A TRULY JDEAL WIFE HER HUSBAND'S BEST HELPER Vigorous Honlth Is the Groat Sourcs of the Power to lnolre nnd Rncouraao -All Women 6::ould Beet It. One of the most noted, successful nnd richest men of this century, in a recent article, ha, said. " Whatever I nm and whatever sucpcjh I have attained in this world I on e all to my wife. From the day I first kiicw her nho has been an inspiration, nnd the greatest help mate of my life." To be such a successful wife, to re tain the love and admiration of her ' husband, to inspire him to make the most of himself, .should boa woman's constant study. ' If a woman finds that her energies are flaps intf, that she pets easily tired, dark shadows appear under her eyes, . she has backache, headaches, benrinp down pains, nervousness, whites, irreg ularities or the blues, she should Rtart at once to build up her svstem by a tonic with spec! lie powers, such as Lydia E. I'inkhuin's Vegetable Coni- lj Following- we f::illish by request a letter from a von in wife : Dear Mrs. I M 11 k I rtr'.i : " Ever since my r'.i'A wns horn I have suf fered, as I hupp few women m it have, with in flammation, female nonkniw, benriint-iiown ' pains, 1m. kiirtie and wretehni headache. It affected my stomach so 1 could not en joy mv meals, and half my time wan spent in ld. " " Lydia hi. l'inki-n!?i Vettshle t-'itnroiiril mademea wi ll woman, and I fcclsojoiifcful that I am glnd to v . ito and tell you of my marvelous reoovort. It brought mo hcnltli, new life and vitnlifv." Mrs. Divsip Ainsler 611 South Kith ritrw t. Taconni, Wnh. What Lydia K. l'inkham's Vegetable Compound did for .Mrs. Ainsley it will do for every sick and ailimr woman. If you have symptoms you don't un derstand write to Mrs. l'iukham, at Lynn, Mass. Her advice, la freo unci always hclofu!. .8 W. L. Douglas C I. 00 Cdlt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. .douglas Msurxtun SF IIS MfJRF MFM'K .V. ( sunC- Jt TSJAU AMY OTHER MA.KHyASlVULR. till flfin BEWAItOto anvemwhocan $IUUUU d.cp rove tlis slatement. W. L. I)oujlai $.1.50 ohot hnve hy their eT etllert style, emv fittiri;, and superior wearing qualities, achieved the largest f nle of any J.1.M) hoe In the world. Ttiev are Just SB (toed as those that cost you $5.0i to $7.00 the onlv difference Is the price. If I could take vou Into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the largest In the world under one roof making men's fine fhoes. and show you the care with which every fialr of Douglas shoes Is m.ide, you would realize why W. 1.. Don jlm s.'.SK shoei are the best hoes produce.t In the world. If I could show you tlic dlllcrenre between the hoes made In mv factory and thone of other makes, you would itnuerstnnd why Dmielus f.l.SO shoes cost more tu make, why they I'.old their shape, fit hetter, wear loncer, anil are of greater Intrinsic voice than any other $3.50 hot on the market to-day. W. L. Ooutflna fffroia Maria Shane fen Mi. $S.5Q. SV.tM. Bays' School ' CAUTION. In?it upon h iving V.L.I)oug. lu shoes. Take no Mil. finite. None genuine aithout his name and pi iee stnniped 011 bottom. WANTED. A shoeilr.ilerlnr.rerv town where w. L. Douglas Shoes am not sold. ' Full line of samples sent free for inspection upon request. Fatt Color Eyelets uted; then will not wear brainy. Write for lllnntrntrd Catalog of Fall Btvloa. W.L. DOUGLAS. Krookton, Mass. Good Teeth & Good Temper Are characteristic of the Atkins Saws always. That is because they are' made of the best steel in the world Silver Steel by men that know how. Atkim Siwi, Corn K nlvej, Perfectioa Floor Scrape ra, etc., are told by all food hardware dealers. Catalogue on request. E. C. ATKINS CO. CO. Inc. Largest Saw Manufacturers la the World Factory and Executive Offices, Indisnspolis BaxitCHas New Vork, Cblctio, Minneapolis Ponland ( Oreron ), aetttle, stn Krancisco Meaipbjs, AUaou and Toronto (Canada) Accept no sulitltuta Intlst on the Atklnt Brand I SOLD BY GOOD DEALERS fMSYWCIifT" l'l"'l'l'U.IMIIIrtMi.MIWWIMmiMlWHlWIIWM'WB essie tint Icy I ' W.l THE COMFORTER A congested vein pressing on a nerve accounts for the swelling, throbbing ache of Neuralgia t. Jacobs Oil frees the circulation, allays the pressure and soothes away the pain. Pries. 