The High School Bulletin Editor-in-Chief, Leonard Harris. 'Panama In Picture and Proso" was vastly Interesting; and hiphly educative. As the goenes were thrown upon the screen so effective was their beauty and so strone their reality that It Boomed as though one could almost scont the fragrance of the flowers and lingering in the shade of the oriental palms feel the breath of the zephyrs as they murmured through tho overhanging branches. The trip through tho canal route fully substantiated tho facts related by the speakbr with regards to the Immensity of the amount of time, labor and currency nectisary for Its completion. 'Along Iho way heaps of wreckage reminded us of tho effort tho French company had put forth, but the lack of preservative qualities and finan cial resources finally landed them in tho arms of bankruptcy. They sold the proposed route to U. S. for the, sum of 840,000,000.00. Our government took up tho reins that the French had dropped and have BO pushed the work required that they can almost discern in tho distant realms of futurity the time when the peaceful waters of the Pacifio will mingle with the turbulent waters of the mighty Atlantic 'mid the pala.3 of Panama. The present estimations are that it will require a period of twenty years, and an aggregate coBt of not less than J.300,000,000.00. It moans much to U. S. from the commorciul standpoint of view and the European powers are in clined to feel somewhat uneasy as thoy behold the progress of American de termination. ft Tho Seniors are almost persuaded to think that their new Gorman classic is rather "Immense." One of tho teachers had a terrible accident (If you wish to call it that) a short time ago, and from present indi cations the results seem to be affecting her again. Jtinlors, romembor truth that hurts. 'tis always tbe One of tho Freshios almost brought his teacher an apple last week but he ate it. Mrs. Rev. McKay conducted the chapel exercises of the lower grades last Thursday morning and her address to the pupils was considered one of the very best ever given bofore the grades. Her subject was "Railroads." The body was the engine, life was the track with its up and down gradoS, evils and virtues attained were the stations. The talk wa illustrated by railway flags showing signals all should heed. Tho scholars' showed great apprecia tion. Much enthusiasm and interest Is being shown by the High School girls In their physical culture class being conduoted Tuesday afternoons from 4.00 to 6.00 o'clock and Fridays from 6.00 to 7.30 o'clock. Calisthenics and basket ball are indulged in. The purpose is not so much to develop a team as it Is to benefit by judicious exercise tho physic al welfare of tho girls. Parents are invited to visit those classes. All of the Sophomores signed tho L. T. L. pledge, but unless we can have a gold badge we are likely to withdraw our names. Thanksgiving will bo appropriately observed Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 211, by exercises given by tho Hih School and upper grades in tho chapel hall. All patrons are urged to be present. Juniors, would you rather change the colors of tho American flag or have a press muzzle for the Bulletin ? Hard luck. A mas m on ting of the pupils was held after ehapel Friday, being called by the Principal to have the students considor tho subject of marching In our schools. Many responses were made by representative pupils and much enthusi asm aroused. Wo propose to not bf outrivaled by any neighboring schools in this subject. Attention U now being given to special drills along thU line. One of the new features will bo a lire drill which will instruct the pupils In proper action In case of fire In the building. Foot ball game latter part of this