r7 Annual Teachers' Institute. The Qftloth annual '.sosjioa of the JetTorson county tcHchrs' Institute convenes Deo. 18, 1905, at Brookvllle. Wednesday, Deo. 20, Is UlptclolB Day. The talent for the day sessions repre sents the strongest and most popular institute men available : Hon. N. C. Sehaoiter, Hon. O. T. Corson, Dr. Geo. E. Vincent, Dr. S. C. Sohmucker, Dr. J. George Beoht and Prof. Jeny March. The evening entertainments give promise of surpassing anything yet presented. Monday evening, lecture by William Howloy Smith, ''We the People."' He is one of the great lecturers of the American plutforra. "He can repeat his lecture to the tame audience and as many more people as it Is possible to supply with standing room." The Tribune, Greensburg, Pa. Tuesday evening, conoort by tho Leonora Jackson Conoort Company. This should not be classed as a company but as four populur artists, each compe tent to give a full evening's entertain- mont. When Miss Jackson came to Los Angoles, Cal., tho grammar schools were dismissed and over 4,000 children welcomed the gifted artist to their city Miss Sibyl Sammis, soprano, is not only endowed with raro musical gifts but also with a strong personal magnetism She charms her audience. Miss Sam- mis has been prima donna of tho great Duss band. "Miss Sammla, the gifted Chicago singer, who accompanies the band assoloist, won a veritable ovation." . Fall River, M!ss., Globe. Charles E. Clarke, baritone. Is one of the most popular singers of tho day. Alexander MacFadyen, pianist, Is a talented musician and a brilliant player. Wednesday eveninir. lecture. Dr, Newell Dwlght Hillis. "The Tragedy of the Ten Talent Men." Dr. Hillis is one , of the greatest men of his time. It is an opportunity to hoar one of the greatest lectures this age has produced. ' Dr. Hillis expressed a desire to come to Brookvlllo again and gave his personal sanction to this engagement. Thursday evening, concort, by the John Thomas Concert Company. It is safe to say that no concert gave more genuine satisfaction before our teachers' Institute than the one given by tho John Thomas Concert Co. several years ago. An evening with John Thomas is a erreat entertainmont of itself and in connection with his talented support Is a most delightful attraction. Orders for excursion rates may bo obtained from the County Supt. Lctu-r lilnt. List of unclaimed lotters remaining In post office at Heynoldsvillo, Pa., for the week ending Dec. z, laua : ' Enoch Bohlon, H. P. Blukonoy, Ana Boif. G. A. Davis, Peter Dowling, Jo seph Dnpont, .Tamos Dwyor, C. E. Don nellv. Frank Horn, Philip Herington Walter Hines, Nelson E. Johnson, G, M. Muller, M. B. McKee, Christ Miller, Gabriel Oldham, Adam Packmore, re dell Sicore J. E. Spinnewobor, Alex Sharpo, W. J. Thompson, Chas. Thomp' son, Frank Valilo, Pasqnale Valile, L White. Say-advertised and give date of list when calling for above. - E. C. Burns, P.M. Reduced Rates to Sunbury. For the benefit of those desiring to attend the meeting of the Pennsyl vania State Grange, Patrons of Hus' bandry, to be held at Sunbury, De cember 12 to 15, the Pennsylvania Hail road Company will Bell round-trip tickets to Sunbury from all stations on Its lines in the State of Pennsylvania December 11 to 14, good to return until December 16, inclusive, at reduced rates (minimum rate, 25 cents.) If you want to throw money away, why not throw It Into the sts for children to pick up? That will be a better plan than throwing It away in the purchase of a pint of dirty water with each quart of oysters. That's what you do when you buy any brand but "sealshlpt " they are solid meats and absolutely clean kept so by shipment In theSealsniptjUysterCarrier. Frank Restaurant has "SealBhipt" oysters fresh dally. Ten Dollars Reward. Ten dollars reward will be paid for information that will lead to the arrest of the boys or other persons who break globes on the arc lights, or otherwise Interfere with the lamps. REYNOLDSVnj.E LT. & P. Co., S. M. McCreight, Sec, For Sale. One hundred fine residence lots on Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the purchaser. City gas and water can be had. Most beautiful residence street in town. Close to business center. In quire of D. Wheoler, Reynoldsville, Pa. "The Ataerican" is subject of Rev. W. P. Murray's lecture at Centennial hall Monday night of next week, De cember llth. Now opening at the Stoke & Felcht Drug Co., tine French china, rich American cut glass, metal and leather novelties, new books. Tay your taxes before Dec. 31st and save o per cent. Comb and brush sets for Xmas at Mil lirens. LargeBt stock of fine china in Royn oidsvuie is on display at v. r. tiori man's jewelry store. Men's and boys' complete line of wool sweaters at low prices at A. Katzen's. Sweaters for Xmas at Millirens. Seven hundred different styles of