35c. , How a Badger Works. , During the" daytime tho badger sleeps deep in his burrow, far out on our Western plains and prairies, and at twlll;;ht he stmts forth on u nipht's lomgim;. Ho Is a dreaded enemy of the prairie dos and tho oiDiiiid Bqulircl; and when ho liosins to excavate for one, not hint; but solid rock or ilnnth mil stop him. With the long, blunt claws of his fore fort h'i lntmtv.s up tilt dirt. I Hp! die;! ills! Ik; works as tho:i!;li his life depetulsl on It, now Krrntchinfr out th side of Die hole, then turning 0:1 his lnck 10 work ovornrad. At llr.t ho thrmrs the dirt out hclween hi:; lilinl less. lint soon ho i:; too far down for that, if.o ho banks it tip back of him, then I turns Jiboiit, and iisIuk his chest anil ftirwnrd parts as a pusher, shoves it out. liefora him. Ho vrnrks with r.uch rapidity Hint, it would bo somewhat dllilciilt for a man to oveitak;; him vv It li a spado. St. N'lchoias. Enjoyed the Luxuries. An Irishman who was notoriously impecunious has discovered ti new way to achieve sumo of tho luxuries of life. This Is: how he explains it "Whist, man, don't say 11 word nbout It. I found everybody wan led to sell an 'auto' for a pood price to pome in nocent, so 1 just linn:; round I ho p.ir :'Si at every ho!;l 1 slopped ul and protended to bo as piocn as the Em erald Isle, and pave out that 1 wanted to pet a secondhand machine, and would not po to a dealer, as I did not know anytr.inp about, a niaehlno, and he might roll me. I have had 1') tides, 17 luncheons, five dinners and about 40 cipars, pood, bad nnd Indif ferent, but. divil a tnachino have 1 bought yet." I'lTSpermnMontlycutPil. No (Its nrnorvoiis. t'essafter ilrst day's uso of Dr. Kiitin's (tre; Nerve llcstorer, 't it rial holt h n:ul treatise fr Ur.lt. 11. Kiink. Ltd., Ml Ar.-h St.,l'lilln.,l'a Iceland prnduccs most of the worU'a (ttnnly of eiderdown. Mrs. Wlns'nw's Fn.ithln'r Syrup for Chllilren li-tHhiny.'oftPiiyt Iiim.?ii ms.ioihK'rs in Hum mil ium, itll.i.R 1 nin,''iiii'S wind colic, Mc. a huttla The number of u:.inv last year v.-i:3 n'ltntciants 27,'JS4. from tier- ?mti urn Tito's Cum lor Coasu nipt Ion snve 1 t.ty iiictiirco ynar urn. Mr.-. Tiiomar ltnn. i.i'its, .Uaplo .St., Norwich, N'.lf., Fob. lJ.lWJ lapan's lea crop will, it is Irarei, bi about U,r.U'J,(JU0 pounds short this 5 v.ir. Effects of Alcohol. 1'rofcsscr Kraetilln of H'ddolbcrg, (lerniany, an authority on experiment ul. psycl-olopy, recently made 2,000 ex inientii with delicate instruments and found that onr-ihlrd of an mint:! i f alcohol taken l.ito dr. human sys tem is uno'.iph to appreciably d"pivss si;;!it, hearing, feeling and tho various incut ul oporalions. Colored Man Honored. Georgo Washington, rolornd, waa tho fdunder of tho town of Centi alia, Kluto of Washington, and when ho died recently at. 8!) years of npo, all the stores of tho placo wero closed during his funeral. CONGRESSMAN COULDEN Finds Quick Keltfif rr.-nri r.lniMer Trnutilrl Thruurrh Irnnu'M Kliluoy rills. Hon. Joseph A. fioiilden. Member of Congress, reprcsenliiiK the 1 .St li Pin- fJ&tzry'-it triet of New York, also trustee of the Soldiers' Home nt Batli, N". Y writes: Gentlemen: As many of my friend have used Dean's Kidney Tills nnd have been cured of kidney and bladder troubles, I feel it my duty to recommend the medicine. Front personal experience I know Dunn's Kidney Tills will cure intlanuuatlon of the bladder, having experienced re lief the second day of using the medi cine. (Sipned) J. A. G0ULDEN. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. I'oster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The Century In 1906. Mr. W. S. Harwood, who wrote the recently published articles on Luther Bui-bank in Tho Century, has written for the samo magazine the story of how California's crops are saved, largely by the work of the United States Department of Agriculture. Mr. Harwood will narrate how science has succeeded in exterminating insect pests that bad well nigh ruined the chief crops of California. First Marine Insurance. Marine insurance datosj back to the time of tho Caesars, Claudius Caesat having been the first to Insure ves