stomach Tor
ture .'
Let us send vou a box of Mull's Anti
Belch Wafers free to convince you that it
Nothing else like it known. It's sure
snd very pleasant. Cures by absorption.
Harmless. No drugs. Stomach Trouble
can't be cured otherwise so says Medical
Science. Drugs won't do they eat up the
Stomach and make you worse.
We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers cure
and we want you to know it, hence this
offer. This offer may not appear again.
1278 GOOD FOR 2oc.
Send this coupon with your name
and address and your druggist's name
and 10c. in stumps or silver, and we
will supply you a sample free if you
have never used Mull's Anti-Belch
Wafers, and will ulso send you a cer
tificate good for 25c. toward the pur
chase of more Belch Wafers. You will
find them invaluable for stomach trou
ble; cures by absorption. Address
Mull's Crape Tonio Co.. 328 3d
Ave., Rock Island, 111.'
Oitie Fuli Addrtst and Write riainly.
All (trotririaf a ROrt u KflT nr VlV mail
upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted,
tDldV HE boic-iawed, sleely-eyed
i Jj mini looked grouchy. A
O T O friend, nsked liim why.
M K Boca use, you know," the
(01r friend said to blm, "Ibis
grouch iness of yours is becoming a
Imblt. They sny
It was at this Instant that ho leaped
upon his friend in a sudden uccess of
fury, spun 1 1 1 lit around, pinned him in
a corner of the room, ami, thus holding
him in a rise-like clutch, exuded the
"They Pay that's the answer.
You've hit it.
'They Sny is whnt's the matter with
me. I'm getting tired of being hound
ed, liully-rngged, hectored, pestered
and bulldozed by They Say.
"Not that I care the leavings of an
omelet soufllc in the nethermost depths
of Tartarus what They Say. What
They Say doesn't concern me any more
than the boll weevil concerns the blub
ber-hunting Eskimo or than the sum
mary dismissal order concerns the
clerk who's got the good eye of a cou
ple of Senators who stand in. But, nil
the same, They Say annoys and tantal
izes me like a bunch of gloating house
flies on a gummy Washington duy In
"When I say They Say, I mean you.
You belong to the Universal Order of
flnrrulous, Loquacious and (ialiberlf
erous They Says, aud I'm a-talklug
to You!
"What difference !t"r It make to me,
or to you. or to anybody else one-
eightieth of one degree removed from
a shell fish in mentality or a crusta
cean in self-respect what They Say?
'Don't you know that They Sny has
caused more trouble and grief and hu
man misery generally since the begin
ning of the world than strong drink
and jealousy and battle find murder
and the plague and fire and storm
and envy and covelousness and slolh
and the devil and nil combined? If
yon don't know it. why don't you?
"They Say, hey? Well, what if they
do? Did you ever know a member of
ihe Order of They Say to possess 1he
brains of a young turkey in a rain
storm.? Did you ever hear of one of
the They Says who had enough of the
milk of human kindness and charily in
his system to make a bread poultice
for the wounded fifth rib of a potato
bug? Were you ever personally tc-
inainted with a They Say who wasn't
himself mean enough to swipe the rn
out of a swampoodlo baby carriage in
the dead of winter?
"Did you ever meet up with a They
Say, male 'or female, who did not pos
sess the physiognomical lineaments of
a Soudanese simian?
"Aren't you aware of the fact that
the Order of They Says has got a
perpetual charter, issued on the first
day of the creation of the Harden of
Kden and to endure until the last faint
echo of the crack of doom, and that the
They Says are irresistible, incapable of
being extirpated or depleted?.
"And, Inasmuch as the They Says
have always Said It, and will always
go right on Saying It till the last
whistle has blown, what s the use?
"Let 'em Say It! They Say? Who
. "They Say is always anonj nions,
collective, vague, nebulous, and iucvlta
hly a liar.
"They Say is always possessed of
the Imagination of a hasheesh-enter
and the pestiferous clackiness of tin
nnoilcil threshing machine in a hollow
echoing valley.
"They Say is the dum-dum bullet of
human speech.
"They Say is the rock thrown in the
"They Sny is the intangible Mafia
cankering the heart of civilization;
the Black Hand that besmirches the
outer hide of human sweetness.
"They Say is the hooded cobra of
l'timan society.
"They Say is the sneak that slinks
up behind its best friend and stabs him
in the back.
