Diminutive Bird of Prey. There Is a strange little bird, about as big as a robin, which nearly every winter brings us. He Is generally alone, like a tiny black and gray kawk In many of his ways, but re lated truly to the gentle vlrcos and waxwlngs. He Is the northern shrike, or butcher bird, and he gets a cruel living by catching mice, and little birds, which he hangs on locust thorns, sharp twigs, or the points of a wire fence, as his little feet, unlike the hawk's are not strong enough to hold his prey. But he is a hand some fellow, and rarely one may hear a very sweet little song as he Bits on the top of some leafless bush, par ticularly late In the winter. But gen erally he is silent, like the true bird of prey or at best gives only a rasp ing squeal. St. Nicholas. American Way the Best. An English speaker, at a meeting of the Friends' Educational association in Philadelphia, gives us a bit of needed encouragement. This obser ver. Professor John Lester, says that the manners of boys in the United States nre better than those of English lad. He says that the influence of our mothers and women teachers in the schools Is responsible for this. This point of view he places pictures quely by declaring that "American boys learn their first lessons of mor ality at their mothers' knee. English boys generally learn theirs across their fathers.'' Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Lydla . Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Is a positive cure for all those painful ailments of women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Com plaints. Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements and conse quent Spinal Weakness, and is peculi arly adapted to the Change of Life. It will surely cure. Backache It has cured more cases of Female Weakness than any other remedy the World has ever known. It is almost in fallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors in an early stage of development. That Bearing-down Fooling, causing pain, weight and headache, la Instantly relieved and permanently cured by it use. Under all circum stances it acts in harmony with the female system. It corrects Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Periods, Weak ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloat ing, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Falntness, Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and ' want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit ability, Irritability, nervousness, sleep lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the "blues," and backache. These are nre indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the organs. For Kidney Complaints and Backache of either tex the Vegeta ble Compound is unequalled. You can write Mrs. Pink ham about yourself in strictest confidence. LTDIA . riNKHAH . CO., Ljaa, UCK OF THE ATKINS SAW Two centuries of patient and conscientious effort to produce tbt best Haws in too woria. Ten generation! of blood and brain. The largest plant tn tbe world eicluslrely devoted to law-making, employing many hundreds of htgh-olaat, high-priced craftsmen and equipped with costly special machinery. A. world-wide business aggregating many millions of dollars every year. A reputation built up through two oentnrles of steady growth, valued more highly than any other asset of this great institution. The guaranty of this Company, which li nspeoted the world orer. We make all types and sizes of saws, bat only one grade the best. Atkins 8a wa, Corn Knives, Perfection Floor Scrapers, etc, are sold by all good hardware dealers. Catalogue on request, E. C. ATKINS CD. CO.. Ino. Largest Saw Manufacturers In tbe World. Factory end Execulrre Offices, Indianapolis. Indiana. HANCHK8: New YOrK, UEnoauo, eiinneaiwii-, , Portland, (Onwonl, Seattle, nan iTanciaoe, I Memphis, Atlanta and Toronto, (Canada). wo, I kead I 1 Accept no SuUlrtqw. Inrist on the Atkiat Brand ""SOLD BY GOOD DEALERS EVERYWHEI Drill for Water Prospect for Minerals Drill Test and Blast Hales Uanr kinds and many siaea of improved Drilling Machines For Hons, Steam or Cssollna Power Results Guaranteed LOOM IS MACHINE CO. TIFFIN. OHIO 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late PrtDcinfcl flx-rotnr D.B. Pension fluwau. 5 j rat o atrli war, li twjj sMiJofcttugcitaJmi.atty Muoe That Baby of Yours Kmn Hoxsto'i Croup Cure for Gonrhs, Cold Oronp or PuaumuniaV It prevent Membranous Cruup Mid XtlpbtiaUift. 