sels. During a famine He Issued a proclamation that all vessels engager) in the carriage of foodstuffs meeting with mi accident would be replaced by the state, and by so doing largely In creased the fleet of merchant vessels Chicago Journal. Duke With Many Titles. The Due of Atholl Is one of the greatest of Scottish peers, holds 19 titles, and possess tho privilege of presenting a cast of falcons to his sovereign at the coronation. When the reigning monarch visits Blair Atholl ancient usaso decrees that the Duke of Atholl, on bended knee, should present a' white rose to his royar guest. and JOc mm FEEDING OF CANAL MEN. E. MARKEL TELLS ABOUT BIG PANAMA CONTRACT. HIS He Expects to Provide Food for 13, 0000 Men at a Time Board Will Cost from 45 Cents to $1 a Day All Supplies to Be Shipped from New York, Direct. J. E. Markel, who has just obtained tho contract to feed the workmen on the I'anatna, Canal, hesan tho business of feeding people nearly lilty years tigo when, as a boy, he took a contract to feed workmen on a big 11a! bout be tween St. Louis and New Orleans, on the Mississippi, writes the Omaha (Neb.) correspondent of the New York Sun. Ho was raised on a farm near Mark Twain's place in eastern Mis souri, nnd ufter his experience on tho flathoat ho settled down in St. Louis to become a baker. Next he drifted to the West, and in 1872 began tijierating eating houses along the I'nlon Pacific, with which road he continued for thirty years. In addition to his Panama Interests, Mr. Market at present'operates the boarding and eating houses along the lines of the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton, the Illinois Central, tho Denver and Rio (Iratide, the Hock Island, the Kansas City Southern, the Denver nnd North western and the new Moffatt railroads, and manages a number of big hotels In Western cllles. His great experience in feeding crowds placed him in a position to bid Intelligently for tho Panama contract. T'.crriinllng tho contract' and his plans, Mr. Markel says: "The contract is not a $.m,ono,ono one to feed any fiO.Ono men, as Hie news papers have reported. I don't believe there will ever be more man 20.(1(10 men employed at any one lime. The conlrart runs for five years. "I was (lrst. invited hist. March to gn to tho Isthmus by Mr. Wallace, nnd I was studying the conditions when bo left. I kept watch of things and con tinued my Investigations until I found out just what was wanted. "I spent a, whole month down ther-, and when I finished I knew what, was necessary and knew just what I wns bidding on. The result was that I got tho contract. "What the commission wanted nnd what I am going to furnish Is a sys tent of substantial meals at reasonable prices, so that the employes on the canal can afford to buy them nnd will he in condition to return the commis sion in labor the worth of their wages "For instance, the Jamaica negroes, now about 4,000 employed on tho canal aro scattered along in eamn3 from one to two miles apart, there being thirty ramps along the forty-seven miles of canal. These camps have from L'OO to 300 negroes each. "Tho houses are built especially for the purpose and are thoroughly snnl tary. There are strict rules for keep ing them clean. Tho negroes have to have everything cleaned up by a cer tain hour each morning. Tho houses are thoroughly scrubbed oncn a week and fumigated every two weeks. They have comfortable canvas beds. "Hut when it comes to eating, the only things they can afford to buy with their money, as things now are on the Isthmus, are sugar cane, bananas nnd mtch stuff, and a man can't stand up and do a hard day's work on such a diet and give back the value of his wages. Eggs aro 10 cents apiece, salt fish is 40 cents a pound, fresh meat from 50 cents to a dollar a pound, ant everything in, proportion. "Now we are going to offer thein three meals a day with such stuff as coffee, bread and meat for breakfast; coffee, bread, fish, two kinds of vege tables and pie or pudding for dinner; and much the same for Riipper, at 45 cents a day or $14 a month. "In addition, we will have a place at each camp where we will sell cooked food in bulk to the men with families who