week, Roynoldsvllle High School vs. Punxy. High School, Turnout, support the hoys in their struggle for a victory on the gridiron. We're In to win or bust. The High School basket ball toam goes to Beechwoods to play on the even ing of Dec. 1. We would like to sen a large delegation of High School en thusiasts present. Every little bit helps. Show your colors black and gold. Come In And Look At our handsome variety of Christmas goods. C. R. Hall. Thanksgiving linens at Mllllrens, Handkerchiefs, npklns and tablecloth linen, also shrunken linen for waists, 45 inches wide. Men's and boys' complete lino of wool sweaters at low prices at A. Katzen's. Furs ! Come into Mllllrens and see what beautiful furs we have. Get ready for Xraas. GRAND OPENING lpipWfcM Holy Of the New Opera House Tuesday by the Holy City Co. The new Opera House was auspicious ly opened to the public for theatrical and other like entertalnmonts, Tuesday evening by Gor don and Bennetts City, In a red tragic itfAmft tiAftrlncr that title. Manag er Bock had thor oughly advertised the entertainment which Is all that Is necessary for an oponing providing tho play and com pany are firstclass. By press and poBter this was soon established to the satisfaction of, our citizens and tho advanco sales started off with a rush. The hnuso was packed with our best citizens. Priest and preachers lent their presence and many were thore who seldom attend a theatre, the character of the play being such that not In the least could It be objec tionable Tho manager was fortunate and wiee In his choice. The play hold the rapt attention of tho audience from the first rise of the curtain until Its final drop for the evening, a deep Interest seemed to pervade all throughout every act. The order was that of a church, not the slightest disorder or any interrup tion by going In and nut. The playwas magnificently staged with appropriate scenery. The costuming was grand in its gorgeous robes of royalty and plain In tho simple garb of tho disciples of the Lowly Nazerono. The acting was superior and the production will be remembered as one of the best enter tainments ever given In our city. Crestline, O., Citizen. At Hoynolds opera house to-night. Quality and Excellence, Tho Prlzer Stoves and Ranges are an evidence of leadership In Btylo Bnd con struction. They contain all the latest ldea9, and will please the house-keepef who desires the best results In baking and cooking. High In quality moder ate In price. Sold, guaranteed and recommended by Roynoldsvllle Hard ware Co. For Sale. One hundred fine residence lots on Fourth street, on easy terms to suit the purchaser. City gns and water can be had. Most beautiful residence street in town. Close to business center. In quire of D. Wheeler, Roynoldsville, Pa. Leave your laundry with Nelson Smith at Hillls & Co.'s furniture store. Punxsutawney Laundry Co. Flannelettes by the yard, 10c to 15o. Beautiful patterns for kimonas at Mllllrens, Bovs' Ions overcoats at very low prices at A. Katzen's. til ' ' j COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT THEM. & & Be Watchful ! Be Careful ! Be Wise ! Economize ! -And get a- Peninsular Hot Blast Stove Remember they have a large ash pan, also a door that illuminates and adds happiness to your home, & & J Reynoldsville Hardware Company. Want Column. Rates: One cent Der word for each and evory Insertion. LOST Pocketbook on business part Main Btreet Saturday night. Finder please return to Star office. Lost A lady's gold watch, near the P. R. R. station at this place Wednes day of last week. Finder will please leave watch at The Star office. To Let Six room house oa Mable Btreet. M. M. Fisher. For Rent Five room house on Jackson Btreet, near Fifth, Nov. 22. Inquire at Star