rings for Christmas buyers to select from at C. r . Hoffman's. Bost fleece-lined men's underwear at 75c a suit. A. Katzen. Overcoats for Xmas at Millirens. Gents' gold fobs at Hoffman's. Boys' long overooats at very low prices at A. Katzen 's. Shirts for Xmas at MilllrcnB. Leave your laundry with Nelson Smith at illllis & uo.'s lurnuure Btore, Punxsutawney Laundry Uo. See the new Xmas neckwear at Milli he High School Bulletin Editor-in-chief, Leonard Harris The basket ball gume last Friday vening between Beech woods and the High School resulted in a victory for the former, the score being 13-10. It was a cold and windy evoning but in spite of these Inclemencies a large crowd had gathered from the country side to witness the event. A prelimin ary game was to have been played be tween the girls of the class '0(i and the school "marms," but on account of tho the absence of some of tho teachers the game was postponed until after the main contest. The game was fast and very exciting, and at no period of the halves did the playing not hold the closest attention of the spectators. Several times the Reynoldsville boys picked up una passed the ball so quickly and accurutuly that tliey had their opponents falny on the on and 'twas during these moments that they threw their goals in rapid succession. The High School team willingly acknowledge their defeat but declaim that they wore handicapped In many ways. However, they lay aside the "if" story of ouo who hus been de feated and look forward with an earnest zeal to the time when before tho eyes of the Reynoldsville enthusiasts they will meet tho tfecchwoous team una tnus pf rmlt them to see who is worthy of a victory when it comes to playing oasKci ball. After the game the Beechwoeds girls served the players lunch In their sohoul house. This caused a deep feeling (I gratitude among the Reynoldsville boys and when their friends from the country come to town the favor shown them shall not be forgotten. Juniors Aren't black and gold pretty colors ! Would you really like to huve tltom ? Well, listen, but don't tell the rest of the High school you just wait patiently until next year end then you can have them all to yourselves. Poor children, Its a shame to keep you wait ing, but your elders must have the preference A laudable effort is being made to decrease the tardiness and the effect of tardiness in our Schools. With no bell our scholars are somewhat handicapped, but thero has been considerable disre gard for promptness and being on time. Tardiness Is more to the detriment of a school than patrons usually suppose. Wot only does it break up the tardy ones own class work but also greatly disturbs the other members of his or her room. So in considering the wel fare of about 725, it was decided to ask the average 25 who are tardv to remain outside until the morning chapel is concluded Del ore coming in the build Ing. Also at noon the offenders delay the beginning of the work of so manv that again the doors are locked for about ten minutes and all tardv ones having collected are then permitted to go to their rooms, In this way the dis turbance is brief. This system is bav Ing a good effect in lessening tardiness and in promoting order and system in our school work. We believo it to be the ony just method. For the last three years this method has been in vogue at Clearfield and is most warmly favored hy all tnere, even those who first op posed it now up-hold it The Sophomores all returned alive and kicking alter a short vacation. The High School football team m organized and played Brookvllle on the lattere grounds Thanksgiving day. It was a warm and well fought cont.st ending In a score U 0. Reynoldsville had the game in their hands from the very beginning, but twice when only a tew yards trora tne goal lino lost the ball 6n fumbleB. Foust proved a worthv substitute in Scott's place, and it waa his fierce line plunging that almost won the game for Reynoldsville. The championB of Jefferson county must tip tneir nats to me ueynoidsviuo High school toot Dan team, Juniors Your childish pranks are certainly funny (?) but can't you get somothing new r Something o-r-i-g-1 n-a-1. Miss Susan Owens, a highly resoected teacher in the Clearfield schooh, visited the Keynoldsville schools all day Mon day. She had been requested to do so by City Superintendent Trout, of Clear- held, be having heard of the re nuta tion our school has made for itself. She spoke highly of our system and Bald that she would only be able to speak words of commendation to those who might inquire as to our educational conditions, The Thanksgiving exercises last Wednesday afternoon were worthy of a larger attendance of patrons, but con sidering the inclement weather thev were quite well attended. Those present showed great appreciation of the efforts of the scholars. The