want to take it home, or to the men who live in clubs and do their own cooking, or part of It, end want to buy a portion ready cooked. There Is no compulsion about buying from us; the men can buy wherever they please, but I agree with the commission to have the food there to offor to tho men at reasonable prices. "For the white men, of whom there are 1,500 now, and there will be 3,000 later, we will run hotels. Two are now finished and the number will be Increased to ten. We furnish them first class board at 11 a day, and rooms at $6 a month each, making the cost of living $36 a month each. "Before these prices were made we figured it out with the commission that laborers generally In this country have to pay from 40 to 50 percent of their wages for living purposes; and clerks and other salaried men In cities about the same proportion. So we figured on the canal to keep down the cost of living to between 40 and 50 percent of the wages. "The Jamaica negroes get from $1.75 to $2.25 silver each a day. This is from 90 cents to $1.10 gold, so the commis sion held the cost of living down to 45 cents a day. Most of the clerks get from $150 to $175 a month, so their living is also made comparatively cheap. "I shall assemble all my supplies at New Y'ork for shipment to the Isthmus; my. buying will be done wherever It can be done to the best advantage. The commission ships my stuff for me on refrigerator steamers at a rate that Just covers the actual cost; it gives me cold storage rooms at Colon also at cost or just a little above cost. "Practically everything will have to be shipped. There is absolutely noth ing that can be bought on the Isthmus. The natives are too worthless and lazy to raise anything. As fine fish aa I ever saw caa bj emsbr on the C"rtmus, but the natives never catch enough to amount to anything. "But I believe that the work of sani tation which Is now going on and the fart that the natives will have to keep themselves' and their bouses clean and do things differently will induce them to do some work on the canal wisen vie get substanllal foad to them and en able them to do hard work. "As it Is iow their sugar cane and bannna diet makes it impossible for them to stand more than one day's hard work; and that gives them a dol lar or so and enables them to buy rum and everything they need under pres ent conditions for several days. So they are not much good now, but I be lieve within the next two years our system of feeding these peoplo will ma.ke workmen out of great numbers of them. "This Is a big contract, but except for a difference in climate there Is no difference other than size between it ami the large railroad contracts I have been handling for many years." PROBLEMS OF LAW. Cases With Which English Judgc3 and Lawyers Have Struggled. Hundreds of years of test cases have not yet elucidated all the pos sible points of difficulty in tho English law. Hero Is a remarkable problem with which the Blackburn lawyers have just been confronted. An English gentle man had twin sons who were born within n few minutes of each other. Ho made a will that his property In Aastmlia should go to whichever of the two sons arrived at the age of 21 first. Tho younger of the two emigrated to Australia, while the other ono re mained In England, and the former wns still in tho antipodes at tho time of his coming of age. Now Aus tralia time is some time, in advance of Greenwich, and, therefore, tho young man out there was 21 beforo his elder brother at homo. Whloh of these two brothers is legally en titled to tho property? The queslion has not yet been decided, nnd in the menn time readers may exercise their own acumen upon it. Aro egss eggs, or are only liens' eggs eggs? This may seem a ridicul ous question, but nice similes of mean ing lire involved, and a case which turned upon it went through two or three courts of law. A lady sent an order for a dozen eggs to a dairyman nnd he sent her ducks' eggs. She sent them back as not being what she or dered, but he refused to lake them. She, in turn, declined to keep them, and some time elapsing between their journeys from the house to the shop, the eggs went bad, and eventually tho