4W oenli, t Dnundits or mail. A. T. HOXS1K, Baflkla. N. T. P. N. U. 8, 1908. J 1 Ullma SnGby CniMUS I Coal m Gas I JO.I.Jj AN EVERY-DAY STRUGGLE; Too Many Wpmen Carry the Heavy Load of Kidney Sickness. Mrs. E. W. Wright, of 1T2 Main Street, Haverhill, Mass., sayB: "In 1809 I was suffer- . T"' lng so with fbarp "l pains in the small of the back ana naa such frequent dlray spells I could scarce lr get about the house. The urinary passages were also 4ulte 1; regular. Monthly periods were so distressing I dreaded their approach. This was my condition for four years. Donn's Kidney Pills helped me right away when I began with thorn, and three boxes cured me permanently.' Sold by all dealers. BO cents a bos. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T. Soap Neutralizes Salt. An English company has been form ed to furnish a new soap which makes laundry work with salt water possible. Now ocean steamships will not have to carry from 50,000 to 100,000 pieces of bed and table linen to last during the entire voyage. Washing can be done abroad. Robbed In Church. Just think what an outrage it is to bs robbed of all tbe benefits ot the services by continuous coughing throughout the congregation, when Anti-Unpine is guaran teed to cure. Bold everywhere. 25 eta. W. Diemer, UL i)., manufacturer, Bpringtield, Mo. Chinese students in Japan now number more than 3000. To Cora Cold In One Day Teki Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Drugiiists rotund money if it falls to eure. . W.Grove'sslgnatureoneaohbox. 26c. Glasgow, Scotland, spends on drink S16, 000,000 a year. Typewriters Syllables. German newspapers speak of a new typewriting machine, which prints syllables and short words Instead of single letters, attains much greater speed than others, and, It is claimed, will revolutionize the art of type writing. How's Thlat We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ot Catarrh that cannot be eured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenst A Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transac tions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wist A Tnuax, Wholesale Druggists, To- ledo, O. WiLDiHO, Kinkais A Mabvih, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tnkenlnternally, act ing directly upon the blood and mncuous sur faces of the system. Testimonials Bent free. Price, 75b. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Take Hail's Family Fills for constipation. New Bullet for French Army. Important improvements have re cently been made in the arms and ammunition of the French infantry soldier, and a new cartridge is short ly to be issued which combines many new features. The cartridge is ab solutely smokeless, not even giving the small puff observed with the dis charge of the present cartridges, while its bullet is a cigar-shaped cyl inder of bronze. This revolves with a speed of 3,000 turns' per second during Its flight and at 800 yards it will have sufficient power to penetrate a mass equivalent in bulk and resist ance to six men standing behind one another. This new cartridge is fired from the Lebel rifle, which is thus brought into the front rank of mili tary weapons. Harper's Weekly. Carried in Man's Pocket. A fairly well-equipped gentleman true to his calling and to his friends carries quite a kit of tools. There is a jack-knife, a match box, a cigar cutter, a nail file, a corkscrew, a fingernail tool and possibly a cigar holder, and some good five-centers to give away. And yet women wonder what he finds to put in his pockets. To facilitate further the business of just hanging around, he must have a little money, a handker chief, bunch of keys, fountain pen, some lead pencils and sharpener, eye glasses, notebook, watch, old letters, papers of more or less supposed val ue, and a cardcase. Not one pocket could be spared unless it is the one on his nightshirt, and that looks so sweet. Clay Center (Kan.) Times. UNSCONCIOUS P01S0N1NC, Bow It Often Happens From Coffees "I had no Idea," WTites a Duluth man, "that it was the coffee I had been drinking all my life that was responsi ble for the headaches which were growing upon me, for the dyspepsia that no medicines would relieve, and for the acute nervousness which un fitted me not only for work but also for the most ordinary social functions. "But at last the truth dawned upon me, I forthwith bade the harmful bev erage a prompt farewell, ordered In some Tostum and began to nse it Tbe food effects of the new food drink were apparent within a very few days. My headaches grew less frequent, and de creased in violence, my stomach grew strong and able to digest my food with out distress of any kind, my nervous ness has gone and I am able to enjoy life with my neighbors and sleep sound ly o'nlghts. 'My physical strength and nerve power have Increased so much that I can do double the work I used to do, and I feel no undue fatigue af terwards. "This Improvement set in Just as soon as the old coffee poison had so worked ont of. my system as to allow the food elements In tbe Postum to get a hold to build me up again. I cheer fully testify that It was Postum and Postum alone that did all this, for 'when I began to drink it I 'threw physic to the dogs.'" Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's reason. Read the famous little book, "The Bond to Wellviile," in Pkgs. Garden Corn the Cheapest Fodder. The avelage corn yield per acre In New Hampshire is placed by the gov ernment crop reports at 31 bushels per acre, the highest I think of any New England state. In addition to the amount of grnin, we have left in the stalks or stover a food value for animals fully equal to that in the grain, or when properly cured and fed without waste, a value equul to two tons ordinary mixed hay. ff a silo is included In the farm equipment, and young animals and dairy cows make up the live stock of the farm, the entire crop, ears includ ed, put In the silo will yield a feeding value in a condensed, convenient form of more than four tons of mixed hay for every acre so used. B. Walk er McKean. in the American Cultiva tor. Horses Thrive on Molasess. A large sugar refining concern In Brool'.lyn feeds its truck horses on the refuse molasses. The molasses Is mixed with their feed, and the cost of feeding is said to be but 34 cents a day for each of these fine horses, ranging from 1700 to io pounds in weight, a reduction of 20 to 25 per cent in cost from the old system of maintaining them on oats and hay ex clusively. , An experiment tried by this firm on two run-down horses which had oeen kept on ordinary rations Is said to prove the hygienic value of the mo lasses feed. Their weights were 890 and 925 pounds when put upon the molasses system, and a great Im provement was made in weight and health. At the end of six weeks feed in? the smaller had gained zM pounds and the other 181 pounds. American Cultivator. Working for Their Food. One of the ways of Increasing the egg supply is to keep the hens happy and contented, and two ways of doing this ,nre to have scatterings of grain through the chaff on the door so that the fowls will keep busy scratching, and the second way is to see that the dust boxes are placed in the corner which catches the most sun during the winter. Ideal dust boxes are strong soap boxes filled with road dust, Into which has been mixed a lit tle fine lime and a liberal supply of Insect powder. Soil from the garden if it is light and well dried will an swer the purpose quite as well. It )s an excellent plan to remove all this dust from the boxes every little while and sift it over removing anything un desirable which has gotten into it, then take It out in the sun, spread it out thinly and let it dry thoroughly. Most of it can be used repeatedly if new lime and Insect powder is added every month. The dust boxes should be placed where they will not be fouled In any way, for poultry will not use them if too dirty, hence will go without dusting, and the lice will then become rampant. Indianapolis News. Eggs as Food. Few articles have been as long and so uninterruptedly used as food as eggs have been, which should be proof sufficient to warrant their use, even though there had been no analy sis to sustain it, but scientific analy sis proves them to be a most suitable article of human food. Aside from their nutritive qualities which strong ly commend them. We clip the fol lowing from Goodall's Farmer: Eggs aro very easily digested. Raw eggs are more quickly digested than cooked eggs. Soft boiled eggs, roast ed eggs and poached eggs are more, easily digested than fried or hard boiled eggs. The stomach will digest a raw egg in from one and a half to two hours. Soft-boiled and roasted, eggs require from two and a half to three hours, while hard-boiled or fried egs must be allowed from three and a half to four hours for digestion. Eggs furnish a good substitute, for meat and we believe it would be far better for the average person if eggs were more frequently UBed In place of meat. Especially do they make a light, nutritious dish for breakfast, instead of the usual bacon or ham or sausage. ' The Flock In Autumn. If there is any weakness In the flock it will show itself during the moulting period. Charcoal is a good tonic at this time. Fed In the form of parched corn, there is nothing bet ter to correct indigestion. Wo find the Leghorns go through the moulting period with less difficul ty than the Jarger breeds, but any breed. If neglected during the moult, is apt to contract colds and other ail ments. If the neglected fowls manage to worry through with unimpaired health, eggs will be 'few afterward when they bring fancy prices. The fowls that roost outside in trees or under open sheds will be slower in moulting than the ones that Occupy warm houses. Small warm quarters hasten moulting, we find. An early moult is easier for the fowls and require? teas time; however, If we de sire