High School basket ball team will play the Brookvllle team in the Enterprise Athletic rooms Friday even ing of this week. Turnout and en courage the boys. They guarantee you no one sided game but a spirited and interesting one. Large assortment of new novelties in French china, cut glass, metal and leather goods at Stoke & Felcht Co.'s ' Prescottvllle. James Hetrlck Is on the sick list. Andrew MuGlnnoss, of Johnsonburg, visited his parents a few days last week. Goorge Peterson, of DuBois, spent Thanksgiving with his mother In this place. D. J. Thomas commenced his fall registering in this part of the township on Monday. Miss Bessie Laverick, of Soldier, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bonner, of Pardus, spent Thanksgiving with the hitter's paronts In Prescottvllle. Miss Elizabeth Campbell, of DuBois, spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Miss Jessie Campbell, In this place. The ruin kept quite a number away lira the pie social held in tho old Baptist church last Wednesday night. Rev. A. J. Meek preached in the old Baptist church In this place last Sun day at 3:00 o clock and will come again n two woeus. rsveryoody welcome to come. Mrs. Annlo Reed and children, of Coalport, formerly of Reynoldsville, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. jonn Mcuinness, in prescottvllle and a sister n Rutbmol tho past week. Soldier. An addition Is being built to Dr. N, C. Mills' residence. Dr. and Mrs. N. C. Mills ato Thanks giving dinner with Supt. and Mrs. A, U. Ritchie. The Union Sabbath school at this place Is preparing for a Christmas entortalnment. Harry and Annie Bailey visited their sister, hllli), at the hospital at Punxsu tawney last Sunday. Harry Chapman and wife, of Pres cottvllle, visited the latter s parents, .nr. and Mrs. J. iaverlcK, Sunday. Several ladies of Reynoldsville, and Charles Biddlo and wifo, of DuBois, visited at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. A, 11. Ritchie last Tuesday. Last Wednesday afternoon rooms 2, 3 and 4 held their Thanksgiving exercises. These exercises were very good and enjoyed by all present. A nnmKm nt flnn Damnllnno inn.n eiven in Brookvllle last week in honor of Dr. N. C. MIUb and bride, now of Soldier. A number of the Dr.'s rela tWes live at Brookvllle. Slippers for Xmas at Millirens. Watches ! Largest stack, lowest prices at C. F. Hoffman's. Don't miss the grand opening Satur day at the Cash New York Racket store. Smoking jackets for Xmas at Milli rens. Woolen and cotton blankets from 08 cents to 85.00 at Reynoldsville Hard ware Company. Huyler's fine chocolates at Stoke & Felcht Drug Co. 'a Grand CbrlBtmas opening at the Cash New York Racket Btore Saturday, De cember 2. Select your Christmas presents now while stocks are fresh and we will keep them for you until you want them. Hand bags and purses for Xmas at Millirens. Victor and American disc records reduced to (10 cents at Stoke & Fetcht Co.'s. Silk suspenders for Xmas at Millirens Buy umbrellas engraved free atC. F Hoffman's. All laundry work guaranteed by the Punxsutawney Laundry Co. Leave your laundry with Nelson Smith at Hillis & UO.'S. Military brushes for Xmas at Milli rens. Boys' overcoats, former price $3 25, now ws.zd. A. Katzen. Want Column. Rates: One cont per word for each and evorv insertion. For Sale Some very fine Barred Plymouth Rock CockerelB. Our stock is all direct from the yards of A. C Hawkins and E: B. Thompson. Will Bell one trio yet If taken soon. C. N Li6W18. For Sale Three revolving book cases, one office desk and two gas beat ing stoves. Mrs. C. Mitchell, Grant st. ' For Sale Reynoldsville paper route, Inquire of M. u. owartz. For Rent Five room house on Jack son street, near Fifth. L. M. Snyder, To Let Six room house oa Mable Btreet. M. M. Fisher. For Rent House on Hill street with all modern improvements, bath and heater. Inquire at STAR office. For Sale Cook stove ; burns coal or gas. Inquire of G. T. Woodford the pop man. For Sale-W. T. Cox has a number of young pigs to sell. Inquire at Frank'i Tavern. For Sale One pair horses ; free drivers, double or single ; gentle in every way ; not afraid of cars ; color dark iron erav and black : welch 2,200. Inquire of G. T. Woodford, pop man. summervllle phone 63. To-Let Furnished room on Grant st. for lady ; privilege of bath room inquire at THE STAR office. For Sale Two houses and lots on Worth street. Mrs. Margaret McKee, Furnished room to let with use of bath. Address Box 721. report op the condition OF TUB REYNOLDSVILLE TRUST CO OF REYNOLDSVILLE, Main street, of Jefferson county, Pennsyl vania, at the close of business Nov. 28th, lwG, RESOURCES. Cash on hand I 8,706 OR Due from banks and bankers 6(1,323 00 Commercial and oilier paper pur- chased 74,208 7 Time loans upon collateral 11,509 17 Loans uoon bondx and mortgages. . . 