office. For Rent House on Hill street with all modern Improvements, bath and heater. Inquire at STAR office. FOR Sale Horse, harness, trap, robes, etc., at a bargain. Inquire at The Star office. Wanted One 23 inch coal grate. Fair price will be paid. Report at the M. E. parsonage. For Sale Cook stove ; burns coal or gas. Inquire of G. T. Woodford, the pop man. For Sale W. T. Cox has a number of young pigs to sell. Inquire at Frank's Tavern. For Sale Bedstead and two sets of springs. Inquire at The STAR ofllce. For Sale One pair horses ; free drivers, double or single ; gentle In every way ; not afraid of cars ; color dark Iron gray and black ; weight 2,200. Inquire of G. T. Woodford, pop man. Summervlllo phone 0.'). Wanted Two gentlemen Ixiarders j will be given home-like comforts. Will also furnish moals for two men. In quire at The Star office. Wanted Three or four hundred bushels of potatoes. Robinson & Miin dorff. For Rent Warm barn. Inquire at The Star ofllco. FOR SALE Good property in West Roynoldsvllle. Inquire at The Star ofllce. To-Let Furnished room on Grant Bt. for lady ; privilege of bath room Inquire at The Star office. FOR Sale Two shares of stock In the Roynoldsvllle and Clay Manufacturing Co. and ten shares of Stock in the Royn oldsvllle Woolen Mill Co. Inquire at The Star office. For Rent Furnished room. In quire of Mrs. F. H. Gallagar, Jackson Btreet. For Sale Two houses and lots on Worth street. Mrs, Margaret McKeoi Furnished room to let with use of bath . Address Box 721 . FOR Rent Furnished rooms. In quire at The Star office. JJKI-OUTOK THE CONDITION or tiik FIRST NATIONAL HANK or rsrr-jr xTox,Knnriiz-B! lit lti yiMilii llli.. In thii Hlntn of IVnnylva n I li, Bl I li rime of liilallil'Mi Nuv. , IMA. lIKHOIfllCKJt: LniiiiH iiimI illm'iHiiitH tza.kil 04 Ovm-ili'iiftM, Mi-i'ini-il hihI niw'imnl. IWV 17 t!.H, llimiln III Mx-iirn t'lrirulllllllll.... iK.OK) W l'li'llillliii mi I '.H. IIiiiiiU I.IIJOOI) ftrfll. H'iirlHim, eld , Wi.frfl') IJI) I'liinlfiiro mill HmuriH. l.O'Utt Dun tn. in Niiiliimtl llmilo (nut lr- Kl'l-Vll AlC'lltHI 2K.W1I Ht Dun from Hluli' liiuik iimi IiiiiiIhtk. fi.VH) H line finin miinivi i nm ra will. MfiMI 70 I 'Infill unit ni lii-r eiiHh iiinii I.IflM 10 Nnli-H nf other Niilliinul tmfilm HA 00 Friii'l lomil inMir r;iirriirnt, ri lt J; If. iiml union IIHM Lfiwfiil moni y n-nerve In bunk, vl.: H In ;n 177,1 M i.i'Kui-ti'wii-i noti'K t .:.'.." oo iii.m m Iti'ilimiiilloii fund with li. H. TriTiin- tirur(f pur cunt, of clrruliillon),. 1,710 00 Total (M2,7I M MAIIIMTIK. Cnplliil tlock imlil In 175 i7) 00 HuniliiH fiiml ?.',,) I) Uinll vlih'il prnfllM, Iiik i:H:nHi- and tll.XHH imlil 11, W Niitlomil Hank noti H onuimiilliiK. .. iM,.W W Dim In otlmr Nmlonul IIiuiUh 744 13 Illlllvllliml (lll)IIMltH HUlil't. to cliwk f :m I'll 71 TliniM'urillli-ntuHof Ui'Kll.h4,il4l W CVriltliMt i.'hwkH Ti I Uiislilm's chucks outHliimllnic 201 t, VA.VA 90 Tot ill Y,2,7I3M Stat of F.Muylvtnit, Gotrntr of Jeff-run, : I,.liihn II. Kiiuchiir, (.'ushliir of tint alHiva nunii'U hunk, do Holfmnly nwwir tlmt th ilIhivii Htiiii-ini'iit Ik 1 nil; to the lx:nt of my knowledge mill hi-Hrf. John II. KArcimu, ('aihler. Puliscrllx'd mill Hirorn til liiiforu mi'tliU 1.0th rtuy of Nnvunilier, !!ior. Smith M. Mci'iikkiiit, Notary I'ublle. C'OHimcT AttiMt: .1. II. f.'nltRKTT, 1 H. II Wiijio.h, Director. J I'. Kind. JJEPORT OF THE CONDITION or TUB PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK OF REYNOLDSVILLE, at KoynnliltiTlllo, In the state of Pennsyl vania, ill the roe of builne- Nov. Ulh, IUuTi. rksouiicks. Loans iiml dlHi'oiints ilHi,0H2 fST OverilmfiN, st-ruted uiul uni'cimd. lift 41) II. H. ImiiiU id u iv I'liculiitlou.... fill.OOU ID I'li-mlunia on l!.S. Iloiids i.iil t" llmiklnv Imiim!, fiirnliuii!, fixtures.. 