to keep the hens in laying trim until the pullets begin the production of eggs, better give them a cool place "to root, and if any show inclination to become broody, lose no time in re moving them from the nest and place In a confined pen. Changes in the weather are hard on the fowls after they begin to drop their feathers. They need a sheltered loafing place on rainy, windy days, and they are miserable enough with out being compelled to roost under a leaky roof. At this season we look after the ones that show an inclination to stay on the roost until after breakfast There are always ar few that have lit tle appetite and have to be coaxed to eat and take needed exercise. II there Is ever a time when liberal feed ing of wholesome food is important, it Is while the change of plumage is proceeding. We do not worry about the bird laying on a little extra flesh at this time. , The mnles are slower in growing their new coats than the hens. The long hackle and sickle feathers are not grown In a hurry. ' It Is a good plan to keep them apart from the hens until they finish moulting. The hens will do better and eggs will keep longer during the hot weather we may expect in early fall. We find the mals will do well confined in small quarters if kept clean. During the moulting season we mnko a thorough examination of our stock and select the most promising birds, with a view to their laying or breeding qualities. The culls that are large enough and other unprofitable old birds we sort out and place in fattening quarters, and feed for mar ket. We find it pays to fatten these chickens, they make better eating and bring a better price than if picked up and sold without any preparation. Fannie M. Wood, in The Tribune Farmer. A Good Way to Winter Apples. Owing to the fact that a certain amount of decay is always inevitable in storing apples under dwelling houses, while, worst of all, the rotten fruit becomes a propagating place for disease germs which penetrate the rooms above, aside from a reasonable quantity wanted for home consump tion, they could be kept in a pit or cave, the more so because this, If properly made, will preserve them in excellent shape, and has the advan tage of being the cheapest of any possible storage construction. It should be built into a hillside sloping northward, for then the entrance will be protected from the southwest winds of summer and autumn, and though In moist soils It needs to be walled, in dry ones 'all that is re quired are the upright posts set along Its sides to support the roof. This should consist of poles over which is spread a layer of coarse hay, and dirt thrown on top of that to the depth of two feet.. Ventilation is secured and an even temperature best main tained by an underground pipe run from an opening In the floor of the cave to a similar opening on the sur face of the ground several rods away. It should bo large enough to admit a sufficiency of air and provided at each end with valves for regulating the supply; there should also be, for the exit of air, several flues, the sum, of whose capacities is fully equal to the capacity of the pipe, extended through the roof of the cave to the open air above. In this way a very equalable temperaturo will always exist Inside the cave, for the air as It passes through tho pipe will be cooled in summer, and warmed In winter. It Is pleasant to note that such a cave can be built almost any size desired. Also, that the apples is less susceptible to Injury from freezing than the potato, ranking In this respect about the same as mangels, beets, turnips and similar root crops. Apples are never better. Juicier, or tenderer to eat In early spring than when they have been carried through the winter in a pit outdoors; indeed they thereby seem to retain all their flavor and brlttleness intact, making the winter ing of at least a portion of ones' ap ples for home use thus well worth while. Provided the soli is porous the most required Is to dig a pit a foot or more in depth and, having set up right in the center a box abont six inches square, with holes bored through the sides, while there is an opening left at the top to permit ven tilation, and long enough so that it will extend above the surface of the pit when completed, pile the apples up around it in a conical heap; if the soil is not porous, the next best place Is a well-drained spot, where the fruit should be arranged w.v-out any dig ging, on a layer of clean straw. A generous amount of straw or marsh hay should then be spread over the heap, followed by a few Inches of earth. As soon as cold weather hn". frozen this, a further covering ol straw and earth should be applied, oi else a heavy coat of coarse manure Subscriber in the Epltomlst. His Plans. A benevolent old lady who was vis iting the inmates of a certain prison asked one of the convicts, in whom she thought she detected signs of repentance, If he had made any plans for the future, following the ex piration of his sentence. "Sure, ma'am," replied the convict, hopefully. "Two banks and a post otflce." Harper's Weekly. Against Emigration. 