"They Say Is the hideous, discordant
buzz that foully slays the reputation
of detent men and destroys the good
name of women.
"I nevor'lioar one of the They Says
giving the verbal office of his order
that I don't, iu the ear of the imngiua
tion, detect the yelping of graveyard
hyenas in the distance.
"They Say works while the rest of
the world sleeps, nud They Say is so
busy that no man may know when he
is liable to meet the askance and
aslant glances of his They Say pois
cned friends.
"If I had the commiseration for
human woe of that Siddarlha who
was Buddha, the tenderness of Lin
colli, the grave stability of Washington,
the chivalry of Chevalier Bayard, the
knightliness of King Arthur, tire spir
ituality of St. Augustine, the unselfish
ness' of Damon and- Pythias if I had
all these things wrapped around, me
like a nimbus or an aureole, d'ye s'post
for one sixteenth part of a second that
I'd be free from the onnery little un
derhand wallops of the They Says?
"What's the unswor? The answer,
for you and all of the rest of the They
Says, Is to cash In nnd quit! Withdraw
from the Order of They Says and, if
you've got c knock coming', say it your
self! Don't emit an aunnyruous knock
in the name of the They Says, but, if
you feel that you've got a knock in
your midriff that has just naturally got
to be let out. why. Just skate to the
centre, sby your hat on the carpet,
take a long breath to give your lungs
free piny, and bawl the knock right
out loud, with all of the power and
strength that you can put iuto It, and
in the name of you yourself not In
the name of the They Snys!
When you're feeling knocklsh don't
get behind the They Sny screen! Claim
the knock for your very own, and stay
with it-stand by it! Don't be a hid
ing knocker! Be a personally-con
ducted knocker.
"If the knock that you think you've
got comiug is so uncertain, so second
hand, so unauthoritative, so unidenti
fied, so nebulous that you feel tempted
to let it out of your carcass iu the form
of a They Say, Just punish the flesh
by keeping it back of your teeth alto
gether, and go out and get hold of
some kind of a knock that you know
all about nt first hand and that you
can sling into the general knockfest as
an original package!
'That's all! Sit right down nnd seud
In your resignation from the Order of
They Snys, and the' next time you drop
around here I'll listen to you, even if
you hand me twenty thousand knocks
for myself coming from you as your
self. But no more They Snys! You
The friend heard. The box-jawed,
steely-eyed man released him from his
vise-like grasp, and when he suddenly
woke up, with the morning sun stream
ing through the windows-, ho found
that he had become tangled up with
the bedclothes. Washington Star.
The Story of Two Old Maids of Sixty Od
The Misses- Malcolm were known to
Ihe little world of which Oreenby was
the centre as "the two Malcolm girls,"
In spite of their gray hairs and sixty
odd years. They were also known as
the best housekeepers in nil the region,
and any lapse from the exquisite neat
ness of their domain seemed to "the
Misses Malcolm a terrible thing.
When Cousin Palmer Malcolm, a
reckless Western relative, died, the
Malcolm girls started for the Missouri
towu on four hours' notice, although
they had entertained thirty-two "Har
vest (tleaners" the night before, too.
To Miss Sophronln, the elder, was al
lotted by mutual consent the tusk of
putting the lower rooms in order, so
far as possible, while Miss Kttdoru
atteuded to their bedrooms and their
simple packing.
When they were at last seated in
the train, after a two miles' jolting
ride in the old coach, Miss Kudora no
ticed that Miss Sophronla's face wore
a troubled and anxious look. As
Cousin Palmer Maieolm had been a
great trial to the family, Miss Kudoia
felt that his death could not be the
cause of her sister's worry, and after
a few moments of silence she decided
to probe the matter. At that very mo
ment Miss Sopbronia spoke.
"Eudora," and her tone was one of
distress, "I let Mrs. Goodwill go up
to the spare room Just before supper
lust night to get the measures of our
quilt and bolster-sprcnd, and the bell
rang while she was measuring, and
she hurried down, leaving the quilt on
one of the chairs and two of the cur
tain shades up to the top. She told
me, and I forgot it. Suppose the house
caught on fire while we re gone, and
the neighbors went and saw that quilt
on a chair, and all, what would they
think of us';''
"Now, Soplyonlit, you ought to have
trusted me, and not worried," said
Miss Eudora, calmly. "Something 1ml
me to open that spare-room door the
lust thing, and when I saw what a fix
'twas in, nnd knew I hadn't another
minute, I just locked the door and put
the key iu my pocket, for the thought
of fire came to me just as did to you."