shopkeeper sued the lady for Is. tid., their value. The county court judge ordered her tp pay, declaring that (lucks' eggs were as much eggs as any others; hut the woman appealed, and King's Bench reversed the decision on tho ground that when a party ordered eggs, hens' eggs were meant, and if any oilier contention were admitted any kind of eggs mipht bo sent, such as plegeons', canaries' or even rattle snakes'. Ducks' eggs, it was decided, were not egga in the ordinary mean ing of tho term. Aro tho grandchildren of a man al so his children? In tho legal sense this queslion is not so absurd as it looks, and some time ago it was most seriously and laboriously contended in tho courts that according to act of parliament they were. The particular act in question, pass ed in the reign of the late Quoen Vic toria, laid it down that "the father and tho grandfather, tho mother and tho grandmother, nnd tho children of any poor person being of sufficient ability, shall relieve and mulntaln any such poor persnn." The argument was that, according to tho context, grandchildren were to bo reckoned as children for this pur pose, just as grandparents were reck oned as parents. On the other side 11 was argued that if grandchildren were children, then great-grandchildren were children also ,and that a man might In this way be called upon to support his father and mother, his four grandparents, his eight great- grandparents and as many grandchil dren and great-grandchildren as he might bo lucky or unlucky enough to possess. Is skimmed milk milk? A man ask ed for a glass of milk to drink and was given skimmed milk, and tho pur veyor was fined for it; but In a high er court the decision was reversed, it being contended at the time that skimmed milk was really much more milk than milk that was not skimmed, since the latter contained something thnt was not milk at all that Is, cream. Tit-Bits. Tho Typewriter's Experience. A little event fraught with large significance was the celebration the other day in New Y'ork of the thirtieth anniversary of the entrance Into busi ness life of the pioneer woman type writer. All that innovation of thirty years ago meant to the business world no one could have dreamed at the time, and if volumes were given to it now the story would not be half told. For tho one women has now become a vast and ever-Increasing host, and the gain to business interests in neatness,' legibility and accuracy, together with dispatch, in all transactions where writing Is, Involved, has been equally and proportionately great. The pion eer typewriter deserves distinction for the new and wild field of honorable and lucrative employment which she opened to her sex none Che less than for the Immeasurable benefits which her action has conferred upon a busy world. Leslie's Weekly. ' Fads of Wealthy Men. These strong men of money have their weak sides; they have their fads, and will spend money like water on thorn. Mr. Keene's weakness Is tho racehorse; Mr. Morgan's Is pic tures; the late Mr. Whitney's wns rugs (he Is snld to have paid $35,000 for one, and tho transaction would have been all right had he left the two last ciphers off tho price); Mr. Brady's of the tobacco trust, is black pearls; Mr. Addlcks's, of Hay Stnto gas, Is emeralds; whlis Mr. Lawson will go In pnwn to buy a ruby. Mr. Lawson travels beyond fads and owns to superstitions. He pins his faith to tho numeral throe and its multiples. Ills telephones are 333 and 3339; his offices are 33 State strret; one of his pet copper mines Is the Trinity, and he begins his great enterprises on the third of the month. His "big medi cine," ns tho Indians would call It, Is a chain of D33 golden beads, each with a gypsy girl's face enameled thereon, and this fetish he consults and communes with In ways known only to himself. Saturday Evening Post. A Newspaper-Reading People. The per capita, consumption of pap er in tho United States is tho highest in tho world and of this amout the hulk is for dally newspapers. More than 650,000 tons of daily newspapers were printed in 1904, the total value of the paper bolug about $23,000,000. In 1890, loss than 197,000 tons, at a cost of about $13,000,000, supplied