1 Th Roman Cathollo BlBhops of Ireland have issued a circular to be read In, all the chapels of the four provinces, warning the young genera tion against the evils of emigration. FITS permanently eured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use ot Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Rentorer.S'itrlnl bottle andtreatisafree Dr.lt.H.Ki.isE, Ltd., 981 Arch Ht Phlla., Pa. The world's production of coal in 1880 was 370,000,000 tons. A Onarmntead Cnro For Piles, Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorised to refund money If FazoOlntment falls to cure In 6 to 14days.50c. The telephone system of the Illinois Central Railroad is to be extended. lam sure Piso's Cure for Consumption saved my lite three years ago. Mrs. Thomas Rob erts, Maple Ht., Norwioh, N.Y., Feb. 17,1300 The German city of Pforzheim has population of 65.000. Lost Hair from Fright. Paul Bowles of Bolivar, N. Y., lost his hair by fright. A runaway horse threw him Into convulsions and caus ed an illness of several weeks, during which all of his hair came out. Kruger'a Monument. News comes from Strassburg that a large bust of the late President Kruger, destined to mark his grave in Pretoria, has Just been completed by a sculptor at Saargemund, Lorra ine. stops belching: Cares Bad Breath Positive and Instant Cur Free No Drags Cares - by Absorption, A sweet breath is priceless. Mull'i Anti Belch Wafers will cure bad breath and had taste instantly. Belching and bad taste indicate offensive breath, which is due to stomach trouble. Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers purify the stomach and stop belching, by absorbing foul gases that arise from undigested food, and by supplying the digestive organs with natural solvents for food. They relieve sea or car sickness and nausea of any kind. They quickly cure headache, correct the ill effect of excessive eating or drinking. They will destroy a tobacco, whisky or onion breath instantly. They stop fermentation in the stomach, cute indigestion, cramps, colic, gas In the stomach and intestines, distended ab domen, heartburn, bad complexion, dizzy spells or any other affliction arising from a diseased stomach. We know Mull's Anti-Belch Wafers will do this, and we wantyou to know it. Thu offer may not appear again. GOOD FOR 26c. 143 Rend this coupon with 'yonr name and address tnd your druggist's name and 10c. in stamps or silver, and we will supply you a snmple free if you have never used Mull's Anti-Belch Wnfers, and will also send --ou a cer tificate good for 25c. toward the pur chase of more Belch Wafers. You will find them invaluable for stomach trou ble; cures by absorption. Address Mull's Grape Tonic Co.. 328 3d .Ave., Rock Island, 111. Give Ftill Aditrem and Write Plainly. All drtiiriristji. 5flc. Dcr box. or bv mail upon receipt of price. Stamps accepted. Cost of Colonies. Colonial empires are fashionable; but those nations that caught the fev er late have found that the fashion is expensive. Even the British tax payer grumbles at the expense of the colonial establishment, and calls loud ly upon the colonists to bear their share of the expenses of the empire. But the British were lucky enough to acquire some of the best quarters of the globe, and their colonial estab lishment Is exceptionally well organ ized. Some of the newer builders of colonial empire, are not so fortunate in the showing made by the balance sheet. This fact is brought to mind by some figures in reference to the war in Southwest Africa. Thus far the German loss is 1,842 lives, includ ing civilians. Perhaps $50,000,00' has been spent upon the war. And It is said that the territory In dis pute with rebellious nattlves will not support more than 6,000 white fam ilies. Bismarck once said that the Eastern question was not worth the bones of one Pomeranian grenadier. What would he think of the cost of the African colonial empire? Buffa lo Express. Gold Hunters Rattled. That it Is a good deal of a strain on the nerves to discover gold Is shown by the story of an Australian official, who wished to telegraph the news of the finding of the percious metal in his district. A small boy, seeking for a stone to throw at a crow, had picked up what proved to be a nugget of pure gold. In his ex citement the official overlooked the main point entirely and wrote this: "Boy picked up a stone to throw at a crow," and nothing more. LOST - Through Coffee Drinking. Some people question the statements that coffee hurts tbe