Town Council. Town council mot December 6th with President Sayera In the chair and all momberB proHont. Minute of the pre vious mooting wnro read and approved. v Burgess Gourlcy reported receipts for licenses, etc., to he 131.00. -Thx Col lector Copping reported taxes collected 1188 38. On motion the cleaning of the Btreots was discontinued. " Messrs Thomas White and Richard ReddeoIIIT.were prctont and entered a protest against the switc'u put la on Worth street in front of their respec tive proiiertles. E. C. Burns presented a bill of 1439 18 for damage to his property, caused by Fourth street paving. ,A committee, from Hope Hose Com pany asked for 600 feet or hose. L. W. Scott requested that tho bor ough return to him $10.00 he paid ns taxes on the Scott property. It was re fered to the finance committee. Tho matter of accepting tho Jackson street paving was refored to tho street committee to report at tho next moot ing:. On motion the terras of sale of Scott building was put at one-quarter cash and balance in four months with ap proved securities. Sixty days time al lowed for removal of building. Council adjourned to meet on Thurs- .1 : IV... tu As por adjournment of Dec. 6th, coun cil moot Deo. "th at 7.30 p. m. Presi dent Sayers in tho chair. Members present, Hoffman, Hughes, Young, Dr. King and Saycrs. President Sayors roported that the Scott building had beon sold at public vendue on Doc. Gth for $291.00. On motion tho grades for sidewalks on First, Third, Fourth, Tenth, Jack son, Grant and Main streets be made from the points shown on the grade mini for sidewalks, as made bv J. C. Hirst. The light committee approved the ' light bill for quarter ending Oct. 31st and the clerk was Instructed to Issue an order for $100.00. j ... ! ,Ln V.; 1 1 ,.f T? rV nn,na ii-o li Ull UUblUU KUC Ulii ui i. v. umuo wo tabled. On motion the rrattor of a privato driveway for Dr. J. H. Murray was tabled. On motion a committee was appointed to confer with the directors of The Peo ples National bank in regard to the pur chase of the rear of their lot on Main Bt.reet and Swamn allev for munioipal purposes. On motion an order was ordered drawn In favor of J. H. Gorbott for two months rent. Clerical orders for the year 1906 will be issued by the Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Ry. as In former years to ordained clergymen having regular charge of churchos located on or near the line of its road. Application blanks will be furnished by ticket agonts of the Company, and should be forwarded to the General Passenger Agent at Roches ter not later than Dec. 24th. No orders will be issued except on individual ap plication of clergyman, made on blanks furnished by the Company and certified to by one of its agents. Headwear. Hats and caps for men and boys. Bing-Stoke Co. , How is This ? A pair of No. 6 all wool blankets at $4.50. Reynoldsvillo Hardware Com pany. Slippers for Xmas at Mllllrens. Watches I Largest stock, lowest prices at C. F. Hoffman's. Don't miss the grand opening Satur day at the Cash New York Racket store. Smoking jackets for Xmas at Mllll rens. Oceans of kerchlofs for .Xmas at Mill l rens. We are now ready to supply your wantB In sleighB, one horse, sleds, bobs and horse blankets, both storm and stable, at prices that are reasonable. Reynoldsvillo Hardware Company. Shirts for Xmas at Mllllrens. m Largest stock of fine china In Reyn oldsville is on display at C. F. Holt man's jewelry store. '. Eleven days until Christmas. Victor and American diso records reduced to 00 cents at Stoke & Feicht Co.'b. ' Sterling silver comb and brush sets at C. F. Hoffman's. , The largest stock of woolen and cot ton blankets in town. Come in and look them over. Roynoldsville Hard ware Company. See the new Xmas neckwear at Mllll rens. , Victor and American diso records reduced to 60 cents at Stoke & Feicht Co.'s. . Silk suspenders for Xmas at Milllrens Buy umbrellas engraved free at C. F. Hoffman's. , F. O. E. and B. P. O. E. rings, new doslgns. Just the thlug for an Eagle or Elk's vChristman present. Stop in and see them. C. F. Hoffman. They maka sausage fresh overy day . . i XT ... T? ...... ,1 .1 i 1 l.i mnaf tnalrnf Sykesvllle. Theodore Pomeroy and wife, of Adrian, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Honry Crawford of t.hU place last