(Me An independent journal denoted to the interests of Reynoldsville. Published weekly. One Dollar per year strictly in advance. VOLUME 14. REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, I90G. NUMBEB 34. Cheap Eggs Make Winter Layers of Your Hens! HOW ?? Feed Green Bone RESULTS: It saves'grain. It produces result's wheregrain fail9. It Vres the evil habit of feather pulling. It helps the hens to molt and makes them winter layers. It grows young chicks to ma turity and productiveness rapidly. GIVE GREEN BONE A TRIAL. A postal card to The Poultry Food Co., Box 37, Reynoldsville, Pa. Paying a Debt of Gratitude Note what Mr. Mott Allen, of Union City, says : Was badly afflicted with rheumatism for more than eight months and at times had to get up at 11 o'clock and stay up the balance of the night. Could not dress myself without aid from my wife. I am' now entirely cured, and by the use of only one bottle of Crocker's Rheumatic Remedy. For sale by Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. gubscribe for The -X- Star If you want the New The Marvel of Marvels is Marvel Flour. The bread maker. Made from best clean spring wheat in and absolutely clean mill by scrupu lously clean workmen. Try it. Robinson & Mundorff Sell It. A Passenger Ticket. The principle that when a railroad company sells a ticket that ticket is lood for one ride' between the points iiamed,upon it is a well known ono, yot it Ik one that tho railroads have con sistently fought for many years, claim ing that a ticket was a contract entered into between the company and the purchaser whereby tho latter agrees that no one but himself shall use the same for transportation. In this con nection the Supremo Court In New York has recently handed down an im portant decision in which it is said that the right to sign another man's name to a railroad ticket which has been sold by ono passenger to another is not forgery, and that the sale of the ticket carries with It the purchaser's right to sign to it the name of the man from whom he bought it. This decision, which Ih the first of its kind, sets a precedent in the exchange of railroad tickets which effects thousands nf passongers. Falls Creek llcruld. Th; Reynoldsville Trust Company. No ic is heri liy given 'hat the unnii ii1 meeting of tie1 stnekhii'ilers of this e iiip.itiy will he held at their bunking in us.' on West Main Street, eynolds viile, Pa . (i i Tlmri-dnv. Fehriuiry 8th, llii.lti. h tni mi I he hours of 1 and 2 p. m., for Urn eli ution of ollicers. to nerve for the ensuing year and the transaction of such other business as may properly cnu: b fore the meeting. J. s. Howard Sue. and Treus. .lanua-y 3rd, 1SI00. In Reynoldsville. Many nf the best fnmille in Royp oMsville and vicinity, are using the Pri"r Stoves and Ranges with the best results Every ono sold has given en-, tire satisfaction. We would be p'eased to have you examine them. Reynolds ville Hardware Co. We want to again remind the readers of THE Star that we are selling woolen and cotton blankets rheaper than you can get thera anywhere in town. Reyn oldsville Hardware Company. tyiNDSOR HOTEL, ' Philadelphia, Pa. Between l !tli and 13th 9t on Filbert St. Three minutes walk from the Reading Ter minal. Fire minutes walk from the l'enn'a R. K. Depot. European plan 1.00 per day and upward. American nlim ?!.00 per day, Trunk li..chellley, Manager. Maro, the Magician. There is nothing more delightful to the little ones, or the older ones either, than an entertainment In maglo. They have all read about Aladdin and bis wonderful lamp. They have all read tho fascinating books of Hans Ander son, and the marvelous "Grimm's Fairy Tales," and know the different wizards in these stories so well that if they met them on the street they wouldn't be the least afraid. But It la one thing to read about these wizards of "ye olden times" and quite another to see one in this enlightened day of the world. To bo sure there are only a few, a very few real meritorious and recognized eon jurors In our country to-day, and "the youngest of the great and the greatest of the young" of these wonder-workers is Maro. His easy graceful manner and pleasant conversational way of present ing things to his audience at once wins their confidence and esteem. For by his peculiar mothod of working he gives out the tmprostlon that he Is not trying to deceive his audience, and to this fact alone may be attributed a greater por tion of Maro's success, for bis auditors at once become on friendly terms with him, and enter Into the various illu sions almost as ardently as the magic Ian himself. Maro is always looking about him for something new, and Is constantly presenting a program of late novelties. He may be termed a "popu lar conjuror," for he Is just wise enough for the sedate, humorous enough for the jovial, reflnod enough for the fashionable, and just mysterious enough to please the old and the young alike. At Assembly hall Friday evening, January 20th. Letter Mat. List of unclaimed letters remaining lu post office at Reynoldsville, Pa., for the week ending Jan. 13, 1900 : Ferd Frankart, Joseph R. King, Miss Anna Lowry. Say advertised and givo date of list w hen calling for above. E. C. Burns, p. to . "ao Mule Team" Borax and borax soap. Ask samples. Reynolds Drug Co. for Sleighs and one horse sleds are trump at the Reynoldsville Hardware store. Don't hesitate to come In and ask the price on sleighs, bob sleds, sleigh bells, horse blankets, robes, etc. Reynolds ville Hardware Co. BING-STOKE COMPANY'S Department Stores Your love Sale Continued. Some lots have been closed out. We've added new bargains to our ten days' special sale. Don't miss this opportunity to secure bargains in seasonable merchandise. ONE-HALF OFF on all LADIES' COATS. 