delicate nerves of the body. Personal experience with thousands prove the general statement true, and physicians have records of great numbers of cases that add to the testimony. The following is from the Rock ford, 111., Register-Gazette: Dr. William Langborst, of Aurora, has been treating one of tbe queerest cases of lost eyesight ever In history. The patient is O. A. Leach, of Beach County, and in tbe last four months he has doctored with all of the specialists about the country, and baa at last re turned home with the fact impressed en his mind that bis case is Incurable. A portion of the optic nerve hat been ruined, rendering his sight so limited that he Is nnable to see anything be fore him, but he can see plainly any Jaiog st ths side of him. There have The mora wa know of our Ills, the easier and sooner relief will come. Pains and aches of the ilesh, Joints and muscles are Rheumatic The mission of the Old-Monk' Cure St. Jacobs Oil Is to cure, ar.d the world knows II does it safely and surely. Priest, 25o. nd 5O0. PRICE, vlN ONE DAY L e IS ANPiNF VrA GRIP, E&D pWS MO ratlja fOR rfltAPE The Perils of Table Salt. Apropos of the recent death of Charles T. Yerkes of Brlght's disease, Dr. Bamuel G. Tracy sounds a warn ing of the danger attending the ex cessive use of common table salt. Dr. Tracy says that the reason a person who has nephritis should use but little common salt is because the ex cessive use of it produces dropsy and retards the activity of the sweat glands by increasing the osmotic pressure ot the blood. It has been demonstrated by well-known physio logists. Dr. Tracy Bays, that only small amounts of sodium chloride (common salt) are essential for the well-being of man. Refraining from a too strenuous life and the avoidance of excesses, particularly in diet, al cholle drinks and common salt, will do much, the physician continued, toward the prevention of diseases of ftie kidney. Recent reports from the New York hoard of health show that the mortality from kidney disease is greatly on the increase. Philadel phia Ledger. Telephoning In Paris. The telephone service of Paris leaves considerable to be desired, and meets with constant complaint on the part of the subscribers. One of the latter endeavored to test the speed of the various means of com munication tf the city, sending mes sages in different ways rom his rooms in the Rue Richelieu, in the center of the city, to a friend on the Avenue de la Grande Armee near the Bois de Boulogne. He found that a bicycle messenger made the trip in 11 minutes and 15 seconds, as com pared with 23 minutes for a cab. A message sent via the metropolitan railway required 31 minutes, by omni bus 34 minutes, a telegram 33 minutes, a message by the pneumatic tube 3 hours, while the message sent by tele phone did not arrive at ail. Harp er's Weekly. Our Petroleum Exports. For years the United . States has produced more oil than It could con sume, and the surplus has had to find a market abroad. This has made pe troleum one of our most Important ex ports and prior to 1905, it constituted the largest single item in the state ment of the exports of manufactures. In that year, copper, for the first time, exceeded petroleum In the val ue of our exports. The total value of all classes of Iron and steel manufac tures exported is greater by far than the total of our petroleum shipments, but no single item under the head of iron and steel manufacturers Is as large as the item of Illuminating oil exported. Oil City Derrick. A Queer Autograph Album. There has Just died at Berlin a man who possessed a curious autograph 'album," consisting of a complete skeleton, every bone of which was covered with the signatures of his friends and relatives. Few Jews In Jerusalem. Of the CO.OOO Inhabitants of Jeru salem two-thirds are Jews; many of them have blond hair. Til CURE THE CRIP lh 9 ill 1 l-fiIE"!! EYESIGHT been but few cases of Its kind be fore, and they have been caused by whisky or tobacco. Leach has never used either, but has been a great cof fee drinker, and the specialists have decided that the case hat been cansed by this. Leach stated himself that for several years he had drank three cups of coffee for breakfast, two at noon and one at nighc According to the records of the specialists of this conn try this Is the first case ever caused by the use of coffee. The nerve Is ruined beyond aid and his case fa Incurable. The fact thit makes the case a queer one is that tbe sight forward has been lost and the side sight has ben retained. Accord ing to the doctor's statement the young man will have to give up coffee or the rest of his sight will folljw and the entire ner?e be ruined.