week. A. J. Pierce, of Reynoldsvillo, has purchased the Palitcn restaurant, formerly owned by Daniel Who. Rev. C. W. Miner, of Punxsutawney, will deliver a lecture on Wednesday evening in the M. E. Church on "Mind Your Own Business." The Proceeds to bo used for buying hymnals for the church. Admission 10 and 1") cents. M. W. Harvey and wife returned Monday from a short visit in Elk Co., where they visited with the former's parents. Mis. Joseph Larkey, of Nowerf, visit ed with relatives and friends in town last weok. H. A. Loghry, of Homestead, spent a few days of this week with his father, J. M. Loghry. W. W. Baird, Esq , nf Punxsutaw nev. visited with his son-in-law and daugh ter, Fred S. Mal.y and wife, last week. Miss Dorothy Estes, of this pluce. who has been working at Stanley for some time, is now employed as postmistress in a small town near Brookville. Misses Ruby and Ruth Phillippi visit ed with their auntB, Mrs. H. A. Loghry and Mrs. J. Cv Schooch, Friday and Saturday at DuBols. Mrs. I. G. Mansfield end dauphtor, Zola, returned Friday from a Ion days visit at Sal tsl)urg, Avonmoreand Creek-side. Soldier. Miss Spencer, of Sykesvllle, is visit ing Miss Mary Ditch. Quite a number from this place at tended church at Sykesvllle Sunday evening. John Morton and wife, C. Earley and wife, John Laverick Sr., and wife were at Prescotville Sunday. A number of young people from Sykesville, Soldier and neighboring towns gathered at the home of John Boardman last Thursday evening, that being his 20th birthday. A very en joyable evening was spent and a fine lunch was served. Before doparting for their sevoral homos John was presented with a very handsomo bible and other tokens of remembrance. Handkerchiefs and Gloves. Any and all kinds, silk or linen, with or without initials. Bing-Stoke Co. Stockholders' Meeting. ' The annual meeting of tho stockhold ers of the Summervillo Telephone Company will be held at the company's office in Summervillo, Pa., at 10.00 a. m., on second Wednesday in January, (10th) 190ti, for the purpose of electing officers. J. K. Bkown, President. J. S. Hammond, Sec. For Sale. One hundred fine residence lots on Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the purchaser. City gas and water can be had. Most beautiful residence street in town. Close to business center. In quire of D. Wheeler, Reynoldsvillo, Pa. Now opening at the Stoke & Foicht Drug Co., fine French china, rich American cut glass, metal and leather novelties, new books. Comb and brush sets for Xmas at Mil llrens. Leave your laundry with Nelson Smith at Hillis & Co.'s furniture store. Punxsutawney Laundry Co. Lady's silver watch $2.50, gold filled $5.00. These are watches, but not the kind I recommend. I have the kind I fully guarantee at just a little more, and a very nice assortment and large stock to select from. Come and get prices and compare with others before buying. The largest stock and best values at C. F. Hoffman. Want Column. " Rates: One cent per word for each and evory Insertion. For Sale House and lot at corner of Third and Jackson streets. Good barn 24 by 32, on lot. For particulars inquire of L. F. Hetrick, Reynoldsvillo. FOR Sale Some very fine Barred Plymouth Rock Cockerels Our stock is all direct from the yards of A. C. Hawkins and E. B. Thompson. Will sell one trio yet if taken soon. C. N. Lewis. FOR SALE Three revolving book cases, one office desk and two gas beat ing stoves, one single, bed springs and mattress. Mrs. C. Mitchell, Grant st. " FOR Rent Five room house on Jack son street, near Fifth. L. M. Snyder. To Let Six room house oa Mable street. M. M. Fisher. FOR Rent House on Hill street with all modern improvements, bath and heater. Inquire at ST.'.?. office. For Sale Cook stove ; burns coal or gas. Inquire of G. T. Woodford, the pop man. For Sale W. T. Cox has a number of young pigs to sell. Inquire at Frank's Tavern. For Sale One pair horses ; free drivers, double or single ; gentle, in every way ; not afraid of cars ; color dark iron gray and black : weight 2,200. Inquire of G. T. Woodford, pop man. Summervillo phone 63. To-Let Furnished room on Grant st. for lady ; privilege of bath room. Inquire at Thb Star office. For Sale Two houses and lots on Worth street. Mrs. Margaret McKee. Furnished room to let with use of bath. Address Box 721. Pennsylvania Railroad Tours. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company bus arranged the following series of attractive Personally-Conducted Touts for the soason of 1905 and 1900: California. Leave New York Janu ary 25. A thirty-day tour, by special Pullman train, covering Interesting points in the West. Round trip rate, covering all, $375 from all points east of Pittsburg. Grand Canyon of Arizona. Leave New York March 1. A thirty-one-day tour by special Pullman train, covering not only the Grand Canyon but the re sorts of California. Round-trip rate, covering all expenses, $385 from all points east of Pittsburg. Florida. Leave New York February (i and 20 and March fi. Two weeks to three months In the Sunny Peninsula. Round-trip rate, $50 from New York, $48 form Philadeluhia, and proportion ate ratos from other points. Detailed itineraries are now in course of preparation. For further informa tion address Geo. W. Boyd, General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, Pa. In Reynoldsville. Many of the best families In Reyn oldsville and vicinity, are using the l'rizer Stoves and Ranges with the best results. Every one sold has given en tire satisfaction. We would be pleased to have you examine them. Reynolds villo Hardware Co. Willie's Suit or Overcoat. The one you've planned on getting him is here. Bing-Stoke Co. For Christmas presents we can show you small rockers for children In differ ent styles, hobby horses, sleds, wheel barrowB, pocket knives, in fact almost everything in the iron toy line. Give us a call and be convinced of the enor mous low prices. Roynoldsville Hard ware Co. Tho hardest worked farmer is the good woman at the head of the farm household. Do you appreciate her at her full value. Do you provide labor saving aplllances for her with the same solicitude as for yourself ? Grange JVewa. Large lot of shirts just in for father, son and brother. Bing-Stoke Co. It is the original production and the No 1 company, with a cast of 70 people, that will present the beautiful comic opera, "The Isle of Spice," at the Jef ferson Theatre, Punxsutawney, Satur day Dec. Kith. They carry their own augmented orchestra of 8 piooos. Bing-Stoke Co. store will be open un til nine o'clock every evening next week. All laundry work guaranteed by the Punxsutawney Laundry Co. Leave your laundry with Nelson Smith at Hillis & Co.'s. Military brushes for Xmas at Mllll rens. Now opening at the Stoke & Feicht Drug Co., fine French china, rich American cut glass, metal and leather novelties, new books. Gloves for Xmas at Milllrens. Woolen and cotton blankets from 93 cents to $5.00 at Roynoldsville Hard ware Company. Huyler's fine chocolates at Stoke & Feicht Drug Co. 's Grand Christmas opening at the Cash New York Racket store Saturday, De cember 2. Select your Christmas presents now while stocks are fresh and we will keep them for you until you Want them. Hand bags and purses for Xmas at Milllrens. Large assortment of new novelties In French china, cut glass, metal and leather goods at Stoke & Feicht Co.'s jyjINNIE N. KECK, Stenographer and Typewriter. Work solicited. Charges reasonable. Call at the law office of M. M. Davis. Yirginia o. Mackenzie, m. e. Will be at the Imperial Hotol on Tuesday and Friday of each week from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. to meet ladies wiHhlnR riiyslcul Culture or Os teopathic treatment. Also Electrical Scalp Muhhhko for fnlllnir hair. Moles and super tlous hair removed permanently. Rheuma tism, l'dralysis, Kervousnexs, Etc., Cured. JOHN C. HIRST, CIVIL AND MINING ENGINEER, Surveyor and Draughtsman. Office In Syn dicute bulldiuK, Main street. w . L. JOHNSTON, i JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Office four doors from Robs Bouse, West Ueynoldsvllle, Pa. pRIESTER BROS., UNDERTAKERS. Black and white funeral cars. Mian street. Keyuoldsrille, Pa. J H. HUGHES, UNDERTAKING AND PICTURE FRAMING. ' The U. 8. Burial Leaitue has been tested and found all rtteht. Cheapest form of In surance. Secure a contract. Near Public Fountain, Ueynoldsvllle Pa. J) H. YOUNG, ARCHITECT Corner Grunt and Flftn sis., Ueynolds vllle, Pa. WINDSOR HOTEL, Philadelphia, Pa. Between 13th and 13th But,, on Filbert St. Three mlnutos walk from the Reading Ter minal. Five walk from the Penn'a K. R. Depot. European plunll.OUperdayand upwurd. Amerlcau plan fcMJU per day, Pntuk M. Bcuelbfey, Manager. 