tho demand. In 1890 wo were the great est newspaper rending peoplo on earth, and to-day we road tlireo or four times as much. The greater part of advertising is done on paper and the greater part of tho paper consumed Is by newspapers. The conclusion Is obvious the advertiser has found the newspnper tho most profitable Held for Investment. It is reckoned that by judicious adver tising throughout the Nation, a manufacturer or dealer may reach 99 irar cent, of the buyers nt a com paratively small cost. Butte, (Mont), Inter-Mounlnln. ECZEMA FOR TWO YEARS Llltln nirl'a Anlnl Sunrln5 Willi Trrrllil bkln l!niiiur Slpniilrsa Nlelita Fur Motliur Spaeily Curo by Cutlcnra. "My little girl had been suffering lor two j-ears from eczema, nnd during Hint lime 1 could not get a night's sle-.'p, as her ailment was very severe. 1 had tried so many remedies, deriving no benefits, 1 had given up all hope. But as n last resort I wns peruaded to try Cultciirn, nnd one box of the Ointment, nnd two bottles of the Hesolvent, together wilh the Hoap, ef fected a permanent cure. Mrs. 1. ii. Junes, AddiDgton, Jnd. T." The Depth of the Ocean. Tho hydrogrnphic ofilea has just issued n general chart showing the result of deep sea soundings taken by tho United States navy in different, parts of tho world in the course of the last 10 years. Tho greatest known depth of the- sea Is in the mld Paelfic ocean, and Is recorded at 5,209 nthoms 31,014 feet or 00 feet short of six statute miles. This sound ing was obtained on the United States steamship Nero last year, and ft Is greater than any elevation on our continent, or, so far as known, in the world. Sultan Prepares to Kill. The sultan of Turkey has bought an automobile. Perhaps ho Intends to mako a tour among his unruly Ar menians subjects nnd show them that thero aro ways of killing and maiming that they never dreamed of. Pitts burg Times. To Remove Mildew, Mildew Is easily removed by rub bing or scraping a little common yel low snap on the article, and then a little salt nnd starch. Put tho mil dewed nrtlelo in the sunshine. CATARRH Is the mother of CONSUMPTION. Our CARBOLATE of IODIXK POCKET INIIALEH Is n gimrnntoed euro. Price l.OO. W. H SMITH & CO., Ill Biiffa'o. N. V Sols Maiufaciurers and Pr.-prs. TA"r Prinip Tatws durmniml T.snil OnW.tr. JWnte. AWi pro-.-remivp men rlmiiiriiu' l..r,vlMri SImnM con". lto,-o. Ilno Mt;iT, Itaf.tii, N Mfxi-o Man snrl Women Airents. New artlcta ll.E!;SWOHKMIiO. CO., t.t'Liveri.ooI. Uuio'. When Baby Has tho Croup JJe aToxi!' Ornni. Cnr. It nr snrl vrmntt tucsutsat 'Irnirri.iii or nmii'd D iitp 'itl A. I-. Ilili nVuhio. N. v. DO YOU BELCH ? BAD A Full Sized Box Science declares it the only wa j to cure atomach trouble. A new method. By absorption. No drngs. Do yon belch? It means a diseased stomach. Are you afflicted with short breath, gas. sour eructations, heart pains, IndL, gestion, dyspepsia, burning pains and lead weight In pit of stomach, acid stomach, distended abdomen, dizziness, colic, sick he.-dacbe, j impies. bad complexion, bad breath or any other stomach torture? Cut out tho coupon b low and take it to any druggist in the United States aad he will give you absolutely free of charge a full sized 50c. bos. ull's Anti Belch To convince you that It cures. Nothing else like it known. It's sure and pleasant Cures by absorption. ITarmlt-ss. No .rugs. Stomach trouble pan't be cured otherwise so says Medical Science. Drugs won't do-1 they eat up the stomach and make you worse. You will know that it will cure you as soon as you begin Its use That is why we let you try it free. 3 Tnki-thliironpnntoronrdrniralJtanrlhitwIlla-lTeTfmareinilarfnllslwiW Box of MnU'a Antl n?ri;i","nly llt.'1 to I":'11 '"a,My; " ?n r"n nn'1 ''1t not aW Anti K and uddieha ot the druge-iat, and aa'U scud you a sample by mail. i HolOGrapt Tonic Co.. Rock Island, llt. Tfl tho. Rot9.il llrtlftoict Hiiro tcii-nime and rtdres on 10 MB Detail UrllgglSl. thelmobelowandi-nu thl.full .ronton to to the Jobhor of whom you pnri-hami this remedy, and lie will alTe yon fcu centsln carinor trade lor each coupon, pioperly awned, which you aend him. Hetall lJruaxist, sijru your tuuuehars. VNCLB SAM