-RtgUUr Qa-tette. That Delightful Aid to Health 3paxtme Toilet Antiseptic Whitens the teeth purifies mouth and breath cures nasal catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes, and by direct application cures all Inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions caused by feminine ills. ( Paxtine possesses extraordinary cleansing, healing and germi cidal qualities unlike anything else. At all druggists. 50 cents) LARGB TRIAL PACKAGE FREB The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Masa AUSTRALIAN FOUNTAIN PEN Suw muu&utuNd ,cd Mild Ui, tt M..,th.B, iMlr.1, Htm tftt). itnUUd TBlO't kair iln ) ) wir rUh- HttlirMilun ru.niitanl i MM) rMnrnad -MuT Bair! AWI- M,U. M. 7!.. ll.UU. 1 tin Zlod FounUla Pma, K S NMlilM mon U MJ. Do jua mtMt Till PANAMA KOTEI.TT CO-, Sft-B, xuunre, ST. , Tim A,vi.uiu,f rtn- nDODQV NEW discoveby ft 1 W W B sItu ,!, roller eS nni worst Mae. Bonk er tMllmoelAU and SO Dare IreelMeel rne. Dr. H. II. UKKt.VH SOSH, Bat b, Alleele, tte. PATENTS 4ft p. book f r. HtghMt ref. Long experience. Fitr.gerRld &Cu.Dept.M,Washln(tuaD.U GUARANTEED TO CURE COLD, HEADACHE AND NtUKALlilA. h Vi'A iH U H 'SsWallssa.H Ki Kl lassl cw0l''n I won't sail Anll-Orlpln to a draler who -won't Oonrnntri- It, rCall lor your SlO Vt BA li. IF IT IIOEtt.VT lKK. F. IV. Vietner, 31. U., Manufacturer, SprinaJleld, Ma. Nitrogen and Plant Growth. Nitrogen is so vital to the growtB of plants that large sums are expend ed for fertilizers rich in that element. So far chemistry has done nothing effective in the 'way of obtaining ni trogen from the atmosphere. Yet it is calculated that the nitrogen in the air weighs no less than four billion tens. SPENT $50 WITH DOCTORS. Clot Barber's Itch From Shaving-Worst 1mler Doctor's Care Cured by ' One Set of Cullcora Cost St. "I want to send you a word of thank! for what the wonderful Cuticura Reme dies have done for me. I got shaved and got barber's itch, and doctored with mf own doctor, but it got worse all the time, I spent in all about fifty dollars with doe tors, buc still it got worse. A friend ol mine wanted me to try the Cuticura Kern edies. As 1 had tried everything, 1 was discouraged. 1 bought one set of the Cuti cura Remedies (Soap, Ointment and Pills, cost $1.00), and they cured me entirely, so 1 cannot praise them too much. I would be willing to do most anything for the pro motion of a cause like the Cuticura Reme dies. They are wonderful, and I have reo ommended them to every one where occa sion demanded it. I think every family) l.,lr1 tnnnf al.mif S, flnii-a PmAHil where they Lave children. Allen Ridg way. Station Master, the Central Railroad Company of .New Jersey, Baroegat 6ta tion, H. J., Oct. 2, 1905." Franklin's Last Days. Two of the last Incidents of his (Franklin's) life are lovingly re membered. It was he who Intro duced the motion in the Constitution al Convention to open their meetings with prayer. His last public act was to indite from his deathbed, as presi dent of the Society for the Abolition of Slavery, a noble and touching ap peal ''for those unhappy men who, amidst the general Joy of surrounding freemen, are groaning In servile sub jection," In which the warm heart of the aged philanthropist seems united to the unerring conscience of the) glorified saint. It is fitting that this beneflcient and symmetrical life should be closed with this large ut terance of humanity. Century. Mrs. Davis Not Rich. Mrs. Jefferson Davis, widow of th President of the Confederacy, still keeps her residence in New York, al though she goes South during ths winter months. Mrs. Davis is now 81 years old and very feeble, although not ailing. Her old Mississippi home stead, "Beauvoir," ia now the horns of Confederate veterans and wbetf Mrs. Davis makes a sojourn in ths South it is usually with friends. While in New York she lives in a quiet uptown apartment hotel and keeps only one servant. She Is fai from rich. Loves Music and Cats. One of the few pleasures to whlen John Morley tfwns Is music, and he Is passionately fond of going to con certs. Mr. Morley Is also partial ta 'cats, and can seldom resist the temp tation to stroke and pat any Btray klt ten that happens to cross his path. Let it be remembered that the eyes may be attacked in one case and ths stomach In another, while in others it may be Kidneys, heart, bowels or gen eral nervous prostration. The remet! Is ob7lous and thoula be adopted be fore too la '.a. Quit coffee If you anow Incipient disease. It Is easy if one can have well-boiled Postum Food Coffee to serve for ths hot morning beverage. The withdraw al of the old ilnd of coffee that Is doing he harm and the snpply of ths elements in the Postum, which Mature nses to rebuild the broken down nervs cells, lnscres s quick return to the old Joy of strength and boa 1th, and It's well werth while to b sble azaln te "do things" and feel well. There's reason for POSTUM