10,510 01 . I)ne from approved renerve UKents 73,001 4!) i.hi'Cks and other cash Items iJ,4!H 7!) Notes of other National Hanks 4,210 00 Friu-ilnmil paper currency, nickels anil I'cnis A 844 42 Lawful money reserve in bank, viz: Specie I12.I4K 70 Lemil-tender note 7.MI 00 19,728 70 Redemption fund with IJ. 8. Treas urer djt of circulation) 2,300 00 Total W,m 84 MAMMT1KS. Capital stis:k paid In $100,000 00 Lndlvldeu protlis, less expense and la.- paid 7 National (lank note ontstanillnir... 50,000 00 Individual deposits subject u check... 202,IMO 03 Time cert titrates of deposit 8,.r)ir 00 Caxhlcr's c'ks outstanding 28 63 208,513 B8 Total UJ,85e ai 1UU tf FtiiaiylTilit, Cauty of Jtffertoa, n: I, V. K. Alexander, Cashier of the above named hank, do solemnly swear that the lily, vu Matcmenl Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. y. K. Alexandkr, Cashier. f iitwrrllied 'and sworn to before me this 14th day of November, !!. tin n it M. 5Ii;;krii)ht, Notary Public. My commission expires Jan. SO, 1II0B. Omitf.T-Attcst: W.B. Ai.r.xANimn, W. O. MlIHRAY, J. U. 6AYKI1S, Directors, BE WISE AND ECONOMIZE. NEW HOLIDAY NECKWEAR just in see the great selection. LJJ EMS See the new line of HOLIDAY UMBRELLAS GOc to $10.00. G-reatest Reliable Department Store in Jefferson County Representative Values from our Vast Stock of Men's and Boys' Wearing Apparel. Men's and Boys' Suits and Owoals for Thanksgiving LONG SWAGGER OVERCOATS Made of black, brown or fancy mix tures, of the finest vicunas. Some have belts, others are plain. See the hang of them. $9,00, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $16.00, $18.00, $20.00. la JMtm Clever Clotye OXFORD GRAY RAIN COATS Fifty-two inches long. Some made plain while others have belts. $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18.00. BOYS' OVERCOATS Long swagger style, same as men's, in black, oxford gray and fancy mix tures. $3.50, $4.50, $5.50, $6.00, MEN'S AND BOYS' WARM WINTER CAPS. Made of kersey, silk, plush and fur; in a price range 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 up to $6.00 for genuine seal MEN'S FANCY WINTER SHIRTS. Some made plain negligee, others with pleated front. Somehavecuffsattachcd, while others are plain. Made of percales, zephyr, madras and oxford cheviots. 50c, $1.00, $1.50, GOOD WARM WINTER ' UNDERWEAR. For men and boys. All styles of fleece- lined natural wool. Ribbed fancy wool and ribbed in a range of prices 50c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50. See the fine fleece-lined in boys' 25c. 1 T O I Make your Christmas selections now the early buyer fares best. Women's Outer Garments for Thanksgiving. Wooltex styles reign supreme in this community. In a price range $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $17.50, 20.00. Black, brown, green and gray mixtures. These Cooler Nights Remind us of Fur Neck Pieces and Fur Sets. The greatest selection to choose from here, from the small coney with cluster tails at 89c to the finest Isabella Fox at $40.00 Winter Underwear for Women and Children. Children's fleece-lined, elegantly made 20 cents. Women's fleece-lined, elegantly made 25 cents. Natural wool for children 40 cents to 60 cents. Misses' fleece-lined, elegantly made 25 cents. Ribbed fleece, finest maco yarns 50 cents. Natural wool for women in ribbed or flat natural $1.00. Cotton Blankets In all grades gray and white, with fancy border-50c. 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $1.75. Factory blankets in all weights of posi tively all wool-$4.50, $5.00, $6.00. Bed Comforts covered with silkateen and filled wit finest niedtcated cotton-9S cents to $1.75. - TRUNKS, SUIT CASES AND TRAVELING BAGS. MILLIREN BROTHERS, REYNOLDSVILLE, PENN.A,