25 per cent discount on all QUEENSWARE AND CHINA. Three ONLY THREE 100 piece DINNER SETS, were good value at $10.75 now only $8.50. $1.69 for 2-yard lengths, all linen TABL1 CLOTHS, cheap at $2.00. $2.39 for 3-yard lengths Table Linen, sold at $3.00, $1.98 bays 2-2 yard lengths of fine Table Linen were extra value at $2.50. $1.10 a yard for Table Linen 72 inches wide, worth $1.50. 62c for 72-inch Table Linen we con sidered 90c was cheap. 39c buys Table fcinen that sold for 50c. 39c for 50-cent Golf Gloves. 19c for 25-cent Pillow Tops. Sixteen MEN'S OVERCOATS ONLY 16 LEFT at 33 per cent off. . ONE-FOURTH OFF on all Men's Wool UNDERWEAR that sold at 98c, $1.25 and $1.50. Men's Stiff Bosom SHIRTS $1.00 values, 49c. "Celluloid Collars 9 cents. Men's All Wool Top Shirts, 98c ones for 89c; $1.19 for $1.49; $1.69 for $2.00 grades. 25 per cent cut on MEN'S SUITS. ' See window. , " $1.89 for four-buckle Arctics for Overshoes. $1.98 for four-buckle and lace solid-heel Arctics. $1.19 for 89 pairs Kang. Calf Shoes. Never sold for less than $1.50. All solid and all sizes 3 to 8. Above items we've added to our special sale. GOLD TRADING STAMPS WITH EVERY PURCHASE. X3S$wwwwvS 1 County Commissioner E. T. McGaw. SHMHHMHHMMHMHMMMUHHHMMMHI McGAW-WOODS CONTEST DEFINITELY SETTLED. Case Withdrawn and Costs will be Paid by the Petitioners. Mr. McGaw will Serve Full Term. It was stated In The Star last week that the election contest case of E. T. McGaw and Frank Woods had virtually been settled In Mr. McGaw's favor, but that Judge Reed had held the case over until Monday, January 15, to get all the names of the original signers of the petition for the contest on the petition for withdrawal of the contest, all but three having signed the withdrawal petition when the case came before the court on the 8th Inst. The other three names were added to the petition last week and on Monday of this week Judge Reed dismissed the case at the cost of the petitioners, and Mr. McGaw will now serve the full term as com missioner. Mr. McGaw will fill the office creditably and can always be de pended upon to look faithfully after the Interests of the tax payers of Jefferson county. The charge In the petition for contesting Mr. McGaw's seat on board of county commissioners was that about seventy Illegal votes had been polled in North Young township by persons whose names did not appear on the register, and there was no charge of fraud either agalnBt the election board or Mr. McGaw, In fact Mr. McGaw knew nothing about the vote In North Young preoinct until the contest case was Instituted. It appears now that the names of mostall, If not all, of those oharged with illegal voting were on the register, but they are foreigners and were not registered under the same names they had given at other places. The judge said in his remarks In dis missing the case that there was no charge of fraud in the petition, only a irregularity of the election board. We understand that out of thirty precincts Investigated in getting up a defense for Mr. McGaw, that there was not one in which irregularity, from one to forty-three votes, was not found on the Bame ground that complaint was made in North Young precinct. It is also claimed that some election boards paid no attention to the sheriff's proclamation and the election laws in organizing the boards, In as much as township officers and U. S. mall carriers were allowed to sit on election boards. Summervilla Telephone Co. Meeting. At 10.00 a. m. on Wednesday of last week, January 10, a meeting of the stockholders of the Summerville Tele phone Company was held at Summer vllle and the old board of directors and officers were re-elected and are as follows : President, Dr. J. K. Brown, of Brookville ; vice president, William Osborn, DuBols ; secretary, J. S. Ham mond, Reynoldsville ;. treasurer, David L. Taylor, Brookville ; auditor, S. M. McCreigbt, . Reynoldsville ; general superintendent, Dr. J. A. Haven, Sum mervllle. Directors, Dr. J. K. Brown, Brookville, J. S. Hammond, W. T. Cox, Reynoldsville, J. C. Robinson, Punxsutawney, Wm. Osborn, F. W. Prothero, DuBols, Bonjamln Keck, Shannondale. We can tell you something about horse blankets. Come in and boo us. Reynoldsville Hardware Company. Soldier. Miss Maggie Bell, of Wlshaw, Is visit leg friends here. Miss Kate Ross has accepted a position as type-writer in the law office ofG. M. McDonald, of Reynoldsville. Mrs. James Ross Is still in Reynolds ville caring for her daughter, Mrs. Morris Smith, who has been quite ill. A big fire occurred here Monday morning, between