1 All kinds of repair work done promptly. I give a written guar, an tee for one year with every watch I repair. Dainty Bits of Jewelry Our stock of Jewelry for both men and women offers hundreds of suggestions for graceful Christ mas gifts of permanent beauty, and value. We can give but a hint here of our fine line of goods come and see it. Everything new and up-to-date. Diamonds, Brooches, Rings, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc. Our line is complete and strictly first-class. Our prices will sur prise you, when quality is con sidered. If you want bargains in jewelry, come and see us. S. Katzen, Jeweler Next Door to Postoflice, Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania. A. KATZ EN j The Peoples Bargain Store j GHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS will soon be here and you will surely need some gifts for the fninily, and you will find The People's Bargain Store full of Holiday Bar gains all new goods. Holiday goods will all be reduced 25 per cent on the dollar. You will find In our stock a complete line of Men's, Boys' and Youth's Clothing and Overcoats. Big assortment of Stio jg for Men, Boys and Children at low prices. Holiday Handkerchiefs at any price from 5c up to 50o. Silk Handkerchiefs and Muffkirs from 25c up to $1.85 each. Finest assortment of Men's and Youth's Neckties at low prices. Wo have n fino selection of Toys for tho children all staple goods, at preat bargains. In linen goods, as Table Cloths, Towels and Napkins, wu- have a vorj fine lino, pretty patterns and at tho loiwt pricos they can be had. . Biggest lino of Underwear for tho whole family flecce-llned and wool. Prices will be cut low. We can't mention all the articles in our store, but you .will always find the right goods and the most honest prices. Don't forget the place in the building above Henry Bros.' Our Motto : Quick Sales and Small Profits. A. KATZEN REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. MBESDTMESra 1 S HICK & WAGNER THE BIG STORE Xmas Gift Suggestions ""fTTITH CHRISTMAS only four or five days off, it has become a problem to know just what to " buy for a present for Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Brother, Sister, or some relative or friend. Perhaps a few suggestions here will aid you in making your selections. We want to emphasize that never in the history of "The Big Store" have we been able to show such a splendid assortment of Holiday Novelties, as well as staple, every day merchandise. Exper ience of preceding seasons has taught us that people do not buy as trashy class of Christmas Gifts as was the custom some years ago and we have accordingly secured the best and highest grade of novel ties of both foreign and domestic manufacture. It is utterly impossible for us to enumerate all the many good things we have for you. You must see them to appreciate their worth. We might sug gest a few things which will give you a very faint idea of what we are showing. Hand Carved Ivory Novelties from . 5c to $2.00 Framed Pictures . . 5c to 25c Perfumed Novelties . - 25c and 50c Hand Bags . . . 25c to $4.00 Purses . . 5c to $1.00 Belts and Neckwear . . 25c to $1.00 Mufflers-Silk and Wool . . 25c to $1.00 See Scott's new invention in Mufflers, which form a. protection to the face and ears as well as neck and chest. Umbrellas ' . . . 35c to $5.00 Cloaks, Suits and Skirts. Winter is coming sure and if you have not already bought your wrap, why not do so now. Children's Coats . $2.50 to $7.50 Ladies' Coats $5.00 to $37.50 Ladies' Suits . $10.00 to $35,00 111 j fit Furs All the new neckpieces in furs, ranging in price from 75c to $25.00. Silk Petticoats In all the leading shades, also change able, from $3.50 to $10.00. 3489 Udlen' Eleven Gored Skirt. Siws 22, 21, 28, 28. SO, 82 inches wni't nuasure. Ladies Misses' and Children's Sweaters. Children's Sweaters Misses' Sweaters Ladies' Sweaters Kid Gloves $1.00 $1.50 and $2.00 $2.00 and $3.50 F. W. L., the best dollarglove on the market, $1.00 Laromc, ihc best kid glove made, . $1.50 Mochas . . . $1.00 Mochas, silk lined, $1.50 BtAL KID L'AROME I'Varis J rem CORNER main and fifth streets, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. KSSOl E