A Remedy That tlas Such Endorsements Should Be la Every Home." Election Returns That WIN 'CHESTER Ml Pis! Hi "LEADER" AND "REPEATER" SHOTGUN SHELLS Carefully inspected shells, the best of powder, shot and wadding, loaded ty machine3 which give invariable results account for the superior ity of Winchester "Leader" and "Repeater" Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells. Reliability, velocity, pattern and penetration are determined by scientific apparatus and practical experiments. They are THE SH ELLS PRICE,, '25 Cta T0 CURE THE GRIPIO )ID AP WUfltUAY VM! IS wm HAS TO fiMl flip, HQUMf HE , (fi J 1 won'trU your TOM NO ,-2 OUUIUI mil 'Gawn Forty years ar,d after many years "f use on the eastern coast. Towers Waterproof Cited Co&ti w?re iritro&Ked in the West ard vere called Oiickers By L : . - t 1 Tl:. . - uiz piuiKsicio oiiq t-'WDoyi. 1 nis rapnic rwjne hai come into such general use that it is frequently though wrinjfully applied 10 many substitutes. Y-u want the gcnuuie W LKTor the 0; of therisrunc the wine o,ver on me buttons. ' M4r'HIH.KIt A'Y!tLOVAJ SOlO BY 6EPRi-:SNTAT!VR TRADI THfc WOULD OVER. , 'A.J TOVftK CO.. BOSTON. MASS.. U.S. A. TOWIBCAHAMAN CO.Lmttt TOJOKtO. CM FOR WOMEN irnuNM witn 1113 necuitsr 10 T ihjir sex, used as a douche it marvelouji ene tcssful. Thoroughly cleanses, kills disease zfrins, ctops discharges, heals infiamiution and lucl sorenesi, cures leucoirlicea li! Latal catarrh. Paxtine Is in powder lorm to be dissolved in pnre water, and is hr more cleansing, healing, germicidal and economical tiian liquid antiseptics for all TOILET AND WOMEN'S SPECIAL U6ES Kor sale at dm jrpists, fiA cents a box. Trial Box and Book of Instructions Free. The B. PaxTon Commhv Boston. Mats. c ovfv isi.av: KorvKMir rnT i A li OS. Six .iftauMfnl rulororl ipii fur h Coney Inland I'tWa) ('nivl Co.. f nv Niand. N I. CUT OUT THIS COUPOM, ISBBESCUT OUT ON THIS LINE. Vtlut. 1105. Ad..re, utrwot i ismmtml 3P "2H TO thfl JllbilRr" 100 T11' acwpt this Conpnn tf tha ..ii-l t ,UUB' ""me la properly filmed, and alT to tha n? ta lor biiyinir tha remedy from yon an oanta In caah or trad f same. Burn your arm name and addreea inj forward ali pons to us at any time you like, and we will remit yon li EUl by retain mail oOeenta for each coupon properly sumed h V Sti consumer, retailer and yourself. uu" v'"vo'1' surueu by Um Interest All Pcrtles. THE CHAMPIONS SHOOl COIaLVAHZ, located nt fliisburg, Pa,, Come to this great Commercial and M iniifnetiirititf center for a Business Education; don't go to a small place; vt hero Stenographers nwrn Boc!i!3opef are not required. Circulars. . W. H. 1H I F, Prosiflont. GUARANTEED TO CUK K 1 Anll - 3rlplne ri a ilr-alr-r who won't (ianmnt Its JIIU.VKY HACK. IF IT IIOKN.V'T (IXB, AHTI-GRIPIHE Dtemcr, ll.it., Manufacturer, fiprinrjleltl, Xm, 1$ 1,000 To Be Given for Reliable Information We will give One Dollar for a Postal I Lard giving the first reliable newt of a chance to sell horizontal steam engine of our styles, within our range of sizes. Ve do not want inquiries at I this time fcr vertical, traction or gas engines. ENGINES AND BOILERS have for rears been the sttndird for all aitsm plants. Beit of matcrisl and workmanship. Our b' output enables us to sell on small prof its. An Atlas, the best in the world, coats so I more than the other kind. Write tcdiy lor oar ipicial otter. ATLAS ENGINE WORKS Sailing agtneles in all citiot II 'D JAN APOUS rr.tirnj Miinnt tnnfimmd Knrlnt TtiMilnr Rotltrt I Automatic oeJoM Throttling Kn.iiHki PHbt Botkn j Am. ZnciriM in fftrr'w 3,nm,mn n. I. AUm ttoilcif in trTiC 1,10,000 H.J', nPnpQ V NET7 DISCOVERY; tJt - 1 W r O I qmk relief an, tut wnl m. Hend for t.,,.x of uit.momuls intj 10 Day' owe. treatment f 1C If. H. n. QUEEN B HOIM. AUftlM, P. N. TJ. 4,r,, 1C06. BREATH ? Al Your Druggist's Wafers Blrh Wnfera nh.olutelT trrr ...k- M,r, .end us thia Coupon, toaathai wuS ZZi w.vu. wtman wiui luuns I O 5 c o a x 5 r ura your nio Loro. And aaiubtir titr-tv ATLAS fcLj ti '.J ' ?twF tpj Best CuliKh tfynip. Tmkkw i4ond. Cea Ml . Lcl tntln.p. anirir,Tlriiiral.ML f Jobber, u-n your name hara I t. Address uc ' " 1 I lour addnwa her. CUT OUT ON THIS LINt. JO