the hours of seven and eight o'clock. A large block owned by the Jefferson & Clearfield Coal & Iron Co. was entirely consumed, The men had to work heroically to save the adjoining house. A shooting match took place here recently, the company's store was the mark. A number of foreigners were standing In road a Bhort distance above the store and were shooting, no one knew what at when all of a sudden a ball crashed through the large window In the front of the store, through the show case window and struck the steam register In the center of the store, where a short time previous a number of people had been standing. Had it been a draw day for the people here and the store full of children and grown people no knowing what the conse quences would have been. The com pany's store is a small mark (?) to shoot at. Maro as an Artist. A magician must have some artistio temperment but an artist need not have the temperament of a necromancer. In Maro, however, are combined both these talents. He is an exponent of art Jn its highest sense, and the large pictures drawn by him In full colors of nature on his mechanically revolving easel are truly an exhibition of art and dexterity. He draws them In from twenty-five to forty-five seconds and to make it more wonderful and entertain ing to the audience the pictures are drawn edge wise and up side down, the easel board afterwards being righted, by mechanical contrivance, when the beauty of a real work of art suddenly dawns upon you, for Maro Is a real artist. At Assembly hall Friday even ing, January 26. "See What Reynolds Says" about Talcum Powder. Two car load of light and heavy sleighs just received at Burns' livery stable. Must be sold regardless of price. Call and see them. Want Column. Bates: One cent per word for each and evorT Insertion. For Sale Three lots on north side of Grant street. Mrs. S. M. Rhoads. For sale or rent The Mitchell home stead on Grant street. It will be sold reasonable or rented reasonable.' In quire of Mrs. C. Mitchell. For Sale Combination book case and writing desk. Apply John W. Dawson. Furnished roo to let with use of bath. Address Box 721. TO Let Six room house oa Mable street. M. M. Fisher. For Sale Team of work horses. In quire of Amos Strouae, Wlnslow township. Paradise. E..R. Syphrit was at Stanton last Sabbath. Mr. and Mrs. John Doughorty visited in Boech woods over Sabbath. Frank HiUIs attended the social at the Bost school Saturday evening. Miss Sarah Keller has resigned her school on account of falling health. Mead Sypbrlt has been suffering with a severe cold in bis throat the past week. Thomas Syphrit, who has been visit ing his parents in this place, has re turned to Pittsburg, where he Is em ployed in the Westingbouse electrical works. The young people of our village have been having what they call a "good time" the past week and their enjoy ment Is due to the fact that the ice on Ludwick's dam is floo for skating. Ev ery evening their merry voices can bo heard as they glide smoothly along. Paradise Grange held their installa tion and supper on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Womeldurf, of Rithmol Grange, and K. B. Deemer, of H.irmK wn, were the visiting members. O ir Grange has great reason to be proud of our order, as we have about eighty members in good standing, and talent to render as fine a program as any Grange in the county. Our success is due to the deep interest taken by each member. The Union Plumbing Co. Our experience with gas mantles dates back to the time when the first mantles were put on the market. That means that we have had experience with mantles. Among the thousands that we have handled we never used a mantle as good as our Never-Break guaranteed mantle. Costs nothing to try one, if not as wo say. Guaranteed to outlast ten other mantles and gives better light. We handle mantles from 10 cents up. All mantles are the best in their class. The Union Plumbing Co. Quality and Excellence. The Prizer Stoves and Ranges' are an evidence of leadership in style and con struction. They contain all the latest ideas, and will please the house-keeper who desires the best results in baking and cooking. High in quality moder ate in price. Sold, guaranteed andi recommended by Reynoldsville HardA ware Co. SPECIAL ARRIVAL AND FIRST VISIT TO THIS CITY Of the World Famous and Greatest SoientiOo Palmist, it t Ti t rm 1 TIT1 M'LLE LeCMND A If' 'Jt , special 60c readings 25o FOR A FEW DAYS. M'lle LeGrand stands alone, possess ing a force, a power, a gift that none can equaU She tells the past, present and future. Love, marriage and di vorce ; what business you are best suited for, in fact she reads your life like an open book. Are you in trouble of any kind ? If so, call and consult this wonderful person. There Is no need of anyone being unhappy or un successful. "In the hands of all men God placed some sign by which He could thus know His works." Job 37:7. There is no heart so sad, no home so dreary that sunshine cannot enter by consulting her. I have helped others, why not you.' HOURS 10:30 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. Located at the Ross House, Reynolds ville, Pa. 1