MisR Sophronla's face cleared.
"I'm so thankful," she said, simply.
"I shouldn't have had one mite of
pleasure or comfort in the journey or
tlie funeral if thai door had been left
F.ven 1'erslan Cat Purr.
rhocbe was the four-year-old daugh
ter of a missionary to Persia, born in
that land of Oriental ease nnd hospi
tality; and her little mind was Imbued
with such Ideas of mutual compliment
nnd her little tongue so given to graces
of speech that her New Knglaud grand
mother hud many a shock.
The morning after Ihe little girl ar
rived nt the grandmother's home the
old lady was brushing out Phoebe's
curls, gloating over her nftcr the fash
ion of grandmothers.
"My little phoebc-bli'd:" she said over
nnd over again. -
"Why do you call me phoebe-blrd?"
asked the child nt lust.
"Here In America we have a bird
Hint says 'Phoebe! phoebe!'" explained
her grandmother.
The child smiled, and her mother,
stntiding by.iknew what was passing
in Phoebe's mind. Not so the grand
mother, who finished her task reluct
antly at last, and then stooped down
for a kiss.
"In Persia," said rhocbe, in her most
caressing tone, "we have one old cat,
who sny Drannin! drannia!'"
Youth's Companion.
Didn't Caie For Ornninents.
.Joe Chandler Harris tells a story of
meeting a man at breakfast in a New
Orleans hotel who was searching the
bill of fare for something he hud never
eaten. He iu ome way decided that
waffles were the item for him, nnd
from that time forth he kept the waiter
busy. The flavor qf the novel dish
appeared to make a hit with him, and
so great was his power of consumption'
that he had the waiter hustling from
table to kitchen and vice versa. In
deed, suys Mr. Harris, the waffles1
didn't come fast enough. Finally thd
man called the waiter to his side, and
in n cnnliilcnliul way made the fol
lowing hopeful niggestion:
"Say, bub, you might be able to
hustle them little cakes along some
faster If yoif would tell the cook to cut
out the printing on 'em. Tell him just
to send 'em nloug plain'," Woman's
Home Couiv'tnlon.
High Class
The better claes of druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity,
who devoto their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and
purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians' prescriptions and ..
scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but
always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines..
They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which visually includes
all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a first-class pharmacy and the finest and
beBt of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances.
The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which ariseB from a knowledge of the benefits
conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest,
reward for long years of Btudy and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of
Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they .
are selling many millions of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest .
remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full
name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package.
They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and
of weakness or torpidity of the liver and bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or
over-eating, that there ia no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects as
Byrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction.
Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the
immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are
individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles
of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate
to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations
sometimes have the name " Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup" and of some piraticnl concern,
or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of
the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package The imitations
should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations
they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes
ok on a customer a preparation under the name of "Syrup of Figs" or "Fig Syrup," which
doe3 not bear the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package,
he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his
establishment, whether it be large or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and
and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling, of
physicians' prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness.
Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand
for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased every
where, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but aB exceptions
exist it is necessary to inform the puMio of the facts, in order that all may decline or return
any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company-
California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package,
article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go
aruggiBiswuo win eeti you wiiaiyou wica auu me Desiuicvci jriuiug iu
The Arab consumers are always cau
tious buyers, being particularly fear
ful of being deceived over the transac
tion. riTSpermanentlyr-urod, No fits or nervous,
ness after tlrst dny'j use of Dr. Kline's Oroat
Nerve Restorer. t'Jtrial bottle ntidtrealtsefree
Ur. U.U.KLIXK, Ltd., U81 Arch Ht., I'hila., Pa.
Tlagout of bear lias become a popular
Couldn't Stand Ignorance.
In the family of tho lato Sir Henry
Went worth Acland, professor at Ox
ford, there was so much talk of natur
al science, particularly at table, that
even tho servants theorized about it.
In one instance the butler gave no-tit-e
that either he or the page boy
must leave. "What is the trouble?"
asked tho master. "Aren't you well
treated?" "Yes, sir; I've nothing to
complain of in that way," replied the
butler, "but no one can tell, sir, how
trying it is to work all day In the
pantry with a boy who believes the
world was cTeatcd'in periods, when I
know .it was created in days." Chris
tian Register.
King to Open a Restaurant.