6,1 14 00 Real Estate, furniture and fixtures. 7,144 08 Overdrafts , RI3 20 Miscellaneous assets 6,800 la LIABILITIES. 1167,404 42 Capital stock paid In $126,000 00 I'epottlts, sunjeeiiocnecK. tH.inu if Depmtlts, special 6,170 00 40,350 17 Miscellaneous liabilities 2,144 25 WALK - OVER 1167,404 4: iuu rreniiiyiTtiiii, uouty n nsmm, : I, J. 8. Howard, Treasurer of the above named Company, do sulemnly swear that tne above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge ana ueuei. J. 8. Howard, Treasurer. 8ulsrrlbed and sworn to before me this 5th day of Dec., 1005. Smith M. McCkkioht. Notary Public My commission expires Jan. 30, lfOO. Correct Attest : D. Wheki.kr, Andrew Wheeler, Ahthcr O'Donnkll, Directors. I Stamped on a shoe means STANDARD of MERIT You may pick a Walk-Over shoe to pieces and you will find only the best of everything Is used. Add to that tho smart style and perfect Ot and tho prices are no more than you pay olhurs for Inferior, tll-littlng shoes. The price is $3.50 and $4.00 the pair. We have nice stylos In good woarlng shoes for men at $2.00 AND $2.50 A PAIR. We have the agency for tho Gold Seal rubbers tho kind that will out woar two pair of any other kind you can buy. Tuo proa for Children, 45c; N-lsses, (10c. ; Women, 70c. ; Men's. $1-00. ADAM'S SHOE STORE Foot-Fitters KEYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A. uu va i Look and Read I nm now ready to receive customers opposite the postofliee, where I keep Woolen Goods for Ladies' Suits, Skirts and Coats to sell by the yard or in quantity to suit cus tomers at the lowest figures. I am also pre pared to take orders for Men's Suits and Over coats, home or city tailored. Before buying hand-me-down Trousers, come and see our made-to-order, all-wool home made Trousers at $4.00, $t.50 and up. THOMPSON OPPOSITE rOSTOFFICE, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Make your Xmas Gift Selections now, as the early buyer fares best. BE WISE AND ECONOMIZE. hhl&M Oceans of Handkerchiefs all styles and all prices lcto$i.OO. Greatest - Reliable Department Store in J efferson County SANTA CLAPS' HEADQUARTER Widest Range for Selection in Women's Furs, Coats, Skirts and Waists. Coats Reduced for December Selling. Every coat in the store goes in this sale at 66 2-3 cents on the dollar. Heavy selling makes the one and two of a kind left plenty. This closing the largest garment season we have ever experienced, we have lots of the one and two of a kind left and they go on sale now at 66 2-3 cents on the dollar. . You get the semi-fitting Wooltex Coat, 48 in. long, that sold for $12.00 now at $ 8.00. You get the loose-fitting Wooltex Coat, 48 in. long, that sold for $15.00 now at 10.00. . You get the loose and semi-fitting Coat, 48 in. long, that sold for $18.00 now at 12.00. You get the loose and semi-fitting Coat, 48 in. long, that sold for $20.00 now at 13.33. You get the loose and semi-fitting Coat, 48 in. long, that sold for $25.00 now at 16.66. Furs Furs Furs From the small coney with cluster tails at 89c in easy steps up-$1.25, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00,. $7.00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00, $30.00 on u? to the finest Isabella Fox in the long with cluster tails at $40,00, MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT SELECTION NOW. Wool Underwear for coIc Family. Keep warm through the cold snaps. Fleece-lined or ribbed fleece, 20c to $ 4.00. Wool in flat natural, ribbed in colors, or the plain natural color at 50c in childs' sizes to $2.50 per garment. Shoes and Warm Rubber Footwear Here in abundance of styles. Douglass shoes for men in the plain gun metal or patent corona, $3.00 and $3.'50. Patrician shoes for women all the new season's toes and heels. Children's School Shoes. Suggestions for the Early Christmas Shopper. FOR MEN Shirts Suit Cases Sweaters Bath Robes House Coats Fancy Hosiery Gloves Caps and Hats Shoes, Kerchiefs Pajamas Silk Mufflers Umbrellas FOR WOMEN- Jewel Boxes Glove Boxes Kerchief Boxes Beads Opera Shawls Umbrellas Kid Gloves Fur Neck Pieces Coats Hand Bags Purses Kerchiefs Neckwear Jewelry Perfumes Comb and Brush Sets Manicure Sets FOR BOYS Caps Kid Gloves Sweaters ' Mufflers Umbrellas Money Purses Shirts Kerchiefs Shoes and Slippers Golf Gloves Suit Cases Trunks Hats Leggins Jerseys Overcoats FOR GIRLS Jewelry Fur Sets Waists Beads Opera Shawls Hand Bags Traveling Bags Umbrellas Silk Waist Patterns Shoes Patrician Neckwear Gaiters Brooches Combs and Brushes Sweaters, Sweaterettes Jewel Boxes Coats Make your selections early, as the early buyer fares best. For small good faith payment we will lay it away fcr you and keep until Christmas and deliver anywhere in town the Saturday before Xmas free of charge. MILLIREN BROTHERS, REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN.A. i renf.