The Magnificent Chinese tower
which King Leopold of Belgium Is
building in the park at. Iacken Is now
almost finished. It will be one of the
grandest monuments- In the world, with
its picturesque exterior, its imposing
main entrance, and its magnificent
stairs and balconies, with hundreds of
Chinese statuert executed In bronze
by the greatest sculptors of the Celes
tial empire. It contains numerous
salons finished in costly wood and ad
orned with exquisite carvings In ivory.
The exact cost of the tower is not
known but it is said that it has cost
the king several millions.
Germany's Big Burden.
Oerrn&ny's skirmishes In southwest
Africa have cost its (tasury $.r5.000,
000 and the Hottentots are not yet pac
ified. The natives of the dark conti
nent are held lightly, but they add
considerably to the white man's bur
den. St. Louis Globe Democrat.
A Mighty Gaud Sort of a Nclnhbor to Have
"A little widow, a neighbor of mine,
persuaded me to try Grape-Nuts when
my stomach was so weak that it would
not retain food of any other kind,"
writes a grateful woman, from San
Bernardino Co., Cal.
"I hnd been ill and confined to my
bed with fever nnd nervous prostration
for three long months after the birth
of my second boy. We were in despair
until the little widow's advice brought
"I liked "!rape-Nuts food from the
beginning, and in an incredibly short
time it gave me such strength that I
was able to leave my bed and enjoy my
three good meals a day. In two months
my weight increased from ninety-fivs
to 113 pounds, my nerves hnd steadied
down and I felt ready for anything.
My neighbors were amazed to see me
gain so rapidly and still more so when
they heard that Grape-Nuts alone had
brought the change.
"My four-year-old boy bad eczema,
very bad, last spring and lost his ap
petite entirely, which made him cross
nnd peevish. I put him on a diet of
Grape-Nuts, which he relished at once,
lie improved from the beginning, the
eczema disappeared and now he is fat
nnd rosy, with a delightfully soft, clear
skin. The Grape-Nuts diet did It. I
will willingly answer' all Inquiries."
Name given by Tostum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich.
There's a reason. Rend the little
book, "The Road to WcllvlU'e," In pkg.
Dr. Hale's Picture as a Tester
An Oregon newspaper man in Wash
ington tells a good story about Dr.
Hale. He says he was onee traveling
in the back country of Oregon, and,
going to a little inn for lodging, was
surprised to see a large picture of Dr.
Hale on the wall. The woman of the
house explained It thuts: "Well, you
see, a good many strangers come here
and want me to keep 'em, and I don't
know anything about 'em, but if they
know Edward Everett Hale's picture
I know they're good for something,
and I let 'em stay."
Funeral of White Elephant.
Curious ceremonies are witnessed In
Siam when one of the sacred white
elephants dies. It is given a funeral
grander than that accorded to princes
of royal blood. Buddhist priests offici
ate, and thousands of devout Siamese
men and women follow the deceased
animal to the grave. Jewels and offer
ings representing some thousands of
pounds are buried with the elephant.
Emaciated by Ulabntes; Tortured
Oravnlanil Kidney Tains.
Henry Soule, cobble-, of Hammonds,
port. N. Y., snys: "Since Doan'g Kid
ney rills cured me eight years ago, I've
reached 70 and hope to live many years
longer. But twenty years ago I had
kidney trouble so
bad I could not
work. Backache
was persistent and
It was agony to lift
anything. Gravel,
whirling head
aches, dizziness
and terrible uriu-
3s ary disorders ran
me down from 10S
to 100 pounds. Doctors told me I hnd
diabetes and could not live. I was
wretched and hopeless when I began
using Doan's kidney Tills, but they
cured me eight years ago, and I've been
well ever since."
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The-Youth of Washington.
In the April Century will begin Dr.
S. Weir Mitchell's unique new work,
"The Youth of Washington: Told in
the Form of an Autobiography." A
new and vivid sense cf the person
ality of Washington and of the remark
able experiences which made him the
man for the hour and for all time will
be the reward, it is prophesied, of
every reader of this record. Dr. Mitch
ell imagines Washington sitting down
at Mount Vernon in his old age and re
cording solely for his own eye the
story of his "youthful life and the in
fluences that affected it for good or
ill." It is claimed that the author has
so fully entered into the habit of mind
of Washington that It will be impossi
ble for tbo ordinary reader to separate
in the text the passages taken out of
Washington's actual writings from
those which Dr. Mitchell imagines him
to write.
Pens and Swords.
Nations founded by the sword, sua
tained by the sword, pass and are for
gotten. But the written words, the
words of "men entirely great." outlast
the very civilization amid which they
were penned. Who can leave out of
account, even to-day, the work of
Homer, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare,
Moliere, Cervantes, Goethe? Even to
day every thinking man must acknow
ledge their sway, must live In the king'
doms of thought these mon have
founded. Let us then put among the
relics of the great the tools of their
government and let us hold precious
the pens land Inkstands that have out
lasted and overcome the swords of
conquerors, the tfceptras of the kings,
St. Nicholas. ' . . -" ' t.
do not hesitate to return the
to one of the better class of
mo mio BuxcuouuuU.wr..v.v.
Dentist Claimed Tooth
At Gera, Germany, a man who had
a tonth pulled sued the dentist for
the tooth, the dentist desiring to keep
it on account of its curious shape and
claiming ownership of it. The courts
decided against the dentist.
ICO Itewsr'l. (IIOO.
The rendTS of this papor will be pleased te
learn that thore is at loast one dreaded dis
eaBu that scionne has boon abln to cure In all
its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
(Jure is tho only positive oure now known to
the medloal fraternity. Catarrh being a con
stitutional dtseaso, requires a constitutional
treatment. Hall's CatarrhCare Is taken inter
nally, anting directly upon thtt blood and mn
cous surfaces of the system.thereby destroy
ing the foundation of the disenso, and giving
the patient strength by building up the con
stitution and assisting nature in doing its
work. The proprietors have so much faith in
its curative powers that they offer One Hun
dred Dollars for any casethut it falls to cute.
Bend for list of testimonials. Address
F. J. Cresm ft Co., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75o.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Caring for Furs.
The secret of the life everlasting tn
furs is to keep them as free as pos
sible from all contact. After shaking
and wiping tbnm dry, if they have
bwn out in the rain or fog, hang then
over the back of a chair, and when dry
hang up whore nothing can touch
them. If Toom la wanting for this,
place on a shelf with tissue paper
under and over them anJ between
each fold. Furs that hare been wet
should never be hung in front of
stove or open fire to dry. Exchange.,
King Is an Artist.
King Carlos of Portugal, an arttst
of considerable ability, usually sen dr
ills paintings as gifts. One recently
presented to the King of Italy is so
executed that in one position It repre
sents a sunrise on the sea, ..but,. 1
turned around, becomes a sunset. on
the plain.
New York's Auction-Room ,,
Plenty of quiet humor, as. well
much information, is promised In Al
bert Bigclow Paine's "Brlc-a-brad
Auctions in New York," the leading
article in the February Century. Mr.
Paine's word pictures of New York'
auction-rooms will be reinforced by
a dozien clever drawings, by Orson
Tvwetl '
Old WiultM or unsaleable tttocks and bon4.
Remainders of wtatwn boiurht. All uDi)nor4ir1 nr nn
lint! neuuritUM ilnalt iu. No charm tor valnlrur oUI
eonrUies. VnluaHa book on nld wcnrttlet pr,
Mmtfd to holder of any minct stock nut mentioned
therein. K. M. VTIIK, Koa 4It, two
dnce xchaose9 r irk. '
Gas Saving Gas Burners
For Boilers and Hot Air Furnaces.
Write for Catalogue. ,
That Baby of Yours
H eeda Hoxsfo't Crrnip Cnr for Cbnb, fold Crom
or Pneumonia. It iirevwntfl Mnmbranoun CruQp Mt)
Diphtheria. 60 coals, at DrumriatHvrmail.
A, P. llOJVME, ButraU N. T ,
lufeetniwl aad auld kwt
HinMhit KMinl Pi
Aajtnlun pries, HawttoiM. pfs i
Mrl nnuid Ta Out Mwlteolna 1
i.t. K....f.L .,..ruj aptiisa. Me.. 11.11
tMMj iurm-llany !lmpk Ava- N" Intend retain Psn, ft
MDiunit tai Aoi.rrrif FB ' ' Nctbiig tnjr t my.
l)g;gnMml IU1 1'AJiAJlA !OTn.TT CO.. W-B, tuuHH, K A
bonk free. Hie hart mr
ca exnerlpno. Kltzwrml a
vunta wnmi m.i tin f Alt.
Courib tiyrui), .TaAU(ixxl. I'm
rn vt or